Symptom of balloting of the patella. A Complete Review of Hemarthrosis of the Knee: Symptoms and Treatment

Article publication date: 02.12.2015

Date of article update: 02.12.2018

After a knee injury, hemarthrosis of the knee joint often occurs - an accumulation of blood in the joint cavity. The cause of hemarthrosis is always trauma - it can be an intra-articular fracture of the bones, a rupture, or a dislocation, a severe bruise. When injured, blood vessels are damaged, and bleeding begins from them. Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the knee joint, the outflowing blood has nowhere to go, and it accumulates inside the joint.

In the presence of diseases of the blood coagulation system, hemarthroses develop even with minimal trauma - in the same situation, a healthy person would not have had any injuries. A typical example is constantly recurring hemarthrosis in hemophilia (blood clotting disorders), hemorrhagic diathesis. In such situations, there may be no indication of prior trauma, as it is minor and usually goes unnoticed.

Depending on the amount of accumulated blood, the symptoms of hemarthrosis may be subtle or disturb the victim greatly, causing him to suffer from pain and disrupt the ability to actively move.

But in all cases, hemarthrosis requires immediate treatment, since even small accumulations of blood can lead to serious complications (arthritis, arthrosis, infection). Timely medical intervention quickly eliminates the symptoms and dramatically reduces the likelihood of complications, including long-term ones.

Four main symptoms

The main symptoms of hemarthrosis of the knee joint:

    limitation of motion in the knee

    change in the shape of the joint

    a specific symptom of "balloting" ("floating") of the patella.

1. Pain

The intensity of pain in the knee is closely related to the volume of accumulated blood: with a small hemorrhage (up to 15 ml - this is 1 degree of hemarthrosis), there may not be pain at first, but with a massive hemorrhage (2 degree (up to 100 ml) and 3 degree (more than 100 ml )) acute pain occurs immediately after the injury and subsequently only increases. But even small amounts of blood cause irritation of the synovial membrane (the inner layer of the joint capsule), traumatic synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) and the appearance of pain a few days after the injury.

When the knee is felt by a traumatologist, the victims feel a sharp pain, including with 1 degree of hemarthrosis.

2. Restriction of movements

Due to pain and accumulation of blood, the normal function of the joint is disrupted. This is especially noticeable when performing extension, which becomes extremely painful, and sometimes impossible. Some patients develop flexion contracture (the leg is fixed in a half-bent position at the knee). It is also difficult to walk and rely on the leg.

3. Reshaping the knee

The shape of the knee changes with large amounts of blood released into the joint (15 ml or more). Such accumulation of blood puts pressure on the patella from the inside, protruding it, which is accompanied by a smoothing of the contours of the knee, an increase in its size compared to a healthy one.

Small hemorrhages usually do not appear outwardly.

Significant hemorrhage in the cavity of the knee joint

4. "Balloting" the patella

Hemarthrosis of the knee joint of 2 and 3 degrees (with a hemorrhage volume of more than 15 ml) is accompanied by the appearance of a symptom of "balloting" or "floating" of the patella. In the position of the patient lying on his back or sitting with a leg straightened at the knee, the doctor presses his fingers on the patella, as if trying to push it deep, and then removes his hand. In the presence of fluid in the joint cavity, the patella is immersed in this fluid (“sinks”), hits the bony protrusions and, after the pressure stops, “emerges”.


In addition to indicating a previous injury and examination, the following are used to clarify the diagnosis:

    puncture of the knee joint;



    Ultrasound, CT and MRI.

1. Puncture

Puncture of the knee joint is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure at the same time. It is carried out under local anesthesia (anesthesia is done with injections of novocaine or lidocaine into the soft tissues around the puncture site) with a thick needle that is inserted into the joint. After entering the joint cavity, the doctor pulls the syringe plunger and evaluates the fluid flowing there:

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

2. Radiography

X-ray of the knee in two projections allows you to detect an intra-articular fracture (fracture of the bones that form the knee joint, inside the joint cavity).

3. Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a therapeutic and diagnostic low-traumatic operation, which is performed using an arthroscope (a device that allows you to see the inside of the joint cavity). The arthroscope is inserted into the knee joint through a small incision. If it is necessary to remove damaged tissue, another incision is made through which the surgeon inserts instruments and removes fragments of cartilage or other dead tissue.

4. Other methods

Ultrasound, CT, MRI are used additionally to clarify the nature of the damage that caused bleeding.

Possible Complications

Late initiation of treatment for hemarthrosis can lead to complications:

  • infection of the joint cavity;
  • post-infectious arthritis (inflammation of the joint) and other inflammatory processes in the knee area (synovitis, bursitis);
  • gonarthrosis (a chronic disease with knee deformity and disruption of its work);
  • adhesions and scars inside the joint, limiting its functionality.

Five treatments

In case of injury to the knee and the appearance of severe pain after the injury, and even more problems with movements in the knee joint, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist who will conduct a study and prescribe treatment.

For the treatment of hemarthrosis of the knee joint, five procedures are performed:

    Removal of blood from the joint cavity by puncture or arthroscopy. During the procedure, the joint cavity is washed with novocaine solution and antiseptics.

    Immobilization of the knee (fixation in a stationary state) with a plaster splint (long plaster strip) for 2 weeks and limiting the load on the leg for 4 days.

    Treatment of the causes of hemarthrosis: rupture of ligaments, meniscus, intra-articular fracture (if any).

    Therapeutic exercises right in the fixing bandage: tension-relaxation of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg without active movements, active movements in the hip joint.

    Physiotherapy: laser, magnetic treatment and other procedures (not earlier than a week after the injury).


Hemarthrosis of the knee joint is a common condition not only for patients with diseases of the blood coagulation system, but also for healthy people who have an increased risk of knee injury. First of all, these are athletes involved in figure skating and speed skating, athletics, football and hockey, skiing, roller skating.

For athletes, the prevention of hemarthrosis is the observance of safety rules and the use of knee pads, which significantly reduce the likelihood of serious injury. For others, care and attention when walking and running may be a measure to prevent domestic injury (for example, falling on a slippery road).


Hemarthrosis is a common complication of knee injuries. This is not an independent diagnosis, but one of the symptoms of joint damage, so for treatment it is necessary to find out the root cause of the condition. An examination for hemarthrosis is carried out only by a traumatologist, he also prescribes and performs the necessary medical manipulations. In no case should post-traumatic pain in the knee be ignored - chronic hemarthrosis can be complicated by severe pathologies and lead to immobility in the knee joint.

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Patellar ballot is an abnormal oscillation of the sesamoid bone, which is part of the knee joint. This symptom most often means an abnormal accumulation of fluid (synovial, blood) in the joint cavity. Also in some cases ballotation of the patella, perhaps with gelatinous swelling of the synovial membrane.

A similar condition can accompany injuries and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joint. If you experience such a symptom, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Anatomy features

The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body. It differs in that it is not attached to parts of the joint, bone or muscle.

