How to increase female breasts with exercise? A set of exercises for female breast enlargement

In the dreams of every woman - the perfect figure with a luxurious bust. But various diets and homemade recipes cannot be called a quick way to increase breasts. However, if they are combined with regular physical activity, the visible effect will please very soon. This is a good alternative to surgery, which is fraught with complications and a high price.

Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to enlarge the chest with exercises. Moreover, it is permissible to perform them not only in the gym, but also in the usual conditions of the home environment. But to get a guaranteed result, you have to work hard.

Breast of a woman in terms of physiology

When choosing sports for breast enlargement, women should remember that the exercises are designed to pump up the pectoral muscles (large and small). An increase in their volume will give the breast elasticity, relieve stretch marks and sagging.

The basis of the female bust, supported by the pectoral muscles, is formed by the mammary glands and tissue structures, which can be corrected by surgery. The muscles located under the chest, it is quite possible to tighten the exercises.

Age brings women unpleasant problems with the bust. Due to the loss of tone of the muscles supporting the chest and poor posture, the ligaments are stretched, which results in sagging of the chest.

When increasing the mass of the chest muscles with the help of exercises, it is important not to forget about a straight back, regular walks, tempering procedures and a good night's rest. Only then can you restore beauty and elasticity to your breasts, surprise others with your chic appearance.

Important nuances of sports at home

  • An effective result requires serious work. Therefore, you will have to arm yourself with patience and perseverance. The maximum muscle tension during training causes pain, but this is a sure signal that the exercise technique is correct.
  • It is necessary to train for at least two months, but classes will have to become regular. If they are stopped, the bust will lose its chic relief and additional volume.
  • Gymnastics should not be daily, the optimal frequency is three workouts per week. You can perform exercises every other day, because muscle building does not occur during training activities, but during the recovery period - during rest.

  • To avoid getting used to the monotony of loads, after 3-4 weeks of training, the training program should be changed to ensure the effectiveness of the process. The help of sports will provide a good result - an increase in breast volume up to 6 centimeters per month
  • Before starting training, it is better to get dumbbells weighing 7-10 kg each, since you will have to do weight training. Dumbbells can be replaced with two plastic bottles (1.5 liters), filling them with sand, in extreme cases - with water

How to train at home?

At home, sports are recommended to be carried out in a spacious and ventilated room. A tight-fitting sports bra should be a mandatory attribute of clothing, even if the chest is small. It is picked up in a sportswear store.

Any set of exercises is preceded by a warm-up, which helps to warm up the muscles, as well as prepare them for the effects of intense loads. With the help of preparatory actions, it will be possible to prevent injuries when using dumbbells, to prepare the muscles of the sternum for increased loads.

A warm-up with vigorous swings of the arms and legs, jumps, squats or bends, dance movements, stretching the arms up and then squeezing the palms can be performed to music. To add a few desired centimeters of chest volume, you will have to train hard with a noticeable load to muscle pain, not forgetting about the correct posture.

Elements of self-hypnosis with the visualization of a beautiful shape and the desired size of the breast will be useful. To ensure active breast growth, you need to adjust the diet by increasing the proportion of protein foods in the diet that ensure the growth and conservation of muscle mass.

Minimum training program

If it is not possible to perform the entire complex of physical exercises, it is permissible to dwell on two of them:

  • Up to 20 push-ups from the floor with a flat back, for legs - emphasis on socks, arms bent at the elbows during push-ups
  • For increased squeezing of the palms, the hands are joined in front of the chest, as for prayer, the palms are squeezed with strong tension in the muscles of the chest, and not the palms

To ensure the tone of the pectoral muscles, push-ups should be three courses. It is permissible to start doing push-ups first from a bench or from a chair, and then lower yourself to the floor. Exercise with palms should be done at least 10 times. If it is difficult to keep your back straight, you can lean on the wall or the back of a chair by sitting on it. After unclenching the palms, they should be shaken off.

