Rune of love Lelya. Slavic rune Lelya. Direct position of the rune

The last month of winter was considered the most difficult among the Slavs. The time was approaching when pet food was running out, and before the time when it would be possible to drive cattle to pastures, it was still very far away. Some folk signs of February allow you to predict the weather for the spring months, as well as predict whether the summer will be hot or rainy.

  • fierce;
  • blizzard;
  • snowfall;
  • side-grain.

The current name is of ancient Roman origin.

Common February omens

Many signs of the last winter month are related to how severe the frosts are, whether the icicles are long, whether there is frost and whether snow has fallen:

  • the more snow, the better harvest cereals;
  • the beginning of February is more serene - wait for an early and warm spring;
  • frost on the trees at night - there will be no snow during the day;
  • long icicles - long protracted winter;
  • February is cold and dry - August is hot;
  • at the beginning of the month it is warm, the snow melts - to a poor harvest;
  • severe frosts - to a short winter;
  • February is warm - by a cold spring, and frosty - by a favorable summer;
  • a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey;
  • the colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.
Long icicles in February portend a long winter

In search of signs, our ancestors watched the sky:

  • clouds float low - to the thaw;
  • strong wind, and the clouds go against the wind - wait for snow at night;
  • a circle around the solar disk - wait for a blizzard;
  • starry sky - by late spring.

Observed in antiquity and animals:

  • roosters crowed in the evening - to a change in the weather;
  • doves coo - portend warmly;
  • horses throw back their heads and shake them - wait for bad weather.

Notes for each day of the month

  • February 1 - Makar the spring indicator.

On Makarov Day, special attention was paid to fire. In order to attract wealth and prosperity to the family, it was necessary to kindle a flame in the furnace in such a way that all the firewood flared up at once. For this effect, logs were prepared in advance, dried, and then split into splinters. Lighting up from the chips, the fire illuminated the room with its light, giving warmth and comfort.

It was believed that what the weather would be like on Makara, most of the February days would be like that.

  • February 2 is Yefim's day.

February, according to the note of our ancestors, was rich in snowstorms. Whether to expect a snowstorm in the near future was noted by the behavior of living creatures in the house. If the cat is scratching the floorboard, the chickens are restlessly spinning, there will be a blizzard. Has the blizzard started on Yefim? The next week will be snowy and windy. The clear sun heralded early spring.

  • February 3 is the day of Maxim the Comforter.

Maxim was the protector of the poor and offended. In his honor, people who once rescued you from trouble were remembered with a warm, affectionate word. Widowed women and orphaned children pray to this saint, asking for help and support. If the weather is warm and sunny on Maximov's day, spring is expected to be mild.

Sunny weather on Maxim - to mild winter
  • February 4 - Timothy's day

Hard frosts begin on Timofey. Winter feels its full power, sweeping snowdrifts all around. On Timothy Day, craftswomen took their donuts for needlework and descended on them from the hill: whoever slides the farthest, his flax harvest will be the largest. They also considered patterns drawn by frost on glass: if they went up, it would be cold, if they went sideways, a thaw was coming.

  • February 5 - Agafius-half-bread

Bins were checked for Agafia. They determined whether there would be enough grain until the next harvest, whether the household would starve. The seeds for sowing were also reviewed. Empty vaults were carefully swept and cleaned. They looked to see if the utensils were in working condition, and if necessary, repaired working tools. That is, on Agafiev's day, work was in full swing in every house: everything was washed, repaired and put in order.

On Agafia they listened to tits. If they chirp loudly in the morning, hard frosts are coming.

  • February 6 - Xenia-half-winter, the day of Xenia of Petersburg.

The price of bread was noted on Xenia. Did she go up? The next harvest will not be as rich. If the cost of grain and flour did not rise, then this price will remain until the next harvest. It was also believed that the weather of this day determines the spring.

  • February 7 - Gregory the Theologian

The weather on Gregory determined the winter in next year. For example, if it is warm before lunch, next winter before Christmas, frosts should not be expected. Snowfall on this day promises a long autumn. Hear the singing of a tit under the window - to severe frosts.

On Grigoriev's Day, it is customary to do good deeds, help those in need and remember with gratitude in the soul of those who once came to the rescue. They did not talk about their good deeds, since God already knows everything.

  • February 8 - Fedor Pominalnik

They believed that on Fedor the Memorial, the souls of the dead miss our world. On this day, the dead gain the ability to influence the affairs of their loved ones, to send secret signs possibly transfer important information in dreams.

Dead relatives can come to Fedor in dreams and report important information
  • February 9 - John Chrysostom.

They pray to John Chrysostom for his patronage in case of trouble, hopelessness and despair. They asked to cleanse the soul from sorrow, and the mind - from unnecessary, worldly things for the knowledge of spiritual literacy.

  • February 10 - Efrem Sirin.

On Efremov's day, it is forbidden to remove insects in the house. It is impossible to kill and crush spiders, cockroaches and bugs. Such actions can offend the brownie. The wind on Ephraim means an abundance of rain in summer.

  • February 11 - the day of Ignatius the God-bearer.

If the lunar disk turned red that day, the next week will be windy. With a new or growing month, they remembered the weather - the beginning of March would be the same. At Ignaty, the smoke from the chimney leans downward - towards warming.

  • February 12 - St. Basil's Day, the day of the three saints-unspinners (Three Saints).

