Clear discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy. What does yellow discharge mean in pregnant women with mucus, with or without an odor, thick or watery consistency: causes, treatment and prevention. Treatment for candidiasis

Vaginal discharge can tell about the health of the expectant mother. The problem is signaled not only by the changed consistency of the secret, but also by the “aroma”. If there is a discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy, the mucus smells like rotten fish or acetone, you need to contact a gynecologist. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences.

One of the most exciting moments in life is expecting a baby.

From the moment of conception, a woman's body begins to actively produce progesterone. It is necessary to regulate the functioning of the reproductive system, which is being rebuilt in a new way. The pregnancy hormone changes the discharge of the expectant mother: they become mucous. On this basis, it is possible to determine successful conception at an extremely early date, when diagnostic methods are still uninformative.

Closer to the second trimester, estrogen takes over an active role. This hormone also affects the nature of the discharge. They become liquid and plentiful. The color of the secret is normally transparent, whitish. But there are also variants of the norm: for example, light yellow discharge can indicate both an infection and appear as a result of changes in the hormonal background. Only a doctor can determine whether everything is in order when the color of the discharge changes.

However, the expectant mother needs to remember: normal discharge does not have a specific sharp “flavor”. If “multi-colored” discharge during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm, then everything is clear with the smell - something is wrong with the body. What exactly? It all depends on the characteristics of the "aroma": sour or rotten, sharp or subtle - with different diseases, the smell is different. But to ignore his appearance, the expectant mother is definitely not worth it.

Secret smell change: natural causes

The appearance of a secret with a smell is considered an alarming symptom. Especially if the discharge has an atypical color. However, there is not always a reason for concern with a normal consistency of mucus. There are natural causes of odor. These include:

  • Violation of personal hygiene. If hygiene rules are not followed, an unpleasant "aroma" from the vagina may appear. If there are no additional factors, then it disappears as soon as hygiene procedures are strengthened. During the gestation period, you need to wash more often, use sanitary pads and change them regularly.
  • Hormonal reorganization. From the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin to occur in the body. Under the influence of the hormones responsible for pregnancy, the smell of secretions intensifies: if before pregnancy the “aroma” of the secret is normally almost impossible to catch, then during gestation it intensifies. It seems to the expectant mother that he is becoming sharp. But if the mucus doesn't smell specific, then there's probably no reason to panic.
  • Olfactory disorder. Pregnant women's sense of smell changes. Expectant mothers are very receptive to any aromas: they can even smell a subtle smell, and sometimes it just seems to them that there is “ambre”.

If the consistency of the discharge is within the normal range, the smell is barely audible and it is non-specific, there is no genital hyperemia, pain and discomfort, then most likely you should not worry. But to make sure that there are no pathological processes, you need to voice your concerns to the gynecologist. A woman in position should remember: bearing a baby weakens the immune system, therefore, during this period, the body is open to pathogenic microorganisms and infections. During pregnancy, chronic diseases are also exacerbated, hidden pathologies develop. You need to make sure that the smell does not indicate a problem. And if it indicates, rather solve it with the help of a qualified specialist.

Atypical odors and their causes

Discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy can signal serious diseases, inflammatory processes. Of particular danger are the following "aromas":

  • The smell of fish. If the discharge clearly smells like rotten fish, this indicates the development of vaginosis. You can also recognize the pathological process by other symptoms: the discharge becomes dirty white, there is a burning sensation, discomfort causes itching. However, at the initial stage, the dysbacteriosis of the vaginal environment has no other signs, except for the rotten "ambre".
  • Sour smell. This phenomenon is a symptom of thrush. The natural change in the vaginal microflora, necessary for successful conception, provokes the active reproduction of the Candida fungus. A sour aroma is not the only sign of a fungal disease. Thrush is “given out” by white curdled discharge: they are so specific that it is impossible not to pay attention to them.
  • Onion scent. This is a symptom of a fungal disease. Especially if the aroma intensifies after sexual contact, in stressful situations. You can't do without a medical consultation.
  • The smell of acetone. When the discharge acquires the smell of acetone, this may indicate the development of diabetes. In the presence of such a disease, ketone bodies accumulate in the tissues, which give a specific “aroma”. Acetone "notes" appear in secret and with kidney disease, dehydration.

If an unpleasant odor is heard clearly and does not disappear after hygiene procedures, then the pathogenic microflora is predominant. "Aroma" may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of an extensive inflammatory process. In the presence of pathology, other symptoms are usually present: itching, pain, burning. Discomfort is clearly felt, for example, in gynecological diseases caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococcus. Naturally, with such diseases there is also a smell: it is not only unpleasant, but also sharp, stable. It often seems to expectant mothers that others hear “ambre”.

When discomfort is added to the smell, and the discharge becomes a strange color (brown, orange, greenish), you should not put off going to the doctor. Delay can lead to serious consequences.

Smell after sex

You need to listen carefully to your feelings.

Expectant mothers sometimes notice that an unpleasant odor appears after sexual contact. This phenomenon is due to microorganisms that enter the vaginal cavity along with sperm. "Aroma" after sexual contact may appear if the expectant mother has an imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial microflora. Microorganisms need a special environment to reproduce. Sperm is perfect for this role. Hence the appearance of the smell after intercourse.

You should talk to your doctor about this delicate issue. To prevent the phenomenon from recurring, it is necessary to understand the exact cause and eliminate it. If you ignore the smell, you can miss a serious bacterial disease, because if the balance is disturbed, the microflora cannot effectively cope with germs.

What is the danger

The unpleasant smell of discharge should alert a woman expecting a baby and make her turn to a specialist. Of particular danger during the period of gestation are infections. They most often make themselves felt by smell. If an infection is present in the mother's body, intrauterine infection of the fetus may occur. This is fraught with the occurrence of various serious pathologies in the baby. With a late appeal for qualified help, the pregnancy may be interrupted.

Many women cannot objectively assess the real threat posed by inflammation and fungal diseases. Even from thrush, which is not always indicated for treatment during pregnancy, the consequences for the baby and mother can be serious. This is a fungal disease

  • complicates the course of childbirth;
  • provokes erosion of the uterus;
  • increases the risk of ruptures;
  • leads to infection of the baby and subsequent problems that are associated with it.

A common disease, bacterial vaginosis becomes dangerous if it is not treated promptly. It leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, which carries a risk for pregnancy. In the early stages, the presence of such a disease can lead to the loss of the baby, in the later stages it can cause premature birth.


During embroidering, you must strictly follow medical advice.

Feeling the atypical smell of discharge during pregnancy, you should not postpone going to your personal gynecologist. Do not be shy about voicing a delicate problem: the sooner it is resolved, the higher the likelihood that there will be no impact on the baby. To understand why an unpleasant "aroma" appeared, the doctor can only by the results of the tests.

