Church Orthodox holiday of August. Boris and Gleb

Orthodox magazine Foma

The noble princes-martyrs Boris and Gleb are the first saints who were canonized by the Russian Church. Their feat reveals one of the amazing facets of Christianity. Boris and Gleb did not want to participate in an internecine war with their older brother Svyatopolk - meekly accepted a martyr's death and forgave their killers. We will tell about the life of the martyr princes, about their church veneration and folk traditions associated with the day of their memory.

Who are Boris and Gleb

Princes Boris and Gleb (baptized Roman and David) These are the first saints canonized by the Russian Church. Before them, there were also saints in our land, but they were all glorified later.

The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb are the younger sons of the Kyiv Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich (Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles). After the death of Vladimir in 1015, a fierce internecine struggle for lands and the grand throne began on Russian soil. Boris and Gleb were killed by their elder brother, Svyatopolk, nicknamed the Cursed by the people.

The history of the life and martyrdom of Boris and Gleb is described in two books, famous monuments of ancient Russian literature: The Tale by Jacob Chernorizets and The Reading by Nestor the Chronicler.

When the memory of the holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb is celebrated

The memory of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated several times a year:

May 15, according to the new style - the transfer of their relics to the new church-tomb in 1115, which was built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Vyshgorod.

Life of Boris and Gleb

The Holy Blessed Princes-Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb were the younger sons of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. They were born before the Baptism of Russia. Having accepted Christ with all his heart, the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavich began to raise his younger sons in Orthodox faith. St. Boris was well educated, with joy and zeal he read the Bible and the lives of the saints. Saint Gleb did not lag behind his brother, and was also interested in faith and strove to live in piety. As you know, after receiving holy baptism, their father, Prince Vladimir, completely changed his life, left pagan sins and became an example of a truly righteous ruler for the people. The younger sons, who were lucky enough to be born at the time of the Baptism of Russia, imitated the example of their father. For example, they helped the poor with him.

When the brothers grew up, Boris inherited the city of Rostov from his father. The young prince ruled them with wisdom. Shortly before his death, Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv, gave him an army and sent him on a campaign against the Pechenegs. Soon the Grand Duke died, and his eldest son Svyatopolk arbitrarily declared himself the Grand Duke of Kyiv, taking advantage of the fact that Boris was on a campaign. St. Boris did not want to challenge this decision - he was disgusted by the very idea of ​​an internecine war. Boris dismissed his army with the words: “I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my elder, whom I should consider as a father!”

But Svyatopolk was afraid that his brother would change his mind and take the throne of Kyiv from him by force. He sent assassins to Boris. Despite the fact that Saint Boris learned about the terrible threat, he did not hide. He was attacked with spears right during prayer. It happened on July 24, 1015 (August 6, according to a new style) on the banks of the Alta River. The prince did not die immediately, the first to be killed was his faithful servant Georgy Ugrin, who rushed to Boris's defense. The saint himself, on weakening legs, left the tent where he was praying, and said to the murderers: “Come, brethren, finish your service, and may there be peace to brother Svyatopolk and you.” Then the soldiers again pierced the body of the prince with a spear.

The prince was still breathing when the killers were taking him to Kyiv to show Svyatopolk. On the way they met two Varangians sent by Svyatopolk. The Varangians saw that Boris was still alive and finished off the saint with a sword blow to the heart. The body of the martyr was brought to Vyshgorod and, secretly from everyone, they laid it in the church in the name of St. Basil the Great.

Svyatopolk did not stop at one murder. At that time, Gleb reigned in Murom. The elder brother sent soldiers to him. Like Boris, Gleb also knew in advance that assassins had been sent to him. But the internecine war for him was worse than death. The killers overtook the prince at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, near Smolensk.

After the double murder, Svyatopolk, who was popularly called the Accursed, did not rule for long. He ended his days in exile, hated by all. Internecine wars gradually ceased. The feat of humility, obedience and meekness made Boris and Gleb truly national saints.