On Vasily it was forbidden to do needlework. It was rumored that an animal wedding was taking place in the forests today: forest dwellers arrange fights to win back their chosen one. According to tradition, they put game dishes on the table.

On St. Basil's Day, animals arrange fights for the female
  • February 13 - Nikita the Recluse

Nikita the Recluse protects the house from fire and lightning; during the period of drought, people prayed to this saint for rain to come. For a whole day you can hear the croaking of crows and the cries of jackdaws - you can expect a heavy snowfall.

  • February 14 - the day of Tryphon Zarezan, Tryphon the Mousegon.

The day on which unmarried girls prayed for the betrothed. In the evening the sky is cloudy - it will stand warm weather. You can see a lot of stars - you can wait severe frosts. Snowfall portends an abundance of rain in spring.

  • February 15 - Meeting of the Lord, Tombs.

People are starting to celebrate spring. This is one of the most important holidays of the year. In the evening, they read spells to the Sun so that it would bring spring weather closer. They watched to see if it would peek out from behind the clouds during sunset. If the rays made their way, they believed that winter frosts already behind.

They did not go to the Candlemas on a long journey in a sleigh. This was considered a very dangerous undertaking.

  • February 16 - the day of Semyon and Anna

Semyon and Anna are patrons of newborns. Today it is customary to pray and ask for the health of your kids. This day was also called "repairs". At dawn, the whole family left the house, took out summer utensils from outbuildings and put them in order. Everything was thoroughly washed and repaired.

  • February 17 - Nikola Studeny.

This day is usually frosty and snowy. The animal weddings continued. The hunters noticed that the foxes quickly ran in a race after each other, the hares gave a goose jumping over high snowdrifts.

  • February 18 - Agafya Korovnitsa (Hunger).

Agafya patronizes domestic animals, protects livestock from all kinds of ailments. The weather is warm and windless - you can no longer be afraid of frosts. Frost on Agafya promises a favorable spring and a hot summer.

  • February 19 - Vukol Calf.

On Vukolin day, cows usually calve. Freezing weather heralds the early arrival of spring. The colder the weather today, the warmer and sunnier March will be.

  • February 20 is Luke's day.

On Lukin's Day, the hostesses baked flour products with onions. They were distributed to the poor for good. They believed that good deeds would return in the form of prosperity and happiness.

Good day for brewing medicinal decoctions and tinctures from the roots of plants. Potentilla possessed the greatest power. Its leaves are cruciform, and the peasants were sure that this herb contained a powerful power of the cross, relieving any ailments.

  • February 21 - Zechariah Serpovidets

On the day of Zechariah, women reapers pray for a good harvest. People said that today the new month is getting sharper than usual. This property was used for conspiracies on working tools. The hostesses took out a sickle, showed it to the moon and asked her to sharpen it. After that, the instrument was sprinkled with Epiphany water.

  • February 22 - the day of Pankrat and Nikifor

On this day, men began to weave bast shoes and checked the entire household. The people said that if you work for Pankrat, then you will not be left without bread. Sowing preparations began. At dawn, for three days in a row, boxes of grain were exposed to frost so that the seeds would better take root in the ground. It was believed that such hardened grains would endure any spring temperature changes.

Seeds are being hardened on Pankrat

The snow begins to melt rapidly, the air is shrouded in the smell of spring. This means that the winter will soon end, and after Nicephorus, severe frosts usually occur only at night.

  • February 23 - the day of Kharlampy and Prokhor, Prokhor Vesnovey.

In Russia, Kharlampy was considered a protector from sudden death without absolution, this saint was prayed that this would not happen. This day was considered the turn to spring.

  • February 24 - Vlasiev day

Vlas'ev day was called the holiday of cows. They believed that on this day, evil spirits were circling outside the window, trying to get into the house. The owners covered up all the cracks in the house, even the chimney, so that the evil spirit could not get into their home and not bring trouble to the household. The place near the stove was fumigated with smoke from smoldering thistles.

  • February 25 - Alexey Rybny

On this day, grain was put out on the street, which was intended for sowing fields. It was believed that in this way the plants would be less vulnerable to various diseases and give a good harvest. They also froze the yarn so that it became even and white. They called Alexei the Fisherman, because on this day fish is well caught. On February 25, it was customary to cook fish soup.

It is believed that Alexei is good at fishing
  • February 26 - the day of Martyn and Svetlana

Saint Martin, who patronizes this day, helped to get rid of lascivious passions. He should pray if such a problem has touched someone from the family. They also asked for Svetlana bright stars so that their radiance will add vigilance to the eyes. If today it drips from the roofs and the snow gradually melts, spring will be early and warm. Frost and gloomy sky on Svetlana portend a cold March.

  • February 27 - Kirill Vesnoukazchik

On this day, everyone went out into the fields and walked on the snow, thereby tamping it into the ground so that the moisture would linger there as long as possible. They also tried to appease the field worker so that the seeds would take well in the ground.

  • February 28 - Anisim-zornik (Onisim-ovchar)

People who kept sheep on Anisima Special attention turned to heaven. Many stars - to a good offspring of sheep. If the snow has almost melted that day, there will be a good supply of hay for the winter.

February wedding

The last winter month is considered one of the most favorable for a wedding. They believe that couples who marry at this time will live in happiness and understanding, and their love will be long and strong.

