Pig: description and characteristics. What will be the children born in the year of the earthen pig

We traditionally celebrate the arrival of the New Year on the night of December 31st to January 1st. And according to the Eastern calendar, the new year will come only on February 5th. Then the mistress of the year will begin to rule - the Yellow Earth Pig, a kind, wise and fair ruler.

According to the Chinese (Eastern) calendar, the year of the Pig (Boar) completes a 12-year cycle. Therefore, 2019 should be given special meaning, analyze your actions, if you can correct mistakes. To complete the started cases and projects - in a word, to do a detailed introspection. Solve family problems, build relationships with loved ones and complete things that you constantly put off indefinitely.

In 2019, a huge responsibility falls on each of us, so you need to prepare in advance and do detailed plan actions for each month of Piggy's reign. Events will change at breakneck speed, which is why you should write down your goals and objectives so as not to miss something important.

The horoscope for 2019 promises to be favorable for study and self-development. After all, the pig is an intellectual, and it will only contribute in all endeavors related to obtaining a profession and self-education.

In general, we can say that the year of the Yellow Pig will be bright and enchanting. The kind and sweet Piggy will bring many new acquaintances and fateful meetings. She will put everything in its place, make you look at life with different eyes and enjoy every day!

Horoscope for 2019 Pigs by zodiac signs

2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig- promises new adventures to each of the signs of the zodiac. The symbol of the year loves and generously endows those who love to work. Therefore, to get good luck this year, you should work hard and then everything spent will return to you in full.

In addition, Pig is a romantic person who loves to connect couples, so be careful - most likely you will not be left out of a new relationship.

But each sign of the zodiac in the coming year will get something different. Rather, look for your sign and study the information!

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

In 2019, Aries will begin to form new priorities and attitudes. Due to this, from the very beginning of the year, events will occur in their lives that will greatly change their future. It is possible that stable concepts and principles will collapse, and radically new ones will come to replace them ...

In the year of the Pig, Aries will be able to free themselves from their past and enter into new life. The first changes will come at the beginning of spring and therefore you need to carefully follow all the signs of fate. But at the same time, you need to be more careful - what at first seems tempting and attractive may turn out to be a dummy.

The next period of development and change will be in July and August. At this time, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and be ready for new acquaintances. During this period, there is a high probability of finding your lover, with whom you will linger for a long time. If you fail to find love, then there is a chance to find a friend or work partner.

In December, according to tradition, the period of behavior of annual results begins, when people under this sign review their year and set goals for the next.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

For Taurus, the coming year will be a landmark and will provide an opportunity to fulfill their desires, which will improve their future life. So, at the beginning of the year, lucrative job offers will come in which you will be appreciated and given the opportunity to develop. If you properly distribute the work and treat it creatively and with love, you will be successful.

At the same time, there will be improvements in the financial situation. If you have a hobby, then it will be possible to turn it all into a business. Pay attention to your surroundings - most likely you will find helpers and associates in your endeavors.

And in the second half of the year there will be many emotional events, both joyful and not very. In these cases, it will be important to remain calm and then everything will go without a hitch.

Twins (May 22 - June 21)

In the year of the Pig, Gemini will be able to show themselves and try themselves in different roles. So, if a person was engaged in one thing, then this year he can start doing something completely opposite and unfamiliar to himself. That is, we can say that the coming year will radically change the type of activity and life itself.
But at the beginning of the year, the Gemini may find themselves in a state of prostration. Most likely it will arise due to a creative crisis and unexpected situations at work.
And by the summer, all such problems will disappear, as the Gemini will be able to adapt to new conditions and begin to combine all things with the mind. After that, Gemini will easily be able to solve all their problems and learn to enjoy their work.
In a romantic relationship with Gemini in the new year, everything will be consistently good, the couple will support each other in all endeavors. This will greatly increase your chances of success.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Already at the very beginning of 2019, Cancers will finally be able to find their love and start a new relationship with love and understanding. If you behave wisely, then this relationship can become a strong union for many years. Already in the spring, a new romantic union will be tested for strength and loyalty, conflicts and small quarrels may begin.

In the summer, Cancer energy will be in full swing, which will positively affect relationships with family, loved ones and soulmate. Love and grace will reign everywhere. But at the same time, do not forget about prudence. Cancers closer to the fall will be waiting for many temptations, which should beware. And by the end of autumn, emotionality will subside and calm times will come. Do not be afraid of this, because peace and quiet are not so bad.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

New Year will allow the Lions to fulfill their most cherished dreams. But this will happen only if you form your thoughts correctly and prepare a thorough plan. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, be sure to draw up a plan of your actions and the goal you are striving for. But do not dive into this business with all your might, as this can greatly affect your health. It is best to pursue your dreams in a measured manner, doing everything according to a ready-made plan. And then in May you will be able to achieve what you want.

Closer to autumn, Lviv will have a reason to excellent mood and new positive emotions. A pleasant trip with someone close is possible, most likely on vacation. This trip will strengthen your relationship, and you will gain strength and inspiration to reach new heights.

