Exercises for the small pelvis are useful not only for women, but also for men! Best pelvic floor strengthening exercise for men and women

No one will argue with the statement that regular muscle strengthening workouts are extremely important and beneficial for our body, but at the same time, only those muscles that can be assessed by sight come to mind for each of us. In fact, the list of those is much longer and one of the first lines in it is occupied by the muscles of the pelvic floor.

A set of exercises to strengthen these muscles is recommended when problems and diseases arise, surgeries have taken place, and also if a woman wants to facilitate her pregnancy, wants to recover quickly after childbirth, or her goal is vivid unforgettable sensations during sex. Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles will not only help you achieve what you want, but will also be an excellent prevention of many diseases of the genital area.

Where are the pelvic floor muscles located and what are their functions?

The pelvic floor muscles are located between the coccyx and the pubic bone and play an extremely important role during labor. In addition, it supports the internal genital organs, the rectum, controls the activity of the bladder and prevents the prolapse of the uterus.

The loss of its elasticity and stretching, which can occur as a result of the activation of certain hormones during pregnancy or during menopause, threatens with the appearance of such unpleasant signs as:

  • stress urinary incontinence (passing some urine when coughing or sneezing);
  • constipation;
  • weak sensations during intercourse or air entering the vagina and its exit, accompanied by characteristic sounds;
  • lack of orgasm or the inability to control it;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina or an inflammatory process in this area.

Regular implementation of Kegel exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor before pregnancy will help to avoid the appearance of all these abnormalities, both during it and after childbirth. Training does not pose any danger to the baby, but it is recommended to start them after the 12th week and continue until the 30th week of pregnancy.

Good pelvic muscle tone during pregnancy will help to maintain extra weight, reduce the number of attempts during childbirth and restore the muscles of the perineum after them.

Dealing with urinary incontinence

It is best to begin mastering Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor with urinary incontinence while lying on your back or side. After some time, when the muscle tone increases slightly, you should continue to perform training in a sitting or standing position. It is noted that the greatest efficiency can be achieved by performing exercises with legs spread apart.

An important rule for performing exercises for urinary incontinence is empty bladder . Gymnastics should begin with the adoption of the correct position on the back. Then it is necessary to compress the pelvic muscles in the same way as with a delay in the act of urination. To do this, you need to concentrate on the group of muscles surrounding the urethra.

The tension formed in the muscles must be delayed for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the same thing again 10 more times. Breathing during training should be even, without delay.

You also need to ensure that during training there is no tension in the muscles of the buttocks or abdomen.

Another effective exercise, which is part of the Kegel gymnastics, is an exercise called "In the Elevator". To perform it, a woman needs to imagine that she is going up in an elevator, that is, with each new floor, she must increase muscle tension until she reaches the “top floor”.

Then in reverse order you should begin to relax the vaginal muscles, as if going down in an elevator. Such training will teach proper control over the muscles.

Kegel exercises to combat urinary incontinence can be done and during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to remember some features. So, for example, the number of lessons per day should not be more than 30 times, and after a 16-18 week period they should be done not lying down, but in a sitting or standing position. This is necessary so that as a result of a long stay in a horizontal position on the back, there is no compression of the inferior vena cava, which is already being pressed by an enlarged uterus.

A set of exercises for prolapse of the uterus

The prolapse of the vaginal walls and uterus is a fairly common problem among women who have had a difficult pregnancy or childbirth, as well as those who do not play sports and have too low body weight.

Especially for such representatives of the fair sex, a separate set of trainings was developed aimed at increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. However, such gymnastics is effective only on early stages illness. At stages 3 and 4 physical activities won't help.

One of the main advantages of Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse is that they do not require special space to perform. Gymnastics does not take a large number time, and it can be done both sitting and standing (no matter at home or in transport).

The set of exercises includes the following steps:

  1. Tension of the muscles located around the urethra (urethra). To do this, as already described above, you need to make the same effort as if you were going to momentarily suspend the act of urination.
  2. Tension of the muscles of the small pelvis and pelvic floor. To do this, you need to squeeze the pelvic muscles and try to pull them in and up. In the first lessons, this should be done slowly, and later more rhythmically and quickly.
  3. Gradual contraction of the vaginal muscles from the bottom up and subsequent fixation of this position.
  4. Imitation of labor. This part of the exercise should be done as quickly and rhythmically as possible. You don't need to apply a lot of force.

