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Indoor plants decorate our home, create a feeling of coziness and comfort. They are like any living particle the globe, are filled with life, therefore they require attention, care, and careful attitude. There are a lot of them, but each one remains unique and unrepeatable, and this is their charm. In this article we will talk about such a flower as spathiphyllum, or as people like to call it - “women's happiness”.

There is a belief that this plant can bring happiness. They say that if it blooms in the house where a lonely girl lives, then she will certainly meet her half. Well, in a house with an established family, it will bring strength, tranquility and reliability.

Spathiphyllum - a tropical plant, is evergreen. There are 45 types in total, 6 types are common indoor: spoon-shaped, domino, wallis, floriferous, adorable, sensation . The flower is beautiful in appearance, it will easily complement any interior. It blooms only a few times a year, and only under conditions of proper care. I will reveal everything you need to know and what to follow for the normal growth and development of the plant.

Spathiphyllum does not require too much attention. It is enough to water and spray the plant on time, in addition, the flower is very smart, it makes it clear when it needs water, lowering its leaves down. AT summer time you need to water it often, about every other day, in winter - several times a week. I recommend using filtered or settled water.

Because the plant is tropical, it loves warmth. But here it is important to determine the correct thermal and light conditions, the ideal temperature would be 18-25 degrees. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect, the leaves become dry and wither, and if the leaves, on the contrary, are pulled up, but flowering does not occur, more lighting is needed. With a lack of light, the foliage will become pale in color. It is desirable to spray every day, but at the same time, make sure that water does not get on the flowers! You can also clean it with a damp cloth from dust and other external contamination.

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The flower propagates very simply: the usual division of the bush and the root system. Flower growers use the propagation method - with pieces of the root, but beginners will not be able to cope with this, as they can damage the main plant by incorrectly dividing the mother root. The leaf is not able to reproduce!

The best time for breeding and transplanting is spring. First you need to prepare the soil: soddy land (2 parts), peat (1 part), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part). There must be good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

A spathiphyllum transplant occurs once a year, in the spring, but if you just bought a plant, it needs an urgent transplant. In stores, as a rule, it is sold in plastic containers, for ease of transportation, but it will not be able to grow and reproduce under these conditions.

So, we start transplanting a flower by buying a new pot. It should be slightly larger in diameter than the previous one. Make sure that the room temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. To make it easier to remove the plant from the pot - water it about an hour before transplanting. We put the pot on the barrel and, with gentle tapping movements, separate the root system from it, to make it easier, you can use a metal spatula or knife, but proceed with extreme caution. Carefully remove decayed particles from the roots, and shorten too long. If you want to propagate, then separate parts of the roots together with the leaves.

We pre-prepare the pot: we close the drainage hole with small particles of brick (broken), expanded clay or shards, then lay the substrate (prepared in advance) and sprinkle on top with a thin layer of soil. We fix the flower in a pot, while adding the following portions of the earth, so that it fits snugly against the walls. We tamp the earth with our fingers until it is level with the leaves.

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At the end of the procedure, water the stapiphyllum abundantly and put it in a dark place for 7 days, but spray the leaves daily. After a week, we return the flower to the familiar, bright part of the house.

Attention! A flower in the process of flowering can not be transplanted!

Spathiphyllum disease and treatment

The main cause of the disease of this plant are pests: mealybug, spider mite, aphid, sooty fungus, scab.

Mealy bug

Appears when elevated level dampness and hides between the leaves, so periodically inspect the flower. If a small number of insects are detected, you can get rid of them by wiping the leaves with an alcohol solution or an infusion of citrus peels.

spider mite

The greatest threat to spathiphyllum. The pest appears on the foliage, covers it with cobwebs. As a result, the plant gradually dries out. For treatment, it is enough to remove the cobweb by treating the leaves with a non-concentrated solution of soap. In more serious cases, more effective means will be needed: insecticides, ground sulfur.


