Leg stretching exercises: the effect will be! How to stretch the muscles of the legs at home with the help of special exercises? Facts about stretching exercises for beginners that you did not know

Hello again! As always, I am immensely glad to see you again. As always, I tried to prepare something special for our conversation. Recently, while doing a calf workout with you, we have already mentioned in passing one of the exercises that are necessary element after strength training. Do you remember? Well, since you and I have never engaged in such training, we can consider ourselves amateurs. Same way? So stretching for the legs for beginners will be doubly interesting to us. And, perhaps, one of you can even add something after a workout.

But do you know why stretching (stretching) is so necessary after training, especially strength training? That's right, these exercises provide beneficial effect for muscle recovery after our loads.

But let's turn together to those who regularly slander our classes, whom we have never met in gym and on sports ground. Admit it, do you even do home workouts? Because the whole set of stretching exercises is absolutely doable at home. And its benefits are widely known far beyond the gym and gyms. In addition to the obvious positive effect on the joints, stretching improves blood circulation and keeps your muscles in good shape.

By the way, stretching exercises - perfect option evening gymnastics. Imagine: in the morning - cardio plus exercises on the rope, in the evening - stretching. Yes, you are constantly in good shape! Isn't this the secret of eternal youth?

Before we move on to the main stretching tutorials, I want to recommend a cool video course "Lady Fitness", according to which my friend is engaged and is amazed at the results achieved in building an awesome figure.

Lesson #1 - Types of Stretches

As always, let's start with the theory, gradually getting closer to the exercises. What do we even know about stretching besides it? useful properties? There are two types of stretching exercises: static and dynamic. Dynamic ones mean a constant change of positions, for example, from longitudinal to transverse twine, then to a knot (just kidding), etc. This option is clearly not suitable for us.

So, let's stop at static. Here, on the contrary, no sudden movements. Having taken a certain position of the body, stretching, of course, you need to be in this position certain time, up to several minutes, trying to feel as much as possible how our muscles stretch, and try to stretch harder. Here, here it is for us newbies. It is essential to do stretching the day after strength exercises on your feet like.

Now, I think, you can already move on to the next lesson in order to understand how to stretch correctly.

Lesson #2 - Warm Up

If you just finished strength training, then this lesson does not really concern you, because we will be doing a warm-up. And your muscles are already sufficiently warmed up.

Warm-up is needed here. And meticulous. Let's do 25 squats together, 3 minutes on the rope, 25 more squats, more rope. Well, how? In my opinion, not enough. Let's go to the exercise bike, spin the pedals for 5 minutes, to be sure. The fact is that YOU must understand the specificity of stretching exercises and the possible consequences of their incorrect implementation. I think it's better to be overdressed than underdressed.

Now I definitely feel that I warmed up well. I'm sure you do too. Well, let's try some exercises, shall we?

Lesson number 3 - A set of exercises

Let's start with a lunge. Is it still possible to do it? Remember, we have done this exercise with dumbbells more than once. So, let's do a lunge on the left leg. We spread our legs so that our right knee rests on the floor. Well, don't you regret that you warmed up so intensively? I told you! Resting hands on the left knee, you can also on the floor, we begin to slowly, slowly lean forward. Do you feel the same as me? So we are doing it right. Stretching the thigh muscles should not cause pain.

We bend down to this limit and freeze for 30 seconds. Now we take a deep breath and as we exhale we try to bend even lower. And again a 30 second pause. Everyone, we return to the starting position. We also do the second leg.

The next exercise will stretch the knee ligaments and back muscles hips. We put forward the left leg, fully straighten it and rest on the right knee. It's kind of like a pistol, isn't it? Resting our hands on the floor, we slowly begin to lean forward and down. Do you feel tension in your muscles? It is important to keep your back straight. As far as we can go down, before it hurts, and like last time: pause for 30 seconds, inhale and try even lower. It turns out? Again, a pause of half a minute, and in the original. We repeat on the other leg.

