Beautiful kitchens in private houses with a window. Kitchen in a private house (57 photos): good design ideas. Miniature elongated, square-shaped kitchen

Kitchen layout is more than just a layout of furniture and appliances. This is a project for a significant part of the life of households, so you need to approach its development with all responsibility. Our layout guide, along with a selection of 80 illustrative photo examples, will help you make the right decisions and plan your kitchen in the most effective way.

10 kitchen planning rules

Before you start creating a plan for your future kitchen, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of ergonomics and safety, furniture size standards and proven design techniques.

  1. The main rule that you should rely on when planning a kitchen is the rule of the so-called work triangle. According to him, the sink, stove and refrigerator should not be located linearly, but in a triangular pattern. It is important that the work points are next to each other - at a distance of no more than 180 cm. So the kitchen scenario will turn out to be the most coordinated: first you take the food out of the refrigerator, then you take it to the sink to wash it, then the ingredients are cut / mixed and, finally, go to the stove.

Extra dashes, time and effort costs, subject to the rule of the working triangle, are minimized

  1. Kitchen planning begins with determining the location of the sink - it should be located within 2.5 m from the riser. Of course, the sink can be rearranged further than 2.5 m, for example, to the window, but in a city apartment, this will require at least a slope of the water supply pipe, and as a maximum, the installation of a pump. If you are planning kitchen in a private house, then it is best to place the sink by the window - this is more pleasant for the cook, and good for saving electricity. Put next to the sink dishwasher and/or washing machine. As a rule, PMM is placed to the left of the sink if its user is right-handed, and to the right of the sink if it is left-handed.
  2. The next point on the plan is the slab. It should be located at a distance of 40-180 cm from the sink and, of course, closer to the vent and gas pipeline, if any. In the gap between the sink and the stove, you can enter the main work surface, where you will cut and mix the products. Well, if its length is 90 cm - this is not a little, and not too much. On the other side of the stove there should also be a free gap of at least 40 cm wide - this is necessary for safety reasons.

  • Important! Placing the stove at a window at a distance of less than 40 cm is not safe and simply not practical.
  1. The minimum width of the aisles in the kitchen should be about 120 cm. In such a “pedestrian zone”, households will be able to move around without interfering with the cook, getting food out of cabinets and the refrigerator, and loading the dishwasher. If the kitchen is walkable, as is often the case in private homes, then the passage should be increased to 130-150 cm. In very small and impassable kitchens, 1-meter passages are acceptable.

Layout of the walk-through kitchen in a private house

  1. The refrigerator is more convenient to place closer to the sink than to the stove. It can also be built into the block next to the oven and microwave. With an acute shortage of space, the refrigerator can simply be taken out of the kitchen, say, into the living room or corridor.

  1. When planning a kitchen, remember that ledges can almost always be “bypassed” with shallow cabinets, and niches adapt for storage .

If necessary, you can move the doorways, move them a little or expand / narrow. By the way, the doors can be removed, rearranged or replaced with a folding / sliding structure.

In a gasified kitchen, the door cannot be removed, but it can be replaced with a folding / sliding door. You can do it even easier - just rearrange the hinges so that the door opens outward

  1. It is most convenient to draw layout options for the headset in special programs. For example, simple and free planners like Planner5D, SketchUP Pro or the IKEA online designer are suitable.
  2. To get a clear idea of ​​whether the layout you have developed is suitable for your kitchen, draw life-size furniture and appliances on the floor and walls with chalk. This way you can see errors in the plan, resolve doubts, or come up with new ideas.
  3. Keep in mind that winning an extra seat when planning a small kitchen possible due to reduced appliances: a refrigerator 55 cm wide, a dishwasher 45 cm wide, and a washing machine with a reduced depth of 35 cm.

  1. The layout of the kitchen should take into account the dimensions of the dining area, or rather the rules of ergonomics:
  • The width of the seat must be at least 60 cm, and the depth - at least 40 cm;
  • From the edge of the table to the wall/furniture there must be a free space for a chair 80 cm long;
  • A standard chair has a width of 50 cm and a depth of 40-43 cm, a chair with armrests has a large width of about 70 cm.

Layout types

There are 6 types of kitchen layouts:

  • Linear (single row);
  • L-shaped (angular);
  • U-shaped;
  • Double row (parallel);
  • Island;
  • Peninsular.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Line diagram

Pros: The linear layout of the headset is the most compact, versatile and, moreover, easy to design, if only due to the lack of corners - and therefore the direct kitchen costs a little less.