And it is traditionally better to leave the end of autumn and winter for summing up, counting the achievements and planning to conquer new horizons.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo in the coming year will finally be able to reconsider their goals and start life anew. After all, often you just want to reset to zero and look at life with a different look. It is such a chance that the Virgos will present themselves. At first, some may experience discomfort out of habit, but only then they will get used to it and go into the mainstream of a new life.

In connection with the changes, Virgos will have to part with some old acquaintances, change their place of work, etc. All of these are the first steps towards change. Perhaps the emergence of new hobbies, the possibility of which you had not thought before. Therefore, by the end of autumn, we can expect interesting proposals, which will need to be carefully looked at.

If everything goes well, then for the rest of the fall and winter you will be immersed in an atmosphere of creative work that will inspire and delight every day.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

For 2019, the horoscope promises Libra a flurry of positive emotions. In addition, the symbol of the year will give Libra a lot of wisdom and the power of the word, so expect that you will often act as a psychologist.

From the very beginning of 2019, romantic relationships can arise in the life of Libra, which will fill life with colors and emotions. Therefore, do not be surprised if you notice unusual romance in yourself, because you want to talk about your love, write songs and poems.

By the end of the summer, you will already calm down and begin to pay more attention to work and make every effort to reach new heights. In a positive case, you will have success in your work business and career advancement.

Closer to winter, Libra will again pay attention to the family and will strive to spend as much time with them as possible.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

The coming year for Scorpions promises to be calm and stable. Of course, at first there will be a slight passivity, but then everything will normalize.

It is worth paying attention to the work, as there may be small problems with it. This is especially true for people who work for themselves. If everything goes well, you will not only stay afloat, but also improve your business.

Relations with relatives and friends will be quite normal, but slight disagreements are possible. They can resolve themselves if you remain reasonable and at the same time positive.

The second half of the year is perfect for self-development and spiritual development. If you have a predisposition and interest in various spiritual techniques, then autumn is the best time to finally try meditation and the like. If you do not go astray, then next year you will meet a renewed person.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Symbol coming year- The Yellow Pig will give Sagittarius a gift that many dream of - the strength to realize their dreams and plans. We can say with confidence that in the coming year, Sagittarius will be lucky in all their undertakings and undertakings.

At the beginning of the year, you should not be scattered on the fulfillment of your desires - it is best to first live quietly for a couple of months and draw up a plan for further actions. And then, by the summer, Sagittarius will be ready for a breakthrough and will receive a lot of positive events. It is clear that the financial situation will go uphill, there will be new interesting offers that simply cannot be missed!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Like many other signs, Capricorns need to reconsider their attitude to life and change a lot in themselves for a successful year. It is important to look at things from a different point of view, and only then they will succeed. Especially success will be noticeable at work. Capricorns are waiting for business trips and the emergence of many new contacts with people.

In order not to burn out, you need to set aside weekends for yourself and arrange small holidays on them, where you can relax and unwind.

Closer to autumn, you will be drawn to gnaw at the granite of science, that is, there will be an interest in new information. Therefore, it is worth thinking about taking interesting courses or even getting higher education. Perhaps at this time new talents will break free that you can implement in everyday life.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

According to the forecast for the previous year, Aquarians will have the opportunity to improve their lives in all areas. At the beginning of the year, they will begin to establish working contacts, after which social activity will simply skyrocket. Personal relationships will not be left out either - interest in Aquarius will be high, so there is a chance to start a new relationship.

If you have been hesitant about starting your own business, then 2019 is the best time to do so. Moreover, the more unusual the idea, the more likely it will shoot and give a big income.

At the end of the year, there may be drastic changes in life, for example, moving to another city, country, or making unexpected decisions. In general, we can say that in the new year, Aquarius has all the cards - the main thing is to properly dispose of them.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

For Pisces, the coming year will be one big pleasant surprise. Many will acquire new character traits for them, especially regarding the achievement of goals. At the beginning of the year, you can expect the emergence of new relationships, since the Pig, the symbol of this year, loves to seal hearts with love.

Business relations will also go uphill, new acquaintances will appear, which will further affect the life of Pisces.

Sometimes situations will arise when you want to take a break from everything. But do not lose heart, but on the contrary - go forward, create new ideas that will shoot and solve all problems. In addition, the family will be with you during this period and will be able to support you at any moment, which will be important for you.

The most accurate (detailed) horoscope for the New Year 2019 for all zodiac signs

detailed and most accurate horoscope for 2019 will help you find out what the coming year is preparing for you, what to expect and what to watch out for. Thanks to all the recommendations, you will succeed in the New Year and do not miss important aspects in decision making.

After all, each sign has its own planets - rulers, the movement of this "set" across the sky creates precedents in human life. In order to soberly assess your future, you need to consider and understand what positions the luminaries will occupy specifically for you. Since everything is individual here: what gives one sign an incentive and confidence for a breakthrough, another brings collapse and devastation.