The previous two actions are recommended to be done at the beginning of the lesson, they will be a kind of continuation of the warm-up. You can add stretching of the fingers to them, clasping them in the plane of the chest, trying to spread the hands to the sides. The action is performed ten times.

A set of popular breast enlargement exercises

  • Flexion of the spine with stretching of the pectoral muscles

An exercise borrowed from the yoga program should be done on the floor while lying on your stomach. The ankles of the legs bent at the knees are wrapped around with hands, arching the body as much as possible, which perfectly strains the pectoral muscles.

To begin with, they freeze in this position for 20 seconds, gradually increasing the interval to a minute. After a 10 second break, the pose is repeated, there should be at least three cycles.

  • Reverse push-up

For reverse push-ups, use a chair. Sitting on the floor, with their hands laid back, they clasp the seat of the chair, raise the body, resting their bent legs on the floor. Then they try to go down as much as possible, you can even touch the floor. After returning to the starting position, do push-ups 8 times

  • Press up

Sitting on the floor, straight arms with dumbbells pull up. It is important for the chest muscles to provide maximum tension, there should be eight such presses.

  • "Hands behind head"

Taking dumbbells in hand, the shoulders are laid on the bench. Bent at the knees, but legs wide apart, you should rest against the floor. Arms with weighting are straightened straight up, then with the help of circular movements, straight arms lead behind the head, slightly bending the elbows. Do 15 pulls

  • We swing "wings"

Armed with dumbbells, lean forward, slightly bending the knees of the legs. Straight arms are lowered down parallel to the legs, the back is straight with the forearms parallel to the floor. Taking a breath, spread your arms to the sides, straightening them. Such dilutions of the hands need to be done 12

How are they doing in the gym?

For activities that allow you to increase breast volume, you can go to the sports complex. In any gym there is a special area where exercises are performed independently. Gyms are usually equipped with a series of strength training equipment that allows you to pump up the muscles of the chest, giving it elasticity and smartness. The training method of stimulating certain muscle groups allows you to get a visible result faster than at home.

If it is problematic to study on your own, you can seek support from a trainer who will give practical advice, offer a suitable training program, and calculate the necessary load.

When exercising with a barbell, weights and dumbbells, you need to remember that the increase in load should be gradual in order to avoid health problems. But you will have to do it regularly and with high returns to get the desired effect.

In everyday life, not only in the course of training, you need to remember a straight back, a high head and a chest arched forward. The method of hardening with a contrast shower in combination with training will allow not only to pump up the bust, but also to restore youth to the skin of the decollete. Especially if you supplement the exercises with proper nutrition with an abundance of fresh vitamins and compliance with the drinking regime, which is useful for filling the chest.

For those who are unhappy with the size of their breasts, there is a little trick. To visually appear larger breasts, choose a firm bra with voluminous cups. Such underwear lifts the chest, and foam inserts visually increase the volume of the bust, which allows you to wear tight-fitting blouses and sweaters. High-waisted dress with a seductively deep neckline will emphasize the bust.

Performing special exercises, supplemented by swimming, breast self-massage, regular visualization of the desired result, the right lifestyle with a good night's rest, are simply bound to give excellent results!

Exercises for breast augmentation is an incorrect wording. The size of the female bust cannot be increased with the help of diets, drugs, creams and injections.

A woman's breasts increase naturally during lactation. Upon completion of breastfeeding, the mammary gland gradually returns to normal.

Theoretical background

The answer to the question: "Is it possible and how to increase the volume of the mammary glands in a natural way?" becomes obvious if one consults a handbook of human anatomy.

Anatomically, the female breast consists of 1/3 of the fat layer, 2/3 of the volume is occupied directly by the mammary gland, and the muscle tissue covering the mammary gland averages 5%.

Breast structure

Fat layer

The indicated proportions explain a lot. If a woman is on a diet in order to reduce body weight, then along with other fat accumulations, the breast fat will also melt.

Therefore, with a decrease in body weight, the volume of the breast will decrease.


