Crossing of hands. Political body language. Crossed Legs Standing

This position of the hands says allows a man to feel more confident in a threatening situation.


At an early age, we learn to hide behind a barrier in case of danger. Feeling threatened, the children immediately hide behind tables, chairs, wardrobes, mother's skirts. With age, this behavior does not disappear, but takes on more sophisticated forms. It is inconvenient for a six-year-old baby to hide behind a mother's skirt. And then in case of danger, he tightly crosses his arms over his chest. Teenagers already know how to disguise this gesture. They relax the arms slightly and complement the barrier by crossing the legs.

In adulthood, crossing hands develops even more. Adults sometimes try to make defensive gestures less obvious to others. By placing one or both hands on our chest, we form a barrier in an unconscious attempt to block what we perceive as a threat or protect ourselves from unwanted circumstances. Hands, as a rule, are located in the region of the heart and lungs. Naturally, a gesture that protects the most vital organs is innate. Monkeys defend themselves against a frontal attack in exactly the same way. One thing we can be absolutely sure of is that if a person is nervous, negative, or defensive, they are likely to cross their arms tightly over their chest, indicating that they feel threatened.

Why Crossing Your Arms Can Be Harmful

Studies of crossed-arms postures conducted in the United States have yielded interesting results. Two groups of students were invited to attend the lecture course. One group was told not to cross their arms or legs and to sit still and relaxed. At the end of each lecture, the researchers analyzed the degree of comprehensibility of the material and the attitude of students towards the lecturer. The other group was told to sit in the lecture with their arms folded across their chests. As a result, it turned out that the group sitting with their arms crossed learned the material 38% worse than those students who listened to the lecturer in a different position. The second group also demonstrated a more critical attitude towards the lecturer and the topic of the lecture.

When you cross your arms over your chest, your authority is reduced.

Similar studies were carried out in 1989. 1500 subjects attended six different lectures and showed almost the same results. Research shows that by crossing your arms, the listener begins to experience more negative feelings towards the speaker. In addition, his attention is scattered. That is why training centers always install chairs with armrests - in such a chair, the listener does not feel the need to cross his arms over his chest.

Yes, but it's more convenient for me

Some claim that they cross their arms over their chests out of habit, simply because it is more convenient for them. Any gesture seems convenient to you only when you are in the appropriate mood. If you feel comfortable with your arms crossed, then your mood is negative or defensive. Those who are very nervous feel comfortable in this position. Note that people rarely cross their arms when talking to friends or loved ones.

Remember that any body language signal is perceived not only by the person himself, but also by his interlocutor. It is possible that you are "comfortable" sitting with your arms crossed, your back straight and your chin up. But studies show that the reaction of others to such a pose is extremely negative. We think the message is clear: try not to cross your arms under any circumstances. You can do this only if you want to make it clear to the interlocutor that you do not agree and do not want to take part in the conversation.

Differences between the sexes

Men's hands are usually directed inward. Women's hands are most often directed outward. Such differences allow men to better aim and throw objects. The spaced elbows of the woman help her hold the child more securely. Interestingly, in the presence of attractive men, women open their arms more. In the company of unpleasant and aggressive men, women instinctively try to cover their breasts.

The internal turn of the hands allows men to accurately throw various objects. Women's hands are turned so that it is more convenient to hold the child.

Arms crossed on chest

Crossing his arms over his chest, a person unconsciously tries to erect a barrier between himself and someone or something unpleasant. There are many such provisions, but we will discuss some of the most common. Arms crossed on the chest is a universal gesture. It is almost universally regarded as defensive or negative. This position is often taken by people who are among strangers - at a business meeting, in line or in an elevator, that is, in a situation of lack of confidence in their own safety.

Once we attended a meeting of the local council, where the problem of cutting down trees by developers was discussed. Representatives of developers were sitting in one part of the hall, and their opponents, local "greens" - in the other. Approximately half of those present at the very beginning of the meeting crossed their arms over their chests. When the developers spoke, almost all the “greens” crossed their arms, during the speech of the environmentalists, the developers did exactly the same. This example clearly shows people crossing their arms over their chests when they disagree with what they are being told. Many speakers fail to convey their ideas to the audience simply because they do not notice that they have crossed their arms over their chests. Experienced speakers are well aware of the meaning of such a gesture and correct their speech in time in order to increase the receptivity of the audience and change the mood from negative to positive.

He is not going to reveal his soul to you and does not expect anything like that from you.

