How to get rid of unnecessary things? How to get rid of extra pounds

Dr. Dukan has been involved in weight loss issues for almost 30 years. Tens of thousands of overweight people visited his office. Helping them to find a dream figure, the French doctor developed a special "mode" of weight loss. He never tires of repeating: you can get rid of extra pounds and be full at the same time - after all, you can eat as much as you want.

It is conditionally divided into four stages, for each of which the nutritionist has developed a special menu.


The first stage is called the Attack Stage. To attack a losing weight person needs excess fat in his body. Kilograms during this period should leave very quickly, and the stage can last from 2 to 10 days. The duration depends on how much excess weight you have. If it is less than 5 kg, the "attack" will only last 2 days. If from 5 to 10 kg - this stage will take from 2 to 5 days. More than 10 kg - from 5 to 7 days. More than 30 kg - 10 days.

The basic principle of this stage: you can eat at any time of the day or night, without limiting portion sizes, but only protein foods:

Any lean meat: veal, beef, rabbit ... You need to cook them without oil. Pork and lamb are not to be eaten.

A bird, except for a goose and a duck, - of course, without skin.

Offal: tongue, liver, kidneys, heart.

Any fish, including oily, smoked or cooked own juice as well as seafood.

Dairy products with zero fat content and without fruit additives.

Eggs. Proteins can be eaten without restrictions, yolks - no more than 2 per day.

As a condiment, the diet allows small amounts of lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, cumin, parsley, onion, soy sauce, mustard and salt.

A mandatory part of the program is the consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day. This volume also includes tea and coffee without sugar, you can sweeten them with zero-calorie sweeteners. And the doctor prescribes to include in the diet 1.5 tbsp. spoons of oat bran - for good digestion. And be sure to walk or exercise at least 20 minutes a day.

Thanks to all these activities, you can lose up to 6 kg in a fairly short period (of course, if the excess weight is large). Got less? It's okay - go to the second stage anyway. You should not “sit” on pure protein for more than 10 days - this can negatively affect metabolism.

It's time for the road

The second stage of the diet is called "Cruise". The weight loss journey should continue until you reach your desired weight. Usually it takes from 2 to 6 months: about a kilogram is spent every week.

The basic principle of this stage is the alternation of protein dishes with vegetables. One day you eat the same as at the “attack stage”, the next you add cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes or other fruits to the menu, then again a day on protein ... You can alternate protein and protein-vegetable days according to the scheme 2⁄2, 3 ⁄3 or even 5⁄5, but the daily change is most easily tolerated by the body.

Vegetables can be eaten fresh, steamed or boiled. But - not all: fruits with high content starch during the "cruise" are unacceptable.

Prohibited: beans (in the form of beans), peas, lentils, corn, potatoes, olives and black olives, all cereals, avocados.

Allowed: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, radishes, green beans, pumpkin, soybeans, celery, spinach, all types of lettuce, onions, zucchini and eggplant. You can eat carrots and beets, but little by little and not every day: they contain a lot of natural sugars.

It is allowed to season vegetable salads with low-fat sauces. You can also afford 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup and a glass of fat-free yogurt with fruit. Bran intake should be increased to 2 tbsp. spoons a day. And walks "stretch" at least up to 30 minutes.

Stability first

The next phase of the diet is called Consolidation. Its main goal is to make the result of losing weight stable. To begin with, it is worth calculating how long this stage should last. Take 10 days to "fix" each kilogram previously lost. If you lost 5 kg, "consolidation" will last 50 days, if you lost 35 kg - almost a year.

The basis of the diet at this time should continue to be protein foods and vegetables, and the amount of bran increases to 2.5 tbsp. spoons. To all this you need to add 2 slices of whole grain bread, 40 g of hard cheese not higher than 40% fat and 1 serving of fruit. A serving means 1 apple, or 1 orange, or 200 g of berries. And at the same time, he advises avoiding bananas, grapes, figs and cherries - they are too sweet.

Once a week, at the third stage, pork or other fatty meats can be included in the menu.

The list of permitted also includes products containing starch: pasta, cereals, legumes, rice and potatoes. However, you can't eat them every day. Divide the time allotted for the “consolidation” phase in half. In the first half, eat one starchy meal per week, in the second - two. A serving of pasta, cereals (including brown rice) and legumes should weigh an average of about 200 g. A serving of potatoes and white rice- no more than 125 g. Of course, it is impossible to fry cereals and potatoes - only boil or bake in foil without oil.