General horoscope for 2019 according to the signs of the zodiac:

Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2019 by year of birth

A pig is a very hardworking, honest animal and requires the same from others. Therefore, people who are characterized by these properties will be favored by luck and luck in the new year, and the symbol of the year will protect them from all adversity. Therefore, if in 2019 you make efforts in the working field, with highly likely success awaits you.

In addition, Piggy completes the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern calendar. Therefore, this year everyone is trying to take stock of serious matters and make plans for the future.
But still, for each sign according to the eastern calendar, the future for 2019 is different ...

If you do not remember or do not know your sign according to the Chinese horoscope, look in the table below for your year of birth and see which animal it belongs to:


In order to have a good year ahead, you will have to change a lot internally. Since in most cases the Rats are very secretive, and this year will require openness and trust from you. If you do not try to change, then in life and work you can constantly have small troubles. To prevent this from happening, trust your colleagues and work partners and then your business or career will go uphill and bear fruit.

But in a love relationship, your secrecy will help you on the contrary. A lot of attention will be paid to you and your incredulity will help you choose a person from these people with sincere intentions and get rid of those who will bring only troubles into your life.


The Ox, as a friend of the Pig, will be lucky in all directions. All undertakings of the Bulls will be doomed to success. Although the year is considered the final one, it will be rather the starting one. This will best time for the purchase of a car, real estate, opening own business, creating a family and having a child.

What can spoil the planned affairs of the Bulls is natural laziness and absent-mindedness. So if you want to really be successful next year, you need to get together, prepare and plan ahead. further actions. And then you get just a fantastic result.


Tigers by nature are very responsible and always ready to work, which is what bribes the symbol of the coming year - the Pig. Therefore, expect a lot of work in the coming year, which will be highly appreciated. There will be a noticeable increase financial condition most likely due to the above reason.

Around you will be your family and friends who will always be ready to support you. They will become your support and fortress, so you should take care of them and love them.


Rabbits, like Rats, need to reconsider their behavior in the new year. You should relax a little and trust the environment. Do not be afraid - no one is going to deceive you or set you up. This year everything will go calmly and measuredly.

If you are not afraid to take risks, you can get profitable offers both in the work field and on the love front. In addition, if you are still single, then you will have a great chance to start a long-term relationship that can last a lifetime.
Therefore, in the previous year, you just need to trust others and become less conservative. And then you will succeed.

The Dragon

But the Dragons in 2019 are a little different. The horoscope recommends them to calm down and direct all their indefatigable energy into self-knowledge and development of the spirit. This is necessary to preserve everything spiritual and material that you have. Most likely, after this self-knowledge, you will look at the world with different eyes and finally find inner harmony.

Already in the spring you will plunge headlong into a flash of love. And it will hook not only singles, but already family people. And love will not be directed at the spouse. And if for a lonely Dragon there are no barriers to the manifestation of emotions, then a married person will have to think over and weigh everything a thousand times for acceptance. right decision. After all, this bright, but fleeting love has the ability to destroy real happiness.


For the Snake, the year of the Boar will be stable and calm. There will be no events on your way that in one way or another will change your financial or emotional condition. Therefore, one should not expect an increase in funds or new feelings.

In professional activities, Snakes with leadership qualities are likely to begin to conflict with a friendly and open Pig. Therefore, if you want to achieve any success, you will have to give up leadership and become one with the team. But, most likely, this will not work out for you, and you will only save your place.

In a relationship, everything will also be stable. A native person will be there and will support in any situation. At the same time, do not forget that your loved one needs care, support and love. Then your relationship will continue to be strong and trusting.


For people born in the year of the Horse, the coming year promises to be pleasant and positive. No unexpected events are expected. But the horoscope confidently asserts that this year you will be able to live for your own pleasure without thinking too much about the means.

Astrologers strongly recommend that Horses pay attention to their health, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases. In the autumn, an exacerbation may begin. Try to give up for a while bad habits and start eating healthy. Then the likelihood of new diseases will decrease.


The Goat and the Pig get along well with each other, so in the coming year, people born in the year of the Goat will avoid all possible problems. All the changes that will take place will be quite pleasant.

Perhaps at the beginning of the year you will find new useful acquaintances, which will later be very useful to you and will help you out. In addition, your soulmate may also be among your new acquaintances. So try to take a closer look at your new surroundings and find your love.


Since in most cases people born in the year of the Monkey are very cheerful and active, they love to live life. In 2019, you should forget about it, otherwise there is a chance to spend this year in vain. You will spend all your energy on entertainment, although you could direct your energy in the right direction and get from it not only pleasure, but also new knowledge. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend spending this year traveling. You will get a lot from them. useful tips and get close to your family. It will not only be much more interesting, but also more useful, and, summing up the results of the year, you will definitely not regret spending the year like this.


Hot-tempered and self-confident Roosters will undergo noticeable changes within themselves. They will finally stop pouring their energy outward through emotions, and direct it into themselves, to study their inner state. And having found harmony inside, they will understand how much their former emotions interfered in life.

