Urolithiasis in cats. The cat has urolithiasis: symptoms and treatment. ICD in cats: symptoms of an unpleasant disease

Urolithiasis in cats is a chronic pathology, expressed in the formation of salt deposits in the form of sand (at the beginning of the disease) or stones (in the later stages). KSD (urolithiasis) can occur in cats at any age.

Causes of the disease

According to statistics, cats are more prone to urolithiasis than cats, and castrated cats form kidney stones more often than non-castrated cats. The reason for this is the underdevelopment of the urethra in an animal whose owners decided to castrate before reaching 6 months.

This does not mean that urolithiasis in neutered cats will develop absolutely for sure. But in a cat with removed testicles, there is a violation of the hormonal background. Mobility decreases, and appetite increases, this can contribute to obesity.

Factors contributing to ICD include:

  • fish predominates in the diet of the pet;
  • fried food;
  • low-quality food (economy class);
  • mixing natural and dry food;
  • a small amount of liquid;
  • overweight animal;
  • lack of activity;
  • infections (staphylococci, streptococci);
  • manifestations of congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • heredity.

The opinion that cats that eat exclusively dry food are more prone to illness is wrong. Urolithiasis also affects pets that eat the so-called natural.

What is the danger of urolithiasis

In the urinary canals of a cat, the appearance of uroliths (sand and stones) is observed, which can cause great harm to the pet's health:

  1. Injure the mucous membrane, cause pain and bleeding.
  2. They impede the outflow of urine, which provokes acute.
  3. Contribute to infection and reverse reflux of urine (reflux) into the renal pelvis and tubules, in connection with which an inflammatory process may appear there.

In a cat, urolithiasis, if not properly and timely treated, can lead to death.

What breeds are predisposed to urolithiasis

Veterinarians believe that long-haired and some short-haired cats are more prone to urolithiasis:

  • British;
  • maine coons;

Since kidney stones in cats are often genetically transmitted, when purchasing a kitten, it is useful to ask the breeder if stone disease was observed in your pet's ancestors.

Signs of kidney stones in cats

Crystals form in the urinary tract, occupying space in the cavity and reducing the volume of the bladder. Crystalline deposits have sharp edges that constantly irritate living tissue. During urination, the animal tries to get rid of the contents that fill the bladder, while the crystals come out partially and injure the excretory canal.

There comes the next stage of the disease, during which salt deposits move along the urinary tract. If in cats the duct is straight and wider, so that the crystals do not linger in it, then in cats the urethra has an S-shaped bend, in which sediment gradually begins to appear. This leads to complete blockage of the ducts. The animal is unable to void, and urine accumulates in the bladder.

Urolithiasis in cats and cats is an extremely insidious pathological condition, which until relatively recently was considered incurable and led to the painful death of animals. Currently, this disease is becoming more common. KSD in cats and cats is often observed even at a young age. If the owners of the animal are responsible for its health and often visit the veterinarian, this pathological condition is detected during diagnostic studies.

In other cases, the deterioration of the pet's condition for its owners becomes a complete surprise. It will be better for the cat if the obstruction of the outflow of urine due to blockage of the urinary tract is diagnosed as early as possible. Treatment at home and without consulting a veterinarian in most cases is impossible. In some cases, emergency care and the installation of a catheter to remove urine are required to save the animal's life. In severe cases, in the absence of targeted therapy, the animal quickly dies.

What is urolithiasis in cats?

In terms of prevalence, this disease occupies almost the first place. Many people believe that kittens are unpretentious, therefore they do not approach the right choice of food and general care. Such negligence is the reason that relatively young animals acquire serious problems with the kidneys, bladder and excretory tract due to the formation of stones in them. KSD in adult cats may not show severe symptoms for a long time, so the owners of the animal are not even aware of the development of this life-threatening disease. Especially negative impact - this pathological condition can have during pregnancy or in the postpartum period.

An enlarged belly can cause stones to move and complications to develop. There are a number of other conditions that can provoke a worsening of the course of this pathology in females. Currently, there are no complete statistics covering the prevalence of this disease, since not all owners turn to veterinarians when it develops. Some veterinarians indicate that every 15 domestic cats, starting at the age of 8, have a similar problem. Cats suffer from this disease much more often. This is due to the structure of the urinary system. It is now known that in cats, the channel through which urine is removed from the body is 3 times narrower than in cats. Thus, even small stones can block the flow of urine. In cats, the characteristic manifestations of this pathology begin to appear during the spree period. This usually happens in the spring. Urolithiasis in neutered cats is less common. Thus, the maintenance of an animal of this sex requires special attention.

