Simple but effective ways to quickly increase the width of the hips. How to make hips wider and slimmer

Needless to say, but men have somewhere on genetic level it is precisely laid down that an attractive woman should have appetizing and rounded shapes, and this primarily concerns the hips.

Many scientists substantiate this by the fact that since ancient times, a woman for a man is a potential basis for procreation, which should definitely give birth to healthy and strong offspring.

It is believed that it is women with a wide pelvis who are able to cope with this function in the best possible way. One way or another, but the fact remains, and representatives of feminine smooth and streamlined forms are not deprived of male attention.

Due to the modern way of life, the problem of an irregular figure has spread among women and girls, and along with obesity, the problem of lack of weight has arisen, especially in certain areas of the body.

figures modern girls quite typical - long thin arms and legs, rather powerful shoulders and a small pelvis. The lack of sports, as well as constant diets, with which the fair sex loves to starve themselves, so as not to have extra folds in different areas, began to lead to such changes in the female body.

That is why, for quite a long time, the question arose among girls and women of how to increase the hips and buttocks, because appetizing roundness still remains the standard of beauty and femininity.

Diet away! Proper nutrition - come!

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. Exhausting diets and constant calorie counting will be superfluous here. Of course, no one talks about overeating and eating everything that lies badly.

After all, the point is: we will practically not be able to change the shape of the pelvic bone, which is given by nature, cannot be corrected with the help of exercises, but we can fight with muscle tissue and fat layers, they can even be controlled so that they add up to your “favor”.

In order for the hips to acquire beautiful and voluminous shapes, it is necessary to work on their muscle tissue, and, as you know, it consists almost entirely of protein. Remember the pictures beautiful bodies with relief muscles, so before you get such a figure, you need to learn how to eat right.

Your daily diet should include foods that are easily digestible, such as boiled chicken breast, seafood. Sour cream, cheese also helps in this matter, you can sometimes please yourself with creamy ice cream, nuts and condensed milk without sugar.

By the way, women are good at gaining muscle mass, if you sometimes eat baby milk formulas, because they are designed to form muscles in the baby.

But you can use them no more than 2-3 times a week, these cereals have too quick an effect. Many women do not risk resorting to such an “anti-diet”, as they are very afraid of gaining weight, gaining extra sides and bellies, and very in vain! Shaping your beautiful priests will not do without heavy physical exertion, which simply will not let you get better.

So, eat healthy, and remember that if you want to shape your hips, then you will have to refresh yourself 20-30 minutes before training, and repeat the diet immediately after it. The choice of sport is also important - exhausting fitness or jogging is unlikely to help you with this, of course, you will tighten your muscles and your body will look better, but at the same time you will dry it out, which will make your butt look even smaller.

Which sport to choose?

As we have already said, narrow hips can easily be increased by physical exercises, you just need to choose the right sports slope. Sports clubs that train with a high duration of time, but with a low intensity, will not suit you, you are not going to lose weight.

The best option is a gym where you can easily focus on your particular problem area. By the way, you can practice at home, the main thing is the desire, not the opportunity. The whole workout will not take you more than 30 minutes, and then, this is if you want to pump up other parts of the body.

If you decide to go to the gym, then know your best friends in this case, it's a barbell and heavy dumbbells. Most often, various squats are performed with them, and their working weight should reach such a figure that you can do only 5-8 squats, no more!

At first, you will have to squat with a bar, as the bar will seem very heavy, and you need to do the exercises carefully so as not to damage the weakened ligaments and muscles of the legs.

In general, it is best to start with pre-training, which includes the usual ones - they will help you get in the right tone. Then you can complicate them a little - squat with dumbbells or with bottles of water, but at least with - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is the result.

Squats with a barbell must be performed correctly - the barbell is placed on the shoulders, the legs are set shoulder-width apart. Remember to always look straight ahead so as not to lose control of the body. The pelvis must be lowered slowly, without sudden movements, take it back a little, as if you are sitting on a chair.

For some girls, especially lovers of heels, this can be difficult, heels, in any case, will not want to reach the floor. This indicates non-elastic Achilles tendons, put a small platform of 2-3 cm under the heels, and after a while try to remove it.