If you see that the interlocutor has crossed his arms over his chest, you can safely assume that he does not agree with your words. It makes no sense to continue the conversation in the same tone, even if the interlocutor verbally expresses full agreement. Non-verbal signals do not lie, you can only lie with words.

In this case, you should delicately find out what caused the disagreement of your interlocutor, and try to put him in a more receptive state. Don't forget that as long as his arms remain crossed, the negative attitude persists. This posture was caused by a certain attitude, and it can only strengthen it.


I can recommend you a simple but very effective method of dealing with this posture. Give the interlocutor something: a pen, a book, a notebook, a sample. Then he will be forced to change his posture, open his palms and lean forward. So you can make the interlocutor more open and receptive. Ask the interlocutor to lean forward to consider something important. Then he will be forced to abandon the occupied posture. You can yourself lean towards the interlocutor with open palms and say: “It seems to me that you want to ask something?” or “What do you think about this?” and then lean back, showing that you are waiting for an answer. By leaving your palms in plain sight, you non-verbally show the interlocutor that you want an honest, sincere answer.

"Why do I have to keep all these pens, pencils and booklets?" asked the customer, who was starting to look like a Christmas tree festooned with toys. "I'll explain that later," the salesperson replied.

Salespeople and negotiators are well aware that they shouldn't launch a product or idea presentation until the potential buyer has their hands open. Buyers almost always have internal objections that salespeople don't notice because they don't attach importance to crossing their arms over their chests. You must always remember that arms crossed on the chest is a signal of a negative attitude towards something.

Reinforced crossing of arms

If a person not only crossed his arms over his chest, but also clenched his fists, such a chain of gestures immediately betrays the hostility and defensive position of the interlocutor. If at the same time he smiles with pursed lips or clenches his teeth and turns purple, it is quite possible to expect a verbal or even physical attack.102 "Allan and Barbara Pease in a similar position, he clearly has aggressive feelings towards you.

Arms crossed over chest, fists clenched: all signs of hostility

Grasping the forearms

People often wrap their arms tightly around their forearms to increase protection and not show off their chest. Sometimes a person grabs his forearms so tightly that the bones of his fingers turn white, as normal blood circulation is disturbed. Thus, a person calms himself, this is a kind of hug. Most often in this position, people are waiting for an appointment with a doctor or dentist. Most likely, a person flying for the first time in an airplane will take the same position. This position clearly demonstrates a defensive stance.

The person feels insecure and is unlikely to buy what you offer him.

In the courtroom, the plaintiff most often crosses his arms over his chest and clenches his fists, while the defendant usually clasps his forearms.

boss vs subordinate

Status can have a major impact on hand gestures. The dominant person demonstrates his superiority by not crossing his arms over his chest. Thus, he seems to say: “I am not afraid of anything. My body is open and vulnerable." Suppose that at a company party, the general manager is introduced to several new employees. He greets them with a palm-down handshake, stands at a considerable distance (at least a meter) and puts his hands behind his back in Prince Philip's favorite hand-to-hand gesture. This position immediately demonstrates superiority. In addition, the leader may put one or both hands in his pockets, showing his disinterest. In such a situation, the manager is unlikely to cross his arms over his chest, not wanting to show even the slightest signs of nervousness.

Employees, after shaking hands with the boss, may completely or partially cross their arms over their chest, since the presence of management always makes subordinates nervous. Both the leader and subordinates in such poses feel quite comfortable, since the chains of gestures correspond to their status relative to each other. But what happens when the general manager meets with a young, energetic man who is prone to dominance and who can send the signal that he is no less important than his boss? Most likely, after a mutually dominant handshake, the young employee will cross his arms over his chest so that thumbs pointing upwards will be visible.

The thumbs are pointing up: the posture is defensive, but at the same time the person still seeks to emphasize his independence.

Arms crossed over the chest and thumbs pointing up indicate that a person considers himself independent and able to control the situation. At the moment of speaking, the movements of the thumbs emphasize the meaning of what was said. As we will see later, thumbs up is a way to show confidence to others, and crossed arms make you feel safe.

The muscles of a person who is merely defending will tense up as he constantly expects to be attacked. In the position just described above, this most likely will not happen, because. the person still retains self-confidence.

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Arms crossed on chest

We have already said that arms crossed in front of you mean, as it were, a protective barrier with which a person fences himself off from the outside world and unpleasant or disturbing situations. As a rule, politicians rarely cross their arms over their chest, because this is a gesture of maximum defense. Nevertheless, this also happens, and if you see a politician with his arms crossed on his chest, you will not be mistaken in explaining his attitude to what is happening. Even if he smiles sweetly.