Another nice innovation of the third stage is the ability to periodically arrange a "holiday of the soul". So Pierre Dukan calls meals during which you can afford everything you want - any soup, second course and even dessert. In the first half of the "consolidation" phase, such a feast can be arranged once a week, in the second - twice. But the holiday should not stretch for the whole day: limit yourself to only one meal. At the same time, you can’t pamper yourself for two days in a row, just like taking a supplement.

And finally, especially important detail: in the third phase, there must be 1 day during which you will eat only protein (as in the first stage). Dr. Dukan recommends doing this on a Thursday: mid-week restrictions are best tolerated.

New life

The fourth stage "Stabilization" is the longest: ideally, it should last a lifetime. During it, you can afford any products you want. But - do not rush for hamburgers and chocolates. Before indulging in excesses, it is necessary to follow all the rules of the third stage. Eat vegetables and protein unlimited quantities, fruit - one a day, cheese - a little, two slices of whole grain bread, 3 tablespoons of bran, starchy meals - a couple of times a week. Thursday, again, should be exclusively protein - this will help keep the metabolism in good shape and remove excess water from the body in a timely manner. Most likely, observing all these conditions, you will not eat a lot of high-calorie foods. And if this nevertheless happened during some holiday, Dr. Dukan recommends spending two instead of one fasting day on protein products - and the figure will be in order.

Beware of contraindications!

To date, adhere to people in almost a hundred countries around the world. However, not so long ago, representatives of the British Dietetic Association said that this diet can be harmful to health. Those who managed to lose weight “with Dukan” (and these are not even thousands, but millions of people), only smile ironically in response: weight loss did not worsen, but improved their well-being. However, the diet does have a number of contraindications.

Any kidney problems. Protein food, on which the main bet is made in the diet, greatly increases the load on this organ.

Hypertension or high cholesterol levels in the blood. Most of the protein products in - animal origin. They always contain fat, which is dangerous for blood vessels and, if used frequently, can lead to atherosclerosis.

Tendency to depression or very high intellectual loads. Our brain feeds on glucose, which enters the body only with carbohydrate foods. At the first two stages of the program, its content in the menu is reduced to a minimum. Because of this, performance may decrease and mood deteriorate. If you feel a lack of energy, the diet should be abandoned.

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question - you can get rid of excess weight quickly and permanently only if you seriously and wisely take up this topic. Does not exist ready-made solutions suitable for everyone, because excess weight is a very individual problem, but there are common points!

get rid of excess weight

The most important rule of really working weight loss is the rejection of harsh diets. "Three days on buckwheat and green tea" works for the next three days, after which the weight returns in double volume.

Rigid diets and food restrictions will not help you quickly put yourself in order - you will be blown away, plant your health, and then the pendulum will swing back, and all the suffering will be in vain.

The only way really get rid of excess weight - change the worldview and eating habits, once and for all. Excess weight you are tormented for a reason, there is a reason why you have gained extra pounds - it can be psychological trauma, or stress, or just plain laziness and inability (and unwillingness) to cook healthy and tasty meals.

Deal with the cause, not the effect. Once you find the reason why you are gaining weight and remove it from your life, you will immediately begin to lose weight. Here you will see.

Learn to cook

It is also not easy - to take and change the usual routine, learn how to cook new dishes, spend time searching for information about different products. But without this, you will not be able to lose weight quickly and once and for all.

As long as you have fat and sweets in your fridge or cupboard, you will eat fatty and sweets. And it will settle, we all know in what places. The only way to break this vicious cycle is not to buy or keep in your home that results in excess weight. That is, learn to buy other food and cook another food. Not only your butt, but also your loved ones will thank you.

If you need culinary ideas, then head here.

Understand your metabolism

There is different types people - those who have a high metabolic rate (these people quickly burn everything they consume), and those who have a lower rate (their body does not have time to cope with calories and saves them until better times). The first group rarely suffers from excess weight, but the second most often has reserves that they want to get rid of.

Even if you belong to the second group, there are ways to increase your metabolism and foods that affect the rate at which you burn calories, such as ginseng or ginger. Introduce them into your diet to slightly disperse natural capabilities. Try it - one shake a day works wonders!

Deal with sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, then you will not succeed in losing weight quickly and efficiently, this is a fact. Excess weight is often the result of sleep disorders, we seize fatigue with calories.

