How to decorate a live Christmas tree in a year. What color to decorate the Christmas tree. The main signs you need to know before decorating the Christmas tree

Good afternoon, dear readers! What New Year does without a forest beauty, decorated with toys, garlands, frost, flickering lights. Decorating a Christmas tree is a pleasant duty before the holiday, creating a fabulous atmosphere in the house.

The forest guest will delight the household and their guests all the holidays. Photos on the background with a Christmas tree will give memories all year, and even a lifetime.

In the upcoming new year 2017, his patron will be the Fire Rooster. Well, if he likes the decorations on the Christmas tree.

This year's color scheme

The main color of the Christmas tree decorations should be red and its various shades, such as scarlet, burgundy, pink. A beautiful addition to them will be golden or silver hoarfrost, rain.

According to Feng Shui, the listed shades symbolize wealth and prosperity. However, the Rooster does not like the bright colors, so the red color should be wisely combined with white. And brilliant golden shades are diluted with a pleasant brown tint.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

It is not bad to use cool shades of blue, gray or purple to decorate the Christmas tree. They will remind you of winter nature if you add a little sparkle to them. It is necessary to observe the golden mean: let it be colorful, but not without a bright sheen. Then the Christmas tree will certainly please the patron of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Christmas tree decoration style

Classic. Decorated in the classic style, the Christmas tree will remind you of childhood. At that time, beads, garlands, all kinds of figurines flaunted on the Christmas tree. A red star rose to the top of the spruce.

Sometimes a multi-tiered toy was placed on top. You can use the experience of our grandmothers, just add golden notes. Hang ribbons, cones, multi-colored balls with a metallic overflow from traditional toys.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Country style. The rooster does not live in the city, so he will like the tree decorated in the style of the village. In this case, the forest beauty is decorated with modest home-made toys.

Toys can be made of fabric, knitted with thread or simply stuffed. You can cut them out of cardboard and paint them in modest pastel colors. The outfit of the Christmas tree is complemented by sweets in golden wrappers, gingerbread with candies. Beautiful bows and bells will complete the outfit.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Naturalness. The rooster likes everything natural. You should decorate the Christmas tree using any natural materials. These are fresh fruits, forest cones, bright bunches of mountain ash, candied lemon peel.

You can add pastel-colored toys and paper flowers. In the New Year, you can deviate from the advice of experienced designers, and show your individual taste.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Christmas tree decorations

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

You can add lace or beads to old toys. Then they will look great again. The owner of the next year loves the old days combined with modern decor.

symbolic figurines. On the New Year's tree, a cockerel with his family will symbolically look. Toys can be built from paper, cloth, clay, like a Dymkovo toy. On the top of the spruce, let the patron of the year, the Cockerel, flaunt.

Toys from the past. Everything new is well forgotten old. Old toys in the form of fairy-tale heroes and funny animals will help to adequately decorate the forest beauty. Rare items will look beautiful on the Christmas tree.

Homemade decorations. Those who are engaged in needlework will build toys to decorate their Christmas tree. You can knit a symbol of the year from wool, sew from felt. Children should be encouraged to make their own toys. Let children's imagination work on colored paper and cardboard. Now they also produce shiny colored paper. It's hard to make a bad toy out of it.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Sweet decorations. You can decorate the Christmas tree. These are figurines made of salt dough, caramel in a colored wrapper, homemade cookies. Hang fruit on a ribbon.

Toys made from coffee beans or cinnamon sticks will look original. In addition, they will delight the room with a pleasant smell. Sweet toys should be hung higher so that little sweeties cannot reach them. Otherwise, they can expose the tree or even drop it.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Feng Shui. On New Year's Eve, they say, all wishes come true. To help them come true, you should decorate the Christmas tree with banknotes. Then you can hope for prosperity next year.

For decoration, you should also use home-made colorful cards on which you can write good wishes for the coming year.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

How to arrange decorations

When decorating a Christmas tree, you must follow some rules so that the forest guest looks beautiful:

Spiral. Beads with garlands are attached to the branches from above to the floor, trying to make their curls form the same. Toys are placed at a uniform distance and symmetrically to the curls.

Vertical. Beads and garlands are placed perpendicular to the floor. Toys are hung in a checkerboard pattern. The tree will visually look taller. You can add air bows or lace.

Horizontal. Beads with garlands are hung parallel to the floor. Toys are randomly placed, alternating large toys with small ones. There should be fewer toys on the lower branches.