Cons: This layout option is the most inconvenient, as it violates the "working triangle" rule.

Ideal for: very small and narrow kitchens (up to 2 m wide), walk-through kitchens, studio kitchens and hallway kitchens. Also, a linear layout is suitable for those who cook rarely and little.

Linear kitchen in a redesigned Khrushchev

Very small kitchen layout

Planning Tips:

  • To reduce the inconvenience of a direct kitchen, you should try to plan it so that the sink is in the center between the stove and the refrigerator.

  • To increase the number of storage spaces, it is worth stretching the linear set to the ceiling.
  • Often a straight kitchen can be turned into a corner kitchen if combine headset with window sill and arranging a sink or work surface in it, as shown in the following photo examples.

L-shaped scheme

Pros: This layout option is good for everyone - it is convenient, versatile, compact and, at the same time, roomy due to the angle involved. The corner kitchen allows you to put a dining table in the center of the room.

Cons: An L-shaped set is somewhat more difficult and expensive to design, because the corner module requires additional fittings - a carousel, a pull-out basket or a bookcase. If you leave the corner without additional equipment, it will be inconvenient to use it.

Ideal for: Rectangular kitchens, small to medium sized spaces.

Planning Tips:

  • It is convenient to embed a sink or stove into a corner, especially if you make the corner not straight, but beveled.
  • You can make one of the sidewalls of the headset beveled (see photo). For example, the one located at the entrance - this way it will become more comfortable to enter the kitchen.

Here are some more photos of small kitchens with a corner layout.

Double row scheme

Pros: A two-line set allows you to create a convenient “working triangle” and effectively use two walls of a narrow / elongated room.

Cons: This layout option is convenient only if the passage is not too wide and not too narrow - 120-150 cm wide. The second disadvantage is less security compared to other types of layouts, especially if the kitchen is walk-through. In addition, a two-row headset can create a feeling of tightness.

Ideal for: Elongated and narrow kitchens (from 2.2 m wide), passage rooms and utilitarian kitchens that do not have a dining area.

Planning Tips:

  • It is more convenient, and most importantly safer, to plan the kitchen so that the sink and stove are located in one row, and the refrigerator is in another.

  • It is better to make one of the rows shorter than the other, then it will turn out to find a place for the dining table.
  • AT square kitchen a two-row layout is also possible, in this case the dining table is placed in the center, for example, as shown in the following photo.

Below are other photos of kitchen interiors with a parallel layout.

U-shaped scheme

Pros: This is the most convenient layout option, when everything you need is literally at hand. Due to the use of three walls and corners, the U-shaped kitchen is very spacious.

Cons: The U-shaped headset is the most bulky and most often requires a large area.

Ideal for: Particularly suitable for square rooms (from 2.2 m wide) and purely utilitarian kitchens, as well as for kitchens where cooking is frequent and heavy.

Planning Tips:

  • A U-shaped layout is possible even in a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you just need to use the windowsill.

U-shaped layout of a small kitchen

  • When planning a U-shaped set, keep in mind that a passage of less than 100 cm and more than 180 cm will make the space uncomfortable.

  • To visually lighten the interior of a U-shaped kitchen, leave one or two walls without wall cabinets .

The dream of a spacious, comfortable kitchen has led many people to build their own home. Not a standard kitchen in a panel high-rise building, but its own, the only one, unlike the others - this is wonderful. But it is precisely with this non-standard and individuality that difficulties often arise. The topic of our article: the layout of the kitchen in a private house. FORUMHOUSE users tell us how to choose the shape of a room, arrange furniture, solve the main issues with sewerage, lighting, and exhaust hood.

Kitchen design

Designing a kitchen in a house for many is the most responsible and difficult stage.

spacewalker Architect, FORUMHOUSE user

You must first arrange the kitchen set, and if the kitchen is in a common area with a living room or dining room, then arrange this furniture. After that, you can talk about other details such as ceiling finishes, lighting arrangements and tile layouts. The interior is the sum of the terms. Otherwise, it is not "design", but "repair" or "finishing".

