Hourglass curtains without glass. Curtains "hourglass": a feature of choice and design. Hourglass curtains in the interior

Hourglass-shaped curtains are called that way for a reason. The thing is that they have a shape similar in appearance to an hourglass, hence the name. And this effect is achieved quite simply: the upper and lower parts of the curtains are attached to the frame, stretching the canvas itself, and in the center, on the contrary, it is pulled together and held by a tape, braid or bandage.

Where are they appropriate?

Such curtains look very original, neat and comfortable. They are appropriate on windows, doors with glass inserts, panoramic windows and even kitchen cabinet doors if they have glass elements. In general, wherever it may be necessary to hide some contents from prying eyes, for example, jam on the shelves, but at the same time not to burden the interior.

By the way, it is the lightness, almost weightlessness of these curtains that is their main feature, the purpose for which they are brought into the interior. Their additional function is to make the apartment more elegant. And the advantage is that they leave room for the imagination to work. And indeed, despite their deliberate simplicity, hourglass curtains can be very different, and this is very, very easy to achieve. It is enough to change the tightening element or move it higher or lower, and a completely different effect is obtained. Moreover, you can pull the curtain with several tapes at different distances, which will completely change the look of the curtain.

It is important that such curtains not only do not allow outsiders to peep behind a light curtain, but they let in enough light so as not to darken the room, not to steal space. Moreover, if you remove the tape tightening the curtain, then the released canvas will easily close the opening completely. Sometimes this is necessary to block access to light or to exclude the possibility of peeping into a room through a door or window.

In addition, the use of other decorative elements is allowed: bows, ribbons, artificial flowers, etc., depending on the features of the interior and.

At the same time, unlike conventional curtains, such a model will be more durable. After all, no one will pull the curtain fixed on the frame back and forth. It simply won't be necessary. Once fixed, it will hang in its place until they decide to replace it.

Fabric choice

The material is a very important point, one might say, decisive. It is thanks to the right choice of fabric that the very lightness and airiness is achieved, without which one cannot imagine an hourglass curtain.

This means that you must immediately abandon heavy, dense fabrics. With their help, you will never be able to achieve the desired effect. Tulle, tulle, organza, satin, silk, linen, batiste, veil, lace and similar fabrics would be much more appropriate. Usually transparent or translucent. However, in exceptional cases, the use of completely opaque fabrics is also allowed.

No less attention should be paid to the choice of color. Pastel colors are best: blue, muted pink, beige, peach, light green and similar shades. It is also necessary to create a feeling of airiness.

How to choose a finished curtain

Choosing the right product in the store today is sometimes a really difficult task. After all, the choice of ready-made curtains "Hourglass" in thematic stores is very large, you can not do without much thought. What to focus on?

As a rule, it is best to choose ready-made curtains that resemble an hourglass to match the color of the furniture upholstery. You can also take into account other textiles: bedspreads, napkins and tablecloths. The main thing is that, in general, the textiles are combined with each other, creating a single picture.

Another point that is important to consider is the size. The curtain must ideally match the required dimensions, otherwise it will not be possible to properly stretch it on the rods for the entire window opening. If the dimensions of the opening are some non-standard, individual tailoring of the product may be required, since it will not work to pick up the finished product.

How to sew Hourglass curtains with your own hands

However, this type of curtains is so easy to manufacture that there is no need to turn to professionals. in the form of an hourglass, even the most inexperienced, novice needlewoman can. This can be seen even in patterns. It is necessary to cut a rectangular blank from the fabric according to its size and stitch it correctly in a couple of places.

The first step is to calculate the size of the future curtain. To do this, measure, firstly, the width of the opening, and secondly, its height. The required width is calculated by multiplying the width of the opening by 1.5 and 2, depending on how lush you want to make the curtain. Plus, it is necessary to make allowances for processing the cuts on the sides, unless, of course, it is possible to choose a fabric of such a width that it exactly matches the required one. In this case, processing the cut edges will not be required, which will only simplify things.

The length of the curtain is the height of the opening, plus allowances for the collar, lower and upper drawstrings and scallops are decorative elements if you want to further decorate the finished curtain. In general, it turns out somewhere around 7-10 centimeters.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account is the extensibility of the fabric. The better the fabric stretches, the easier it will be to straighten it. If the fabric stretches well, then allowances can be left smaller, but if it does not stretch at all, then allowances should be made to the maximum.

