How to reduce the volume of the hips and tighten the shape of the buttocks. How to make hips wider and rounder? How to make your hips wider

Many of the fair sex dream of becoming owners of a figure like " hourglass". After all thin waist with rounded seductive hips and buttocks, at all times it aroused admiration in men and slight envy in women. To the question of how to increase the width of the hips at home, experts know the exact answer: eat right and regularly perform a certain set of sports exercises. Rejection junk food and regular training in a month will allow you to see pleasant changes in the figure and feel healthier and more attractive.

Increasing the width of the hips at home is a long process that requires perseverance, patience and strict adherence to the rules for performing exercises. So, all movements should be performed at a slow pace, focusing on posture, the position of the joints, the tension of the muscles of the lower extremities and the whole body. Changing the proportions of the figure is possible only during regular hard work, after which pleasant muscle fatigue is felt.

Even when doing at home, you need to take a responsible approach to this process. Choose a spacious place in the apartment, put on comfortable clothes, prepare water to replenish your strength. Do not start your workout with strength or compound exercises, be sure to do a warm-up to warm up the whole body. Think carefully about what actions you will perform, in what order they will be, and how many repetitions you need to do.

The complex of the most effective exercises for increasing the femoral muscle is as follows:

  • Classic squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, stretch your arms forward. Slowly squat down until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. On the squat, exhale, while lifting the torso - inhale.
  • Plie - squats. To increase the back of the thigh, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, turning your socks out. On the exhale, squat as low as possible and linger in this position for a few seconds, and on the inhale, take the starting position.
  • Lunges back and forth. Performing this exercise is an excellent prevention of the appearance of cellulite due to increased blood circulation in the thighs. You need to stand straight and put your hands on your belt. When stepping forward or backward, the knee should be bent at a right angle.
  • Side lunges. You can increase the width of the hips as follows: take the straight leg to the side, keeping the weight of the body on the other limb. Squat down slowly without lifting your heels off the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat the lunges on the other side.
  • Half bridge. Exercises to increase the hips can begin with a supine position. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Raise your buttocks as high as possible. Make sure your heels and shoulder blades do not come off the floor.

One of the most effective exercises is the classic squat.

These exercises do not require physical training, sports attributes, interaction with a partner. However, their careless execution is fraught with problems with the joints. Therefore, carefully review the video tutorials and remember that during squats and lunges it is necessary to correctly move the body weight.

How to speed up the transformation of the figure

In order to increase the size of the hips faster, it is necessary to use various amplifiers, sports attributes or exercise equipment. Their application requires heightened attention and compliance with safety regulations. You can learn about them from a consultant in a specialized store, a trainer, a fitness instructor. Remember that dumbbells can be replaced with sand bottles, and a body bar with a mop stick.

Dumbbells will help increase the volume of the hips. Any squat, lunge or swing exercise will be more effective if you add weight with these weights. Start classes with 1-kilogram dumbbells and add 500 grams after the body gets used to the load. A modern alternative these attributes are weight enhancers, which are wide cuffs filled with sand or salt.

You can noticeably expand the volume of muscles at home with the help of a barbell.

Moreover, thin girls are able to achieve a noticeable result, even using only one neck of the projectile. To do this, you need to place it on the upper back at the base of the neck and slowly squat, keeping the arch in the lower back until the hips drop below the knees. Another effective exercise is lifting the bar from the floor to the hip joint on straight legs. If you follow correct technique performance, the muscles of the thighs will noticeably tighten.

Projectiles that increase the width of the hips do not have to be heavy. good option changes in the proportions of the figure at home are exercises with a small rubber ball. It should be clamped by the hips and in this position of the body, perform the following movements:

  1. Squats.
  2. Jumping.
  3. Raising the legs from a sitting position on a chair.
  4. Lifting the buttocks from a supine position.

Good for hip augmentation, barbell squats

The modern sports industry has developed many simulators small size, which are easily placed in the room (stepper, exercise bike, orbitrek). With their help, it is possible to control your activities, in time increasing the load on the body.

How to help the body change

Protein diet will also help to increase hips at home. After all, protein is building material for new cells that will fill the unnecessary voids of the figure and create captivating curves in their place. So, increase muscle mass with the help of such products:

  • Poultry meat.
  • Lean fish.
  • Dairy products.
  • Soy, beans, peas.

To create feminine outlines, don't forget to use vegetable oil cold pressed, because it contains vitamin E, which activates the production of estrogen and progesterone.