Arms crossed over the chest represent a natural attempt to hide from adverse situations, to find safety and protection. The gesture is interpreted quite broadly: from self-doubt to a clear disagreement with you, but this is easily determined by the context. And to our favorite question: “Who stole money from the budget?” - crossed arms will mean that the person who heard him, at least, really does not like your question.

By the way, gestures can be manipulated. And if, following the question about the stolen money, you ask something like this: “Tell me, we know that you are absolutely not involved in this, and we would like to know your opinion on whether it is possible to hope that this theft will be revealed?” - and your interlocutor will probably spread his arms and remove the defensive position. The same things can be done in negotiations and in general, in any communications.

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Non-verbal communication is an interesting area in psychology. A person does not always say what he really thinks. And to find out where the truth is and where the lie is sometimes very difficult. Sign language can help with this. It is incredibly difficult to hide it. Every minute our body gives a lot of different signals. We will learn in this article what crossed arms on the chest and fingers in the castle mean.

natural gestures

Quite often a person has to hide his emotions. In most cases, this happens almost unconsciously. And if we have more or less learned to control facial expressions, then things are much more complicated with gestures. When a person is not comfortable, he tries in every way to close himself from everyone. And he does it with his hands. When a person crosses his arms over his chest, he seems to "hug" himself. It seems that now a person is reliably protected from others.

It does not matter at all what the face expresses. You offer a person to buy a product, talk about its merits. The man cheerfully nods his head and smiles at you, but at the same time, he crossed his arms over his chest. What could this mean? A refusal will follow very soon, and it is unlikely that they will buy goods from you. And all because sign language warns in advance that a person is defending himself from you. So, knowing some features of non-verbal communication, you can prevent many unwanted situations.

In fact, arms crossed on the chest is a fairly common occurrence. This and other gestures a person can use several times a day. There are certain categories of people who, in principle, are very fond of sitting or standing with their arms crossed. They usually claim that they are so comfortable. As a rule, these are incredulous, prone to doubt people. This position suggests that they are not confident in themselves and often feel “out of their element”. A person who often crosses his arms is aggressive towards the world around him, and, of course, he is so comfortable defending himself.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that when the hands are clasped or crossed on the chest, a person does not perceive information well. In one lecture, the teacher asked the students to sit with open palms, and in the other, on the contrary, to squeeze them tightly. As the results showed, the first students remembered 36% more information than the second ones.

But one should take into account the fact that even almost identical positions can have different meanings. For example, if the arms are crossed on the chest, but at the same time the thumbs are clearly visible and they are directed upwards, then this indicates that the person considers himself better than others.

Or, for example, “hands in the castle in front of you” - a gesture that indicates that a person is wary. He listens attentively to the interlocutor, but at the same time does not trust him. It will be difficult to negotiate with such a person while his hands are linked. But “hands in the castle behind your back” is a gesture of a self-confident leader. This is how school principals, senior military officials and even members of the British royal family walk.

Standard gesture

Arms crossed on the chest is a kind of shield. Such a posture means that the person feels uncomfortable or uncomfortable. As a rule, the arms are crossed precisely in the chest area. And this is no accident. In this way, a person shows that now all his important parts of the body are closed. This posture can often be found in a conversation between two people. At the same time, one of them is trying to prove something to the other. The person becomes defensive and, in fact, does not want to hear anything. If you see that the interlocutor has crossed his arms, then this means that he does not agree with you.

Clenching fingers

Sign language in psychology helps to identify almost any emotion. What do postures and gestures say?

If the crossed arms on the chest are accompanied by clenching the fingers into a fist, then this position indicates an aggressive attitude. The personality is not just closed from the opponent, it is also hostile. This gesture is often seen in children who are scolded and punished by their parents. At first, the child pretends to be offended by crossing his arms over his chest. And then, he clenches his fingers into a fist, which demonstrates his disagreement with the punishment. Often such anger is difficult to contain, and after a while the person begins to “attack” himself. His fists clench more and more, and his face turns red. This can be followed by a verbal attack.

Holding back negative feelings

This emotion is also shown by crossing the arms. But in this case, the hands grab the opposite shoulder. This helps to secure the position and prevent unclenching of the fingers. People in this position can often be found at the airport or near the dentist's office. Any exciting event can be accompanied by just such a gesture.

In this case, a person is negatively tuned in to some circumstances. At the same time, he can stand next to another person and treat him well. For example, in front of the office where the exam is taken, there is a mother and daughter. The last one to write a test, she is worried, crosses her arms in front of her, but this does not mean that she has a negative attitude towards her mother.

