How to make a quickly embossed body? How to get a perfect body at home

The frosts have passed, and spring has come into its own, summer is just around the corner, and, consequently, the beach season. So now is the time to take care of your body. With very little effort, you can bring your body into good shape before the warm days come.


Nutrition and sleep

  1. Eat healthy food. Avoid unhealthy foods like chips, cakes, pizza, and ice cream. Your body will thank you for it. Eat foods with high content protein and fibre. Your meals should be fractional and frequent, at least 3-4 times a day.

    • Fruits and vegetables should be at the top of your daily diet. Give preference to brightly colored vegetables: beets, carrots, collard greens, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli. cook vegetable salads or eat vegetables with hummus if they don't taste good on their own.
    • Don't starve yourself. In fact, fasting prevents you from losing weight. When a person is starving, metabolic processes in the body slow down (the body saves energy). So if you want to drop excess weight, eat regularly and in small portions.
  2. Drink water instead of juice or soda, even if it says diet. Although you are promised zero calories in "diet" cola and similar drinks, they still prevent you from losing weight. If you're serious about getting in shape, drink only water (water is completely non-caloric).

    • If you don't drink enough water, always carry a bottle of water with you and drink as soon as you feel the slightest thirst. It will also help improve your complexion.
    • Eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet. This can be tricky, especially if you're used to drinking them, like a glass of red wine after work. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories. So, while a glass of wine may be healthy in other circumstances, it's not the best drink for those who want to lose weight.
  3. Sleep more. Sleep is the third important component on the path to weight loss. Many women (and men) work out a sweat in the gym, eat vegetarian meals, and despite all this, they do not see changes in their figure. If you want to lose weight - sleep! You need 7-9 hours of sleep.

    Physical exercise

    1. In the evening, before going to bed, go for a walk for 15-30 minutes. Walking will help you digest your dinner better and prevent heartburn.

      • You can listen to your favorite music while walking.
    2. Do cardio. This is a great way to burn calories and keep fit. The essence of cardio is to maintain a certain rhythm of the heartbeat, thereby burning more energy.

      • Start with half an hour of running for two weeks or cycling (at a faster pace). Gradually increase the load. If you notice that you can handle your chosen workload with ease, try increasing your time to one hour a day. Of course, this will affect the achievement of quick results.
      • If you are tired and having difficulty breathing, stop and rest for about one minute. But don't take too long breaks or your heart rate will slow down.
      • When your workout comes to an end, end it with a walk. Start at a fast pace, gradually slowing down towards the end. Don't forget to stretch before and after your workout.
    3. Take up walking. If you are not doing any physical exercise, force yourself to walk for at least 15 minutes a day. Walking is great way keep fit, and according to research, 15 minutes of daily walking can increase life expectancy by three years. So if you want to live longer and look better, go!

      • Skip the elevator - walk up the stairs. Climbing the stairs, you train the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
      • Get a pedometer (you can install the application on your smartphone). A pedometer is a device for counting the number of steps taken while walking. People who carry a pedometer with them tend to walk more.
      • Visit more often fresh air! The more you are outside, the more you walk. When the weather is good, go for a walk in lunch break and after dinner. If you have a dog, walk it longer in the morning; if there is a park nearby where you can have a picnic, use it!
    4. Train. Do exercises to strengthen your muscles. Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the forearm, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