Now let's lie on our back. One leg is free, bent at the knee. Let it be right. Raise the left leg as vertically as possible. It is important that the leg does not bend at the knee. Now with both hands we take the leg above the knee and slowly pull it towards us. Tilt as far as you can and, as in previous times: 30 seconds, inhale, pull even lower, another 30 seconds and to the original. Naturally, we repeat on the second leg. Ideally, we should get this exercise as in the illustration below.

And the last one for today. We sit on the floor. We need to take a position that is vaguely reminiscent of the lotus position. Do you know what it is? In general, we sit down, we connect the feet with the soles to each other. We spread our knees and rest on them with our elbows. Gradually we press the elbow joints on the knees, at the same time bending down. So we stretch inner part hips and inguinal ligaments. Yes, you certainly feel it. Watch your back - it should always be straight. We do everything in the same way as the previous stretch marks, with the only difference being that we will do this 4 times. Ultimately, by stretching regularly, we should, in theory, learn to do this exercise like the girl in the illustration.

If you think that this is all for now, you are wrong. Personally, I'm still very interested in how to start doing twine. Girls, aren't you interested? I knew, so I prepared. Therefore, let's proceed to the last lesson to learn and try the exercises that we need for the twine.

Lesson number 4 - Learning to do twine

Get ready right away for the fact that you won’t be able to quickly and immediately sit on the twine. If you really have a desire to achieve this, then, of course, you will have to practice. The main exercises for this purpose are leg swings.

So, we need some kind of support. Let's take a chair and with one hand, for example, the right one, we will hold on to its back. And now we begin to perform swings: forward, backward and side, each 10 times. Likewise with the second leg. It is important that the leg is straight, not bent at the knee. It is clear that if you have never stretched before and do not have a gymnastic past, then the amplitude of the swings performed will be quite small. But with a regular approach, you can be sure that it will gradually increase. At this stage, I think that this will be enough for us. And at some point you yourself will understand that you can already sit on the twine.

After each approach, shake the muscles, massage them so that there is no tension - this is important.
As you can guess, there are many different stretches, or as they say today, scratching, and for almost all muscle groups. We will certainly return to this issue more than once, further and further deepening our knowledge and skills in such exercises.

On this I will say goodbye to you. As always: take care of your health, strive for beauty and ideals. See you soon at the same address.


If you are serious about sports, then stretching is a must for you, as it prevents injury. Stretching the legs is important in martial arts, dancing, running, and in general joints.

Before starting exercises on, you need to warm up, warm up the body. It is advisable that you sweat a little. During the warm-up, run, do slopes, and do the exercises in a warm room.

After completing the warm-up, start exercising. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Slowly bend towards your toes and you will feel a stretch in your thigh muscles. Do 15-20 tilts. With all exercises, watch your breathing: slowly inhale and exhale.

Then move on to another exercise. Spread your legs as wide as possible, and keep your arms crossed at your chest. Then start bending forward, while trying to reach the floor with your elbows. Then turn the body towards right leg and also pull down. Do the same for the other leg. Perform this complex 3 times, giving a little rest to the muscles of the legs. With each repetition, try to spread your legs wider and drop your elbows lower.

During the exercise, relax all muscles, especially those that you stretch in this moment The more tense the muscle, the harder it will be to stretch.

Control your back and posture, they should be even. Even when you are bent into a ball, try to straighten your back, hunching over, you reduce the flexibility and elasticity of the ligaments, always keep track of this moment.

Do not perform exercises that can be dangerous and injure your back. So, if you are doing the exercise, leaning forward with straightened legs ami, then when lifting, you can bend slightly legs and in the knees.

Watch your breathing, it should always be rhythmic, but calm. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, control it.

Exercises on stretching legs do it regularly. If you perform them for an hour, then you will not get any effect from such exercises. It would be ideal to stretch the muscles daily by doing a morning workout, but every other day will also be good. Do not strain beyond measure, trying to achieve a result at all costs. By acting gradually, you will achieve results without unnecessary legs about muscle tension. By following our recommendations, you can stretch your muscles legs and .