February wedding tips:

  • snowfall on wedding day financial well-being families;
  • a strong frost portends a quick replenishment in the family, and the first-born, most likely, will be a strong boy;
  • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2019

    According to the Chinese calendar, the year is Yellow Earth Pig will only start on February 5th. This period will be perfect time to start life together, and marriages concluded in 2019 will be distinguished by an enviable fortress.

    At the same time, astrologers believe that February is not the best time for a wedding celebration. However, choose suitable date for the wedding ceremony is still possible.

    • Auspicious dates for a wedding in February 2019: 1, 2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 25, 27, 28.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February 2019: 3-10, 13-15, 18, 19, 21.

    By the way, many couples dream of tying the knot on Valentine's Day, because February 14 is considered not just a beautiful, but an exquisite date. But astrologers do not recommend planning a celebration for this date. In addition, by church calendar it coincides with the eve of the religious holiday - the Presentation of the Lord.

    February is the period when they prepare for spring: they predict the weather for March and the summer months, repair summer utensils, check the seeds for the beginning of the sowing season. Playing a wedding at this time is favorable, the main thing is to pay attention to the dates that are not recommended for marriage.

In the Roman calendar, February was the last month of the year. It was named after the Roman goddess Fibris (febris in Latin for "fever") or the ancient Italian god Febra. February literally means "the month of propitiation, purification." Slavic names of the month:

  1. Snezhen- due to the abundance of snow, blizzards and snowstorms, especially characteristic of this time.
  2. Sechen- because it “cuts off” winter from spring or “cuts” winter in half.
  3. Bokogrey– because the average temperature in this month is higher than in December and January.
  4. Curves or wide roads- a typical sign of February. During the day, the snow begins to melt in the sun, and in the evening it freezes again, which makes the roads slippery and uneven. In some places, the road turns into impassable dirt and requires a detour, which is why the roads are really getting wider and wider.
  5. Wedding attendant- because at that time weddings were played. Our ancestors began to play wedding celebrations in January, after, and continued until, which is a transitional holiday and every year falls on different weeks of February.

February takes its place in the series of 12 months of the year. Sometime in Ancient Russia he completed the year (during the March New Year), was listed as the sixth month before the reform of Peter I, and after the reform (since 1700) became the second month of the year. It was not so important for the farmers what the number of February was, they great importance gave what it is last month winters that are visible in it, albeit still weak, but signs of the coming spring: the day becomes longer, the sun warms a little stronger, southerly winds blow more often and thaws are observed, which is why calm, even snowfall is replaced by blizzards, blizzards, blizzards and snowstorms. Of course, windy weather with blizzards and snowstorms also happens in other winter months, but February remains an unattainable leader in terms of the number of “blizzard” days.

The approach of spring makes the character of this month tense. Throughout February, people watch the fight between cold and heat. In these clashes, especially at the beginning of the month, winter often wins.

February is celebrated as a big religious holiday relating to the twelfth, -. The people considered this day the meeting of winter with spring.

February: signs, proverbs, sayings

All features of February are reflected in signs, proverbs and sayings.

February - cut: cuts the winter in half.

February will add three hours of the day.

February warms the side of the bear in the den.

February will turn the sun into summer.

In February, winter meets spring.

February has come - knocked down the horns from the winter.

Severe frosts in February only occur at night.

February is a fierce month: he asks who is shod in what.

February has two friends: a blizzard and a blizzard.

Blizzards and snowstorms flew in February.

Due to the intermediate position of February between winter and spring, they compare it with other months, look for signs by which they determine the nature of the next periods of the calendar year, especially spring, and also try to predict what the harvest will be like.

January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

February is strong with a blizzard, and March - a drop.

February blows out the winter, and March breaks it.

February builds bridges, and March breaks them.

February will let you in, and March will pick you up.

February with snow, March with water, and May with flowers.

February is rich in snow, and April is rich in water.

There are many signs associated with February.

  1. If February is rainy, then spring and summer will also be rainy. Dry February - to drought.
  2. Warm February - to a cold spring.
  3. Dry and cold February - to hot August.
  4. As February comes around, so autumn will respond.
  5. A lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.
  6. Snow sticks to trees - to heat.
  7. Horses' hooves sweat - to warming.
  8. Windy weather without hoarfrost - to a snowstorm.
  9. The moon turned red - to the wind, heat and snow.
  10. cat on hind legs gets up and scratches the walls with its claws - it will be warm.

February signs by day

Makariev day, Makar the spring indicatorIf the weather is clear or drops on Macarius, it will be early spring.

If on this day there is a blizzard, then there will be a blizzard all Maslenitsa.

By the weather of the day they judged what February would be like.

Starry sky - to a long winter.

Efimy, Efimov daySpring was judged on this day: sunny - spring will be early and warm, cloudy - wait for late snowstorms.

A whitish sky, although there are no fogs, and the sun at sunset is crimson or red - to unstable weather. There will be snowfalls, but without severe frosts.

The snowstorm that started on Yefimiya will last for a whole week.

Maximov's Day, Maxim the Comforter (Confessor)If it's sunny and nicer, it'll be nicer by spring.

Clear dawn - to frost.

A month in the fog - to the harvest of bread.

Timothy's day, Timothy the half-winterIf frames and glass sweat in frost - to warming.

At noon the sun appeared - towards early spring.

Snowfall - to a good harvest in the summer.

Agafius-half-bread, Agafia's dayA frosty and sunny day promises a hot August.

Squirrels jump on trees - to heat.

By the weather of the first half of the day they judged what January would be like next year.