The Grand Duke of Kyiv, Yaroslav the Wise, found the relics of St. Gleb and placed them in the church in the name of St. Basil the Great in Vyshgorod, next to the relics of St. Prince Boris. The holy remains of the brothers became famous for numerous miracles.

The Tale of Boris and Gleb

The legend of Boris and Gleb is a monument of ancient Russian literature, which is dedicated to the history of the murder of the sons of Prince Vladimir - the holy noble martyr princes Boris and Gleb. According to historians, it was most likely written by Jacob Chernorizets.

The legend was created in the middle of the XI century, during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Later, the "Tale of Miracles", written in 1089-1115, was added to the book. There are more than 170 copies of The Tale of Boris and Gleb, one of the most famous is contained in the Assumption Collection of the late 12th-early 13th centuries.

Canonization and veneration of Boris and Gleb in Russia

Boris and Gleb are the first canonized Russian saints. The exact date of their canonization is unknown, historians have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that the brothers were canonized as saints already when, in 1020, the relics of Gleb were transferred from the banks of the Smyadyn River to Vyshgorod and laid next to the relics of Boris in the church in the name of St. Basil the Great. Others think that the veneration began after the first church was erected in Vyshgorod in 1021. wooden church in the name of Saints Boris and Gleb.

But most researchers believe that the holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb were canonized when their relics were transferred to a new stone church. This happened in 1072 at the initiative of the sons of Yaroslav the Wise - princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, as well as the Kyiv Metropolitan George.

These saints became famous for many miracles, they were revered as protectors of the Russian land.

Why Boris and Gleb were canonized

Boris and Gleb were canonized as martyrs. "Passion-bearer" is one of the ranks of holiness. This is a saint who was martyred for the fulfillment of God's Commandments, and most often at the hands of fellow believers. An important part of the feat of the martyr is that the martyr does not hold a grudge against the murderers and does not resist.

Icon of Boris and Gleb

Icons of Saints Boris and Gleb began to be painted immediately after their canonization. Nestor the chronicler writes about their image in his “Reading on Saints Boris and Gleb” and specifies that Yaroslav the Wise ordered to write the image. Not a single icon or fresco depicting them has survived from an earlier period. But in the XI-first half of the XII centuries, we already see the images of Boris and Gleb, for example, on reliquary crosses. Traditionally, Boris and Gleb are depicted on icons together, they stand in full growth, dressed in princely clothes. In their hands they hold a cross - a symbol of martyrdom, or a cross with a sword (a sword is an indication that they are princes and warriors). The brothers are also depicted in a small turn to each other, as if talking to each other. From the second half of the 14th century, hagiographic icons of Boris and Gleb began to be painted in Russia. And in the post-Mongol period, they are often depicted sitting on horseback.

Folk traditions associated with the day of memory of Saints Boris and Gleb

Memorial Day of Saints Boris and Gleb was called differently by the people: Boris and Gleb Summer, Boris and Gleb insomniacs, Boris and Gleb are palicopnes (thunderstorm burns shocks), Zazhinki, Beginning of harvest, Name day sheaf. Almost all the traditions associated with this day can be attributed to agricultural.

Poem about Boris and Gleb.

Chernigov night from the mountains of Ararat,

furry ears reaching to the sky,

saving children from fraternal alms,

The Lord is crying from a shining height.

Churches burn with gilded lime,

The sword was sharpened by Svyatopolk the Accursed.

Killers breathe behind every birch.

Barely touching the stones of Sinai,

dark boron, airy bread,

saving the breadwinners at a runaway trot,

the horses of Boris and Gleb are galloping.

Crafty devils confuse their path.

The distance wakes up in the placers of the sun.

He who does not receive flour will never be saved.

Kyiv will droop, the Volga will splash,

Tsargrad looks doomed and blind,

as from the bloody eyes of Svyatopolk

the horses of Boris and Gleb are galloping.

Death is waiting for them on the scorched reapers,

they have no shelter, it will be bad for them,

if a homeless artist does not save them

hawk moth and plowman named Lekha.

Let a fun miracle happen

serves as paints ringing requirement,

to paradise from the local thinness

the horses of Boris and Gleb are galloping.

