Woman and her role in the spiritual development of men. Spiritual development of a woman

People often ask me: “What should I do?! I want to develop spiritually, but my relatives (husband, parents, children) are against it! They do not understand and do not support me! What am I doing wrong?" .

This is indeed a very serious question, because if you have such a problem, then there is a possibility that you are really doing something wrong. Let's understand why such things can happen.

The very first thing to think about is whether your spiritual development is too aggressive?!

So many women, when they start listening to lectures, learn how to live, how to behave properly for a man and a woman, eat, what daily routine to observe, they begin to actively impose this on their loved ones, teach them, talk about how they do not live correctly . They begin to dramatically change their lifestyle or do some things defiantly.

Naturally, aggression breeds aggression, and relatives openly resist such ideas and behavior. And they immediately begin to perceive these ideas negatively, as their "enemies". Because they have a fear inside them that everything familiar and dear to their hearts can suddenly disappear. Just imagine, you lived without grieving with your family, and suddenly one of your relatives has changed dramatically. Naturally, this causes concern and fear, but will your relationship be the same? Will he still have a place for you in his new life? How to build further relations with him?

In almost all of us, the fear of change is very strong, we feel uncomfortable when the usual soil leaves under our feet. This happens to our loved ones when we begin to dramatically demonstrate that we have embarked on the path of spiritual development. Therefore, it is important to talk with relatives, explain not only what it is for you, but also what good they will get from it, that you are trying not for yourself, but for your family, to improve relations!

I remember that when I was just starting my journey, I also had such a bias. I became a vegetarian and decided that I needed to "bring good to the masses", and I tried quite aggressively to "convert" people to vegetarianism. Naturally, no one applied. And my parents were very unfriendly towards my new hobbies.

Another important point lies in the fact that when we start telling our loved ones about how to live correctly, this causes rejection, because many are not yet ready to admit their mistakes, start living differently, and “an egg doesn’t teach a chicken.”

Many parents begin to feel humiliated when their children begin to say: you did everything wrong in your life, you raised me the wrong way, and you don’t know anything at all, I’ll teach you how to live now! Even if you don't say it out loud, it's enough that you think it to yourself or feel it, others feel it too. And this disrupts the correct flow of energy in the family, the function of the parents is devalued, but is this fair to people who, as best they could and could, but still invested their love in us?

And sometimes it happens that we begin to dictate to others how they should behave “according to the Vedas”, what duties they have, but at the same time we ourselves do not fulfill our duties at all. We learn well what others “should” do, but at the same time we forget that we must first change ourselves and inspire others by our example.

Another important point is when our “spiritual development” becomes too much, when we constantly have some kind of trainings, seminars, lectures, trips, meetings, etc. When we put this at the head of our lives, and as a result, all other areas begin to suffer!

Naturally, there are not only relatives here, here fate itself calls us to take up the mind! Because when the spiritual prevails in a woman, her lower energy centers begin to close, which are responsible, among other things, for childbearing! A woman should be 40% spiritual and 60% material. A woman draws strength from the earth and she must not go too far into the sky.

Therefore, a woman in her spiritual development must be reasonable. To prove something "with foam at the mouth" is not a woman's way. The spiritual development of a woman should be soft, unobtrusive, delicate. There is no need to tell everyone about what mantras you read, what austerities you perform, especially if you feel that your interlocutor is not yet ready to hear all this.

Ideally, a woman in her spiritual development should follow a man. I know several women who say something like this: I am already reading the 9th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, and he is only 7!!! And at the same time they are very proud of themselves and their “spiritual progress”. Do you think these women are really developing?

It is best when a woman asks for blessings from her husband or father to perform austerities, it is good when a man reads scriptures to a woman and explains their meaning to her. Even if a woman understands it all better men, her wisdom lies in the fact that a man feels that he is teaching her, and not she is teaching him.

Everything must be done gradually, then the development will be progressive, going up. If we try to make a sharp jump, then according to the law of the pendulum, we will also have a sharp “rollback”, and we can lose our taste for spiritual knowledge for a long time.