The volume of the mammary gland is genetically predetermined. It increases only during lactation, and then returns to its previous state.

muscle layer

You can influence the thin muscle layer that supports the mammary gland with the help of dumbbells and exercises aimed at “pumping the muscles”.

This technique is ineffective, since the volume of the muscles supporting the chest increases very slightly, but the fat layer decreases markedly.

The result of breast pumping is a decrease in its volume.

What is the purpose of physical exercise?

The muscles that support the mammary glands and are responsible for breast tone are attached by Cooper's ligaments to the broad pectoral muscles, which are located directly behind the mammary glands.

Physical exercise affects the broad pectoral muscles.

Classes will help:

  • tighten the skin on the chest, prevent its premature sagging;
  • adjust the shape of the breast, form a relief;
  • strengthen muscle tissue, while maintaining the fat layer.
  • Training aimed at maintaining the shape of the chest should be carried out regularly. The optimal frequency is 3 sessions per week.
  • The broad muscles of the chest increase only under the influence of tangible and regular loads.
  • Girls with large breasts for jogging and cardio require a special supportive bra.
  • For girls with small breasts, classes in the gym should be carried out according to the following principle: the load is greater, the number of approaches is less.
  • At first, beginners will experience significant pain in the broad muscles of the chest, but this is normal.
  • Improvised means for home workouts should be dumbbells weighing up to 10 kg and a gymnastic ball.

First results and proper nutrition

With the help of a set of exercises, you can achieve the first results in 3-4 weeks. A significant result will appear only after 2 months.

During training, animal proteins, fats and carbohydrates must enter the body, otherwise it will consume its own resources, which will negatively affect the fat layer of the chest.

Carbohydrate "batteries" will give an extra boost of energy, and protein foods will contribute to muscle growth.

The diet should include:

  • lard, high-fat dairy products, vegetable and animal oils;
  • poultry meat, eggs, protein shakes;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Warm up before workout

Each workout should be preceded by a small set of exercises to warm up the whole body.

During the warm-up, additional oxygen enters the chest muscles with blood. Joints and ligaments are kneaded to avoid injury.

The warm-up complex includes:

  • cardio: running, exercise bikes, jumping rope;
  • static traction, lateral tilts and rotations, soft and accurate study of the joints.

Sipping #1

Sit on the floor or any flat surface, legs in a lotus or half lotus position, or extended forward. The hands are gathered into the castle and directed forward. With an exhalation, gently reach for your hands, gently working and stretching the muscles of the back in the thoracic region.

As you inhale, open your chest as much as possible. At the same time, take your hands back, interlace your fingers and help open your chest with your hands. Do 12 pulls in both directions, gradually increasing the amplitude.

Sipping #2

If the hip joints are flexible enough, take the lotus position, if not, leave the legs in the semi-lotus position or assemble as your individual training allows.

Connect your palms at the level of the solar plexus. From chest level, gently raise your arms above your head and open them to the sides. Try to expand your shoulders as much as possible. When the arms are raised or spread, the hands are open and look up.

Feel the stretch in your chest muscles. Return your hands to their original position in front of you. Repeat the stretch 12 times.

"Arc" - deflection in the prone position

Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Perform a backbend by clasping your shins with your hands from the outside.

Stretch and fix the "arc" for 15-30 seconds. The number of approaches depends on individual capabilities.

Exercise bench press from the floor or from the bench

A difficult, but very productive exercise aimed at working out the broad pectoral muscle is the bench press from the floor.

Legs rest on socks, feet are gathered together. The elbows are fixed at the level of the shoulder blades. At the time of execution, the spine remains straight and stretches behind the crown.

For beginners, there are simplified versions of the bench press from the floor. You can bend your knees or do push-ups from a low bench or sofa. 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Chair push-up

Sit with your back to the seat of the chair, lean on the edges of the seat with your hands. Set your feet a meter away from your hands and start doing squats.

Bend your arms and as you exhale, lower your pelvis to the floor. While inhaling, return to the starting position, in which the angle between the knees will be 30-40 degrees. Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

Dumbbell press

Position: lying on the floor

Lie on your back. If you want to complicate the exercise, you should use the bench.