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Stretching makes muscles stronger and joints more flexible. By stretching, you reduce the risk of injury. It is recommended to carry out such exercises daily.

Stretching the muscles of the upper group

Start stretching the muscles from the neck. Stand up, straighten your back. Tilt your head alternately to each shoulder, then back and forth. Don't lift your shoulders.

To stretch your arm muscles, do the following exercises. Straighten in a standing position left hand in front of. Right hand grab your elbow and pull it towards your right shoulder. Hold this position for a few seconds, then change hands. Join your hands in a lock on your back: one hand reaches for the shoulder blades from above, the other holds it from below and pulls it towards you. To stretch your biceps, grasp the door frame with one hand and point your body to the side. You will feel how the corresponding muscles of the arm are stretched.

To stretch the muscles of the chest, put your straight arms behind your back and tightly close your palms. Raise your hands as high as possible. Another exercise: stand in doorway, rest in door jambs elbows and lean forward. Feel your chest muscles stretch. You can also kneel in front of the bench, put your elbows on it. It is necessary to strive with the chest as low as possible to the floor.

To stretch the abdominal muscles, stretch your whole body up, then perform a bridge. To do this, from a prone position, rise above the floor on your palms and feet. The palms are behind the head.

To stretch your back muscles, take the Stretching Cat Pose. Get on all fours, alternately round and arch your back. Another exercise: sit on the couch, tuck your legs under you. Put your hands on the floor. Bend your arms and arch your back at the same time. Bend your legs at the knees and try to touch the back of your head with your fingers. This is not as difficult an exercise as it might seem. Another exercise: lie on the floor and throw straight legs behind your head.

Stretching the muscles of the lower group

To stretch your leg muscles, sit on the floor. Stretch your straight legs in front of you. Tilt your body forward and try to touch your chest and stomach with your legs. In addition to the muscles of the legs, when performing this exercise, the muscles of the back also stretch. Another exercise: stand up, grab a wall for balance. Swing each leg forward, backward, and to the side. To stretch your thigh muscles, grasp your ankle and pull it towards your head. With your other hand, hold on to a support for balance.

To stretch the calf muscles, take a standing position. Lean forward, put your hands on the floor and move forward a little. The back and legs remain straight, the body is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Try to reach the floor with your heels in this position. Also, to stretch the calf muscles, you can simply step on an object with your toe, and point the heel down.

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The degree of flexibility of a person is measured by how mobile his joints are, and this depends on the muscles, ligaments and tendons surrounding the joints. Having good flexibility can prevent injury and loss of mobility, improve your posture, and help relieve back pain. Many people only focus on strength and muscle size, not realizing that the muscles also need to be quite flexible in order to perform a full range of movements, such as during squats or deadlifts. By combining dynamic stretches, static stretches and special exercises, you can quickly develop your flexibility.


Stretching techniques

    Make sure you are doing the exercise correctly. When stretching, always follow recommendations that are scientifically based (for example, the recommendations of the American College Sports Medicine, or ACSM). You can also consult with your doctor, sports doctor, qualified trainer or physical therapist to help you choose a stretch program that is right for you. A professional will show you how to stretch and make sure you do all the movements correctly, so you can increase your flexibility in no time.

    Listen to your body. Pay attention to signals from your body, such as pain or stiffness. Each person has their own optimal degree of flexibility to which he should strive. Hard muscles and a limited range of motion indicate that you need to introduce warm-up exercises into your sports regimen. Flabby, weak muscles, as well as loose and dislocated joints, are signs that you should focus on strengthening your muscles and joints.

    Create a workout routine. ACCM recommends that you stretch for at least two to three days a week after a proper warm-up, such as after walking. Several types of stretches should be done for each major muscle group, including the muscles of the shoulders, chest, arms, abs, buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles. Keep in mind that your abilities, goals, and level of flexibility are different, so don't compare yourself to others.