The patella is located in the thickness of the quadriceps femoris muscle, namely in the tendon. This bone is perfectly palpable through the skin, and is also quite mobile when the knee is extended. Thanks to this formation, it becomes possible to prevent the displacement of the surface of the tibia and femur to the sides.

Balloting of the patella becomes possible precisely because of the structural features of the joint. After all, when fixing to one of the more “stable” formations, bulging of the bone would be completely impossible.

Main reasons

A "floating" patella can occur in acute and chronic joint diseases of a specific and non-specific nature, sports and domestic injuries. All these conditions may be accompanied by an increase in the amount of intra-articular fluid. The most common reasons include:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • productive inflammatory processes;
  • hydrarthrosis or dropsy;
  • acute or chronic injury;
  • violation of the integrity of the joints and elements of the joint.

Particular care should be taken when diagnosing types of injuries. Such a symptom is a sign of injury to the meniscus, anterior or posterior cruciate ligament, or synovial membrane.

Clinical picture

When balloting the patella

Although balloting the patella is considered only a symptom of many other pathological conditions, it has its own pronounced clinical picture.

The first manifestations include a pronounced pain syndrome, which appears at the beginning during movements, and then at rest.

The intensity of sensations directly depends on the amount of liquid: if its volume is up to 15 ml, then discomfort can occur only after a few days.

Restriction of mobility does not appear immediately. With the progression of the condition, patients note a violation of extension, the formation of contracture in a half-bent state. With a large amount of effusion, the contours of the joint are smoothed out, and the knee noticeably increases in volume compared to a healthy limb.

Diagnostic principles

To identify the symptom of a floating patella, the patient must be laid on his back, straightening the injured limb. The doctor with one hand fixes the tissues just above the joint, and with the other he tries to seem to “drown” the patella inward. Normally, this cannot be done, and when excess fluid accumulates, it “leaves” downward until it rests on the femur.

With one hand, the doctor fixes the upper inversion, which is located above the patella, thereby, as it were, “squeezing out” the free fluid downwards. With the fingers of the second hand, it is necessary to feel the gap between the patella and the tibia.

It is necessary to palpate the tissues from all sides, trying to determine the presence of seals, swelling, "swelling". It should be noted that pathological formations are easier to determine from the inside.

In the absence of pathologies, the synovial membrane is not palpable.

Principles of treatment

You should not deal separately with the treatment of a floating patella, because this is just a manifestation of the underlying disease. To identify this, it is necessary to conduct additional research methods, namely computed and magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound examination of the joint cavity.

After the doctor determines the cause of the ballot of the patella and the accumulation of excess fluid, it is necessary to prescribe treatment. Depending on the type of pathology, a special list of measures is carried out:

  • removal of fluid by arthroscopic or puncture method;
  • use of aseptic solutions for washing;
  • the introduction of drugs into the joint cavity;
  • temporary immobilization with soft or hard dressings;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • physical therapy, physiotherapy methods.

You should also try to prevent subsequent trauma to the joint. To do this, you must use a patella or an elastic bandage. Sports activities can be resumed only after complete tissue repair, while consulting with experienced trainers.

Treatment of ballotation of the patella is possible only if the underlying cause of the disease is eliminated. There is no need to correct the clinical manifestation of the disease without interfering with the foundations of its pathogenesis.


Patella: photo, symptom of balloting of the patella and other problems

The kneecap plays an important role in the knee joint, the most complex joint in the human body. At first glance, the patella does not seem to be such an important organ, but injuries and damage to the patella do not go unnoticed.

Development and anomalies of the patella

The kneecap (patella) is a bone located above the knee joint in the tendon layers of the quadriceps muscle. The patella is one of the sesamoid (from the Greek "sesamon" - sesame, that is, similar to a sesame seed) bones. The upper region of the patella is called the base of the patella.

The bone moves if the knee is extended - it can be shifted to the sides.

The patella performs several functions:

  1. It protects the femur and tibia from displacement to the sides when bent, due to the structure - there is a protrusion at the bottom of the patella, at its top.
  2. It performs the function of a kind of addition to the quadriceps muscle, thereby simplifying flexion, making it easier to move.

The development of bone tissue begins already from the second month of pregnancy, experts believe that the rudiments of the kneecap appear at 20-22 weeks of gestation, while it consists of cartilage, and remains so at the time when the baby is due to be born. Therefore, it is believed that children are born without kneecaps.

But the patella has ossification zones, which actively begin to work only from the age of 2 years, the patella is finally formed only by 5-6 years.

That is, children should be born with the rudiments of the patella, the absence of this element or its underdevelopment is not the norm.

Can't have a kneecap?

The absence of the patella is not a common pathology, it occurs in only 6% of cases, if there is an underdevelopment of the femur and its muscles, and in only 2% of cases as a single problem.

If the causes are in the abnormal development of the limb, surgery is performed in childhood to eliminate problems. If there is no patella, and all other components are normal, usually the functions of the limb are not impaired and treatment is not required in this case. The knee does not hurt, but the child may feel some discomfort and rapid leg fatigue. A visual defect will be noticeable.

Dislocation of the patella, congenital

Most often, an ignorant person learns about a congenital dislocation of the patella (if it is not pronounced), only on examination by an orthopedist or rheumatologist - such an anomaly makes you aware of your own existence with unpleasant tension in the patella and rapid fatigue of the legs. With a clear problem, a person complains of instability.

Over time, the pathology develops, dislocation of the patella leads to the following consequences:

  • movements are sharply limited;
  • severe pain begins when the limb is bent;
  • the ankle deviates to the outside, causing a lot of inconvenience.

The problem is solved by an operation.

For reference! Congenital dislocation of the patella is 85% more common in boys than in girls.

Lobular patella

Such a patella is of normal size, but consists of several elements that connect the ligaments. Most often, the condition does not cause any problems, and it is discovered on an x-ray quite by accident. Therefore, the percentage of such pathology is less than 2%.

Any therapy is not required, specialists can only limit physical activity on the knee joint. An anomaly can lead to the development of degenerative diseases.

For reference! Also, underdevelopment includes the immobility of the patella, the underdevelopment of its protrusion. Such pathologies require immediate treatment.

Acquired pathologies

If congenital anomalies of underdevelopment of the patella occur in a total of only 6% of cases, then with acquired problems everything is much more complicated and larger. Damage to the knee cup according to statistics is observed in 45% of cases.

In this case, as well as with congenital problems, injuries are several times more common in men over the age of 25 years.

With acquired pathologies, the knee hurts and reports problems with other symptoms.


Acquired dislocation of the patella - the result of an injury to the limb and a poorly developed ligamentous apparatus, occurs in 1-2% of dislocations of all structures.

Traumatologists distinguish between an acute form of dislocation, when the symptoms are pronounced, bruising of the affected area is observed, and an old one, in which the symptoms are not obvious, but permanent.