If you suffer from insomnia, then you first need a full recovery, and only then take on a change in eating habits.

Add passive sports

"Passive sport" sounds strange, but it's really just an activity during the day, the level of which you can significantly increase. The easiest way is to start walking more, for example, make it a habit to make

If you don't have a home free space and all closets, pantries and balconies are filled with old, but necessary (in your opinion) things, if you are burdened by boring relationships that are exhausting, but give nothing in return, if you spend a lot of time on absolutely useless things, not understanding why you you do it, it means that I wrote the article “How to get rid of unnecessary things” just for you! And as you already understood, we are talking not only about material things, but also about everything that “clutters up” your life and prevents you from developing.

One of the laws of the Universe, tested on the experience of millions of people, says: "Until you get rid of the old, you will not have anything new." After all, there is simply nowhere for him to appear! And it doesn't matter if we are talking about a new dress, a long-awaited job or a desired man, the result is the same. Let's look at how to get rid of unnecessary things, and what exactly are blocking the energy of abundance and happiness in your life:

1. old junk, the examination of which is usually accompanied by a deep sigh and the words: “What if it comes in handy someday” or: “It’s a pity to throw it away.” Understand that things that are not used for a long time create a stagnation of energy, and prosperity will never be found in such a house. The new can only appear after you make room for it and invite it into your home, and not as many people think: “When the new appears, then I’ll figure out where to put the old.” You will be waiting for a long time, I assure you! In addition, studying the metaphysical causes of disease, I came to the conclusion that excessive attachment to the old and unnecessary is fraught with constipation. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! After all, the inability to get rid of rubbish that has served its purpose in life is similar in nature to the inability of the body to get rid of unnecessary, already processed food. Now that you understand what your frugality is leading to, take a big box, put all your old stuff in there and throw it away!

2. Clothes you haven't worn in a year or more. If you haven't used clothes for a whole year, it means that for some reason you were not attracted to them. Or rather, I even know why. Clothing has its own energy and when you put on a new outfit that you like, you are charged from it and feel a surge of strength. When you wear it for too long, it is depleted of energy and every time you choose what to wear, you choose something else. And at the same time, the thing can look quite decent and beautiful. Here throw out the hand and does not rise. But it’s not necessary to throw it away, you can alter clothes by making shorts out of trousers or a skirt out of a dress, you can give it to families in need, finally sell it!

3. Outdated relationships. Speaking of how to get rid of unnecessary things, we even touch on your personal life. After all, how often do we suffer from obsolete relationships, but we cannot cut them off, either because we are afraid to be left without anything at all (better a titmouse in our hands than a crane in the sky), or because we feel sorry for the soul mate ( old suitcase It's hard to carry, but it's a pity to throw it away). Many console themselves with the illusion that when another man meets on the way, then I will break with the past. But here the situation is the same as with the old trash - while the place next to you is occupied, other men will pass by. So stop clinging to things that don't make you happy! This point, by the way, concerns not only love relationship, but also friendly. After all, it happens that the paths with old friends diverge, interests have long been different, the level of development, for example, is also the same, and you are all friends out of habit. Such friendship strains you, exhausts you and gives you not pleasure, but irritation. Therefore, do not force yourself, if for some reason you do not like to communicate with a person - do not communicate!

4. Hated job. Most of the time we sleep and spend at work. Just imagine what you spend your life doing if you go to a job that you don't like! On the negative emotions, experiences, Bad mood and bad thoughts. Usually we do not do what we like because we do not believe in ourselves, we do not believe that we deserve another, we have erroneous judgments and stereotypes in life. The fear of not finding another job, of being left without money, not only slows us down in your development, but also makes us unhappy, depressed and sick. After all, if day after day we force ourselves to do what we hate, in the end, our body will rebel! He will not indulge our fear and self-doubt. And then diseases of the legs will begin (they lead us to work), the musculoskeletal system (it’s hard to carry the burden of hatred for every day), visual impairment (because we don’t like what we see in our lives). Stop torturing yourself! And quit, believing in a better future!

5. Old grievances. If you are thinking about how to get rid of unnecessary things, then you should get rid of old grievances in general in the first place. More precisely, work them out and forgive. Neither old things nor obsolete relationships will cause us such harm as resentment. They live inside us and slowly eat the body. Psychosomatics has proven that it is long grievances that cause cancer, so right now remember everyone who has ever offended you greatly. Forgive them, because resentment against another is a poison that you yourself drink!

let's start New Year from scratch, emptying your closets, creating your life and opening your souls to new things, relationships and emotions!