The lower you squat, the more benefit you will bring to your buttocks. One more useful exercise- These are attacks, both direct and reverse. When performing any exercise, watch your posture - your back should be even, in no case do not slouch.

In total, you need to do three sets of squats and lunges, each exercise is repeated 5-8 times on each leg, because you don’t want your buttocks to turn out different.

At the end of the workout, be sure to stretch, it will help you to do the exercises deeper and more confidently each time. It will also not be superfluous to pump up the press and perform inclinations that can prevent the appearance of a fatty layer on the sides, which will save your waist in a consistently thin state.

How to visually increase the hips with clothes?

If you are not going to the beach or the pool, where it will be difficult to disguise your problem hips under a swimsuit, then you can work on your appearance, which will help visually make the figure more proportional.

If we talk about trousers, then narrowed and straight options are not for you, the best way out is breeches, which expand well in the right place. Use the upper part of the clothing - it should draw a minimum of attention to the shoulders and chest if you do not want to gain a significant advantage in the upper zone. Always try to highlight the waist line - with belts, skinny blouses and jackets.

Correction of the pelvic bones is a complex procedure, its success depends on the regularity of the exercises. The only way to significantly change the size of the pelvis is a surgical intervention, but it will not be done without medical indications. Women are left to choose between sets of exercises that can slightly change the structure of the pelvic region and facilitate the process of childbirth.

Deformity of the pelvic bones

In most cases, problems that require a change in the position of the pelvis are caused by abnormalities in the development of the bone apparatus. Against their background, as well as due to diseases suffered in childhood and adolescence, the area can be deformed:

  • frontal curvature - deflection forward or backward;
  • horizontal curvature - twisting;
  • sagittal curvature - deformation to the left or right side.

There are unique sets of exercises that can correct the pelvic bone and reduce the severity of the deformity.

Shibasaki technique

When a woman has a wide pelvis, the problems of pregnancy and childbirth are not so critical. Narrow size often causes many pathologies and difficulties. Dr. Yoshio Shibasaki suggested unique technique Kotsuban diet, which includes a set of exercises and nutritional rules to change the pelvic bones.

The doctor is sure that most of the problems with the internal organs come from the incorrect development of the lower skeleton. Skeletal muscles are no less important. Due to the distortion of the pelvis, edema appears due to circulatory disorders. At the same time, the figure of a person with a curvature is distinguished by the massiveness of the lower part of the body, wide full legs.

Using the technique of a Japanese doctor, you can restore the normal position of the bones, improving all processes in the body. It should be noted: this is a medical procedure aimed at normalizing the skeleton, but not at increasing the femoral fat layer and giving feminine forms to the figure.

The proposed complex offers the correction of too full hips, helps to lose weight, achieve ideal body proportions and good health. However, it should be remembered that miracles do not happen: for classes you need to stock up on patience, accuracy and readiness for discomfort. Due to the gradual change in position, the bones begin to cause discomfort to the woman. After a few sessions, the pain subsides and a feeling of lightness appears.

Preparing for Exercise

Tape for performing Japanese exercises

It is necessary to perform exercises to expand and normalize the position of the pelvis using a special tape. It fixes the bones, does not allow them to come out of right position. Instead of a ribbon for Japanese gymnastics techniques, a tight yoga belt or a 7 cm wide elastic band is suitable.

The tape looks like a long strip with additional straps attached perpendicularly. It is fixed just below the waist, the cross-shaped intersection is located on the buttocks, the lower parts are fastened at the top of the hips, below the pubis.

Before exercising, you need to remember a few rules:

  • spread your legs and perform other movements smoothly;
  • if there are painful sensations, classes should be stopped;
  • you need to start classes gradually, from 10 minutes a day until the recommended positions are performed during the session.

The complex includes 6 exercises that allow you to increase the pelvic bones of a woman.

A set of exercises

Each lesson is designed to correct a specific curvature. In order to effectively perform Japanese exercises for the correction of the pelvic bones, it is necessary to determine the pathology present. If there are no curvatures of the skeleton, the effectiveness of the classes will be insufficient.