    Warm up exercises. To warm up your muscles, do low-intensity dynamic stretches that engage the same muscle groups as you would during exercise or sports. These exercises will gradually raise your heart rate, increase blood flow to your muscles, and increase your body temperature, thereby increasing the benefits of stretching. If you want to get the most out of your stretches and become more flexible as quickly as possible, you should exercise until you break into a light sweat.

    Do dynamic stretches. Dynamic stretches stretch the muscles under the influence of an impulse, without lingering at the same time in the limit position. This type Stretching can increase muscle strength, make you more flexible and increase your range of motion. In addition, dynamic stretching before your workout will help you get more of the benefits of static stretching, bringing you closer to your desired results.

    Buy a Pilates roller. You can buy a Pilates roller in the store sporting goods for 1500-3000 rubles. Choose a roller with a PVC core. With its help, you can relax contracted muscles, reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation and flexibility. As with stretching exercises, focus your attention on the main muscle group and the muscles that feel too tight.

Good day to all beginners and actively continuing! Today we will get acquainted with such a phenomenon as stretching and stretching exercises. After reading the article, you will find out how muscle pulls are useful, what mistakes are made when they are performed, and most importantly, how to properly relax your muscles.

So, everyone clung to the blue screens, we begin.

Stretching exercises: what, why and why

According to statistics, most people who visit the gym/fitness rooms do it unconsciously. Those. they come in, upload their daily training program into the brain, and complete it on autopilot. Due to the fact that the main scourge modern society- a total lack of time, then usually no time is given to various preludes in the form of, hitch and muscle stretching. And really, why waste your precious time on some kind of utility room - stretching exercises, because muscles definitely won’t grow from this, and everyone knows this. This philosophy is typical for most trainers and fitness ladies. Moreover, I constantly encounter her in my rocking chair. Is this correct, and what place should the “utility room” occupy, we will talk further.

If you have ever watched the training of professional bodybuilders (at least through youtube), then you probably noticed that they pay a lot of attention to the correct “rolling in” into the training process. That is, they perform various pulling exercises that, it would seem, have nothing to do with bodybuilding. So why is this happening? Maybe pros know some secret, secret?More likely yes than no.

So, stretching (stretching) is a set of specialized exercises aimed at developing muscle flexibility and joint mobility.

The main types of stretching are:

  • static - stretching the muscle at a certain point and holding it in that position;
  • PNF stretch - you stretch and contract the muscles;
  • passive - the partner helps (participates) in stretching;
  • active - stretching without assistance;
  • ballistic - you use bouncing to force the muscles into a deeper tension;
  • dynamic - you stretch the muscles in a controlled movement with increasing speed.


At first, use only the static stretch type.

Stretching exercises: the main benefits

The main benefits of muscle stretching include:

  • increased flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, joint mobility, range of motion, sense of body control;
  • increasing circulation by sending oxygen and blood to the muscles;
  • extension muscle mass and strength by stretching the fasciae (connective tissue covering muscle, tendon, nerve and bone).
  • injury reduction (acceleration of their healing) and ,
  • removal of muscle and joint tension (clamps), liberation of muscles;
  • blood flow contributes to the washing out of decay products and the mood of the muscle for a new approach;
  • makes doing strenuous activity easier way muscle preparation.


A slight stretch causes a slight increase in the temperature of the muscle tissue, which, in turn, increases the threshold for rupture of the fibers. It also improves the function of energy-generating enzymes, which are very important during training, because they give the human body more energy for exercise.

As you can see, stretching provides many benefits, both short-term and long-term. Intermediate conclusion: stretching exercises (done properly) are the most effective way to fully connect your mind and body (to establish a neuromuscular connection), and therefore must be included in the .

Stretching exercises: theory

Now let's look at the main calculations regarding stretching.