Having become more calm and reasonable, Roosters will be able to get closer to many people and become closer to their relatives.
There will also be noticeable changes at work. If you direct your energy in the right direction, you can achieve new heights and get a long-awaited promotion. It will be much easier to achieve this if you actively engage in transformation in courses or trainings.


The coming year for people born in the year of the Dog will be held under the auspices of love. Since the Dogs themselves are very faithful, and the symbol of the year - the Pig has a positive attitude towards relationships, this year people will simply be swirled in a whirlpool of love. Those who were previously single will finally find their love, and from among close people. And people in relationships will make this year their honeymoon and devote all the time to each other. All this will greatly strengthen your relationship and make it more trusting and durable.
But with all this, do not forget about work. You should not relax at all, although the work will not cause problems and will proceed calmly, you cannot let everything take its course - this can end badly. Moreover, the work will have to devote very little time.


People born in the year of the Pig will have a lot of responsibility and tasks in 2019, as well as the mistress of the year herself. Therefore, you should expect that you will have to work hard, especially in the first half of the year. But then the symbol of the year will generously reward you not only financially, but also spiritually.
AT family relationships everything will be consistently good. Your couple will continue to love you, support and create warmth and comfort around you. Children are likely to ask for a lot of your attention - give it and you will become even closer, and you will understand each other much better.

In general, the horoscope for 2019 promises to all signs that with diligence and openness towards others, the coming year will be very pleasant and simple. After all, the mistress of the year - the Yellow Pig loves kind and helpful people!

According to the Chinese calendar, the Yellow Earth Pig will be the mistress of 2019. Her time will come only on February 5, but we are used to celebrating the New Year on December 31 together with the eastern talisman.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Pig

The pig closes the 12-year circle of the eastern horoscope. It has a rather contradictory, dual character: on the one hand, it is the embodiment of family comfort, on the other hand, the animal loves cheerful and noisy companies. The duality of the Mumps is also reflected in the fact that it is both the personification of financial stability (everyone knows a piggy bank for money), but also a terrible spender who loves luxury.

She is credited with such traits as good nature, carelessness, generosity, light and cheerful disposition. She loves good food and good rest.

home decoration

Since the Yellow Pig is a symbol of comfort, you need to start preparing with general cleaning. The mistress of the year, contrary to popular belief, loves cleanliness and order. To please the lover of luxury, you can add gold ribbons, garlands, tinsel to the decoration of the room. They go well with reds and greens. decorative elements. Yellow and red balls will look great on the Christmas tree.

The pig loves everything natural, so this time it is better to replace the artificial Christmas tree with a real one, or at least put a few pine or spruce branches in a vase. It is recommended to cover the table with a linen or cotton tablecloth, decorate with ceramic vases, in which you need to put coniferous branches along with clusters of viburnum and mountain ash. In the center you can place a funny pig figure.

The pig subtly feels harmony, so gift wrapping, decoration of the Christmas tree, interior and table should be designed in the same style.

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to take care of the natural flavor in advance. Cut the orange into slices and let it dry. A ribbon threaded through an orange circle will allow you to hang a fragrant decoration not only on the Christmas tree, but also place it in any part of the apartment. In combination with cinnamon sticks, this decor is pleasing to the eye and fills the house with a delightful aroma of the holiday. If cinnamon sticks are not available, you can sprinkle the orange slices with ground cinnamon.

Clothing, hairstyle, accessories

In advance, you should take care not only about decorating the house, but also about your own outfit. Dominant colors: yellow, beige, all shades of brown and green. The colors formed by the merger of the listed palette will be relevant. It is believed that the use of such shades will bring good luck in the coming year.

It is recommended to give preference to natural fabrics. The style of the outfit is limited solely by your imagination: fashion designers offer dresses in Greek style, suits, tunics, shirt dresses. Main criterion- You should feel as comfortable as possible.

The most creative designers offer dresses decorated with Christmas tree branches, toys, garlands. This outfit is not at all practical, but it looks incredibly impressive.

In makeup, attention is paid to the lips, the eyes are only slightly emphasized with mascara and shadows of natural shades. But the choice of hairstyles should be devoted more time. New Year's hairstyle should be such that it does not interfere with unbridled fun. Don't be afraid to be creative to impress. Spectacular curls, complex braid, luxurious styling, fashionable haircut, bright color hair - everything is suitable to show individuality. A festive night is a good occasion to change your image and try something new.

Accessories will help turn the simplest dress into a sophisticated outfit. Choose decorations according to where you plan to celebrate the New Year. Preference is given to large size and complex decor.

Thinking through your festive image, do not forget that the Yellow Pig appreciates showiness and harmony and does not tolerate vulgarity.

With whom to celebrate the New Year? What to give?

When planning the organization of a holiday, you need to remember that the Pig is a cheerful, sociable animal that does not like loneliness. In addition, the talisman of the year is the patroness of the family. Therefore, it is best to celebrate the New Year with your family, inviting close friends to make a cheerful, friendly company.