To achieve the desired result, namely, to securely fix all the organs in the small pelvis, Kegel exercises are recommended to be performed regularly. Optimal quantity classes per day - 3 times.

After removal of the uterus

It often happens that at the beginning of the rehabilitation period after a radical hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus), a woman has various physiological problems associated with the act of urination or defecation.

This is due to the fact that during the operation, not only the uterus was removed, but also part of the muscle tissues and ligaments supporting the uterus. Subsequently, because of this, the pelvic organs are displaced and the muscles of the pelvic floor are weakened.

Kegel exercises after hysterectomy are the most effective therapeutic method. Such training can be carried out in any position of the body: lying, sitting or standing. Before starting gymnastics, a complete emptying of the bladder is recommended.

The exercise itself is performed as follows: it is necessary to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor in such a way as if you want to simultaneously stop the release of gases from the intestines and the process of urination. The pelvic muscles will contract and slightly rise upward.

At first, you may not feel the contraction of the muscles, while in fact it will occur. This phenomenon is considered quite normal and passes over time. But if you want to make sure that the muscles are working, you can insert one or two fingers into the vagina. During muscle contraction, the finger will be tightly "girthed".

When performing this workout, you need to make sure that there is no tension in the muscles of the abdomen, legs or buttocks - they should be in a relaxed state. Kegel exercises after the operation to remove the uterus are recommended to be done several times a day.

Gymnastics should be started by alternating 2-3 seconds of contractions and subsequent relaxation of the muscles, and then try to fix the muscles in a compressed state for 10 seconds or more.

Thus physiotherapy Kegel is recommended for regular use by women during pregnancy, after childbirth and in case of removal of the uterus. It will not only strengthen the pelvic muscles of women, but also prevent prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence, the occurrence of hemorrhoids and many others. unpleasant diseases sexual sphere.

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Special exercises according to the Kegel method for ve;xby lkz strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor contribute to increased potency. Scientists have proven that power loads. which can be performed even at home, are useful for men who have weak sexual activity.

The study found that almost half of the men in the group of subjects who suffer from impotence or insufficient potency were able to successfully return to a normal sexual life soon after they began to perform a 30-minute course of exercise.

Before the start of the classes, the subjects could not maintain an erection for more than one minute, but after several weeks of regular classes, they were able to increase the duration of an erection by about five times.


According to doctors, exercise can really increase potency. Even such a simple exercise as tension of the muscles of the perineum for 8-10 seconds, which is performed in a standing or lying position, gives good results in the form of an improvement in erection.

At the end of the study, it was found that out of 55 men suffering from impotence, about 40% regained erection, and 33% of patients improved it. Signs of a decrease in potency in men:

  • decreased or lack of interest in sex;
  • insufficient hardness of the male member during the period of arousal;
  • lack of uncontrolled natural erection at night and in the early morning hours;
  • weakening of arousal during intimacy;
  • premature ejaculation.

What is the cause of these symptoms? Without going into details in the anatomy of the penis, we can say that the reason for the softness of the shaft of the male penis is the incomplete filling of its cavernous bodies. It is for this reason that he physically does not acquire sufficient elasticity.

Kegel exercise group: the principle of influencing the muscles

The technique of performing gymnastics according to the Kegel method is quite simple, but effective. If you do it every day, you will learn how to prolong an erection and control ejaculation.

A bit of history

It should be noted that initially Kegel exercises were developed for women. In the last century, the American gynecologist Alfred Kegel developed a group of exercises aimed at training and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which was intended for those patients who had problems with urinary and / or fecal incontinence. As a result, it turned out that this technique was quite effective for the treatment and prevention of other ailments. So, one of his patients experienced an orgasm for the first time, being married for 15 years!

What muscles are being trained?

First of all, the main muscle of the pelvic floor is trained, which is directly related to erection. The better it is developed, the stronger the excitement.

How to perform? First of all, you need to determine the location of this muscle and the easiest way to do it: try to stop the flow of urine while urinating. The muscle that is responsible for this process is the same PC muscle (pubococcygeal muscle) that needs to be trained. Looking in the mirror, you will see that with her tension, the penis and testicles move a little.