And then everything is simple: first you need to tuck and stitch the upper edge, leaving the drawstring, then also process the bottom. If you are not sure that the calculation of the length is correct, and there is a fear of choosing the wrong place where to make the lower drawstring, you can fix the upper part of the curtain and mark with a pencil or soap the level at which you want to make the right place.

The finished curtain can be attached to a window or door. To do this, two bars are installed on the window or door frame: one along the upper edge, the other along the bottom. The bars are threaded into. It remains only to pull the curtain in the middle with tape or braid.

In what interiors is the Hourglass curtain appropriate?

Curtain "Hourglass" - a thing quite versatile. It may well be appropriate appropriate in a variety of interiors and styles. However, in some specific styles, it looks especially appropriate.

First of all, these are, of course, various rural styles, such as Provence, chalet or country. Moreover, now all these styles are especially popular. For Provence, any classic colors of such curtains, floral motifs or a vertical stripe are suitable. For country or chalet, plain curtains of natural colors are more suitable.

For a classic interior, it is also better to choose plain fabrics, but deeper colors are allowed here than in any other design. Contrasting ribbons, bows, voluminous ruffles and the like are also appropriate here. They will greatly decorate the curtain, make it richer, and such decorations fit into the classic style more easily.

The Art Nouveau interior can be decorated with a curtain with large geometric patterns. More neutral options will be appropriate in literally any style and interior and will make it stylish and cozy, most importantly, organically fit them into the overall picture. Another thing is that this is not so difficult to do.

In the modern design of apartments and houses, more and more often you can find extraordinary solutions regarding window decoration. Curtains "hourglass" appeared on the market relatively recently and managed to gain their popularity. They got their name due to the unusual shape, reminiscent of the same hourglass.

How to hang hourglass curtains on plastic windows, when and where it is convenient to use this type of curtains, from what fabric it is better to sew them, we will tell you all this in our article.

"Hourglass" what they are and where to apply them

As mentioned above, curtains of this kind look like a traditional instrument for measuring time - an hourglass. Curtains "hourglass" is a piece of fabric, sized according to the window or doorway. It is fixed at the top and bottom of the frame, and in the center is tied with a beautiful ribbon, which actually forms a wonderful shape.

Hourglass curtains for doors and windows were also invented by our grandmothers, trying to decorate their home in a special way. Later, they moved from interior doors to glazed kitchen cabinet doors and balcony windows. They simultaneously perform both a protective and decorating function. After all, who will remain indifferent to such cute curtains?

Fabric choice

For different types of rooms, you can choose fabrics of different density, it will still depend on how much the room needs protection from the sun and prying eyes.

Dense fabrics such as satin, cotton, linen are suitable for "hourglass" on interior doors. So tenants can not worry about the security of their personal space. We recommend using the same material for windows with a sunny side: if you are afraid that the merciless sun will spoil your favorite indoor flowers on the windowsill, then this option is very acceptable for you.

But for such windows and doors in the kitchen or a not very lit loggia or veranda, you can use light fabrics such as a transparent veil, mesh, translucent linen and cotton. Do not be afraid that curtains made of such a boring fabric will turn out to be unpresentable, because beautiful delicate folds form on the canvas assembled in the center, giving lightness and charm not only to the hourglass itself, but also to the room where they hang.

As for the choice of color and pattern for such unusual curtains, it all depends on the style of the interior and the color scheme. For the kitchen, floral motifs and light fabrics are often chosen, as well as floral ornaments, checks and stripes always remain relevant, you just have to choose the right color. For the children's bedroom, gentle pastel colors remain a priority, the hourglass curtains made of a pale pink veil, decorated with a satin ribbon with beads, look especially beautiful. For boys, strict models made of cotton or linen with stripes and a cage are more suitable.

Jewelry and decor

The main focus on the hourglass curtains is the ribbon that forms the image. It can be sewn from the same fabric as the curtains themselves, or it can be from a different one that matches the color. Bright contrasting trim will look beautiful on light fabrics.

Depending on the style of the room, the fixing tape can be decorated in different ways: lace bows, homemade fabric flowers, beads and rhinestones always look beautiful on veils and natural light fabrics. You can buy ready-made decorated hourglass curtains, or you can sew such beautiful curtains yourself, and then your decor will be unique.

Mounting methods

There are several ways to attach hourglass curtains.

How to sew hourglass curtains with your own hands

Skilled craftswomen prefer to decorate their home with their own hands, and curtains are no exception. It is not difficult to sew hourglass curtains with your own hands, you just need to be patient and have the necessary materials.