Think over the scenario in advance: it can be a fairy tale show, a masquerade or any theme party. In order not to prepare alone, give guests small tasks for organizing contests, fun games, and surprises. Then everyone will be able to express themselves, and no one will be bored.

New Year is not conceivable without gifts. This time, practical, high-quality, beautiful gifts that the Earth Pig especially loves will become relevant. Presents with the image of a pig will be in demand: home textiles, dishes, paintings, soft toys.

What to put on the New Year's table?

The pig is a big lover of food, which means the table should be generous and plentiful. The only thing that should be excluded when preparing holiday dishes is pork. It should not be on the table in any form. Give preference to other types of meat, fish and seafood.

There must be vegetable dishes on the table: salads, stewed vegetables, a lot of greens. The hostess of the next year will favorably accept dishes with corn, green peas, chickpeas, beans, rice.

It is believed that the Pig's favorite delicacy is truffles. But since this is a very expensive pleasure, you can use any available mushrooms. Would like to add to the menu various types nuts, cheese, fruits.

In the center of the table, near the pig figure, place a ceramic bowl with grains of wheat or other cereals. You can also put a few acorns and chestnuts there, which you can still stock up on now.

Even if something doesn't go as you planned while preparing for the New Year, treat small troubles with a sense of humor inherent in Pig!

Natalya Petrova,
holiday organizer

The coming of this year was eagerly awaited by all the Chinese. But it is known that it was they who gave the world a classification according to horoscopes. why is it this Symbol of the Year that makes them so excited? To do this, you should learn more about who will become the mistress of the next 12 months, and under what motto the entire period will pass. The yellow earthen pig takes over from the dog and hurries to please with the coming changes!

Characteristics of the hostess of the year:

The nature of the symbol of the year

Everyone who has seen a wild boar at least once in their life notes one indisputable fact - this animal is always in a violent and cheerful mood. He sincerely rejoices in everything that happens and has a cocky temperament. The yellow earth pig enthusiastically rushes into adventures and rarely thinks about the consequences. She knows no fear and the only thing for which she can experience anxiety and excitement is children. Don't underestimate her intelligence either. If it seems to you that the pig does not have great intelligence, then you should watch its actions. A more prudent animal still needs to be looked for. Despite her temper, she is even able to predict events and therefore rarely falls into traps and traps.

For a pig, there is no such thing as fatigue. This is especially true of her behavior in the natural natural environment. We can say that she is a real workaholic. Constantly in search of acorns and other food, she is able to tirelessly wander through the forests and dig the ground with a snout. Boars also have excellent intuition - they are able to sense danger long before it approaches. The Chinese appreciate this animal for its cheerful and cheerful character. It is believed that under such a symbol the whole year will pass easily and naturally under the bursting laughter! Sorrows and sadness will be bypassed if you do not contradict the rules that you will learn about from this article.

General horoscope for 2019

2019-1 will be a period of revival of family values. Children, parents, relatives will come to the fore. Care and care will become the main criterion for creating and maintaining a warm family hearth. It is recommended to devote as much time as possible to your loved ones, and the Pig will repay what he deserves for such an attitude! Also, do not forget about friends - try to maintain relationships and then you will not have to regret the lost contacts.

The symbol of the year favors gambling and risky people. Your time has come - you can safely place bets and buy lottery tickets. Luck will always turn to you! For those who are starting to build a career, it's time for accomplishments - do not be afraid to offer your plans and express your thoughts. Lovers and those who are just looking for their couple need to remember the main thing: do not waste your time on trifles.

Look for only real feelings and build love relationship only if the heart tells you that this is your person. The pig will help you make a choice, but still a lot of responsibility will fall on your shoulders. Most best period for the beginning of novels - the middle of the year!

AT financial terms will only positive points. Do not forget that in the world it is the Pig figurine that is the model for making piggy banks! Lean and economical, it will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and save up good capital for the future. A little advice: avoid joint affairs with Tigers, Dragons and Rats!

Yellow Earth Pig Colors

Many fashionistas were discouraged when they found out that for the second year in a row they would have to wear not the most juicy and rich in color outfits. Yes, the year of the Yellow Earth Pig does not have huge selection palettes, but don't be discouraged - this time it is allowed to use fabrics whose colors are created by merging. Naturally, yellow will become the main color, and you can add any to it and get an excellent way out of the situation. Here are the most basic shades and colors:

  • Yellow;
  • Brown;
  • Gray and metallic;
  • Green;
  • Brown and dark red.

Not the most generous palette, but when approached with imagination, you can create great ensembles. It is recommended to celebrate the New Year in yellow, or by combining yellow + brown.

What to bring to the table?

This question torments all housewives, because as you meet the new year, so you will spend it. To please the symbol of the year is very simple: just remember the favorite treats of this animal. Should I be reminded that it is not necessary to put pork jelly or other dishes from this meat on the New Year's table? Opt for beef or lighter meat - rabbit, chicken, duck.