God Almighty from the azure firmament

affectionately lays a path for them under the scissors.

God is not responsible for life or death.

Let's wake up the children of those killed by magic.

Now and forever along the steeps of Sinai,

across the Russian field into the Russian sky,

not crushing a spikelet under him,

the horses of Boris and Gleb are galloping.

<1977 год Boris Chichibabin >

The main information source about the life of God's saints who lived in Ancient Russia, were and remain chronicles. Compiled many years ago by eyewitnesses of the events, they contain information considered by historians to be quite reliable. At least, it is these documents that in most cases serve as the basis for the canonization of saints. So it was, for example, with the noble princes Boris and Gleb. Orthodox Christians celebrate their memorial day on August 6 every year.

Origin of the brothers

Prince Vladimir Yasnoye Solnyshko, who baptized Mother Russia and destroyed paganism in his native land, was a happy father of beautiful sons. Brothers Boris and Gleb were the youngest of his children. Following the example of their father, the boys - the future martyr princes - grew up God-fearing and humble. Since childhood, the siblings were brought up together. Both of them were of good disposition, merciful, sympathetic, always ready to help the destitute and infirm. The elder Boris spent a lot of time with pleasure reading divine books, especially the Holy Scriptures, biographies of God's saints and the works of the holy fathers. He admired the exploits of Christ's martyrs and dreamed of repeating their path, for which he often and fervently prayed to the Lord. Gleb fully supported and shared his brother's desire to dedicate his life to the Creator.

The insidious plan of Svyatopolk

When the brothers grew up, matured, Vladimir determined a lot for each of them. He sent Boris to reign in Rostov, and sent Gleb to Murom. Life went on as usual, and both brothers excelled in their duties. But when Prince Vladimir became completely weak and old, he received the disappointing news that hordes of nomads, Pechenegs, were moving to Russia in order to carry out robbery and ruin throughout the country. The prince himself, for health reasons and for lack of physical strength, could no longer go on a campaign against the enemy. Therefore, I entrusted the implementation of this mission to Boris. He did not dare to disobey the command of his father and, leading a large squad, set off. He had not yet reached his destination when Prince Vladimir died. Svyatopolk, Boris's elder brother, ascended the throne in Kyiv. Moreover, he conceived a terrible idea: to eliminate competitors - the legitimate heirs of the deceased prince, who had all the rights to power in the capital of Russia.

Boris received the news of his father's death when he was returning from a campaign in Kyiv. At the same time, he was handed a letter from Svyatopolk, in which he swore to his brother in love and friendship, and also promised to expand the former possessions of a relative. The warriors of Boris, having learned about this, offered their leader to take the capital city by force, because they wanted the kind and wise Boris to take the place of Prince Vladimir, and not at all the cunning and treacherous Svyatopolk. But our hero stopped his faithful warriors: he did not want to unleash an internecine war. He decided that he would come to Kyiv to his brother with the words: “Be my father, because you are my elder brother. What will you command me, my lord? Having learned about the intentions of the prince, the soldiers refused to continue their journey to the capital with him.

The death of Boris and Gleb

And Svyatopolk did not waste time in vain. He sent his people to Boris to kill his brother. It happened on Sunday morning: the prince was in his tent and sang psalms to the glory of God, when suddenly strangers burst in and mortal blows rained down on the man from all sides. Surprisingly, Boris did not ask the killers for mercy. His request was of a different kind: he wanted to have time to pray before his death. She was satisfied. When Boris finished the prayer, he turned to his executioners and said with tears in his eyes: “Brothers, when you start, finish what was entrusted to you. And may there be peace to my brother and to you, brethren.” These words, filled with love and humility, were last words prince. The blow of the sword that fell right in the heart of Boris ended his life last time and forever.