Aksin'in's day, Ksenia the half-winterClouds are floating high - to clear weather.

What is Xenia, such will be the spring.

A snowstorm on Xenia to cloudy weather and a protracted spring.

If the sun shines brightly on the half-winter, then the spring will be red.

Grigoriev's day, Gregory the spring indicatorIn the morning, the tit sang - to the frost.

Sparrows chirp together - to the thaw.

Whoever spit on Gregory under his feet will not have a good path.

Accidentally pour milk on this day - to joy.

Fedor Studit, Fedor-memorial, Fedorov dayOn Fedor, they wondered about the weather in the spring by looking at the peas.

The moon is pale - to the snowfall.

The samovar is buzzing - to frost.

Starry night - to the flax harvest.

Chrysostom fire, Chrysostom dayOn this day, the stove fire was honored, which was revered as a substitute sunlight in winter time.

Red moon - to the wind, white - to the cold.

Clouds float against the wind - to the snow.

Glasses fogged up - to heat.

Ephraim - cricket intercessor, Efremov's day, Ephraim the wind blowerWind on Efremov's day - to a wet year.

If the wind blows from the north, then by night it will subside.

On this day, they fed the brownie. They believed that if you appease the house spirit, then he would take away any trouble from the home.

Laurentian Day, IgnatThe forest is noisy - warming is coming.

Red moon - to a strong and gusty wind.

Cold weather - to hot August.

Three Saints, St. Basil's Day, Animal WeddingStrong winds - by a wet year.

Hares come to the gardens - to a cold snap.

The trees were covered with frost - to the heat.

Day of Nikita, Nikita the firemanThe sun in circles - to the harvest.

Firewood in the stove flares up badly and smokes - wait for heat.

If frost is visible during the day, then there will be no snow at night.

The crow screams loudly - to a snowstorm or a blizzard.

Trifon-mousegon, Trifonov dayThe starry night portends a late spring.

If by the end of the day the sky is in a white transparent fog, then the weather will be fine.

On this day, you can’t: put candles to rest, pick up sharp objects, wash in the bath, step over a broom or a poker.

Meeting of the LordIn the popular mind, on this day, winter meets spring and fights for power over the earth.

You can’t go to the Candlemas: sell milk from home - to poverty, beat or boil eggs - to infertility. A person who steals something on this day will lose everything that he has acquired during his life.

Semyon and Anna, Guardian of the Babies, PochinkiIn Russia, on this day, they were preparing for the spring field work, were engaged in repairing the summer harness (driving and arable). Women repaired clothes torn during the winter, baked pancakes, which they ate themselves and treated others to them.

The forest makes noise - to snow or thaw, cracks - to prolonged frosts.

Lots of snow - summer will be rainy.

Nikola Studeny, Wolf matchmaker, Poppy sunsetHoarfrost - to a good harvest.

The forest turned black - to the heat.

If the spruce branches bend down - snow will fall, if they are raised up - there will be clear weather.

Agafya the Cow, Hunger, Memorial, Agafya's DayThere is a belief that cow death roams the village on Agafya in the form of a dog, cat, cow skeleton or an ugly old woman. Therefore, on February 18, bast shoes smeared in tar were placed in the barn, and cows were given holy water to drink.

Frost on Agafya - to a hot and dry summer.

If Agafya is warm, then there will be no severe cold weather.

Vukol-calf, BeetlesThe frosts have intensified - the spring will be stormy.

Birds sit on the tops of trees - to heat.

If a cow calved that day, then a bucket with warm water so that she always has warm milk.

Luke, the MightSouth wind to Luka - to the harvest of spring crops.

Snow began to melt on Luka from the north side - by the warm summer.

Blue clouds - to warming.

The sun at sunset is red - to strong winds and cold summer.

On Luka, our ancestors baked pies with onions and commemorated their dead parents.

Zechariah the Sickle SeerSickles were repaired on Zakhar, preparing them for future sowing work. To make the harvest easier, the sickles were sprinkled with holy water.

This day is considered successful for removing the evil eye.

You can’t envy anyone on Zacharias, fill your teeth and perform operations.

Laptev day, Nikifor-PankratsThaw on this day - to an early cooling.

If it’s cold outside and the forest is noisy, it will soon get warmer.

Pigs squeal and behave restlessly - to bad weather.

Prokhor-spring, KharlampyAlthough the frost is angry with Prokhor, it smells spring.

From Prokhor of the day, the frost weakens.

If this day is frosty, then March will be warm.

Vlas'ev day, cow holidayVlasev frosts complete the winter.

Vlasiy cow will heat up the side during the day, and freeze the horn at night.

If there is a thaw on this day, then there will be no more frosts.

Many long icicles - by late spring.

Meletius and AlexyIf there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a rich harvest.

Snow or fog on this day - to a damp summer.

The colder the last week of February, the warmer March will be.

Stepan, Martynov (Martinian) dayA lot of snow outside the window that does not melt - by the cold spring.

If the snow began to melt, then the spring will be warm.

The sun in a foggy circle - to the snow.

Red rings around the moon - to frost.

The sky was overcast with clouds - to the heat.

Kirill the Spring Marker, Kirill's DayGood weather on Cyril - to frost.

Snow lies on the fields - for the harvest of bread.

Frosty day - to a dry summer.

Onesimus Sheepdog, Onesimus ZimoborOn Onesimus, winter and spring argue - who should go forward and who should turn back.