As Lalana said at the webinar for the group Women's Sangha, it is important for a woman to develop, it is important to invest in her spiritual development, then everyone will benefit and benefit from this, then her entire Family will develop. And you need to do it a little bit every day.

Therefore, dear women, let's be reasonable in our spiritual development!
Let's respect the feelings of our loved ones!
Let's be grateful to them and the circumstances of our lives for the fact that we have the opportunity to receive Knowledge!

Do not rush, because everything in our life happens at the best time for us!
Remember that the spiritual path of a woman is the path of non-violence and love!

Sometimes I stumble upon such posts of women online that I begin to understand the wisdom of my ancestors. Previously, Knowledge was not passed on to women. They didn't teach such things in particular. And not because women would not be able to understand the depths. They were told only stories in which the moral was obvious, and that was enough. After all, they took care of the girl and tried to preserve what was already in her from birth. Why does she need complicated treatises, if everything is already in herself?

Now everything is different. Any information is available. Take and read the ancient scriptures, which were previously transmitted only by word of mouth, from teacher to student with explanations. It seems to me that at times we ourselves think even further than we need to.

Our imagination is just some kind of catastrophe. From any common phrase we can heap this in our head! Take one thing out of context, add it to something else, again taken out of another context - and we already have a new theory, new rules.

And so I sometimes read posts that “dancing for a woman is not Orthodox”, “it’s not worth giving birth to children - everything is an illusion”, “there is no need”, “dressing up is a sin and fornication”, “wanting something then - this is generally the path to hell, ”and so on. Like, give up everything, put on a black robe, forget about yourself, even if you are twenty. The sooner you forget about yourself, the less sin you commit... Sometimes I really want to hit all these authors on the head - but very gently. To knock - because they not only in their head came up with something that is not and never was. So they also present their conclusions to others as “spiritual”.

Lovely, tender girls and women who still want to be beautiful are left with a strange choice - to give up their "sinful" desires - like a new dress or dance school, or to give up their faith. Making a choice in any direction, in the end they are unhappy.

If you dress beautifully, you are depraved. If you want this - that is, outfits and beauty - you are again depraved. The question, of course, is what we consider beautiful. But if your body is covered with clothes, if you do not expose your charms for everyone to see, there is nothing sinful in this. The question is only for purposes - for what and for whom do we want to be beautiful? To whom to like and what feelings to cause?

We often cling to the rules, and try to adjust everyone to them. As if rules are more important than people.

For example, some grandmothers in churches, as elders, click on those who are not so baptized, who came in jeans, did not put on a headscarf ... After all, a person will never come to church again. It seems to be all out of good intentions, but what is the result?

Vladyka Anthony of Surozh told how he went out to preach at one of the liturgies and said the following thing: “Last night a woman with a child came to the service. She was wearing trousers and no headscarf. One of you remarked to her. She left. I don’t know who reprimanded her, but I order this person to pray for her and this child until the end of his days, so that the Lord saves them. Because because of you, she may never come to the temple again.” Turned around and left. It was the whole sermon.

Show me the Holy Scripture, which says: “dancing is a sin”, “dressing up is a sin” and “it is better not to give birth to children”. Show me - where exactly, so that just like that in plain text? And I will show you quotes from the Scriptures, which say that dressing up and being beautiful is our duty. True, there are a lot of warnings, for example, that a smart woman should be with her husband, and without him it is better to use a minimum of jewelry. It is also said that giving birth to pious children is our task. And the key word is pious, because you can give birth a lot at random, as animals do, which is special. Dancing is generally it from women's arts which we must own. But again, the question is what kind of dances to do and where to show it. If you're waltzing on stage, that's one thing, but if you're belly dancing, originally meant for the bedroom, that's another.

Austerities are the way for men. Severe austerities are for advanced men. In almost every religion, women have a different place. Our spirituality is expressed not in a huge number of prayer circles and austerities, not in renunciation of the world and monasticism. Those for whom the monastery - perfect place- units. Most of us should live in the world with peace in our souls. And our spirituality is expressed only in the amount of love we radiate. Our spiritual mission as a whole is to help men develop spiritually. Don't be too distracting. Fill the world with care and love. Raising children in goodness, instilling in them the love of God. To be beautiful and happy, because it is much easier to inspire. And also to be alive. No one in this world can do this except us. A woman is a special wealth of the world. creative wealth.

