September 11 is a church holiday that is possible. Church Orthodox holiday of September

Today September 11 (August 29 old style),
the Orthodox Church celebrates:

The Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
Martyr Anastasius (1794).

The Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

The story of the Beheading of John the Forerunner is more or less known to everyone. Saint John, the prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of Christ, died a martyr for the truth of God. He denounced King Herod for having taken his wife from his brother, also a king, Philip, and, having thereby violated the law of God and man, he tempted the people. Herod's most illegitimate wife, Herodias, especially did not like to hear the denunciation. She wanted to destroy the prophet as soon as possible; but Herod, seeing him as a righteous man, spared him, and only to please his wife put him in prison. But the evil wife soon reached her goal. On the day of the celebration of Herod's birthday, when her daughter Salome greatly pleased Herod and the guests with her dance, she taught her daughter to ask for the head of her accuser as a reward. Herod, due to weakness of will, could not refuse the criminal request. The head was brought on a platter and served to Herodias. But the prophet reproved the sinners even when they died. His dead head uttered the former words of reproof: "Herod, you should not have Herodias as your wife." Weak Herod, and especially the evil Herodias, did not come to their senses even here with the denunciation of the prophet. Herodias, taking a pin, pricked dead language and ordered him to throw his head into an unclean place. But the maidservant, the pious wife of the steward of Chuza, having put her in an earthen vessel, buried her with honor on the Mount of Olives, where Herod's estate was. The perpetrators of the death of the Baptist of Christ did not escape punishment. Herod, deprived of his throne and exiled to prison, was swallowed up by the open earth along with Herodias. Salome drowned, and the ice floes cut off her head.

The feast of the Orthodox Church on August 29 (September 11) is one of the great ones. It was erected in memory of the beheading of John the Baptist by order of the Galilean tetrarch (tetrarch) Herod Antipas (see Mt. 14:6-12; Mk. 6:17-29).
On this day, a strict fast is laid as an expression of the grief of Christians over the violent death of the great prophet.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

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What Orthodox holiday does the church celebrate on September 11 in 2019? On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates a great feast in memory of the beheading of the head of the prophet, forerunner and baptist of the Lord John.

September 11 - Memorial Day of the beheading of John the Baptist

Let's talk about this holiday in more detail. According to legend, at the feast hosted by the ruler of Galilee, Emperor Herod, Salome, the daughter of his brother, performed a dance in front of the guests. Herod, who liked her performance, promised to fulfill her every request, even if she asked for half of his kingdom.

Salome turned to her mother Herodias for advice. With that, leaving his lawful wife, the daughter of the Arabian king Aretha, Herod cohabited, for which he was denounced by the prophet John the Baptist.

Herodias ordered her daughter to ask her to bring the severed head of John the Baptist on a platter as a reward for the dance. Herod feared the wrath of God for the murder of the prophet and popular unrest, but nevertheless decided to fulfill the oath.

Salome was given the head of John on a platter. As the legend says, the mouth of the dead head of the preacher opened again and said: "Herod, you should not have the wife of Philip, your brother."

The disciples and followers of John buried the body of the prophet. In memory of this event, a Christian holiday was established.

How is the Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist celebrated?

The full name of this holiday is the Beheading of the Honorable Head, the Honorable Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John. On the eve of the temples held all-night vigil, and on the day of celebration - the liturgy. Visit church service, read prayers, do good deeds on this day.

We also recall that the Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist is a time of strict fasting. Believers should not eat not only meat and dairy foods, but even fish.

Parental Saturday for the Beheading of John the Baptist

It is also a day of special general commemoration of the dead in the Orthodox Church - one of the "parental Saturdays".

in church Orthodox calendar there are eight such days a year: Meat-Feast Saturday, Trinity Saturday, Dmitrievskaya Saturday, the Beheading of John the Baptist, commemoration days in great post(second, third and fourth Saturdays from the beginning of Lent) and Radonitsa.

At this time, the dead are commemorated in temples. People tidy up the graves of the deceased and treat their acquaintances so that they also commemorate the dead. On this day, it is also customary to treat the poor, poor wanderers.

It is also a day of commemoration of the child warriors who laid down their lives for the Fatherland. The commemoration was established in 1769, when there was a war with Turkey and a war in Poland.

According to the canons of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church, on September 11, believers pay tribute to the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist and adhere to a strict fast. John the Baptist is revered by the Holy Church to the greatest extent, in comparison with all the saints, the only exception is the Mother of God.

What Orthodox holiday is September 11th?

Among all church holidays one of the greatest is the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, celebrated on September 11 or August 29 according to the old style. The tragic event is described in detail by the evangelists Mark and Matthew. The popular name of the Orthodox holiday is Ivan the Lenten, for the church charter requires strict fasting on this day (you can not eat animal products).