A lot of information is provided by the initial survey and examination of the patient on the gynecological chair. Only after that the doctor can understand what examination strategy is needed in each case. Typically, the diagnosis is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Collection of anamnesis. A lot can tell the doctor the way of life of the expectant mother, past illnesses and, of course, complaints. The doctor's questions should be answered in detail and as frankly as possible: this will help determine the cause of the smell.
  • Gynecological examination. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the condition of the cervical canal, the vaginal mucosa. The examination is informative in terms of evaluating the discharge: the doctor evaluates their color, consistency, abundance.
  • bimanual research. The doctor performs palpation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself. This allows you to reliably understand whether they are inflamed.
  • Smear on flora. The diagnostic method has been known for a long time and is considered the most informative. Samples allow you to assess the acidity of the flora, the number of epithelial cells and leukocytes. If the smear has changed color, then this indicates that an inflammatory process is present in the body. The smear determines the presence / absence of pathogens of candidiasis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Tests for sexual infections. It is they who are often indicated by a specific smell, so the gynecologist recommends checking the presence / absence of the most common ones right away.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This diagnostic method is aimed at determining the condition of the cervical canal, uterus, appendages. If an inflammatory process has begun in the organs, which provoked the appearance of a strong odor, the study will show this.

In the process of diagnosis, it may be necessary to consult a urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist. An integrated approach will help determine the pathology, the symptom of which is "odorous" discharge and outline a treatment regimen in which harm to the baby will be minimal.


If the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the presence of a disease, then it will not be possible to get rid of it without the help of a qualified doctor. Even if the expectant mother knows the diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate: this can worsen the condition of the woman herself and lead to a complication of pregnancy. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of drug therapy: he weighs all the factors, chooses those drugs that are allowed in an "interesting position".

Therapeutic tactics depend on the disease and the characteristics of each specific case. Basically, the treatment regimens are as follows:

  • With vaginosis, gardnerellosis, complex therapy is indicated. The doctor prescribes drugs to kill bacteria and local remedies that restore the microflora of the vagina. Additionally, the intake of vitamin complexes that increase immunity is shown.
  • With candidiasis, systemic and local remedies are used to destroy fungi. In parallel, it is required to take drugs that help restore microflora, and drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  • For urinary infections, the use of antiviral drugs or antibiotics is indicated. What funds are needed depends on the disease that will be detected.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (colpitis, salpingitis, andexitis), there is no single scheme. The doctor selects drugs depending on the type of microorganisms that provoked inflammation. The most difficult thing to cope with inflammation caused by genital infections. If the disease appeared from a conditionally pathogenic environment, then the treatment will be simple - aimed at adjusting the microflora.

It is impossible to get rid of the vaginal odor that arose against the background of any disease on your own. In order for the "fragrant" discharge to disappear, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance. This can only be done by a doctor, choosing measures for complex therapy. It is impossible to engage in self-medication in an “interesting position”: a woman is responsible not only for her condition, but also for the health of the baby.

Preventive measures

The appearance of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor can be avoided. To do this, you must adhere to such preventive measures:

  • Strengthening personal hygiene. Hygiene procedures should be carried out at least twice a day: this will help to exclude the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Selection of specialized intimate cosmetics. The one that reduces the acidity of the microflora is not suitable.
  • Choosing the right underwear. Synthetics are taboo, only "breathable" fabrics.
  • Compliance with intimate safety. For casual sex, you need to use a condom.

A woman planning a pregnancy, before conception, must cure all diseases, check for infections. Being in a position, you need to be sensitive to the signals of your body, especially with regard to secretions.

A slight discharge of mucus from the genitals of a woman is a normal physiological process. After all, mucus is produced to protect the uterus and ovaries from infection. If, nevertheless, any pathological process begins in them, then this is immediately reflected in the nature of the discharge. A sour smell, a heterogeneous composition or the appearance of color, even if there are no other signs of illness, are the reason for a gynecological examination. Delay can lead to the spread of infection and serious complications.

Such secretions have a sour smell due to the fact that they contain lactic acid produced by lactobacilli. These bacteria are part of the normal microflora of the vagina. In addition to them, there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (Candida fungi, gardnerella), which under certain conditions can multiply rapidly, which leads to diseases.

Normal secretions with a sour odor have a mucous consistency, homogeneous in appearance. They are usually clear or white. An acidic environment is detrimental to various types of infection. Mucous weakly acidic secretions do not allow them to penetrate into the uterus, appendages, urinary organs of a woman, thus protecting them from inflammation. The secretions consist of a secret produced by the glands of the cervix, as well as dead epithelial cells (which are constantly updated in the cervical canal and in the vagina).

The intensity of secretions in young women is greater than in mature ones. This is due to fluctuations in the ratio of various sex hormones. After 25 years, the situation becomes more stable.

Abundant discharge with a sour smell can appear during pregnancy, which is also due to hormonal changes. At this time, all the processes of tissue regeneration in the body of a woman are intensified, including the intensive renewal of the cells of the mucous membranes. At the same time, the volume of allocations increases.

When discharge is pathological

If the discharge has an unusual color (green, intense yellow, brown, black, bloody), they are liquid, heterogeneous in consistency, they have a strange smell, this indicates the presence of an infectious or tumor process in the body. In this case, only a gynecological examination and examination will help to find out the exact cause of the smell and other symptoms.

It is impossible to postpone treatment, since the infection can quickly spread to all organs of the genitourinary system. And if it is a tumor, delay is generally dangerous for a woman. Other symptoms also indicate the disease (pain, fever, cycle disorders).

Causes of the appearance of pathological secretions that have a sour smell

The main reason for the appearance of such secretions in women is candidiasis (thrush) - an infectious disease associated with pathological changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora. It is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, although infection with a fungus from a sexual partner is possible. As a rule, in men, the disease occurs in a latent form. However, they can be carriers of the fungus.

What is dangerous candidiasis

If you do not consult a doctor in time when leucorrhoea with a sour smell appears and do not carry out a course of appropriate treatment, then the fungal infection can spread to the kidneys and other organs. Chronic candidiasis periodically manifests itself as relapses. The result of a neglected disease is cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages, infertility.

Often, along with the Candida fungus, other types of infection also nest in the body. For example, candidiasis can be accompanied by gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis), also associated with a sharp decrease in the level of lactobacilli and the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the vagina.

Often, thrush occurs in pregnant women. This is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels and a weakened immune system. When a fungus affects the tissues of the genital organs, they lose their elasticity, which during childbirth can cause tears in the neck. In addition, during passage through the birth canal, the child becomes infected with a fungus. Subsequently, this is fraught with health problems for him.

Video: Causes of candidiasis. Complications and treatment

Symptoms of the disease

The causative agents are Candida. In a certain amount, they are always present in the body of a healthy woman, along with beneficial bacteria that prevent their development. The sour smell of discharge in women can mean that the balance is disturbed, and fungi begin to multiply excessively. In this case, the symptoms of thrush occur:

  1. White copious discharge of a characteristic cheesy appearance. They have a specific smell of sour milk.
  2. Severe itching in the vagina, caused by irritation of the mucous membrane and the formation of plaque on its walls.
  3. Burning and cutting when urinating.
  4. Pain during intercourse.

If an inflammatory process develops in the vagina, it can spread to the internal genital organs. In this case, the color of the discharge changes to yellow or green, an unpleasant odor occurs. There may be pain in the lower abdomen and back.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of curdled discharge with a smell

The weakening of the body's defenses is one of the main factors in the occurrence of thrush. Previous illnesses of a cold, infectious and other nature can contribute to a decrease in immunity.

Long-term treatment with antibiotics can lead to a change in the composition of the vaginal microflora, as they destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria. The body's defenses are reduced due to physical and emotional overload, a sudden change in climate, lifestyle.