How to train muscles correctly?

Having determined the location of the PC muscle, you can begin to perform training. It is recommended to do 15 muscle contractions 3 times a day. Straining your muscles, take a smooth breath, and relaxing exhale. Breathe through your nose.

The number of muscle contractions should be gradually increased from 15 to 50. In addition, it is necessary to increase the time of each contraction and relaxation to 3 seconds. When doing workouts, do not strain the gluteal and abdominal muscles.

You may not succeed at first, but do not worry, soon your body will “remember” the existence of the PC muscle, which contributes to the onset of a bright and strong orgasm, and activates it.

Benefits of exercising at home:

  1. increase the tone of the muscles of the small pelvis;
  2. make it possible to delay the onset of ejaculation;
  3. improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  4. are the prevention of prostatitis;
  5. prevent the development of such ailments as uterine prolapse, urinary and / or fecal incontinence;
  6. prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  7. do not have side effects, because they are performed independently of medications.

Training the PC muscle allows you to control the time of ejaculation, that is, you yourself can increase the time of sexual intercourse.

A set of gymnastic exercises

1. "Rise"

Slowly contract the muscles ("1st lift"), and hold them in this state, counting to five. After that, tighten them even more ("second rise") and hold them in this state, again slowly counting to five. In general, four or five of these "steps" need to be completed. Do the same in reverse. Relax the muscles in stages, lingering on each of them. Repeat this exercise up to ten times.

2. An alternative to this approach may be the following method, which is used to enhance male erection. The PC muscle must be quickly compressed and also quickly relaxed. Repeat this exercise ten times. Wherein:

  • focus on the process and do not get distracted;
  • for achievement positive result, you must concentrate on the muscles of the perineum;
  • do not contract the muscles of the abdomen and / or buttocks;
  • do not hold your breath while exercising, breathe freely.

Repeat the set of exercises 3 times a day.

3. "Step forward"

You stand straight, arms along the body. Step forward or in a circle, raising your knees as high as possible.

4. "Stone"

You stand straight, your hands are on your belt, and your knees are slightly bent. Now bend them even more, and then strongly squeeze and relax the muscles of the buttocks several times, as if holding a stone that is between them. Straighten up without bending your knees.

5. "Bridge"

You lie flat on your back. Knees slightly bent, feet on the floor. The arms are extended along the body. The back lies flat on the floor. Now raise your pelvis and lower it. And so 10-12 times. Then 2 minutes rest. The number of approaches should not exceed 8 times.

6. "Vacuum cleaner"

You are sitting on a chair, your back is straight, your shoulders are straight. Now tighten the muscles located between the testicles and the anus, mentally imagining that you, like a vacuum cleaner, draw in the grain spilled on the chair. In this case, the muscles of the buttocks should not be tense. Do 6 sets of 10 times a day.

Each exercise is repeated 7-10 times. Perform them no earlier than 30-40 minutes after eating. Except for this condition, perform them anywhere and at a time when you are not busy: when watching TV, brushing your teeth, while taking a shower, warming up dinner, standing in line, and even during intimacy.

You can perform Kegel exercises for men in any position of the body.

The results of pelvic floor muscle training

A set of entry-level exercises

Gymnastics for intimate muscles(intimate gymnastics) are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore the muscles of the pelvic organs.
Gymnastics for intimate muscles is recommended for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, preparation for pregnancy, to restore the tone of stretched muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, leveling factors associated with the menopause period.

You should start training with Warm-up, in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs. Don't skip this step! Then, move on to the basic gymnastics exercises for intimate muscles and additional breathing exercises.

A set of exercises for beginners

Intimate Gymnastics - Basic Exercises


The exercise of intimate gymnastics LIFT consists in a gradual, in 7 steps, compression of the vaginal sphincter and also in a gradual relaxation of the vaginal muscle in 7 steps.

1 step. Squeeze the vaginal sphincter a little, just tone it up and hold it in this state for about 5 seconds.

2 step. Without releasing the load, squeeze the sphincter a little harder, pull it up a little and hold for 5 seconds.