Etiology of urolithiasis in cats

The reasons for the development of this pathological condition are rooted in the violation of metabolic processes. Particularly dangerous are the lack of protein production, improper food selection, including a combination of dry and wet food, as well as the occasional inclusion of human food. If such a negligent approach is systematic, it contributes to the development of such a disease. Improper feeding can in the shortest possible time provoke a violation of metabolic processes. Even young animals with the wrong diet can form stones. Tap water can cause kidney stones in cats. Significant danger in regions where it is very tough.

To prevent the occurrence of this pathological condition, it is necessary to give the pet only settled water.

Despite the fact that castration significantly reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis in a cat, in some cases this operation creates the prerequisites for the development of this disease. The recommended age of the animal for such a procedure is 8-12 months. If the operation is performed before 6 months, there is a high risk of injury to the still unformed urethra. This not only can provoke the formation of stones, but often causes a more severe course. In sterilized cats, this disease occurs no more often than in animals that have not undergone this procedure. However, when performing the procedure on an animal that has not had childbirth, the risk of infections, and then urolithiasis, is much higher. These are not all the reasons for the development of such a pathological condition. Factors contributing to the appearance of this disease include:

  • diseases of the external genital organs;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • digestive disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of water when feeding dry food.

This disease is not uncommon in animals that are severely obese. Relative inactivity largely contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes and the formation of Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats may appear due to congenital anomalies in the structure of the urinary tract in the animal. Elevated ambient temperature contributes to the formation of deposits in the kidneys of the pet.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

The first manifestation of this pathological condition may be weak and short-lived. Small stones can be excreted with urine, but even they cause a lot of discomfort to the pet, since such formations often have sharp edges that can injure the mucous membranes. When urolithiasis develops in cats, symptoms usually increase gradually. Acute signs of the pathological process usually appear only in the case of a complete blockage of the outflow of urine. Thus, when urolithiasis develops in cats, the symptoms may not always be noted in a timely manner by the owner of the animal.

Perhaps the first alarm signal is the pet's restless behavior. The cat or cat begins to urinate more often. Often the animal does this outside the established tray. Considering the signs of urolithiasis in a cat, it is especially worth highlighting that if a pet sits in a tray for a long time in a position that is typical for urination, this speaks in favor of the fact that she suffers from stones that prevent the normal outflow of urine. In some cases, painful trips to the toilet are accompanied by groans and plaintive meowing of the animal. This is due to the fact that the process of excreting urine causes severe pain in the animal.

The stronger the blockage of the excretory tract, the more intense the signs of urolithiasis in cats.

For example, due to the movement of large stones along the ducts, mucous membranes can be injured. Often this causes the color of the urine to change. Urine can become dark, brown and even red. This is the result of blood getting into it. When the flow of urine is severely blocked, the symptoms of urolithiasis in cats can be life threatening. The animal's body temperature rises significantly and signs of intoxication of the body increase. Vomiting may occur. If you do not take action, the signs of urolithiasis in cats become even more noticeable. The belly of the pet increases in size. On palpation, an overflowing bladder is well felt. Such manipulations should be carried out very carefully, as it may burst due to pressure. If the necessary help is not provided at this time, the pet may die due to rupture of the bladder and peritonitis.

Methods for diagnosing urolithiasis in cats

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should definitely contact the veterinarian, since it is not possible to cure the animal on your own at home. When you first contact a specialist, it is very important to describe all the symptoms that are present, this will greatly speed up the diagnosis. Considering that stones in the kidneys and urinary tract can have a different structure. Most often, cats suffer from:

  • struvite;
  • cystines;
  • calcium oxalates;
  • ammonium urate.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats is carried out only after the chemical composition of the stones. For example, struvite stones, which are mainly composed of ammonium, magnesium and phosphate, can be dissolved if they are small. Calcium oxalates can only be removed by surgery. Thus, only by understanding the chemical composition of the stones, the best preparations can be selected. To determine this most important parameter, first of all, blood and urine tests are carried out. Chemical analysis of stones or sand is also advisable. If there is a suspicion of blockage of the urinary ducts, an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is immediately prescribed. In some cases, when this diagnostic method is ineffective, x-rays are required.

