Average cow weight. What determines the average weight of a cow

Wanting to purchase healthy livestock, the buyer wants to get as much information about the animals as possible. One of the most important indicators confirming the quality of the product is the weight of cattle, since it is directly related to the health of a cow, bull or calf, and will also affect their productivity and meat yield in the future.

The weight of cattle (cattle) carries a lot of information for livestock representatives. So, knowing the body weight of an animal, we can say about its physical condition, as well as about growth and development.

Data on how much a cow or bull weighs is necessary for calculating and compiling a diet, vaccination doses.

Did you know? The intestines of a cow make up 30% of its weight.

On the standard weight cattle affect her:

  • age;
  • breed;

In animal husbandry, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of cattle mass:

  • selected- weight is within 450-500 kg;
  • first grade- weight up to 450 kg;
  • second grade- the weight of the cattle is within 400 kg;
  • third grade- 300 kg.

If the average animal weight differs significantly with an allowable error of 30 kg for adult, then this may indicate an improper diet and diet, the presence of diseases.


The average weight of a bull should be one and a half times the weight of a cow, which is approximately 700-800 kg, while an adult bull has a large meat breed this figure can reach a ton and even exceed this value, amounting to 1200 kg.

The average heifer can weigh about 350 kg, but no less if it does not belong to small breeds.

Meat cows can weigh up to 700 kg if they are over two years old and kept in good conditions.


At birth, the weight of the calf should be slightly less than 10% of the body weight of the mother, which is an average of 40 kg. It can vary and depend on the weight and breed of the baby's parents.

Calves grow rapidly, just like newborns, they should be regularly weighed in order to understand how much they are gaining, whether everything is in order with health and whether there is a need to introduce changes in the diet of a young bull or cow.
At the age of 1 month, the weight of the calf should increase by at least 10 kg, on average they gain about 30 kg, that is, they double their birth rates. At the age of six months, he is transferred to adult food and less often, but always once a month, weight measurements are taken.

How does the weight of cattle differ depending on the breed

Specialists involved in cattle breeding and selection identify about a thousand breeds of cows all over the world. However, all of them are usually divided into three main types, based on their purpose in the economy:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.


A distinctive feature of the products of dairy cows can be called:

  • milk with high fat content;
  • less nutritious meat.

Among the livestock of this species, the most popular breeds in our region are:


Characterizing cattle of this species, we can name such distinctive features, how:

  • fast weight gain;
  • meat over High Quality due to the special development of muscles;
  • more refined taste.
Among the most popular breeds of meat cows are:
  • . An adult cow can be 500-600 kg of weight, and a bull - 800-1100 g. Meat yield - 53-65%, less often 70%;
  • . Cows also gain 500-600 kg of weight, and bulls are slightly smaller - about 800 kg. Product yield - 60%;
  • . An adult bull gains 1200 kg, and a heifer - 800 kg, despite the fact that they have a lot of meat, but not much fat, as well as a large yield of meat products;
  • . They are extremely unpretentious in nutrition, since they eat any vegetation, while reaching 550 kg at 16 months. In addition, the skin of this breed is used in the manufacture of shoes;
  • Znamenovskaya. Possesses more miniature forms, since a cow of this breed will weigh a maximum of 550 kg, and a bull - 700 kg. Leather is also used to make shoes and bags.

    Representatives of this species have a strong body and are universally used both for milk production and for meat products.

    They produce more meat than dairy and more milk than meat. The average weight is in the range of 550-900 kg, depending on the gender.

    Did you know? Cows live an average of twenty years, although there are also centenarians. Bulls live less, fifteen years.

    Meat and dairy breeds of KRG, which are popular among livestock breeders, are:

    • Brown Carpathian;
    • Lebedinskaya;
    • Alatau;
    • Red Gorbatovskaya;
    • Yurinskaya;
    • Shvitskaya;
    • Red Tambov;
    • Yorkshire;
    • Caucasian brown;
    • Simmental.


    What determines the weight of cattle

    The weight of bred livestock directly depends on the conditions of its maintenance, as well as on the nutrition provided by the livestock breeder. There are also recommendations for breeding and care, depending on the breed and type of cow.

