Bedroom design for a girl: photo, design features. Modern room design for a young girl Modern interior design for a girl

The bedroom is a place where you can not only sleep, but also take a break from the hustle and bustle. For a girl, the design of the bedroom is created with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, it will help to relax the body and put your thoughts in order.

At first glance, it may seem difficult to choose a room design, but if you know all the advantages of what a girl wants, then this will not be difficult, on the contrary, it may seem quite simple and fun.

In order for the room to please a young lady, it is also necessary to emphasize her individuality and the harmony of her whole character.

How to choose a bedroom for a girl

Any young girl from an early age dreams of her own bedroom. Everyone wants to make her cozy, comfortable and that her bedroom is a place where her personality and character are revealed.

Leaning towards this belief, it is important to correctly choose the interior of the bedroom for the girl.

In order to reveal the individuality of her character there, to give the interior all the charm. It's like creating a small corner of your own where you will feel comfort and warmth.

Photos of girl's bedroom

When a girl grows up, it often turns out that her room has to be changed.

Old unnecessary things are usually thrown away, and things that are very dear to the hostess of the room are left for further storage, as a memory of a happy childhood. The interior of the bedroom itself, of course, needs to be replaced, that it has already matured.

What style to choose a photo

At the beginning of creating the perfect bedroom, you need to decide what the bedroom itself will be. Many invent a bedroom in the style of creating romance, and this is partly correct.

After all, many girls are ready to choose exactly the same style for a reason. More modest, sweeter and shy girls prefer gentle and warmer colors of their room.

Romantic style for a girl's bedroom

In the West, a bedroom for a girl in a romantic style is considered more classic. Most often, when creating such an interior, light tones are chosen, such as a soft pink tint, bluish, sandy, aquamarine.

If the bedroom has such colors, then the room also usually has accessories made of openwork or lace, an indispensable thing with such an interior color scheme.

It is preferable to choose furniture that is not very rough, without sharp corners. Also, a large bed with small patterns in the head area can fit into the interior of this bedroom.

But on the contrary, it is better to choose bed linen for such a bed in large patterns and also better in light colors.

Let's talk about choosing a dressing table for a girl's room

The table plays an important role. It must be small. This is a very indispensable piece in a modern girl's bedroom.

Basically, it is for any little things, as a rule, young ladies have a lot of all sorts of such gizmos, which are usually scattered anywhere.

With a dressing table you can easily solve this problem, it will also look great in the bedroom. The color can also be more delicate and not very complex.

Bedroom accessories

It is better to choose curtains for a girl’s bedroom with larger patterns, and pillows in the form of decorations are needed in any size and preferably openwork.

A soft bedspread, openwork capes or a plaid will create an atmosphere of romance. In this style, the main presence of various trinkets.

Unusual style for a modern bedroom

This style is suitable for a modern girl's bedroom.

But in order not to spoil the room and it does not seem cold, you need to be creative.

Art Nouveau furniture for the bedroom

To create an interior in a modern style in a room, lace and lace will be superfluous here.

This style consists of modern room design and the right combination of colors. also in the room you can not do without modern fashionable accessories. Colors are preferable to give bright and dark shades.

Japanese style bedroom design

Those who love relaxation and tranquility will suit such a style as zen. For this, warm and one ton colors are used, as well as softer light. This style is more calm, not catchy.

Minimal décor, low-rise furniture and soothing materials are perfect for this style. This zen-style room suits peace of mind.

Difficult choice of design and interior of your bedroom for a girl

Every young girl is unique. For a young and independent person, I want to choose my own style of the room, it is chosen according to the characteristic features of the girl, as well as her taste criteria.

For more romantic girls, a romantic interior is suitable, with a secluded corner, and will also give a lot of tenderness to its mistress and fabulous love.

Bedroom design photo for a girl

At the age of about 18, the interior of the children's room should be changed to a more adult and serious version of the interior for a girl. In the interior of a room for a girl, there is no longer a place for wallpaper with children's drawings and too bright colors. In addition, you should think about where the wardrobe and dressing table will be located.
Sometimes it’s worth changing the nursery room to a more spacious option, the smallest room in the house is suitable for a girl’s room.