There is also a more radical way to increase the width of the hips, which cannot be done at home. So, some women do surgery to fill the voids with their own fatty tissue. Such procedures are called lipofilling. They allow you to achieve an excellent visual result in a short time. The reverse side of the medal is the gradual spreading of fat over the tissues, after which the figure takes on its usual shape.

If a woman does not want to undergo surgery and does not want to wait months to transform her figure, she can buy special corrective underwear. With its help, at home, you can instantly visually increase the width of the hips and buttocks to right size. To do this, a silicone plate is inserted into the shorts, which is indistinguishable to the touch from women's skin under clothing.

Owners of narrow hips should learn how to choose clothes in such a way as to hide figure flaws. So, fashionistas should refuse to wear a jacket with shoulder pads and blouses with lantern sleeves. Make sure that the bottom is a few tones lighter than the top and contains elements such as appliqué, patch pockets, frills, peplum. These elements of clothing allow you to visually increase the width of the hips in a natural way.

Many of the fair sex wish to increase the width of their hips at home. To do this, they switch to a protein diet, perform a set of sports exercises, acquire corrective underwear and a certain style of clothing. Remember that perseverance and determination will help to achieve results and maintain beauty and health.

Lush hips are a symbol female beauty. Due to the roundness of this part of the body, you can adjust the silhouette, bring it closer to the hourglass type and make the figure more sexy.

The task is not the easiest, but quite achievable!

You can increase your hips with the help of properly planned nutrition and exercises.

How to increase hips - Nutrition

Nutrition should be balanced and rational. The fact that you're working on getting bigger hips shouldn't be an excuse to eat empty calories and unhealthy foods. Make sure your menu includes fresh, natural foods: vegetables, lean meats, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. Seeds and nuts can be great additions to your main meal.

“Contrary to popular belief, for a set muscle mass you need to eat as much as possible, I will say that when overeating, adipose tissue will inevitably form. To ensure muscle growth, it is enough to eat as much as is required to satisfy hunger. But protein food must be present in the diet. results contemporary research show that animal protein is much more effective than soy protein in gaining muscle mass. Therefore, it is important to include meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, poultry fillet in the diet. To ensure the absorption of protein by the body, it is necessary to consume slow carbohydrates. Its best source will be whole grains: pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, basmati rice.

How to increase hips - Exercises

Start training for thigh enlargement with a light weight and gradually increase it.

“The main focus should be on increasing muscle mass in the thighs and buttocks. The core of the training should be strength exercises with burdens. But cardio exercises must be performed wisely so as not to get the opposite effect. Be sure to warm up the target muscle groups before starting the main workout.

Squats with dumbbells (barbell)

Free weight squats will prepare the hamstrings and hips for the main work. For best results, use dumbbells or a barbell as additional resistance. You can hold the bar behind your head, and dumbbells along the torso or near the shoulders.

The most important thing is the execution technique. During squats, take your pelvis back, and bend your knees to right angle. The position of the knees is also important, they should not fall forward. When doing squats, consciously engage your thigh muscles.

Quantity: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Lunges are considered a basic exercise for the legs, performing which you can effectively work out the buttocks and thigh muscles.

Using a barbell or dumbbell as extra weight will speed up muscle growth. If your workout takes place in a spacious room, it is advisable to perform lunges along the entire length of the room.

Place your feet at hip level, parallel to each other. Take a big step forward, put your weight on your front leg and squat on it. Follow the technique of the exercise: bend angle in knee joint should be straight, the knee should not fall forward. Save straight position torso, do not lean to the sides. Rise up on your front leg. Repeat the lunge on the other leg.

Quantity: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Using dumbbells as additional weight will accelerate muscle growth. Hold the dumbbell upright at chest level.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, slightly spread your socks to the sides. Take a step with your foot to the side, while slightly sitting down on the other leg. Hold the position for 1-2 seconds. Return to the starting position due to the strength of the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Control the technique: you must move smoothly, without jerking, so as not to injure your knees. Perform on the other leg.

Quantity: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Side leg raise

Use leg weights as additional weights.

Lie on your side lower arm stretch up, bend the other arm at the elbow and place it in front of the chest. Stretch your legs, they should be in a straight line with the body. lower leg bend at the knee at a 90 degree angle.

Exhale and lift your top leg. As you inhale, lower your leg until it almost touches the floor. Repeat leg raise 10-15 times, then roll over to the other side.