A large increase in water - to a good hayfield.

What is the weather on this day, and September will be like that.

Kasyanov day, Kasyan-enviousSnow or fog on this day - to the harvest.

If roosters do not crow at Kasyan, dogs do not bark, and flocks of crows circle over the houses, then there will be a terrible epidemic or pestilence.

On this day, they tried not to let the animals out into the street, and various amulets were hung in the stables.

Video: signs of February

Observations of the behavior of the weather over the centuries have formed quite reliable folk signs about the weather for February. The fierce January was replaced by a February-blizzard. At first, it is almost indistinguishable from its predecessor: with the same cold, with the same starry mischievous nights.

Signs and beliefs of February

In ancient Russia, February was considered the last month of the year, which is why it was called "cut", as if cutting off the year. They also called it "low water" - the calendar between winter and spring, "snow" and "fierce" - from snowfalls and frosts that fall at this time. And yet, perhaps, the most apt nickname for February is “bokogrey”, it starts to warm up on the sunny side.

The peasant does not get out of his head the thought of spring: what it will gather and when it comes - there is something to think about! That is why February signs will most often be turned to predicting the warm season.

Blizzards and blizzards near February flew in a riddle passed from old to small. It is said about the blizzard as follows: “A merry mare runs along the village, at the end of her tail she has a purse of oats, runs and shakes.” Shakes snow, sparkling snowdrifts swell. And about the frost, its own riddle is complicated: “The old man at the gate dragged him warmly, he himself does not run and does not order to stand.”

Interest in signs about the weather for February was also because they indicated what May would be like. And with May, the peasant has all hopes for future harvest.

Like all winter patterns, it will take December and January, February is also a match for them. Frosty dry spells in February indicate hot dry weather in May.

However, it should be remembered that, arbitrarily snatched from a number of others, one sign is worth little.

Generally rely on own experience. The people directly said: “Every Jeremey understands to himself: when to sow, when to reap, when to throw stacks.”

Offering outlines of forecasts, oral calendars forced the continuity of observations of the course of the season, accustomed to constant search.

In February there is weather, an indicative seven-day period of the lunar quarter, which allows us to draw the first conclusions; what will be the summer - dry or wet - this is February 24th.

According to folk signs about the weather for February, if there is frost on this day, then this will indicate rain on Mokiya on wet May 11 (24), and the sign on Mokiya says: “It’s raining on Mokiya, then the summer will be wet.” February is a two-faced month: both fierce and bokogrey. Blizzards and blizzards. "The little man is angry that he has few days."

Long icicles at the end of February - to a long spring.

Folk omens for February: “February growth is worth nothing”, “February blows winter, and March breaks”, “February is strong with a snowstorm, and March is a drop”. “February is fierce like a god, and he himself is not bad: he draws, paints, smells the red spring.” “As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.” "January will miss - February will pick up." "February-touchy is gone - the seeds are closer to the threshold." "February knocks down the horn of winter."

Signs for the month of February by day

According to folk signs about the weather for February, "It's starry on Tryphon - by late winter."

"Wandering - winter met spring." Stretene is the first meeting of spring. “On Stretenye, winter meets spring, wants to freeze the red one, and she herself, the reckless woman, only sweats from her desire.” "On Stretenya, a caftan met a fur coat." "On Stretenye, the gypsies sell a fur coat."

Spring was judged as follows: if a thaw sets in on Stretene, the spring is early and warm, if the cold is wrapped up, the spring is cold; snow that fell that day - to a long and rainy spring. If on Stretene snow carries across the road, the spring is late and cold.

It is a rare year that this day does without cold weather.

Folk sign: “Before Prokhor, the old woman groaned: “Oh, it’s cold!”. Prokhor da Vlas came: “We can’t have spring soon!”

Vlasiev frosts ...

"Seven cool matinees: three before Vlasya, and three after Vlasya." "Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time to clean the legs for winter." February blows away the winter, folk signs say about the weather in February.

In Ukraine, they have long noticed: the winter should end with a strong night blizzard, so that the snow fills every crack. People say about such a snowstorm: "Winter is looking for a child."

Warm winds.

If Dmitriev's day is in the snow, then Easter is in the snow.

The winter trench is destroying the road.

From the roofs everywhere flowed - drops. On Vasily, the warm sun in circles - to the harvest.

These are folk signs about the weather in February. In general, there will be many folk signs for the winter, and for other seasons, a lot, this is only a part of them. Folk signs of the weather deserve the attention of climatologists and meteorologists.

Now you know Russian folk omens about the weather in February.

For every month and almost every day, the ancient Slavs had their own signs. Folk omens these were born as a result of many years of observation of nature and natural phenomena. These signs are still working, even though the ecology has changed a lot over the past decades of human activity. Since ancient times, these signs have been carefully collected and passed down from generation to generation. Today they represent a real treasure trove. folk wisdom, description of the laws of nature, the interaction of phenomena and elements, the relationship of different times and cycles of the year.

February in Ancient Russia had several names, depending on the region. The first name "" - from the fact that in February there are severe frosts. On this occasion, there are folk sayings: “February has two friends - a snowstorm and a blizzard”, “February is a fierce month, he asks: how are you shod?”. "Snezhen" - February is the month of snow. "Sechen" - strong winter winds whip. "Bokogrey" - by the end of the month the sun begins to warm.