Choosing the interior of a room for a girl should begin with choosing the style of the future room. The style of the interior of a room for a girl largely depends on the character and hobbies, favorite style and preferences. Some girls prefer delicate and romantic interiors, and some prefer more strict modern high-tech or minimalist options. Oriental interior styles, shabby chic and Provence are also suitable for the interior of a room for a girl.

Zoning a room for a girl
The girl's room is both a living room, and a bedroom, and a place for receiving guests, and a study, and even a dressing room. Fitting everything in a small area can be difficult.
In order to correctly arrange the furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the zones of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a relaxation area and a guest area.

Color in the interior of a room for a girl
The interior color of a room for a girl depends on the chosen style and taste preferences. Often, muted pastel colors are chosen for the interior of a room for a girl. But bright interiors are often used. When choosing a bright version of the room, you must remember that this is a living space and local pure colors should be avoided. Instead of yellow, take corn or mustard; instead of pure green, pistachio and marsh tones are suitable.

Teenagers feel very comfortable in dark pastel colors such as gray-brown, gray-purple, dark dirty pink. Dark walls must be supported with light furniture.

Furniture in the girl's room
Furniture for a room for a girl is often chosen white. This is due to the fact that white furniture goes well with any romantic interior style.
An obligatory element in the interior of a room for a girl is a bed. It can have a beautiful upholstered headboard, covered with fabric in the color of the interior. The headboard for the bed will give the interior of a teenage girl's room a special charm and style.

Desktop. It can be a computer desk or a sophisticated desk that will be comfortable in the first place.
A dressing table in the interior of a girl's room is no less important than a desktop. An ideal option would be a chest of drawers with a mirror.
Also in the interior of the teenage room, you must have a rack with shelves for books and other important things.

At the age of majority, no girl can do without a dressing room. It can be an entire adjoining room or a small two-door wardrobe, the size of the dressing room depends on requests and family wealth. A very convenient option for a small room will be a sliding wardrobe.

It is not at all necessary to buy a wardrobe or wardrobe. If the room has small niches, this should be used. Place shelves in a niche, and instead of doors, lead thick curtains. If there is no niche, you can order a frame without doors. Such dressing rooms are very popular lately. This is a convenient budget option that will cost you almost nothing.

Room interior for a girl in different styles photo:

In order to correctly arrange the furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the zones of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a relaxation area and a guest area.

All parents face the moment when their child gets older, and toys or pink wallpapers, carefully bought at the birth of the baby, lose their relevance. A gradual rethinking of the design of a room for a teenage girl begins, during which adults must, based on the tastes of a young hostess, create a practical, comfortable and stylish interior. How to do it - read our article!

Design Features

Despite the fact that the pace of psychological and physical development in children may differ, traditionally adolescence refers to the period from 12-13 to 16-18 years. Gradually, the personality, hobbies of the child are formed, which should be reflected in his personal space.

The main distinguishing feature in the design of a room for a teenager is not in the items used, but in the approach. If you organized the nursery for the baby completely to your taste, then here you will have to reckon with the opinion of the young hostess, who at the age of 12-15 has something to say. The mission of parents in this case is to direct the child's dreams in the right direction, combining aesthetics and fashion with practicality and functionality.

Since even in adolescence, the worldview of children continues to form, their environment plays an educational function, and therefore should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. This rests on the shoulders of the parents, while it remains up to the child to introduce decor elements that suit his tastes.

The bedroom of a teenage girl serves several purposes at once: relaxation, study, hobbies and receiving guests. And each type of pastime should have its own zone, even if the room does not offer much space.

Choosing an interior style

Modern teenage girls do not need a catchy "girly" interior, which at an early age helps the baby to identify herself. If you want to grow up an independent, interesting and bright personality, then you will have to move away from the concept of the “princess castle”, decorating the nursery with stylish as well as practical items. However, it all depends on the nature of the resident. In any case, using a certain style as a basis will simplify the main task.

Room for a teenage girl in a modern style

Laconic, comfortable, functional - modern style can be the best choice for an active girl with many hobbies. It involves a limited number of decorative elements that serve only as decorations. Instead of them - furniture of unusual shapes, rational organization of space, smooth lines, as well as practicality.

A wall with photo printing or painting will perfectly fit into such an interior of a room for a teenage girl, which the young hostess will definitely like. Restrained colors with a few bright accents will not overload the composition, but will create a harmonious atmosphere.