First aid for animals with urolithiasis in cats

When it comes to this disease, symptoms and treatment are intertwined. You can not self-medicate, as for a cat it can be deadly. Painkillers, antispasmodics, and even more diuretics should not be given to an animal without a doctor's prescription, as this can aggravate the situation. If the condition of the animal is not critical, first, special drugs are administered to eliminate the pain syndrome. Antispasmodics are usually used for this purpose, for example, Papaverine or No-shpa.

A necessary measure is the removal of accumulated urine from the bladder.

With severe urolithiasis in a cat, catheterization is required to quickly improve the condition. This procedure is not curative. With its help, all the accumulated urine is mechanically removed. Catheterization allows you to remove even small stones and sand from the bladder. For this purpose, special solutions and antibiotics are introduced into the bladder. The catheter is usually sutured to the skin and left in place for about 3 days.

At this time, the animal must be given sedatives that help eliminate pain, spasm and reduce motor activity. To improve the condition of cats with urolithiasis after the installation of the catheter, detoxification measures are taken. Special preparations administered by a dropper allow you to quickly remove all the harmful substances that have accumulated in the blood of the animal due to a violation of urine diversion. In some cases, as part of first aid, hemostatic drugs, antibiotics, and agents that support cardiac activity are prescribed to the animal as part of first aid.

Complex therapy of urolithiasis in cats

Even if the condition of the animal has improved after the measures taken, this is not a reason to stop therapy. With urolithiasis, the method of therapy depends on their chemical composition. Thus, only a qualified veterinarian can determine how to treat urolithiasis in cats. Self-administration of therapy is dangerous for the animal. In some cases, the treatment of KSD in cats is carried out with the help of drugs that dissolve existing stones. To eliminate such formations and remove them from the body, means such as

  • Kanefron;
  • cystone;
  • Half fell, etc.

In the treatment regimen, drugs are introduced that are designed to relieve the inflammatory process and normalize metabolism. Usually, treatment of urolithiasis in cats is carried out with the use of antibiotics, which can disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract. To prevent this, probiotics are prescribed, that is, agents that allow you to restore the normal intestinal microflora. The attending veterinarian may recommend the use of drugs such as Vetom, Lineks, Laktoferon, etc. Therapy can be supplemented with other drugs.

When urolithiasis develops in cats, treatment is not always possible with conservative methods.

If the stones are too large or cannot be dissolved with special preparations, veterinarians resort to surgical intervention. If there is urolithiasis in cats, treatment with surgical methods is very traumatic. During surgery, it may be necessary to cut the kidney of the bladder. Such injuries then heal for a long time, which causes inconvenience to the animal. However, such therapy in some cases is the only way to save the life of a pet.

Diet therapy for urolithiasis in cats

Both conservative and surgical treatment of this pathological condition is always supplemented with special nutrition. What to feed a cat with urolithiasis should be decided by a veterinarian familiar with the chemical composition of stones located in the kidneys and bladder of the animal. Nutrition should be balanced and properly selected. It is advisable to transfer the animal to a special food for cats with urolithiasis. Food must be given strictly following the recommendations of the veterinarian. Uneaten leftovers must be eliminated. It is desirable to feed a cat with urolithiasis with special dry mixes according to the schedule. However, not all pets are ready to switch to medicated cat food in the presence of this disease. In this case, the diet for urolithiasis may include various natural products.

With this approach to feeding, it is especially important to remove leftover food so that the pet does not have access to it in between meals.

Feeding a cat with urolithiasis, accompanied by struvite stones, requires the introduction of foods that acidify urine into the diet. These include egg yolk, redcurrant or lemon juice diluted with plenty of water, dairy products and meat. When oxalate formations are formed in the bladder and kidneys of an animal, the diet for cats with urolithiasis includes fish in a limited amount, boiled meat and eggs. If the animal has previously consumed acidic fruits and vegetables, they must be completely removed from the diet. Liver, dairy products and other foods should also not be given to the cat.

The nutrition of cats with urolithiasis should be balanced, but at the same time change the acidity of the urine. In addition to a properly composed diet, clean water must be present in the pet's constant access. Usually, medicated food for cats and cats allows you to remove the stones from the body of the animal much faster, so you should switch to them if possible.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Currently, many owners of these animals pay a lot of attention to prevent the development of this disease. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats and cats primarily involves timely castration or sterilization. This can significantly reduce the risk of developing this pathological condition. Prevention of KSD involves an examination by a veterinarian and a study of the animal's urine, at least once a year.