Lateral curvature correction

The exercise is based on stretching the legs to the sides using a support:

  1. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, press your feet to the floor.
  2. First, they tear off the toe of one leg, raising the thigh, then put the foot back completely.
  3. Hands rest on the hips, begin to swing the pelvis to the right 10 times.
  4. Then repeat the exercise on the left side.

You can start with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing the load.

Frontal curvature correction

To correct this form of deformation of the pelvic bones, you need to do the following exercise:

  1. The legs are again placed shoulder-width apart and the feet are pressed to the floor.
  2. Bend the upper body forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands.
  3. In parallel, smoothly shake the body back and forth as you exhale.
  4. The pelvis must not be allowed to move back, it must be perpendicular to the floor.
  5. As soon as the fingers touch the surface, you need to slowly straighten up to the starting position with a slight backward bend.

As you complete, you need to bring the number of repetitions to 10 times.

Correction of left-sided or right-sided curvature

Having taken the starting position with feet shoulder-width apart, perform the exercise:

  1. It is necessary to keep the trunk and pelvis in a vertical plane.
  2. The palms are placed on the hips, lean to the left, pressing right hand on the greater trochanter of the thigh.
  3. They push the right thigh outward, as if narrowing the bones of the pelvis with their hands. Left hand is in the resistance position of the right palm.

Having made an inclination in one direction, repeat the same thing in the other.

Correction of frontal deformity without tape

Take the starting position, remove the tape:

  1. Do not allow rounding of the back during the exercise.
  2. The spine is strictly straight, and the face is forward.
  3. The palms, having joined into a lock, are placed on the back of the head.
  4. Lower the buttocks down, leaning forward with the upper body until it is at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the knees.
  5. The elbows should be kept open and the head straight with the spine.

You can repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Correction of horizontal curvature

To perform this correction, you can put the tape back on, or do a warm-up without it:

  1. The patient sits on the floor and straightens the right leg, bending the left knee.
  2. The foot of the left leg should be on the knee of the right.
  3. The right hand presses on the left knee, lowering it to the floor level.
  4. Raise the left knee from the floor, with the right hand resisting down.
  5. Increase resistance for 5 seconds, then relax.

The number of repetitions - no more than 5 per initial stage, up to 10 - at an advanced level.

Benefits of the Japanese method

With a long lesson in Japanese gymnastics, each patient feels positive changes in the whole body:

  • the condition of the breast improves - it rises a little, the tone increases;
  • the skull becomes symmetrical;
  • the fat layer on the hips and buttocks decreases, they become elastic;
  • undergoes an X-shaped change in the legs;
  • the position of the neck is normalized, breathing is restored, the pinched nerve roots are released;
  • gymnastics removes swelling from the face;
  • the state is normalizing upper parts hands, the volume of the fat layer and swelling are reduced, the sagging of the skin and triceps disappears;
  • the bend of the spine is restored: the “tummy” disappears, the work of the stomach normalizes;
  • the size and position of the internal organs in the small pelvis are restored;
  • the work of the digestive and urinary systems is normalized.

Patients note that after a set of exercises it improves emotional condition, insomnia disappears, the quality of sleep normalizes.

Women are very often upset because of the excess weight of the body and the volume of certain parts of it - the abdomen or buttocks, for example. And such a reason for grief is very often just too lush and voluminous hips. But sometimes the lack of volume in this area also makes you despair, which encourages women to take many measures to increase this part of the body.

These measures can be implemented in three directions - the silhouette can be changed with the help of clothing (colors and cuts of dresses, skirts and trousers, as well as shapewear), you can work out the thigh muscles using special exercises, as well as resort to the procedure of lipofilling (surgery for transplanting adipose tissue from own body). The best option correction is selected taking into account the defect of the hips.

Pump up the buttocks at home

Thin people who want to find beautiful and rounded hips, do not fall into despair. The hips become beautiful precisely due to the presence of muscle mass in this area. If you recall the layout of the skeleton in the school biology classroom, then the bones of the legs are parallel to each other and do not stick out, so beautiful hips are solely due to the presence of muscle mass. So systematic training can make a difference.

To increase the hips, you need to pump up muscle mass. At the same time, exercises should be performed slowly, trying to strain and work out the muscles of the thighs as much as possible during training. If you perform such exercises at least three times a week, you will get rid of sagging in the thighs and make them more prominent and rounded.