February was associated not only with frost, but also with that happy time when winter counts down the time until its departure. The last month of winter is still fierce, trying to freeze people, but the winter days are already numbered, the sunny day is noticeably increasing and begins to give people not only light, but also warmth. In this regard, there are such sayings: “February cuts the winter in half”, “February will add three hours of the day”, “In February, winter will meet with spring”, “In February, the sun for summer, winter for frost”, “No matter how angry February is, no matter how you frown, March, but it smells of spring”, “February is angry, but smells spring”, “February-father knocks the horn off the winter” (in a pagan interpretation: Veles, knock the horn off the Winter!), “February to the forest boyar ( bear) warmed the side in the den”, “February the sun turns for the summer”, “February snow smells like spring” and so on.

Folk omens for February and for every day of February

If the morning dawn in February goes out quickly - wait for the cold.

There is a lot of frost in February - in the summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

In the morning, the tit cries - to the frost.

At night, frost falls - during the day there will be no snow.

The sun rises red - on a blizzard.

Snow sticks to trees - to heat.

Bright stars in a clear sky - to frost; dim stars and an overcast sky - to a thaw.

If February is cold - to a favorable summer.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

February warm - to cold spring.

Rainy February - rainy spring and summer.

February without precipitation - drought in summer.

Strong February frosts - winter will end soon.

At the end of February there are many long icicles - for a long spring.

The colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.

Thunder in February - to strong winds.

February 1 (Makariev Day, Macarius): drops - it will be early spring. What Macarius is, such will be the whole of February. In the evening there are many stars - a long winter. Circles around the sun - to a snowstorm. Clear day - early spring.

February 2 (Yefim, Gromnitsa): “A blizzard on Yefim - the whole Shrovetide week is blizzard”; “On Yefimiya at noon the sun will be early spring”, “A snowstorm will screech - it will blizzard all week”. If on February 2 it snows in the morning - the harvest of early bread; noon - middle, evening - late. E the only day in the middle of winter when you can hear thunder.

February 3 (Veles Small): Clear dawn - there will be frosts. Bright red sunset - frosty and clear day. If on this evening the moon rises and looks out from behind the cloud, the harvest will be good; and if the sky is clear, the barn will be empty in autumn. Hares run to open field- it will snow.

February 4 (Cold Veles, Timofey Poluzimnik): Snow has stuck on trees and poles - warming. Windows and frames sweat in the cold - wait for warming. If the patterns on the glass go up the glass - the frost will continue, their shoots are bent - wait for the thaw.

February 5 (Veles Korovich): Water rises in the river - to frost. The cat lies belly up - to the thaw.

February 6 (Veles Telyatnik, Aksinya Poluzimnitsa): “The half-winter in half - but does not evenly divide the winter; by spring it’s harder for a peasant”, “What is Aksinya, such is spring: if there is a bucket, then the spring is red.” Frequent stars appeared in the sky - to heat and snow, and rare ones - to bad weather. A snowstorm on Xenia will sweep away food, rain - spring will be good. Sparrows hide in brushwood - to frost or a blizzard.

February 7 (Veles the Sly): If the magpie sits on the lower branches of trees - to the wind. The stars twinkle - to frost and blizzard. What is the day from morning to noon, such will be the first half next winter, and from noon to evening - portends the other half of winter.

February 8 (Veles Serpovidets, Fedor Studit): There are many stars in the sky - there will be many berries and mushrooms for next summer. The dog curls up - to the bucket.

February 9 (Veles Zhitny Grandfather): Clouds go against the wind - towards the snow. North or northeast wind promises cloudy weather for a long time. After snowstorms, the ridges of the snowdrifts are rounded - for the harvest.

February 10 (Veles Zimobor, Efremov's Day, Velesichi (Kudesy) Brownie Day): Wind on Ephraim - to a wet year. In calm weather, the smoke from the fire spreads above the ground - in front of the snow. wind in chimney buzzed - to the cold. In the evening, the fire in the stove is red - there will be no snowfall at night.

February 12: If there was frost at night, there will be a bucket during the day. Hares come to the gardens - there will still be a harsh winter. The trees were covered with hoarfrost - to heat. Red moon - to the big wind. The oak forest turned black - to a storm or heat.

February 13: Water filled the hole to the brim - expect frost. Firewood in the stove hiss, smoke, light up badly - to the thaw. Red fire in the furnace - for frost, white - for thaw.

February 14: The stars are falling from the sky - the spring is quiet. There are many stars in the sky - it will be a long, late spring. The pigs grunted before the weather changed to cloudy and snowy.

February 15: What the weather, this will be the spring. "At the Presentation of a snowball - in the spring a dozhzhok." On the Sretenye, a snowstorm sweeps the road - to a crop failure, and drops - to a wheat harvest. If it's getting warmer, then spring is just around the corner. Cold - long wait for spring.

February 16: Steam appears over the frozen river - to the cold. Hoarfrost at night - there will be no thaw during the day. The cat scratches the floor - to the wind and blizzard.

February 17 (Nikola Studeny): The coldest day in February. “Heaps a mountain of snow on the icy Nikolai”, “Nikola the icy cold is tarovat”. The fog keeps high - for good weather, falls to the ground - for thaw and snow. Shoots of patterns on the window rise up - to lower the temperature.

February 18 (Agafya Korovyatnitsa): "Cow death walks through the villages on Agafya." Snow falls on a frosty day - to warming. Water in rivers and wells comes - to warming. Snow falls on a frosty day - to warming. The forest became darker, as if blackened - to the thaw.