This makes it possible to detect the tendency to form stones in advance and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Even as a kitten, metabolic disorders can already occur in the animal's body and sand can begin to form. In order for the stones to grow, months must pass, so it is very important from the first year of life to start visiting a veterinarian to prevent urolithiasis. It is very important to provide the animal with the opportunity to move. Pet owners need to monitor his diet and fight overweight in a cat. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats involves providing the animals with the necessary amount of clean filtered water. Simple preventive measures prevent this disease from developing.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


The formation of sand, and then stones (uroliths) in a pet in the bladder and kidneys, is a common cause of death in pets. In veterinary practice, the following designations are used: ICD, urolithiasis. With an early diagnosis of urolithiasis in cats, treatment at home will be effective. In advanced cases, hospitalization and surgery will be required.

Causes of the disease

Cats are more prone to kidney stones than cats. In the castrated, urolithiasis is common, as in their non-sterile counterparts. Castration is not a cause of the disease, but if it was done when the kitten was less than six months old, the animal's urethra will remain underdeveloped. Urolithiasis will be difficult, deposits will quickly clog the narrow lumen of the urinary canal. Topping the list of causes of urolithiasis in cats is improper metabolism.

Factors contributing to the onset of the disease:

  • excess fish;
  • fatty food;
  • cheap feed;
  • mixing in one feeding of ordinary food and feed;
  • lack of fluid, bad water;
  • obesity, low activity;
  • congenital disorders of the genitourinary system, heredity;
  • infections, staphylococci, streptococci.

Main signs and symptoms

It is difficult to notice the disease at an early stage. Many owners begin to sound the alarm, already observing obvious signs of urolithiasis in a cat, when the situation is close to critical. Without timely assistance, the animal may die, so it is important to take action without waiting for an exacerbation. Pet owners need to respond to possible symptoms of urolithiasis in cats:

  • the cat is "sad", moves less;
  • the animal has lost its appetite;
  • the cat behaves restlessly when urinating, approaches the tray several times, urinates not on the first attempt, intensively licks the genitals.

In the future, more serious symptoms appear:

  • Urination becomes more frequent, the cat sits in the tray for a long time.
  • There is pain, the cat screams during urination.
  • Urine turns pink, blood clots remain in the tray.

At this stage, the cat's life is already in danger. Salt deposits move along the urinary tract, stones get stuck in the urethra, the ducts become blocked, fluid accumulates in the bladder, which leads to intoxication. If urine does not leave the body for more than a day, it is deadly. The bladder of a cat during illness is stretched, the stomach is greatly enlarged.


The symptoms of the disease are so obvious that the veterinarian will make a diagnosis already at the first visit to him. To choose a method of treating a cat, prescribing drugs, the most important condition is to draw up a complete clinical picture. The chemical composition of the stones varies. Stand out:

  • struvites (they contain magnesium, phosphate or ammonium), soluble stones;
  • calcium oxalates (insoluble, removed surgically);
  • cystines;
  • ammonium urate.

Struvites predominate in cats, but oxalates and mixed disease also occur. It is imperative to determine the type of deposits in order to prescribe the appropriate medicine. A detailed study of the disease includes:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • x-ray (to determine the size, shape, localization of stones);
  • Ultrasound (bladder, kidneys);
  • chemical analysis of stones.

How to treat kidney stones in cats

It is possible to cure a cat at home, but under the guidance of a veterinarian. It is impossible to give a diuretic in the absence of urination, this will aggravate the disease. To relieve spasm, it is permissible to give "No-shpu". If there is blood in the urine, homeopathic injections "Travmatin" are recommended, they relieve pain, heal wounds. This pre-medical assistance is exhausted. How to cure a cat, the specialist will decide, starting from the course of the disease.

diet therapy

Nutrition for a cat with urolithiasis is of paramount importance. Not all animals agree to eat dry food, they prefer natural products. In this case, the diet will help. It is important for owners to adhere to the rules of feeding the animal:

  1. Follow the regimen, feed the cat up to 3 times a day, removing leftover food. In between feedings, the animal does not have access to food. Exceeding the recommended dose of food increases the content of minerals in the urine.
  2. With struvite stones, it is important to enrich the cat's menu with food that acidifies urine. Dairy products, eggs (yolk) are excluded, food is mainly meat. If the cat agrees to drink acidified water, drip lemon juice, cranberries, red currants into it.
  3. When a cat has oxalates, fish, eggs and boiled meat are given in limited quantities. If the animal likes sour vegetables, fruits - remove them from the diet. You can not liver and foods rich in calcium.
  4. Water should be clean and fresh, a sick animal needs a lot of liquid. If the cat drinks little, soak the food.