Probably, all housewives mentally arrange kitchen furniture in an unfinished house, draw diagrams using computer programs of varying complexity, glue cardboard models. But in order to finally understand how everything will look like and avoid mistakes, it is better to use one more opportunity: take chalk and draw on the floor the actual dimensions of future cabinets, a kitchen island and other elements. Such a layout will help get rid of doubts and make the right decision. To understand whether there is not enough space from the countertop to the island, whether a new refrigerator will enter this corner, whether the TV screen from the dining table will be visible. Draw and find out.

Azamat_Khasanov FORUMHOUSE user

It is better to use such an easy approach and now understand what and how, than to regret what was done later and cut it live.

Table top by the window

In the matter of planning, it is worth dwelling separately on the countertop by the window. It really is a state close to happiness: to cook at the window overlooking the garden. The window can accommodate a work area, and even a stove, but this project can be really difficult to implement.

The location of the countertop by the window

This wooden-colored kitchen cabinet in the photo above was made by a user of our ZIL portal with his own hands.

Wife Alex286 I really wanted a new sink in front of the window, but there was a heating radiator under each kitchen window. And if you add the width of the window sill (55 cm) to the width of the tabletop (60 cm), the distance to the window will be 110 centimeters. "I don't know how to wash it." Well, the user of our portal also did not like the prospect of constant splashes on the window glass.

Alex286 FORUMHOUSE user

In the pictures, such an arrangement is beautiful, there is a lot of light, etc., but I don’t think it will be like this in real life.

In order for such a technique to succeed in life just like in the picture, it is necessary to realize the dream of a comfortable working area by the window even at the stage of building a new house. One of the most common mistakes is to place the window sill below the countertop. In general, the standard height of the countertop is 85 cm, so the height of the window sill should be at least 87 cm.

The height of the countertop is calculated from the finished floor, and not from the draft!

Lyubik FORUMHOUSE user

I had a small problem with the countertop near the window. The countertop is higher than the window sill, and I don’t know for sure how to solve this problem. I found several options for an approximate solution with a rack.

Therefore, the window next to which the work area will be located must be “correct in size and location”. This needs to be considered at the planning stage. Almost everyone wants to create a stylish custom kitchen with a standard window. In the pictures in the interior magazines referred to Alex 286, this window is located higher, or is it generally a horizontal picture window at a height of 30-40 cm above the tabletop. Thus, you can open the window without the risk of touching the crane. If the window sill is located flush with the sink, the faucet is placed on the side, or a popular “removable” faucet is made.

The easiest way to solve the problem with radiators under the window is the ventilation grilles in the countertop directly above them. Even better if the kitchen is heated with underfloor heating. Well, when there is a sink under the window, all the dishes that you can should be washed in the dishwasher. By the way, this allows you to combine business with pleasure and save water. And it is also not necessary to make the width of the table top 60 cm - many people order the lower cabinets “under the largest pan”, and the upper ones - “under the largest plate”.

Walk-through kitchen in a private house

Often, kitchens in country houses have two exits: to the backyard or terrace and to the house itself. Many people like the walk-through kitchen in the house, because it can be a bright, functional and spacious room. With the right approach and design of the premises, the fact that the premises are walkable may not be a disadvantage, but an advantage. Unlike kitchens in apartments, kitchens in individual houses are large, and good natural light and thoughtful design give the impression of spaciousness and some kind of solidity.

Nlatisheva FORUMHOUSE user

I want a bright walk-through kitchen in my house (I liked this feature while I lived in Norway), and so something like this did not occur within a simple square. So I drew the placement myself and am satisfied.

In such kitchens, designers are advised to clearly distinguish the working area, and to make it look isolated, make a podium or even multi-level suspended ceilings. A good option is to plan and place tall kitchen shelving along the side.

But in general, when deciding on a walk-through kitchen, consider this feature: in a house on the ground, “various dirt will be carried to all rooms in the house,” especially if you have children who will always run through the kitchen to the garden and back.

Country life is different from city life, and when designing a walk-through kitchen in a house, this will definitely need to be taken into account. You will spend a significant part of the time in the backyard, in the garden, in the garden, and when you enter the kitchen from the terrace, you will need to hang a jacket or other outdoor clothes somewhere. If you provide for this a narrow closet next to the entrance, then you will thank yourself.

It may be justified to have two sinks: one is for washing dishes, and the other can be made on an island next to the exit to the garden to wash vegetables and fruits in it.

Gas boiler in the kitchen

The installation of a gas boiler or gas column is controlled by specialists. These appliances should be separated from furniture (at least 3 centimeters away). If there are several gas appliances in the kitchen, they should not be nearby. You can not install a gas column above a gas stove. Another important point: the wall with which the device is in contact must be finished with non-combustible materials.