3-6 step. Squeeze the sphincter even tighter, tighten and hold it for 5 seconds.
7 step. Squeeze the sphincter as much as possible and pull it up, as if sucking it inward. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Now gradually, in 7 steps, with a 5 second delay at each step, release the vaginal muscle.
Repeat the exercise 5 times without rest.

Straining the vaginal muscle, do not forget to pull it up.

Try to designate “steps” more sharply, at each step there should be a difference between the force of compression of the vaginal muscle. The same is true for the relaxation steps.

During this exercise, try not to hold your breath, breathe deeply and freely.

After completing the Lift exercise, rest for 1-2 minutes.

SOS exercise

This exercise can be performed both standing, lying down and even sitting, if you are, for example, at work or in transport.

Perform three hard, fast contractions of the vaginal sphincter, then three hard, long contractions, then three hard, fast contractions again. Repeat the exercise 10 times without stopping.

All contractions should not be blurry, there should be an interval between them - this is the phase of muscle relaxation.

Close your eyes and imagine how your muscle clearly performs this exercise. Count: one, two, three, raaaz, twoaa, three, and then again one, two, three.

Try to breathe calmly without holding your breath.


In the supine position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and slightly spread apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Place your hand on your wrist and feel for your pulse. With each beat of the pulse, strongly squeeze the vaginal muscle, trying to squeeze it along its entire length, from the sphincter and above, pull it up. In the rhythm of the pulse, perform 60 contractions, then rest for 30 seconds.

In the second approach, do 100 contractions, in the third - 120.

The exercise can be performed both with and without lifting the muscle up, the main thing is to squeeze the muscle clearly according to the reduction of your pulse. Be sure to feel a period of relaxation. During contraction, you should feel the middle section of the vaginal muscle well.

Exercise Ladder

The Ladder exercise consists in rhythmic, in 7 steps, compression of the vaginal sphincter and also in rhythmic, in 7 steps, relaxation of the vaginal muscle. Unlike the Lift exercise, there is no 5 second delay between steps.

In the supine position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and slightly spread apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

On the count of one, squeeze the vaginal sphincter a little and tone it. On the count of two, squeeze a little harder and pull the sphincter up. On the count of three, four, five, six, with each count, increase the load even more and pull the sphincter even higher. On the count of seven. squeeze the sphincter as much as possible and pull it up.

Then immediately gradually relax the vaginal muscle, counting in reverse order. For each count, ease the load a little. Release the muscle completely on the count of one.

Repeat 10 times without a break.

Your movements should be sharp and deep. Starting with the vaginal sphincter, try to increase the load on the entire vaginal muscle, i.e. squeezing harder and harder, we pull it higher and higher. Removing the load, rhythmically push the muscle down.

Please note that the "steps" are performed at a fast pace, without delay.


Exercise LIGHTHOUSE is contraindicated in women with threats and prolapse of the pelvic organs and vagina. For those who are not contraindicated in such an element as straining, the exercise should be performed with caution and very moderately.

In the supine position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and slightly spread apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

On the count of times, quickly and strongly squeeze the vaginal muscle and pull it up.

Further, at the expense of one, two, three, four, five, six, gradually, slowly and very smoothly, try to relax the muscle, gradually releasing the load. And on the count of seven, eight, nine, ten, begin moderate straining (pushing out) of the muscle downwards.

Repeat 10 times without a break.

Squeeze the muscle quickly and strongly, and relax gradually, counting from one to six. Then, gradually increasing the load, push the muscle down in a count of seven to ten.

Attention! Reception pushing (pulling) should be performed very carefully and moderately.

During compression, intra-abdominal pressure increases. During contraction of the vaginal muscle with a pull-up, it stretches in length and becomes narrow, and during pushing, the vaginal muscle becomes wider and significantly shorter.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises complement special vaginal exercises. They enrich the muscles that we train with oxygen, as a result, the muscles will be pumped up and strengthened many times faster.

Exercise CAT

At the heart of this exercise is the bodyflex exercise already familiar to us.

Exercise is performed only on an empty stomach, after eating, at least two hours should pass.

The exercise is performed in a kneeling position, with emphasis on the palms.