What to feed a cat with urolithiasis

The diet for urolithiasis in cats always includes medicated food. Many veterinarians insist on using only factory-made food, dry or wet, during illness, with the rejection of natural products. If the owners decide to combine food with regular food, you can not do it in one meal. Special medical nutrition is selected depending on the composition of the deposits:

  1. Struvite uroliths will help Hills Prescription Diet Feline S / D, Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula. These feeds help dissolve stones, removing them from the body.
  2. With oxalates, Hills Prescription Diet Feline X / D, Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula are prescribed.
  3. If the disease is mixed, Royal Canin Urinary S/O Feline is recommended.

Medical treatment

If the condition of the pet is not severe, conservative treatment will help, without surgical intervention. With the help of the diet, the acidity of urine changes, struvite, cystine and urate stones dissolve. But proper cat nutrition does not solve all problems, drug support is needed. With urolithiasis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. If the disease is complicated by an infection, the veterinarian prescribes Lincomycin or antimicrobials from the cephalosporin group (Kefzol, Ceparin, etc.). Give 5-7 days, 0.2 g twice a day.
  2. Uroseptics are antibacterial drugs that act on the genitourinary system. Cats are prescribed "5-NOK", "Palin", "Furagin". Take 7 days, the fourth part of the tablet, 2-3 times.
  3. Means for rehydration (with dehydration) - "Regidron". Pour into the cat's mouth in small portions, with severe dehydration every half hour.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. These include "Kantaren" for injection. Relieves spasm, acts as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic. For urolithiasis, inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 1-2 ml up to three times a day. The course is 7-10 days.


When the cat cannot urinate for a long time, catheterization is done. A tube is inserted into the urinary canal to drain fluid. Sometimes the catheter is sutured for 2-3 days. This is required if the stones (stones) are large or the urethra is very swollen. After catheterization, it is necessary to remove intoxication, while the urine did not leave, the cat's body received poisoning, which could damage the kidneys. The pet is put on a drip.

Surgical intervention

Your cat needs surgery if:

  • the stones are very large and do not come out after washing;
  • stones are oxalate, insoluble;
  • the cat's urethra is blocked.

Surgical treatment of cat disease is of two types:

  1. Urethrostomy. An opening is made in the urethra through which stones are removed. Until the cat's condition becomes stable, the hole is not allowed to overgrow.
  2. Cystotomy. A more radical method of intervention is used in severe cases of the course of the disease. The cat's bladder is opened and uroliths are removed. Such an operation has to be done when the stones are very large, otherwise they cannot be removed.

Disease prevention

Some animals suffer from urolithiasis once, but in most it recurs. Cats, both recovered and never sick with urolithiasis, need prevention. It is aimed at controlling the acidity of the pet's urine and includes the following items:

  • Starting from the age of one year, take a urine test every six months.
  • Divide the daily ration of the animal into equal portions and give, observing the dosage.
  • Cat nutrition should be balanced.
  • There should be water in the bowl: fresh, not hard, from the filter. Check if it is decreasing properly.
  • Monitor the cat's urination, if it is rare, the urine will be concentrated, as well as the substances dissolved in it. The norm is twice a day.
  • The cat needs to move more so that the metabolism does not slow down.
  • Use food for the prevention of urolithiasis, for neutered cats (if the animal has been operated on).

Video: how urolithiasis manifests itself in cats and cats

Details on how the owner can prevent a dangerous disease in his pet are described in the video. If you recognize the first "bells" of the ICD, this increases the chances of helping the pet without surgery and complications. The "risk group" is covered - cats and cats that are likely to receive an unpleasant diagnosis.

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Urolithiasis in cats

Among the many diseases associated with metabolic processes, urolithiasis in cats has recently come out almost in first place in terms of prevalence. With this type of disease, sand or stones form in the kidneys, bladder of the animal. At the same time, it becomes difficult for the pet to go to the toilet, his metabolic processes are disturbed, and without proper assistance, blockage of the urinary canals may occur, followed by death.

It is clear that it is easiest to treat the disease in the initial stages. However, urolithiasis in cats at the very beginning is very difficult to recognize. At this time, the cat behaves completely as usual. And only at a later date, signs of urolithiasis in a cat become pronounced outwardly.