    So, for example, meat-type cows are not required, and even to a certain extent, long and exhausting grazing is contraindicated, since they can lose their own weight. They are advised to grow in a stall.

    Important! Environment, diet and diet, climate and housing conditions in the complex affect the health and weight gain of livestock.

    When organizing a barn for breeding cattle, one should take into account the importance of such aspects as:

    • temperature regime. The room should not be cooler than +10 °C, if it is not cold content, for adult cattle and +15 °C for calves;
    • indoor humidity;
    • good lighting;
    • gas saturation;
    • No noise, calm environment.

    It is worth taking care of the pasture. Its use makes the breeding process less costly, while the cow's body can fully develop, her movements are not constrained, she breathes fresh air bathes in sunshine. Most beneficial effect walking in the pasture has for dairy and meat-and-dairy cows.

    Animal feeding

    Properly organized feeding should be of high quality. It includes:

    • vegetable feed: succulent (grass, silage, root crops), coarse (hay, straw), concentrated (technical waste, grain);
    • animals;
    • chemical and microbiological synthesis;
    • compound feed and feed mixtures;
    • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Bulls have always been considered large animals. The largest of them now live in England. Everyone knows that bulls are much larger in size compared to the same cows. It is generally accepted that if the animal is so large, then there is a large layer of fat under the skin, but in bulls everything is completely different. Under the skin they have a large number of muscles, which makes them so large and strong. So, an aggressive breed can cause great injuries and wounds to a person, so you should be more careful with these animals.

The largest bull in the world is not officially registered due to the fact that it exists a large number of different breeds, which have large representatives. Many farmers want their bull to get into the book of records and glorify them, so they try as soon as possible to feed the animal and make it even bigger. Such unusual and huge bulls cause surprise and admiration among others, and also amaze with their calmness and good disposition.

Breeds of heavyweight bulls

Kazakh white-headed breed of cows - characteristics and features


The bison is the largest representative of its relatives. Bison have a height of up to 2 meters, and a body length of about 3. The weight of adults is gaining 1.3 tons. AT North America bison live in both wild and agricultural conditions.

Gallery: the biggest bulls in the world (25 photos)


Gaur, undoubtedly, takes the first place of honor among the largest bulls in the world. The growth of males reaches up to 2.3 meters, and the weight is 1.5 tons. The body length of the animal grows to a mark of 3 meters. The horns, on the other hand, have a curved appearance, resembling a crescent moon, and reach 90 centimeters. The place of residence of the gaur is the dense forests of such countries as: India, Pakistan, Thailand. The main activity of the gaur's life falls on the daytime, but in the case when the animal settles next to a person's dwelling, it prefers nightlife. This animal is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. Only 20 thousand of these beautiful animals live in the world.


Buffaloes have a body length of about 3 meters, and a height of up to 2. The buffalo has the largest horns, which can reach a length of up to two meters, and the weight of adults is up to 2 tons. The habitat of buffaloes are countries with a hot climate, because of their rare and short hair. Separate African and. African ones are most often distinguished by their large size, and Indian ones by their luxurious horns.

Tympania of the rumen of cows: the cause of bloating and what to do

Buffaloes are distinguished by their bad temper and aggressive disposition, especially older individuals. Where these buffaloes live, tigers and other predatory animals are common. But they do not attack the bull, as they risk their lives greatly. When a herd of buffaloes finds the trail of a predator, they pursue it until they lose the trail, or finally catch up with the offender.

Yaks have a long body and small limbs. On the back of the yak is a large hump. The length of an adult reaches up to 4 meters, and the weight is above 1 ton.

The difference between yaks and simple breeds is not only the presence of horns, but also long wool, similar to sheep. Yak breeding is more common in Mongolia, Tibet and Turkmenistan. These animals live mainly in mountainous areas, and even their large size does not prevent them from climbing them. In fact, yaks simply cannot stand low places, and at a height they have a feeling of comfort, in the mountains they easily find food for themselves among the frozen earth and stones. The voice that the yak makes is similar to the grunting of a pig and is significantly different from the usual one.