Video: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year

Beliefs for decorating the Christmas tree

1. No need to push the tree into the corner of the room. It should be in the center or against a wall.

2. You should not hang coins on the Christmas tree, it is better to decorate it with banknotes.

3. Under the tree at the meeting in 2017, instead of Santa Claus from the Snow Maiden, put ears of corn. You can sew a bag yourself and put grain in it.

If you follow these rules, then in the coming year you will find good luck and prosperity.

In contact with

It is right to spend the New Year and install the Christmas tree so that it becomes the key to a happy life, teach the art of Feng Shui. Learn how to bring good luck and prosperity to your home with the help of a forest beauty.

Preparations for the New Year holidays are in full swing. The streets of the cities were decorated with multi-colored garlands, and huge beautiful fir trees appeared on the squares. A festive mood and the smell of tangerines are in the air, and you want to believe in miracles. At home, there is also an atmosphere of comfort and expectation of something fabulously happy. Everyone strives to decorate their home brightly and beautifully in order to attract the attention of the capricious Red Rooster, and just to remember a happy childhood.

spruce comfort zone

Choosing a place for the main symbol - spruce - is not easy. If this is a living forest beauty, then it cannot be placed near the battery, where it is too hot, as well as in a draft. An excellent choice would be a bucket of sand and watering every other day. Humidified air will help to stand longer and not crumble - spray needles from a spray bottle.

South sector is responsible for the fire, and an elegant beauty with bright balls and garlands just symbolizes it. In order to attract good luck, do not hang the branches with tinsel. When choosing a color scheme, remember that red will bring good luck in the coming year. Candles and balls of this shade will be the best choice.

Southwest sector responsible for the earth. The fiery energy of spruce will feed it. Feng Shui recommends yellow, pink and red shades of toys as decorations for this zone. Avoid shiny large metal-colored balls, they suppress the energy of fire. Light the garland on the spruce as often as possible - the light will balance the energy.

Western and northwestern sectors are responsible for Metal, so spruce in these places is undesirable. If the choice nevertheless fell on these zones, choose jewelry in metallic shades. Bells and angel figurines will attract creative energy and support from friends.

Northeast zone suitable for choosing a place, like the southwestern. Stop choosing toys for decoration on symbolic globes (good luck in learning and gaining new knowledge). Imitation pearl string will make your life brighter.

Eastern sector responsible for family well-being. Avoid pointed toys so as not to disturb the energy of peace and well-being. The top, according to Feng Shui, should also not be decorated with souvenirs with sharp corners.

Southeast sector is responsible for well-being and requires jewelry made of coins, precious and semi-precious stones, bright iridescent beads and money wrapped in red foil. They attract material well-being and serve as wonderful decorations.

If you can't decide where exactly to put the tree, decide what you most desire next year. Place coniferous branches in the remaining zones and decorate them according to all the rules of Feng Shui. Thus, the emphasis is placed on one sector, and the rest gradually attract all the blessings into your life.

Also, spruce can stand in the center of the room. It will collect the energy of the entire space. Decorate branches directed to sectors with reinforcing symbols, attracting all aspects of a happy life. Do not forget that by attracting everything at once, you may not calculate your strength and get lost in the whirlwind of affairs and actions. Only active and determined people can do this. Feng Shui advises not to chase two birds with one stone, but to decide on a strategy and systematically achieve what you need at the moment.

Jewelry and talismans

When choosing jewelry, remember the twelve most powerful feng shui talismans. The energy of happiness and good luck will also be attracted by jewelry that embodies the symbol of the coming year - the Red Rooster. You can make them yourself or buy them in stores.

Love attract all kinds of hearts, red ribbons, crystals. For a strong relationship, a pair of toys is held together with a red or pink ribbon with a beautiful bow. The top is decorated with a big heart or a ball. The colors of love energy are red, pink and their shades.

Money well-being metal-colored jewelry and money symbols or money itself are attracted. You can decorate the spruce with candies depicting coins and medals. A few bills tied with red ribbons will also attract prosperity into your life.

The art of Feng Shui requires cleanliness and order. When preparing for the holidays, do not forget about the balance of energy flows and make sure that there is no stagnation of energy. To do this, you should throw away or give away all the old and unnecessary things, as well as get rid of broken and damaged items in the house.

Don't forget to make a wish on New Year's Eve. Remember that the fulfillment of your plan depends on your actions and emotional mood. Positive thinking and self-confidence will help attract good luck and prosperity. The magical and mystical New Year's Eve is full of surprises and mysterious signs. Don't miss your luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription Best Food. A couple of meters away from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My heart was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a bit away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I was not going to solve it.