Press your hands with dumbbells to your chest. As you exhale, use your chest muscles to raise the dumbbells above you. The weight of dumbbells should be selected based on individual training.

Select the weight as follows: 7-8th dumbbell lift should be done with great difficulty. In total, you need to perform 3 approaches.

Squeezing the hands in front of the chest

In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, fold your palms perpendicular to the floor. The elbows are placed in different directions. Check your posture.

The crown looks up, the buttocks are tightened, the hips are tense, the stomach is pulled under the lower thighs. As you exhale, press down, and as you inhale, relax your palms. Do 10-20 repetitions.

This exercise strengthens the chest muscles.

Cobra lying down

Exercise well stretches the wide pectoral muscle.

Lie on your stomach, socks together, hands clasped at the back of your head. Keeping your feet on the floor, inhale as you lift your upper torso. The neck remains straight, the elbows look forward. As you exhale, lower your body. Relax your muscles.

Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bending the knees in the supine position

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, palms looking down. Legs bent at the knees, socks together.

Without moving, gently bring your knees to your chest. You will strengthen the chest muscles that are involved in the work during the movement of the legs.

Small hand rotations

Standing position. The spine is straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Spread your arms to the sides, parallel to the floor, the hands look down.

Perform slight circular movements with your hands around the original position. In this case, the chest muscles should be tense, and the shoulders should be fixed.

Emphasis lying, feet on the bench

To perform the exercise, use a low bench or sofa. Take an emphasis lying down. The hands are at the level of the shoulder blades, the feet rest on the surface of the bench.

The spine is one line. Perform the exercise due to the muscle strength of the arms, without bending in the abdomen.

The emphasis lying has 2 directions of influence: on the muscles of the chest and on the muscles of the hands. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Chin rest on hands

Exercise strengthens the vertebral muscle frame, improves posture. Not only the muscles of the chest are tightened, but also the neck, which is the first to betray the woman's age.

Standing position. The spine is straightened, legs shoulder-width apart. We stretch our heels to the floor, top of the head up. Spread your arms to the sides, bend at the elbows. Put the brushes one above the other and lean on them with your chin. Forearms should be parallel to the floor, elbows should look exactly to the sides.

Press your chin on folded hands, overcoming resistance. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps.


Position: kneeling. The distance between the knees is the width of the shoulders.

The muscles of the buttocks are tense, the stomach is tucked up, the top of the head stretches up. The arms are extended above the head, slightly bent at the elbows. Perform small movements back and forth, keeping the position of the hands. The movement should start from the knee.

Do 2 sets of 10-15 oscillatory movements.

forward bends

Starting position on your knees, feet shoulder width apart. Hands are laid behind the back, brushes are collected in the castle.

Gently raise your arms up, twisting at the joints. Lean your body forward, touch your forehead to the floor, continue to pull your hands forward.

This exercise is designed to relax the pectoral muscles after other types of exercise, it can be performed as a hitch.


  • To cool down, repeat the warm-up "arc" or "boat".
  • Clasp your hands behind your back in a standing position and gently pull. Do a few reps.
  • Stand on tiptoe, stretch your arms towards the ceiling. Stretch both sides of the spine alternately. At the moment of maximum stretch, strongly squeeze the brush.
  • Stand straight, spread your arms to the sides, squeeze your hands. With small springy movements, pull your arms back. This exercise will relax the small and large pectoral muscles.

Rehabilitation exercises should be started gradually, combining physical activity with a full-fledged measured diet.

Daily exercises can be supplemented with:

  • swimming pool;
  • moisturizing and nourishing creams;
  • exfoliating scrubs;
  • contrast shower;
  • massage.


Exfoliating cosmetic products (scrubs) are useful to use once a week while taking a bath. They cleanse and stimulate the skin.

You can make your own scrub, this will require 1 teaspoon of ground coffee and 1 tablespoon of liquid natural honey. The mixture is applied to the skin and gently rubbed with your hands.