Room for a teenage girl in Provence style

This style, which came to us from the French villages, will definitely appeal to creative, touching natures.

The distinctive features of Provence in the design of a nursery for a teenage girl are: a pastel palette with a dominant white color, the use of natural materials (mainly wood), bleached furniture with an aging effect, as well as floral motifs as a decor.

Room for a teenage girl in the style of minimalism

The most "laconic" of all solutions, minimalism is suitable for older girls who appreciate the laconic aesthetics of the style. A great option for rooms with a small area, which will not only save precious square meters, but even visually expand the space.

There are few color variations in this design, while they can be monochrome or contrasting. Furniture is often modular, a little mundane, closed. Another advantage of this option is that it can be easily supplemented with other items if necessary, but this, of course, will break the minimalism.

Room for a teenage girl in high-tech style

Another style that changes with the development of a teenager. It may seem to some that hi-tech is only suitable for boys, but some modern girls and, importantly, their parents will also like this solution.

When designing a space, you are practically unlimited in the materials used. In fact, a hi-tech room for a teenage girl suggests a wide field for imagination, creating comfortable conditions in a room of any size.

The color scheme should be restrained, and in the presence of bright shades, there must be those that balance them. If you wanted to give your child a modern TV, computer or telescope, then this place is ideal for placing them.

Room for a teenage girl in the style of pop art

By the age of 12, bright creative personalities have probably already heard about Andy Warhol and the pop art direction he created. Having given free rein to fantasy, in this style you can easily decorate a room for a teenage girl, developing a sense of beauty in her.

It is important for parents to know that for this decision it is not at all necessary to buy expensive furniture - decor will become a key element in the interior. Comic book lovers can come up with appropriate drawings on the wall or enter cartoon paraphernalia. It is important to strike a balance between bright and subdued details so that the nursery remains not only a place of activity, but also of relaxation.

How to choose furniture?

Whatever style you choose, one universal rule applies to all furniture - it should be comfortable for a growing body. If at the age of 11 a small chair and a table will be just right, then at 14 being behind them will cause certain inconveniences. Make sure your child can easily reach the shelves where essentials are located and that insomnia at night is not caused by an uncomfortable bed.

As already mentioned, for a teenage girl, her room is a fortress in which she can do all things only if the space is properly organized for different types of pastime. Traditionally, a bed, a desk, and a closet should be located in the room. But for the hostess, additional zones will have to be provided.

If space allows, it is recommended to purchase a small sofa on which the child will spend time with her girlfriends. A more youthful option - bean bags of different colors. At the age of 14, you can think about buying a TV.

A teenage girl will also have a lot of "secret" things that she will want to keep in "secret" places. Make sure the room has open and closed storage spaces, one of which has a lock.

Try to get items for growth. For example, a chair with adjustable height or a spacious bed instead of a small one. Children at this age grow very quickly.

Decor and accessories

Needless to say, that from the age of 13, posters of their favorite bands become the main decoration of most girls? Even if your child is not a fan of pop culture, filling the bedroom with images that reflect their tastes is an inevitable stage of growing up. Instead of limiting it, tell me how to strike a balance between aesthetics and harmony.

In general, the decor of a room for a teenage girl will directly depend on the hobbies of the hostess, and related items will take the place of old toys. But your child will definitely be delighted with the garland on the wall, which will fit into any style. A shaggy carpet on the floor and a few family photos on the table will not be superfluous.

Despite the fact that parents are less likely to have more than one child, there are still large families for which the issue of space is becoming a key one. What if there are two girls and only one room? A few tips to help you organize your space!

Today you can find many models of furniture sets that can be used by several children. The most multifunctional of them includes two beds on the second tier, under which there is a workplace, a sofa, and maybe both areas at once. At the same time, psychologists do not recommend choosing simple bunk beds - they are allegedly associated with prison or orphanage beds. However, always be guided by the wishes of girls.

If the bedroom area allows, it is better to place work areas in different corners of the room so that the girls are not distracted while doing their homework. Despite living together, they should have little personal space.

As storage space, you can use a large closet and several drawers, for example, under the bed. But separate storage is preferable, as girls can get confused about things or even start quarrels about this.