All creativity in one way or another comes from women - they either create themselves or inspire the men who are next to them.

And creativity cannot be sinful in itself, only if it is directed in the wrong direction and uses the wrong methods.

Girls, dance, sing, draw, give birth to children consciously. In Italy, for example, not so long ago, an “ordinary” nun won a vocal competition. She performed in "the same" outfit, but she sang and danced with all her heart. In this way she expressed her love for God - and preached it. And very quickly she became the leader of the entire competition, in which there were many naked and “advanced” women. Her voice came from her heart, and love for God lived in it. That's the whole secret. How many Christian women she showed by her example that singing and dancing for a woman is useful and very beautiful. The only question is what to sing, how to dance and how to look.

Adhesive plaster "goodness"

Reading different books, many women start playing one dangerous game, which is called "I'm always doing well." And the second game, which perfectly complements the first: "if everything is bad with me, it's my own fault." In general, both games look quite cultured and reasonable. Apart from one small detail. There are others that are born in our body all the time and they need a way out.

The scriptures tell of cases when great women were angry (of course, with good reason), jealous, offended. The difference is that they just splashed out feelings without letting them in. They did not live these feelings, but they lived them quickly and almost painlessly.

And we stick adhesive plasters on our wounds, hoping that everything will heal and resolve itself. But a strange thing, without proper treatment and care, the wounds become inflamed, and begin to bring much more problems. All our feelings that have not passed the filter of acceptability, we ram down and put in the farthest corner of the soul. We pretend that we can neither be angry, nor offended, nor jealous, nor envious. And we are proud of such an achievement, walking with a stone face, which, in principle, no longer expresses any emotions. After all, you cannot block one thing - the whole spectrum of feelings is blocked, and now you can neither rejoice nor love.

Why do men sometimes like "strange" women of "bitchy appearance"? Because they are alive. They change emotions, mood, it is interesting with them. They react in one way or another to everything you do. When they are hurt, they cry or scream. When they feel good, they laugh. They get offended when you hurt them and show it. They get angry if there is a reason for it. They are sincere in their emotions, and this attracts.


Now there is a very high tendency towards spirituality, self-development, especially among women, since their natural curiosity is stronger than that of men. It is it that drives them, forcing them to go to trainings and seminars, study more and more information, change themselves and their lives ... But the truth is that a woman should not be very spiritual and smart :) Why? Yes, because it is the privilege of a man to receive knowledge and instruct, teach how to live correctly, comprehend God and lead his family to spiritual liberation. Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way ...

Due to the structure of her physical and subtle bodies, a woman receives 80% of energy from the Earth and 20% from the Cosmos, and a man, on the contrary, 80% from the Cosmos, 20% from the Earth. Cosmic energies give a person spirituality, knowledge, asceticism, a tendency to order, to action, this is a vertical movement (male position). Earthly energies - ground and slow down, they allow you to manifest in the material world, stand firmly on the ground, endow a person with wisdom, patience, humility, pure love and maternal qualities, this is a horizontal movement of energy (female position).

Over time, the energy in the female body in 80% should accumulate in the lower centers (chakras), and men should rise from the lower centers to the top. With age, he should become smarter, more ascetic, more righteous, more spiritual, higher, and so on. And a woman should become more and more loving, wise, accepting, warmer, more inspired, more beautiful, more tender, and so on... If they change roles, that is, a woman goes into spirituality, into cosmic spheres, raising her energy from the lower chakras up, then yes, she becomes more ascetic, more correct, but in terms of femininity, she loses a lot.