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

If you have any questions while reading the article, you can ask me. I will answer you with pleasure!

90% rule

The 90% rule can be applied to any choice or dilemma. Rate options on a scale from 0 to 100. If a particular option scores below 90, discard it. Such a criterion forces you to choose ideal opportunities, rather than let other people or the universe do it for you.

extra "yes"

Unable to refuse people, we say “yes” more often than we would like. Time for tasks goes irrevocably, and the feeling of joy from them is zero.

Here is one exercise that will help say “no”: put a string in your pocket in the morning. Every time you say “no” clearly and clearly, tie a knot in it. In the evening, summarize: if you count five knots, you can no longer do this exercise.

When we are nervous, afraid and stressed, we move faster. And you have to slow down. Only one yawn will help. It will signal the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for relaxation, that the danger has passed, and help to calm down.

Our memory is under tremendous overload: work issues, household chores, meetings ... As a result, we cannot fill even an elementary shopping list. To put things in order in the mind will help the method of contemplation of the point. Pick a point on a wall or piece of paper and focus on it. Your attention will jump from side to side - do not resist it, but on the contrary - encourage it. Each time you notice that you are distracted from this point, write down what distracted you and return back to the point. This will give you a list of what else matters to you and needs to be either cleaned up or resolved.


How to eat right, but not torment yourself with debilitating diets? No need to weigh your food, count calories, or study ingredients - just balance the contents of your plate. Two or even three-quarters of a balanced plate should consist of plant foods - fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts and whole grains. If you work hard to adequately fill this part of the plate, the rest of the solutions will not work. of special importance and those extra pounds will go away.

Facebook friends

Draw six concentric circles on your notebook. The center circle is you. Name the rest: day, week, month, year, other. Enter in the circle of friends from the list in accordance with the desired frequency of personal communication. See what happened. Now think about what will happen if you unfriend those who fell into the “other” category? Perhaps nothing terrible will happen, but it will be much easier for you without this communication.

Toxic people and unnecessary meetings

Toxic people are the ones who force you to agree to something you don't like. At the same time, you spend a lot of energy communicating with them, and they only wake up your personal gremlins. How can you say “no” to them and protect your interests?

Don't beat around the bush. If you're in doubt toxic people They will feel your weakness and try to take over you. Speak clearly and clearly.

I'm sorry, but I can't go with you.

I won't be able to meet you.

I can not come.

Formula 4D

If you are busy with things, separate them. The 4D formula will help.

Let's! Things that do not tolerate delay. If you need to do it now, go ahead and do it.

Down with! If there is no result from the cases, then there is nothing for them to do on your list. Don't be afraid to say no to meetings you don't want to go to and requests from others that waste your time.

Delegate! Cases that can be delegated to another person without loss. Do not try to take control of absolutely all processes. Stop burdening yourself with things that other people can do.

Until better times! If the matter can be postponed until better times, then calmly postpone it. Just be sure to note when you plan to implement it.

Lists of books, films and series

Love to make lists interesting books and movies, but still can't beat them? But it is impossible to read and see everything (yes, it is)! Divide your list into two steps. First, make a list of books (or movies) that interest you. Second, next to each item, write down the reasons why you decided to contribute this book or film. Answer questions about who recommended it to you, for example, or why you should read it and what you could benefit from.

What for? The additional information will help you recall the feelings you had when you decided to add the book to the list. You will remember why you wanted to read it, and either you want to do it immediately, or with peace of mind decide to cross it off the list.

Coming to visit, you probably wondered more than once: “God, how can you live in such a blockage?” or, on the contrary, they were surprised at the asceticism of someone else's interior, in which the owners themselves feel great. The fact is that each of us has his own limit allowable level clutter. Creative people usually surround themselves with trinkets that inspire them, pragmatists, on the contrary, use necessary minimum of things. To get rid of the craving for hoarding, you do not have to clear the apartment to concrete - you just need to understand at what “dose” of decor and accessories you feel “at ease”.

Get rid of everything you don't like

One of the reasons why our apartments are overgrown with rubbish to the ceiling is succinctly described by the wording "It's a pity to throw it away." In almost every home there is a service with blue hydrangeas that a great-aunt gave for the wedding, a three-meter carpet with oriental ornaments from a trip, a vase with porcelain angels from childhood - items, in general, are not bad, but completely out of place in your home simply because you don't like them. Yes, "dislike" - quite the serious reason in order to free the house from specific accessories. If it is a pity to throw them away, arrange an attraction of unheard-of generosity for loved ones: what you don’t like may well be useful to relatives, friends and neighbors.