It happens that there is only one child in the family, and he has a room, and a small area does not allow you to freely arrange objects. In this case, you can use a few tricks.

Instead of a free-standing bed and table, use a two-level complex with a sleeping place on the second floor. It will save a lot of space. If a girl often receives guests, it is better to stay on a folding sofa.

Owners of wide window sills can modify them into a comfortable table. Just make sure the sun doesn't blind the baby during the day.

Instead of hundreds of shelves and drawers, there is a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors. They will not only visually expand the space, but also eliminate the need to find a place for a full-fledged mirror.

Even if the girl is very eager to decorate her room, try to limit yourself to a few paintings and figures, as the abundance of details will clutter up the design. And, of course, the lighter the color scheme, as well as the more light sources, the more spacious the small nursery will seem.

We hope this material will help you in such a difficult task as decorating a room for a teenage girl. We have collected even more ideas for you in our photo selection. Happy viewing and inspiration!

When a girl reaches adolescence, parents think about changing the interior in her room, which until that moment was called the nursery. The girl needs to create a special atmosphere in the room, the room must be extremely functional, and fulfill all the necessary needs of the girl.

It should fit a wardrobe for a large number of things, because almost all girls are fashionistas, and there should also be a place where you can arrange all the cosmetics. Therefore, the design of a room for a girl requires a special approach from parents, which must be taken with all responsibility.

Room zoning

If you decide to independently change the interior of a room for a daughter who has reached adolescence, first of all, pay attention to the competent distribution of functional areas in the room.

One room should simultaneously serve as an office, bedroom, dressing room and living room. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the capacity of each zone so that they can harmonize with each other. For zoning the room space, you can use plasterboard or movable partitions on rollers. With the help of drywall partitions, you can make various shelves and niches of various shapes and sizes, and movable partitions will make it possible to quickly and easily change the interior of a room.

A convenient type of zoning is the division of a room with curtains. In this way, you can quickly and easily change the interior without resorting to costly repairs. Properly selected room lighting will make additional adjustments to the interior design. For this, sconces and lamps are used, which in the evening will be able to highlight each zone in an original way.

Organization of the working area

For a girl of school age or a student, in any case, you need a study area where she will do her homework or prepare for the session. In this zone there should be a desktop, where, in addition to books and notebooks, a computer or laptop, bookshelves should fit. There should be enough light in the work area. If space permits, here you can install an easel for drawing, a globe, hang a map of the world on the wall.

The working area can be separated from the recreation area, for example, by shelving installed on two sides of the table. On racks made of metal and glass, you can also lay out the items you need for study, such a design will not interfere with the penetration of light into the working area.

Rest zone

The rest area should have enough space for sleeping. If the room is small, then you can install a folding sofa bed, which, when folded, is perfect for receiving guests, watching TV or listening to music during the day, and easily turns into a bed at night.

The sleeping area can be separated from the rest of the room with a screen if there is a sofa, or a canopy if there is a bed. Instead, you can use special partitions that will not only separate the recreation area from the rest of the room, but also diversify the interior in an original way.

Even if the girl’s room is very small, you still need to approach the interior design very responsibly and carefully. It is important to correctly calculate literally every centimeter of the room, so that the result is a cozy functional room. The original design of a room for a girl can be obtained by combining wallpapers.

Wardrobe area

Most girls can't imagine their lives without a larger wardrobe where they can hang their favorite clothes, lay out their underwear and arrange their shoes. Therefore, a special place should be allocated to such an element of furniture. There are many options for how you can arrange a dressing room. It can be just a closet, or a whole separate room, if the area allows. Be sure to have a large full-length mirror in the dressing room. An ideal option for a wardrobe is a closet, which is quite roomy, and one door in it is a mirror, which visually enlarges the room.

When creating a dressing room, you can experiment with various materials: plastic, glass, wood, etc. It will look good as a wardrobe wardrobe-transformer, which can be modified depending on the needs.

The dressing room can be separated from the rest of the room with a beautiful screen or shelving.

A budget option for a dressing room can be a niche in the wall in which you can install shelves.

When furnishing a room for a teenage girl, you need to remember about her hobbies, and allocate a special place in the room for this.