February 20: Chickens perch early - to the cold: the higher - the stronger the frost. The setting sun is red - it will be a cold summer; clouds high - good weather; midday wind - to the harvest of spring crops. If the wind blew at noon, expect an excellent harvest.

February 21: At night, the moon is large and reddish - to the thaw. The chickens clucked - before the snowfall.

February 23: Crows perch on the topmost branches of trees and clean themselves - to the snowfall. The horse lies on the ground - to the warmth and snow. Snow hangs from the roofs - to the harvest of bread.

February 24: A lot of snow - spring will come soon. "Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time to clean up the legs for winter." The forest rustled in the frost - to the thaw. The trees are frosty - for the upcoming frosts. The pigs huddle together for the cold.

February 25: Sparrows chirp in unison - to the thaw. Crimson or red stars - to a blizzard. The foal wallows a lot - to the snow; frolic - to the storm.

February 26: The dog stretches on the ground, paws outstretched, for warmth. If on this day the snow melts, and the water runs together - to a wet summer. Animals sneeze - to change the weather. The forest turns gray - to frost. The sun rises in a column - to the cold.

February 28: The moon is bright and clear - to frost. Long icicles - for a long spring. A large increase in water is a good hayfield. The fox barks - expect snow soon. Purple sunset - to a big snowfall.

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Since ancient times, people have been interested in the signs of February, because this month completes the winter, it largely depends on what spring and summer will be like. This period was not easy for the poor peasants, often these days their bins were empty, and it was still a long time before the warm weather. Stocks were also running out livestock, so people waited with hope for the imminent onset of spring, which would please with greenery and a warm sun. Thanks to this, signs appeared that could predict whether spring would come soon and what it promised to be.

1st of February

Number 1 symbolized the feast of St. Macarius, at this time they tried not to extinguish the fire in the furnace: it symbolized well-being and peace in the family. They flooded it and tried to make all the firewood light up at the same time, and the mouth shone with gold. They took dry logs, and then melted them with dry pine resin chips - a torch. It was harvested in winter, chopped and sawn into short (up to half a meter) sticks. The wet splinter burned badly, emitted a squeak and crackle.

To this day, the following signs were added:

  1. What Macarius is, such and the whole month to be.
  2. To the old man on Macarius - a spoonful of warmth, to the young - a spoonful of deeds and worries.

Folk omens for February 1 have always been fulfilled. They were memorized and adhered to, it helped to predict the weather in advance.

February 2

The third month of winter is the time for blizzards and snowfalls, they always said about it: "Snow and blizzards came in February." The behavior of the pets indicated whether a blizzard was coming. On the 2nd, chickens darted around, and cats scraped the floor and furniture with their nails.

On this day, it was advised to get off the stove and prepare for Maslenitsa. If a blizzard began on the second day, it dragged on for 7 days. The people said: "On Yefim, a blizzard will sweep through Shrove Tuesday."

February 3rd

February 3 is the day of memory of St. Maximus the Greek. This saint was considered a comforter in sorrow and trouble, so they prayed for those who had once helped in some way. He was the patron of widows and orphans.

The blizzard testified that the heat would not come soon.

February 4

It was believed that at this time severe frosts break off the horns of winter. Real blizzards began, which could drag on for whole weeks.

On February 4, women rode on bottoms - details of spinning wheels. They believed that the one that glided the longest would grow the best flax.

February 5th

On this day, the peasants looked at the stocks of grain, determining whether it would be available for the new harvest. They checked whether the grain left on the seeds was well preserved. The empty bins were cleaned, the notches and the floor were repaired.

All day long they worked tirelessly and at the same time watched the birds. If the tits screamed loudly, then this was a harbinger of hard frosts.

February 6

February 6 is the day of memory of Xenia of Petersburg. This day was considered the turning point of winter. The people watched the price of bread: if it increased, it was a harbinger of a lean year. Lowering the price of bread harvest year. It was believed that by this day half of all stocks had been eaten, and the rest should have been enough for the new harvest.

The people said: “What is Xenia, such is spring”, “Xenia the half-winter divides the winter, but the other half of it is harder for the peasant.”

February 7

On the 7th, St. Gregory the Theologian was celebrated. They believed that the weather would be from morning to afternoon predicting the coming winter before the Christmas holidays. The afternoon was a harbinger of winter after Christmas. Birdsong promised severe frosts.

Everyone tried to be different good deeds but to praise oneself was considered a sin. The peasants believed that God himself sees everything and will reward everyone according to their deserts.

February 8 and 9

February 8 - Fyodor's day. Our ancestors believed that on the 8th and 9th the dead yearn for their lives and relatives. According to legend, the dead underworld affect the actions and lives of their loved ones.

The people said that Fedor was cooling the earth. The cold and dry month foreshadowed the hot last month of summer.

St. John Chrysostom acted as the patron of letters and the intercessor of desperate souls. The warmth of the 9th meant nothing. Winter cold after it is not uncommon. Clouds 9 days brought snow. The windows were sweating for warmth, and the big ridges at the snowdrifts after a snowfall foreshadowed a rich harvest.

February 10

They were afraid to disturb the peace of domestic insects, so as not to anger the brownie. Our ancestors believed that he protects the house from trouble.

On this day, they were afraid of the wind: it promised a rainy, damp summer, which could ruin the harvest.