Stretching exercises

Be sure to include stretching exercises in your workout. It improves blood circulation in muscle tissues and promotes more rapid growth muscles.

Stretching the outer surface of the thigh lying on the back

Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Grab your knee with your left hand right foot and gently pull it to the left, towards the floor. Stretch slowly and without jerks. Watch your breath, one should be uniform and deep.

Hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

Stretching the inner thighs in the pose "Butterfly"

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, put your feet together. Gently press down on your knees, increasing the stretch. Slowly lean forward towards the floor while keeping your back straight. Stretch your arms forward and hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

Stars such as Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara have brought the hourglass back into fashion. Yes, a thin waist is important, but in order to achieve this look, you need to increase the size of the hips. If you want to be the owner of wide hips, here are a few steps to help you get the desired shape.


Change your physique

    Do hip exercises. Side leg raises, hip raises, and leg kicks should be part of your training regimen. The most important exercise for increasing the hips is the lunge to the side with dumbbells. It's over difficult option traditional lunge, which creates more resistance, thereby promoting more growth muscles and increase the volume of the hips.

    Take up yoga. There are many poses that open up the hips. Yoga will help you strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility, which is essential for other exercises. The frog, dove, lizard, cow face poses are the poses you should familiarize yourself with.

    Sit on your ass. You can expand your hips (and your butt) just by sitting. According to a study published in the journal Cell physiology, researchers have determined that pressure on the buttocks and thighs from excessive sitting can lead to an increase in fat in these areas. Cells respond to environment. As one of the scientists explained, fat cells that are under the influence of prolonged sitting "produce more triglycerides (the most common form of fat that the body stores), and do it faster."

    Give birth. Women's hips expand to help the baby come into the world. In some cases, over time, they return to pre-pregnancy size, in other cases, more wide hips become a permanent part appearance women.

    Consider surgery. If you want to go under the knife to look like Kim Kardashian, there are procedures that you should familiarize yourself with. With liposuction, fat can be removed from various parts of the body and placed in the thighs. Or you can get hip implants, which are slices of silicone that are placed under the skin and tissue to give you a fuller curve.

  1. Wait. It turns out that with age, the hips become wider. The results of studies have shown that the cause of the increase in the volume of the hips is not always excess weight in the aging process, but an increase in the size of the pelvis. In a study with participants aged 20 to 79 years, researchers found that pelvic width, hip spacing, and femur diameter increase with age, and that older people's pelvises are on average 2.5 cm wider than younger people.

    Use the art of illusion

    1. Wear thigh pads. You don't actually need to widen your hips to make them look fuller and more feminine.

      • Buy panties that increase your hips. You can buy lingerie that comes with removable foam pads that add inches to a woman's hips.
      • Use silicone pads to create the effect of full thighs. Try securing the pads with the adhesive side, or tuck them into heavy microfiber underwear, stockings, or pantyhose.
        • Remember - probably, with a new, more "dense" figure, it will not be possible to fit into your favorite jeans, so it's worth doing some shopping.
    2. Revisit your wardrobe. You can use dresses to accentuate your hips and give the illusion of more fullness.

      • Focus on the waist in all outfits. Use belts and girdles to define your waist. This will give your figure an hourglass look.
      • Pay attention to cut and color. Bleached denim and light-colored trousers accentuate the hips. Choose jeans with a defined waistline to accentuate your waist, or opt for a straight cut. Choose items with front pockets and small back pockets.
      • Buy skirts with ruffles or layers of fabric to make your hips look wider.
    3. Change your posture. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders down and back, transfer your body weight to one leg, hips apart. You just gave your body an S-curve. Place your hands on your hips, pointing your thumbs forward and moving the rest of your fingers back.

      • To create an S-bend when you are sitting, simply cross your legs or put your weight on one hip.
    4. Rock your hips. Rocking your hips while walking draws attention to this area and gives a feminine charm that always attracts masculine attention. Keep your back straight and roll your shoulders down and back. Relax your body. Put one foot in front of the second while walking, do not swing your arms - everything should be natural. You can deliberately wiggle your hips as you walk, but don't overdo it. If you overdo it, it will look comical.