Good selection of color palette

When designing a room for a girl, it is very important to choose the right color for the room. Designers do not recommend combining more than three colors for one room, so it is important to highlight the main one among them. For a youth room, warm pastel shades are well suited: yellow, orange, peach, and in addition to them, the use of contrasting colors. It is important to know that for a bright shade, a contrasting calm color must be present to brighten up its aggressiveness. Bright colors must be used very carefully, they go well with the explosive and active temperament of a girl who has a rich imagination.

Light colors, although not very practical, will make the room visually more spacious and lighter. Light shades look good in a small room. They are ideal for a calm and romantic nature of a teenager. But you need to know that light furniture very quickly loses its presentable appearance due to its soiledness.

Pink color with all its shades will suit a glamorous young lady. It gives the room a rich, imposing look. With the help of additional accessories, you can complement the feeling of glamor and luxury. It can be, for example, decorative burgundy pillows or panels on the wall.

Wallpaper in the interior of the girl's room

Modern types of wallpaper allow you to create interesting interiors, especially if you combine them with each other. It is not necessary to cover the entire room with wallpaper alone. You can achieve an original solution by combining wallpapers. If you use wallpaper of the same color, but of a different shade, you can visually enlarge the room. By combining, you can highlight the boundaries between different areas of the room. When choosing wallpapers for one room, it is important to know that they should complement each other harmoniously, for example, have the same style of ornament with different color shades. Wallpaper should be in harmony with the overall interior of the room and complement it.


A room for a teenage girl is multifunctional. In addition to the functions of a dressing room, bedroom, living room and study, it still has to play the role of a beauty salon. Therefore, the room must be allocated a place for a dressing table or dressing table, a bedside table for jewelry and cosmetics and other girl's accessories. This place should be well lit, it will give the interior a feminine touch and add comfort.

All other furniture should be soft, mobile, easy to move, and not take up much space, as well as easy to clean when necessary, for example, for music parties when guests gather. The interior of the room should not be cluttered, it should have a lot of space and light.

Decorating a small room

Not all apartments have a large enough area, so the issue of proper furniture placement in a small room for a teenage girl is relevant, so that it is cozy and comfortable.

When choosing a place for a bed, you can install it with a side back and headboard against the wall, that is, in the corner. The bed can be with drawers for storing clothes and shoes. An armchair-bed can also save a lot of space, and you can attach a desk to it when assembled.

Design options for a girl's room

There are many ways to diversify the interior of a room for a girl. First of all, it is desirable to abandon the generally accepted design mistake in decorating a room in the form of a house for Barbie. In adolescence, girls are no longer interested in this topic, they consider such a decision too childish. Pink shades can be very adequately replaced with blue ones, from heavenly to turquoise. The interior can be calm tones or bright - it all depends on the preferences of the hostess of the room.

Adherents of any youth culture can be offered a black and white version of the interior, graffiti wall paintings, or completely white walls interspersed with several bright color accents.

You can decorate the interior of the room in such a way that it suits both a teenage girl and an adult woman. In any case, it should be cozy and comfortable, where you can completely relax and feel protected.

If you do not plan to change the interior in the next decade, then you should consider its design, taking into account the fact that the girl is growing up and her tastes are changing. The ideal option for all occasions can be the design of a room in the style of a salon, which will suit a girl at any age. To do this, the walls are painted in a calm color, the floor is covered with wooden parquet of a beautiful shade and beautiful furniture of the same shade is installed. An obligatory and indispensable element of furniture should be a dressing table with a mirror. The walls are decorated with various decorative elements.

Many designers, creating a modern interior for a girl's room, are of the erroneous opinion that only pink and all its shades should be the main color in the girl's kingdom. But not all girls like pink.

Some people just hate it. Each girl is unique in her preferences, so parents should not emphasize pink without first consulting with the hostess of the room. This also applies to folds and draperies, which have almost outlived their time. Modern girls playing sports or listening to rock are unlikely to like outdated interior elements that pleased the eyes of medieval young ladies.

Modern interior design should be comfortable and practical. A few decorative pillows on the sofa are enough to emphasize the femininity of the hostess of the room. Wallpaper with butterflies and flowers on the windows are also not liked by all modern girls. A wise decision when decorating a room is to use neutral interior details, which will allow you to experiment with choosing the right decor.