The price of bulls is measured by live weight. If a farmer decides to start raising livestock, he will need to know how much an ox, cow or calf weighs on average. This is necessary, for example, in order not to acquire a sick animal. Knowing the mass that the bull weighs, you can immediately decide on the future diet for him.

Each breed of cattle has its own weight. The Kholmogory species, for example, is significantly different in mass from others. The bull of the breed is larger than the cow, its average weight reaches 500 or 700 kilograms, and an adult hardened bull can have a live weight equal to a ton.

Weight is directly dependent on the age of the animal and its state of health, sick individuals have a lower live weight. Livestock can be divided into weight categories:

  1. The selected category of cows corresponds to a weight of 500 kilograms. Tribal china white cow can reach a mass equal to a ton.
  2. The first category of cattle is a little smaller than the selected one. The volume of the animal can be 400 or 450 kilos, this approximate weight small horse.
  3. Animals of the second category will be no larger than 400 kilograms.
  4. The third category is the smallest. The average weight of a cow varies between 300 or 380 kilos.

Advice: Deviations from the weight norm indicate the illness of the animal. Perhaps the cattle were not fattened properly. The average optimal weight is considered to be an interval from 350 kilos to 450, small breeds should have a body weight close to 300 kilograms.

Calf measurement

A calf is usually born at forty kilograms, but grows at a rapid pace. During the first two months of his life, several measurements are required, once every 14 days is enough. Monthly animals are more than newborns by 10 or 30 kilos, it depends on belonging to a particular breed.

With regular measurements, changes in the growth of a young bull are monitored, if necessary, the diet of the calf is changed. To measure body weight, it is not necessary to use scales, you can take a measuring tape, and the obtained parameters are compared with special tabular data. The table contains the characteristics of the animal's body length, chest girth. The graph where these data intersect corresponds to the desired weight value. It cannot be said that by this method the weight is determined by one hundred percent. To measure without errors, it is still better to use a scale.

How are adult animals measured?

Not all novice farmers know how to find out the mass of bulls bought or grown on their farm. The weight of adult bulls is often determined from a measuring table; its formula cannot be called complicated. A grown bull at the age of one year is measured according to the Trukhanovsky method, this is the easiest method.

A one year old steer can be measured with a tape measure or tape. It is important how long the body and the girth of the sternum wake up.

Tip: To get an accurate result, you need to take into account the fatness of the cattle as a percentage, which will need to be added or subtracted.

The percentage depends on the belonging of cows and bulls to the breed, whether it is a meat animal or a dairy one. With high fatness, from 5 to 10 percent must be added to the total value obtained by the formula. If the animal is distinguished by thinness, 5 or 10 percent are taken away.

In order to find out the weight of adult cattle, there is the Kuver Strauch method. The first measure is the girth of the sternum, then the body oblique. A table is used to verify the result.

There is a method applicable exclusively to certain breeds, when the largest parts of the bull's body are to be measured. Only chest girth and peritoneal girth are calculated.

In order to measure large animals, a regression level is sometimes applied. The measuring tape should wrap around the bull or cow so that it passes under the chest.

How to find out the meat output?

When they talk about the meat of an animal, they mean muscles, cartilage, and other tissues. Dairy breeds are smaller in their muscle mass compared to males.

The amount of beef obtained from the carcass is influenced by: the breed, age of the animal, conditions of detention and diet. It is not necessary that an imposing bull will give tasty beef.

People who want to buy livestock should first find out how much a cow weighs on average, otherwise you can buy a sick animal, from which there will be continuous disappointment. Average cow weight and meat yield depend largely on weight.

You can't buy livestock without knowing how much a cow weighs. Sellers are not always honest and decent, there are a lot of crooks in the world. Cattle are bought at the price of live weight, and you can and should measure the animal yourself. Also, knowing how much your future pet weighs will allow you to create an optimal diet for him so that the bull develops normally and is healthy.

It is not worth buying without looking, so as not to lose money. As the saying goes, God saves the safe.

It is important to note that the standards for the average weight of Kholmogory cows, for example, are very different from the weight of other breeds. Bulls are more massive than females, and therefore the average weight of a bull is greater than that of cows. They weigh from 500 to 700 kg, and the weight of an adult hardened bull can reach a ton. It affects weight and health (a sick animal will weigh less), as well as how old the animal is.