      • To enhance the effect, wear shoes. Thanks to heels, your hips will sway without your participation.
    • Eat plenty of protein and phytoestrogens found in soy, flax seeds, and tofu. Estrogen helps to shrink the waist and increase breast size.
    • There are several other exercises for the thighs. Change exercises so that the same workout does not have time to bore you.
    • Be persistent.
    • Use heavier dumbbells to build muscle (5 or 7 kilos for most women).
    • Squat as much as possible and don't wear pants that are tight around your hips.
    • Wear cropped tops and blouses (not necessarily crop tops, just shorter blouses) paired with leggings to flatter your hips.
    • Do not worry and be upset if the result is not immediately visible. It takes time and effort to see results.

Good day, dear readers of the sportivs sports blog, Alexander Bely is with you. Spring is coming and this means that warm down jackets and pants will be replaced by light jackets and shorts. Many begin to worry about those forms that are hidden under a layer of warm clothing. As a rule, people who do not engage in an active lifestyle after winter gain extra pounds and centimeters, especially in the hips. Therefore, we will talk today about how to reduce the hips in volume and give them harmony.

Basic concepts

On the this moment the entire expanse of the Internet is crammed with various attractive advertisements, something like: “how I lost 5 kg in 9 days” or “a diet for weight loss, with the help of it I threw off 10 kg in two weeks.” Dear readers, know, all this is not true, beautiful body requires regular exercise, if body fat has been accumulating for many years, then how can they go away in just a week?

You need to be patient and make it clear to yourself that this is a long and painstaking process. Many people ask the question, is it possible to lose weight very quickly? Unfortunately, the answer is no, but if you follow the right diet and training program, then in 3-4 weeks you will notice quite a good result, which will give you the strength to train further. Let's now look at the main causes of wide hips.

What causes hip enlargement?

The reason for the increase in the hips lies in the basis of nature. Since a woman has to give birth to children, her figure initially has a predisposition to rounded shapes and wide hips.

Against the background of stress, various hormones can be released that are responsible for many processes in a woman's body, as a result, fat deposits begin to be deposited, in particular in the abdomen (flanks) and thighs.
You can also add the type of figure, and important is the diet. Often the cause of wide hips lies in buns, sweets, pizzas and other fast food.

When you look in the mirror, do you see that your thighs are unattractive? Do not be sad, now I will share with you effective complex exercises that will help tighten the buttocks and achieve a good result. After we look at the diet and recommendations.

Physical activity

At the present time, there is a huge amount of information that will allow you to lose those extra pounds and get in shape. There are many training programs in gym as well as at home.

Of course, warming up is important before any workout. I don't recommend exercising without warming up first. It will help you prevent the possibility of damage, sprains.

The first will be . Lying on your back, lift your legs off the floor and do an imitation of pedaling on a bicycle. You need to take several approaches.

The second requires special physical endurance. We need to make scissors. Starting position as in the third, lying on your back, you need to raise your legs and cross your legs about 70 times. As you train, you need to increase the number of repetitions.

The next exercise is performed lying on your stomach. The bottom line is to raise the opposite arm and leg at the same time.

A very good training for - standing straight, placing your hands along the body, you should raise your legs, or rather, swing them to the side and inward. Do 25-30 repetitions.
In the same position, 20-25 repetitions of leg rotations will also give their results.

Complex in the gym

1. Barbell squats. Place the bar just below the neck - on the trapezius muscles, the back is even, the legs are parallel to each other. You should squat until the butt becomes parallel to the floor - 90 degrees.

2. Flexion and extension of the legs in the simulator. The first exercise will work the biceps of the thigh, the second - the quadriceps.

3. Lunges. In each hand you need to take a dumbbell 4-8kg and do lunges. It can be on the spot, you can walk along the corridor or the hall. When performing lunges, it is necessary that the knee slightly does not touch the floor.

It will be effective to add cardio loads to all this. After each workout, jump rope, run on a treadmill or around the stadium, do orbitreks and exercise bikes, and then, subject to proper nutrition you will get great results.

Also, wrapping the problem areas of the hips or waist with a film during training has proven itself quite well. Due to this, sweating intensifies at the place of wrapping and excess water is removed along with problematic centimeters.

Here you can order wrapping film .

Speaking of diet, let's look at what you can eat and what is not recommended.


First of all, it is strictly not recommended to eat confectionery- buns, cakes, sweets. In a word, exclude sweet and starchy foods. Why? They are the main source of fast carbohydrates, which in the shortest time deposited in negative fats.

Drink more water. Water accelerates metabolism, that is, improves metabolism. If you want to eat bread, then you can 1-2 pieces of black before training, or replace it with bread. Basically, focus on food of animal and natural origin: chicken, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, fish.