How to take measurements

It is very simple to find out how much fabric is required for sewing curtains: we measure the width and height of the window or doorway, add 5 cm to the width on the sides for processing the edge, add 10-15 cm at the top and bottom to create curtains and ruffles.

If your fabric does not stretch well, then on the pattern on the sides you need to make a small expansion, so it will be easier to form an hourglass shape.

Another point that is important to consider: if a dense assembly is planned throughout the curtain, then the fabric will need twice as much in width.

What you need
  • Textile.
  • centimeter or tape measure.
  • Scissors, thread, sewing machine.
  • Center assembly tape.
  • Decorating elements.
  • Eaves for fastening curtains.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing hourglass curtains

  • Take measurements and paper pattern as needed.
  • On the fabric, cut out the required number of curtains, taking into account the side, bottom and top allowances.
  • Cut out the pieces along the seam lines.
  • Treat the side edges with a double hem.
  • Tuck the top and bottom 5 cm as well and stitch.
  • From the wrong side at the top and bottom, sew strips of fabric that form drawstrings for the cornice.
  • Prepare decorative ribbons to assemble the curtains in the center. They can be decorated with decorative flowers, beads, rhinestones, in general, whatever you like and your style.

Do-it-yourself hourglass curtains are ready, it remains to fix the cornice and hang them.

To do this, we first fasten one side of the upper rod cornice on the frame, put a curtain on it and form a dense assembly, fix the entire cornice. Then, on weight, we thread the second rod into the lower part of the curtain, stretch the canvas well and fasten the cornice to the frame.

With ribbons, make a waist on the curtains and admire your work of art.

An unsuccessfully designed window can spoil the whole impression of an almost perfect interior carefully assembled bit by bit. Such trouble is easy to avoid if you are not afraid of experiments, because each room, like each person, has its own image that requires an individual approach. For example, once popular, but today undeservedly forgotten hourglass curtains will become exactly the acquisition that you have been hopelessly looking for for a long time, trying to make the new look of your apartment complete and unique.

What are they?

Curtains of this shape look best on narrow and high glazing.
With their shape, these graceful curtains resemble the contours of an hourglass or a beautiful female figure.

Hourglass curtains are called so for their unusual appearance: their outlines resemble a classic device for counting time intervals or a lady's figure with a thin waist. But much more often, due to the fact that they cover only glass, they are called "stained glass curtains."

These curtains are ideal for vintage and romantic interiors.
They often decorate the doors of kitchen and bookcases.

The design of "curvy" curtains is much simpler than it might seem from the name. They are canvases fixed at the bottom and top of the window opening on the frame, and intercepted in the middle by a “belt” of the same or contrasting fabric, lace, braid, or something like that.

Hourglass curtains decorate both windows and doors with glass inserts, as well as the glass of kitchen and bookcases, and the peak of their popularity was in the 30s of the last century.

Such curtains look most harmoniously on the windows of attics, balconies, on cabinet doors. Also, this option is suitable for window openings, consisting of several parts.


Today, when everything vintage is in fashion, hourglass curtains are back in our interiors. They bring to the atmosphere a “flavor of antiquity”, the aristocratic character characteristic of the apartments of old stone houses with thick walls, where the entrance for residents and guests was called the “front door”, and from the kitchen there was another “black” one for the milkman and the baker. But in addition to aesthetic characteristics, stained glass curtains also have a number of practical advantages:

  • practically do not wear out, since they do not need to be constantly pulled and corrected;
  • let in a lot of light and at the same time protect the space well from outside views;
  • to completely close the glass, you just need to untie the ribbon;
  • to give the curtain a festive look, it is enough to tie it with a beautiful bow;
  • easy to sew by yourself, with your own hands.

"Hourglass" if desired, suitable for different rooms. They will find a worthy place in the interior of the kitchen, office, bedroom, living room, nursery. They will fit the panoramic glazing on the balcony, terrace, decorate the bay window, attic, do not sag on the glass, located at an angle.

Unlike modern blinds and pleated blinds, the design of the "hourglass" is closer to the classics, which makes it possible to use them in country style interiors, vintage - wherever minimalism is not appropriate.

Hourglasses often decorate the interiors of cozy roadside cafes.
Such curtains, even made of light, non-accent fabric, set the tone for the whole setting.
Center curtains often decorate terraces in street restaurants.

What to sew

Most often, hourglass curtains are sewn from a light, light, translucent fabric. After being pulled, it acquires a voluminous drapery that fills the atmosphere with an aura of weightlessness. It is desirable that their shade echoes the colors of the rest of the textiles - tablecloths, napkins, pillows, furniture upholstery.
Most often, for sewing stained glass curtains, transparent curtain fabrics are chosen:

  • muslin;
  • organza;
  • veil;
  • damask;
  • madras cotton.