There are the following weight categories of livestock:

  1. Selected cows weigh an average of 500 kg. The live weight of a breeding porcelain-white cow reaches a ton at all.
  2. Animals of the first category are slightly smaller in weight, and in kilograms their volumes will vary from 400 to 450, that is, about as much as a not too heavy horse weighs.
  3. Cows belonging to the second category are even smaller, the upper limit of their size is 400 kg.
  4. Cattle of the third category are the smallest. How much does a cow of this class weigh? As a rule, the average weight of such animals varies from 300 to 380 kg.

If the average weight of an adult animal is less, this is very suspicious. They are probably trying to sell you a pig in a poke. Most likely the animal was not properly fed or it is sick. Thus, it is possible to calculate the optimal weight of cattle - from 350 to 450 kg. In small breeds, averages can be significantly lower, but usually they reach 300 kg.

How to find out the weight of a calf

The weight of the calf at birth is approximately 40 kg. Moreover, it grows rapidly, so it is recommended to measure it every 2 weeks for the first two months after its birth. The weight of a monthly animal exceeds the weight of a newborn by 10–30 kg, depending on the breed. Regular measurements allow you to monitor its growth and change the diet, if necessary. After six months of a calf's life, it can already be transferred to food for adult cattle.

The weight of a calf can be measured without resorting to scales, with one measuring tape. To do this, cattle breeders use the table. In it, firstly, such a characteristic as the length of the body is taken into account, and secondly, it is necessary to measure the girth of the chest. The results are found in the table: at the intersection of the characteristics, the desired value is found.

However, it is worth considering that this method not 100% reliable, most likely there will be an error. Nevertheless, not this calculation formula, but measurement on the scales will be a more reliable means.

Measuring the weight of an adult cow without scales

Both the calves and the average weight of the purchased bull can be determined using a measurement table, the formula of which is quite simple to use.

  1. The weight of a one-year-old or older animal can be measured using the Trukhanovsky method. This method is currently considered the simplest. It is enough to take a tape and measure the circumference of the chest and the length of the body. To get an accurate result, you will have to add or subtract the percentage of fatness of the animal. The percentage differs depending on which breed the animal belongs to: meat or dairy. For example, if the fatness is high, then the increase in the amount is 5-10%, or the same amount is taken away when the fatness is below the set value.
  2. Another popular way of measuring livestock is called the Kuwer-Strauch method. It is applied to a cow whose number of years is enough to be considered an adult. First measure the girth of the chest, then the oblique body. The results are compared according to the table.
  3. The third method was applied only to cows of certain breeds. The method consists in measuring the fullest parts of the body of bulls: chest and belly.
  4. Another favorite way to measure livestock is by the level of regression. A measuring tape is wrapped around the animal so that it lies under its chest.

How much meat comes out

Determining how much a bull weighs is, first of all, necessary for practical reasons, because cows are rarely bred as pets. Usually they are still taken for breeding for milk or for slaughter for meat. The amount of meat in an animal consists of muscle, cartilage and other tissues. Dairy breeds have less developed muscle mass, unlike males. The amount of meat that a carcass contains depends on the breed, how old the animal is, how well it was fed, and in what conditions it was kept. So, even if the bull is big, it does not always give tasty meat.

The yield of meat is about 50%. Dairy cows have 10% less, beef cows have 10% more. Some breeds, such as the Belgian Blue, give 75% because they have large quantity protein mass. Young animals can be taken only after they reach 14 days, since only by this time a fat layer is formed.

Usually on farms where meat breeds are bred, animals are sent to butchers at 5-6 years old, dairy breeds are usually kept longer. Although a cow, which has passed 10 years, can also be given for meat.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


A calf in a beef cow is born with a weight of 40 kg. After the cow has licked and warmed him, he must drink 1.5 liters of colostrum within an hour. Newborn calves are fed every 3 hours. In the first 30 days, they are given only whole milk, 8 liters per day.

By the end of 2 months, the weight of the calf reaches 84 kg. The nutrition of gobies is changing. He is gradually being accustomed to juicy and roughage, given grain mixtures. Gobies weigh 300 kg per year. How to properly feed young animals so that in a short time their weight reaches 700 kg?

