Logic test 5 simple questions to play. Intelligence tests. Free intelligence tests online. Brain Development Tests

Target: establishing the level of formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students on the topic “Main and minor members offers".

Standard requirements :

Personal results:

formation of a responsible attitude towards learning,

formation of the ability to self-esteem and self-control.

Meta-subject results:

the ability to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems,

the ability to evaluate the correctness of completing a learning task.

Subject results:

consolidation of knowledge about the main and minor members of the proposal,

the ability to distinguish minor members of a sentence from the main ones,

ability to distinguish between common and non-common sentences,

consolidating the ability to determine ways of expressing the main and minor members of a sentence.

Instructions for performing the work

All work is allocated to30 minutes.

The work consists of 6 tasks . Among them: 1 task with an alternative answer (task 1), 1 task with multiple choice(task 2), 1 task for matching (task 4), 1 task with a given answer structure (task 3), 1 task of a creative nature to compose proposals that require the application of knowledge in practice (task 5), 1 task higher level with a free answer (task 6).

Task 1 . Of the two proposed answer options, you must choose one correct one. For a correct answer - 1 point.

Task 2 . Of the three proposed answer options, you must choose one correct one. For a correctly specified sentence - 1 point.

Task 3. A task with a given answer structure. It is necessary to write out the grammatical basis from the given sentence. For a correct answer - 1 point.

Task 4 . Compliance must be established. The maximum score for the task is 6.

Task 5 . Free-response task. Compose and write down a sentence in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in nominative case. For a correctly composed sentence - 2 points.

Task 6 . It is necessary to answer the question, arguing your point of view. The maximum score for the task is 3.

Maximum quantity points for the entire work - 14.

Test on the topic “Main and secondary members of a sentence”

1. Note which parts of the sentence express the grammatical basis:

A) subject and predicate; B) addition and definition.

2. Mark the unused sentence:

A) Winter has come. B) We went to the forest. C) A book is your best friend.

3. Identify and write the grammatical basis in the sentence below.

In the morning the wind dispersed the fogs.

Answer: __________________________________.

4. Match the words from the example below with parts of the sentence and parts of speech, write the answer in the empty table.

My brother sent me a wonderful gift from Moscow

Part of speech

Sentence member







to me









from Moscow

Part of speech

Sentence member



to me



from Moscow

5. Come up with and write down one sentence in whichpredicate expresseda noun in the nominative case.


6. Do you think it is possible to transform an uncommon sentence into a common one? Which sentence parts will help you in this transformation? Give examples.

Criteria for assessing knowledge control tests

Excellent rating

85 - 100% correct answers

12 - 14 points

Rated "good"

64 - 84% correct answers

9 - 11 points

Rating "satisfactory"

43 - 63% correct answers

6 - 8 points

Rating "unsatisfactory"

42% or less correct answers

0 - 5 points









Max. point



The ability to distinguish the main parts of a sentence from the minor ones.



Understanding and determining the type of sentence. Recognizing common and uncommon sentences.




The ability to find the main and minor members in a sentence and correlate them with the parts of speech by which they are expressed.



Ability to correctly grammatically base a sentence.



The ability to compose sentences in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.



Ability to justify your answer and give examples.

Answers and evaluation criteria






the wind dispersed

Task 4

Part of speech

Sentence member







to me









from Moscow

noun with preposition


Task 5 - 2 points are given for a correctly composed sentence in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Task 6 - 1 point is given if the student answered positively (yes) to asked question. You can get 1 point for the given argument:

When converting unextended proposal in the common, we will need secondary members of the sentence, such as definition, addition, circumstance, since they complement and clarify the grammatical basis.

Examples (1 point): Dad came. Dad came home. Joyful dad came home. Joyful dad came home with a Christmas tree.


Evaluation criteria



the correct answer is written out;

other cases;

for six correctly completed correlations;

for five correctly completed correlations;

for four correctly completed correlations;

for three correctly completed correlations;

for two correctly completed correlations;

for one correctly completed correlation;

other cases;

task completed correctly;

other cases;

correctly completed task (the answer is positive, arguments and examples are provided as evidence);

partially correctly completed task (the answer is positive, or arguments without examples are given, or examples without arguments);

partially correctly completed task (a positive answer was given);

other cases.

Logic tests are designed to enable the test taker to determine whether he or she operates with information processing capabilities in a logical way. They do not reflect the level of education or enlightenment, but they do measure the ability to process information intellectually. This important aspect in practice! The ability to discursively analyze data is required in everyday life, in learning, in the creative or work sphere. To pass the test, you do not need advanced mathematical skills, knowledge of the exact sciences or the humanities. Therefore, testing is suitable for all users.

Using a test for logical thinking, you can find out whether it is well developed or whether there are some problems in its work. In any case, you can get almost useful information for self-knowledge and improvement of one’s own potential. Receipt positive result- an indicator that the individual’s thinking is well developed - one can cast aside all doubts about one’s intellectual capabilities, if any. If the results indicate that the test taker does not have the ability to use all mental capabilities, this is a reason to engage in his development. It's never too late to engage in self-improvement, for which there are specialized techniques.

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A special technique that allows you to test the user's answers to the proposed analytical type problems, which involve solving logical speculations and inferences. When choosing answers from the list, you will need to thoroughly analyze the conditions and mark the most correct logical consequence. It is not recommended to act intuitively here! Passing a 30-question logic test provides an extremely accurate result that reveals the logical thinking capabilities of the test taker.

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Testing to assess the child’s development in terms of intellectual abilities analytically process information. Compared to standard methods, the logic test for children is designed taking into account specificity early age, and therefore offers questions that are more understandable and appropriate for them.

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Adult and child intellectual thinking have obvious distinctive features in the level of development of logical abilities, due to the difference in age and life experience. Therefore, logic tests for adults are based on specialized techniques that take into account these differences and include logic problems, relevant for adult life. They most accurately convey the individual characteristics of the person being tested.

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For those who are planning to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or enroll in a police school, logic tests will allow them to learn about the level of deductive abilities that are considered necessary in law enforcement. After passing the test, you can understand whether they should be trained or whether their level is sufficient for successful employment and admission.

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In adolescence, it is important to promptly identify problems in the development of analytical thinking - this is optimal period to improve it. Logic tests for teenagers can detect these problems or ensure their absence.