But this is optional. Depending on the desired effect, dense, light-blocking fabrics can serve for curtains with a thin waist. The choice of texture and color of the fabric depends on the characteristics of the interior, the role that they should play in it - to be the main focus or, on the contrary, to balance the brightness of the rest of the participants in the situation.

Instead of lush drapery or in addition to it, the “watch” can be decorated with:

  • ruffles;
  • frills;
  • embroidery;
  • lace;
  • flowers;
  • bows;
  • hairpins;
  • pickups;
  • other similar decor.

The design of the strip that pulls the curtain in the center can be anything.
Even a burlap bow will look dressy if used in an appropriate style, such as country, as in the photo.
Drag the curtain with a neat belt, decorate it with a fabric flower, and it will look like a bridesmaid's dress.
Twisted cord with tassels will successfully emphasize the classic setting.
If the curtain is not pulled over with decor, but is gathered in the center on the drawstring, it will look strict and concise.

The strip pulling the curtain in the middle is its main "highlight". For strict interiors, as a rule, simple ribbons are chosen from the same fabric as the curtains themselves. However, if desired, the curtain is decorated with bows, laces, braid, hairpins. They may not match the color of the curtains. For example, contrasting interceptions look beautiful with plain curtains, complemented by various decorations - sequins, beads, rhinestones.

Despite the fact that the shape of the curtains involves only one bandaging, many designers like to create several vertical pulls, due to which the curtains acquire additional volume.

Thus, well-chosen stained-glass curtains will perfectly fit into the interior, emphasize its dignity. At the same time, it is not forbidden to change accessories to suit your mood, and if you remove them completely, you will get a continuous canvas that completely covers the glass.

In Provence, curtains with a soft floral pattern are always in place.

The colors of stained glass curtains have many variations, so they are able to please even the most captious esthete. "Watches" are not only plain, but also with a pattern, conservative, chic, aristocratic, thanks to which they are able to fit into different designs. For example, vertical stripes are suitable for a classic setting, Provence and country - a cage, rustic - peas, modern - an abstract pattern.

How to hang?

The color of the stained glass cornice can be matched to any frame.

Cornices for stained glass curtains are sold in specialized and large hardware stores. They are small sliding plastic, metal, sometimes wooden rods inserted into special holders (mounts). Holders are fixed with self-tapping screws.

First you need to install the fasteners, and then thread the rods into the drawstrings, fix the curtain on the frame and tidy it up. It is important to ensure that the folds lie evenly and do not bulge anywhere. And then there are decorative elements.

If desired, such curtains can be fixed on a Velcro tape without damaging the frame.

If you don’t want to drill and injure plastic windows, fix the folds on the curtains themselves at the top and bottom, sew the soft part of the Velcro tape to them, and glue the hard part to the frame. Glue is recommended to use transparent and waterproof, for example "Moment". It does not turn yellow over time. Such a mount will not damage or color the plastic, and if necessary, it is easy to dismantle it.

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Fabric curtains are an easy way to beautifully and unthematically decorate a door. We offer a detailed description of the process of sewing curtains on the door with your own hands.

We will sew curtains with fastening to the cornice from below and from above, if desired, they can be decorated with an interception in the middle to make an “Hourglass” model.

The idea of ​​hourglass curtains has been brought to perfection - a compositionally more advantageous height, a combination of colors, a decorative bow


Before choosing a style, determine the appropriate mounting method:

  1. On sale you can find special sliding door cornices, which are fixed in the grooves of the door by pressure from unwinding.
  2. Finding such miniature curtain rods can be quite difficult, so you should consider the assortment in the furniture fittings department and assemble such curtains yourself.

You will need:

  • Suitable railing with a cross-sectional diameter of 0.8-1 cm;
  • appropriate size holders;
  • decorative small tips;
  • screws and screwdriver for installation.

    Such a curtain, made by hand, will hold the curtains for the doors very tightly, but will also cause some damage to the doors, in the form of screw holes.

  • Mounting on double-sided tape - you will need the same set of accessories as in the previous version, but the railing holder must have a solid backing on which you can attach the tape.

Sewing curtains for doors

Before working with the fabric - wash it in a mild soapy solution, dry and iron it so that the fabric shrinks. Or make a good margin in all directions if you don't want to spoil the original look of the fabric.