Dislocations are classified according to the type of displacement, they are distinguished in this way:

  1. Lateral dislocation. It is divided into the outer lateral, when the patella is shifted to the outer region, and the inner lateral, when the shift occurs to the inside. The limb is in an extended state.
  2. Torsion dislocation. Its other name is rotary. There is a turn of the patella horizontally - the degree of turn depends on the strength of the bruise.
  3. Vertical dislocation. The most unpleasant and rare type - the cup is rotated vertically in such a way that some of its edge is located in the area between the tibia and femur. In this case, there is a strong swelling in the popliteal region.

In rare cases, it is possible to independently reduce the knee cup back - due to the ligamentous apparatus and the action of the muscles. However, more often without the help of a traumatologist can not do.

An ambulance should be contacted if the following symptoms are observed:

  • sharp pain when bending;
  • it is impossible to fully extend the knee;
  • movements are completely limited;
  • swelling.

At the same time, you can see a certain retraction in the area of ​​​​the knee joint - the skin of the posterior region of the limb is stretched, and a skin fold is formed in front.

Treatment is usually done by pushing the cup back into place under anesthesia. Then immobilization is shown for up to 2 months, as an adjunctive therapy, the following methods are used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • massage.

In acute dislocation, any actions with the limb begin after 2-4 weeks of rest. The limb is immobilized.

Sometimes, with a dislocation of the patella, a rupture of the patellar ligament or adjacent knee ligaments can occur, while doctors perform therapeutic actions aimed at restoring the ligaments.

Important! Normal function of the knee is restored after 1.5 - 3 months.


Cases of fracture of the patella are no more than 25% of the total number of fractures; according to statistics, active children and people over 40 are prone to such troubles.

Swelling of the patella in the presence of effusion in the knee joint. It is determined by palpation of the patella.

Baer symptom

The appearance of pain in the sacroiliac joints with pressure on this area through the abdominal wall. It is observed with pathological changes in these joints.

"drawer" symptom

With one hand, they take the shin at the ankle joint, with the other hand, they press on the upper third of the calf muscle with the palmar surface. When the cruciate ligaments are torn, the lower leg moves forward.

Guther's symptom

It is expressed in the difference in flexion force during pronation and supination of the forearm and is noted when the biceps muscle is torn.

Comolli symptom, or triangular pillow symptom

Tietze's syndrome (Tietze's disease)

Tumor-like growth of the cartilaginous part of one, less often 2-3 ribs at the junction of them with the sternum with severe pain at the time of sneezing, coughing, with a deep breath.

Felty Syndrome (disease)

It is characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints, enlargement of the spleen, anemia, leukopenia and thrombopenia, hyperproteinemia and dysproteinemia. Occurs in women. The etiology is unknown.

Barre-Masson's disease

It is expressed by vegetative neuralgia caused by a neoplasm emanating from the vascular glomeruli of the terminal phalanges of the fingers. In a limited area of ​​​​the terminal phalanx of the finger and sometimes under the nails, there is pain, a rounded tumor, up to 5-6 mm in diameter.

ankylosing spondylitis

Inflammation of the small joints of the spine, usually begins with the sacroiliac joint. Decalcification of the vertebrae occurs. At first, pain symptoms predominate, and then the symptoms of arthrodesis and the so-called "posture of Lazarus rising from the grave." Radiologically, a typical symptom of a “bamboo stick”, ankylosing spondylitis, is determined.

Gaberden's disease, Gaberden's nodules

Nodular seals on the terminal phalanges of the hand, dense, often symmetrical. The formation of nodules is preceded by paresthesia and anemia of the fingers. X-ray is determined by the narrowing of the joint spaces and marginal bone proliferation.

Duplay's disease

It is characterized by painful, limited movements in the shoulder joint. Abduction and internal rotation are the most painful. Lime deposits are often found in the tendons near the joint. It occurs mainly in older women, develops as a result of trauma.

Dupuytren's contracture

Thickening and contracture of the palmar aponeurosis of 4-5 fingers, more often the right, but can be both hands. It occurs in people engaged in physical labor.

Zudeka acute bone atrophy

It develops after trauma and various inflammatory diseases of the bones, joints, tendons, and nerves. There is a pronounced atrophy of the bones and their increased fragility. Similar atrophic changes are noted in the skin and muscles. Edema of the feet and hands is formed. The skin becomes cyanotic, its temperature drops.

Kaposi sarcoma

Tumors are localized in the distal extremities, can be located symmetrically. Initially, multiple skin tumors appear the size of a pea and are bluish, sometimes cyanotic or dark in color, may bleed, some scar. Lymph nodes are not affected, but metastasis to the lungs and the digestive tract may occur.

Kashin-Beck disease

Dystrophic non-infectious metabolic arthritis. Osteochondropathy of the heads of the 2 × 3rd metatarsal bones.

Keller disease

Aseptic necrosis of heads of 2-3 metatarsal bones. Girls aged 12-16 years are ill 4 times more often than boys.

Koenig disease

It is characteristic that a wedge-shaped piece of bone is separated from the total mass of the medial condyle and a correspondingly shaped defect is formed in this place. Occurs as a result of embolic infarction of the branches of the middle popliteal artery.

Kienbeck's disease

Osteochondropathy of the semilunar bone of the wrist.

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

It is an osteochondropathy of the femoral head. The disease develops mainly in adolescence and childhood, and boys get sick 5-6 times more often than girls. In the initial period, the disease is asymptomatic, then there is a slight lameness and pain. Pain often radiates to the knee joint, increases after walking, but, unlike coxitis, this disease is mild, the body temperature does not rise, suppuration and ankylosis are not observed, the blood picture does not change. X-ray - the disappearance or compaction of the femoral head. The disease lasts 6-7 years and ends with a deformity of the head.

lermitte disease

Weakening and thickening of the muscles of the lower extremities with subsequent contractures. Mostly seen in older women.

Little's disease

Children's bilateral hemiplegia. The patient can move only with the help of crutches at the fingertips with the heels turned outward and the knees pressed against each other. The reason is prolonged asphyxia during childbirth with hemorrhages in the substance of the brain, intracranial injuries and diseases of the mother during pregnancy.

Marie disease, Marie-Bamberg syndrome

It is expressed in a general thickening and sclerosis of long tubular bones, as well as in a kind of bulb-shaped thickening of the nail phalanges of the fingers, which take the form

marble disease

Congenital systemic anomaly of the skeleton. It is characterized by diffuse sclerosis in the bones of the skeleton. X-ray in the bones there are structureless white (marble) spots.

Mulongheta disease

An effusion forms in the knee joint, leading to complete immobility of the latter.

Albright disease

Pelligrini-Stida disease

Calcification of the soft tissues in the region of the inner femoral subcondyle as a result of a knee joint injury.

Putti disease

Degeneration of one intervertebral cartilage. Manifested by pain in the lumbar region with irradiation to the lower extremities by the type of inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

still's disease

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the joints.

randu-muller disease

Necrosis of the sesame bone of the big toe.

Taratynov's disease

Eosinophilic granuloma of bones. X-ray revealed single small defects in the bones. The punctates contain granulomas of eosinophils up to 30-50%.

Strumpell-Bechterew-Marie disease

Ankylosing spondylitis of unknown etiology.