February 11

Folk signs for February say that on the 11th day the reddish moon portends a strong wind, and the weather at the time of the birth of the moon was identical to the weather of the next March.

Thick smoke yoke over the houses on the 11th testified to the imminent approach of heat. They said that the weather in February is unstable: hard frosts are replaced by warm days.

12th of February

On the 12th it was forbidden to spin, this month was considered a “non-spinner”. The animals in the thickets of the forest at this time fought among themselves. The peasants cooked game, it should be an obligatory part of the dinner.

The wind on Vasiliev's day foreshadowed a dry year, mice on the snow testified to the imminent onset of heat. The wind from the north side brought severe frosts in the near future.

February 13

13th - Nikita's day. At this time, they prayed to the saint who was in charge of the water. He was able to calm the fire and prevent drought.

The ceaseless cry of birds foreshadowed snowfalls and blizzards. Hoarfrost in the afternoon promised a dry day.

The 14th of February

Unmarried girls on this day prayed for weddings, as the month was considered sometimes such celebrations. There are no fasts at this time, so it was possible to have plenty of fun and relax.

The snow foreshadowed a wet spring, the starry sky foreshadowed a late spring. Hazy white clouds in the evening testified to the imminent onset of good weather.

February, 15

On the Candlemas, people meet spring for the first time. The cold of the 15th is the last, winter begins to give up its positions. The people said: "If a rooster gets drunk at the Meeting, then the bull will feed on George (May 6)." The sun was waiting for the Candlemas, it foreshadowed a warm and early spring.

The meeting of winter and spring is the main meaning of this great holiday. A sunny day spoke of the victory of spring, a gloomy and damp one - that winter would not go away soon.

February 16

On the 16th, people celebrate Simeon and Anna, turn to them and pray for newborns, asking for their health. Folk sayings and signs say:

  1. Start repairs on Simeon.
  2. Simeon and Anna will straighten the harness.

The whole family went to repair tools, summer harness. To spring work everything had to be in perfect working order.

February 17

On this day there were always severe frosts, hence its name - Nikola Studeny. According to legend, it was then that the weddings of the animals began. The hunters said that the foxes are dancing at this time, they are exhibited in front of each other. Hares after the appearance of the moon rushed through the forest like mad. Only Nikolai knew all the forest paths in the forest thickets.

The signs said that on this day the fur coat must be found and asked again: “Nikolas day, put on the fur coat again.” Snowfalls and blizzards were also a frequent occurrence on the 17th.

18th of Febuary

Day of Agafya the Cow. This holy martyr in the old days acted as a protector of domestic animals, especially cattle. The people prayed and asked her that everything would be fine in the household.

Warm and good weather on the 18th indicated that there would be no more cold weather. Frost foreshadowed an early and fast spring, as well as dry and hot summer weather.

February 19

Vukol Calf was considered at times the calving of great cattle. Frosty weather on the 19th is a real blessing: it promised early spring and warm summer.

It was believed that at this time the frosts foreshadowed the warm first month of spring. The thaw was not welcome: it promised a long winter.

February 20th

On the day of Luke, February 20, they baked pies with onions, at first the family ate, and the beggars were treated to the leftovers. This custom promised happiness to the family, since what was given was to be returned a hundredfold.

The people commemorated the dead family members, also giving the beggars 2 pies, prepared healing remedies from various herbs, primarily cinquefoil. Its sheets were shaped like a cross, so it was believed that it had incredible healing properties.

The blue sky with clouds foreshadowed a warm summer.

end of the month signs

The end of the month was awaited with trepidation and reverence, because after it the long-awaited spring came. Ending notes:

  1. On the 21st, women prayed and asked for health and strength to reap the future harvest. The last cold week of the month promised a warm March.
  2. February 22 is the day of Nicephorus and Pankrat. During this period, they were preparing to weave bast shoes. The weather was becoming spring-like warm, the imminent end of the cold was approaching. The noise of the forest foreshadowed a thaw. It was believed that the February frosts at this time could only be at night. Heavy snow heralded a fruitful year.
  3. February 23 - the day of Kharlampy, the saint kept from instant death without confession. Prayers were offered to him and asked to save him from this fate. This time was considered a turning point and the beginning of the onset of spring, hence the saying "Kharlampy - a turn towards spring."
  4. February 24 - Vlasia - was considered a holiday of cows. The people believed that this was the time of unclean forces. All the pipes from the furnace were covered with windshields and rubbed with clay, sometimes they were fumigated with wormwood (thistle). In this way they drove out the unclean. According to legend, after Blasius there should be 3 hard frosts. folk calendar said: "Vlasyev's day - spring is in the yard."
  5. On the 25th, on the day of Alexei, the seed grain was taken out and hardened in the cold. It was believed that it would bring best harvest. Flax and yarn were also taken out into the cold, the threads became clean and evened out. Water currents foreshadowed a good catch. Fish dishes were on the table in every house. Red moon - in the morning wait for warmth and snow
  6. The 26th is the day of Martynian and Svetlana, the thaw at this time foreshadowed the imminent spring. Svetlana was asked to have good eyesight. On Cyril's Day, everyone went out into the field to trample down the snow, so that the future harvest would have enough moisture.
  7. 27 prayed to the field worker - the spirit of the field - asking him for a good harvest.

On the last day of the month, February 28, they celebrated the day of Anisim, who patronized the sheep. If streams flowed and there was a lot of water, the peasants rejoiced: this promised thick grasses.