Urolithiasis in a cat symptoms can give the following:

  1. The cat often sits on its tray, but can’t go a little.
  2. Very tense posture of the animal when urinating, with an arched back, lowered head.
  3. A cat may cry in pain while sitting on a tray.
  4. The cat's tummy is often tense.
  5. The heyday of the disease is characterized by the fact that the pet becomes obsessive, tries all the time to caress the owner, draws attention to himself in every possible way.
  6. Urine may contain traces of blood, its usual color changes.
  7. A pet may lick the area around the urethra often and for long periods of time to facilitate the process of emptying the bladder.
  8. Even the most well-mannered pet can begin to relieve himself not on a tray, but in completely different, unusual places for him. This is due to the fact that the cat wants to hide, go to the toilet in a secluded place.

Describing the signs of urolithiasis in cats, it is impossible not to mention the possibility that the stone can completely block the urethra. Then the cat can not empty the bladder at all, her tummy increases. The temperature of the cat rises, she refuses to eat, tries to hide in a far corner, shows signs of fright.

At this point, it is very important to immediately take the animal to the veterinary clinic for emergency assistance to the pet. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe intoxication and rupture of the bladder. In this case, without medical assistance, death is inevitable within one to two days.

You need to understand that owners of males, and not females, have to deal with urolithiasis more often. This is mainly due to anatomical differences in the structure of animals. The very same urolithiasis of cats has the same symptoms as the ICD of cats.

Causes of the disease

As mentioned earlier, kidney stones are less common in cats than in cats. But unneutered and neutered cats suffer from KSD with the same frequency, the same can be said about neutered and non-neutered cats. Only castration at an early age (up to six months) can ensure that the urethra does not reach its full development, the narrow lumen of this organ will make it difficult to urinate. Then urolithiasis for a cat will be more difficult due to clogging of the lumen with deposits.

There are the following reasons that provoke the occurrence of urolithiasis in cats.

  1. Improper nutrition of pets. In particular, if minerals are excessively present in the cat's food. This occurs in the case of frequent consumption of fish, fatty foods, cheap dry or wet food. Those dry foods that belong to the premium class and above are safe for animals.
  2. Mixing different types of feed. If a cat randomly eats either dry food or natural food, this leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to urolithiasis.
  3. Drinking poor-quality tap water or insufficient fluid intake by animals.
  4. Obesity of a cat, its sedentary lifestyle in most cases lead to the disease.
  5. Congenital pathologies and hereditary predisposition also serve as the cause of the disease.
  6. Transferred infectious diseases, infection with staphylococci or streptococci.
  7. Violation and improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of urolithiasis in cats can only be carried out with the full supervision of a veterinarian. In no case should you self-medicate, as an ignorant person can harm the cat, and in case of untimely provision of veterinary care for this disease, it can even lead to the death of the pet.

Starting the treatment of urolithiasis in cats, the doctor will certainly conduct all the necessary examinations of the animal, send blood and urine for analysis, take an x-ray, possibly conduct an ultrasound examination and take the stones themselves or the urine sediment for analysis in order to determine the susceptibility of solid formations to dissolution by one or another drug .

Depending on the results obtained, the doctor will decide whether the purr can be treated conservatively or whether the help of a surgeon is required.

First of all, with ICD, the doctor helps the cat to restore the outflow of urine. To do this, under general anesthesia, a catheter is inserted into the cat, with the help of which pebbles or sand are removed and the urethra is washed with a special antiseptic. If the x-ray shows the presence of large stones that interfere with the proper functioning of the kidneys or bladder, abdominal surgery may be required. After the operation, the cat will certainly be prescribed restorative therapy (droppers, injections) to relieve the effects of intoxication and restore the normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.

If the doctor decides to treat the cat in a conservative way, he will prescribe the necessary medications that will relieve inflammation, dissolve stones, and alleviate the general condition of the pet. It should be understood that treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Even if the owner of the cat has friends who allegedly healed their pet using a miraculous folk method, you should not blindly trust such a recipe. In any case, you need to consult a doctor who will direct the treatment in the right direction, explain whether it is possible for a particular cat to use one or another method of treatment.

It is mandatory for treatment and subsequent rehabilitation to prescribe a diet for urolithiasis in cats. In this case, only the veterinarian gives recommendations for the pet's nutrition, based on the results of the study of stones, because what foods can be consumed by the cat depends on their composition.

After the end of the treatment of the pet, the owners should do everything to avoid exacerbation of the disease. If you do not pay attention to the causes that led to the pet's illness, then the disease will worsen again and again.

Disease prevention

After the end of treatment and a period of rehabilitation, the owner of the cat will have to take all necessary measures to prevent a relapse.