Schüller-Christian disease, lipogranulomatosis

It is characterized by the classic triad of symptoms: bone defects, exophthalmos, and polyuria. Occurs in children in the first years of life.

Pagett's disease

Enlargement and lengthening of affected bones. X-ray: the presence of multiple bone cysts, hyperostosis and osteosclerosis.

Hemarthrosis of the knee joint, the treatment of which is prescribed by a doctor, can develop as a complication after a knee injury. The knee joint is one of the most vulnerable. It accounts for most of the load when walking. Hemarthrosis is the accumulation of blood in a joint. This pathology does not pose a particular danger, but only if hemarthrosis refers to an uncomplicated form. Usually, blood enters the joint from a damaged vessel as a result of an injury. Hemarthrosis of the ankle joint is much less common.

Why does knee hemarthrosis develop?

In the knee joint there is a special sterile cavity, the surfaces of the femur and tibia go into it. In this space there is a small amount of fluid, which is necessary to reduce friction between the articular surfaces. The volume of liquid in the normal state does not exceed 3 ml.

A large number of small vessels are located in the synovium, which lines the joint. In case of injury, the integrity of the vessels is violated and the blood, once in the joint space, mixes with the joint fluid. The joint capsule cannot contain so much fluid, so it is forced to stretch, and the pressure inside the joint increases. The largest number of vessels nourishes the joint in childhood, then, as the body grows older, their number decreases.

The cause of hemarthrosis of the knee can be not only a bruise, but also the presence of diseases such as:

  • hemophilia;
  • pathologies of the walls of blood vessels that occur in diabetes mellitus;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • scurvy.

But in the first place were and remain injuries of the knee joint. They most often lead to hemarthrosis. Less often, hemorrhage in the joint can provoke:

  • ligament rupture;
  • meniscus damage;
  • intra-articular fractures;
  • rupture of the capsule itself.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

If a person has hemarthrosis of the knee joint, the symptoms will be as follows:

  1. Swelling of tissues usually begins in the area of ​​the patella.
  2. The motor capabilities of the joint are significantly reduced, and every movement causes pain.

If the cause of hemarthrosis was the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, then in addition to the general symptoms, when the ligament is ruptured, a characteristic click is clearly heard during the injury, and the knee itself begins to “fall through” in its anterior part when palpated. Most intra-junctional operations inevitably result in bleeding. Especially frequent problems arise in patients who have diabetes mellitus and hemorrhagic diathesis in concomitant diseases. These 2 diseases proceed in such a way that they destroy the vascular wall.

In this case, blood can enter the joint unexpectedly for no apparent reason. Very rarely, liver diseases can interfere with the blood coagulation process and also automatically fall into the list of pathologies that cause hemarthrosis. The cause of bleeding into the joint can be hemophilia. But this happens very rarely, since hemophilia, which is a hereditary disease, is quite rare.

Too frequent hemorrhages in the articular bag can lead to joint contracture. Moreover, with hemophilia, the knee most often suffers and hemarthrosis of the elbow joint, which arose as a result of hemophilia, is much less frequently diagnosed.

Often such hemorrhages suggest the presence of hemophilia in a patient.

Intra-articular fractures and rupture of the capsule are in themselves pathologies that are difficult to treat. Therefore, if symptoms of hemarthrosis are attached to them, the main emphasis in treatment is on trauma, and hemarthrosis is treated as a concomitant disease. In this case, the treatment is carried out in a complex manner.

If bleeding into the joint cavity occurs with enviable constancy, the synovial membrane gradually loses some of its properties, including that it stops absorbing blood from the joint cavity and begins to grow. In this situation, doctors ascertain the presence of such a disease as chronic synovitis, which arose as a complication of hemarthrosis. As a result, the range of motion in the joint is significantly reduced, and the process of delivering nutrients to it along with the blood is disrupted.

In the case of such complications arising from hemophilia, it is forbidden to perform such a procedure as injections into the joint. Due to minor damage to the vessel during the injection, uncontrolled bleeding may begin, which will be very difficult to stop due to clotting problems.

The symptoms of knee hemarthrosis are always the same and practically do not depend on the causes that led to the onset of the pathology. The most characteristic symptom of hemarthrosis is severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, which necessarily increases when the leg is bent at the knee or during any movement. The next symptom of hemarthrosis of the knee will be swelling, and the tissues will swell right before our eyes. The patient will complain of a feeling of fullness, he will constantly be disturbed by something in the knee area.

Such strange sensations will occur due to the presence of a large volume of fluid containing blood in the joint. Due to edema, the shape of the articular bag changes, its clear contours are lost. If at this time you put pressure on the patella, it will begin to "swim", as it were, this symptom is called balloting. The defeat of the ankle has the same symptoms as with hemorrhage in the knee joint.

The body does not remain indifferent to what is happening, the villi of the synovial membrane are trying to eliminate the consequences of hemorrhage, trying to absorb foreign impurities in the form of blood in the liquid. An inflammatory process develops in the joint, which in this case is a protective reaction of the body. Therefore, doctors do not seek to stop inflammation. They intervene only if the serous fluid inside the connection turns into pus.

In normal bleeding, the blood clots quickly. An exception is when the patient has hemophilia. When bleeding inside the joint cavity, the blood cannot clot due to the special properties of the synovial fluid.

At the beginning of the inflammatory process, there is a local increase in the temperature of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection. The knee area turns red. Moreover, all these symptoms appear within a few hours after the onset of bleeding.

The treatment of this pathology depends entirely on the intensity of bleeding and on the amount of accumulated fluid inside the joint.

Degrees of hemarthrosis of the knee

With the first degree of hemarthrosis of the knee joint, the pain is not so strong. The contours of the articular cavity are practically unchanged. A distinctive feature of the first degree of the disease is the fully preserved range of motion in the joint. A similar course of the disease suggests that only a small amount of fluid has entered the joint cavity. These symptoms usually accompany a meniscal injury.

Hemarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree is characterized by an already more pronounced pain syndrome. At this stage, the connection loses its shape. It visually increases in size. There is a sign of a ballot. In the second stage, the liquid volume reaches 100 ml. Usually this condition develops when the ligaments are damaged.

The third degree is the most severe. It occurs with dislocations and fractures of the joint, and also as a complication of hemophilia.

Before making a final diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an appropriate examination, which includes ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI. An x-ray examination will not be effective, because even if a contrast agent is used, the quality of the resulting image will be poor. An MRI will give the most accurate picture of the changes occurring in the joint.

How to treat hemarthrosis of the knee joint?

How to treat the disease? Only timely prescribed treatment will help maintain the connection, since the blood that has interacted with the intra-articular fluid begins to slowly destroy the cartilaginous tissue of the joint.

Until the moment of contacting specialists at home, it is only possible to fix the joint in such a way that the load on it is minimal.

Treatment with folk remedies must begin with the creation of an iodine mesh in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Therapeutic procedures depend on the intensity of bleeding and include:

  • at the first degree - the imposition of a tight bandage;
  • at the second degree - carrying out a puncture of a joint.