Do not forget that the hostess of the year loves to eat very much and try to make sure that on your New Year's table there was no empty space. Preference is given to such products as cheese, nuts, greens, flour pastries, cereals (can be added to salads) and hot soups. For drinks, choose dark-colored wines. Pigs are omnivores and will be happy with any treat if it is made with soul!

How to decorate a house?

Forget about newfangled synthetic tablecloths and an abundance of garlands for the New Year. Settle for a simple rustic décor - a linen or cotton tablecloth will ideal option. Bright lights and loud crackers should be postponed until next year. Calm and muted colors in the design instead of pretentiousness will be a good way to receive blessings from the Pig. Small candles or soft light will be a good addition.

How to meet?

Most best option- at home, in the circle of relatives and friends. If you decide to go to a restaurant or a club, then you need to reconsider this decision. The symbol of the year gravitates towards related and cozy gatherings. Gather guests and it will bring you many "dividends" in the coming year. A large number of children and teenagers are welcome.

What to give in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig?

Oddly enough, but in this regard there are no prohibitions and restrictions. Feel free to give free rein to your imagination, because the main thing is to surprise with a present and achieve joyful laughter. You should not even exclude such an option as.

Children can choose toys in the form of a symbol of the year, and things from natural materials. Try not to make crazy spending, because a thoughtful and unique gift can be quite inexpensive, and the joy from it will be no less than from expensive jewelry.

Well-being and peace in all areas of life will accompany those who will follow the advice and abide by the rules. Despite the fact that the symbol of the year practically does not impose any restrictions, you need to know some nuances:

  • Try not to get into protracted conflicts and disputes;
  • Do not disregard the requests and wishes of your loved ones in the year of the Pig;
  • Think before you venture;
  • Think ahead of your actions;
  • Do not overspend - the Pig does not like spenders;
  • Avoid interacting with unpleasant people;
  • Love and give love only to the closest people.

The year will pass without much hassle and will give a lot of bright and positive emotions to everyone who follows the recommendations of the Yellow Earth Pig! Meet the hostess with respect and reverence, and she will help you in all your endeavors!

Having studied Eastern horoscope for 2019, you can properly distribute forces and get the most out of the favorable arrangement of the stars. Before the hardworking and conscientious Pigs, many doors will open, on which they previously knocked unsuccessfully. And you just need to choose for which of them gifts, and for which - Bluebeard's room. Pigs have a well-developed intuition, but they do not want to believe her when she says bad things about a person and a situation.

Kindness and trust in people are the most striking positive character traits of those born in the year of the Pig. However, they are often the cause of trouble and disappointment. But perseverance and inexhaustible optimism, a subtle sense of humor, a willingness to laugh at one's own mistakes helps not to lose heart and learn from each defeat. This allows you to build your life the way you want sooner or later.

Features of 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 can truly be considered one of the calmest for all signs of the horoscope. It will be especially lucky for those who were born in the Year of the Yellow Pig. And there are few of them, because over the last century there were only 9 such years: Yellow Pigs were born in 1911, 23 and 35, 47 and 59, as well as in 1971, 83 and 95. In the 21st century, the Boar was born once - in 2007. The Pig will be born again in 2019 (we will also consider its characteristics).

People born under the auspices of the Mumps are almost always associated with honesty, kindness, nobility and kindness. And these are far from empty words. After all, as you know, Pigs have never been distinguished by aggressive behavior towards others. People born in the above years cannot bear false testimonies and hypocritical attitudes. In communicating with loved ones, they are as sincere and tactful as possible.

What kind of people are born in the year of the Boar

Caring, sensitivity, the desire for comfort - this is the basis of the personality of someone who was born in the year of the Pig. They harmoniously intertwined the ability to understand and feel the mood of other people with natural patience and balance. Thanks to such valuable qualities, these people easily acquire useful connections, have many friends, colleagues are drawn to them, and relatives respect them.

On the second side of the scale - the tendency to exaggerate negative points, self-pity and insecurity own forces, opportunities. Pigs invariably believe in the worst outcome of events and do not get tired of creating drama on this basis. Even in those moments when everything is not so bad, typical representative a sign can become discouraged and give up. Only relatives can pull a person out of the abyss of apathy - and not by persuasion, but only by solving the universal (according to the Pig) problem.

It is impossible to accuse the Boar of weakness of character. For the sake of his family, this person will do anything, and in the end he will achieve an ideal life. Positive features and business acumen allow the Pig to achieve an impressive financial position, which they are happy to share with others. This is a very hardworking sign of the Eastern calendar, and in the near future your work will bring the expected results. The horoscope for the Pig for 2019 promises a successful period for all areas of life.

The nature of the symbol of the year

If you have seen a pig at least once in your life, you might have noticed that this animal is always in a cheerful and good-natured mood. She has a cocky temperament and sincerely enjoys everything that happens. Do not underestimate the mental abilities of a pig. You might think that a pig does not have a lot of intelligence, but watch her actions! You also need to look for a more prudent animal with excellent intuition - it can even predict events and sense danger long before it approaches.