  1. The animal is shown a special diet that will not contribute to the formation of sand and kidney stones. For animals already having MBC, the doctor prescribes the diet after the tests. For healthy cats, it is recommended to follow simple rules when compiling a diet:
  • if the cat eats ready-made food, then they must be of high quality;
  • do not mix natural food with industrially manufactured feed;
  • fish and dairy products are not recommended;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates and minerals is contraindicated for cats;
  • it is forbidden to eat fatty meats, as well as fried, spicy, salty, sweet and smoked.
  1. The water that the animal drinks should not be drawn from the tap, boiled or filtered water is recommended.
  2. It is necessary that the cat does not lead a recumbent lifestyle. Active games, physical activity serve as an excellent prevention of the disease.
  3. It is recommended to take urine tests so as not to miss the onset of the disease. If the cat is predisposed to the formation of stones, it is recommended to do an x-ray and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder every six months.


Urolithiasis in cats is manifested in the formation of two types of stones: struvite and oxalate. The former are formed in an alkaline environment and have a solid structure. Alkalinization of urine is mainly due to excess phosphorus and magnesium in the cat's food.

The second type occurs if the pH of the urine has a high acidity, the cause of which is an increased content of calcium. Oxalates are characterized by the presence of sharp edges and a loose structure.

Why do cats get kidney stones?

Among the causes of urolithiasis (another name for urolithiasis) in cats are:

  • errors in the diet (the predominance of any substances in food);
  • lack of water or its excessive saturation with salts;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, foci of inflammation, metabolic disorders in the body of the animal;
  • congenital or acquired features of anatomy;
  • hereditary factor.

How pathology manifests itself

Finding out that a pet has urolithiasis at the beginning of its development will not work: he cannot complain of discomfort or problems with urination, so the owners will find out about the presence of a dangerous pathology when it has gone too far. You need to run to the clinic if the following symptoms of ICD appear:

  • the cat goes to the toilet not in the usual place, but anywhere;
  • little urine is excreted, grains of sand, blood can be seen in it;
  • the very urge to urinate, on the contrary, becomes frequent;
  • pain and irritation of the urinary tract by sand make the cat lick the urethra.

Gradually, the pet's body temperature rises (up to 40 ˚С), he refuses food, moves a little. When urine cannot pass through the paths, the cat becomes very restless, meows, takes a characteristic posture to facilitate the outflow.

It is especially important to have time to see a veterinarian in a critically dangerous condition of a cat, which is characterized by the following symptoms of urolithiasis:

  • the stomach thickens, its volume becomes noticeably larger;
  • since urine can no longer come out, it stagnates in the bladder, causing severe tissue intoxication;
  • the cat hardly moves;
  • frothy saliva comes out of the mouth;
  • the temperature of the animal drops, the pet is trembling;
  • possible vomiting.

In the absence of timely assistance, the animal dies.

Important: intoxication occurs a day after urination stops!

Is it possible to diagnose urolithiasis in a cat

KSD in a cat can also be diagnosed at the initial stages of the development of the disease, if regular examinations are carried out. Methods such as:

  • urine tests (general and microscopic polarized);
  • x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

During the diagnosis, the veterinarian will definitely ask the owner about the conditions of the cat, its physical characteristics, past illnesses and other nuances. It is important to tell when the first signs of the disease were noticed, how often they appear, and so on.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

When contacting a veterinarian with an attack of KSD in cats, the treatment of the disease necessarily begins with the restoration of urinary tract patency. A catheter is used to remove a urinary stone or clean out accumulated sand. All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. After the formations are removed, the lumen of the urethra is thoroughly washed with a solution of an antiseptic preparation.

In difficult situations, doctors must first create an artificial excretory duct - this intervention is called urethrostomy. However, with very large deposits, which greatly exceed the diameter of the urethra, an abdominal operation is performed, directly removing the stones.

Further treatment is aimed at normalizing the acid-base balance in the pet's body, cleansing from toxic products. In parallel, the inflammatory process is eliminated by prescribing antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The total duration of therapy can be 14 or more days, depending on the complexity of the intervention, the condition of the animal and other circumstances.

Features of drug therapy

A mustachioed patient for the treatment of urolithiasis can be prescribed different groups of drugs:

  • painkillers (often - Papaverine, Analgin);
  • antibiotics (for example, Ceparin);
  • drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process (Palin, Furagin and others);
  • antispasmodics (Baralgin).

If necessary, maintenance therapy is indicated. These can be: vitamin complexes, funds aimed at normalizing the work of the heart, preparations for restoring the digestive tract. All medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian in accordance with the age and sex of the cat.