The sour-smelling leucorrhoea associated with thrush appears in the presence of endocrine pathologies, such as, for example, diabetes mellitus. The cause of candidiasis can be treatment with hormonal drugs, as well as a violation of the usual hormonal levels (during pregnancy, after abortion, as a result of ovarian disease).

Comment: This disease has no direct connection with the observance of hygiene rules. However, the cause of a pathological change in the microflora can be the use of inappropriate means for caring for the genitals, as well as improper douching.

Diagnostic methods

Before starting treatment, it is necessary not only to verify the presence of fungi, but also to detect other microorganisms - the causative agents of concomitant infectious diseases.

Warning: Self-medication for candidiasis is unacceptable, since only a temporary improvement in the condition occurs. In this case, the disease will become chronic. In addition, ignorance can aggravate the symptoms of other diseases, increase the risk of complications.

Sometimes women confuse candidiasis with vaginosis. The approach to the treatment of these diseases is different, so the examination is necessary for a successful cure.

A preliminary diagnosis can be established after a gynecological examination and palpation of the uterus and appendages. In this case, the condition of the vaginal mucosa is studied, an increase in organs due to inflammation is detected.

An accurate diagnosis in the presence of odorous discharge in women is established by examining a smear from the vagina under a microscope to determine the number and type of fungi, detect gardnerella, and gonorrhea pathogens. In addition, the acidity of the vaginal environment, the content of leukocytes (an indicator of the presence of an inflammatory process) are determined.

The PCR method is used (determining the type of microorganisms by the nature of DNA), which allows you to detect the presence of mycoplasmas, gardnerella and other pathogens.

A blood test for hormones, as well as for sexually transmitted infections, makes it possible to establish the cause of pathological secretions that have an odor (sour or other).

Video: About the dangers of self-medication for pathological vaginal discharge

Treatment for candidiasis

Treatment of both sexual partners is required. The main role is played by antifungal drugs and antibacterial agents (in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories). Douching with herbal infusions (chamomile or calendula) or soda solution is used to normalize microflora and eliminate inflammation.

After treatment, periodic administration of antifungal drugs is prescribed to prevent relapses. Such drugs for prophylactic purposes must be taken during antibiotic treatment.

As a rule, the most common cause of discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy is thrush.

Symptoms are white discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy. There may be a cheesy coating inside the vagina and on the external genitalia, as well as profuse or moderate cheesy discharge from the vagina. Itching and irritation in the vulva is also typical.

One of the causes of this disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the vaginal flora during pregnancy.

It is also necessary to remember that discharge with a sour smell is a symptom of a disease that needs to be treated with medication. Therefore, do not engage in self-identification - consult a doctor and take tests that will clarify the diagnosis.

With thrush, a large number of candida fungi appear in the microflora of the vagina, which can adversely affect the fetus, therefore it is recommended that if there is a sour smell of discharge during pregnancy, consult a doctor to diagnose the disease.

White sour discharge - what do they indicate?

The human body is the most complex, but at the same time the most perfect mechanism in nature. Its functionality directly depends on the state of the environment and the harmonious interaction of internal systems. The female body is especially sensitive to external manifestations and internal changes. The sexual sphere of a woman is most exposed to negative factors.

Causes of white discharge

Failure of the reproductive system of a woman can occur for various reasons and manifest itself in the form of white discharge with a sour smell. A moderate amount of discharge is the norm for the female body and is due to the acidic environment of the vagina. But if the discharge becomes abundant, their consistency and smell change - this indicates the presence of deviations in sexual function and is a sign of an infectious disease.

There are several reasons why a white, sour-smelling vaginal discharge appears. Here is some of them:

  • changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process under the influence of infection;
  • trauma to the penis;
  • the appearance of a tumor;
  • the use of contraceptives of chemical origin;
  • immobility leading to stagnant processes in the pelvic area.

There are some non-pathological factors that affect the nature of the discharge. These include: the onset of sexual activity, change of sexual partner, hormonal contraceptives. White discharge with a pungent odor may indicate a gynecological disease. It is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination to identify the cause of the discharge.

Symptoms of a disease of the genital area

The functioning of internal systems is due to the individual characteristics of the woman's body. It often happens that indicators that are the norm for one organism indicate the development of a disease in another. With the advent of a provoking factor, the reproductive system begins to fail, and specific secretions appear that disturb and alarm the woman. White discharge may indicate the occurrence of diseases such as: vulvitis, urogenital trichomoniasis, vaginitis, cervicitis, tumor formations on the cervix, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and other inflammatory diseases.

The onset of the disease may be accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • redness of the penis;
  • humidity in the genital area;
  • secretions with a specific odor;
  • pain and discomfort when urinating;
  • pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen.

If similar symptoms appear, it is necessary to see a gynecologist, pass the appropriate tests to identify the cause of the deviations. All of these signs may indicate a serious infectious disease, the untimely treatment of which can lead to serious complications.

Treatment and prevention of discharge

For the treatment of complex infectious processes, complex treatment regimens and a combination of antimicrobial drugs are used.

To protect yourself from the appearance of infectious diseases of the genital area, you must follow simple rules. These include:

  • personal hygiene;
  • wearing cotton underwear;
  • wearing underwear of the right size, which does not allow excessive friction and squeezing;
  • the presence of sexual relations with one partner, excluding promiscuity;
  • use of barrier contraception during sexual intercourse;
  • periodic observation by a gynecologist;
  • quick response to a malfunction of the reproductive system and seeking help from a specialist.

You should not self-medicate and hope that the disease will pass by itself. Often the cause of discharge with a sour smell can be several types of infections at once. Only properly selected medications will help to effectively resist the infection and gradually destroy it, preventing relapse. The genitourinary system of a woman should be healthy, as it is associated with an important function - childbearing.

Diagnosis of the disease is reduced to identifying the nature of the discharge and the accompanying symptoms. The doctor does not make a diagnosis based only on external symptoms. Additional data are needed: analysis of a vaginal smear, analysis of the cultural method of research and mycological research. Based on the results obtained, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment for each woman individually. Depending on the causes of discharge, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs (Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Clindamycin, Metronidazole and others), vaginal suppositories (Isoconazole), physiotherapy.

Sour smelling discharge in women

The female reproductive organs, internal and external, are always covered with a small amount of mucus. It `s naturally. In this way, they maintain a slightly acidic environment, ideal for the reproduction of beneficial lactobacilli and the destruction of pathogenic flora. The smell of a healthy woman's secret is unobtrusive, not repulsive. On the contrary, it plays an important role during sexual contact, exciting and attracting a man. You should be wary if the sour smell of discharge in women becomes unpleasant. The body gives a clear signal: it's time to take care of your own intimate health.

Causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in women

There is an opinion that the pungent smell of mucus is a common consequence of uncleanliness, non-observance of hygiene rules. But this is only one possible reason. The second - a violation of the microflora - is much more common. In the body of a woman live and bacteria-defenders, and bacteria - causative agents of diseases. Stress, frequent illnesses, medication, the use of contraceptive suppositories, a change of sexual partner, and even a common cold often lead to the fact that the beneficial microflora dies, weakens, while the aggressive one, on the contrary, gains strength. Inflammation in this case can not be avoided.