The same thing happened to Gleb, the younger brother: he also died at the hands of assassins sent by the insidious and inhuman Svyatopolk. The latter lured his brother out of Murom, where he reigned. There, not far from Smolensk, at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, he was met by Svyatopolk's warriors. Gleb perfectly understood what awaited him, because, having set off on the journey at the request of Svyatopolk, he was already aware of the death of his older brother Boris. The prince deliberately preferred death to life without his beloved brother, with whom he grew up together, and war with his elder brother. But if Boris was buried according to Christian tradition in Vyshgorod, then the body of Gleb was not buried by the murderers, but was thrown into a wasteland, far from human eyes.

Vengeance and the acquisition of relics

Soon the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav, who reigned in Novgorod, learned about the death of his younger brothers. Having equipped the army, the prince went to war against Svyatopolk. The decisive battle took place near the burial place of Boris. The battle continued throughout the day, and only when the sun began to set, Yaroslav's army began to prevail over that of the perfidious murderer, who had seized the throne of Kyiv. As a result, Svyatopolk fled from the battlefield, afraid of such an onslaught. He left Russia, and after some time he died of a serious illness.

Thus, Yaroslav, nicknamed "Wise" for his piety and mind, became the prince of Kyiv. His soul could not find peace until the body of his younger brother Gleb was found and buried according to Christian traditions. The search organized by Yaroslav was quickly crowned with success: rumors reached the ruler that near Smolensk, in one of the wastelands, people see the light and hear the singing of angels. It was there that the innocent young prince was killed and abandoned.

Yaroslav sent priests to the indicated place. They found the body of Gleb, finding it exuding fragrance and absolutely not corruptible. The relics of the Passion-Bearer Prince were carried with honors by representatives of the clergy to Vyshgorod, where they were interred near the grave of the second deceased brother, Boris. Thus, the desire of the two brothers to repeat the feat of numerous martyrs who accepted suffering for Christ was fulfilled.


The feat of the princes-passion-bearers is very instructive for us, representatives modern world mired in all sorts of vices. The holy brothers, by their voluntary death, showed that it is impossible to respond with evil to the evil done to you, and even a mortal threat should not be an obstacle to this. On the other hand, Boris and Gleb demonstrated the importance of obedience and obedience to the will of the elders, even if destructive for those who do their duty. True, this fact can hardly be perceived by many as an example to follow. In any case, the princes are worthy of the honor of being called saints, because, firstly, they led a pious life; secondly, they accomplished a real feat, and thirdly, after death, through prayers to these saints of God, including at their relics, many miracles were performed. The holy noble princes Boris and Gleb are the first Russian righteous men who were canonized as saints at once by both the Russian and Byzantine Churches. A short time after their death, St. John I, Metropolitan of Kyiv, compiled a service for the saints of God.

(May 2 in strict style) by folk calendar Boris and Gleb Sowers are celebrated. The name of the holiday is taken from church date reverence for two saints - the Russian brothers-princes Boris and Gleb. On this day, the transfer of their relics is celebrated.

Boris and Gleb lived in the 10-11th century on Russian soil, they were the children of Prince Vladimir I. Both of them died at the hands of their elder brother, Svyatopolk. The Church recognized them as the first saints and called them martyrs-passion-bearers. Four years later, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, son of Vladimir, avenged his dead brothers by driving Svyatopolk to the Poles. The remains of Gleb and Boris were transferred and buried again in the temple of Vyshgorod.

Among the people, the brothers were called Sowers, as the time for sowing spring crops continued. In addition to them, seeds of cucumber, zucchini and pumpkin were planted. To protect them from morning frosts, they were covered with a mixture of earth and manure. And for their high yield, a ritual was carried out by burying a pestle in the soil, used in conjunction with a mortar to grind the ingredients into powder.

While the men were sowing grain in the field, the women on the day of Boris and Gleb went to the forest to collect dew from birch leaves. They themselves washed themselves with it for good health and carried to the hut - to wash the children. The dew was also carried to the laboring husbands in the field. Together with the dew from the birch, young leaves were collected, dried and used for tea drinks.