We will offer you a set of exercises that will give you not only beautiful and appetizing hips, but also elastic buttocks.

How to squat to pump up the buttocks

Squats should not be performed in the same way as in school physical education classes, but with full dedication. Deep squats can give you fast results. To do this, it is recommended to use weights, but only after a week of regular training.

There is no need to rush into this matter.
When doing deep squats, it is important that the buttocks touch the calf muscles. First you need to sit down as low as possible, and then straighten up to your full height.

Once your body has adapted to the workout, you can start using weights such as dumbbells or barbells, and the load should gradually increase.

It is also important to understand that you are not training endurance and strength, but are trying to build muscle mass, so there is no need for enhanced daily training. Ideally, you need to do a two-day interval between workouts, otherwise the microcracks simply will not have time to heal, and the muscles will stop growing.


We stand near a support (a chair or a wall, for example), take our right leg to the right and hold it in the air for about five seconds. Next, slowly move the leg to the left as much as possible and hold the same amount. The exercise is repeated 10 more times, after which the same is done with the left leg.

We stand with the left side near the support and take the right leg as far back as possible, perform springy movements, trying to raise the leg as high as possible and return it closer to the floor. We do this for about 20 swings, repeating the same thing with the left foot.

Next, raise the right leg in front of you, while pointing the toe towards you, and hold it in this position for about a minute. We repeat the same on the left leg.
To perform the next exercise, we stand with legs wide apart, bend our arms at the elbows, pressing them to the sides.

On the exhale, we transfer the weight to the left foot, while raising the right leg, bent at the knee and touching the buttock with the heel. Then, while inhaling, we become straight and repeat the same thing on the left leg. You need to perform 15 times with each leg.

High knee running

This exercise is very simple and quite effective, able to provide you with beautiful hips and buttocks. At the same time, during rhythmic running, we simply try to raise our knees as high as possible. Intensity in this case is not recommended to get involved. Systematicity and measure are more important here.

Pump up the ass at home

Lie on your back, put your hands freely and raise your legs. On inspiration, we spread the hips to the sides and fix them in this position for a couple of seconds, and on the exhale, slowly bring our legs together. You need to complete 50 repetitions. If it is difficult to do many repetitions at a time, you can start with 10-15, gradually increasing the load each time, performing several approaches.

The following exercise is performed from a lying position on the left side with support on the left forearm, in which, while exhaling right leg rises up and is held perpendicular to the floor for a minute, and on inspiration it falls to rest.

Next, the leg must be raised again, now holding at an angle of 60 degrees to the floor, and after a minute lowered again. The same manipulations are repeated with the left leg. Next, you can also add another leg raise already at an angle of 30 degrees to the floor.

When the entire set of exercises is completed, it is also important to perform a stretching set. In this case, the blood, first of all, reaches the muscles much better, while nourishing and relaxing them. It also helps to avoid feeling tired, which tends to build up over time.

It is also important to forget about bad habits. Here, only you have to decide what is more expensive for you. Remember that alcohol is a protoplasmic poison that destroys the cells of your body, so there can be no talk of muscle growth when drinking alcohol.

As for nicotine, despite the fact that it is considered a catabolic, it also has an exclusively Negative influence, since resins prevent oxygen from entering the blood, without which cell growth is impossible.

In general, the problem of hip augmentation is not so difficult, but if you suddenly succumb to laziness and indecision, and suddenly want to quit, remember immediately why you started all this.

Clothes that help visually increase the hips

Narrow hips can be completely hidden with the right clothing.
In the presence of such a lack of a figure, it is not recommended to wear blouses or jackets with broad shoulders, so that they do not “eat up” the volumes in the lower part of the figure in contrast. For the same reason, it is recommended to abandon flashlight sleeves.

Another important point is that bright hues, as a rule, give the figure additional volumes, which is why such shades should be abandoned in the upper part of the clothes, especially if these are spacious things.

In general, it is worth choosing clothes so that the lower part is always lighter than the upper, and it is better that the difference is several tones. Also great for this large patterns(geometric or floral) or bright colours clothes.