We saw a ladder made of steel bars. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opens in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands against the wall, pushed it away, climbed out into which one. That little room and said Vanya. There was a sniffling, and later Ivan's voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but optimistically answered. At that very moment, the closet lit up with light, I closed my eyes. I was standing in the toilet. Two toilet bowls without toilet seats and drain tanks amused the ear. Peacefully murmuring water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was closed with a net, and beyond. Squirrel, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns were standing. I glared at the guys with the guns and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind a mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I surveyed the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that fell out of the box and grunted. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. Here I am slapping into the store, holding in my fist the pennies given out by Raisa for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky in those years in Moscow was. To get it, as soon as the lighted boxes arrived in the shops, a horde of peasants stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I laid out the essence of the matter to her, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewerage network ... The woman shoved the banknote into my fist by force. The door to Zalygina's apartment was open and propped up with a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated it. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and again rushed into battle. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this place.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but here the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I was offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before that Almira managed to get up from the sofa, pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes was in the six.

My phone rang in my pocket, I hurriedly left Krestov to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the screen of the tube and said quickly. A male voice came from the cell phone. Tenacity hired by Max. The actor admired. Another would have long realized that he played his role poorly, he was seen through. It's time to stop fiddling. But no, the fool keeps talking about the chest and the chicken. Well, at the moment he will get it from me ... Silence hung in the receiver. A lady's voice cut through, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then fell silent, paused and looked at.

The Christmas tree is the center of the whole holiday, so its decoration is an important and responsible task. Before proceeding with the design, it is worth studying the recommendations of designers for decorating the New Year tree in 2017. The coming year is the year of the fiery red rooster, which should be considered when decorating the Christmas tree. It is important to consider the harmony and compatibility of the accessories used.

Christmas tree decoration secrets

To make the Christmas tree look stylish and spectacular, you need to choose the right place for it. The main decoration of the holiday should be clearly visible and not block the aisles. If the family has children and animals, then you need to take care of the stable position of the tree, which should be carefully fixed.

To beautifully decorate the Christmas tree, you need to know some rules:

  1. Decoration begins with garlands, which are arranged in a spiral or in rows. You can choose a flat vertical position.
  2. Geometry should be present in the decor, toys are hung taking into account the location of the garlands.
  3. When winding a garland in the form of rings, only balls are used to decorate a tree.
  4. Toys of different sizes must be placed in a certain sequence, for example, in descending order.
  5. It is worth sticking to a single color scheme. In the decor, you can use no more than three bright colors.
  6. Rain and garlands are hung in a spiral, vertical, horizontal, but you can not use all directions at the same time.

When decorating a Christmas tree, you can think of decorations that will remind you of a red rooster. The design may include not only winter drawings of Santa Claus, snowmen and snowflakes, but also figures of cockerels and hens.

To make the decor look complete, do not forget about decorating the top. For this, a bow, a toy or a star is suitable.

Features of the color scheme of the Christmas tree

The year of the red rooster obliges to use shades of red in the decor. The best combination for this color will be golden. An interesting solution would be to decorate the Christmas tree with red toys in combination with silver.

When decorating a Christmas tree, you can also use green, yellow, white and brown shades. They go great with red.

Combinations of brown with gold and white, yellow with red and white, as well as green in combination with yellow and red look especially harmonious.

You need to carefully choose green toys, as they can blend in with the color of the needles, especially if they are not shiny, but made of paper or fabric.

Style selection

Using simple decorations and improvised materials, you can decorate a tree in any style you like. Traditional décor is gleaming and sparkling. Gift ribbon bows will complement the classic look, and for more shine, the tips of the needles can be varnished. In this case, decor from postcards and New Year's pictures is appropriate.

The country-style Christmas tree is decorated with handmade ornaments. Knitted items and toys are suitable, as well as those sewn from dense fabric. Homemade Santa Claus boots filled with rain or sweets look magical. Knitted balls or snowflakes will complement the Christmas outfit.

For eco-style, decor made from natural materials is suitable. Wood crafts, gingerbread, dried fruit and candies are used.

Those who have kept toys from Soviet times are advised to create a retro design. Get a great vintage Christmas tree.

If the area of ​​​​the room is small, then you should pick up a small Christmas tree or decorate the room with Christmas tree branches.

Original homemade Christmas decorations

To create an original and unique Christmas tree, it is recommended not to buy toys, but to make them with your own hands. Here are some ideas:

Felt decor looks stylish and cozy. You can create mittens, figurines of holiday heroes, mittens or beautiful animals.

With the help of colored paper, scissors and glue, a simple decor in the form of a streamer or snowflakes is created.