Many girls, although not all, like to surround themselves with mirrors to once again admire their beauty. But that doesn't mean mirrors have to be everywhere. A large full-length mirror in the dressing area and on a well-lit dressing table will be quite enough so that the girl can feel comfortable.

Not all girls love a large number of different clothes, bursting wardrobe. For some, it is enough for happiness to have several jumpers and jeans of different styles that can easily fit into a small chest of drawers. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to install a huge three-door wardrobe in the room. The only thing you need to think about is that jeans will one day become obsolete when your daughter starts dating and evening gowns will need to be hung up somewhere.

With the help of modern design, you can create a unique and original interior that will appeal to anyone. But still, the most correct decision when decorating a room is the joint participation of parents in it with their children. After all, just when your daughter herself voices her desires and takes part in their realization, creating the room of her dreams, this will be the most correct design decision, as a result of which the room will become a place where you can relax and unwind, which is so important for today's youth.

Designing a room for a girl in a modern style is not an easy task. And all because there are many stylistic trends, but there is only one room, and it is difficult to choose something specific. The main requirements are originality, style and functionality.

The main features of modern trends in design

There are a number of universal solutions that designers use to create a cozy, bright and inviting atmosphere in a room of any size. A room for a girl should be practical, so it usually contains several functional areas. In fact, this is a bedroom in which there is a working, guest area and, if the size of the room allows, a dressing room. Suitable, in terms of functionality, will be any popular modern style due to its versatility.

Photo gallery: modern room for a girl

Solid furniture, beautiful textiles and bright accents on a white background look elegant Provence style is incredibly cozy thanks to a large amount of textiles Modular furniture allows you to arrange objects in any order Minimalist room is concise and not cluttered with interior items Wooden beams on the ceiling, brick walls - all this is inherent loft style Suspended bed looks harmonious in a country-style room Canopy - an integral part of a room in the style of romanticism The combination of romanticism and Provence styles fills the room with comfort and romance Mixing art deco and modern styles gives a stunning result Tenderness and comfort Provence style provide pastel shades and natural textiles Bright accents and interesting textiles are inherent in the Art Deco style Smooth outlines and a minimum of furniture are characteristic of the Art Nouveau style A pull-out bed will save a lot of space Wardrobe holds a lot of things and saves a lot of space oh room

Choosing a style for a room

Modern style is eclectic or a mixture of different trends, united by colors, materials and interior elements. First of all, the hostess of the room should decide which of the directions her soul lies in. Someone will suit a romantic interior, someone - strict and concise - it all depends on preferences.


This style is characterized by a minimum of things and interior items. It provides a lot of free space, so it is suitable for small rooms. Shades are used neutral - gray, sand, beige, black and brown. The ceiling is white or contrasting. Since minimalism is a modern version of ancient Japanese and Chinese styles, legless furniture, fan-shaped or Chinese vases, floor mats instead of chairs, and rice paper screens are often used. In the room you can place only a bed, a neat table and a wardrobe. Contrasting details of bright colors are also allowed - shades, paintings and pillows. The light is dim, dim. Textiles are concise - instead of ordinary curtains, blinds or Roman blinds.

Photo gallery: room for a girl in the style of minimalism

The minimalism style is sustained thanks to the laconic setting. Despite the apparent simplicity, the interior in the minimalist style looks elegant and feminine. The minimalist style is characterized by a minimum of furniture. The minimalist style allows bright accents against the background of the main calm tone.

Mediterranean and Scandinavian styles

They also welcome free space, natural materials and light shades. The difference is only in the color scheme: the Scandinavian tones are warm, and the Mediterranean ones are cool. More often than others, designers use lavender, light green, Neapolitan yellow, soft purple, white, blue and turquoise. Open shelving, shelves for light-colored books, a bed made of white-painted wood will be appropriate in the room. One of the walls can be decorated with photo wallpaper. Built-in ceiling lights and table led lamps are welcome. Light floor - birch, bleached oak, ash or their imitation in the form of a laminate.

Photo gallery: Scandinavian and Mediterranean styles for a girl's room

In the Mediterranean style of the interior, cold shades are often used.
White is often used in Scandinavian style. White furniture, an abundance of textiles and blue accents give the Scandinavian-style room a cozy feel.
Blue is often used in Mediterranean style.
The nautical theme is characteristic of the Mediterranean style. The Mediterranean style uses decor made from natural materials.