Thanks to this manipulation, all contents are removed from the joint cavity. Then a tight bandage is applied to the joint. Since the body continues to produce intra-articular fluid, its volume will be quickly restored, and the puncture itself, subject to all the rules of conduct, will not cause any harm.

If the patient's condition improves after the puncture, and the amount of fluid inside the joint does not exceed the norm, a second puncture is not performed. If after a week the level of fluid in the joint is high, the puncture is repeated, and drugs such as hydrocortisone are injected into the joint. This hormonal drug should slow down the development of the inflammatory process, which inevitably occurs by this time and already poses a threat to the joint.

A tight bandage is required. Sometimes, as an additional measure, the imposition of a splint is used, which is designed to limit the mobility of the joint. The need for such measures disappears after 3 weeks. Further treatment is reduced to physiotherapy.

First aid and treatment for dislocation of the knee joint

The knee is the largest joint in the human body, which is formed by the femoral condyles, the upper articular surface of the tibia and the patella (patella).

The knee joint consists of such joints: the main, femoral-tibial and femoral-patellar.

The muscle structures and tendons that surround the knee joint come from the side of the lower leg and thigh.

The patella is a small flat oval bone located in front of the knee.

In addition to the main functions of the patella, protecting the structures of the knee joint from damage, it is the patella that determines the function of flexion of the largest muscle in the human body - the quadriceps muscle, located on the front surface of the thigh.

In other words, the patella performs the function of transferring the muscle strength of the thigh to the lower leg. The functioning of the patella is provided by internal and external ligaments located in a sliding groove.

The knee joint takes on the load from the entire body while walking or standing.

Features of a dislocated knee

Dislocation of the knee - damage to the knee joint due to various injuries that lead to displacement of the articular surfaces of the bone, a change in the location of one bone relative to another, a change in their anatomical position without violating the integrity of their structures.

In case of dislocation, the capsule and ligamentous apparatus of the joint are damaged, the contact of the upper end of the leg bone with the lower end of the femur completely disappears.

This pathology is manifested by swelling, dysfunction and deformity of the limbs.

In medical practice, dislocations of the knee joint are diagnosed by:

Are you at risk of injury?

The main reasons that led to this pathology include:

  • strong, direct blows to the patella;
  • a sharp contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscle during active movements;
  • falls from a height onto the knee joint. this type of injury is accompanied by a severe bruise of the legs, on which the maximum load was applied during the jump;
  • congenital pathologies and anomalies. congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, in which even the smallest impact can provoke injury.

Dislocation of the knee can also occur in an accident, since a large impact falls just on the front of the body of a person sitting in a car.

The risk group includes athletes who are engaged in power sports, participate in sprint races, marathons, high jumps, and cycling races.

Running and jumping can stretch the structures of the ligamentous apparatus and lead to a dislocation of the knee.

Features of symptoms

In the case of a dislocation of the knee joint, depending on the location, strength and area of ​​damage, as well as the causes that led to knee injury, symptoms of varying intensity may appear.

It is also important to understand that many signs of dislocations, sprains and fractures of the knees at the initial stage are similar.

The characteristic clinical signs that are diagnosed in all forms of injury include:

  • sharp, severe pain in the joint area, which is especially pronounced when moving;
  • severe swelling, swelling;
  • hyperemia of tissues in the area of ​​the knee joint;
  • deformation, change in the shape of the knee;
  • numbness, feeling of coldness in the leg, loss of sensation below the injury site;
  • lack of pulsation below the injured area;
  • reduction or complete absence of joint mobility;
  • temperature rise.

Habitual dislocation and its features

Habitual dislocation of the knee joint occurs in the patella as a result of repeated, periodic slipping of the patella from the usual channel of its sliding.

Habitual dislocations can occur after primary trauma to the patella.

Such a dislocation can occur even with a minor injury, any other actions, for example, when lifting weights.

Accompanied by unpleasant, mild pain symptoms, discomfort, while the constant loss of the cup can lead to the development of arthrosis of the knee.

To eliminate the pain symptom, you can independently adjust the patella.

The development of this pathology is facilitated by:

  • excessive elasticity of the ligaments;
  • too high position of the patella;
  • non-fusion of the supporting ligament of the patella after injury;
  • flattening of the sliding paths at the femur, since it is in this area that the groove is located, which directs the patella.

The formation of subluxation occurs in the patella and can occur when:

The above reasons over time lead to an unstable, unstable position of the patella, which, with the slightest injury, bruises, physical exertion, sharp bending of the legs, is easily exposed to this pathology.

The main symptoms of subluxation of the patella include:

  • feeling of instability of the patella;
  • pain during movement, usually when bending/extending the knee;
  • during movements, a characteristic crunch or click is heard in the area of ​​​​the patella, which occur when the normal sliding of the articular surfaces is disturbed.

This pathology with a long course can lead to the development of arthrosis and synovitis.

congenital pathology

Congenital dislocation of the knee joint is a rare, severe pathological disease of the musculoskeletal system.

This pathology is not genetic and develops in the second trimester of pregnancy. In most cases, congenital dislocation of the knee is diagnosed in girls.

Treatment is based on the use of surgical techniques.

This pathology occurs quite often and can occur during running, performing sports exercises, dancing, with injuries, sharp turns.

Dislocation of the patella is classified into:

  • habitual dislocation of the patella;
  • old dislocation;
  • spicy.

The main manifestation of this pathology is a sudden, severe sharp pain, a slight increase in the volume of the knee joint, step-like deformity, swelling of the tissues.

Pain occurs even with the slightest movement.

After an injury, the patella is displaced to the outside of the joint, causing acute pain.

After the time has passed, the cup can independently return to its usual position, but even in this case, it is best to contact a specialist.

Injury diagnosis

It is possible to prescribe effective treatment only after passing a comprehensive diagnosis.

Diagnostic methods include:

  • visual inspection;
  • radiography;
  • arteriography (x-ray of the arteries);
  • checking the pulse, which allows you to determine the localization of damaged areas and whether there is a violation of blood circulation.

First aid

If a knee dislocation is suspected, it is necessary to immobilize the injured limb as soon as possible with a splint or any available means.

In case of circulatory disorders in the foot or lower leg, you can try to reduce the displacement of the bones by very gently pulling the foot along the longitudinal axis of the leg, slightly pressing the lower leg in the opposite direction to its displacement.

Ice or a cold compress can be applied to the damaged area.

If you suspect a dislocation of the patella, you can give the victim an anti-inflammatory drug. The victim must be taken to the clinic for an appointment with a specialist.

Therapy in a medical institution

Any medical procedures should be carried out and prescribed only by a medical specialist, since independent attempts to reduce the joint can worsen the condition and lead to fractures of the articular ends.

Conservative treatment for dislocation of the knee joint is carried out only in a hospital.

If necessary, a traumatologist performs a puncture of the knee joint, removing the accumulated exudate.