The aphid originates on the lower part of the foliage and feeds on the juice of "female happiness". If the plant is left untreated, the leaves curl and dry out. Treatment: 1 gram of nicotine sulfate per 1 liter of water and spray liberally on the affected parts.

sooty fungus

Manifested in the blackening of the upper part of the leaves. The disease must be eliminated quickly, since it blocks the breath of the plant, which leads to its death. Treatment: frequent treatment with soapy water.


Shield aphid (shchitovka) - dark spots on leaves and stems. At the initial stage, the disease is invisible. It is treated by spraying the plant with a tobacco-soap solution mixed with kerosene or alcohol in a small amount.

Prevention of diseases is the frequent "bathing" of the plant with a damp sponge. But the cause is not always pests! Indicators that the plant is sick:

  1. Doesn't grow well . Most likely, the light regime does not correspond to the norm or the humidity of the room and the zone next to the flower is disturbed. It is enough just to rearrange it to a more suitable place;
  2. Dried leaf tips, spots . Non-dangerous yellow-brown spots, this may be the natural overflow of the plant;
  3. Flowers turn black . The reason is excessive fertilizer or waterlogged soil. Treatment: spray the soil with a solution of foundationol 2 grams per 1 liter of water;
  4. Yellow leaves. The reason is simple, either the plant is in contact with direct sunlight, or too much water is used when watering;
  5. Deformed leaves. Curved, elongated, narrow - the reason is the lack of light. dark places- are contraindicated;
  6. There is no flowering. Reasons: lack of top dressing, insufficient moisture, the need for a transplant.

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Spathiphyllum does not bloom what to do

Women's happiness blooms only if she experiences a complete sense of comfort. When he is comfortable, warm, all external factors comply with the norms.

Indoor plants play an important role in creating coziness and a good homely atmosphere. For example, spathiphyllum is usually given to girls. All indoor flowers many legends are born for women's happiness. Women's happiness is, first of all, a very beautiful and unpretentious plant in care.

What does a flower of female happiness look like

This magnificent bush with original buds does not leave anyone indifferent. The spathiphyllum flower is distinguished by the fact that it does not have stems. The leaves are located on elongated petioles emerging from the rhizome, reach a length of 14-17 cm. Peduncles grow from the rhizome, are green or white color. Flowers will delight the eyes of the owners every year in spring and autumn, if the plant is properly cared for.

Flower Women's happiness - how to care for it to bloom

If the plant does not begin to bloom for a long time, then this is an occasion to think about the reasons. First of all, it is worth watering the flower correctly, because from a lack of liquid it can wilt, begin to wither, and its leaves dry and turn yellow. How to make spathiphyllum bloom at home? The first step is to carefully monitor the soil, not allowing it to dry out. However, excess moisture can cause irreparable damage to the plant. If the leaves began to turn black, then this indicates the need to reduce watering.

It is equally important to place the plant in a bright room where there are no drafts. Spathiphyllum will bloom well if it receives right amount light, but do not burn under ultraviolet light. It is not recommended to choose a pot that is too wide for Women's happiness, because it will slow down flowering. The diameter of the container should not be many times greater than the size of the rhizome. In addition, for successful flowering, you need to plant sprouts without damaging the root system.

Spathiphyllum - home care

In order for the plant to develop well, you need to create favorable conditions for this. It is worth adopting a few rules on how to care for a flower Women's happiness:

  1. Regulate the temperature in the room at least 15 degrees in winter and 22 degrees in summer.
  2. Avoid drafts.
  3. Control the humidity of the air, because the spathiphyllum arrived in Russia from tropical countries. To do this, you can install a fountain at home or periodically spray the leaves.
  4. Lighting required female flower, but the direct rays of the sun can harm it. The ideal option to place the pot there will be a table near the window, because here the light dissipates well, unlike the window sill.

How to water a flower Women's happiness

One of the most important points growing houseplants is proper watering. How to care for spathiphyllum so that it does not dry out, does not begin to turn black and rot? It is necessary to water the flower 1 time per week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. The water temperature should be about 20 degrees (room). It is not recommended to water the spathiphyllum with bottled or distilled water.