An unpleasant smell from the vagina sometimes indicates an external infection. It is no coincidence that experts advise not to use other people's bath, intimate accessories, not to touch the genitals with unwashed hands, to keep clean during menstruation, to wear comfortable cotton underwear. Following these simple rules is a reliable protection of the body from pathogenic microbes that serve as a source of unpleasant odor.

The third reason is the most unpleasant and dangerous. Acidic discharge in women is one of the signs of sexually transmitted diseases. Unprotected sex with a casual partner, a free intimate life with an unfaithful man, from the point of view of gynecology, are equally unacceptable. Venereological diseases are treatable, but their consequences for the female body are detrimental.

What discharge is considered the norm

One of the signs of women's health is watery, slightly viscous, with a pleasant sour-milk smell, discharge, colorless or with a milky, yellowish, light beige tint. Scanty after menstruation, more abundant during and after ovulation, but even then their daily volume does not exceed what fits in a teaspoon.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman, which is accompanied by a restructuring of her entire hormonal background. At this time, you need to watch your intimate health especially carefully. There are more liquid secretions due to the fact that plasma is mixed with them - a wise organism, taking care of the baby's nutrition, increases blood flow in the genitals. Ideally, they are transparent or milky in color, with very little or no odor.

It is important to remember that vaginal discharge is completely natural and normal. They flow naturally on their own: women do not put at least some effort into this. No painful sensations, pungent odor should be accompanied by the release of secretions. The slightest itching, burning, dryness of the vagina, pain during urination cannot be tolerated: it is unacceptable to close your eyes to them! All these signs, even if the sour smell of discharge is not so obvious, speak of female ill health.

What diseases are evidenced by discharge with a sour smell

When the immune system cannot cope with the danger that has arisen and the disease is gaining strength, the body begins to ask for help. If the discharge smells sour, then it's time to pay special attention to the intimate sphere. Especially if, in addition to the smell, the color of the mucus also changes. Light or dark, intense or almost transparent, it is dangerous if it differs from the shade that is inherent in the secret when you are healthy.

For some ladies, a whitish, milky discharge is absolutely natural. It is necessary to beat all the bells if the leucorrhoea becomes thick, of a curdled consistency and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Then the sour, pungent smell of discharge in women becomes evidence of internal inflammation. A common diagnosis for such symptoms is candidiasis, or thrush. She has many reasons:

  • stress;
  • change in weather conditions;
  • excessive passion for intimate hygiene products;
  • frequent medication;
  • love for sweet, spicy, sour foods.

Normally colorless discharge that suddenly turns yellowish or even yellow-orange is a good cause for concern. Especially if their consistency has become jelly-like, and the smell is bright, rotten. Often they serve as evidence of inflammation in the internal genital organs. The diagnosis of "adnexitis" means that the ovaries are affected, "salpingitis" - the fallopian tubes. Abundant yellow discharge, accompanied by unbearable itching and pain during sexual intercourse, is a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

A very liquid discharge with an ammonia smell and an admixture of urine is evidence of a trouble in the genitourinary system. The fluid from the bubble leaks when a woman is actively involved in sports, physical labor. Even a long burst of laughter can provoke urinary incontinence in women and cause liquid discharge. In this case, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, you will also need an appointment with a urologist.

Pale pink discharge is not uncommon in the middle of the cycle. They are explained by the fact that a small amount of blood enters the uterus under the influence of estrogen. This serves as a clear signal: the female body is ready to save and bear a baby. A completely different matter is bright pink (it directly indicates open internal bleeding) or dirty color of discharge (this is how the internal genital organs and pathways react to infections in the acute phase or those that developed asymptomatically and were not treated at all). In both cases, try to get to the doctor the next day.


The danger of transparent, sour-smelling discharge in women is determined by their consistency. If it resembles the density of snot, itching, burning are observed in the genital area, a sharp pain in the lower abdomen worries, this indicates a gonococcal or streptococcal infection. The affected tissues die off, pus is formed, which enters the discharge. Getting rid of him is another challenge. Such infections can only be treated with antibiotics.


Sticky dark discharge with a sour smell in women is a sign of very severe or chronic internal inflammation. The green color of the mucus indicates that purulent masses come out of the body along with the secretion produced. In fact, pus is leukocytes that died in the fight against infection. The more intense the color of the discharge, the fiercer the battle between the disease and the immune system.

Brown color

It is due to the amount of blood entering the vagina, and the more it is, the more intense the color - from light red smears to brown-brown discharge. Often they appear a few days before and within two to three days after menstruation, or even instead of them - in the early stages of pregnancy. If copious discharge of a dark color is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, burning and itching, be sure to contact a antenatal clinic. Such symptoms indicate a wide range of diseases. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

When should you visit a doctor

By themselves, the discharge and even a slight change in their color, density do not serve as a sign of the disease. The sensation of discomfort that you experience during the day or during sexual intercourse should attract your attention. Do not put off a visit to the doctor if:

  • the color of the discharge has changed a lot;
  • a slight sour smell gave way to sharp "aromas" of fish, onions, garlic, rotten meat;
  • you experience dryness, burning, itching, cutting pain in the minutes of sexual contact or urination;
  • you have internal bleeding.

Video about the causes and treatment of sour vaginal odor

The video below will help you figure out which specific smell is evidence of a particular disease. In it, the specialist reveals the features of the female microflora, explains in an accessible way what causes the sour smell of discharge in various diseases. The doctor pays special attention to the fishy “aroma”, which, according to the specialist, in addition to diseases, also indicates the frequent change of sexual partners and inattention to the rules of personal hygiene.

The good news is that the modern level of medicine allows you to get rid of thrush within a few days. Unpleasant - not every organism is able to fully cope with it. As soon as the immune system fails, candidiasis will return. Therefore, itching and white discharge in women often appear in the spring, on the coast with an exotic climate. Such beautiful ladies need to monitor their intimate health especially carefully: follow all the rules of hygiene, eat a balanced diet, maintain the body's defenses.

Vaginal discharge with a smell in pregnant women: causes, consequences, treatment

Vaginal discharge can tell about the health of the expectant mother. The problem is signaled not only by the changed consistency of the secret, but also by the “aroma”. If there is a discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy, the mucus smells like rotten fish or acetone, you need to contact a gynecologist. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences.

Allocations are normal

From the moment of conception, a woman's body begins to actively produce progesterone. It is necessary to regulate the functioning of the reproductive system, which is being rebuilt in a new way. The pregnancy hormone changes the discharge of the expectant mother: they become mucous. On this basis, it is possible to determine successful conception at an extremely early date, when diagnostic methods are still uninformative.

Closer to the second trimester, estrogen takes over an active role. This hormone also affects the nature of the discharge. They become liquid and plentiful. The color of the secret is normally transparent, whitish. But there are also variants of the norm: for example, light yellow discharge can indicate both an infection and appear as a result of changes in the hormonal background. Only a doctor can determine whether everything is in order when the color of the discharge changes.

However, the expectant mother needs to remember: normal discharge does not have a specific sharp “flavor”. If “multi-colored” discharge during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm, then everything is clear with the smell - something is wrong with the body. What exactly? It all depends on the characteristics of the "aroma": sour or rotten, sharp or subtle - with different diseases, the smell is different. But to ignore his appearance, the expectant mother is definitely not worth it.