Clasped fingers

How often have you had to observe how a person squeezes the other with one hand? In this case, the gesture can be interpreted in different ways. Quite often, when communicating, people put their hands in the castle. At this time, the person may smile and you may even think that he trusts you. But in fact, such a gesture speaks of disappointment and hostility towards the opponent. There are three positions in which the hands are in the castle:

  • raised position;
  • the average;
  • bottom.

The higher the hands are, the more aggressive the person is. If a person sits with his hands clasped on his feet, then he is rather disappointed than hostile. Often people make such a gesture when, for example, they are refused when applying for a job. Such a position can also show excitement.

But for another reason, a person can fold his hands in the castle. Which finger is on top? Large? So this is a fairly self-confident person. Especially if a man does this when communicating with. Thus, he shows that he is strong and domineering.

If the thumbs are hidden, then the person feels oppressed. This usually happens if he is alone or waiting for an important decision. You should not demonstrate such a gesture when applying for a job. A smart director will regard it as an indicator of low self-esteem. Putting your fingers in the lock means demonstrating your insecurity and timidity.

Disguised gestures

It is not always convenient to cross your arms or lock them into a lock. In particular, this applies to individuals who are constantly in front of everyone. But anyway, if they feel insecure, they try to form a barrier. And they do this by twitching the accessories on the opposite hand. They begin to adjust the buttons on the cuffs or the clasp of the watch. When trying to close yourself, any gesture that allows you to keep at least one hand across your body is suitable.

What can this knowledge give?

People do not always realize that sign language is an incredibly useful science that can be useful to anyone. It is especially important for those who often negotiate. If you see that your opponent has his arms crossed in front of him, then he is closing from you. Why this might have happened should be analyzed.

Next, you need to try to remove this barrier. When a person's hands open, his susceptibility to words will become much higher. Therefore, you can try to make the opponent unhook them himself. Perhaps you should give him something to hand.

Have you noticed how "networkers", trying to shove some unnecessary little thing, are trying to occupy your hands? They ask you to hold their folder or give you a product. In 50% of cases, this is done so that you can close to me.

Or, for example, a smart wife will ask her husband for what she needs at the moment when his hands are busy with something. In this case, he does not have the opportunity to close himself from her, which means that the chance that the request will be fulfilled increases significantly.

Conversely, when offended by a person, we cross our arms in front of us. So body language shows that while we are not ready to forgive the offender and do not want to hear anything.

Chief and subordinate

At work, knowing about non-verbal communication can also come in handy. Remember how often the boss sits or stands. If his arms are crossed, while the thumbs are looking up, this person loves power. If they are constantly behind him, he is not afraid of anything and is a self-confident person. If the boss's hands are clasped in front of him when he communicates with you, he does not trust you and is very wary.

Other meanings

Sign language in psychology is a very subtle science. Arms crossed in front of you may not always mean hostility. Quite often, one person copies the pose of another in order to get closer to him. For example, a guy approached a girl to get acquainted. Initially, she stood with her arms and legs crossed. This is a defensive position, which suggests that while the lady is not ready to open up to him. A man subconsciously assumes the same position.

At the same time, note that one leg of the man is turned towards the woman. This means that he is interested in her.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that crossed arms can have a lot of different meanings. Much depends on the specific situation and other gestures.

The thumb of the left hand is on top, put (write down, remember) the number 1. If the finger of the right hand is on top - the number 2.

Imagine that you need to aim. close one eye

Closed the right, put 1. Left - 2.

Cross your arms over your chest

Right hand on top - put 2. Left - 1.

clap your hands

If the left hand is on top, then the number is 1, if the right hand is 2.


  • 2222 - you have a stable type of character, you are conservative. You do not like conflicts and disputes.
  • 2221 - you are very indecisive (ay-yay-yay).
  • 2212 - you are sociable, find a common language with almost any person.
  • 2111 - you are fickle. And you do everything yourself, do not look for the support of others.
  • 2211 is a rare combination of sociability and a rather gentle character.
  • 2122 - you have an analytical mindset and gentleness of character. You treat everything carefully, show some coldness in relation to others.
  • 2121 - sadness: you are defenseless and subject to the influence of others.
  • 1112 - emotional, energetic and decisive.
  • 1222 is a common combination. You do not show perseverance and perseverance in solving life issues, you are subject to someone else's influence. At the same time, you are emotional, sociable, you have charisma.
  • 1221 - emotionality, lack of perseverance, very soft character, naivety.
  • 1122 - you are friendly, but at the same time a little naive and simple. Prone to "self-flagellation" and analysis of their actions. There are many interests, but not enough time for everything.
  • 1121 - you trust people very much, and you have a gentle character. Most likely, you are a creative person.
  • 1111 - you love change and are looking for a non-standard approach to ordinary things. Creativity plays an important role in your life. Strong emotions, pronounced individualism, selfishness. You are also stubborn, selfish, but this does not prevent you from living.
  • 1212 - a strong-willed person. You could say stubborn. You achieve your goals.
  • 1211 - prone to introspection, a little closed, it is quite difficult to get along with people. However, you have a strong spirit. And if you set a goal, then most likely it will be achieved.
  • 2112 - you have an easy character, you calmly find new friends, make acquaintances and often change hobbies.