Exercise technique

Make a strong exhalation through your mouth, then a strong breath through your nose, then a long and strong exhalation through your mouth, pull your stomach under the ribs, at the same time arch your back. Then, tighten the vaginal sphincter very strongly and pull the vaginal muscle up as much as possible.

Hold your breath and hold the cat pose for 10 seconds. Then, inhale through your nose and relax.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The tightening of the vaginal sphincter must be performed simultaneously with the retraction of the abdomen.

Always inhale only through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

If dizziness occurs, immediately stop the exercise and sit down, rest.

BRIDGE exercise

The exercise is performed in the starting position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms freely located along the body.

Make a powerful exhalation through the mouth, and then a powerful breath through the nose, then a long and strong exhalation through the mouth, pull the stomach under the ribs, at the same time lift the body up.

Strongly pinch the vaginal sphincter, pull the vaginal muscle inward. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and pull the vaginal muscle up at the same time as lifting the body up. After inhaling, immediately relax.

The effect of the exercises CAT and BRIDGE

Exercises CAT and BRIDGE have a very positive effect on women's health, in addition to increasing tone and strength pelvic muscles, the walls of the vaginal muscle are noticeably strengthened, decreased volume of the vagina, libido wakes up, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to powerful oxygen enrichment, processes of purification, healing and rejuvenation of the whole organism occur, immunity develops, erosion of the cervix is ​​cured.

Having finished First level gymnastics to strengthen intimate muscles, you will feel a noticeable strengthening of the pelvic and vaginal muscles. If you have not fully mastered the initial level of intimate gymnastics, do not rush to move on to more complex exercises.

To maintain women's health in good condition, these exercises are enough, your intimate muscles are well tightened and toned. To maintain the result, perform the exercises you like 2-3 times a week.

Intimate gymnastics - Exercises outside the home

Some exercises can be easily performed outside the home, unnoticed by others. These are exercises such as LADDER, SOS, FLASHING.

Thus, even while at work or when driving home from work, you can do something very healthy for your health.

20-30 minutes gymnastics for intimate muscles will make your body function very well, provide the pelvic organs with fresh blood and oxygen, prevent the development of diseases of the pelvic organs, strengthen your intimate muscle, bring new sensations during intimacy.

Normal pelvic anatomy in women

2 - bladder

3 - rectum

4 - pubic bone

5 - pelvic floor muscles (levators)

The uterus, bladder, rectum have a separate entrance (sphincter). The sphincters pass through the muscles of the pelvic floor. The pelvic organs have very elastic muscles that can contract and stretch strongly.

Female pelvic organs fit snugly enough to each other and are in a curved position. In this case, the uterus rests on the bladder, the bladder - on the vagina. The rectum is supported by the coccyx. This position ensures the stability and proper functioning of the pelvic organs. Especially such support is required in a standing position. If the correct position of one of the pelvic organs is violated, the entire interconnected system causing diseases of the pelvic organs.

Pelvic muscles

pelvic floor- This is a group of muscles that surround the bottom of the pelvis. The pelvic floor has two layers of muscles

  • superficial layer of fibrous muscles - called the perineum
  • deep layer of large, dense muscles - the pelvic diaphragm

The fibrous muscles of the pelvic floor intertwine the three openings of the perineum and are directed from the inside out to the pelvic bones.

Pelvic muscles hold everything securely pelvic organs inside to anatomically correct position. Stretched like a hammock from below the pelvis, the muscle layer (pubococcygeal muscle) consists of inner and outer layers of muscles, which together provide retention and normal functioning pelvic organs, and consequently, women's health. Along with the development and strengthening of the muscles of the small pelvis, Kegel exercises also increase blood flow to the pelvic region, which stimulates enhanced cell renewal.

Like other muscles, the pelvic muscles can only be kept in good shape through regular exercise.

Weakened muscles of the perineum and pelvis can lead to such unpleasant manifestations as urinary or fecal incontinence, due to insufficient self-control of the functioning of the intestines or bladder.

Weak pelvic muscles can also lead to difficult childbirth, due to insufficient muscle activity during labor, a decrease in sexual desire and satisfaction from intimacy, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, and even prolapse of internal organs, causing many dysfunctions and diseases of the pelvic organs.