The best optiontap water, settled in an open vessel so that the chlorine evaporates (at least a day). Soften the liquid before watering will help wood ash, lemon juice, oxalic acid or vinegar. The selected substance is added in a small amount before settling. It is forbidden to use boiled water, because it does not dissolve air and can cause root rot.

Flower Female happiness - reproduction

Usually, best time to plant or plant a bush is spring. This should be done after preparing the substrate. The algorithm is the following:

  1. The soil is made up of sand, peat, turf, humus (2 parts sod land and 1 part of the remaining components).
  2. mature plant has many roots. They must be separated carefully so as not to damage the bush.
  3. The resulting young shoots with roots are planted in new pots.
  4. The soil is well shed with water.
  5. The transplanted bushes are left for several days to acclimatize.

Experienced flower growers know how to propagate spathiphyllum at home by dividing the rhizome. However, this option is complex, requires some skill, because inaccurate actions can damage the root and sprouts. Another method is to propagate the bush using seeds, but it takes a lot of time and is not popular with flower growers.

Spathiphyllum - transplant

If the bush of Women's happiness has grown strongly, you need to transplant it into a container bigger size, thanks to this, the plant will be able to develop and bloom normally. How to transplant a flower Women's happiness:

  1. Prepare the soil from leafy, soddy soil, humus, sand.
  2. Lay drainage (broken polystyrene or expanded clay) on the bottom of the pot.
  3. Fill in some soil.
  4. Place the root system in a pot.
  5. Fill in the rest of the soil.
  6. Spill the earth with water prepared in advance.

Flower Women's happiness - signs and superstitions

This plant is considered unusual. A lot of folk signs, conspiracies and superstitions are connected with Women's happiness. It is customary to give a flower to women and girls: it is very important that it is not bought on its own, but presented by relatives. The fair sex is happy to keep Women's Happiness and believe that the flower bears such a name for certain reasons.

Signs about the flower Women's happiness:

  1. It is believed that a flower presented to a girl makes her more attractive to men, feminine and tender.
  2. If you believe the signs, then Women's happiness in the house gives girls the opportunity to start a family.
  3. If the flower is placed in the bedroom of the spouses, then quarrels and strife will bypass the family.
  4. It is believed that Women's happiness in the house helps expectant mothers to endure pregnancy more easily.

Spathiphyllum - diseases

When the leaves of a favorite plant dry or begin to turn yellow, flower growers are very worried and do not know what to do. As a rule, if the flower of Women's happiness is sick, the following signs appear:

Why Women's happiness does not bloom

Many owners of this flower note that it cannot bloom for a long time. The reasons why spathiphyllum does not bloom at home may be as follows:

Fertilizer for spathiphyllum

In order for the flower to please the owners with its beautiful view, it needs periodic top dressing. Without this, flowering will become irregular or stop altogether. How to feed a spathiphyllum? The easiest option is to use organic fertilizers. You can take bird droppings or purchase mineral compositions for flowering plants in the store. Feeding can be done once a month. During the period of active development, it will be necessary to feed twice.

Indoor plant Women's happiness - photo

Worth seeing it once beautiful plant- and you will definitely want to settle it in your house. Spathiphyllum is a very lush bush with elongated green leaves, without stems. Its height reaches 50 cm. From the photo of a blooming spathiphyllum, we can conclude that the inflorescences of the plant can be red and white. If you properly care for the bush, regularly introduce top dressing and water according to the schedule, then the plant will look great, as in the picture.

Video: spathiphyllum care at home

Tell me how to care for a flower female happiness? Gave flowering plant on my birthday, at first the leaves were bright, green. And recently noticed that finished began to dry up. The flowerpot is on a table by the north window, probably, the flower is dark there, besides, I open the window for ventilation. Where is the best place to put a bush and how often should it be watered?

There is a belief that if the spathiphyllum blooms profusely, its mistress will soon find happiness in family relationships. Probably, it is for this reason that the plant was called female happiness. And really, does a woman need a lot to be happy? Only silence and harmony in the house, and even a little attention from loved ones. In the same way, the spathiphyllum requires gentle light, warmth and a minimum of care from the hostess, because it is absolutely not capricious. How to care for a flower of female happiness, so that it gives not only a gorgeous flowering, but also brings positive emotions into the house?