Nightingales gave voice to Boris and Gleb Sowers. They sang about the end of the spring flood and the beginning of the arable season. The loud singing of the nightingale announced soon summer, night - promised a fine day in the morning. The people considered it a blessing if a nightingale accidentally flew into a dwelling, this foreshadowed wealth and prosperity in the family. In order for the sign to come true, it was necessary to quietly open the windows and doors wide open, throw the bird a harvest of grains and leave the room, leaving it alone to find a way out.

The date was also called Barish-day. Merchants and speculators celebrated the day on a grand scale, laid a rich table and treated passers-by. Boris was considered the patron of trade, therefore, his memory was honored, so that business on the market would be successful. If on a given day their sales went well, then the whole year the income foreshadowed to please the merchant.

Local healers on Boris and Gleb were engaged in the treatment of neurological disorders with the help of special conspiracies. And the inhabitants went to fairs - the day was considered successful for buying young farm animals.

The signs of this day announced the future. A fine day predicted a lot of rye flour by autumn. A clear sunset prepared the inhabitants for a clear dry summer season. If the nightingale was silent for a day, then they were preparing for bad weather. Bird cherry blossoms promised a two-week drop in temperature.

The folk holiday Boris and Gleb is celebrated on August 6 (July 24, old style) of each year. On this day Orthodox Church honors the memory of the innocently murdered martyrs of the noble princes Boris (in the Holy Baptism of Roman) and Gleb (in the Holy Baptism of David).

Other holiday names: Boris-Gleb Insomniacs, Palikopna, Boris and Gleb Summer.

The noble princes-martyrs Boris and Gleb are the first saints who were canonized by the Russian Church. Their feat reveals one of the amazing facets of Christianity. Boris and Gleb did not want to participate in an internecine war with their older brother Svyatopolk - meekly accepted a martyr's death and forgave their killers.

O younger sons Little is known to historians of Vladimir the Baptist. Boris and Gleb (in baptism - Roman and David, respectively) were sons Kyiv prince from the Byzantine princess Anna from the Macedonian dynasty. As soon as the boys grew up, Vladimir gave everyone a portion of the city: Boris - Rostov, and Gleb - Murom.

How the princes looked like is difficult to judge, however, a description of Boris's appearance has been preserved, but written down half a century after his death. "The Tale of Boris and Gleb" says that the young man was "handsome in body, tall, round face, broad shoulders, thin at the waist, kind eyes, cheerful face."

It is impossible to find such meager information about Gleb, it remains to trust fantasy or icon-painting tradition, which draws Gleb as very young, long-haired and beardless. That's all that has survived to this day about the two young princes. As if they did not stand out among the other offspring of Vladimir.

It should be noted that Prince Red Sun was a father of many children, from different wives he had several sons: Vysheslav from the Scandinavian Olova, Svyatopolk (by blood - the son of Yaropolk's brother killed by Vladimir), Izyaslav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod - from Yaropolk's wife captured by the prince after fratricide Rognedy, Mstislav, Stanislav and Sudislav from Adelya, Svyatoslav from the "Chechine" Malfrida, Pozvizd, whose mother is unknown, and the children of Anna Byzantine Boris and Gleb.

Boris and Gleb were the only of his sons born in Christianity, that is, according to the Baptist, his most legitimate children. They had the blood of the Byzantine basileus, who at that time still remained a model and authority for Russian rulers.

According to fragmentary chronicles, Vladimir kept Boris with him, thinking it was to him to transfer the great reign, even subordinated his squad to him. However, by the time of the death of his parent, Boris went on a campaign against the Pechenegs, and Gleb remained in his inheritance - Murom. After the death of his father, a struggle for the throne and land broke out between his sons.

On the this moment There are two versions of who exactly ordered the killing of the brothers in 1015. One of them claims that they died on the orders of the older half-brother Svyatopolk the Accursed. Another says that the culprit of their death was Yaroslav the Wise, who was also their half-brother.

For the fact that they humbly accepted martyrdom from fellow believers, the church canonized Boris and Gleb as saints.

Blessed Princes Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb. © Icon painter Viktor Morozov 2006.

Traditions and rituals on the day of Boris and Gleb

The main tradition on this day is picking berries.