Her lower centers (muladhara, svadhisthana, manipura and anahata) become colder. And a woman with a cold bottom becomes unattractive to men. She loses the state of peace, flow, becomes not inclined to the manifestation of tenderness and caresses, to giving love in a physical manifestation, she begins to have problems with accepting the world, situations and other people, she denies her sexuality, loses her femininity, as she ceases to take care of herself, look after your appearance, considering this not the main thing, impatience increases, and over the years women's diseases may even appear. Such a woman begins to teach everyone how to live, because all the energy has risen to the head. But no one will be happy from this.

If she is single, her chances of attracting a man are drastically reduced, as a man is attracted to the aroma of a woman’s open lower centers, her sweet femininity, fullness, her ability to accept a man as a head, follow him, obey him. It is rare for a man to be interested in a woman who does not take care of herself, denies physical intimacy, but actively quotes the Vedas, fanatically reads japa, instructs everyone how to live correctly and controls the fulfillment of duties by family members ...

If she is married, then taking the role of the head of spiritual practice in the family, she risks losing her husband, or making him a second-rate woman. Either way, the family will suffer...

Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way ... Not in austerities, not in sermons, not in instructions, but in giving to loved ones and the world of their spiritual warmth, cordiality. A woman is truly spiritual when she is beautiful, when she is feminine, when she radiates love, when she enthusiastically obeys her husband, fulfills her feminine obligations, creates comfort, prepares prasadam ... When she can see God not only in scriptures and mantras, but in everyone a person whom Fate brings to a meeting with her, and she knows how to warm everyone, like the Earth, console, give wise advice, cheer up with a kind word, inspire, comfort, protect with sincere prayer from all adversities, bless with her love for good deeds ... Spiritual woman - it is the Mother of every living being.

Life outside of everyday life is quite difficult to understand. In order to understand it, you need to continuously develop your spiritual qualities.

The soul for a person is like the core for the Earth. This is the core, which is difficult to reach and comprehend its purpose. We can only assume, draw conclusions on the basis of assumptions and conjectures, but we are not able to encroach on the knowledge of the truth. There are many religions and scriptures in the human world. One of the oldest is considered the Vedic scripture. They say that it came to us from the Gods themselves through the sages who comprehended the truth. In every corner of the planet there is sure to be a group of people who revere the Vedic knowledge. There is an opinion that the roots of Vedic culture come not only from the Indian people, but also from the Slavic people. This is confirmed by the records in the writings about their arrival from the "White Gods" and many ancient Russian fairy tales, songs and epics, which contain the Vedic knowledge of the Slavs.

Relationship between the Vedas

The assertion that the Russian Vedas are fiction, quite loudly denies the clear picture. Having carefully studied Vedic history, one can draw a different conclusion based on the scriptures themselves: for a long time there was one powerful culture that united many lands and peoples, including Russian and Indian. Therefore, the Holy Scriptures given to the Indians do not deny the existence of culture and the concept of "Veda of the Slavs." In the ancient records of the Vedas there are descriptions of Russian lands, in the ancient Russian written heritage there are many indicators of the presence of Vedic knowledge in them. A striking example would be the "Book of Veles" and "The Word about Igor's Campaign". What is the Vedas? Reviews about them are the most positive, and the opportunity to purchase is the advantage of our century.

What they write about Veda

Indian and carry the knowledge of the entire universe, the physical laws of the cosmos and the secrets of the human soul. The history of peoples, the structure of building the world and the divine principle - this is the basis of the foundations of the Holy Scriptures. Without this knowledge, a person is doomed to an unhappy life in misunderstanding of what is happening and in ignorance (Avidya). Each religion has its own characteristics and similarities with others, but Vedic culture one of a kind, having everything to make a person happy. The world is built in such a way that the human niche consists of relationships, purpose, fulfillment by a man and a woman. People should take care of their smaller brothers, animals. To be in harmony with all the elements of nature and fulfill your true destiny - to be God's deputy on Earth. It is difficult to imagine all this well-coordinated work without understanding between a woman and a man. Vedic knowledge for women is aimed at the full discovery of the feminine, the creation of a worthy rear for a man.

Vedas for women

A man and a woman are like the elements Water and Earth, a woman, in the presence of calmness and tranquility, brings grace, elevating him and supporting him in all endeavors. Inciting to exploits, it is necessary, like water for the Earth, seeping through the secret springs of the soul and mind of a man, imbues him with love and peace.