In principle, it is difficult to starve to death. A beautiful lush bush adapts to almost any conditions. Despite this, there are still some points that can affect the plant Negative influence. If you do not follow the recommendations, it can not only spoil it appearance, but to deprive flower growers of the opportunity to admire the flowering. So, what do you need to know if a spathiphyllum has appeared in your flower collection? First of all, it concerns:

  • flower conditions;
  • care features (watering, fertilizing, transplanting).

Where to put a flowerpot with female happiness?

Spathiphyllum loves soft lighting, so the south windows are best left for other colors. In summer, the plant will feel good on the northern windowsill, but in winter it will be a little dark there.

From a lack of light, women's happiness will not disappear, but, and new leaves will grow small. Therefore, for a period when daylight is short, the pot must be rearranged to the east side. There is more sun, but at the same time there are no direct rays, from which ugly spots appear on the leaves.

As for the temperature, the spathiphyllum is a fairly resistant plant. It tolerates summer heat up to 35 degrees Celsius well, and in winter it will survive even at 15 degrees (but not lower).

Humidity is the only requirement for female happiness, especially if the air in the room is dry. To bring the conditions closer to natural, you need to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. You can also periodically spray them.

How to care for a flower female happiness?

Spathiphyllum in care will not cause much trouble, the main thing is not to forget about the flower and carry out such procedures in a timely manner:

  1. Watering. The flower loves water, so in the summer it needs to be “watered” every two days. You can water directly into the pot, but you need to try so that the jet does not hit the center of the bush. In winter, when the room becomes cool, such frequent watering unnecessary and may even be harmful. During this period, it is enough to moisten the soil once a day.
  2. top dressing. In the nutritious land, women's happiness can grow even without fertilization. However, in order for the bush to develop and bloom more actively, it is advisable to make mineral complexes once a month. You can do this from mid-spring to mid-autumn.
  3. . Spathiphyllum does not like frequent relocations, so it is enough to replant a bush every three, in early spring. It is better to use the transshipment method, while the pot should not be too large.

In conclusion, I would like to add that female happiness blooms only when the roots grow and completely braid the entire earthen lump that is in the pot. Another plant does not like drafts, however, like other indoor pets. Otherwise, it is absolutely undemanding and can only give pleasure from the contemplation of delicate white bedspreads on a long peduncle among bright dense foliage.

Video about the proper care of a flower female happiness or spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is a beautiful tropical plant that grows well at home. Spathiphyllum is known in Russia as the flower of "women's happiness".

It is unpretentious in care, blooms almost constantly, and its flowers look like an exquisite decoration. It is also believed that spathiphyllum improves the energy of the house and gives the owners well-being and happiness, and if there is no mutual understanding in the family, quarrels and scandals often occur, then the plant stops blooming, the tips of the leaves dry, and the green pet may die.

On the picture indoor flower female happiness is a dense bush of beautiful oblong leaves with sharp tips on long cuttings. The length of the leaves can reach 20 cm, the color is bright green with an emerald sheen.

Flower-bearing stems beautifully rise above the greenery, the inflorescence itself looks like the tip of an arrow: a white “sail” is located around the cob.

Signs and features

Someone might think that the name was received because in the photo the spathiphyllum looks exotically beautiful, and it is very easy to care for it. That is, with a minimum of effort, the hostess receives a unique interior decoration.

But folk omens They also talk about the completely unusual properties of the flower. He helps single ladies find their love, improves home energy helps spouses find harmony in relationships, and main sign- spathiphyllum helps even those women who are already desperate to become a mother.

You can believe whether these signs are true in one way - to put your own Women's happiness on the windowsill.


Spathiphyllum is an unpretentious flower in care. It will not be difficult to create a favorable environment for him at home. So that the tips of the leaves do not dry out, and the plant always pleases beautiful flowers, you need to remember three simple rules care:

  1. Provide the plant with sufficient moisture.
  2. Protect women's happiness from direct sun rays.
  3. Try to keep the temperature in the room at least 16C.