From threads, glue and a balloon, you can make beautiful balls of thread.

Christmas decoration can be made from foam. At the same time, the base of the ball is pasted over with all kinds of buttons, ribbons and postcards.

With the help of simple toys, garlands and homemade creations, you can create a beautiful and stylish Christmas tree that will emphasize and enhance the festive atmosphere. Creative skills and imagination will help to build original and unusual decorations for the forest beauty.

During the New Year holidays, literally everything changes in every house: creating a festive mood, New Year's decor changes the home beyond recognition. A peculiar aroma of Christmas time is in the air, the whole family finally gathers at the table, friends come ...

Remember how in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens? At Bob Cratchit's house?

During this period, a new head of the family appears in all houses. Who is he? Is mom instead of dad or dad instead of mom? Or maybe a grandfather instead of a grandmother, or ... No! This is not about a person at all, but about the hostess of the New Year holidays - a Christmas tree!

It is she who is the main symbol of the meeting of the New Year and Christmas, giving not only her unforgettable aroma, but also a stunning train of festive emotions, meetings and friendly gatherings.

Without her presence, it is difficult to imagine the house / apartment of any of the inhabitants of our country. She creates a real holiday, and we only complement it. Doesn't she deserve to be in charge?

The Christmas tree loves and is good at everything, especially when it comes to her outfit. Today we will talk about how to properly “dress” the Christmas tree.

We decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year: basic rules

In order for your Christmas tree to look as impressive and stylish as possible, first of all, choose the best place for it. The green beauty should be clearly visible, she should not be infringed and deprived of space. She should become the queen of the New Year, and look like a real princess who freely spread the skirts of her dress.

Despite the fact that the Christmas tree feels great in winter, while staying in any home, it will feel more comfortable in warmth. Therefore, if you put a Christmas tree in one of the rooms, this will be the best option for her.

It is not worth taking out the green beauty to the balcony and loggia before the holiday, as many do.

It will be perfectly preserved during Christmas time, but the atmosphere of the holiday will not be the same at all. Everything will look as if the tree is separated from the family, all alone.

The hosts, especially children, will have exactly the same sensations. A large percentage of the festive mood that the tree creates will be reduced. Give her space in one of the rooms, let the fluffy beauty truly be the head of the family on New Year's days. And then more comfort, warmth and family happiness will come to the house.

Having installed the Christmas tree, we proceed to the next stage - decoration. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year, you will learn further.

In order for everything to work out perfectly, you must know a few rules.

First, decorate the Christmas tree always start with garlands. They will be the basis for your next steps. Stick to the spiral arrangement of the garlands. Maybe even multiple rows. Such an arrangement will be as comfortable as possible.

You can also decorate the Christmas tree with garlands located vertically on the tree - from the top to the lower branches.

Secondly, the spiral arrangement of toys will be ideal if the garlands are placed in the same way. If you have chosen a vertical arrangement of garlands, then hang the toys lengthwise. As you are already beginning to understand, a kind of geometry should be present in the decoration of the Christmas tree.

Thirdly, the classic option for decorating a Christmas tree is the ring method. Garlands are wound in this case with rings, we strengthen the “geometry” with balls and tinsel, which we hang in circles. And keep in mind that the size of the balls from the top to the lower branches must be increased.

With this method, any other toys are rarely used. Only balls. But you can dilute it with toys that are conditionally similar to balls, that is, they visually “draw” a circle. For example, snowflakes or stars.

Important! When choosing a way to arrange decorations on a Christmas tree, remember that for each of them you will need to have garlands of different lengths, ways of glowing, and you may even need to connect several at the same time.

For example, for a meeting in 2016, it is desirable to have garlands of yellow and red colors, preferably with a fading function. But the longitudinal arrangement of the garlands will definitely require the presence of several.

This is our tradition to decorate the Christmas tree. Just choose the method that is closer to your family. But we’ll talk further about how to decorate the Christmas tree and what colors of toys to pick up. Let's start with the second point.

Christmas tree design: choosing colors

In 2017, the Christmas tree, as always, should sparkle and shine. The stronger the better. But this does not mean that everything that is in your toy boxes will do for decoration. Not all colors will be in priority this year. We need a color scheme that the Fire Rooster will like.

Red, white, brown, gold, green and yellow are the perfect colors to decorate the Christmas tree, because these are the favorite colors of the Rooster, who will sit on the throne in 2017. Therefore, we recommend using them for decoration.

Let's look at the meaning of these colors. What do they carry?