All manipulations are performed under local or general anesthesia. After repositioning the knee joint and returning it to its place, the joint is fixed using an immobilizer or a plaster cast, which ensure the immobility of the damaged limb.

The next stage of treatment includes a complex of therapeutic and medical procedures aimed at restoring the integrity of the ligaments.

In severe cases, if the injury is associated with ruptures of ligaments and tendons in the area of ​​the patella, surgery is performed. Minimally invasive surgery is performed using an arthroscope.

Exercise therapy is also a method

In the treatment of habitual dislocation, a course of therapeutic exercises (exercise therapy), wearing a side knee splint is prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is performed to stabilize the joint.

For the treatment of subluxation of the knee joint, conservative treatment methods are used.

Patients are prescribed a set of specially designed exercises that help strengthen muscle structures, ligaments of the knee joint and allow you to develop the correct technique of flexion-extensor movements.

During treatment, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the injured limb, to prevent overstrain, loads on the leg, to fix the limb while resting in a suspended state.

Patients are prescribed medication, taking symptomatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Full recovery and return of all functions occurs in the third or fourth month after the end of treatment.

Recovery period

After the end of treatment, the rehabilitation period should be under the supervision of the attending physician. To restore muscle tone, they gradually begin to develop the damaged leg.

Prompt recovery and restoration of functions are facilitated by:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy techniques;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Houses and walls help

At home, unconventional treatment methods will help speed up the healing process after a dislocation of the knee joint.

Simple and effective folk remedies:

  1. Compresses, lotions based on medicinal herbs are applied to the place of dislocation.
  2. A good effect is the use of a milk compress. To do this, a gauze bandage soaked in hot milk is applied to the damaged area for several minutes.
  3. You can also apply onion gruel with the addition of sugar to the place of dislocation for five to six hours, in a ratio of 1/10.
  4. You can prepare a gruel of two or three heads of garlic with the addition of apple cider vinegar, which is insisted for a week in the refrigerator before use.

Possible Complications

It is worth noting that a dislocation of the knee joint is a rather serious injury and its consequences can be very severe.

Incorrect treatment and inappropriate therapy can lead to a complete limitation of knee mobility, to the appearance of constant, aching, chronic pain.

Therefore, it is very important, when the first symptoms and signs of this pathology appear, to immediately consult a doctor, in no case self-medicate and strictly follow all the recommendations and instructions of a medical worker.

Preventive actions

It is worth noting that people who adhere to a correct, healthy lifestyle, regularly exercise, are less prone to dislocation of the knees.

Therefore, do not neglect physical activity, sports and aerobics.

Running, cycling, exercising in the gym, walking, swimming pool will help to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus of the knee, improve the tone of the muscle structures of the lower extremities.

As a rule, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable. But it must be borne in mind that if medical prescriptions are not followed during the rehabilitation period, pain may occur in the future.

It is very important to prevent re-injury to the patella or joint. After recovery, you need to wear comfortable, practical and high-quality shoes that contribute to the correct position of the foot while walking.

At first, it is worth minimizing the load on the injured limb, avoiding sudden movements, hypothermia.

If the dislocation of the knee has taken on a chronic form, which is accompanied by frequent, aching pain, it is likely that a surgical operation will be required.

How to Treat Schlatter's Disease of the Knee in Adolescents, Children and Adults

Schlatter's disease is a pathology that affects the upper part of the tibia, about 2 cm below the patella. This bone forms the basis of the lower leg. In its upper section there is a tuberosity, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich there is a zone of growth of the tibia. Schlatter's disease is osteochondropathy, it is accompanied by changes in the structure of bone and cartilage tissue.

  • Causes of Schlatter's disease
  • Disease pathogenesis
  • Schlatter's disease in adolescents: causes, symptoms, photos
  • Diagnosis of Schlatter's disease of the knee joint
  • Treatment of Schlatter's disease with conservative methods
  • Treatment with physiotherapy methods
  • Features of treatment with surgical methods
  • Possible Complications
  • Prevention of pathology
  • Disease prognosis
  • How to choose a knee brace for Schlatter's disease?
  • What is the code for Osgood-Schlatter disease according to ICD-10?
  • Do they take to the army with Schlatter's disease

Most often, the disease occurs in adolescents involved in sports. It is characterized by pain, inflammation, and swelling below the knee. Osgood-Schlatter disease is not a serious disorder and responds well to treatment. Only sometimes it leads to calcification and excessive ossification of the focus of inflammation.

Causes of Schlatter's disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease is one of the common causes of knee pain in active teenagers who play a lot of sports. It most often occurs in boys. The most dangerous sports in this regard involve running or jumping. In this case, the quadriceps femoris muscle is involved, which is energetically reduced.

Less often, pathology appears for no apparent reason in children who are not involved in sports.

Some scientists believe that this disease has a genetic basis. It has been established that inheritance can be carried out according to an autosomal dominant type with incomplete penetrance. This means that the predisposition to it can be transmitted from parents to children. However, this pattern is not always revealed. Mechanical injury is considered the triggering factor of the disease.

Disease pathogenesis

The quadriceps muscle is designed to extend the leg at the knee. It is located on the thigh, with its lower part attached to the patella (patella), which in turn is connected to the upper part of the tibia, where the ossification zone has not yet closed in adolescents. Excessive contraction of a poorly stretched quadriceps femoris leads to excessive stress on the patellar ligaments.

The tibia in adolescents is not fully formed and continues to grow. She is not strong enough for such loads. Therefore, in the place where the ligaments are attached to it, inflammation and soreness occur. As a result of circulatory disorders, small hemorrhages appear. In more severe cases, there is a detachment of the upper epiphysis and aseptic (microbial-free) necrosis of the bone and cartilage areas. Periosteal detachment may occur.

The disease is characterized by a change in the periods of death of small areas of tissue and their recovery. The area of ​​necrosis is replaced by dense connective tissue. Gradually, at the site of a long-term injury, an overgrowth forms - a callus. Its value depends on the intensity and duration of the damaging effect. In the popliteal region, a thickened tuberosity is determined - a bump. It can be detected by probing the lower leg, and with a large size - during the examination.

Schlatter's disease in adolescents: causes, symptoms, photos

The disease occurs in boys aged 12-15 years, less often in girls aged 8-12 years. Sex differences in the prevalence of the disease are associated with the fact that active sports are usually preferred by boys. If a girl attends such classes, she is no less likely to develop pathology.

Dangerous sports that can lead to thigh muscle injuries and damage to the upper tibial epiphysis:

  • football;
  • gymnastics and acrobatics;
  • volleyball;
  • basketball;
  • fencing;
  • skiing;
  • tennis;
  • cycling;
  • boxing and wrestling;
  • ballroom dancing and ballet.

Initially, the disease is not accompanied by any complaints. In time, unrecognized pathology quickly becomes chronic. After a while, the main symptom appears - pain just below the kneecap. The intensity of discomfort changes over time. As a rule, it increases during exercise and immediately after it. Particularly severe pain appears when jumping, walking up stairs and squats, but subsides at rest. It does not spread to other parts of the limb. This symptom persists for several months. Sometimes it goes away only after the child's growth is completed. This means that some children have pain in their legs for 2 to 3 years.