For a pig, there is no such thing as fatigue, especially when it comes to its behavior in its natural environment. She is able to tirelessly wander through the forests and dig the ground with a snout in search of acorns and other food. The Chinese appreciate this animal for its cheerful and cheerful character - it is believed that under its auspices the whole year will pass easily and naturally. If you do not contradict the rules of this symbol of the year, sadness and sadness will bypass.

What will be the children born in 2019

Each year, the eastern horoscope ascribes certain properties and events, which are interpreted according to the typical features of the totem animal. True, the nature of the controlling beast changes every 12 years of the cycle - depending on which element it belongs to. Based on such a seemingly confusing system, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

Color in this case means the element of earth. Total elements in Chinese horoscope 5, and each in its own way changes the symbol of the year. So the Wood Pig has a penetrating character, like a tree sprouting from a crack in the asphalt. The metal one is distinguished by the ability to earn money, and the Water one is able to see people through - like the bottom through a transparent layer of water. The boar, obeying the elements of fire, is the embodiment of comfort and the keeper of the hearth. And, finally, the Earth Pig is generous and hospitable, like the fertile land.

In the coming year, it was the Earth Pig who fell to manage events, which means that an abundant and eventful year awaits everyone. Someone already lives in anticipation of unprecedented bounties - and rightly so. Well, for some, the next 12 months will be the most exciting in life, because a small miracle is about to appear in your family - your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019 a wave of babyboom awaits us, and many families should expect replenishment. Moreover, both for those who have long wanted a child, and for those for whom the news of pregnancy will come as a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to know the characteristics by months, what kind of children born in 2019 are they.

Children born in the year of the Pig are cheerful and sunny, regardless of their zodiac sign. From the first days of their lives, everyone around them begins to reach out to them, as if spellbound, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the cradle, the baby will begin to show curiosity to everything around and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the constraint, the little Pig will be any possible ways strive for it. Growing up, the children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even interlocutors for adults.

Thanks to their ability to notice details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their completely unchildlike insight and breadth of knowledge. From an early age, those born in the year of the Pig will build their own principles, which they will not violate in the future under any circumstances. So it is better for parents to carefully consider the opinions and habits of the child - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are generous, and are unlikely to try to hide the last candy in a secluded corner. They will share the “trophy” with the whole family, but they will be childishly happy if they get the whole treat. These children love praise, it is important for them to feel valued, needed and loved.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will be happy to help with the housework and take a responsible approach to their duties. If, for the work done, the Boar does not receive encouragement (material or verbal), he will be upset, to the point that the once-loved activity, for example, washing dishes, will become hated for him.

Those born in 2019 make methodical doctors, lawyers attentive to details, responsible social workers. A pig may be interested in working as a chef, and you can be sure that the title of chef is only a matter of time.

Children of 2019 like work related to the attention to detail, scrupulousness, that is, those areas where they can apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single holistic picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find his niche and do everything necessary so that interest does not disappear.

The pig is the last animal in the 12-year cycle Chinese zodiac. It is she who arranges the final chords and prepares for a new stage of life. No matter how each of us strives for a breathtaking career and material well-being, we still put love and relationships with a loved one in the first place. Light flirting, numerous novels and acquaintances remained in the year of the Dog. BUT Earthen Yellow Pig advises in the personal sphere to take the initiative in their own hands.


The Year of the Yellow Pig is prolific enough for pleasant surprises and generous for the birth of children. The editors decided to find out what astrological forecast for 2019 expected in the love field for each sign of the zodiac.

Love horoscope - 2019

Good news for lonely Aries: love will come, but only at the most unexpected this moment. So do not ignore new acquaintances and play hard to get. New romances and light flirting in the year of the Yellow Pig are not excluded. In no case should an Aries chase two birds with one stone, otherwise you can miss a worthy partner. You should also pay Special attention appearance for even more charm.

Family Aries expects a harmonious and tender period with a soul mate. The ideal time for the birth of a child, especially if young families have long dreamed of procreation. But single people should be careful in intimate relationships, because the Yellow Pig really wants to give children to this sign.


Representatives of this sign should take their heads. Stop being led by passion and temptation. This is the perfect year to get your personal life in order. If you live in rented apartment, it is worth making an effort to purchase housing, in addition, the Yellow Pig will contribute to your efforts. Various fleeting novels are contraindicated for you, and even more so games on the side.

Such behavior will leave you with nothing. And more wise advice from the Pig: be less jealous of the chosen one, especially since there is no special reason for such scenes. If Taurus plans to legitimize the relationship, then it's time to lead the chosen one down the aisle. But it is better to play a wedding not in the circle of relatives and friends, but to go somewhere in warmer climes together. After all, there is a high probability that others will ruin family life at the very beginning.

Family Taurus should also keep friends and relatives at a distance. Among them there are many envious people whose hands are itching to do dirty tricks.


Gemini in the year of the Earth Pig will truly drown in the attention and adoration from fans. It's just important to do right choice, and on time. Astrologers advise to say goodbye to the bachelor life as soon as possible. After all, for those who find the strength to refuse general attention in 2019, the hostess of the year promises a chic family life.