No. 1. Stretching muscles does not release growth hormone

No, it is not an activity that triggers synthesis, but it prepares the whole body well for such release exercises.

No. 2. Stretching helps fight hardening of the arteries

Scientific studies have shown that long-term stretching (in the form of yoga) with moderate aerobic exercise and diet control can lower cholesterol levels and significantly reverse hardening of the arteries in adults. (before 20% regress) if they have a similar disease.

No. 3. New research and new rules

Many trainers say that there is never too much stretching. However, recent studies show that athletes in active sports (football, basketball, etc.) immediately before the game should not perform long stretching procedures, because. this temporarily slows down muscle activation. long stretch (near 20 minutes) reduces strength for up to one hour after stretching and slightly attenuates muscle activation.

Now let's dig a little deeper into the science and see how stretching affects muscle growth?

Undoubtedly, professional bodybuilders know many secrets in building impressive volumes, and one of them is stretching. It plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass and here's why.

Every muscle in your body is encased in a special sack of tough connective tissue known as fascia. It is important to keep the muscle in place.

Not many people know, but fascia can hold back muscle growth. Just imagine the situation - you are actively working in the gym, eat plenty of food, your muscles want to grow, but they do not have such an opportunity, something is holding them back. And this something is a rigid fascia that does not allow the muscle to expand. This phenomenon can be compared to squeezing big breast pillows in a small pillowcase.

Conclusion: Muscle size will not change no matter how well you train or eat. the connective tissue around your muscles is highly compressed.

best example similar phenomenon calf muscles can serve. The calf is simply riddled with fascia, thanks to doing a lot of walking work and heavy lifting duties. It is because of the "clogging" on the fascia that many athletes cannot develop impressive calves. The way out in this situation is stretching exercises.

In the process of stretching (under certain conditions) You can stretch the fascia and give the muscles more space for growth. Now I will give out one of the main secrets of bodybuilders - the key to effective stretching of the fascia is. The best time to stretch is when your muscles are as engorged as possible. In the process of extreme pumping, the muscles press on the fascia (from the inside, as if bursting it). At this time, you seriously increase the pressure on the fascia, which can lead to its expansion.

Note (secret secret):

One of the main reasons that Arnold Schwarzenegger had an incredibly developed chest was that he ended her workout with dumbbell swings - an exercise that accentuates the stretched position of the pectoral muscles. He bombed his chest in pumping mode (filled her with blood), and then lay down on a horizontal bench and did the wiring, keeping the stretch in the lower phase. This allowed him to acquire XXXL-sized breasts :).

Fascial stretching is somewhat different from the usual, but it is it (the first) that gives the most impressive results. When you stretch the fascia, you should feel powerful pulling pains and pressure - this is the muscle working against the fascia. Make sure you are not stretching in a way that will cause your muscles to tear or cause injury.

You will quickly learn to feel the difference between good and bad stretching. The main rule here is a stable stretch, and not a feeling of acute pain. Hold each stretch for at least 20 before 30 seconds. This will give you time to "engage" the fascia in the area.


Remember, if the muscles are not “pumped”, then the stretching will proceed easily and calmly, otherwise the stretching will be quite difficult.

To recap this whole fucked up part: one set of stretches after every set you do per muscle group, in addition to obvious benefits in the development of flexibility, can have an incredible effect on the size of your muscles and their ability to grow further.

Well, it's time to move on to the practical part, namely ...

How to properly stretch your muscles: the best stretching exercises

I would like to start this subchapter with a visual component that clearly demonstrates the phenomenon of muscle stretching. Compare two images showing the same muscle group, the biceps brachii.

As you can see, the first one is much shorter and slightly runs over, the second one is a stretched, long biceps. It turns out that the longer it is, the more space for growth, so it can grow more powerful (higher, more voluminous).