The difference between the disease in childhood is a rather long asymptomatic course. Pain under the knee, either appearing or disappearing, should alert parents.

The disease can also appear in adults. In this case, it often causes a violation of the mobility of the knee joint and the development of arthrosis.

In the area under the kneecap, swelling of the tissues is noticeable. With pressure, local pain is determined here. During an exacerbation, local skin temperature rises. In advanced cases, bone growth becomes visible on the front surface of the leg under the knee.

The disease affects the epiphysis, located on the lower leg and under the kneecap. In an uncomplicated course, it does not affect movements in the knee joint, so that the range of motion in it is preserved. Symptoms often occur on one side, but in a third of cases, both knees are affected.

Diagnosis of Schlatter's disease of the knee joint

Recognition of the disease is based on a thorough physical (external) examination of the patient and the history of the pathology. If the diagnosis is clear after examining and questioning the patient, an additional examination may not be performed. However, doctors usually order a 2-view knee x-ray to rule out more serious causes of knee pain.

X-rays show damage to the periosteum and epiphysis of the tibia. In severe cases, it is fragmented. There is a characteristic x-ray sign in the form of a "proboscis". In the future, at the site of injury, tuberosity occurs - callus.

Thermography is a method for determining local temperature. During an exacerbation of the disease, a localized focus of temperature increase is visible on the thermogram, caused by an increase in blood flow in the area of ​​inflammation; it is absent in the remission phase.

In preparation for surgical treatment, the patient can undergo computed tomography of the knee joint and adjacent areas, which helps to clarify the size and location of the pathological tuberosity.

To exclude other injuries of the knee joint, in doubtful cases, an examination of the articular cavity is performed using a flexible optical device - arthroscopy. Endoscopic surgical treatment is used for intra-articular injuries of the knee; it is not used for Osgood's disease.

Data on concomitant injuries of the knee can also be obtained using ultrasound. Its advantage is non-invasiveness, painlessness and speed of execution.

Radioisotope scanning is used to identify the focus of pathology in doubtful cases. It allows you to visualize the site of inflammation in the bone tissue.

Severe knee pain that persists at rest, at night, or is accompanied by bone tenderness in other areas of the body, fever, damage to other organs requires a differential diagnosis with the following conditions:

  • infectious or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • tuberculosis or bone tumor;
  • Perthes disease;
  • patella fracture and other knee injuries;
  • bursitis, synovitis, myositis.

Treatment of Schlatter's disease with conservative methods

The pain usually resolves within a few months without any treatment. When the disease worsens, it is necessary to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. The introduction of glucocorticoids into the knee joint is not recommended.

To stimulate metabolic processes in the bone tissue, calcium preparations, vitamins D, E and group B are prescribed.

For acute post-workout pain, apply an ice pack below the knee for a few minutes. This will help you quickly get rid of discomfort.

To protect the patella during football and other dangerous sports, knee pads must be worn.

At home, doctors recommend using cold compresses, limiting physical activity on the affected leg, and doing exercises daily that increase the elasticity of the thigh muscles and patella ligaments. A massage is shown with anti-inflammatory and blood circulation-improving agents, for example, with troxerutin ointment.

Treatment with physiotherapy methods

To increase the elasticity of the thigh muscles, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of callus, physiotherapeutic methods are used:

  1. Electrophoresis with painkillers (procaine), metabolic agents (nicotinic acid, calcium salts), hyaluronidase, cocarboxylase.
  2. In mild cases, magnetic therapy is used. You can use home apparatus for physiotherapy, the action of which is based on the properties of the magnetic field.
  3. Therapy with ultra-high frequency (UHF) waves.
  4. Warming up the knee with infrared rays, ozocerite, paraffin compresses, therapeutic mud, warm baths with sea salt or mineral water.

Physiotherapy courses should be carried out regularly for a long time - up to six months. Under the influence of these methods, blood circulation in the affected area improves, swelling and inflammation are removed, normal bone regeneration is accelerated, callus growth and the development of arthrosis are prevented.

Features of treatment with surgical methods

Surgery in adolescents is usually not performed. It is performed later in life with persistent knee pain. The cause of this condition is the formed callus, which constantly injures the patella. The operation consists in opening the periosteum and removing excess bone tissue. Such an intervention is very effective and practically does not cause complications.

  • within a month, use a knee brace or a bandage on the joint;
  • to restore bone tissue, electrophoresis sessions with calcium salts are shown;
  • oral calcium-based medication for 4 months;
  • limiting the load on the joint for six months.

Possible Complications

With timely diagnosis and protection of the knee joint, the disease does not lead to serious consequences. However, it is impossible to predict the outcome of the disease in advance, so its prevention is important.

Prolonged trauma to the tibial tuberosity can lead to an upward displacement of the patella, which limits the functioning of the knee joint and leads to pain.

In rare cases, the joint begins to form incorrectly, its deformation is possible, the development of arthrosis. Arthrosis is degeneration of the articular cartilage. It leads to inability to bend the knee, pain when walking and other physical exertion, and impairs the patient's quality of life.

Prevention of pathology

It is possible to prevent the development of Schlatter's disease. If the child is involved in sports associated with an increased load on the thigh, he needs to thoroughly warm up before training, perform stretching exercises. It should be checked whether the coaches pay enough attention to physical preparation for the lesson.

Knee pads should be used during traumatic sports to prevent Schlatter's disease.

Disease prognosis

Sport or physical activity does not permanently damage the bone or impair its growth, but it does make the pain worse. If these sensations interfere with full-fledged activities, it is necessary to decide whether to refuse training or reduce their intensity, duration and frequency. This is especially true for running and jumping.

The pain can persist from several months to several years. Even after growth is completed, it can bother a person, for example, in a kneeling position. Adults with Schlatter's disease should avoid work that involves long walks.

In very rare cases, if the pain persists, surgical treatment is used. In most patients, the results of this intervention are very good.

How to choose a knee brace for Schlatter's disease?

A knee brace is a device that stabilizes the knee joint. It protects the athlete from damage to the knee joint and surrounding tissues.

To prevent the development of pathology, you should choose a soft knee brace. It provides easy fixation, prevents displacement of the patella, distributes the load more evenly, which helps to avoid microtrauma of the tibia. Such knee pads often have a massaging effect, warming up the tissues and increasing their elasticity.

In the postoperative period, a semi-rigid knee brace can be used. It is attached to the leg with straps or Velcro and provides good support for the joint. Rigid knee braces are generally not recommended for the prevention and treatment of Schlatter's disease.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is best to purchase a knee pad made of lycra or spandex. These materials not only fit the knee well and support the joint, but also allow air to pass through, preventing excessive skin moisture. An excellent choice is a product made of nylon. Nylon knee pads are more expensive than others, but they will last much longer.

The disadvantage of the cotton knee pad is its low strength. Neoprene products do not pass moisture and air well, and therefore their long-term use is not recommended. These models are designed for swimming.