If you don’t feel like putting a ring on your finger at all, try starting with a guest marriage. But in any case, you should not take much care of a bachelor's life, because it can drag on for many years worse than a swamp.


Cancer will have a whole army of admirers in the year of the Yellow Pig, but there is no reliable and attractive in all respects on the horizon. But in 2019, everything depends on your initiative. You need to choose a person for life among your boyfriends. You need to listen not to the heart, and not to the mind, but to your natural intuition. But you should not refuse new acquaintances, because they can contribute to other areas of life.

Also, the Yellow Pig promises Cancers big changes in appearance. But it is love that inspires them. Representatives of this sign will simply bloom and smell. By the way, if you are afraid to take serious steps in your personal life, don't worry, the mistress of the year will take care of the financial side.

Family Cancers should be more open in relationships. Try to fool around a little and allow yourself a trip with your loved one to your dream destination or take a ride on hot-air balloon. In general, relationships need to be decorated with new emotions.


a lion
Lviv in 2019 is simply unrecognizable. The Yellow Pig will take them. Lovers of attention and admiration will want a strong and permanent relationship. They seriously think about procreation. You just need to reduce your royal manners a little, otherwise you will live in joy and harmony only with your reflection in the mirror. The main thing is to be honest with yourself, and not choose a person who is advised by relatives and friends.

Family Lions will fall in love with their chosen ones again. They will again be encouraged and inspired by the relationship with a loved one. Their chosen ones will even be surprised how romantic their Lions can be.


If Virgo stops looking for an ideal partner, then the love horoscope for 2019 will instantly bring her to a worthy and reliable chosen one. Caution in the course of romantic events does not hurt, otherwise the arrow of love will hit the wrong person who Virgo likes. If we go down the aisle, then only with a loved and reliable person.

Astrologers advise Virgos to be extremely careful in 2019. Need to pay more attention family life and in no case should you exchange your comfort for the beautiful courtship of a new gentleman. Know that there is a big catch waiting for you here. As a result, you will lose your family, and the new boyfriend will run away as soon as you please him with a divorce.


The Yellow Pig advises Libra in 2019 to be more proactive and decisive when it comes to choosing a life partner. Do not go into the gap, it is better to think about the future. The Year of the Earthy Yellow Pig is an ideal time to improve your personal life. It is worth being in society more often, attending various events, and not sitting at home. But in order to meet your man, you need to put things in order in your inner world.

Family Libra should work on procreation. You should also think about expanding housing.


Nothing supernatural in the personal sphere of Scorpio will happen in 2019. But you should stay away from ex-partners. Moreover, the Yellow Pig decided to introduce Scorpio to a very nice and wealthy man. The love horoscope for 2019 recommends that representatives of this sign prioritize the personal sphere, abstracting from work for a while.

Turn on your natural charm, and also put yours to hibernation inner demons. In 2019, you need to make concessions to your soulmate. Better yet, take a trip around the world together. And you won't be bored close person joy.


The love horoscope for 2019 predicts for Sagittarius a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm and ingenuity that will help you succeed with the opposite sex. If you use a smile and cunning tricks, then you will not be worth the price. There will be many competitors and ill-wishers, but in the end you will emerge victorious. But this does not mean that you can now relax and just wait.

Sagittarius in 2019 will be hard to resist the temptations and say "no" to another annoying fan. But this is not out of politeness, but because of a lack of attention. Therefore, it is worthwhile to communicate more often with your soulmate in order to avoid misunderstanding and harmful temptation as a result.


In 2019, Capricorn needs to boldly open up to change, then his personal life will instantly improve, and love will forever settle in his heart. If you want, you can change the hairstyle, hair color and image. You can even move to another country if it is necessary for family happiness.

It's time for family Capricorns to think about procreation. It doesn't matter if they are children or grandchildren, now is a favorable time for the birth of a new life.


If Aquarius wants to decorate his life with a strong relationship, then you should pay great attention to the signs of fate. Do not think that love will burst into your life unexpectedly, everything will be gradual. Perhaps an old friendship will grow into a chic romance. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

Those who are in a relationship should be prepared for the manifestation of the jealousy of a loved one. What to do if everyone around you goes crazy for you. The main thing is not to give rise to a scandal, and also to protect the clean reputation of a family man.


The love horoscope for 2019 promises Pisces not life, but solid romance. Mutual love Here's what's in store for you in 2019. But the Yellow Pig advises Pisces to attend psychology courses in order to paint the relationship with the chosen one in bright colors.

There will be no confusion. At first, a new relationship may even seem unpromising, but in the second half of the year you will fly on the wings of love. Family Pisces Yellow Pig will give a lot of vivid impressions. So you have to be easy-going.


As you can see, the Earthy Yellow Pig will be arranging the personal life of all the signs of the zodiac. Nobody will be left without attention. If we believe that the meaning of life lies in love, then we will all find it in 2019.