Not many people know how to properly stretch their muscles, and all this is due to ignorance of the basic postulates and recommendations, which include:

  • warming up (raising body temperature) before anaerobic training and stretching is the main rule;
  • Stretch all major muscle groups (especially active those that you have to work on in training), systematically moving from one to another;
  • stretching should be done after a warm-up and after a workout, and if you work in the pumping style, then after each set;
  • studies have shown that best time retention stretching is a period in 30 seconds;
  • you should approach the extended position slowly and carefully, without sudden movements;
  • breathing during stretching should be slow and deep;
  • only after the expiration 4-6 weeks from the start of stretching, your body will agree to increase flexibility;
  • 3-5 Minutes of stretching after your workout will flush out the lactic acid residue from your muscles and bring them back to normal for daily activities.

As examples of stretching exercises, we will consider two types of stretching: active with weights and static. Let's start in order.

No. 1. Active stretching with weights

It consists in the fact that you perform your usual training program, but with a small "BUT" - the muscles work only in a fully stretched position. The following visual will serve as a good example:

Dumbbell layout on an inclined (angle up) bench to stretch the muscles of the chest.

Pullover with a dumbbell for the broadest.

Bending with a barbell while sitting (Scott's bench) for biceps.

French bench press for triceps.

Shrugs for shoulders and trapezium.

For hamstrings and lower back.

Lunges for quadriceps.

Raises on socks for the calf muscles.

Each of these exercises will allow you to drop the weight all the way down and really feel a deep stretch in the target muscles with every rep. The effect of stretching can be increased by delaying (for a few seconds) in the bottom position.


Human muscles can stretch up to 150% its length.

Next in line is…

No. 2. Static stretch

A classic of the genre, familiar to most people visiting the gym / fitness rooms. You do static stretching to the point of discomfort, and then hold the state of “pulling” for 30 seconds. Once your body gets used to this procedure, it will raise its pain threshold, allowing you to stretch deeper and longer.

Here are some exercises you can do while exercising (before/after/during):

Big and small chest muscle(hull rotation, failure of m / y supports, stretching with a Swedish wall).

back muscles (hanging on the crossbar, tilting the body to the side while holding the support, praying on the knees).

Muscles of the neck and shoulders (tilts to the sides, horizontal adduction, lock behind the back).

Arm muscles: biceps and triceps (vertical stretch, hanging on the bar with a supinated grip, hyperextension of the arm behind the head).

Muscles of the arms: forearms and hands (frontal extension of the fingers, flexion of the fingers from the lock position, flexion of the fingers of the hand with the help of the other).

Leg muscle group: quadriceps (knee flexion, hip flexion with knee support) and biceps femoris (hip extension with knee extended).

Muscle group of the leg: leg muscles (pulling arms to legs while sitting, stretching with emphasis on the heel).

Muscle group of the leg: buttocks (rotation of the hip lying on the floor, adduction of the hip while standing, flexion and internal rotation of the hip).

Muscle group of the leg: adductor muscles (hip abduction sitting/kneeling, with emphasis on the knees).

Abdominal muscles: straight / oblique (lying on the stomach with emphasis on the elbows, side slope with support for the support, bridge, tilts to the side while holding the body bar).

Actually, these are all stretching exercises. , which I would like to talk about, and which will be enough for your eyes to properly perform the tricks :).


Many underestimate stretching and rarely use it in their training program. However, you, my dear readers, now know what its strength is, and why this tool should be in the arsenal of people who want to build good muscle volumes.

That’s all for this, I’m glad that you spent this time usefully and moved one step closer to your goal - relief body your dreams!

PS. Don't forget about feedback through the comments, always glad to hear from you.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Stretching at home for twine is an integral part of the workout, thanks to which you will quickly achieve the desired result and at the same time maintain your health. In addition, such exercises will improve the condition of the genitourinary system, spine and intestines.

Twine is also a good preparation for expectant mothers (including those who are just planning a pregnancy).

Psychological preparation

Everyone wants to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: after how long will I sit on the twine?