According to the rules, a geyser or boiler cannot be hidden in a closed section of the cabinet, since air must be allowed to access it, in the volumes indicated in the data sheet. But you can simply make a pseudo-cabinet from two sidewalls and a decorative door, even a lattice one.

When installing a gas stove, keep in mind that the number of burners should be proportional to the size of the room. If the kitchen in the house is small, 8 meters, then the number of burners should not exceed two, in a space of 12 meters - three burners are allowed, and only with a 15-meter kitchen you can afford 4 burners.


A kitchen hood in a private house should remove unpleasant odors, excess moisture and air pollution from the room. One of the FORUMHOUSE users, having measured the level of carbon dioxide in his country kitchen, realized that the hood should be even where you do not live permanently, but come a couple of times a month. - very important question.

Many have encountered the fact that the width of a standard hood (500, 600, 800 and 900 millimeters) does not match the size of the opening in the kitchen furniture. And those hoods that fit in size do not fit into the interior at all. FORUMHOUSE user AlekSer always “moves in a creative way” and creates such objects himself.

This is what this country-style hood looks like after seven years of successful operation.

If you want to repeat the project, get acquainted with it, an article on our portal will help you. And our video will introduce you to the profile exhibition.

One can argue endlessly about who is more fortunate: who has a house in his own possessions or those who have their own apartment.

Nevertheless, if you live in an apartment, one way or another, you just have to put up with the almost impossibility of a thorough redevelopment in it, even with a great desire.

Or have your own home. And even more so, which was also built by you (i.e. according to your project).

After all, in this situation, everything is possible to think over exactly the way you want. Accordingly, the design of the kitchen in a private house, in which we will talk in this article, it will be possible to create the most unique, extraordinary!


Starting repair work in the kitchen of a private house, you must choose exactly the option in which the whole house is decorated. As a rule, country, rustic, eco, Provence, etc. are chosen for them.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of a house on the coast of the sea, it is important to decorate the kitchen in it in a marine style.

Compared to apartments, where styles like minimalism, loft, techno, etc. are often used, they are rarely used in private homes.

And you can personally verify this by viewing the proposed photos of the kitchen design in a private house.

In many houses, the environment as a whole is close to nature. Therefore, it is very good to use any natural materials. It is these materials that are very popular for decorating kitchen spaces in their own houses.

The same should be noted about decorative items. The kitchen can be decorated with dry flowers as hanging bunches, garlic/onion braids, mittens in the form of mittens, pots and other clay utensils, as well as natural fabrics such as silk, cotton in curtains, tablecloths ...

Dimensions, shapes

Compared to apartments, where kitchen spaces are small and often rectangular in shape, in homes they can be varied, as well as with different sizes.

Miniature elongated, square-shaped kitchen

If the kitchen space is small, you need to choose furniture, appliances very carefully. The same applies to their arrangement, placement.

If we talk about colors, in this case, choose a light and warm palette, which will make the room visually look larger.

Also in this case, glossy surfaces will help well, which perfectly reflect glare, and the kitchen looks visually larger.

As for the ceilings, choose a stretch, glossy option, with which the room will look spacious.

When choosing furniture, you should choose cabinets in which the doors do not open, but slide out. Otherwise, when they are open, space will be eaten up. Also, if possible, we recommend ordering lockers with a depth of forty centimeters instead of sixty.

Speaking of a square-shaped kitchen, it will not be as capricious as the previous version or as a narrow apartment kitchenette. The most popular option for arranging furniture here will be an island located in the center.

If the kitchen has a square shape, but at the same time it is very miniature, the dining table is completely out of place here. It should be placed in the dining area. If it is not there, install a miniature bar counter directly in the kitchen.

walk-through kitchen

It can be completely uncomfortable if there is direct access to the terrace, veranda, etc. from the kitchen.

We can offer to arrange furniture and other items so that it is not on the way to the exit. But to visually separate the work surface from the entrance, place a bar counter right on the border, which smoothly flows out of the cooking surface.

The design can be very diverse if the dining room with the kitchen area are combined.

Well, in other matters, we offer a selection of the best photos of the kitchen in a private house, from which you can be inspired by fresh interesting ideas and create your own real masterpiece!