Treat interior shopaholism

Can't resist the temptation to buy everything all the time new decor, although there is no place in the apartment even for the old one? It seems that you are dealing with interior shopaholism, and deep down it seems to you that all the beautiful things in the world should live only in your home.

Don't worry, it's treatable, or even preventable. Every time you open the store door, ask yourself simple questions: Do I really need the sixteenth vase? Where will I put it? Can I afford this purchase, or is it better to save the budget for more essential things? Frank answers at the first stage will help to avoid at least half of impulsive purchases, and then reasonable consumption will become a habit.

Plus or minus one thing

The interior often looks overloaded due to duplicate items. Make a rule to throw away old thing when you buy an alternative to it. Have you brought a new set of pots into the house? Say goodbye to the old ones. Can't resist a luxurious bed linen set? Well, you have to get rid of one of the usual. This approach can hardly be called economically viable, but it effectively sobers up modern Plushkins: before buying a new accessory, you now have to think about whether you feel sorry for throwing away the old one.

Change your attitude towards cleaning

The need to sort out household rubble is usually perceived as a punishment for sins - there is nothing surprising that you do not have a desire to bear this "punishment" voluntarily. It seems that the moment has come when it is time to change the attitude to the matter: to look at cleaning not as a day-long hard labor, but as an exciting project with a spectacular result.

In fact, there is a special magic in the process of cleaning: before your eyes and with your efforts, textured surfaces appear from under the rubble, it becomes easier to breathe in the apartment and, in general, it is more pleasant to be. When you start sorting out the trash, do not focus on the negative aspects of the process - rather, think about how you will reward yourself with a glass of wine and a sense of accomplishment in the evening.

Conduct seasonal inventory

The change of seasons calls in the house big changes: according to the weather, clothes move to a prominent place, and the decor of the apartment adapts to new realities. Getting winter accessories, do not forget to put the summer out of sight, and at the same time - to review the wardrobe and get rid of frankly superfluous things. The very phrases with which you usually persuade yourself to keep the old good will help to identify them. “Maybe someday I will wear these boots, say, in the forest? I looked so spectacular in this dress ten years ago - nothing, I'll lose weight and wear it again! It’s a pity that such swimsuits went out of fashion, but fashion is back!” - here are your main assistants in the fight against disorder. Take it for granted that things should suit you here and now. Otherwise, it is better to throw them away or give them to those who need them more.

Start the system

Separate boxes for each pair of shoes, signed containers with accessories, white hangers only for shirts, and black ones for dresses - at first glance, such a meticulous organization of storage smacks of schizophrenia, but we Plyushkins need "heavy artillery". Make an agreement with yourself: every thing in the house should have the only correct place of "registration" - this way it will be much easier for you to do the cleaning, and the situations when you spend hours looking for the right item will be forgotten, like nightmare. And even if the system fails, you can easily restore the balance: acting according to the pattern is always faster and more efficient than rebuilding the storage system every time.

Set small tasks

A large-scale project is easier to implement if you create detailed algorithm and strictly adhere to it. This rule works not only in business, but also in matters of cleaning and organization. “Dismantle the office and library” is too big a request, from which it smells of drama. Start with a smaller operational task - for example, clean up your desk first.

Take 15 minutes a day to clean

10, 20, half an hour - exactly as much as you are really able to spend per day for the good own house. Cleaning the countertops today, dusting the living room and bedroom tomorrow, vacuuming the day after tomorrow - with this approach, you will be much less likely to have to set aside an entire day off for general cleaning.

Get inspired by others

A lot of books and articles have been written on the topic of cleaning and ordering: do not neglect the advice and life hacks of professionals. One of the latest bestsellers is Mary Kondo's Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Disposal and Organization of Space. Mary knows what she is writing about: it is not customary for the Japanese to leave things in plain sight, and minimalism is preferred to all interior styles in the Land of the Rising Sun. Other helpful books are The Art of Living Simple by Dominic Loro, Clear Your Life of the Junk by Andrew Mellen, or Self-Organization from the Inside Out by Julia Morgenstern. The advice of the authors is really inspiring and convincing: everyone can cope with the chaos in their own apartment.