The man, in turn, is a powerful earner and a wise ally, motionless in his path. Imagine a picture: the earth raging with volcanoes and earthquakes and water seeping through it, which rises to the height of a tsunami and throws spray like waterfalls. This short-lived couple is destroying the world, and not a single generation of mankind will survive here. So with people, a nervous, ignorant woman next to an equally weak man forms the final path of genetic roots. Not fulfilling their destiny and not believing in God, the couple destroys by their example human relations and thus life on earth. It is worth considering whether you are an example for other couples? What are you doing to save your family? How do you fulfill your destiny from above? The Vedas for women contain wise answers to all questions.

What is the purpose in the Vedas?

This word has many meanings. The main thing, of course, is not to violate the laws of nature, to follow the righteous path, to be in harmony with the whole world around, to serve faithfully to your family and to be the true guardian of the human soul. Vedic knowledge for women will help to comprehend the female destiny in the family, work and other areas of life.

For a man, the purpose has the following meaning: depending on the caste that determines the inner aspiration of a person (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras), being a husband, protect his family from adversity, first of all his wife, and then children, provide everything necessary for their life, be a spiritual teacher for the wife and children. For his mother also be a guardian and protector. What should a woman do? From childhood, her father protects her, and after the wedding - her husband. She was taught by her mother to cook food well, to keep the house in order, to bring up children correctly and to fulfill marital duties with dignity. Vedic treatises say that best wife for the husband - the one that faithfully serves him. But that doesn't mean she's in bondage. No, on the contrary, this wife is so wise that without unnecessary requests she performs all the things necessary for the convenient and favorable development of a man. Such a wife is truly wise and prudent.

Duties of a woman (Vedas of the Slavs)

There are a number of points that determine the wisdom and perfection of a woman in the family. If she ideally possesses all of them, then happiness always accompanies her.

1. Take care of your husband like a child

From youth, the girl is taught everything and concepts. Her mother, father, brothers take care of her. In turn, the girl who has become a wife shows care and attention towards her husband. This attitude should be reverent and thrifty, as to your child. Why exactly? Notice how many selfish women are around, how they treat their chosen ones. Is there any self-interest in true love? Current wives are not suitable for full-fledged companions for men. A woman is by nature kind and generous. This also applies to love, she gives her lover all of herself, asking nothing in return. This is sincere love and lasting.

2. Strong support

In order for a man next to a woman to constantly grow and develop spiritually and physically, she takes on everything domestic work and complexity. Faithfully fulfilling them, as a servant of his teacher, provides a full-fledged opportunity for the husband to develop. Thus, she puts some of the responsibilities on her shoulders, a wife is simply necessary for her husband, like a boat to cross the ocean of life.

3. Indestructible and unshakable in its destiny

Imagine an unbalanced, quick-tempered, capricious woman next to a spiritually developed man. What do you think of this couple? Next to such a woman, a man not only will not be able to comprehend the basics of his mission in the world, but he himself will turn into effeminate. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to maintain calm and peace in the family. Steadfastly follow the path of your destiny. Vedic knowledge for a woman has special meaning, no religion tells us how to behave in the most domestic conditions and how to become a wise companion.

For husband - spiritual teacher- Wife is a student. In order for the teachings to take place correctly and have a good result, there must be a prudent and judicious student with a wise mentor. She will absorb all the right knowledge like a sponge and later become a worthy adviser and friend to a man. Which is also important in a strong relationship.

5. Beautiful only for her husband

In our time, girls and women succumb to the wind of fashion, forgetting, or even not knowing at all, about the beauty of a woman. Fashion inspires an image of lasciviousness and debauchery. Is it decent to bare the body for all to see? The picture of life is this: in her house, a wife in curlers and a greasy dressing gown, and somewhere behind festive table in make-up and with a luxurious hairstyle. Everything is clear here, since the husband means let him endure, and let everyone admire when visiting. Such wives are not only stupid, but also promiscuous. But for real loving woman beautiful only for her husband, for the rest of the males she is inaccessible in her external appearance. Always been a sign of beauty and wisdom long hair, in crowded places covered with a scarf or other headdress. Now we see short-haired women more often than beauties with a scythe to toe. This speaks of the decline of female morality. Long and in all centuries have been and are a sign of a knowledgeable, prudent woman.