Apply. Eat relatively small meals 4-6 times a day. Thus, eating fractionally, you accelerate your metabolism.

Be patient and start practicing, the most important thing is to start. We reviewed the basic concepts, talked about why the hips increase, how to deal with it, what exercises are effective, talked about the diet, and foods that are not recommended. Below I have attached an informative video that will bring useful information For you. Go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and be in good mood and in great shape. See you soon.

Famous divas such as Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson were able to bring back the fashion for a figure resembling an hourglass. And if your bright head is tormented by thoughts about how to make your hips wider, we will give a few good advice and recommendations.

We change the natural composition of the body

So, you need exercises that help make the thigh part a little wider. To do this, the complex of habitual workouts should include hip lifts, leg raises to the side and throwing legs out of the squat.

It is very important to remember to do side lunges with dumbbells in your hands, which create more resistance, stimulate the growth of the thigh muscles and increase their volume.

Start doing yoga and experiment

In this practice, there are a huge number of asanas that help open the hips, strengthen their muscle tissue and make them extremely flexible. In the process of training, it is worth performing the poses of the Frog, Lizard, Dove and Cow Face.

Interesting is the fact that even just sitting on the priest, you can make the hips wider. This is due to the fact that while sitting, the pressure on the buttocks and femoral region increases. This contributes to an increase in fat mass in these areas of the body.

If after all this the desired parts of the body do not become wider, try the following:

  • Creams that help fill the lack of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the speed of recovery and growth of the femoral muscles;
  • Give birth, because in the process of gestation and release from the burden, the femoral region expands naturally, trying to help the child to be born quickly and safely. Of course, in the process of restoration, this part of the body may acquire its original appearance, but more often the opposite happens;
  • Agree to the operation. The desire to be like Kim Kardashian is quite capable of bringing you to the operating table. During surgery, fat is pumped out from different areas of the body, which is then placed in the femoral part. More curvaceous forms of the upper legs can be obtained thanks to silicone cuts squeezed under the tissues and skin of the thigh;
  • Change your usual posture. Lower and pull back your shoulders a little, straighten your back, shift the weight of your whole body on one leg, and spread your hips a little. This pose allows you to get the right curves, especially if you complement it with hands placed on your hips. If you need to demonstrate wide hips in a sitting position, just cross lower limbs, or shift your body weight to one of your hips;
  • Swing your hips as you walk, which will give you femininity, charm and attract male gazes. Relax your whole body, straighten your back and wear high heels;
  • If all of the above doesn't work for you, just try to wait, because with age, wide hips can appear as a result of an increase in the initial parameters of the pelvis.

How to create visibility with clothing

If you can’t pump up your legs in the right place, and there is neither an opportunity nor a burning desire to go to the table of a plastic surgeon, just change your wardrobe. The following tips will help you in this matter:

The answer to how to visually make wide hips will be short skirts, designed in lighter and more colorful shades than a blouse or pullover.

It is necessary to direct the attention of others precisely to the lower part of the body, which obliges you to avoid shirts and blouses with ruffles, ruffles and frills.

Skirts should be balloon-shaped, tulip-shaped or sun-flared, preferably with transverse stripes.

If you are used to or are required to wear skirts below the knees, you should give preference to lush and wide models, or buy options that expand downwards. Never buy pencil skirts.

In summer, the muscles of the legs are more open than ever to others, so the desire to demonstrate wide hips becomes even more relevant. If you start wearing sundresses or strapless tops, due to the lack of matter on the upper body, a visual effect of volume will be created below.

No need to pull the skirt to the very middle of the abdomen. Much better when the clothes will have a low waist, and a wide catchy belt.

It is worth buying skirts, dresses and other wardrobe items that will be decorated with multi-tiered flounces, frills and draperies in the hip area. These details will divert the attention of the environment from the massive upper body.

Wear trousers of any cut, as well as shorts of various sizes. Special attention give trousers-breeches and models with voluminous pockets. These are very comfortable and practical wardrobe items that will visually make the femoral region wider.

Be sure to stock up on beautiful shoes with high, stable and comfortable heels. It will distract prying eyes from the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200byour body, forcing you to look at slender legs and seductive gait.

Before you decide to have surgery or childbirth, sit down and consider whether you really want to get a wide upper part feet in this way? It may be worth doing the exercises more persistently, problem solving how to make your hips wider?