It is easy to take care of a plant, but according to the signs, a flower Female happiness feels good only in a conflict-free and friendly home environment.

How to water?

Spathiphyllum needs a sufficient amount of moisture, but watering should be done only when upper layer soil in a pot will dry well. During active flowering and in winter, it is better to water the flower through the pan. If the room is very dry, then you need to additionally spray the leaves.

If you overdo it with watering, especially if the flowerpot is on a cold windowsill, then problems with the root system will definitely begin, the leaves will begin to dry, and their tips may turn black.

Where to put?

direct sunlight spathiphyllum does not like, but it is not worth placing it in the twilight. You should choose a place in partial shade, where there is enough diffused sunlight.

Signs that the plant does not have enough light:

  • leaves are stretched;
  • tips dry;
  • no flowers.

It is necessary to remove faded arrows in a timely manner, then the plant will constantly delight with new flowers.

How to transplant?

If you have a spathiphyllum flower, then it is advisable to transplant it in the spring. The pot should be taken a little more than the one in which the flower grows, if there is too much space, Women's happiness will stop blooming.

In the future, in order for the spathiphyllum to recover faster, it should not be watered, and care should be reduced to spraying 2 times a day until the earth dries. In order for the plant to take root, you can use Kornevin top dressing for the first watering.


If the leaves turn yellow or dry

Various troubles can happen to a flower. Let's try to figure out what problems this houseplant most often has, and how you can deal with them.

The tips of the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black, turn yellow or dry

The most common cause is insufficient air humidity. If the plant is located on the windowsill, then in winter time the heat from the battery literally dries out the flower, the leaves dry, and even constant spraying cannot always solve the problem.

In the process of care, it is necessary to take measures for additional moisturizing:

  • put wet moss in a pot
  • put the pot in a tray of water
  • use store-bought humidifiers that are simply filled with water and stuck into the soil

Do not increase the frequency of watering. If the plant is flooded during the care process, this will not compensate for the lack of moisture, but will only lead to new problems. often root system suffers, and the leaves dry out due to excess moisture.

The reason that the leaves of the flower of Women's Happiness turn yellow also often becomes:

  • too much watering
  • pouring cold water
  • the need for top dressing
  • post-transplant stress
  • hypothermia

The tips of the leaves can dry and turn yellow when exposed to direct sunlight. The plant should be placed in a place where there is enough light, but there are no direct rays.

Why does the spathiphyllum not bloom?

Among the main reasons for the lack of flowering can be noted:

  • not appropriate place(optimally place the pot on the east windows)
  • too big pot
  • excess moisture in the pot
  • lack of nutrition

The usual flowering time is from mid-spring (approximately from April) to mid-autumn, with correct placement pot and good care it may bloom longer.

In order to cause a new flowering, you should immediately cut off the faded flower stalks under the root, closer to the base.

If the lack of flowering is caused by a too cramped pot, then you should not rush and replant the plant. It is better to wait a little while the root system grows than to arrange transplant stress for a green pet and risk damage to the roots.

When to feed?

Women's happiness needs to be fed only during active growth. This happens from the beginning of spring to the end of September. A weakly concentrated solution of mineral fertilizers should be used once every two weeks.

At home, you can use suitable store-bought dressings designed for flowering plants.

In winter, women's happiness should be at rest. Care should be reduced only to the control of temperature, humidity and timely watering.

By following the simple rules for caring for a green pet, you can almost all year round enjoy the view of exquisite white flowers. And as we know, beauty and harmony are important components of family happiness!
Several photos of spathiphyllum at home.

Many people prefer to use indoor plants as room decoration, but they are still able to humidify and even purify the air, absorbing impurities that are hazardous to health. In addition, by folk beliefs, they normalize relations in the family.

The most unpretentious and attractive flower is the spathiphyllum. It is also called "flowers of female happiness." How to care for them correctly, we will consider in more detail in the article. And no special skills are required for this.

What is female happiness?

Such indoor plant like a spathiphyllum does not have a stem, only oval leaves growing straight out of the ground. When it begins to bloom, a small cob appears on the stem, and only then an elegant white bud is formed.