      • Before training, do stretching exercises. By stretching, your body will become flexible, and you will easily perform the main part of the exercises. This will prepare the muscles for the load.
      • Start with 50 abdominal exercises. However, make sure that you perform these exercises correctly, the result directly depends on this. While doing the exercise on the press, keep your hands on your chest. Rise with your abs, not with your back. As soon as your shoulder blades touch the floor, return to the starting position.
      • Push up! Do as many sets as possible. On an inhale, bend your elbows to right angle going down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
      • Perform leg raises for abdominals. This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles by lifting fully extended legs. Also, the body remains motionless throughout the exercise. The legs from the starting position (parallel to the floor) rise upwards with a smooth movement, the hands perform only a stabilizing role. While doing this exercise, it is possible to use weighting agents to increase the load.
      • Do the Superman exercise. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms forward. The head is slightly raised. This will be your starting position. Tightening your back muscles, lift your legs and chest off the floor and raise them as high as you can. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position and rest for 5 seconds. Then repeat the exercise again. Do 10 sets in total.
      • Do exercises with dumbbells. When you first start to swing, it is difficult to determine how much weight you need. Start with eight repetitions and gradually increase the number to twelve.
    • Drink a cup before breakfast warm water with lemon juice. Thanks to this, you start the metabolic processes in the body. Alternatively, you can use green tea.
    • When doing physical exercises, and in particular when running, watch your breathing: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Special meaning at the same time, they have an increase in lung capacity, maximum ventilation of the lungs, training of the strength of inhalation and exhalation. All these indicators are very important for a person and significantly affect the supply of oxygen to our body. If you find it difficult to breathe while running, you need to reduce the load and maintain a slower running pace.
    • Know your limits. As experience shows, excessive activity in any activity often does not bring the desired results. Each of us has our own limits. Be realistic and don't overdo your workouts. It is unlikely that this will positively affect further classes and the overall result.
    • If you want results, don't expect them too soon. As a rule, you will be able to see the first results after six weeks of intensive training and following a healthy diet.
    • If you find it difficult to do flexibility exercises, try doing them until you feel uncomfortable, then relax. Repeat the exercise again, and each time try to increase the load.
    • When doing cardio exercises at home, you should consider purchasing a heart rate monitor. The heart rate monitor can be purchased from the online store. Thanks to this device, you will be able to avoid injuries, as well as control the load.


    • Never starve yourself. This is not only unhealthy, but also reduces the body's ability to fight excess weight.
    • Always do stretching exercises before starting the main part of your workout. This will prevent tearing of the ligaments and tendons.

Stop swinging your mouse
start pumping muscles

Or will you convince yourself that you don't have time?

Yes, your time is worth a lot. And it is always missing. Is it worth spending on exercise? Of course, it is worth it, your health and figure is a very important thing. But what takes the time when you rock? On the way to the gym and back, to changing clothes and talking with "colleagues" and so on.

Given that you need to exercise regularly, taking care of your body can completely deprive you of free time. That is why on initial stage you can start exercising at home.

Doing exercises at home has several advantages:

You are exercising, and not wasting time on the road to the gym;

You swing regularly;

You can get in shape fairly quickly;

“Experienced” strangers don’t stare at you.

But there are also a few downsides. For example, you need to find out how and what exercises to perform in order to get in shape as quickly as possible. Read this article and you will learn about exercises that will help you quickly pump up at home.

How to get cubes?

Women really love cubes on their stomachs and it's hard to argue with that. Therefore, many men from the very beginning rush strenuously to perform twisting and lifting their legs. But the effectiveness of such exercises is too small - only 1/4 of the necessary muscles are involved. If you have 5 minutes, then it can be fixed.

It is necessary to perform the following exercises in a row without rest.

front bar

What to do: Stand on your elbows, straighten your body and hips. Pull in your stomach, tighten your buttocks and freeze in this position for 30 seconds.

side plank

What to do: Stand on one elbow so that the body is half-sided, and the forearm is at right angles to the body. For 30 seconds, bring the body into one line, while pulling in the stomach. And immediately approach for the other side without rest.

Twisting on fitball

What to do: Lie on the ball in a position with the body and hips parallel to the floor, feet wider than shoulders, and hands on the back of the head. Now we perform standard twisting, that is, what is popularly called "download the press." Please note that the main thing in twisting is muscle tension, so you do not need to reach your knees with your chin. When you come back, try to arch your back a little to straighten your rectus abdominis. Do 15 times.

Reverse crunches

What to do: Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your legs up perpendicular to the floor and bend them at the knees at a right angle. Pull your knees to your shoulders 15 times. You can slightly tear off the pelvis from the floor.

How to improve your posture

8 hours a day at the keyboard? Great workout for a crooked back and bad posture. Is this what you were after? For your posture, the “cobra” exercise is suitable.

What to do: Lie face down on the floor, legs together, and stretch your arms along the body. Now slowly bend at the waist and lift your chest and knees off the floor. Perform this exercise by tensing your back muscles and buttocks. At the same time, bring the shoulder blades together and simultaneously turn the palms thumbs into the ceiling. Freeze in this position for 1 minute, and then rest for the same amount. You need to do 2-3 repetitions.