6. Knowledge about rapprochement With husband

To conceive a full-fledged offspring, a woman must know about all the intricacies of rapprochement with her husband. The main point of the realization of human destiny is to transfer the father's knowledge to the heirs. Therefore, intimate relationships are of particular importance.

The tricks of Vedic women

The secrets of Vedic knowledge for women are mainly aimed at making her happy. How happier woman, the more prosperous relations in the family and the happier the children. Here are a few points that transform Vedic knowledge for women into the secrets of happiness, well-being, harmony with nature:

  • Irreproachable appearance, from beautiful, youthful skin to silky, thick hair. Signs of internal health are clearly expressed in appearance.
  • Proper nutrition, the ability to cook deliciously. Provides beauty, youth and health of all family members thanks to a knowledgeable hostess.
  • Discovery of healing skills. This gift is given to every woman by nature, and the possession of it makes a woman truly happy.
  • Appeasement and with a man. And this is a wise upbringing of children, a benevolent attitude towards her husband, the presence of passion between a man and a woman.
..Femininity - Supreme Manifestation Spirituality Women..

True Femininity is immediately visible .. you don’t need to shout about it, you don’t need to prove it .. just like a bird doesn’t need to prove that it is a bird, so true woman no need to prove she's a woman...

Subtle rays of special attraction emanate from her, a special charm and special charm that cannot be achieved by external attributes ...

Because true femininity is a state of inner harmony, fullness, a sense of one's own eternal nature and being in harmony with oneself and with everything that exists ...

If you consider yourself a woman, and others do not see it, treat you like a guy, do not show respect, do not give a hand, do not open doors for you, forget to give even the smallest gifts, load you with a bunch of obligations and work, then you lack true feminine power.

And it's not about makeup, not about skirts and dresses, it doesn't matter how you pack, the main thing is your contents ... You can wear the most feminine outfit, but at the same time remain a guy in a skirt ...

If you have the Feminine Power, you don't need to prove it, it just is...

What distinguishes the True Feminine? What qualities does she have?

A true woman allows herself to be taken care of.

A woman always gives a lot, to children, her husband, relatives, animals, she wants to take care of everyone, it's her nature to help everyone, empathize with everyone. And she deserves to be taken care of. In addition, she knows a secret: allowing a man to take care of himself, she gives him the opportunity to realize his masculine nature - the desire to patronize, thereby he multiplies his male power. Therefore, she does not hesitate to ask for something, to show weakness. Next to her, any man spreads his wings.

A true woman does everything with love.

She puts the love and warmth of her Soul into each of her actions, whether it is cleaning the house, making a cake or ironing shirts. She approaches commitment and work not as hard work, but as creative process which she can consecrate with her female power. But it happens that a woman is devastated or upset, then she allows herself to rest, recover and fill up, and does not get down to business, so as not to invest negative energy in them ...

A true woman is calm in all situations.

When a woman is in harmony with herself and the world around her, this gives her a feeling of deep peace. She doesn't rush, she doesn't fuss, she doesn't raise her voice. This is a special female property, not to get out of balance. And if she has achieved this inner feeling of calmness and happiness, then she becomes for a man an invaluable source of comfort and warmth, to which he strongly aspires. It becomes that safe harbor in which it is so pleasant for him to return after a busy day, in the gentle energies of which it is so pleasant for him to rest and gain strength.

A true woman is aware of her Blessing.

Being a Woman is a blessing. Because she respects her feminine power, and never forgets that she is a Woman. She knows that femininity begins within - with self-feeling as a Woman, with an understanding of the huge difference in the nature of men and women. She sanctifies every day with femininity, reveals her feminine qualities, gives the world her Radiant Beauty, filling it with Love and warmth of the Soul ...