Secret smell change: natural causes

The appearance of a secret with a smell is considered an alarming symptom. Especially if the discharge has an atypical color. However, there is not always a reason for concern with a normal consistency of mucus. There are natural causes of odor. These include:

  • Violation of personal hygiene. If hygiene rules are not followed, an unpleasant "aroma" from the vagina may appear. If there are no additional factors, then it disappears as soon as hygiene procedures are strengthened. During the gestation period, you need to wash more often, use sanitary pads and change them regularly.
  • Hormonal reorganization. From the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin to occur in the body. Under the influence of the hormones responsible for pregnancy, the smell of secretions intensifies: if before pregnancy the “aroma” of the secret is normally almost impossible to catch, then during gestation it intensifies. It seems to the expectant mother that he is becoming sharp. But if the mucus doesn't smell specific, then there's probably no reason to panic.
  • Olfactory disorder. Pregnant women's sense of smell changes. Expectant mothers are very receptive to any aromas: they can even smell a subtle smell, and sometimes it just seems to them that there is “ambre”.

If the consistency of the discharge is within the normal range, the smell is barely audible and it is non-specific, there is no genital hyperemia, pain and discomfort, then most likely you should not worry. But to make sure that there are no pathological processes, you need to voice your concerns to the gynecologist. A woman in position should remember: bearing a baby weakens the immune system, therefore, during this period, the body is open to pathogenic microorganisms and infections. During pregnancy, chronic diseases are also exacerbated, hidden pathologies develop. You need to make sure that the smell does not indicate a problem. And if it indicates, rather solve it with the help of a qualified specialist.

Atypical odors and their causes

  • The smell of fish. If the discharge clearly smells like rotten fish, this indicates the development of vaginosis. You can also recognize the pathological process by other symptoms: the discharge becomes dirty white, there is a burning sensation, discomfort causes itching. However, at the initial stage, the dysbacteriosis of the vaginal environment has no other signs, except for the rotten "ambre".
  • Sour smell. This phenomenon is a symptom of thrush. The natural change in the vaginal microflora, necessary for successful conception, provokes the active reproduction of the Candida fungus. A sour aroma is not the only sign of a fungal disease. Thrush is “given out” by white curdled discharge: they are so specific that it is impossible not to pay attention to them.
  • Onion scent. This is a symptom of a fungal disease. Especially if the aroma intensifies after sexual contact, in stressful situations. You can't do without a medical consultation.
  • The smell of acetone. When the discharge acquires the smell of acetone, this may indicate the development of diabetes. In the presence of such a disease, ketone bodies accumulate in the tissues, which give a specific “aroma”. Acetone "notes" appear in secret and with kidney disease, dehydration.

If an unpleasant odor is heard clearly and does not disappear after hygiene procedures, then the pathogenic microflora is predominant. "Aroma" may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of an extensive inflammatory process. In the presence of pathology, other symptoms are usually present: itching, pain, burning. Discomfort is clearly felt, for example, in gynecological diseases caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococcus. Naturally, with such diseases there is also a smell: it is not only unpleasant, but also sharp, stable. It often seems to expectant mothers that others hear “ambre”.

When discomfort is added to the smell, and the discharge becomes a strange color (brown, orange, greenish), you should not put off going to the doctor. Delay can lead to serious consequences.

Smell after sex

Expectant mothers sometimes notice that an unpleasant odor appears after sexual contact. This phenomenon is due to microorganisms that enter the vaginal cavity along with sperm. "Aroma" after sexual contact may appear if the expectant mother has an imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial microflora. Microorganisms need a special environment to reproduce. Sperm is perfect for this role. Hence the appearance of the smell after intercourse.

You should talk to your doctor about this delicate issue. To prevent the phenomenon from recurring, it is necessary to understand the exact cause and eliminate it. If you ignore the smell, you can miss a serious bacterial disease, because if the balance is disturbed, the microflora cannot effectively cope with germs.

What is the danger

The unpleasant smell of discharge should alert a woman expecting a baby and make her turn to a specialist. Of particular danger during the period of gestation are infections. They most often make themselves felt by smell. If an infection is present in the mother's body, intrauterine infection of the fetus may occur. This is fraught with the occurrence of various serious pathologies in the baby. With a late appeal for qualified help, the pregnancy may be interrupted.

Many women cannot objectively assess the real threat posed by inflammation and fungal diseases. Even from thrush, which is not always indicated for treatment during pregnancy, the consequences for the baby and mother can be serious. This is a fungal disease

  • complicates the course of childbirth;
  • provokes erosion of the uterus;
  • increases the risk of ruptures;
  • leads to infection of the baby and subsequent problems that are associated with it.

A common disease, bacterial vaginosis becomes dangerous if it is not treated promptly. It leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, which carries a risk for pregnancy. In the early stages, the presence of such a disease can lead to the loss of the baby, in the later stages it can cause premature birth.


Feeling the atypical smell of discharge during pregnancy, you should not postpone going to your personal gynecologist. Do not be shy about voicing a delicate problem: the sooner it is resolved, the higher the likelihood that there will be no impact on the baby. To understand why an unpleasant "aroma" appeared, the doctor can only by the results of the tests.

A lot of information is provided by the initial survey and examination of the patient on the gynecological chair. Only after that the doctor can understand what examination strategy is needed in each case. Typically, the diagnosis is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Collection of anamnesis. A lot can tell the doctor the way of life of the expectant mother, past illnesses and, of course, complaints. The doctor's questions should be answered in detail and as frankly as possible: this will help determine the cause of the smell.
  • Gynecological examination. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the condition of the cervical canal, the vaginal mucosa. The examination is informative in terms of evaluating the discharge: the doctor evaluates their color, consistency, abundance.
  • bimanual research. The doctor performs palpation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself. This allows you to reliably understand whether they are inflamed.
  • Smear on flora. The diagnostic method has been known for a long time and is considered the most informative. Samples allow you to assess the acidity of the flora, the number of epithelial cells and leukocytes. If the smear has changed color, then this indicates that an inflammatory process is present in the body. The smear determines the presence / absence of pathogens of candidiasis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Tests for sexual infections. It is they who are often indicated by a specific smell, so the gynecologist recommends checking the presence / absence of the most common ones right away.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This diagnostic method is aimed at determining the condition of the cervical canal, uterus, appendages. If an inflammatory process has begun in the organs, which provoked the appearance of a strong odor, the study will show this.

In the process of diagnosis, it may be necessary to consult a urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist. An integrated approach will help determine the pathology, the symptom of which is "odorous" discharge and outline a treatment regimen in which harm to the baby will be minimal.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the presence of a disease, then it will not be possible to get rid of it without the help of a qualified doctor. Even if the expectant mother knows the diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate: this can worsen the condition of the woman herself and lead to a complication of pregnancy. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of drug therapy: he weighs all the factors, chooses those drugs that are allowed in an "interesting position".

Therapeutic tactics depend on the disease and the characteristics of each specific case. Basically, the treatment regimens are as follows:

  • With vaginosis, gardnerellosis, complex therapy is indicated. The doctor prescribes drugs to kill bacteria and local remedies that restore the microflora of the vagina. Additionally, the intake of vitamin complexes that increase immunity is shown.
  • With candidiasis, systemic and local remedies are used to destroy fungi. In parallel, it is required to take drugs that help restore microflora, and drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  • For urinary infections, the use of antiviral drugs or antibiotics is indicated. What funds are needed depends on the disease that will be detected.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (colpitis, salpingitis, andexitis), there is no single scheme. The doctor selects drugs depending on the type of microorganisms that provoked inflammation. The most difficult thing to cope with inflammation caused by genital infections. If the disease appeared from a conditionally pathogenic environment, then the treatment will be simple - aimed at adjusting the microflora.