Sewing simple hourglass curtains is done by hand in the simplest way:

  1. Above and below the canvas you will need an allowance for the loop for the curtain - lay the diameter of the curtain plus 1-2 cm, and optionally - an allowance for the formation of ruffles along the edge, 2-4 cm. (The thicker the fabric, the smaller the allowance).
  2. Place a hem allowance on the sides 1-2 cm.
  3. Process the side edges of the canvas, top and bottom - lay the loop, complete two lines.
  4. Sew the interception from the same fabric, or take a ready-made tape, braid.
  5. Hang the curtain on the cornice.

Summarizing, we can say the following: curtains for doors perform decorative functions, protect the room from excess light and prying eyes, give it some charm. We recommend sewing a curtain on the door with your own hands - it will be cozy and fresh.

In the world of modern design, it is customary to use a variety of techniques to create unique interior designs. Specialists use all kinds of decoration options. One of the popular methods for creating an original interior is the use of unusual models of curtains, curtains, curtains. Curtains, presented in the form of a piece of fabric, which is tied in the middle with a wide ribbon, are called hourglasses. With this option of curtains, you can decorate windows, doorways, doors of kitchen sets. These products are suitable for use in kitchens, bedrooms, terraces, winter gardens.

Beautiful hourglass curtains

For the hourglass curtain model, it is not customary to use heavy, curtain fabric. The best choice is a light, transparent fabric in blue, pink, beige, caramel, milky colors. Products with floral ornaments and stripes look spectacular in the interior of the kitchen. The finished product includes a ribbon, which is recommended to be supplemented with braid, bow, colored ribbon, contrasting with the main canvas. If the curtains of the hourglass model are white, the finish may be blue, red, rich green. For fabrics in floral motifs, you can use an additional decoration in the form of flowers made from fabric with your own hands.

Remember, for sewing this model of curtains, it is not recommended to choose dense, dark fabrics. The meaning of the hourglass model lies in the lightness achieved with the help of tulle fabrics.

Sewing hourglass curtains is not difficult. The main thing is not to make a mistake in taking measurements from the opening, which is supposed to be decorated with a product. An important indicator is the distance between the upper points of the opening. It should be measured as accurately as possible, and then the finished curtains will have the necessary tension. And this is possible only with the correct cutting of the pattern of the canvas.

To calculate the width of the fabric, you need to multiply the width of the opening by a factor of 1.5 or 2. This figure depends on how fluffy the curtain should be, plus a few centimeters of fabric for hem. It is convenient to use a material whose width matches the required width of the finished product. In this case, you can not process the side sections, and leave them in their original form.

The correct calculation of the length of the canvas is as follows: to the number indicating the distance between the cornice and the lower point of the window opening, add 20 cm for processing the lower and upper cuts, as well as for forming the middle part of the product. In order for the middle part of the pattern to turn out beautiful and the fabric does not look stretched, it is necessary to take into account the degree of stretching of the material. If the canvas stretches well, we add a smaller number of centimeters along the length, in the other case, the margin is maximum. For those materials that are not subject to stretching, the length is determined experimentally.

After choosing the fabric, we proceed to tailoring the product. A pattern is created on which the measurements obtained are marked. Beginning seamstresses, hourglass curtains pattern, shown in the photo. According to the scheme, markings are made on the fabric, and the blank is cut out.

On the canvas, if necessary, the side sections are bent and ironed, stitched. Next, the upper and lower cuts of the pattern are processed, so that a drawstring is obtained. It is necessary for attaching the rods on which the finished product will hang.

Sewn do-it-yourself hourglass curtains must be fixed on the window opening. At the top and bottom of the frame, you need to fix special holders for the finished curtain. The distance between the fasteners must be sufficient and uniform for reliable fixation of the product.

After installing the fasteners, you need to thread the rods into the drawstrings and fix the upper part in the holder. Having straightened the fabric evenly, twist the curtain 360 0 and fix the lower rod in this position. In the central part, you should get a narrow part, similar to an hourglass. It is very important that after fastening the product, the fabric lies evenly, does not bulge. If the canvas does not create uniform folds, the curtain is not sewn correctly.

The video provides detailed sewing instructions.

Thus, hourglass curtains are the most common model that is used in interiors decorated in different styles. This model is not difficult to perform and therefore can be created by any housewife with her own hands at home. To fix the product, no special skills are required. The whole design is simple and unpretentious in execution. Feel free to use this model to decorate interiors. Despite the external simplicity, such curtains will decorate any room in an original way.