It's not a fact that this test describes the real you 100%. But you must admit: there is clearly some truth in his results.

Body language is more ancient and organic for people than ordinary language and even facial expressions. People, born blind use body language just like sighted people.

Body language is of great importance in everyday life. The perception of us by other people largely depends on the signals that our body sends.

Recently, several studies have been conducted at Harvard and Princeton Universities that have shed light on how body language affects our lives and career success.

The researchers argue that the success of verbal communication will depend on what message we send at the bodily level.

We've put together a few facts about how to use body language effectively to achieve your communication goals.

The body expresses emotions better than the face

We are used to controlling our facial expressions. It is believed that in the first place, the face speaks about our feelings or attitude towards someone.

Researchers from Princeton are sure that this is not entirely true. They did a very simple experiment. Researchers Participants were asked to identify the emotions that a person is experiencing from a photograph - joy, failure, victory or pain. One group was shown only facial expressions, the other group was shown the entire body.

The results were amazing. It turned out that it is almost impossible to understand what a person is experiencing only by facial expression.

Strong positive and extremely negative emotions are especially difficult to distinguish from each other, experts explain. And if you see the whole body, then it is much easier for you to understand what a person is experiencing.

There are other interesting examples. Blind and sighted people express bodily emotions of exultation in exactly the same way.

In this photo, a sighted athlete is on the left, and a blind athlete is on the right.

Harvard scientists offer several basic principles that will allow us to use the hidden potential of body language and make our communication more successful.

Use body language to make a literal signal

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to adopt a pose of dominance. Any person easily "reads" the difference between the confidence and impotence of the interlocutor.

What gives us the choice of a certain pose? First of all - a positive perception from others, other things being equal, you will be chosen, for example, when applying for a job. You will feel much more confident yourself.

But researchers are not only talking about the correct crossing of arms and legs. There is also a deeper question here. It turns out that bodily practices are closely related to the production of hormones. There are two types of hormones that affect how we interact with other people and that can be overproduced depending on what happens to our body.

This is testosterone or the hormone of "power", the high level of which is associated with the potential of a leader. And cortisol, or the “stress” hormone, the production of which makes us feel overwhelmed and powerless.

The research results are amazing - it turns out that by taking a certain position, we ourselves stimulate the production of a particular hormone. And it happens in just 2 minutes!

The conclusion of scientists is that it is necessary to control your body and the beneficial effects will be enhanced due to positive feedback. They offer five easy ways to use your body to achieve communication goals.

1. Control your legs

We are able to easily control the face and upper body. And the legs can "give out" our real feelings. This is easy to check in practice. If you approach a person and he shows you his location, but at the same time his legs are motionless, most likely he does not really want to communicate with you. As soon as the legs "turn on" - it means there is interest in you. The direction of the legs is an important signal (more precisely, it is important where they are directed). The legs seem to go ahead of the head.

2. Smile

Everything is simple here. You have to smile for yourself. When we look at ourselves in the mirror and smile when no one sees us, it will be easier for us to smile at another. And we immediately feel a positive response. Smiling without any reason also makes us more confident.

3. Find your "power posture"

This is especially important in the run-up to serious negotiations. The researchers offer three options. The chosen position should suit you: you should feel comfortable and natural. Otherwise, nothing will work. Practice and find your option.

Pose 1:

Pose 2:

Pose 3:

4. Align, balance yourself with the interlocutor

This is especially important at the first meeting. Look in one direction, be at the same eye level, be closer to your partner. After such grinding, the communication process will go much more efficiently.

5. Control your voice and breathing

Of course, there are many other useful rules on how to control the body for successful communication. But psychologists believe that we should start with a few intuitive things, and then, when the first skills are fixed, move on to more complex and subtle tools.