How to determine where the pelvic muscles are located

Where are the pelvic muscles located clearly seen in the diagram below.

It is these muscles that are involved in Kegel exercises and other methods of training intimate muscles.

You can learn more about how to correctly determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are performed correctly at the link provided.

Muscles of the vagina

The vagina is an elastic canal, an easily stretchable muscular tube that connects the vulva and uterus. The average length (depth) of the vagina is between 7 and 12 cm. The size of the vaginal canal for each woman may vary slightly.
The walls of the vaginal muscle consist of three layers: inner, middle (muscular) and outer.

Muscles of the vagina are made up of smooth muscle. Muscle bundles are oriented mainly in longitudinal direction, but there are also circular beams. In the upper part of the vaginal muscles pass into the muscles of the body of the uterus.

In the lower part of the vagina, the muscles become stronger, gradually weaving into the muscles of the perineum.

The muscles of the vagina, like any smooth muscle, cannot be controlled consciously, but at the same time, the muscles of the vagina can be greatly stretched during labor.

You can control the compression of the muscles of the vaginal canal by changing the intra-abdominal pressure, increasing its strength, we get compression, and decreasing it, relaxation.

Intra-abdominal pressure is created in the abdominal cavity, which is limited from below by the muscles of the pelvic floor, from above by the respiratory diaphragm, in front and sides - by the transverse muscles of the press, behind - by the muscles of the back.

If you simultaneously strain the muscles of the pelvic floor, lower the respiratory diaphragm and retract the abdominal muscles, then intra-abdominal pressure increases and the walls of the vaginal canal (vagina) are compressed.

The vaginal compression technique is mainly used during intimacy, for stronger compression of the partner's penis along the entire length of the vagina, or to massage the walls of the vaginal canal.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

For the development of the pelvic floor muscles and the ability to control them, Kegel exercises, gymnastics for intimate muscles, wumbling / imbilding and similar techniques are used.

To develop a skill management of intra-abdominal pressure use pneumatic vaginal simulators.

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Ecology of life: Health. Women's exercises such as pelvic muscle training will help not only maintain health, but also get more joy in sexual life.

Knowledge about the body and the ability to control the body came to us from the East and for a long time were considered the innermost secrets of a woman. Women's exercises such as pelvic floor muscle training will not only help you stay healthy, but also get more joy in your sex life.

Having strengthened the muscles of the small pelvis (and in the East they are called “muscles of love”), a woman in moments of physical intimacy is able not only to achieve special pleasure, but also to deliver it to her partner.

Women's exercises for sex life

Female exercises for the muscles of the small pelvis:

Sitting, lying or standing for 10-15 seconds, retract the anus and vagina, tensing all the muscles in the pelvic area as much as possible. Alternate with relaxation 10-15 times. This exercise does not take time. It can be performed in transport, on the street, at work.

Lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the pelvis, tighten the buttocks, while pulling in the anus and vagina. Hold the maximum voltage for 5-10 seconds. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times, then 10 more times, connecting the feet.

Lying on your back, legs together. Tighten your buttocks, pull in your anus and vagina. Leaning on the heels and the back of the head, lift the body, keeping the buttocks tight. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, lower your body. Repeat 10 times.

Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball between your knees. Pull in the anus and vagina, squeeze the ball with your knees for 5-10 seconds with maximum force. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

During urination, interrupt the flow of the jet 5-10 times, as if “locking” it with muscles.

Women's abdominal exercises:


Many people know this exercise. Lying on your back, lift straight legs off the floor at an angle of 45 degrees and cross them in front of you.

Lying on your back, hands on the back of your head. Bend your legs and try to bring them to your chest. Straighten your legs, lifting them vertically up. Then slowly lower your legs to the floor. Without putting your feet on the floor, bend at the knees again and lift to your chest. Repeat 5-7 times.

Get on your knees. Sit on the floor alternately to the right and left of the shins. Straighten up after each sitting. Repeat 5-10 times on each side.

Standing, hands behind the head. Turns the body to the side. To enhance the effect, you can use dumbbells. 10-15 movements in each direction.

This minimum series female exercises for a full sexual life will not take you much time and effort.

Try it! After two weeks of regular classes, you will feel the result of your efforts. published