Feeding bulls is different from feeding heifers. They begin to prepare for adult food from 2 months. In addition to milk, they are given hay, combined feed, vegetables. Fattening task - fast recruitment muscle mass to in short term little calves grew up in big bulls. How should they be fed?

In the 2nd month, the bulls continue to be given whole milk, but the portion is divided into parts: 4 liters of whole and 4 liters of skimmed milk. Nutrition begins to balance with hay. Roughage is given up to 400 g. This is necessary for the full formation of the cicatricial section of the stomach.

The grain mixture will replenish the body with proteins. Young animals need 200 g. Protein will help build muscle mass. Mineral supplements will strengthen the skeletal system. Among them are edible salt and phosphates. By the end of 2 months, the calf already weighs 84 kg. He drinks his portion of whole milk and skim milk. The amount of roughage increases to 500 g. The grain mixture is given 700 g.

At the beginning of 3 months, root crops begin to be introduced into the diet. Experts advise boiled warm potatoes. The first portion of potatoes is 200 g. By the end of the period, the amount of potatoes is brought to 500 g. The bull-calf already eats one and a half kilograms of combined feed. Whole milk is not given to a calf. It is replaced back. During the entire time, the amount of milk should not exceed 10 liters. By the end of 3 months, the weight of the bull is 110 kg.

At 4 months, the nutrition of the calf undergoes changes. He begins to add succulent feed to his diet. Choose corn silage. The first portion is 500 g. By the end of the period, the bull has already eaten 1 kg. A portion of skimmed milk is reduced to 8 liters. The amount of hay is increased to 1.5 kg by the end of the month. A calf eats 1.6 kg of grain mixture. Root crops are already given raw. They are washed and finely chopped. As vegetables, there can be not only potatoes, but also sugar beets, carrots, pumpkins. They make a vegetable mixture, but it is not recommended to give it more than 1 kg per day. By the end of the period, the bull's weight grows to 136 kg.

Within 5 months, the amount of skimmed milk is reduced from 8 liters to 4 liters. A calf eats 2 kg of hay by the end of the month. The amount of combined feed is increasing. By the end of the period, the calf can eat up to 1.8 kg. Continue to give vegetables. The proportion of silage in the diet is increased to 2 kg. By the end of the month, the body weight of the calf reaches 163 kg. He is taken out to the herd to other young animals.

At the age of six months, bulls weigh 190 kg. They no longer drink milk. Completely switch to the diet of an adult animal. The amount of succulent feed is increasing. By the end of the month, bulls eat 6 kg of silage and 1 kg of root crops. Hay needs 3 kg. The norm of concentrates is increased up to 2 kg. Salts calves consume up to 20 g, phosphorus supplements 25 g.

Calves in the milk period for accelerated growth are given antibiotics. They speed up metabolic processes in the body. The weight gain of young animals with the use of antibiotics increases by 12%. In six months, a goby can weigh an average of 219 kg.

In the first 15 days, calves are kept in a nursery. These are cages in which the floor is raised 50 cm from the ground. The floor is made of wooden slit. It is covered with straw, which is changed daily. At this time, be sure to monitor nutrition. Calves are not allowed near cows. Colostrum is milked and given in a bottle. This allows you to control the portion of milk consumption. From the nursery, calves are transferred to machines in which calves are kept for up to 5 months. At six months, the young are combined into a separate herd.

In a year, a bull-calf can already weigh 500 kg. Starting from 6 months, haylage, silage-haylage or combined type of feeding is selected for young animals. The diet consists of succulent feed, concentrates. Be sure to give hay so as not to provoke diseases of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Phosphates and vitamin supplements are introduced into the feed. A lick made of salt is placed in the stall and minerals. By the 7th month, the weight of the bull reaches 300 kg.

Depending on the amount and balance of feed, the haylage type of feeding can give a monthly increase of 750 g to 900 g. Bulls are recommended to introduce the following amount of feed from 6 months to a year:

  • 1.5 kg of hay;
  • 11 kg of haylage;
  • 2.5 kg concentrates;
  • 50 g of feed phosphate;
  • 40 g salt.