Photo of a kitchen in a private house

During the arrangement and design of the kitchen in a private house, the owners have to take into account its features and solve many issues. Most often, non-standard rooms are assigned to the kitchen. It can be part of the attic, basement or passage room. The owners of such kitchens will need to think about: decent lighting, proper insulation, good ventilation and comfortable furnishings.

Features of kitchens in private homes

The design of the kitchen in a private house should be thoughtful and convenient.

Kitchen in a private house:

Proper arrangement

One of the main criteria in the arrangement of the kitchen can be considered the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house itself. The building may consist of one floor or several. As a rule, in large houses, a large room stands out for the kitchen. If the house is small, then they try to place the kitchen in the hallway or in the attic. The correct selection of ventilation, the location of gas pipes and the boiler, for convenience and safety, as well as the need for room insulation, depend on the location. To do this, it will be useful to read about and how to choose.

To protect the whole house from high humidity and odors (which are formed during the cooking process), you need to take care of proper ventilation, on which the comfortable living of residents will depend. For convenience, it can first be planned using development.

Ventilation during planning

With a wall height of 2.2 meters, in addition to the exhaust duct, there should be one window.

In creating the right ventilation system, it is required to highlight the localization of hazardous emissions, take care of diluting them with clean air and quickly removing them from the room. For this, there are natural ventilation and forced.

  1. Natural ventilation. Its channels are laid during the construction of the building. The entrance for clean air is located at a height of at least 2 meters from the foundation. The outlet is brought to the chimney (its height should not be less than 50 cm from the roof level). Further, when arranging the kitchen, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is taken into account. In a kitchen of about 8 m², the stove has a maximum of 2 burners. An area of ​​about 12 m² can allow 3 burners on the stove, and for an area of ​​​​about 15 m², 4 pcs.
  2. Forced ventilation. The modern layout of rooms in private homes does not allow natural ventilation to cope with its task to the fullest extent, therefore, it is often necessary to add forced ventilation in the arrangement of the kitchen. The simplest option is to install an electric hood, which is mounted above the stove. Installation instructions are attached to the product, but there are general rules for all types. Above the electric stove, the hood is installed at a height of 50-70 cm, and above the gas burners this distance will correspond to 60-80 cm.

Video: how to properly arrange a walk-through and corner kitchen

How to properly equip the kitchen:


In private homes, in the kitchen, the owners spend more time. Here, not only the process of cooking takes place, but also various preparations for the winter, so it is desirable that the room is not only comfortable, but also warm, for greater comfort. If in multi-storey buildings, heat can partially come through the walls from neighboring apartments, then their owners have to think about the insulation of a private house on their own. Warming the kitchen will depend entirely on its location. For example:

  • the location of the kitchen in the basement will require wall insulationthrough which cold from the ground will pass;
  • you will also need to think about when locating the kitchen in the attic;
  • it will be necessary to insulate the ceiling if there is no additional floor above the kitchen, there is a roof;
  • especially required in kitchens where the base of the floor is located close to the ground, although the comfort of creating such an influx of heat does not hurt anywhere.

Since there are many fire-hazardous devices in the kitchen, all finishing work on insulation, for the sake of future safety, should be carried out with materials that are most resistant to fire.

Lighting device

Proper lighting in the kitchen plays a big role not only in the basic design, but also for cooking.

Usually they try to highlight the working area with artificial lighting to the maximum, but the dining area will be more comfortable with subdued lighting. To minimize the use of artificial lighting, you can place the working area near the window (this solution will also improve air exchange). But having come to this decision, you need to take into account several rules, such an arrangement:

  1. The location of the window and the work surface on the same level. As a rule, kitchen tables are produced in standard sizes (the most convenient for working on it), where their height is 85 cm. The window opening cannot be lower than the table surface, so it is better to think about window placement at the construction stage.
  2. The heating of the kitchen often occurs with the help of radiators, which are located under the window. The countertop will prevent the flow of warm air, and if the back wall is removed from the kitchen table, it will become impractical. The solution can be a thermal convector, which is located in any convenient place, or the installation of underfloor heating.