Archpriest Igor Fomin explains the meaning of the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist. Despite the fact that the saint parted from this world through the fault of human cruelty, and the perpetrators of the crime remained alive, martyrdom does not cancel the good that John brought during his lifetime. Giving our lives in the name of truth, we make the greatest sacrifice, with the help of which a person conveys to the people his own ideals and faith in the truth. The sacrifice is not in vain, both for John and for each of us.

The history of the Orthodox holiday

The good sermons of the prophet John after the baptism of Jesus Christ were not long, since he soon accepted a martyr's death. During the reign of Herod Antipas in Galilee, John denounced the king of adultery with the wife of Herod's brother Philip during his lifetime. Herodias, the legitimate wife of Philip, became angry with John and in every possible way incited the king to kill him, but he was too afraid of the people's wrath. Nevertheless, John the Baptist was imprisoned.

About a year has passed since then, and at the feast in honor of Herod's birthday, the king and his guests were pleased with their dances by his stepdaughter, the daughter of Herodias, Salome. He promised her anything for such a pleasure, and she decided to take advice from her mother. Being angry at the Baptist, who was still imprisoned in prison, Herodias ordered her daughter to ask for the head of John. Of course, Salome did just that, and Herod could no longer refuse her, for the promise was given publicly, and it was not in his plans to disgrace himself before his people.

A warrior (speculator) was sent to prison to cut off the head of John, after which Salome received it on a platter and carried the head of John the Baptist to her mother. In the year 32 the body of the holy Baptist was buried by his disciples, and the relics, with the exception of right hand and the heads were burned in 362 along with the Sebastian temple by decree of Emperor Julian the Apostate. Christians managed to acquire some of the remains of the martyr and send them to Alexandria, where to this day they are guarded as the greatest shrine.

The providence of God over the sinful souls of Salome, her mother and Herod was accomplished, but the sources differ in facts.

  1. According to the first version, King Herod was deprived of his own power at the behest of the Roman emperor and was exiled along with Herodias and her daughter to prison, where they met the sunset of life.
  2. According to another version, Herodias, along with Herod, was swallowed up alive by the earth, but her daughter died first. In winter, she kept her way across the river on ice, when suddenly it split, and the girl fell under the water. Her body was immediately shackled so that she hung in the water in a dancing form, as she once danced on the ground. Soon a point of ice hit her neck and the water carried away her corpse. The head was swept away by the current right into her mother's arms.

The Day of Martyrdom and the Beheading of John the Baptist began to be celebrated even by his disciples. September 11 was established by the Church as a great Orthodox holiday, as a demonstration of the boundless grief of Christians for the martyrdom of the great Prophet.

Traditions and customs

Among other folk names for this Orthodox holiday are Ivan the Fast, Golovosek, Turnip Holiday, Ivan the Proletok or the Flight Pilot. Household superstitions and pagan beliefs were significantly reflected in the traditions of the celebration. Numerous christian symbols over time, in the minds of the people, they were distorted, and their meaning became grotesque.

For example, round vegetables and it is forbidden to eat fruits on this day, because they can visually resemble the head of John. Any sharp objects could remind the people of the sword with which the head was cut off, so they were also banned. Bread can only be broken by hand, but it should not be round. In some regions, red wine and red fruits were previously abandoned, because they were associated with blood.

Among the folk traditions there were also those that were not connected with pagan trends, but rather with the calendar cycle and the weather. September 11 was identified with the arrival of autumn, but it was forbidden to sing songs and dance round dances. Wanderers and the poor were always invited to dining table. On the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, Christians not only mourn for the Baptist, but also commemorate the departed soldiers.

What not to do on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist

Under the ban on this day, any sharp objects, products of a round shape or red. It is forbidden to lay a magnificent table, lead an active lifestyle and rejoice, since it was these actions that led to the tragedy. It is impossible to perform any actions that can provoke even the slightest association with the martyrdom of the Prophet. Food on this holiday should be no frills, exclusively lean.

September 11 is the feast of the beheading of John the Baptist. On this day, many familiar things will be banned.

When is the day of John the Baptist

This holiday is celebrated annually on September 11th. Orthodox pray to the saint for deliverance from diseases, prisoners, forgiveness and family happiness.

John was the prophet who foretold the coming of Jesus Christ to earth. He ended his life as a martyr: the prophet was beheaded on the orders of Tsar Antipas and Herodias, because John denounced before all the people the vicious connection of the king with his brother's wife.

The head of John was brought to Antipas on a platter, but even then she continued to expose the sin of the king. Herodias threw her head into a latrine, but the disciples of John secretly took it from there and buried it, putting it in a jug. The head of the prophet was found and hidden several times. The days of finding the head are celebrated Orthodox Church March 9 and June 7.

Among the people, the day of John the Baptist is also called Ivan the Lenten and Golovosek.

What not to do on the day of John the Baptist

The events of this day have firmly entered the life of the people: the name Herodias has become a household name to designate evil, treacherous and vicious women, and fevers and shaking have received a general name - the daughters of Herod.