In general, women's happiness refers to heat-loving plants that feel great only at a positive temperature of at least 18 degrees. It must be protected from drafts and cold.

Varieties of spathiphyllum

Houseplant female happiness happens different types. There are 50 varieties in total. But in our country, as a rule, the following varieties are found:

flower care

As mentioned earlier, this plant very fond of warmth. Indoors, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature for the flower at about 18-25 degrees. In cold weather, it should not be allowed to fall below 15 degrees. In addition, do not allow drafts when caring for this plant, otherwise the houseplant will die.

You should also provide the right microclimate with sufficient humidity for spathiphyllum. In addition, it must be watered abundantly. For better flowering the plant needs a large number of water. Always keep the potting soil moist. If there is not enough moisture for him, then the leaves will wilt, and the flowers will become ugly and withered. But excess moisture can also harm the spathiphyllum until it rots. For irrigation, soft and settled water should be used. With properly organized watering, the plant will bloom and grow well.

Leaves of female happiness also need care, so they are regularly should be wiped with a damp cloth from dust and dirt. Use for this detergents are not recommended as they may damage their surface.

Best lighting

This flower, although it is light-loving, a long absence of lighting will not affect it in any way. However, constant shading can lead to a decrease in the size and change in the shape of the leaves.

A pot with such a plant is best placed on a stand near a window or shelf. It is not necessary to put it on the windowsill; it is better to place the spathiphyllum on a table next to the window. It is diffused light that has a beneficial effect on flowering and growth. When in the summer the rays of the sun fall on the flower of female happiness in the heat, necessary window glass obscure.

Feeding rules

The plant will develop well with constant feeding. For such a flower, fertilizers are suitable, in which there are substances that accelerate its growth. For example, you can buy top dressing in the form of tablets. They are buried in the soil to a depth of about 2 cm. During irrigation, water will dissolve a little from this fertilizer. useful substances and saturate the roots of the flower. But remember that in winter it is forbidden to feed the spathiphyllum, since it is at rest.

flower transplant procedure

Male happiness, or Anturrium

Such a plant as female happiness must be transplanted. True, not everyone knows how to do it right.

For a flower you need Always take a large container, because he likes expanse more. The main thing is not to overdo it, the diameter of the pot should be only 3 cm larger than the volume of the rhizome. If you neglect this rule, then beautiful bloom unlikely to be seen.

Before you start transplanting a flower of female happiness, you should prepare the ground: two parts of soddy soil need one humus, peat and sand.

At correct transplant the plant will give blooming flowers after a while. If the spathiphyllum blooms profusely and for a long time, then everything is correct.

Flower propagation methods

A similar plant is propagated:

  • cuttings;
  • The method of dividing the bush;
  • Seeds.

Spathiphyllum should be rooted with cuttings in wet sand. If you control the water and temperature regime, then the roots are formed quite quickly. Then the flower stalk is planted in a pot, you can even create a greenhouse for it.

Such a plant is propagated by division in the spring. During this period, new growth points appear on its stem, which give rosettes of leaves. It is advisable to periodically divide the bush so as not to thicken the flower. At the process, three leaves with a growth point must be left. For planting, the earth is made up of humus, sand, leafy soil and peat. To improve drainage, you can add crushed brick. Even in the planting mixture, it is desirable to pour a little coniferous earth.

The flower of female happiness is sometimes propagated by seeds. True, in order to get them, you will have to artificially pollinate the spathiphyllum. After that, you need to wait until green peas appear. Seeds must be collected and planted immediately. They are covered with a film to prevent the soil from drying out and are regularly ventilated.

Difficulties in growing a flower

Of course, this houseplant, like other flowers, is exposed to various diseases. However, if you intervene in time, you can avoid complications in its bloom and further growth. When they began to notice on the spathiphyllum that the flowers were withering, the leaves had acquired an uncharacteristic shade, and flowering was absent or very rare, then you should check:

remember, that at proper care behind the plant is female happiness, you can admire the luxurious flowering for a long time.

How female happiness blooms