It is impossible to get rid of the vaginal odor that arose against the background of any disease on your own. In order for the "fragrant" discharge to disappear, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance. This can only be done by a doctor, choosing measures for complex therapy. It is impossible to engage in self-medication in an “interesting position”: a woman is responsible not only for her condition, but also for the health of the baby.

Preventive measures

The appearance of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor can be avoided. To do this, you must adhere to such preventive measures:

  • Strengthening personal hygiene. Hygiene procedures should be carried out at least twice a day: this will help to exclude the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Selection of specialized intimate cosmetics. The one that reduces the acidity of the microflora is not suitable.
  • Choosing the right underwear. Synthetics are taboo, only "breathable" fabrics.
  • Compliance with intimate safety. For casual sex, you need to use a condom.

A woman planning a pregnancy, before conception, must cure all diseases, check for infections. Being in a position, you need to be sensitive to the signals of your body, especially with regard to secretions.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy can signal serious diseases, inflammatory processes. Of particular danger are the following "aromas":

White discharge with a sour smell

White curdled discharge as the main symptom of thrush

White discharge with a sour smell, most often, is not the norm. As a rule, this is how the disease manifests candidiasis, or thrush, as many call it.

  • infection from a sexual partner, moreover, the man himself can only be a carrier of these fungi, without experiencing any discomfort and not suspecting that he is infected;
  • hormonal changes in the vaginal flora during pregnancy;
  • taking antibiotics, which kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria.

Symptoms of thrush are quite recognizable and do not present difficulties in diagnosis for a doctor. In addition to a visual examination, the gynecologist will take a swab for flora, which will give a more accurate answer about the cause of the ailment. Usually, the symptoms are white discharge with a sour smell in pregnancy and also in non-pregnant women. Characterized by curdled plaque found on the external genitalia and inside the vagina. In addition, a woman may experience quite severe pain during sexual intercourse, itching and dryness of the vagina, the mucous membrane of the external genital organs is covered with small cracks.

White discharge with a sour smell in women, due to the appearance of large quantities of Candida fungi in the microflora of the vagina, in some cases can have a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their health.

How is the disease spread?

Candidiasis usually spreads fairly quickly. Insignificant curdled discharge, in the absence of treatment, after a few hours is localized throughout the mucosa of the external genital organs, producing a special smell and unbearable itching. Due to the acidic environment, which leads to tissue irritation, many microcracks form on the mucous membranes, which cannot heal until the fungus is destroyed. Without medication, the disease will pass only after 2 weeks, leaving behind a swollen mucous surface covered with multiple sores. It will also take a long time to heal.

The rate of spread of the disease, as well as the rate of healing, largely depend on the state of the woman's immunity, as well as on the accompanying negative factors, such as, for example, taking potent drugs, washing with intimate products with an inappropriate pH level and flavorings, and frequent douching.

Treatment of candidiasis

1. Douching and washing with herbal infusions.

One of the most popular herbs in the fight against thrush is chamomile. A tablespoon of dry inflorescences must be poured with water no warmer than 50 degrees and let it brew for half an hour. The resulting decoction can be washed and douched.

In addition to chamomile, you can also use calendula flowers and brew with water not hotter than 50 degrees. Herbs can also be alternated, for example, wash with chamomile in the morning and calendula in the evening. However, the fight against thrush with herbs will last for several days, and will have only temporary success.

A more effective folk method is douching with soda. Soda restores an alkaline environment in the vagina, kills Candida fungi. But today there are more modern and safe medications for the treatment of thrush.

2. Taking medications

Herbal treatment should be secondary. In the first place should be the selection of certain antifungal drugs that will bring relief within a few hours. Treatment must be carried out by both sexual partners, otherwise it loses all meaning.

During pregnancy, when oral antifungal drugs are undesirable, external solutions created on the same basis as tablets, as well as vaginal suppositories, can be used.

It is important not to self-medicate, as thrush can be confused with another, no less unpleasant gynecological disease - vaginosis. It also involves white discharge and itching, and, like thrush, can be triggered by antibiotics, hormonal changes, and improper care of the genitals. It is possible to accurately distinguish vaginosis from candidiasis only with the help of laboratory tests. The main visual difference is that with vaginosis there is a smell of rotten fish and the discharge has a greenish tint.

Prevention of thrush is not always effective. In most cases, it is impossible to speak with confidence about the complete exclusion of its occurrence when using preventive measures, which are:

  • treatment of both sexual partners;
  • concomitant use of antifungal drugs along with strong antibiotics;
  • regular intimate hygiene.

There are several reasons for its appearance:

27 Jun 2019 235

According to the discharge from the genitals of a woman, one can judge the state of her health. During pregnancy, changes occur throughout the body of the expectant mother, the discharge also changes, which raises a number of questions for the pregnant woman: Is everything all right? Is that how it should be?

Isolation if the woman is healthy..

In all women, both pregnant and not, the glands of the cervical canal produce clear, odorless, not abundant mucus that does not cause skin irritation. Ovarian hormones regulate the frequency of discharge, which corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning of the first phase, on the first day of menstruation, the amount of mucus secreted in the body is 50 mg, gradually increasing to 70 mg. per day and by the time of ovulation reaching a maximum, in this period the structure of the mucus changes, it becomes liquid and viscous, easily permeable to spermatozoa.

During the second phase of the cycle, the mucus becomes viscous and opaque. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal. It is affected by the hormone progesterone.

Since during pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother there is a large amount of progesterone, which ensures the preservation and development of the fetus in the initial stages of gestation, we can say that the pregnant woman has a condition similar to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the mucus in this period is viscous, opaque and there is not much of it, the same as in a non-pregnant woman during the second phase of the cycle.

But it also happens that some pregnant women experience increased discharge from the genitals. The reasons can be varied:

Possible problems

White abundant curdled discharge with a sour smell very often disturbs expectant mothers, these symptoms are the result of a disease such as vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition, with such a disease, itching and burning sometimes occur in the perineum, which increase after sexual intercourse, water procedures and at night. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, in connection with which the acidity of the vaginal environment changes, the immune system is suppressed, all this leads to the fact that the fungi that live in the vagina begin to actively develop, thrush develops. Very often, vaginal candidiasis is observed in a woman during the entire pregnancy and is practically untreatable.

Thrush should be treated in the following cases:

1. If the disease gives a woman anxiety (severe itching in the vagina)

2. There are complications of pregnancy, for example, the threat of its termination, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, etc.

3. Since thrush causes significant inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, its treatment should be carried out necessarily at about the 36th week of pregnancy. Mucous membranes, becoming vulnerable, can easily be injured during childbirth. In addition, if the pathogen is in the genital tract, during childbirth, the child can become infected and get candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Treatment of thrush is carried out in both partners. Be sure to give up sexual activity during treatment, or use condoms. For treatment, various drugs are used, for example, such as systemic antifungal drugs (DIFLUCAN, DIFLAZONE, FLUCONAZOL, NIZORAL).