It depends on several factors:

  • age;
  • gender (girls are genetically more flexible than boys);
  • genetics;
  • muscle coordination;
  • warm-up intensity;
  • initial flexibility;
  • proper stretching exercises.

Another important factor is the mood with which you train. To achieve a similar result in the human body, the structure of muscles, ligaments and joints must change. The duration of this process depends on your age and degree of preparation. For example, children will sit on the twine much faster than adults, since their body is not fully formed.

Advice! The most important thing to achieve the goal is not to try to achieve the desired result in a day or two. Before each workout, tune in to the fact that today you will do all the exercises a little better than yesterday. As a result, you are guaranteed to sit on the twine.

To be successful, be sure to keep a training diary. According to research, this psychological moment, which has nothing to do with physiology, really works. In addition, thanks to the records, you will be able to see your progress, which, in turn, will help you not to give up at a decisive moment.

Physical training

In order not to harm yourself when doing exercises, you need to warm up the body and muscles. One of the best ways to do this is a joint warm-up mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. The fact is that such training improves muscle coordination. At first, the effect is so imperceptible, but as a result it will bring great benefits.

Consider an example. During push-ups from the floor, triceps are involved. However, as you perform, you can feel how the biceps tighten. Such involvement of other muscles just indicates poor muscle coordination. The same thing happens during stretching - often just such “assistants” interfere with the splits.

To perform articular warm-up in all large joints, you need to perform circular movements in the maximum possible amplitude. Movements are made 15-20 times in each direction.

Advice! To achieve the maximum effect, you need to perform an articular warm-up from top to bottom: first, the cervical spine, then the wrist joints, elbow joints, shoulder girdle, lumbar, body, ankle, pelvis and knees.

Muscles can also be warmed up by running on a treadmill, cycling and jumping (with or without a rope). However, these exercises will not improve the muscular coordination required for splits. Therefore, it is best to prepare for exercises with the help of a joint warm-up.

What does it look like in practice? At the moment of maximum tension during stretching, take a deep breath and hold your breath a little. As a result, you will feel how the muscles give in and relax. When performing exercises, you must strictly adhere to the written instructions. Follow the golden rule of stretching at home: pull where it hurts until it stops.

To achieve the desired result, you need to take at least 30 seconds for each exercise. In this regard, the rule applies: the more - the better. However, each person has a psychological barrier, because of which it is difficult for him to remain in one position (even in the absence of pain). To achieve the desired result, you need to fight it.

Advice! To get the maximum effect, you need to train in the morning. One hour of morning stretching is equivalent to three hours in the evening.

Stretching exercises should be as varied as possible. Often, beginners cannot do the splits because of a couple of unstretched muscles, while their overall flexibility is above average. Even stretching will help you achieve the desired result faster. If you stretched one muscle group well, it will definitely help with other exercises.

We sit on the twine

There are several types of twine:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • sagging;
  • vertical;
  • on hands.

For each of them you need to perform certain exercises.

Advice!The best way achieve the desired result and improve health - move from simple to complex. In other words, you must first master the longitudinal twine, and then proceed to the study of the transverse, sagging, vertical and on the hands. When jumping from the first step to the third, you can damage the muscles or get injured.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

Since the longitudinal split uses the same muscles that work when walking, it is easiest to sit on it. To do this, perform the following exercises:

Lunge with one foot forward and bend it at the knee so that the foot is perpendicular to the floor. Rest on the floor with your palms on both sides, keep your head straight, look forward and spring for one minute. To do this, use the palms and muscles of the perineum.

While in the pose described above, align the body, arch your back, raise your arms and stretch as high as possible. This exercise stretches the legs and strengthens the muscles of the perineum. Breathing should be even and the face relaxed.

Lower the leg left behind to the knee, while the other should be perpendicular to the floor. Rest your palms (or fists, as you prefer) on the lower back and bend back. When performing this exercise, the head can be thrown back or kept straight.