- On August 6, the peasants begin to harvest bird cherry. It is in our time that bird cherry is rarely eaten, but earlier it was considered a completely normal berry, and healing properties a lot was found in it in Russia. The juice of fresh bird cherry berries was used to treat various skin diseases, which were accompanied by suppuration. In dried form, bird cherry was used to treat infections and inflammations, as a fixing agent for diarrhea, and eyes were washed with infusion of berries for conjunctivitis.

— On this day, thunderstorms intensify, so our ancestors preferred not to go to work in the field, fearing fires due to lightning that fell into the haystacks.

Signs for the day of Boris and Gleb

  • If on Boris and Gleb there is a bright and warm weather, then the next winter will be frosty and with little snow, but if it rains that day, then the winter will be snowy and warm.
  • Bread ripens for Boris and Gleb.
  • The average daily temperature has dropped below +15 °C, which means it's time to pick bird cherry.
  • If the straw is reaped on this day, it means that it is impossible to cover the houses with it, because it will either be blown away by the wind, or lightning will strike.
  • If there is a full moon on August 6, the weather on that day will be the same for the rest of the summer.
  • Seagulls often sit on the water - to rain.
  • If it rained on the morning of August 6, then the weather should be sunny throughout the day.
  • If on this day the flies started their fuss in the morning, then the day will be sunny. If this was not observed, then it was necessary to wait for rain.
  • If the chickens did not leave their mother that day, then long rains should have been expected.
  • A cuckoo flying low in the sky foreshadowed rain.

Name day August 6

Alpheus, Anatoly, Athanasius, Bogolep, Boris, Gleb, David, Ermogen, Izmaragd, Hilarion, Imenei, Kapiton, Nikolai, Pope, Polycarp, Roman, Fantin, Theophilus, Christina (Christina).

The national holiday Boris and Gleb Sowers is celebrated on May 15, 2019 (according to the old style - May 2). In the Orthodox church calendar this date is dedicated to the transfer of the holy relics of the Great Martyr Brothers Princes Boris and Gleb. The holiday was nicknamed the "Sower", because in Russia from that day they began to sow pumpkins and cucumbers.


Boris and Gleb died at the hands of mercenaries sent by their elder brother Svyatopolk after the death of their common father Vladimir I. These are the first Russians who were canonized. They are considered the defenders of the Russian land.

The first to die was the eldest of the brothers, Boris. His body was secretly delivered to the Vyshgorod Church of Basil the Great by the servants who committed the murder. The body of the younger brother, who was killed a month later, was unburied in the Smolensk region.

Four years later, Yaroslav the Wise defeated his older murderer brother. He fled to Poland. After that, the new prince of Kyiv found the remains of Gleb, transferred them to the same temple and buried them next to his brother Boris.

After some time, the temple burned down, but the relics of the saints remained unharmed. This was personally verified by Metropolitan John, who opened the coffin. The bodies of Boris and Gleb remained intact, and a fragrance emanated from them. During the construction of the new church, the relics of the martyrs were transferred to the chapel. On the site of the former church, a new, large five-domed church was erected. With all due honors, the remains of the great martyrs were transferred. After that, a new temple was consecrated.

Traditions and rituals

From that day on, the nightingale begins to trill. People say that in this way he sees off the spring and meets the summer. People believe that if you catch this bird with white plumage, it will bring happiness to the family.

Merchants ask St. Boris for help in business and good earnings. According to legend, if trade goes well on May 15, then the whole year will be successful.

Planting of cucumbers and pumpkins begins.

Healers and healers on this day treat nervous disorders.

The day is favorable for buying small domestic animals, piglets and chickens.

The authorities cannot refuse Boris and Gleb. To consolidate success, it is worth reading a special conspiracy before the conversation.


If it is warm all day, the grain harvest will be good.

At sunset, the sun is clearly visible - there will be little rain in summer.

A color has blossomed on the bird cherry and you can hear the nightingale - you should prepare for a cold snap for 14 days.

Nightingale can be heard all night - it will be sunny during the day.

If you hear the singing of the nightingale before the cuckoo, then the summer will be successful.