From a year to 16 months, the diet of bulls is adjusted. Young growth receives an increased portion of haylage and grain mixture. How to feed the animals during this period? The diet consists of the following amount of feed:

  • 2 kg of hay;
  • 15 kg of haylage;
  • 3 kg of grain mixture;
  • 60 g phosphate and 50 g salt.

Combined feed is made independently or purchased from suppliers of cereals. The mixture is produced under certain brands. Concentrates K-61-1-89 include barley 36.8%, corn 33.5%, soybean meal 17%, fodder yeast 5.8%. The composition contains chalk, salt, premix.

diet combined type feeding consists not only of hay and concentrates. It is supplemented with silage and root crops. As compound feed, you can give a mixture of brand K-62-2-89. It consists of germinated barley, sunflower meal, fodder fat, grass meal, fodder yeast, chalk. It includes salt and vitamin complex. For a daily gain of 900 kg from 6 months to a year, calves consume the following diet:

Six months later, increase the portion of the combined feed, bringing it to 3 kg. The number of root crops increases up to 6 kg. Silage calves eat 11 kg. During this period, concentrates of the K-62-3-89 brand can be given as dry food. The mixture consists of peeled barley, peas, sunflower meal, herbal flour, yeast. The complex is saturated with macro and microelements. At 16 months, a bull can weigh over 500 kg.

With the silo-haylage type of feeding, root crops are not included in the diet. Young growth eats hay, haylage, silage, dry food. As concentrates choose the brand K-64-4-89. It consists of barley, corn, lightly fried peas and soy. The energy value of the mixture is 11.2 MJ. The diet consists of the following feeds:

  • 2.5 kg of hay; after six months, the amount is increased to 3 kg;
  • 14 kg silage; for 7 months, the portion is increased by 1 kg;
  • 6 kg of haylage; the amount is adjusted to 7 kg;
  • 2.5 kg of combined feed; the portion is increased by 0.5 kg;
  • feed phosphate give 50 g, salt 40 g; six months later, the amount of mineral salts is increased by 10 g.

Bulls are fed 3 times a day. Dry feed is always introduced after hay or after silage. Hay prepares the scar for eating: gastric juice is secreted. The salivary glands begin to work intensively.

In the summer, it is necessary to adjust the walking of calves. Gobies begin to walk in the pasture from 2 months of age. They are already able to eat 2-4 kg green grass. It is necessary to choose pastures with sparse vegetation. If the farmer has sowing meadows for fattening, then it is better to choose rye crops for bulls.

Fattening bulls up to 700 kg

What they don’t feed bulls in private farmsteads so that they quickly gain weight. Along with hay and concentrates, they are given additional sunflower or flax cake. Food fillers are added to food, the manufacturers of which promise a good result.

As a result, the calf will gain weight, but will this be due to an increase in muscle mass. This is another question. The animal may become obese. The quality of the meat at the exit is reduced. A bull may develop pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism is disturbed. At 18 months, a healthy calf turns into a large animal.

The bull should be fed only in accordance with the rules. From an excess of dry protein food, he can develop acidosis.

For accelerated growth up to 700 kg, young animals are prescribed a special diet. It consists of a large number fodder. It is steamed and given 3 times a day. In order to prevent gastrointestinal upset and the cicatricial section of the stomach, a probiotic is administered to animals:

  • 2-3 months the amount of fodder is 0.5 kg.
  • 6 - 3.6 kg.
  • 12 - 9 kg.
  • 14 - 10 kg.
  • 16-18 in - 14 kg.

As a probiotic, it is recommended to give "Lactobifadol". The drug normalizes metabolic processes, prevents bloating in the stomach. From a large amount of forage, acidosis can develop. "Lactobifadol" is a good prevention against the development of the disease. It can be introduced into the milk of calves from the first days of feeding.

The use of forage does not cancel the rationed nutrition of young animals. Forage is given instead of dry concentrates. By the end of the 18th month, the weight of the bulls reaches 700 kg. The meat has a special taste. It is juicy and lean. Walking young animals in the summer is necessary. Otherwise, the animals will begin to deposit subcutaneous fat.