These drugs can be used without restrictions in the treatment of a partner, while in the treatment of a future mother there are certain contraindications. Pregnant women in the first trimester can use only those drugs that will not affect the development of the child in any way. This is borax in glycerin and a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"). They need to lubricate the gauze swab and insert it into the vagina. You can also use candles (PIMAFUTSIN). Thanks to these medicines, you can reduce the number of fungi in the vagina and they will stop multiplying. But this may be a temporary effect, since in the future, the disease may worsen again.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, for the treatment of thrush, you can already use local complex preparations that have not only antifungal, but also probacterial action: Klion - D, GINOPEVARIL, LOLIZHINAKS, MACMIROR-COMPLEX. In order to restore the microflora of the vagina, which is disturbed after treatment with antifungal drugs, BIFIDUMBACTERIN can be used.

Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor and he will select for you exactly the drug that is right for you

What can cause spotting during pregnancy?

Do not worry if the discharge associated with the fact that small placental abruptions, under which blood accumulates, which subsequently is released to the outside, did not last long and quickly ended.

Small brown discharge is also considered harmless, otherwise a daub, which occurs on the days when you should have had your period before pregnancy. In addition to discharge, a woman may experience pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen.

If the mucosa is injured during sexual intercourse, especially if there is a vaginal polyp or erosion, there may be discharge that does not come from the uterus

With some sexual infections, various discharges occur, in order to exclude them, it is necessary to make a smear.

But most often, the cause of spotting in early pregnancy is the threat of abortion. If the gynecologist has identified this threat for you, you should strictly follow his instructions. Do not be upset, because the possibilities of modern medicine are now very large.

But unfortunately, about 20% of pregnant women, with a threat, cannot bear a child.

It is hard to come to terms with this, especially if it was not easy. There are pregnant women who categorically refused to terminate the pregnancy and until the viability of the fetus - up to 28 weeks - lay in a layer and even periodically stood on their heads. And some managed to give birth to a viable child. But this heroism makes sense only in a situation where pregnancy develops - you can find out by the dynamics of the hCG hormone, and later - by ultrasound and fetal heartbeats. Otherwise, the body gets rid of the foreign body that has become foreign, and resisting this is not only unnecessary work, but also a danger to the life of the mother.

Periods during pregnancy

If a female egg meets a sperm cell, then the conditions created in the uterus for the embryo are not rejected, as a new process starts - pregnancy. How does menstruation during pregnancy, which some women sometimes have, fit into this picture?

It should be noted that menstruation during pregnancy is not at all a menstrual natural rejection that occurs every cycle in all women, but another bleeding that has a different nature. So, the consequence of what factors can be menstruation during pregnancy, which we can already safely quote?

First reason the occurrence of uterine bleeding during pregnancy, which, by the way, is most often mistaken for menstruation during pregnancy, is associated with the correct implantation of a fertilized female germ cell through the uterine wall. Features of such bleeding: lack of profusion, short duration, painlessness. In this case, there is no risk of pregnancy.

Second reason, which can be caused by the so-called menstruation during pregnancy, are the hormonal changes associated with the expected menstruation. Such bleeding is also considered normal, it does not threaten the fetus in any way, if there are no associated problems. Usually, the discharge in these cases is moderate and everything goes “as usual”, without pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Another non-dangerous cause for mother and fetus the appearance of bleeding in the early stages of waiting for a baby is an insufficiently high level of hormones synthesized by the placenta. In this case, a woman needs medical supervision, although such bleeding itself does not pose a particular danger.

It should be remembered that in many cases, menstruation during pregnancy is nothing more than uterine bleeding due to placental rejection, indicating a threat of termination of pregnancy. Since it is almost impossible to distinguish one type of bleeding from another at home, if such situations occur, you should immediately visit a gynecologist, conduct a detailed diagnosis

Allocations in nonspecific inflammatory processes of the female genital organs during pregnancy

Such inflammatory processes are called nonspecific because they are characteristic of many infectious agents. Most often it is staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus, etc. Such inflammatory processes are rarely acute, most often the inflammatory process was already there before pregnancy, and with its onset it worsened. Therefore, it is so important to treat all possible foci of infection before conception.

Discharge during an exacerbation of the inflammatory process may acquire a yellow color and an unpleasant odor, which indicates that pathogenic microflora (causative agents of infection) has appeared in them. Such an inflammatory process in the early stages of pregnancy can result in spontaneous miscarriage, since the uterine mucosa, into which the embryo is embedded, may suffer during inflammatory processes.

Currently, clear methods have been developed for the treatment of inflammatory processes at different stages of pregnancy.

Discharge from sexually transmitted infections

The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections can enter the body of a woman during pregnancy, and can be there for a long time, with a latent course of such an infection. This happens with improper untimely treatment without laboratory control: the infection under the influence of antibiotics hid for the time being, and during pregnancy, when the woman’s body is weakened by sharp changes in hormonal levels and metabolism, pathogens “come to life” and cause exacerbation.

In such cases, they speak of a specific infection: each infectious agent has its own characteristics. So, gonorrhea is characterized by purulent yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, which is accompanied by burning and itching in the genital area.

Treatment of infections during pregnancy is a rather complicated process, however, there are drugs that can act on infectious agents without causing complications to the fetus.

Allocations during pregnancy should alert, but not frighten a woman. She should clearly know that the doctor of the antenatal clinic will always help her figure out whether this is normal or not.

The readiness of the body for childbirth.

A clear sign indicating childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which is located in the cervix. With mucus, part of the bloody discharge may come out and this is a completely normal phenomenon indicating that the body is ready for childbirth. So there is no need to panic. It can come out in parts or at once in one portion. The total amount is 20 ml.

Another, even closer moment to the birth of a child, is the outpouring of amniotic fluid. They are colorless and although they have an ammonia smell, they are quite distinguishable from urine. At the same time, a woman can feel their complete outpouring, approximately 200 ml or partial, or rather even “drop by drop”. In order not to be confused with simple secretions and to be “ready”, it is best to put a white napkin on and watch. After 15 minutes, carefully looking at the result, it will be seen if the water spot has increased, then it's time to call an ambulance - you will soon become a mother!

The vaginal secret is the norm in a woman's life at any stage. However, its texture, color and smell may indicate some infections and diseases. The smell of discharge during pregnancy is a striking sign that it is important to pay attention to. If there is a rather atypical smell from vaginal discharge, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

During pregnancy, the secret can change, and such changes are not always the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to understand as early as possible what the aroma indicates and what factors change it.

Causes of bad breath during pregnancy

Slightly thick, clear discharge or light whitish is considered normal. Does the smell of vaginal discharge change during pregnancy? Yes, the smell, abundance, texture and color change in early pregnancy and, directly, before and after childbirth. It is important to understand that a new aroma is not necessarily a sign of pathology - only a doctor can determine its true cause.

Discharge with an odor during early pregnancy may change due to the following factors:

  1. Reorganization of hormones. The female body is subject to change with the development of the fetus. Hormones significantly transform the natural hormonal background. The smell of discharge is normal to change, but this should occur without irritation of the genitals, itching and atypical color of vaginal discharge.
  2. Enhanced sense of smell. A woman is very sensitive during childbearing, she is acutely aware of all smells and tastes. If there are no other signs of a change in the vaginal secret, you should not worry. A decline in the body's defenses in the expectant mother. A decrease in immunity can lead to the development of a genital tract infection, which can provoke an unpleasant sharp secret. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, you cannot treat such a problem on your own.
  3. Exacerbation of pathologies of the reproductive system. Any deviations from the norm and inflammatory processes in the body can change the characteristics of the vaginal secretion. In the presence of inflammation, the main symptom is.