Breast self-massage after lactation should be performed in conjunction with strengthening exercises.

The first results can be judged in 1-2 months, provided that the massage is performed regularly.

For massage use essential oils or baby cream. The chest is massaged with light circular movements for 2-4 minutes.

  • We emphasize once again: no useful food products, and cosmetic products are able to increase breast volume.
  • Dumbbell exercises should not be overused as they can lead to masculine muscle relief.

Moderate regular exercise + a balanced diet and the chest will look toned and attractive.

Who would have thought that in fact there are exercises for increasing and tightening the bust, which are easily performed at home. Owners of a beautiful bust do not always need to have gigantic breasts. It is enough for her to be elastic and have a beautiful shape.

Bust exercises at home

According to many men, the most beautiful and erotic and attractive female breasts that can fit in men's palms.

No need to worry about the size of your breasts, and look for all sorts of ways to increase it, just tighten and correct the shape of your breasts, as it is more pleasant for a man to grasp the entire female bust. Further, in this article, you will learn about what exercises you need to do for a certain increase and bust lift.

What exercises to do to increase the bust at home?

All breast lift exercises can be divided into two parts: The first part is the tightening and training of the pectoralis major muscle, and the second is the improvement of elasticity and soft tissue volume. To pump up any, including chest muscles, you need to spend a lot of time, but you will be completely satisfied with the effect. To increase the volume of soft tissues, it is enough to apply the most common massage with various components.

Exercises to increase the bust at home

Exercise number 1 - Let's start by increasing the volume of the soft tissues of the bust.

Massage: with light movements in a circle, it is necessary to stretch the chest, then, with a little effort, press down, starting to make small, jerky tweaks. This is all done to help increase blood flow to the soft tissues. This exercise is performed for a short time, it will be sufficient to devote about 5-7 minutes to each breast. The massage should be ended with gentle circular movements, the same as those started during the warm-up. When massaging the breast, you can use the following components:

  • The foam from “live” beer is great. It contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, which have a positive effect on breast size;
  • The second component is a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil at a concentration of 1:2, respectively.
  • You can also use fennel, apricot or peach oil. (They can be purchased at any pharmacy).

Exercise number 2 - Start training for the muscles of the chest

Wake up as early as possible, squeeze your palms together in front of you. Squeeze your palms tightly for a couple of seconds, after which you need to sharply relax them - and this must be repeated at least 5 times. Then rest for a few minutes and start the exercise again: a complex of five sets of relaxation and contraction 2 more times, with the same rest for several minutes. If you perform all the exercises with full responsibility, then you can see the protruding sweat - this indicates that the exercises are done correctly and efficiently, which means that you are on the right track.

Exercise number 3 - Take dumbbells

Lie on the floor, arm yourself with half a kilogram dumbbells in both hands, you can also use small bottles that are filled with water. And now let's start the exercise, you need to slowly lift up, and then lower them down as slowly as possible, squeezing your elbows 5 times, then 5 times without bending, keep in mind that at the end of the approach you can’t touch the floor with your hands. And in the end, you need to complete three approaches with rest breaks

Exercise number 4

We left the simplest exercise for last. Stand up straight, put your hands at your sides. With slow movements, you need to raise your hands in front of you, as if pulling your fingers forward. Freeze for 3-5 seconds, then, at the same speed, raise your hands up, and also stretch up. You should have a pleasant feeling of muscle tension. After a few seconds, slowly lower your hands down. This exercise is allowed to repeat 8-10 sets without rest.

On a note: When taking a shower, regardless of the beginning or end, pour cool, but not cold water on the chest, this gives a good stimulation of the blood outflow.

This is the whole complex, with the constant use of which exercises to increase and tighten the bust at home will help you make a simply breathtaking effect. And if you are interested in a major bust increase at home, you can read how to eat and what recipes to use for breast enlargement.