A flower garden or garden located outside the windows, near the working area, will favorably affect the hostess, who is forced to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Gas pipes and boiler: how to plan in the dining room

In frequent houses, it is the kitchen room that becomes the place where appliances that are not related to the kitchen are concentrated. This applies to system heating boilers, gas water heaters, water heaters and similar appliances. According to a properly drawn up project, all devices must be tied to system communications and located in a separate room, but if this cannot be organized, a separate corner is allocated in the kitchen (which is most often done). The main thing is to follow the following rules:

  • mandatory presence of a window;
  • not to be installed in: basements, bathrooms, corridors and balconies;
  • near the boiler, all surfaces must be fireproof, best of all;
  • the area of ​​​​the room is not less than 4 m² with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m;
  • mandatory presence of a circuit (grounding) and a pipeline with cold water;
  • the chimney, or rather its cross section, must correspond to the power of the boiler.

Mounted gas boilers are mainly suitable for the kitchen. This solution is more in line with established norms. For floor gas boilers, a separate room is still required.

How to make a kitchen in the house design project:

Location of furniture at home: how to equip, equip

The dimensions of the room allocated for the kitchen do not affect the general rules for arranging furniture and equipment. With any decision, the kitchen should first be visually divided into working and dining areas. But if everything is clear in apartment kitchens with arrangement, then the kitchens of private houses may have some nuances that should be taken into account:

  1. In small walk-through kitchens, it is better to use a modular set. This will allow you to install it randomly in those places that will be most convenient for use.
  2. You can save space if you order, the width of which will be narrower than standard sizes.
  3. Since private houses often have fireplaces, you should not miss this opportunity to place a dining area near it. This will give the atmosphere a special charm.
  4. If the kitchen has doors to the courtyard, then its arrangement will need to be approached with a special approach. The problem will be the draft that occurs when the doors are opened. You can solve the problem by blocking the direct passage of air with a part of the headset, a refrigerator installed on the side of the passage and other tricks. The main thing is to calculate everything in such a way that the place where the hostess spends the maximum time (working area) does not fall under the draft.

An important point remains the general style of the entire room, that there were no sharp differences between the working area, the dining area and the utility corner (where the boiler, stove and various communications are located).

Small nuances in the setting, design, interior

Big house made of wood (wooden)

Wooden house dictates its own style

The most important thing in the design of a wooden house is to exclude the possibility of a fire as much as possible, to arrange and equip everything correctly. Therefore, in addition to fire extinguishers, it is desirable to treat wooden surfaces with special impregnations.


In the design of the kitchen, in a brick house, brickwork will look good in a small studio and in the dining room. It can be placed on one of the walls, on an apron, around a fireplace, etc. This masonry well emphasizes modern kitchen appliances, the presence of glass, wood and metal in the kitchen.

View our photo selection of kitchen interiors:

Arches and bay windows are quite common Provence style will look very harmonious

Art loft style kitchen:

When adding brick trim in the kitchen, it is worth remembering that its elements must be in each separate zone, otherwise it will not be possible to create overall harmony in the environment. You can safely experiment with the color of the brick itself. White, gray, red and even black brick finishes are great for any interior. If you are limited in space, it is useful to read about.

It is not difficult to build a kitchen interior in a private house if the design and decoration of the room are tied to the general style of the building at the design stage. If this was not done when detailing the project assignment, then you will have to pretty much break your head before you can choose the right look for the kitchen environment, beautiful and functional at the same time.

How to approach interior design

Unlike the rest of the rooms in a private house, the kitchen was and remains a fully functional space where they only spend time with a cup of tea, or sitting with the whole community at dinner. You have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, cook, store food, deal with dirty dishes, sometimes receive guests and friends who have visited private property. The kitchen in a private house often replaces the living room or a place for evening gatherings. Therefore, often the owners privately make a separate entrance from the yard for convenience.

Therefore, specific special requirements are imposed on the interior of the kitchen, its design in a private house:

  • First of all, they think over the location of the furniture and the working area, only then they "tie" the arrangement of the dining set - a table and chairs. At the same time, you need to find your own private solution, how it is most convenient to furnish;
  • The second step is to “fit” household appliances into the interior. Despite the fact that there is always enough space in a private house, any housewife would prefer that at least a refrigerator, an oven and a dishwasher are always at hand;
  • At the third stage, auxiliary details of the interior are selected, methods of finishing the floor, walls, ceilings in a private house, designing a window opening and an entrance door;
  • At the end of the kitchen interior design process, you should try to hide most of the minor items and details behind the furniture facade. The fewer pipes, ventilation ducts, boxes, counters, necessary and unnecessary items appear in the interior, the more well-groomed the kitchen and the private house as a whole seem.