What to do after treatment

Regardless of the complexity of the treatment (even if urolithiasis in a cat was detected at an early stage), the further life of the pet should take place in conditions of constant preventive measures. The owner will need to regularly examine the pet: take urine for analysis and do ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system.

In addition, the cat must be immediately transferred to an appropriate diet that excludes components provoking the development of the disease. If needed, the mustachioed friend will need to be given antibiotics and/or diuretics periodically.

How to feed a cat (cat) with urolithiasis

Only with proper nutrition, a cat diagnosed with KSD can live painlessly for several more years. Since some pets prefer exclusively dry food, while others prefer homemade food, dietary approaches will vary.

Dry cat food with ICD: which one to choose

Most of the dry food is completely unsuitable for feeding a cat with urolithiasis - they contain too many mineral salts. But there are also special mixtures that can be selected depending on the type of urinary stones, for example:

  • Oxalates - Royal Cannin Urinary S / O LP34, Hill's PD Feline K / D;
  • Struvites - Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets UR, Hill's Prescription Diet C/D.

You only need to buy feed that belongs to the premium and super-premium class.

How to feed your cat homemade food

Home feeding of a cat with urolithiasis also depends on the type of stones. Since the high acidity of urine is due to calcium, you need to limit the pet in eggs and milk (and their derivatives). Vegetables rich in this element should also be excluded from the cat's diet. In addition, with oxalates, it is highly undesirable to give offal to the pet, since they contain a large amount of oxalic acid.

Monotony in food should be avoided. The cat menu should be based on meat dishes, while adding industrial feed of any kind to food is prohibited.

It is important to provide the animal with free access to water. Since cats drink little, you should try to accustom your pet to regularly visit the "watering hole". The bowl of water should not be near the stern, so that the cat does not switch attention to food.

Important facts about kidney stones in cats

There are several important facts about urolithiasis in cats that every owner should know.

  • Cats living in hot environments are at risk, as elevated temperatures cause urine to thicken and increase its concentration.
  • It is noted that most often urolithiasis develops in animals in the age period of 2-6 years.
  • Obese cats that are overweight are also more likely to develop KSD than lean or normal-weight cats.
  • Predisposition to the deposition of stones in the urinary system is noted in cats of long-haired breeds.
  • Due to the narrow urethra, the disease affects more cats than cats.
  • The disease is more often noted in cats after castration, as well as cats in which estrus is "wasted".
  • Experts have noticed that in cats suffering from urolithiasis, relapses are observed more often in the autumn period (especially at the beginning) and from the 1st to the 4th months of the year.
  • Struvite formation is more common in animals under 6 years of age. At the same time, the formation of oxalate stones is more typical for cats older than 6-7 years.

Urolithiasis in neutered cats: true or not

The development of urolithiasis in neutered cats is confirmed by statistical data. However, there is no scientific confirmation of the fact of the direct effect of castration on the formation of stones. It turns out that both facts contradict each other. In fact, castration has an indirect effect and leads to KSD in an indirect way.

A castrated animal has a sharp hormonal failure. Changes in the activity of the endocrine glands contribute to the appearance of slowness in cats, some passivity (although a young pet can be very active), and calmness in behavior. With age, the cat moves more slowly, reacts less to stimuli, including the opposite sex, and eats more. All together causes the appearance of excess weight, sometimes obesity.

It is known that most of the overweight animals sooner or later develop urolithiasis. Moreover, the slow metabolism in castrates causes a rare emptying of the bladder, which leads to congestion. And if the operation was performed too early, then the urinary canal remains underdeveloped and narrow, which also provokes the formation of stones. It can be concluded that neutered cats are indeed at risk.

How to prevent urolithiasis in cats (cats)

Prevention of KSD in cats is as follows:

  • monitor the diversity of the pet's diet, and if necessary, purchase specialized food;
  • avoid the development of obesity by controlling the caloric content of food (for this you can contact a specialist);
  • encourage regular water consumption by ensuring its availability and freshness;
  • keep the animal active, not allowing laziness to develop;
  • do an ultrasound scan every six months, especially if there is a predisposition to the KSD;
  • regularly donate cat urine to the clinic to detect salts;
  • undergo a full course of treatment if sand or stones are found.

Such simple measures will ensure the health of a mustachioed pet for many years. If the cat has already been treated for urolithiasis, then they will help to avoid relapse, because it is impossible to completely get rid of this pathology.