If nature has not rewarded you with beautiful and large elastic breasts, then you are not alone. The desire for beauty in all its manifestations pushes many women and girls to the most desperate deeds and methods, including plastic surgery. However, to do so is to make a big mistake and put yourself at unnecessary risk, because there are simple ones at home that are completely safe and at the same time quite effective.

Although you will have to spend time, effort and patience to increase your bust, but by doing the exercises below, in 1-2 days you can get good results in just 2 months. Some girls say that they managed to increase the size of their breasts up to 5 centimeters, or even more. In addition, the chest became elastic and toned.

Let's start with theory. The breast consists of glandular tissue, mainly mammary gland, fat and muscle. Therefore, to focus on the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle. Strength training is the easiest way to achieve this.

Dumbbell press

This is one of the best chest exercises and is quite easy to do. The main thing is to do it slowly to feel the tension in the pectoral muscles.

Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Take a dumbbell in each hand. Then press your hands up as shown in the photo below. Exhale at the top and lower your arms back down. Repeat about 6-8 times for 3 sets.

Push ups

Although it seems that this is the simplest exercise, it is nevertheless the most effective for the bust muscles. And besides, it is very easy to do. If you do not know how to do push-ups, then it will help you. Or you can start with push-ups on your knees or against a wall. Try to do at least 15-20 reps per set.

For this exercise, you should lie on your back on the floor or on a bench. Take dumbbells in your hands and lift them up. Keep your arms straight and turn your palms towards each other. Slowly spread your arms to the sides, as if you are imitating the flapping of wings. In the photo below you will understand the technique. At the bottom point, pause for a second and slowly return your hands back. Do 6-8 times in 3 sets.

Breeding in the simulator butterfly

If you work out in the gym, then you have probably seen such a simulator, which is shown below. The movements in it are similar to the movements in the exercise above, but are performed while sitting. Also a good option for bust enlargement. You should do at least 8-12 times per approach.

Isometric squeeze

I have already talked about this exercise. It is also simple to do. Just put your hands forward and bend them as if you are praying. Then press your palms against each other with force, as if you are trying to squeeze an object. Hold the tension in the muscles for about 5-10 seconds, then relax. In total, you need to do 30 repetitions, which can be divided into 3 stages. By the way, you can take some ball in your hands and try to squeeze it.

In the video below you can understand the technique of this exercise.

The exercises that I have given can be done anywhere, from the fitness center to the office at work. In addition to exercises to increase the bust, be sure to try breast massage or self-massage, rubbing, body wraps and proper nutrition (more whole grains, fruits and vegetables). Good luck!

A slender figure and appetizing forms are often the result of hard and daily work on oneself, and not a gift of nature, as many believe. Often, women turn to plastic surgeons to increase the bust, forgetting about the possible consequences of such an invasion into the body. However, you can achieve your goal with the help of a set of exercises, thanks to which the chest will not only become elastic, but also slightly increase in volume.

Before you start doing a workout, you should understand: the exercises that are recommended for breast growth do not lead to an increase in the mammary glands. Due to physical activity, there is an increase in muscle mass located under the chest. As a result, the bust rises a little, becomes elastic and looks impressive.

To achieve a tangible result, you will need to put in a lot of effort. A few simple movements, occasionally performed according to mood, will not change the situation. To support the bust in good shape, you can get by with simple actions, but in order for the chest to begin to grow, it is necessary to train systematically and intensively.

If the muscles of the sternum are well developed and strong, they can normally withstand the large weight of the mammary glands. Therefore, gymnastics, which allows you to work out each pectoral muscle, is suitable for women who plan to have a baby, and while breastfeeding (HB).

Training will be useful for girls in their teens. Although it is too early for a teenager, a student in grades 7-8, to think about breast augmentation, it will not hurt to strengthen muscle tissue. In the future, this will give the bust elasticity and add the necessary volume.