In addition, most of the planning will have to be done taking into account the actual size and layout of the room, the location of windows and the height of the ceilings of a private house. For example, for the interior of a large kitchen in a private house, a photo, the presence of high ceilings is vital.

And this requirement is extremely important to take into account when planning the height of the ceiling and the method of arranging the ceiling at the stage of rough design of a private house. In some cases, it is necessary to artificially raise the ceiling or even change the ceiling to make the room more open. Otherwise, a large kitchen area may visually look dark and uncomfortable, like a basement.

The most interesting kitchen design ideas

If the new owners have purchased a cottage or a house of a standard design, the best option for decorating a room would be to use a standard kitchen interior in a private house, photo.

The main advantage of a standard kitchen space is that the solution is essentially a win-win. The classic kitchen interior for a private house was created by professional designers and corrected and improved many times until it became the standard used for both apartments and private houses.

For a small kitchen of a private cottage or country house, you can use a simplified version of the interior and furnishing of the room.

But the classic kitchen interior scheme has two significant drawbacks:

  • The furnishings and furnishings of a standard kitchen in a private house, photo, look quite cozy, but at the same time boring and non-individual;
  • The second drawback is related to the fact that the "classic" is difficult and uninteresting to use in a private house built on an individual project.

Therefore, for new buildings or just a planned private house, it is best to try to choose your own version of the future interior of the kitchen. The choice usually comes from the size of a private house and its purpose.

Kitchen interiors for country houses and cottages

A classic country house or a summer house in terms of layout and content is somewhat different from a private house used for year-round living, respectively, there is a difference in interior design.

For small cottage-type households, the design of a small kitchen in a private house can be built around a window opening, front door or stove. For two-room summer-type country houses, the easiest way is to place the kitchen at the entrance to the house.

The interior of such a kitchen uses mainly wood, a grooved board, a wooden facade of a furniture set. Since the kitchen is located at the entrance to the house, the wall and ceiling finishes are chosen to be the most resistant to dust and soot.

For very small buildings made of timber or logs, the design of a small kitchen in a private house, as a rule, is tied to the corner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. A very practical and thoughtful solution.

With this arrangement, the heat with which the corner kitchen with a window in a private house always generously supplies living quarters will not escape through open doors, and the box of a small building will warm up from the inside. In addition, due to the presence of two windows, the interior of the room turns out to be modest, but quite practical and bright.

Most small private houses, whether winter or summer type, are equipped with fireplaces and stoves by their owners. The design of the kitchen in a private house with a stove has its own specifics.

A wood-burning stone stove is always used as one of the inner walls, depending on the design of the facade of the stove, the interior of the kitchen is also selected, most often it is eco or country style.

The idea of ​​​​a kitchen by the window in a private house remains one of the most popular planning topics. It is not necessary to turn your country house into a log cabin, which traditionally has small windows and little light.

Much more attractive is the scheme of an ordinary aerated concrete private cottage with one, but very large window opening. The design of a kitchen in a private house with a window can be simple and uncomplicated. It makes no sense to fill a place for a country holiday with everything that most people seek to relax in the country. Whitewashed walls, hanging shelves, a solid oak countertop and dining table make the room feel extremely simple and comfortable.

Full size kitchen design

In most cases, the owners of one and a half-story and two-story private cottages seek to equip the kitchen design in a private house, photo, in an open style. The interior of the kitchen is built the way they would like to see it in a city apartment, but for objective reasons it is impossible to make it that way.

Usually the kitchen room is increased to the maximum possible. The design of a large kitchen in a private house, photo, can be very different from the generally accepted interior schemes for kitchens in country buildings. Most often, the owners of a private holiday home combine the kitchen with the living room into one impromptu studio, resulting in a kind of kitchen and bedroom interior.

For example, to give a whole wing of the first floor under the kitchen. Light walls and large Scandinavian-style windows create an interior with plenty of free space. Little shelving, countertops, and hewn block decor are no longer needed to maintain the rustic feel of a huge kitchen.

For smaller country cottages, the design of a small kitchen in a private house, a photo, can be arranged with a little trick:

One of the most commonly used attributes in the design of the kitchen interior is considered to be small fireplaces or stoves. If you do not build an attic and leave the ceiling open, then after the construction of the fireplace stove, the kitchen becomes like a hunting lodge.

For private buildings in the style of a chalet, the first floor or part of it can be completely given over to the arrangement of the kitchen - studio. In this case, the interior is formed in the style of timber structures.