Ivan Lenten on September 11 was not called from scratch: strict fasting - required condition commemoration of the saint's death. It is forbidden to eat meat, dairy products and eggs, as well as apples and Apple juice, watermelons, nuts, onions and other products that look like a head in their shape.

Another strict prohibition concerns knives: cutting and cutting off something on this day is considered a grave sin, so the pieces must be broken off with your hands. Also under the ban on September 11 will be any red drinks, as well as red vegetables, fruits and legumes.

Dancing and fun are forbidden: it is believed that those who dance on this day will take upon themselves the sin of murder.

What can be done on the day of Ivan Lent

On the day of John the Baptist they go to the wells: to get rid of troubles. You need to cry out and scream out pain and resentment into the well, and then he will take them for himself.

Bread with vegetables has long been eaten elongated shape which was broken by hand.

You can pray on this day for deliverance from diseases and enemies, as well as for family happiness, prayers for which you can read at the link.

Folk signs and traditions of September 11

The most common sign on the day of Ivan the Lenten is a ban on cutting a head of cabbage. It is believed that if you cut a head of cabbage on this day, then blood will drip from the cabbage, just as it dripped from the severed head of the prophet. There is a legend about a woman who disobeyed the ban and cut cabbage. Bringing the head of cabbage into the house, she saw that she was holding the head of her little son. People warn each other: if you cut cabbage on September 11, then you will suffer from a headache all year later.

You can’t boil anything on this day, otherwise the blood in the body will boil just like water boils, and thoughts will be sluggish, “boiled”.

weather signs

Birds are watched on Ivan Lenten: if they fly to the South on this day, then the winter will be early and dank. It is also believed that it is after September 11 that autumn finally comes: “After Lenten Ivan, a man does not go out without a caftan.”

The dog that follows you on this day is a good omen: you cannot drive it away, but you should feed it, and then prosperity will come to your house.

Harvest notes

After September 11, they begin to harvest turnips, cabbages and dig up roots, but potatoes should be dug up before that day.

Signs about evil spirits

It is believed that on the day of John the Baptist, witches and devils try to steal grace from fasting people, and therefore go from house to house and ask for food and money on credit. To distinguish a witch from a neighbor who simply asked for salt, you can do this: bury or hide poppy seeds under the threshold in advance, and then the witch will not be able to enter or leave the house.

Folk omens collected for centuries, containing the wisdom of simple observations of the weather, people and animals, and so they have come down to our days. We wish you peace of mind, and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.09.2016 04:04

The feast of the Holy Trinity is an important day for every Orthodox person. According to legend, it is with this ...

Today, September 11, 2018, Orthodox all over the world remember John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. This is one of the most revered and respected saints among the people, since it was he who, long before the birth of God the Son, predicted his birth. John the Baptist was executed in 32 BC.

At that time, the ruler of Gaul, Herod, abandoned his wife and turned his gaze to the wife of his brother Herodias. John the Baptist considered this adultery and categorically condemned the king. The latter was indignant and put the Baptist in prison. However, this did not end there. Salome, the daughter of Herodias, wanted to take revenge on the Baptist at all costs.

She tried in every possible way to get through to Herod so that he would execute John, but he did not heed her requests, since he deeply respected the saint. And then the woman resorted to tricks. For the birthday of the ruler, Salome prepared a gift - an unusually beautiful dance. Herod liked him so much that he promised to fulfill any desire that only crossed her mind.

Without thinking twice, the girl decided that it must be the head of John the Baptist, cut off from the body and presented to her on a tray. And so the terrible execution was carried out.

Many traditions, superstitions, and prohibitions are associated with the day of the beheading of John the Baptist. What can and cannot be done on September 11, 2018? What would you like to avoid?

According to folk and church beliefs and charters, this holiday should be spent in the strictest fast. At the same time, not only products of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs, butter, but also some vegetables and fruits fall under the ban. In particular, it is forbidden to eat watermelons, tomatoes, apples - everything that has a round shape. You should also give up red foods - they symbolize blood on this day.

In addition, tomatoes and watermelons cannot be cut with a knife today - it is believed that people who do this repeat the act of Herod. In general, it is better to refuse to use knives today, and even bread must be broken by hand. Otherwise, you will have to be punished for the sin. In general, nothing can be cooked on this day. For water boils, and blood boils...

Of course, it is better to spend this day in prayer, visit a church, stand at the icon of John the Baptist.

The people have their own signs. So, from generation to generation it is passed on that a new business cannot be started on this holiday, as it is doomed to failure. And then there is superstition about hair. They cannot be cut on this day, as they will fall out. It’s not even worth combing - the ends will split.

You can not work in the garden, especially cut cabbage. According to legend, if you do not obey and do this on this day, blood will be visible at the place of the cut and the sinner will pay for his sin. In general, according to statistics, it is on this holiday that the number of people who were injured as a result of the use of sharp piercing and cutting objects almost triples.