How to pump up your back at home

For these purposes, at home, pulling up or pulling a dumbbell in an incline is suitable.

pull up

What to do: Hang on the horizontal bar with a direct grip (palms towards you), hands shoulder-width apart. In order to build muscle, perform this exercise evenly, without jerking, both on the ascent and descent.

Change your grip, and put your hands one and a half shoulder-width apart and perform the same number of pull-ups. It is important to mentally distribute how many times you are going to do pull-ups. Three or more pull-ups are considered effective. After you can do 15 pull-ups, you need to think about weighting.

Incline dumbbell row

What to do: Put it on flat surface left knee and left palm and take a dumbbell in your right hand. The back needs to be straightened and slightly bent. Bring the shoulder blades and pull the dumbbell towards you.
A common mistake for beginners is that they use only the muscles of the arm in this exercise. Need to pay Special attention to the work of the muscles of the back. Repeat as many times as needed.

What not to do

Many men who want to keep their body in good shape or pump up make beginner mistakes. Read the following few points to save your time and increase your exercise efficiency.

Refusal to warm up

Whatever you do, take the first few minutes to warm up. The warm-up time recommended by professional trainers for their wards is from 15 minutes. Studies have shown that those who start exercising after warming up have a 46% lower risk of injury.

Too much big weight

First of all, determine what you need: healthy body, pumped up muscles or "demonstration" performances. If you are thinking about your body, then you need to make an effort to get a really worthwhile result in a couple of months. And this is when women turn around on the beach, and fat men look away.

Therefore, start with a small weight and gradually increase. Especially at home when no one is watching you. If you approach the loads systematically, then after a couple of weeks you will feel how the muscles begin to grow.

Performing exercises "IN RELAXATION"

Common truth: the exercise is much more effective if it is performed from beginning to end. If you perform the exercise anyhow, then the load goes to different muscles, and you significantly postpone the time when you can have a healthy and beautiful body.

One more moment. It is especially bad to “drop”: drop hands and shells, fall with the body after the exercise. Because in this case, you lose half the benefit of the "buildup".

Irregular training

Infrequent intense training is just stress for the body and this is very good. Because you can do without hard, exhausting activities, and concentrate on doing a regular program regularly.

A healthy and beautiful body is achieved by constant exercises and a thoughtful program. Therefore, you can purchase individual trainers and perform some tasks during your daily tasks. For example, quite often people proofread documents on a treadmill.

Why Championship Programs Don't Work for You

What an experienced beefy man can work into gym 3 hours 6 days a week doesn't mean you can do it too. It is necessary to take into account the genetic predisposition, human complexion and many other factors. Therefore, you yourself must consider what is needed and refuse to blindly follow the path of the “champion”.

How much rest do you need

For the correct "buildup" of muscles good rest need nothing less than regular exercise. Bodybuilders sleep for 10 hours so that the muscles have time to renew themselves. You will also benefit from a good rest.

Is it difficult to eat like a jock?

Your first priority is a beautiful body. Therefore, you need to clearly understand that a beautiful body will not grow out of thin air. In order for your muscles to constantly grow, you need to provide them with “building materials”. Is a beautiful and healthy body bad reason to start eating right? It's a lot easier than you think, especially in big city– most of the products for good nutrition can be obtained in the nearest supermarket.


Getting a pumped up body is so easy - the main thing is to start right now

Every modern person wants to look slim and fit, so that all muscle groups are harmoniously developed and the body is always in good shape. But not everyone is ready to make the effort to achieve this. You can achieve a toned embossed body with the help of special training and special nutrition. The main goal in this case is to burn fat reserves and strengthen muscles. Today we will find out how to make a relief body in the shortest possible time.

What is relief?

To begin with, let's figure out what a relief is in general. So, according to sports canons, a relief body must meet the following requirements:

1. Low level of subcutaneous fat deposits (up to 10% of body weight).

2. Rigidity of muscles.

3. Separation and definition.

The most important thing in the relief is, of course, the percentage of fat. As you know, everyone has muscles, and they are developed exactly as much as how actively a person works every day. By nature, it is laid down so that the muscles adapt to the load that the body experiences. Therefore, if a person daily engages in heavy physical labor, his muscles grow. Thus, we can conclude that absolutely everyone has some kind of muscular corset. Only here in many it is overgrown with a layer of fat.