Training that promotes the growth of the bust, provides for the observance of certain conditions:

  • Charging to change the volume of the chest can be done both in the gym and at home. To build muscle, you can not do without lifting weights. At the initial stage, various improvised means (heavy books, bottles of water or sand) will come in handy, but experts advise you to go to a specialized store and choose small dumbbells.
  • In order to correctly determine the weight of sports equipment, one should take into account the body weight and level of physical development of a woman. At first, you can work out with 2-kilogram dumbbells, but later the load will need to be increased to 6-8 kg.

To check how correctly the equipment is selected by weight, you need to perform 3-4 exercises. If such actions cause fatigue, and with a repeated approach, their implementation will be even harder, it was possible to determine the load correctly. Gradually, the muscles will adapt, respectively, a subsequent increase in the weight of the dumbbells will be needed.

  1. To understand how effective a set of exercises is, before the first workout, it becomes necessary to measure the volume of the chest. Re-measurement is carried out in a month. This will help to correct the actions if the volume of the bust has not changed by a single centimeter.
  2. Performing strength exercises, you do not need to overload your hands with too heavy equipment. After all, the purpose of the classes is to tighten the chest and make it more voluminous, and not pump up the biceps.
  3. In addition to dumbbells, you can use a rubber shock absorber. Thanks to the use of such a simulator, it is possible to comprehensively influence the pectoral muscles, thereby tightening the mammary glands.
  4. If you have to perform an exercise with a lot of weight, for example, with a barbell, 3 sets are done. First, an empty bar is lifted, then a 60% increase in load is provided, after which the maximum weight can be used.
  5. It is important to choose clothes for classes. A girl cannot do without special underwear, for example, a Triumph sports bra. If you plan to do intense workouts, it is better to get shorts and a T-shirt. The best option for power loads is a sports suit. Clothing should not be too tight or too loose.
  6. Don't overeat before your workout. You can eat 2-3 hours before charging classes and immediately after it. At the end of classes, the female body needs proteins and carbohydrates. For 2 hours, you should refrain from products containing caffeine.

The first few strength training sessions that involve working with a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell, it is important to conduct under the guidance of a specialist. You can do exercises to increase the bust at home on your own when a woman gains enough experience.

How to do the exercises correctly?

Charging will bring the desired effect if you know how to act correctly:

  1. It is important to control breathing so that each sternum muscle receives the oxygen it needs. Therefore, when making an effort, you need to inhale, and when relaxed, exhale.
  2. When exercising with dumbbells, you can not sharply straighten your arms to avoid possible injury.
  3. The correct body position during exercise is a straight back, shoulders down and slightly forward chest.

Before you increase the chest with exercises, attention should be paid to warming up the muscles. Stretching is recommended. This is an excellent circulatory stimulation, which will flush out the lactic acid that causes painful post-workout discomfort.

Running, jumping rope, moving to music will be useful. It will take no more than 10-15 minutes to warm up.

How often should you practice?

Some women are sure that in order to quickly get results, you need to train every day. However, muscle growth only occurs when they are resting. Accordingly, 3 workouts at regular intervals are enough per week.

A set of exercises is important to perform with strict adherence to technique. A moderate burning sensation in the muscles after charging signals that the person is acting correctly. If you experience excessive pain, you should immediately see a doctor.

When are classes contraindicated?

Women who decide to exercise systematically should know how to enlarge their breasts with the help of exercises so as not to harm their own health. There are some restrictions regarding power loads. Without them, as you know, it is almost impossible to tighten muscles.

Caution does not hurt in the presence of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • thyroid diseases.

Such training is prohibited for women suffering from:

  • arrhythmias and other cardiac pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • aggravated menstruation.

Also, pregnant women should refrain from classes until childbirth.

The list of exercises to increase the volume of the female bust at home

When starting training, you should understand that it will take a long time and systematically to work out in the gym or at home. With the help of exercises, you can not quickly change the size of the breast. Even professional athletes train for more than one year.

If you do the exercises correctly, the first visible result can be observed after 1.5 months. Classes are held, both with the use of special equipment, and without it.