Preference should be given to sweaters with a deep neckline and slightly shortened sleeves. Tight shirts and corsets are also recommended. A wide torso will help hide blouses with an overestimated shoulder line.

A voluminous, not very long sweater dress will not show narrow hips, but it will divert attention to slender legs. An off-the-shoulder dress can visually enlarge the torso, so you should be careful in choosing this option.

If we talk about skirts, then you should give preference to a more fluffy cut - pleated skirts or skirts with tiered flounces. In the case of a straight cut skirt, some additions in the form of pockets or voluminous embroidery will help to visually enlarge the hips.

A-line skirts with a high waist look good enough, which can be emphasized by any belt - narrow or wide. However, it is important that the belt is exactly at the waist, and not at the hips. The skirt can be long, but only in this case it is important that there is a long and voluminous top. Great choice for owners of narrow hips, there is also a tulip skirt.

If you prefer to wear trousers, you should give preference to models with a low waist. Models with slightly flared legs from the hip look good. Also welcome additional decor in the hips (3D embroidery, appliqué, pockets).

Outerwear should be loose-fitting. Such a figure will be decorated with a raincoat or coat with a wide belt. From styles that tightly fit the figure, you should still refuse.
At correct selection style of clothes you will always look irresistible.


Thanks to lipofilling of the legs, it is possible not only to add volume to the lower legs and thighs, but also to significantly improve their shape.

Lipofilling of the buttocks will give you appetizing forms and at the same time deprive excess fat in unwanted places (for example, in the waist area). Today, this procedure is the most popular among those who want to increase the volume of the hips.

The main indication for lipofilling is a person’s dissatisfaction with the shape of their legs and buttocks, which can occur in different situations.

- With too thin shins, when the leg in any shoe looks like a pencil in a glass.

- With crooked legs, which is even more visible if the legs are thin.

- When the hips do not fully close when standing still.

– In the presence of flat buttocks due to lack of muscles in this area.

It is also important for the operation to be performed that the patient is already an adult, which is usually important when performing any plastic surgery. In addition, ideally, the patient should have no bad habits and health should be good. Well, in general, the possibility of implementing the procedure in each case is determined by the doctor.

The final answer can only be obtained on the basis of a comprehensive study of the body. The patient is weighed before the operation, and the height is measured and the proportionality of the skeleton is assessed, also determining the amount of soft tissue on the legs.

Lipofilling cannot be performed if the patient has atherosclerosis, diabetes, or circulatory disorders. The reason is that with such diseases, fat cells may not take root and die after the operation. At the same time, their death may not necessarily cause complications, just the patient will not receive any expected effect from the operation.

The final result of the procedure can be assessed only after a couple of months after its implementation. The operation itself to correct the size and shape of the buttocks and thighs takes no more than 60 minutes.

Doctors usually pump a little more fat cells under the skin than is required. The reason is that part of the transplanted adipose tissue splits over time, so sometimes it is necessary to repeat the corrective procedure.

After the operation, certain complications are possible - for example, infection of the transplanted adipose tissue, therefore, antibiotics should be taken for a month after the operation under the supervision of specialists.

At the same time, this procedure belongs to minimally invasive interventions, so the patient can leave the clinic on his own within a couple of hours after the operation. To avoid infection, the skin at the sites of intervention is closed with a surgical plaster for a day. There are no stitches or scars left after the operation.

I am glad to welcome you, friends! I think I will not be mistaken if I say that almost every woman wants to look attractive and comply with certain canons of beauty. But, alas, not everyone by nature has a wasp waist or expressive legs.

Fortunately, there is such a sport as fitness, which can eliminate these shortcomings! It will allow you to immediately kill two birds with one stone and visually make the waist narrower and give the hips rounded shapes. Just about how to make the hips rounded, I will tell you today!

If you are here, then you are overcome by the desire to get rid of the tapered or square legs and give them an attractive roundness. To do this, you need to direct all the forces. Especially on their outer part. The muscle located in this place is called the lateral head of the quadriceps.

  • For leg training, we need such well-known exercises as squats and lunges, these are basic movements for pumping not only the hips, but also the buttocks.
  • Exercise regime is important

Since we want to build some muscle, the exercises should put a good strain on them. Therefore, for exercising at home, get a pair of dumbbells.