Return to the original position (exercise number 1). Place your palms on either side of your bent knees with your toes facing each other. Stretch your chest towards the floor. When doing this exercise top part the torso should be parallel to the floor.

Take the same position as in the previous exercise, only stretch your chest and chin to the floor.

Return to the original pose. Gradually bring the knee of the "back" leg to the floor.

Advice! As you perform each exercise, watch your breathing and technique. Each time you will get better and better, and in the end you will sit on the twine.

We sit on the transverse twine

To master the transverse twine, do the following exercises:

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and rest your hands on your lower back. Slowly bend back trying to see your heels. If you put your hands on your stomach when performing, the abdominal muscles will be additionally worked out.

  • Straighten up, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and restore your breath. Then lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. Hands should be outstretched (for convenience, they can be closed into a lock). Look ahead.
  • Spread your legs so that your head and elbows fit between them. Next, bend down and rest your palms on the floor. When performing the exercise, you can not strain your back or neck. It is also forbidden to bend your knees. Slowly rock back and forth.
  • Perform the previous exercise, but with support on the forearms.
  • Stretch your arms up, turn your toes out and spread your legs wide.
  • Do a deep squat. In this case, the back should be relaxed and straight, and the knees should be widely spaced to the sides. Start with 8 sets and increase over time.
  • Take the same pose as in the previous exercise. While squatting, hold for 30 seconds and then rise. Please note: beginners are not immediately given this exercise.
  • Perform side lunges. When the exercise is easy, grab your ankles and reach for the floor. Start with 8 sets and increase every 2 weeks.

  • Place your feet as wide as possible and lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. In this case, you can lean on your elbows. Watch your breath: on the inlet, the muscles should tighten, and on the exhale, relax.
  • Do the same as in the previous exercise. Slowly lower your perineum and abdomen to the floor. Once you have succeeded, gradually straighten your pelvis, place your feet on your heels and straighten your back.

Advice! Do not underestimate preparatory exercises - they also have great benefits for the body. To development the following types twine can only be started after you have learned to sit perfectly on the longitudinal and transverse.


Proper nutrition will also help speed up the achievement of the goal and strengthen the stretched muscles. In this regard, one of the best means is fish oil. It is also recommended to add fatty amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 to the diet. Consume regularly linseed oil, nuts and eggs.

Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance in the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Add juicy fruits to your diet. To achieve the desired result faster, stop using salt. It can be replaced with seaweed, lemon juice, herbs and natural spices.

  • carrot;
  • nuts;
  • spinach;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruit;
  • berries (blueberries, blackberries, cherries and raspberries).

Advice! To prevent inflammatory processes in the joints, add vitamin complexes or products with high content calcium. At the same time, the recovery of the body should be uniform, so you need to eat protein foods throughout the day.


Proper stretching at home will help you sit on the twine. To do this, follow the basic rules:

  • breathe correctly;
  • perform the exercises technically correctly and smoothly;
  • stretching each muscle group should last at least 30 seconds;
  • diversified stretch;
  • exercise in the morning.

Also an important factor is proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude salt from the diet and add calcium-containing foods, berries, citrus fruits, carrots, nuts and spinach to it.

Before you start training, you need to prepare your body well. To do this, use all the same articular gymnastics mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. As a result, you will improve muscle coordination, without which it is impossible to sit on the splits.

Advice! Even with technically competent exercise, it is impossible to achieve the desired result if you are not psychologically prepared for training. The best way to fix this is to keep a diary in which you write down your daily progress and achievements. As a result, you will be able to monitor your progress.

And most importantly, don't compare yourself to others. The time after which you sit on the twine depends on many conditions: initial physical fitness, age, gender, and so on. It will be better if you compare yourself with yesterday's self. Such measures will help to focus on the results achieved, and not on what has not yet been achieved.

Also, do not forget about good sleep, which is at the heart of rapid muscle recovery. Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance - every day you need to drink at least two liters of water.