High tech

The high-tech interior is usually monochrome - these are gray-black tones diluted with white. Chrome and glossy details and surfaces, technical devices and gadgets - a room in this style is functional and resembles an office. Point light, LED strips are also often used for illumination. The floor is gray or dark shades, you can lay a short pile carpet. The decor is mainly technique or reproductions with urban landscapes. One of the walls can be made mirrored. Textiles are simple, made from natural fabrics. Instead of curtains - metal blinds.

Photo gallery: high-tech girl's room

High-tech interiors can sometimes contain bright accents The presence of a variety of techniques is typical for high-tech style Urbanistic notes emphasize the features of high-tech style Laconic design in gray tones with one bright accent is typical for high-tech style High-tech interior uses a minimum of furniture Dark colors are often used in high-tech interior design.

art deco

This style is extremely popular due to its decorative and bohemian character. The main thing in it is expensive jewelry and decor items: furs, dark wood, steel and brass in a contrasting neighborhood. The main color should be calm and not annoying - gray, beige, lilac, milky. The rest of the color scheme is based on the main tone with small splashes of additional shades. Wenge furniture, dark walnut, bleached oak. Art Deco - style for glamorous girls. Everything is possible in the interior - curtains with lambrequins, a crystal chandelier, plush quilted furniture.

Photo gallery: Art Deco room for a girl

Art Deco room always looks expensive and elegant Bright accents, incredible combinations are inherent in Art Deco style Art Deco interior is unusually elegant Art Deco interior always has expensive furniture Curtains with lambrequins are inherent in Art Deco style Luxury and chic - characteristic features of Art Deco

Country and Provence

Wooden furniture, floral prints, natural fabrics - country style is first of all comfort. The Provence style is characterized by lilac, lavender, light green and yellow finishes. And all of them, as it were, faded, burned out in the southern sun. The furniture is vintage, wicker or forged, antiques are welcome. Ordinary furniture is artificially aged or covered with craquelure. There should be a lot of decor items - these are various caskets and boxes, vases and chests, dried and fresh flowers.

Photo gallery: country styles and Provence for a girl's room

Floral motifs - a feature of country style A window sill can serve as a study table Vintage furniture - a highlight of Provence style Delicate textiles and vintage furniture create a feminine and cozy atmosphere
A large amount of textiles brings coziness to a country-style room. Aged furniture is used in the country-style interior.


This is a combination of minimalism and hi-tech styles with optimal functionality, but without pretentious details. Distinctive features are geometric shapes and extreme asceticism. For this direction, typical modern “assemble it yourself” furniture is suitable. Color solutions can be any, but you should avoid too bright shades. The style is universal and unobtrusive.

Photo gallery: room for a girl in the style of constructivism

The interior in the style of constructivism is not overloaded with household items A room decorated in the style of constructivism is suitable for a child of any gender In the interior in the style of constructivism, a minimum of furniture is used A folding bed helps save space in a small room Conciseness and minimalism are the main features of constructivism Calm colors and conciseness of forms are characteristic of the style constructivism


The style is reminiscent of constructivism, but differs in the layout of the old and the new. Brick or carelessly plastered walls (or their imitation), rough wooden floors, metal details and non-trivial decor are typical for a loft: musical instruments, a spyglass, a microscope, and so on. Upholstered furniture transforming. Loft-style lamps are original and unusual. This style is suitable for creative and freedom-loving people.

It should be remembered that the loft is applicable only to large rooms.

Photo gallery: loft-style room for a girl

Unusual decor and furniture are characteristic of the loft style Brick walls are the calling card of the loft style An extraordinary loft makes the room modern and unusual Brick wall and rough wooden floor are inherent in the loft style
Loft style is used for large rooms Lamps in the form of spotlights complement the loft style well


This is another affordable and versatile style that meets the latest fashion requirements. Smooth lines, exquisite colors (brown, gold, orange, beige), comfortable modern furniture, original lamps, natural materials - all this will create an elegant atmosphere in a girl's bedroom. Curtains are necessarily strict, preferably blinds or roller shutters. Art Nouveau is characterized by the most unexpected combinations: wooden and lacquered furniture, simple textiles and a long pile carpet.