  • We need cardio

After all, they train endurance, and it is useful for working in the range of 10-20 repetitions in leg exercises. Why so many repetitions? Because girls have more slow muscle fibers that love long-term work.

If you are in gym, then Treadmill or an exercise bike would be very handy. Well, running and cycling at home will help you.

Guided by three points, you can create an effective training program and boldly go into battle.

Training programs

In order for the program to work, it is important not only to regularly pay attention to physical activity, but also to adhere to!

In the gym

If you decide to work out in the gym, then the set of exercises will look like this:

  • Front Squats

One of the best exercises for the development of thigh muscles. Many bodybuilders use it to round out their legs, but that doesn't mean it's not for women.

On the contrary, due to the anatomical features, you will be able to squat with an almost perfectly flat back. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart and squat to parallel with the floor. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • Front squats can be replaced with narrow stance squats.

So it will load outer part hips. However, you will feel it yourself. Here you are free to use either the Smith machine or the barbell. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • And now our favorite lunges

But we will do them in a somewhat non-standard manner. Lunges are most conveniently performed with dumbbells, since in this case the center of gravity drops down, and we have a more stable body position.

How to do the exercise? Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step one foot back and to the side towards the front standing foot as illustrated in the photo. Return to the starting position and repeat the same steps for the second leg. Do 3-4 sets of 12-20 reps.

  • You can finish your workout with classic lunges.

Using dumbbells, a barbell or a Smith machine as weights. You need to complete 2-3 sets of 12-20 reps.

Before training, do not forget to warm up well. Complete rotational movements hands and feet. Do a few bends and squats. You can also walk on a treadmill or pedal an exercise bike.

And after completing the lesson, take a couple of minutes to hitch up: restore your breath and stretch tired muscles. One more thing important note! During the final sets of each exercise, use a weight belt to help keep your waist thin.

At home

At home, you most likely do not have barbells at hand, and even more so a Smith simulator. But you can always come up with a burden. It could be either dumbbells.

The complex itself remains the same as in the gym. Moreover, if dumbbells or an expander alone are not enough, then you can combine them!

For example, in front squats, you take dumbbells in your hands, throw them on your shoulders and squat, but if the load is not enough, take an expander in your hands. Fasten the other end under your feet. But in the latter case, it is better to lower your hands with dumbbells down, since it will be quite difficult to keep them in a raised position.

Master each exercise for the same number of repetitions and sets (3-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions) and you are great! Now you can rest and recover.

But before you start training, be sure to watch the video!


In order to round the hips, you will have to sweat a lot, as you need to gain some muscle mass. Fortunately, women's hips grow well from physical activity. For proportional development of the body, pay attention not only to the hips, but also to other muscle groups (upper body, rear surface thighs, buttocks and calves).

Work out the thigh routine 1-2 times a week, with one day being heavy (performing 10-15 reps) and the other day easy (performing 15-20 reps with less weight). Between them, leave a three-day gap for recovery. Set aside a separate day for cardio training.

That's all for me. Leave feedback on the article, subscribe to updates and share the article with friends on social networks. See you soon!

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A real decoration for girls and women. Some of the fair sex are wondering: how to increase the width of the hips? If the individual features of the figure do not favor magnificent forms, they will come to the rescue proper nutrition and special physical exercises to increase the hips. In addition, such A complex approach will increase the tone of the body and improve mood.

To acquire the desired forms, diligence and regular practice are required. A properly selected program will allow you to build muscle mass in the right places, make narrow hips wider.

  • mastering the correct exercise technique;
  • performing movements slowly to ensure maximum muscle tension;
  • gradual increase in load with dumbbells or other suitable loads;
  • selection of the optimal diet for building muscle volume.

If desired, the girl can work out in the gym under the guidance of an instructor or increase her hips at home.

How to make hips rounder at home

A set of simple exercises performed 3-5 times a week will give a visible effect in a month. It is very important to master correct technique movements, the effect of classes directly depends on this. Before starting training, it is desirable to find detailed information with videos to understand how to do the exercises correctly. To expand and pump up the hip belt, you need to repeat the exercises 15 to 20 times in several approaches. So, to business!