Red is the color of leadership, perseverance, dynamism, perseverance, struggle for one's rights.

White - symbolizes completeness, openness, unity, integrity.

Brown carries reliability and common sense.

Gold is the color of the sun, which embodies wisdom, excites and warms.

Green promises stability and progress.

Yellow is a symbol of dexterity, originality, joy of life, freedom, fun, ingenuity, justice.

Important! When choosing toys in green, be careful: there may be a problem of merging decorative elements with the color of the needles. Especially if the toy is made of paper or other material that does not sparkle when exposed to light.

Even decorations made of glass and other light-reflecting materials often do not benefit from glare. During the day, such toys are usually lost in the branches of the Christmas tree, but at night, under the influence of the included garlands, they sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

The meaning of flowers has been studied, but not only knowledge about their essence is important for decorating a Christmas tree. A very important point in this process is the selection of color combinations. Pay attention to this moment too.

We suggest using the following combinations:

  • white/brown and gold;
  • white/yellow and red;
  • red, green and yellow.

The green beauty will always sparkle stylishly and spectacularly if the children decorate the Christmas tree with you. With their spontaneity, they will bring their own unique “zest” to the process and the result of decorating the Christmas tree. Therefore, pick up the “clothes” for the Christmas tree together.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully: choose toys

Pick up decorations for the Christmas tree at least a few weeks before the New Year. Pull out the sets of Christmas decorations you have around the house and see which ones will fit right in and which ones will be left out this year.

If something needs to be bought in addition or to transform what is, feel free to do it. Being already familiar with the colors and ways of decorating the Christmas tree, you will quickly find out what exactly and how to do for a worthwhile meeting of the year of the Red Fire Rooster.

Snowflakes, cones, snowmen, figurines of different animals, stars have always been in fashion, no matter what year we meet. But their use has always depended on our taste, desires and, of course, on how one or another New Year should be celebrated.

The real atmosphere of a winter holiday will be created by snowflakes of various shades, purchased or made with your own hands. And, of course, from various materials: napkins, paper, beads, foil, fabric. Snowflakes are perfect for decorating the Christmas tree this year.

The process of cutting snowflakes will be a real treat for your children. Therefore, it is better not to buy, but make them yourself.

Everyone can find plain white printer paper. It is from this material that we propose to make snowflakes. The Internet will help us choose a pattern and fold the paper correctly. For example, the following video shows how to print out a finished snowflake pattern template and cut it out:

You can also make voluminous snowflakes out of paper. Here is one example:

Centuries ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with cones. Such cone decor is in fashion now.

Cones can simply be painted in different colors or you can make different figures by connecting several pieces together. The main thing is a good imagination and a desire to do something beautiful.

See how spectacular cone products can look.

Snowmen are on trend too! Year of the Monkey, Dog or Rooster, and there should be a snowman on the Christmas tree! Nothing without him. It's like celebrating a birthday without guests.

The next video is about how to make a snowman with your own hands. At first it will seem to you that it is too big for a Christmas tree, but that's okay. Just adjust the dimensions. If you like the dimensions of such a snowman, as in the video, then he will take pride of place near the Christmas tree or next to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at the foot of the green beauty.

Figurines of different animals diversify any Christmas tree outfit.

Stars will also be a good decoration for a green beauty. If you make a lot of them, and even voluminous ones, in addition, in the right color scheme, stars can be hung instead of balls.

How to make these Christmas decorations with your own hands, see the following video:

And here is another way. Here, stars can be made already from fabric. Just take the sticks away!

Instead of a postscript

The design of the Christmas tree, as we see, can be arranged in a variety of ways. All you need is a desire and a good imagination. But is it possible to arrange everything completely differently than everyone else? Can! This will be discussed further. Or rather, let's talk a little about European styles.

Important! Modern trends are actively offering us options for decorating a Christmas tree in European styles. For example, in Provence or Scandinavian styles. How acceptable they are to you is up to you. If you like one, then don't waste a minute.

Scandinavian style. This style does not tolerate any frills and bright colors. Welcomes alternative Christmas trees and designs that mimic it. In addition, light shades, moderation and simplicity are his forte.

Provence. And this style is special. He welcomes natural shades and pastel colors, from decorations - blue or white balls, bows, snowflakes, snowmen, knitted ornaments, artificial flowers. Like the Scandinavian style, it does not tolerate bright colors, because its strong point is softness, comfort and tenderness.

Here is our postscript. Not very intricate, but the result will be simple: the choice is yours! Burn!

Happy New Year! With new happiness! Love each other, and in the new year you will definitely be lucky!