A home gymnastic set of exercises that allows you to correct the shape of the chest and does not require the use of sports equipment, provides for the following list of actions:

  1. Sitting on a chair or standing near the wall, you need to bring your hands together, as in prayer. A prerequisite is a straight back. If you ignore the recommendation, part of the load will go to the spinal muscles, as a result of which the effect of the workout will decrease. The exercise is fairly easy. It is necessary to press on the palms so that the pectoral muscles are as tense as possible. After counting to 10, the pressure can be slightly weakened, after which the action is repeated. Next, you need to shake your hands well and repeat the action 2 more times.
  2. You should sit in the doorway and rest your palms on the jamb. The challenge is to press hard on the joint for 60 seconds. Then you need to bend over a little and repeat the movement again. The muscles of the chest should be loaded to the maximum.
  3. To perform the following exercise, you need to stand against the wall, and your back should be kept straight so that the load does not go on it. The palms are placed on the wall, and then you need to press on it with force. Tension in the muscles of the chest is held for 2 minutes. Actions are performed in 3 approaches.
  4. Lying on the floor with your stomach down, you should stretch your big toes. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are firmly attached to the floor. It is necessary to slowly raise the upper body, looking up, linger for 15 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  5. One of the effective ways to increase the volume of the mammary glands is push-ups from the floor or from a chair, and bending in the back is unacceptable. When push-ups, the chest should be as close to the floor as possible, and the pelvis can be slightly raised. If it is still difficult to do push-ups correctly, bending the legs at the knees is allowed at first. Actions are repeated 10 times. When using a chair, 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions are done.

At the end of each exercise, it is important to take short breaks.

It will be possible to achieve the desired result only with the help of power loads. At first, the lightest projectiles are used, but gradually their weight must increase, otherwise the results will be minimal. You need to act like this:

  1. Armed with dumbbells, you should imitate the movements of a skier. The speed will be inappropriate. Hands, bending at the elbows, need to be alternately raised up to the level of the chest, hold for a while and then return to the starting position. The back remains straight. Do 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  2. Bench press is effective. Being in a similar position, it is necessary to spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides, and then cross them in the air. Actions are performed in 2 sets of 5 times.
  3. Without changing position, you need to place your hands behind your head. Next, the arms are raised, holding them at the very top, moving to the abdomen and returning to the starting position. You will need to do 2 sets of 7 repetitions.
  4. Remaining lying on your back, you need to raise your hands, and then slowly lower them, bending your elbows. The number of repetitions is 10.
  5. If, for example, a rubber expander is used, you can stand on it, and put your feet shoulder-width apart, and try to pull as high as possible with your hands. Recommended 2 sets of 7 times.
  6. Having placed the expander under your back, you should take hold of its ends and lift it over your head. It is enough to do 2 sets of 5 repetitions.
  7. When playing sports, a barbell is often used. It is necessary to lie on a bench, bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet well. The bar must be raised and lowered without jerking.

Do not forget about stretching, both before charging and at the end of it. Its essence lies in sitting on the floor with bent legs, leaning towards the floor, while trying to stretch as far as possible with each hand.

Yoga as a way to increase the mammary glands

In addition to the above methods, you can train with the help of yoga. There are enough practice-proven asanas (postures) that can help you change your breast size. Yoga is especially useful for those women who are contraindicated in power loads.

Classes should be started 2-3 hours after eating, and you will also need a little warm-up.

The following exercises will be helpful:

  1. Tree pose. While in a standing position, you need to raise your leg and place your foot on the inside of the thigh of the other leg. Hands slowly rise above the head and connect with the palms, and they should be squeezed with maximum force for 20 minutes. Breathing should be deep and carried out by the stomach. If it is difficult to stand on one leg, you can just breathe. Asana is performed 4-5 times a day.
  2. Cobra pose. You need to lie face down on the floor. Raising the upper body, you should linger in this position for 20 seconds. The action is repeated 4-5 times. Gradually, the duration of the asana can be increased.
  3. Camel pose. Kneeling down and connecting the feet, you need to bend over and touch the heels with your fingers. So you should hold out for about half a minute.