Therefore, the first task in achieving relief is burning excess subcutaneous fat. The second goal is to achieve the required rigidity by the muscles. This is necessary so that they look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. During the period of mass gain, the muscles, on the contrary, become larger, but due to high level liquids look loose in them. Therefore, professionals alternate mass gain with work on relief (drying).

Well, the last task is to achieve separation, definition and depth of muscles. It should be noted right away that these criteria are needed only by athletes who compete in competitions. Moreover, methods to achieve these parameters often run counter to health. To an ordinary person who wants to have a healthy, sculpted body, such extremes are completely useless, so we will leave them for professionals. Having dealt with the terminology and issues, we turn to the consideration of the basic components of training for relief.


To use lipolysis (fat breakdown) as an energy exchange, it is best to use cardio loads (they are also aerobic). Unlike strength training, during which anaerobic glycolysis occurs, the duration of cardio can be much longer. for example bench press, done 1-2 minutes. During this time, only glycogen is burned in the muscles. There is simply not enough power for more. Therefore, when compiling a training program for relief, you should definitely include cardio loads in it.

The volume of these loads varies depending on your condition, from 20 minutes to an hour. Any type of cardio equipment will help to make the body more embossed: steppers, Treadmills, ellipsoids, exercise bikes and others. And even better - running in the fresh air, brisk walking or cycling. The choice is yours. The main thing is that during cardio training the pulse should be in the range of 130-170 beats per minute.

One or two cardio workouts a week will be enough to boost your metabolism, strengthen your ligaments, increase blood flow, and burn some fat. But for everything to work out, you need not feel sorry for yourself and work hard. Not at the expense of health, of course, but in defiance of laziness.

Basic or multi-rep exercises?

Let's find out how to perform exercises to make a beautiful sculpted body. Of course, you can include all types of exercises in your program. After all, honing the relief does not contradict the increase in the functional qualities of the body. However, it must be done in a special manner. Due to the restriction on carbohydrates, you will not be able to overcome your usual weight. Therefore, the “base” should be performed with 60-80% of the standard weight.


You need to start the relief program when you have already gained enough muscle mass, because part of it will go away. Therefore, there should be a lot of muscles before that. Relief work is a rather difficult test for everyone, because losing precious grams of muscle is quite a shame. Especially if they were achieved by hard work. But there is no other way.

Training principles

Relief training is distinguished, firstly, by high intensity and, secondly, large quantity repetitions in each set. This approach allows you to burn much more calories than gaining mass when slowly doing exercises with big weights. To further enhance the effect of training, the pumping technique is used. She means continuous work. That is, in each set, when the muscle is tired, work continues without interruption, but with less weight. Pumping gives the same “pumping” effect and allows you to actively burn calories. The "drying" program can last 4-9 weeks, depending on the characteristics of a particular athlete. sticking to simple rules, you can make training the most effective:

1. In the exercises should be used average weight, and not the maximum, as with weight gain.

2. Using supersets - performing several exercises in one set. Allows you to work out all the muscles of a certain muscle group or antagonist muscles at once. An example of a superset for the muscles of the shoulder: (the front beam of the shoulder works), abduction of the arm to the side (middle beam), abduction of the arm in an inclination (rear beam).

3. The use of dropsets (pumping) - a gradual weight loss of 20% within one approach. Usually the weight is reduced 4-5 times. This speeds up blood flow and metabolism in muscle tissues and allows you to work out the target muscle group as much as possible.

4. Small breaks between sets - 1.5-2 minutes.

5. Full sleep and 1-2 days off.

Example of a training program

All the exercises that will be listed below can be combined into supersets. Also, each workout should include dropsets in the second or third set of a particular exercise. In general, exercises should be performed in three sets, 12-15 times. The first approach is for warming up, and the other two are for working out the muscles.

So, let's look at an example of a training program.

Monday (back, chest and abs)

1. Bench press, lying on the bench.

2. Incline bench press.

3. Deadlift.

4. Crossovers.

5. Pull-ups (3 sets of the maximum number once).

6. Exercises for the press (here you can choose 3 exercises at your own discretion, it is desirable that they work out different parts of the muscle group).