The walls are finished with plaster and painted to match the wooden frame, German windows are always in wooden frames, and most of the kitchen furniture is installed along the walls, freeing up space for the living room and relaxation area.

Special cases of interior design of the kitchen in the house

The most difficult thing is to choose the right option for the kitchen when the private house has already been bought, decorated, the new owners have moved into the premises, and it is almost impossible to choose and reschedule anything. But most owners still try to build a comfortable space and change the layout.

small kitchens

The problem of a small room in a private house is quite rare; usually, with a lack of usable space, the owners expand the space with a living room or even a bedroom. But in the country, the kitchen is always made isolated, even the smallest, but in its own corner with its own interior, furniture and stove, or equipped in a separate extension.

In this case, the interior of a small kitchen in a private house, photo, looks quite modest, the walls and ceiling are decorated with wallpaper, and the stove with furniture is squeezed into the farthest corner of the room.

If in a wooden building it is possible to win back the corner and space of 12-15m 2, then for a small kitchen you can arrange a fairly stylish interior with wall cladding with polyurethane bricks and plastic ceiling trim.

Corner rooms

The corner location of the kitchen can be considered one of the most successful options, there is more than enough space, there are windows and a separate exit to the courtyard. One of the examples of kitchen interior design with a corner arrangement in the house is shown in the photo.

An indisputable advantage of the corner location can be considered the possibility of arranging two or more large-format windows, and in some cases, glass doors with access to the terrace or gazebo are added to the layout.

Good lighting allows you to use materials of any colors and shades, thanks to sunlight, even the use of stone or tinted wood cladding will not turn the kitchen into a dark attic or basement.

walk-through kitchens

One of the most popular schemes for constructing a kitchen space is considered a through or through option. As a rule, the design of a walk-through kitchen in a private house, a photo, must be coordinated with the location of the porch and the back entrance.

The usual kitchen interior in this case is not suitable, since almost always the design of the kitchen in the walk-through version of the kitchen in a private house is “tied” to the corridor arrangement of the room. Of all the existing kitchen layout schemes, the walk-through scheme is considered the most unusual and at the same time the most practical:

  • The kitchen room, stretched along one of the walls of a private building, reduces heat loss in winter and protects from heat in the summer months. Regardless of the chosen interior, it is always cool in such a kitchen due to drafts;
  • A properly planned interior of the walk-through kitchen part of the house has the largest number of windows than any other room, with the exception of the terrace or attic;
  • Smells and warm air do not penetrate deep into the premises of the house, unless, of course, the kitchen itself is located at the entrance to the building.

Most often, a walk-through kitchen is almost a corridor, so the interior of the room is chosen appropriately, with arches at the entrance-exit, a furniture facade pressed against the walls and a floor covering with a maximum wear resistance index. The intensity of traffic through the passage area is three to four times higher than even at the entrance to a private household, so the floor is usually either laminate or commercial linoleum.

Interior for large rooms

Owners of a private house can afford to build a kitchen of maximum size, especially if the building has several floors, and there is no issue with free space. The first-class design of a large kitchen in a private house, as in all other cases, should be tied to the structural features of the building.

You can, of course, use the traditional approach and apartment interior, but in a large room, such a design will not look very convincing.

First of all, when planning the interior of a large kitchen room, zoning should be carried out, that is, in a room of a private two-story house, a working area and a dining area should be allocated and separated.

The two parts of the kitchen space can be separated by decorative lamps, a bar counter, or even spaced at different levels.

Sometimes interior details are simply not enough to fill the space of the room, and part of the territory has to be designed as a recreation area, and the outer wall of the building is filled with full-length window openings. This is not a defect of a novice designer who incorrectly planned the interior of a private apartment. Today, in fact, this is a new design standard - less details, more free space and light.

Of course, there is no need to try to turn the interior of the kitchen of a private house into a kind of boring office space. Large families live in large private houses, and the task of the designer is to build an interior that can create a certain mood of a lively atmosphere.

Even if, in order to shape the appearance of the premises, it is necessary to move the living rooms from the first floor and sacrifice the attic space.


Building a kitchen interior in a private house requires both the intuition of an artist, the skill of a builder and the practical experience of a housewife who knows everything about kitchen life. Any attempt to neglect at least one of the components will end in a gray and nondescript kitchen interior with an inconvenient arrangement of furniture or expensive repairs.