Diseases with an unpleasant smell of secretions

The sharp and unpleasant aroma of discharge should alert a pregnant woman. However, you should not panic in advance - such a phenomenon can be a sign of a violation of metabolic processes, an increased work of the glandular system, an imbalance in the vaginal environment, and such conditions are easily corrected. Regarding diseases, smelly discharge during pregnancy may appear due to:

  1. Dysbiosis. Appears due to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. It is often called dysbacteriosis. This condition can become fertile ground for the development of many microorganisms and infection.
  2. Candidiasis. The disease is often referred to as thrush. This type of condition causes a sour smell from female discharge during pregnancy and its curdled or too thick consistency. It is necessary to treat thrush only after examination and receiving recommendations from a doctor, since not all drugs are safe during childbearing.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. The secret in this disease often smells like smoked fish due to gardnerella damage. During pregnancy, the disease often worsens, which explains the sudden appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  4. Systematic inflammatory processes. They can go unnoticed or with a subtle unpleasant smell, which is unique and differs depending on the type of inflammation.

And also, the secret that stands out can be influenced by:

  • improperly selected hygiene products;
  • incorrect washing;
  • unprotected sex;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • frequent douching;
  • hygiene violations.

It is extremely important to find out in time why the changed discharge appears. Showing indifference to such a situation, you can harm your health and the condition of the baby.

Discharge odor options

What can tell the unpleasant odor of the secreted liquid? it is important to focus on the following signs:

  1. Ammonia. Such an aroma may appear during the gestation period due to an inflammatory process, for example, cystitis. May escalate later.
  2. Acetone. Liquid with acetone becomes a symptom of protein deficiency or improper absorption. May appear with toxicosis, severe vomiting or starvation. It appears both with vaginal secretions and with urine.
  3. Brown discharge with a fishy odor. They are a sign of vaginal dysbiosis. May be accompanied by burning and itching of the genital organs, a pronounced inflammatory process.
  4. Urine. Such a sharp aroma does not pose a threat to the fetus. Leakage of fluid from the urethra can occur due to stress, emotional instability, or excess weight. The problem can be eliminated with the help of a urologist and a gynecologist.
  5. Rotten smell. Brownish discharge of this type becomes a symptom of one of the forms of bacterial vaginosis due to damage by gardnerella, a pathogenic bacterium. The secret is off-white, brownish and yellowish, appearing in moderation.
  6. Sour aroma. during pregnancy, in the first place, appears due to candidiasis. Thrush appears due to the defeat of fungal infections, which provoke the appearance of a curdled secret. During childbirth, the disease can be transmitted to the baby, so even with the manifestation of one symptom of candidiasis, you must consult a doctor and take a special smear. But yellow discharge can tell about the presence of infection or vaginal dysbacteriosis.
  7. Sweetish aroma. Sweet aroma does not indicate any pathology. The sweet smell of the discharge changes and manifests itself depending on the use of fruits and various berries. This also happens when you make a drastic change in your diet. On such days, you can reduce the amount of fruit consumed. But, with a constant sweet aroma, it is best to take a smear for infections. But from the cervix with a sweetish aroma in the later stages, they may appear due to leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to exclude negative risks to the health of the mother and child.
  8. . This smell of mucous usually appears due to fungal diseases. The aroma can intensify in case of stress or after sexual contact. Accurate studies are important to determine the primary source of vaginal secretions with such an odor.
  9. Sperm. Such an aroma may appear after sexual intercourse, as well as due to violations of the vaginal microflora. The aroma can be aggravated due to serious violations in the reproductive system. If it is not accompanied by irritation and burning, you should not worry.
  10. Garlic. The strong aroma of garlic has a food etiology and appears due to the large amount of consumed product on the menu. Sometimes it can indicate bacterial vaginosis, with higher levels of lactobacilli than needed. Bacterial vaginosis can also be accompanied by yellow and brown discharge, they have a cloudy consistency, are characterized by density and abundance.
  11. Metallic fragrance. Iron is felt when a brown or bloody secretion appears. This normally occurs at the stage of conception, with implantation bleeding, or in the case of cervical erosion. The clinical picture is often aggravated after sexual contact in the presence of pathology.

Can any of these fragrances appear after intercourse? Doctors give a positive answer to this question. This is due to the fact that the microflora changes after sex, various microorganisms enter the vagina. With a decrease in immunity, they actively multiply and provoke the appearance of an unpleasant pungent odor.

Diagnostic methods

There is no need to embarrass such an intimate problem. If you are pregnant, it is important to consult a doctor at the first deviations from the norm, since an unpleasant sharp secret can be the first symptom of a serious illness. If left untreated, it poses a threat to the fetus and the expectant mother.

To diagnose this symptom, you will need:

  1. Submission of a smear of vaginal secretions. In laboratory conditions, the number of pathogens will be detected and the cause of a rather unpleasant sensation will be established.
  2. Bakposev and urinalysis. Necessary for the diagnosis of infection.

First of all, if any unpleasant symptoms appear, a woman should consult a gynecologist, in some cases, with a strong smell of urine, a urologist.

Characteristics of the discharge rate

In this position, the woman's vaginal secretion may change. From transparent and semi-thick, it becomes slimy and thick. This may indicate successful conception in early pregnancy. In this case, the secretions may contain pinkish and red impurities.

In the second trimester, the discharge becomes liquid and very abundant. The color is normally whitish or completely transparent.

There are other variations of the norm. Brownish and yellowish discharge with a sour smell is often a sign of an infection, however, it is also a symptom of the natural restructuring of the hormonal background. It is almost impossible to identify deviations on your own.

But the blood should seriously alert the woman. This is an unfavorable symptom during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. In this case, you should immediately, as soon as possible, contact a specialist.

Treating odorous discharge during pregnancy

Self-medication against an unpleasant odor is not allowed, since it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of an unpleasant symptom at home. Also, self-medication often greatly harms the mother and her unborn child.

It is also important to take into account the fact that conventional drugs against many infections and diseases are not always suitable for pregnant women. The composition of some can cause significant harm to the baby. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is extremely important, as is the delivery of tests and a clinical examination. Only a gynecologist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis by prescribing suitable and safe drugs.


The unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge during pregnancy can be prevented by following a certain set of preventive measures:

  • wearing loose underwear with a natural composition - it should be cotton, silk or linen, satin and synthetics should be avoided;
  • careful and proper hygiene, without fanaticism - with the help of special products aimed at caring for the female genital organs;
  • exclusion from the menu of hot spices, garlic and onions, smoked meats and excessive doses of black coffee;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes before pregnancy - oral cavity, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, skin of the body and head, mucous membranes.

Such nuances will help prevent such a problem, while excluding developed diseases and infections during pregnancy itself.

Only a doctor can determine the pathology or norm in the color and aroma of the discharge. It is important to consult a doctor on time, undergo routine examinations during pregnancy. Do not self-medicate. If you have identified at least some changes in the individual rate of vaginal secretion, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.