Tuesday (arms, shoulders, abs)

1. Lifting the bar while standing.

2. Lifting the bar on the Scott bench.

3. Hammer bends.

6. Block pull for triceps.

7. French press.

8. Working out the upper press.

Wednesday (shoulders, arms)

1. Rod pull to the chin.

2. Taking the dumbbells back.

3. Push-ups on the uneven bars.

4. Bench press behind the head.

5. Arnold press.

6. Working out the side press.

Thursday (back, chest, abs)

1. Deadlift.

2. Pull-ups with a wide grip.

3. Traction of the block behind the head.

4. Dumbbell bench press.

5. Wiring dumbbells on the bench.

6. Crossovers.

7. Working out the lower press.

Friday (abs, legs)

1. Exercises for all departments of the press.

2. Barbell squats.

3. Leg press.

4. Extension and flexion of the legs (on the simulator).

Saturday (legs, abs, arms)

1. Barbell squats.

2. Leg press.

3. Sumo type squats.

5. Lifting the barbell on the Scott bench.

6. Working out the upper press.

Sunday (isolation exercises)

1. Study of all departments of the press.

2. Lifting the bar with the hands.

4. Working out the calf muscles.

After a week of training, you need to rest for 1-2 days and start all over again.

Nutrition Features

If you want a lean body, hard training and cardio will not be enough. Another critical ingredient for success is proper nutrition. Meals should be high in protein, with a reduced amount of carbohydrates. There should be about 6 per day small tricks food. This mode will support high pace metabolism.

The calorie content of consumed foods should be reduced by 10-30%, depending on the ability of your body to burn fat. Cutting the diet is primarily due to confectionery, flour products and other fast carbohydrates. The proportion of carbohydrates in the diet should be at least 40%, vegetable fat - 10%, and everything else - protein. Do not forget about the saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency leads to muscle breakdown. To reduce the load on gastrointestinal tract, you can use nutritional sports supplements as a source of protein. They do not harm the body, but only give it concentrated protein. It is important to drink plenty of water per day (at least 3 liters). Its deficiency will lead to a slowdown in metabolism and slow weight loss, and can also increase the load on the heart.

It is advisable to use such foods in the diet: vegetables and fruits, legumes, fish, various cereals, low-fat dairy products, eggs, lean meat and poultry.

The amount of food you eat depends on total mass athlete, the body's ability to and metabolic rate. The main thing is not to overeat and feel your body.

Relief body at home

It is more difficult to achieve a quick result at home, since special simulators are needed for exercises. However, if you have dumbbells, a horizontal bar and parallel bars (the last two shells can be found in the yard), then everything will work out. The fact is that many exercises using simulators can be replaced by others. For example, the bench press is replaced by push-ups, the pull of the upper block is replaced by pull-ups, dumbbells can be used instead of a barbell, and so on. Therefore, if you really want to make a relief body, there will be no obstacles in your way. The main thing is your desire and perseverance.

There are no fundamental differences between male and female training. Women's training can be more gentle, since a girl does not have to make all muscle groups expressive. Well, one more small difference is your favorite muscles, in girls they are not the same as in men. Nevertheless, you should not get carried away with any one muscle group, the body should develop harmoniously!


So, we figured out what needs to be done to make the body embossed. The relief implies three leaving. This is an aerobic balanced diet and workout. The embossed body is worth the effort. So get started quickly! And let the relief bodies of men and women shown in the photo above become your motivation.

What do we mean when we say "model" a figure? Our figure like raw clay. With effort, we can make her slim and fit, while maintaining seductive roundness. It is important to strive to get a healthy and strong body, with toned muscles and.

To achieve this goal, we must act both from within and from without.

Find out in this article the 7 most effective advice how to "model" a figure in a natural way, and get graceful silhouette once and for all.

A beautiful figure does not necessarily imply thinness

There is a common belief that a beautiful figure is necessarily thin.

However, the silhouette trend with healthy roundness is gaining momentum. Unlike model thinness, this seductive silhouette speaks of health and energy.

The female body “with forms” is again in fashion, which is not prone to excessive thinness, but also does not have extra pounds. This is the result balanced diet and regular exercise.

The perfect silhouette: how to "model" the figure

The ideal silhouette largely depends on the constitution. This does not mean that you need to strive for a figure "like that actress." No, we must strive best version themselves.