If the child is engaged in gymnastics, acrobatics, dancing, sports models with thick pads are suitable for him. For volleyball training, it is better to choose a knee pad with gel inserts. These products take on an individual shape over time, they are very comfortable and perfectly protect the joint. For football, it is better to use durable knee pads with stitched pads.

Universal knee pads are characterized by a small thickness, they can be used when practicing any sport.

When choosing a product for a child, it is necessary to take into account its size. A sports doctor or orthopedist, as well as a consultant in a medical equipment or sporting goods store, can help with this. The size is determined by the circumference of the knee joint. Thigh and calf circumferences may be needed.

Before buying a knee pad, you need to try it on. It is better to purchase a product a little larger than necessary, and adjust its size with Velcro. This will facilitate the use of the product in case of inflammation or joint injury. The knee pad should not constrict the limb and interfere with movement, it should be light and comfortable.

Do not use these devices for inflammation of the veins of the limb, dermatitis and other skin diseases in the knee area, acute arthritis, individual intolerance to the material used.

What is the code for Osgood-Schlatter disease according to ICD-10?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is an osteochondropathy. According to the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision, it corresponds to the code M92.5 - juvenile osteochondrosis of the tibia. Differences in terminology are explained by the traditionally different classification of bone and joint lesions in domestic and foreign medical practice.

Previously, osteochondrosis was called a large group of lesions of bones and joints. Later, osteochondropathy was isolated from it - processes accompanied by primary damage and aseptic necrosis of bone tissue. The term "osteochondrosis" began to be used to refer to a pathology that primarily affects the cartilage and leads to its thinning.

Therefore, Schlatter's disease is classified as osteochondropathy. However, this is not taken into account in the latest ICD, and the disease is called "osteochondrosis".

Do they take to the army with Schlatter's disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease can only be grounds for exemption from military service if it is accompanied by a functional impairment of the knee joint. Simply put, if the disease was diagnosed in adolescence, but the knee is fully flexed and extended, the young person is more likely to be called into service.

If there is a limitation of mobility in the joint, constant pain, the inability to run, jump, squat normally, then, according to the result of the orthopedist's opinion, the young man is released from the draft.

If there is Schlatter's disease, and the growth of the tibia has not yet completed (this is determined by x-rays), a deferment from the call for six months is usually granted with a second re-examination.

In general, it can be said that if the disease does not interfere with the activity of a person, it does not serve as a basis for a delay. The degree of functional disorders is determined by the orthopedist, who gives the appropriate conclusion for the draft board.

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a disease that affects the upper part of the tibia of the lower leg in the area where the patellar ligament is attached to it. Its cause is the constant overload of the knee joint during sports, mainly in adolescents. The disease may not be accompanied by complaints or be manifested by pain, swelling, inflammation of the tissues under the kneecap. In the future, a callus is formed at the site of the injury, which can disrupt the function of the joint.

Treatment consists of limiting the load, the use of patellas, cold, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. In severe cases, surgery is performed to remove the bone growth. An important role in prevention is the preparation for playing sports, including stretching the thigh muscles.

Schlatter's illness serves as a basis for deferment or exemption from conscription in that case. If it is accompanied by complaints and objectively worsens the mobility of the knee joint. The degree of functional impairment is determined by the orthopedic surgeon.

Patellar ballot is an abnormal oscillation of the sesamoid bone, which is part of the knee joint. This symptom most often means an abnormal accumulation of fluid (synovial, blood) in the joint cavity. Also in some cases ballotation of the patella, perhaps with gelatinous swelling of the synovial membrane.

A similar condition can accompany injuries and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joint. If you experience such a symptom, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Anatomy features


The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body. It differs in that it is not attached to parts of the joint, bone or muscle.

The patella is located in the thickness of the quadriceps femoris muscle, namely in the tendon. This bone is perfectly palpable through the skin, and is also quite mobile when the knee is extended. Thanks to this formation, it becomes possible to prevent the displacement of the surface of the tibia and femur to the sides.

Balloting of the patella becomes possible precisely because of the structural features of the joint. After all, when fixing to one of the more “stable” formations, bulging of the bone would be completely impossible.

Main reasons


A "floating" patella can occur in acute and chronic joint diseases of a specific and non-specific nature, sports and domestic injuries. All these conditions may be accompanied by an increase in the amount of intra-articular fluid. The most common reasons include:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • productive inflammatory processes;
  • hydrarthrosis or dropsy;
  • acute or chronic injury;
  • violation of the integrity of the joints and elements of the joint.

Particular care should be taken when diagnosing types of injuries. Such a symptom is a sign of injury to the meniscus, anterior or posterior cruciate ligament, or synovial membrane.

Clinical picture

When balloting the patella

Although balloting the patella is considered only a symptom of many other pathological conditions, it has its own pronounced clinical picture. The first manifestations include a pronounced pain syndrome, which appears at the beginning during movements, and then at rest. The intensity of sensations directly depends on the amount of liquid: if its volume is up to 15 ml, then discomfort can occur only after a few days.

Restriction of mobility does not appear immediately. With the progression of the condition, patients note a violation of extension, the formation of contracture in a half-bent state. With a large amount of effusion, the contours of the joint are smoothed out, and the knee noticeably increases in volume compared to a healthy limb.

Diagnostic principles

To identify the symptom of a floating patella, the patient must be laid on his back, straightening the injured limb. The doctor with one hand fixes the tissues just above the joint, and with the other he tries to seem to “drown” the patella inward. Normally, this cannot be done, and when excess fluid accumulates, it “leaves” downward until it rests on the femur.

With one hand, the doctor fixes the upper inversion, which is located above the patella, thereby, as it were, “squeezing out” the free fluid downwards. With the fingers of the second hand, it is necessary to feel the gap between the patella and the tibia. It is necessary to palpate the tissues from all sides, trying to determine the presence of seals, swelling, "swelling". It should be noted that pathological formations are easier to determine from the inside. In the absence of pathologies, the synovial membrane is not palpable.

Principles of treatment

You should not deal separately with the treatment of a floating patella, because this is just a manifestation of the underlying disease. To identify this, it is necessary to conduct additional research methods, namely computed and magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound examination of the joint cavity.

After the doctor determines the cause of the ballot of the patella and the accumulation of excess fluid, it is necessary to prescribe treatment. Depending on the type of pathology, a special list of measures is carried out:

  • removal of fluid by arthroscopic or puncture method;
  • use of aseptic solutions for washing;
  • the introduction of drugs into the joint cavity;
  • temporary immobilization with soft or hard dressings;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • physical therapy, physiotherapy methods.

You should also try to prevent subsequent trauma to the joint. To do this, you must use a patella or an elastic bandage. Sports activities can be resumed only after complete tissue repair, while consulting with experienced trainers.

Treatment of ballotation of the patella is possible only if the underlying cause of the disease is eliminated. There is no need to correct the clinical manifestation of the disease without interfering with the foundations of its pathogenesis.