Photo gallery: modern style for a girl's room

Modern original furniture well complements the interior in modern style Brown color is often used in modern style With the help of a shelving, you can divide the room into two zones Mirrors visually enlarge the space In the modern interior calm colors are used Original lamps are typical for modern style

The choice is quite wide, therefore, first of all, you should focus on the taste, lifestyle and character of the future hostess. Avoid clichés. Not all girls love pink, flowers and ruffles. Remember that tastes change, so use materials that are easy to replace.

The older the young lady, the more attention is paid to the guest area.

Decorating a girl's room

The creation of the interior takes place in stages:

  1. Choice of style and color. The color scheme should completely suit the future owner. The room should be cozy and comfortable, so it is better to stay in neutral shades - white, turquoise, beige, tea rose, smoky gray and so on. When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the type of temperament of a teenager. For melancholic natures, cheerful shades are chosen, and for choleric people - calm and pacifying. A monochromatic interior will quickly get bored, so it is better to combine two or three colors. The basic rule is that bright colors are combined with pale ones. If a girl likes bright colors, then one of the walls is formed in it, for example, at the head of the bed. Interior items can also be contrasting: furniture, lamp shades or textiles (curtains, bedspreads). If the color of the walls is dark, then the furniture should be light. It is important to remember that white color suits any temperament.
  2. Room zoning. As a rule, three zones are allocated in the room - for rest, study and receiving guests. Zoning can be done using mobile or static plasterboard partitions or tongue-and-groove slabs. Color zoning looks interesting. The sleeping area is finished in soothing shades, while the guest and study areas are finished in bright and juicy ones. These may be versions of the same color. Zoning small rooms is done using screens or curtains. The curtain separating the sleeping area looks especially nice. In addition, furniture is often used for zoning - shelving and cabinets. Particular attention should be paid to the working (training) area. There is usually placed a table (computer or writing) and shelves (cabinets) for books. Most often, the table is placed by the window to enjoy natural light. But the artificial lighting of the working area should be optimal. Zoning can also be done with lighting. In the evening, the lamps serve as zone markers.
  3. Selection of furniture, textiles and accessories. Furniture is selected according to the size of the room and its style, and it should be of high quality and comfortable. For example, a bed equipped with an orthopedic mattress and a box for bed linen. The same goes for the sofa. If a chair is planned in the room, then it should be folding. You can stay on a soft bean bag. If there is no space, then a thick carpet and pillows are laid on the floor to receive guests. The color of the furniture is preferably light, especially for small rooms. Since a woman's wardrobe is impressive at any age, the best solution would be to install a built-in wardrobe. There you can place clothes, shoes and other household items. The plus is that one of the wardrobe doors can be made mirrored. An ordinary two-door wardrobe is also suitable. Well, the most budget option will be shelves with baskets on them. Modular furniture is good because at any time you can change its facades and update the interior.

Video: room for a teenage girl

Design of a small room for a girl

In a small room, a podium will be an excellent solution, under which a sleeping place is hidden, and a working area will be located on top. Another option to save space is a folding bed that hides in a closet. Compact modular furniture is available for small rooms. It is worth paying attention to folding tables and folding chairs. You should abandon the curtains that hide the space and replace them with blinds or Roman blinds. The window sill can be made wide by arranging a place to rest on it.

To decorate a small room, it is better to use light colors.

Creating an interior is a creative and very interesting job. To make the result no worse than that of professional designers, you should use some tips:

  1. If you decorate a room in a neutral range, then the interior is easily updated with a simple change of accessories.
  2. It is better to make the ceiling white, and if it is low, then glossy.
  3. A practical floor is parquet or high-quality laminate.
  4. Cabinet furniture is good because it can replace facades.
  5. Decorative details can be selected gradually.

According to feng shui, the bed should be installed so that the door can be seen. It should be new, not grandmother's - the Chinese are sure that things retain a person's energy and can affect fate. An aquarium and climbing plants take energy, so they do not belong in a teenager's room. Do not place a mirror in front of the bed. A lamp in the northeast corner will contribute to academic success.

Video: room design for a girl

Making out the design of a room for a girl, first of all, you should listen to her wishes. But at the same time, do not forget about the functionality and decorativeness of the interior. Only then will the room become a real dream come true.