At first, it is very important to spend 5 to 10 minutes preparing for classes in order to quickly warm up the muscles and joints. The warm-up may include walking in place with high knees, bending and rotating movements, stretching, lifting on toes.

Basic hip exercises

Squats are the perfect companion for working almost every muscle in the lower torso. Plie squat - very effective exercise for pelvic expansion:

  1. Starting position for classic squats: legs together or slightly apart, arms extended in front of the chest, back straight. You need to squat on the exhale so that the angle when bending the knees is 90 °, and the line of the hips is parallel to the floor. The torso is tilted forward. The number of repetitions should be gradually increased from 10 to 50 times, and then add dumbbells or linger in the squat for several tens of seconds.
  2. Starting position for plie squats: legs apart broader than the shoulders, socks turned outward, do not bend the lower back. Hands can be stretched out in front of you, folded into a castle in front of the chest or behind the head. Squat should be on the exhale, without lowering the buttocks below the level of the knees. If you linger on the squat, the tension on the inner thigh muscles will increase, which will lead to the creation of a beautiful relief.

Lunges prevent the development of cellulite on the thighs by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic region.

There are lunges forward, backward, to the side and cross movements:

  1. Starting position for lunges forward and backward: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, back straight. Take wide steps forward or backward with a squat so that both legs are bent at the knee by about 90 °. For greater effect, it is useful to linger for a few seconds in this position, then return to the starting position.
  2. When lunging to the side, a step is made to the left and right, bending one leg at a right angle, and keeping the other straight.
  3. Cross lunges are performed by bringing one leg behind the other so that the leg in front is bent 90 °. The second leg should not touch the floor with the knee.

Mahi with straight legs create a sufficient load and develop the femoral part. Mahi is performed in a standing or lying position, moving the working leg as far as possible:

  1. Standing, leaning on the back of a chair, perform foot movements forward, backward, to the side. The body of the body should not deviate. Holding the leg on the weight for a few seconds and accelerating the pace, you can achieve an increase in the load.
  2. Lying on your stomach, you need to put your head on your arms crossed at the level of your forehead. Swings should be done by tensing the hips as much as possible. The same exercises can be repeated while standing on all fours or lying on your side.

Additional lessons

The half bridge, jump-ups, and high chair are effective exercises to help build tight hips.

Their mandatory inclusion in the training program contributes to the rapid development of the pelvic muscles:

  1. The half-bridge is performed lying on your back, bending your knees and stretching your arms along the body. From the starting position, the pelvis is raised until a flat line of the body is formed from the shoulder blades to the knees, the muscles of the buttocks should tighten, and the feet should not come off the floor.
  2. Jumping out of a sitting position, stretching your arms up, works out the muscles well, making the hips wider.
  3. High chair - an exercise from a series of squats, performed near the wall. From a standing position with arms outstretched forward, squat until reaching right angle between the thigh and the calf of the leg. Hold in this state at first for 20 seconds, each time increasing the time as much as possible.

Exercises for the hips in the gym

Detailed information on how to pump up a girl’s hips in the gym can be provided by an instructor who will develop a program taking into account individual characteristics body and explain in detail how to make the hips wider. The same movements that are described earlier, performed on simulators or with the help of a barbell, give a quick effect.

Basic rules for training in the gym:

  1. Compliance with dietary patterns. It is better to start training 2 hours after eating, and drinking water is allowed regardless of the time of exercise.
  2. Performing a warm-up. In order not to harm the muscles, before strength training, they should be warmed up more.
  3. Load compliance. To develop muscles, they must be overloaded, but this must be done gradually and moderately so as not to damage muscle tissue.
  4. Consistency of exercise. Having achieved the result, you can not quit classes. This will lead to a rapid loss of tone, because the muscles need a constant load.

Exercises that increase the hips will be much more effective if you eat right, taking more protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Private walks on fresh air strengthen the muscles of the legs and the general condition of the body.

It is better if training and healthy eating will not become a temporary phenomenon, but a way of life that will allow you to gain rounded and attractive hips and keep your figure toned for many years.