These tips will help you in this difficult task. A beautiful, strong body with nice roundness where it's needed and with muscle instead of fat is already waiting for you.

1. Learn to eat right

This does not mean that you only need to cut calories or fat. Rather, when choosing food, you should follow some advice. It's undeniable will have a positive effect on your figure.

  • Try to healthy food was your pleasure.
  • Do not eat "to the eyeballs", stop at the level of 80%. This will help you have a narrower waist.
  • Chew your food well.
  • Drink plenty of water between meals.
  • Choose natural products, not.
  • Your diet should include healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, red fish, eggs, and olive and coconut oils.

2. Maintain inner harmony

The state in which we are emotionally and psychologically is also reflected in our appearance.

For this reason, we must take care of our nervous system especially in disorders such as anxiety, irritability, stress or insomnia.

Can be used medicinal plants for relaxation or therapy techniques (yoga). More intense exercise can also bring relaxation.

If you are a supporter of homeopathy, try complex therapy from essential oils- Bach flowers.

3. Take care of hormonal balance

Hormones can change the shape of bodies. Their imbalance leads to the accumulation of fat in places such as the hips, waist or chest.

If you suffer from a hormonal disorder that manifests itself in painful or irregular periods, cysts, you may need to resort to some methods of natural and traditional treatment.

It will also help you get closer to your dream figure.

Here are some of the more common means:

  • evening primrose oil
  • Sage
  • wild yam
  • radish

4. Fight swelling

Fluid retention also leads to the fact that our figure is deformed.. This happens due to water retention and the appearance of swelling of the legs, abdomen or face.

To combat swelling, follow these tips:

  • Reduce salt intake, eliminate table salt from your diet. Use sea or .
  • Drink more water and homemade fruit and vegetable juices throughout the day.
  • Drink an infusion based on horsetail, burdock and dandelion.

5. Tone and firm the body

Physical exercise is necessary to replace muscle and shape those parts of the body that we want to be nicely rounded, but not flabby.

Sport will help to "model" the figure: get more wide hips or bulging buttocks.

Most suitable high-intensity exercises: interval training or cross-fit.

6. Don't Forget About Good Posture

Poor posture can twist our spine and body in general.

If you have such a problem, then try corrective therapy: Pilates, Shiatsu, etc. Also pay attention to how you sit, walk and stand.

7. Stretch Every Day

Stretching will help improve posture and enhance the positive impact of sport. In addition, flexibility gives us more energy and vitality.

Never forget to stretch, especially the back and other parts of the body where you feel pain.

It is possible and necessary. There are many sets of exercises for the figure. But even if you do not need to remove extra pounds, you want to have a beautiful and toned body. You can get results within a month. How? Just do 7 .


The most popular and easiest exercise for beautiful figure- plank. It does not need to squat up to a sweat - just get it right. The plank strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, front of the thigh.

Push ups

Push ups - necessary element in a complex of exercises for a beautiful figure. Thanks to push-ups, you will put your arms and abs in order. Do not forget that with this exercise, the back, pelvis and legs should create a straight line.

Exercise for the hips and buttocks

Start with a kneeling and handstand. Then raise your right leg and left arm in a straight line. Do the same with the left leg and right hand. This exercise for a beautiful figure will make your hips and buttocks perfect.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower yourself, imagining that you are sitting on a chair. Try to "plant" the coccyx as far as possible so that during this exercise for a good figure, the leg from the feet to the knees is a straight line perpendicular to the floor and does not move. For convenience, pull forward.

Exercise for the press

Exercise for a beautiful waist

Take the ball in your hands or weave your palms into the castle. Spread your legs wide and squat a little. For convenience, stand near the wall, leaning against it with your back. Slowly move your hands to the right side until it stops - you need to touch the wall. Then repeat the same on the left side.

How to do body exercises

These 7 exercises for a beautiful figure are easy to do at home. To create" perfect body for a month, you need to follow the plan. In the first week, do six days of figure exercises: plank 2 minutes, push-ups, hips, buttocks, abs and waist exercises for 1 minute and complete the set of exercises for the figure with a 2-minute plank. Do the same complex in the third week. The second and fourth weeks you need to train for six days and alternate two sets of exercises for the figure. First: plank, abs, hips and buttocks for 3 minutes. Second: waist, push-ups, press and buttocks, too, for 3 minutes.