How and when to plant marigolds in open ground: during flowering, before winter, or beautifully in a flower bed in spring? A photo. Marigolds in your garden: cultivation and care Is it possible to plant marigolds

Marigolds are one of gardeners' favorite annual flowers. In almost every area you can find lush bushes with carved foliage and bright flowers, publishing a spicy aroma familiar from childhood. Marigolds bloom almost all summer, delighting with an abundance of inflorescences.

plant description

Marigolds or tagetes, belong to the genus of annual and perennial plants of the Aster family. Upright branched stems form a bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm. The leaves are pinnate, openwork, the root system is fibrous. Inflorescences - baskets, simple or double, yellow, orange or brown. Blooms profusely from mid-summer until frost. The fruit is an achene, 1 g contains up to 700 seeds. The whole plant emits a spicy aroma. Grows best in full sun, although it tolerates some shade. The soil should be nutritious, moderately moist.

Marigolds are widely used to create flower groups, rabatok. Undersized varieties beautiful both in borders and in arrays, on the lawn. Planted in a pot, they can bloom for a long time in the room. The culture is suitable for cultivation in balcony boxes, containers. Cut inflorescences stand in water for a long time.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Tagetes is unpretentious, grows and blooms in almost any conditions, but with good care bushes look much more decorative. It is grown in two ways - seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground.

A seedless way to grow marigolds

Marigolds are grown by sowing seeds in the ground at different times:

  1. Before winter, after the onset of a steady minus. Ridges are formed in advance, grooves are made and some earth is stored in a warm place. Seeds are sown in dry soil and sprinkled with stored soil. Top mulched with rotted sawdust, compost, leaf litter. In the spring, when the last frosts have passed, the mulch is raked so that the soil warms up faster.
  2. In the spring, in mid-April - early May, marigolds are sown on insulated ridges or greenhouses. After sowing, the furrows are shed warm water.

In early - mid-May, tagetes are sown directly into the ground on permanent place. The seedlings that have appeared are thinned out, leaving at least 10 cm between the plants. When several true leaves appear on the seedlings, they are seated at a distance of 30–40 cm.

How to grow marigold seedlings in a greenhouse

Marigolds from seeds are successfully grown in a greenhouse. Planting dates come when weather forecasters no longer promise a decrease in night temperatures below -1 -3 ° С. The soil in the greenhouse quickly thaws already in the first warm April days.

To prevent hatching seedlings from being caught by night frost, use covering material. You can also put water containers in the greenhouse. During the day, it heats up and at night it gradually gives off heat, maintaining the temperature several degrees higher than outside.

Shoots appear in a week. Care for seedlings of marigolds consists in regular watering warm water, loosening and weeding. If the soil has been prepared in advance, young plants do not need separate dressings. If necessary (weak growth, yellowing of the leaves), foliar spraying is carried out with a 1–3% solution. By mid-May, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

How to grow marigold seedlings at home

Most reliable way get flowering plants in early dates- plant marigolds for seedlings. Like the main seedling crops - peppers and eggplants, they are sown at the end of February - in March. More exact dates depend on the climate and region of residence.

The soil for sowing marigolds is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 part compost;
  • 1 part
  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 0.5 parts of sand.

A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the tank - broken brick, expanded clay, coarse sand. Then - the prepared soil mixture. It is slightly compacted and watered. You can add a drug for fungal diseases to the water for irrigation, since tagetes seedlings often suffer from a black leg. A few days later, when the earth settles and is evenly saturated with moisture, grooves are made and marigold seeds are laid out in them.

Sprinkle with earth on top and moisten a little more. The pots are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm, bright place. The cover is regularly removed for ventilation. After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed and the containers are rearranged in a sunny place. Water very sparingly until the seedlings have their first true leaves to prevent blackleg disease.

Caring for seedlings at home is no different from the agricultural technology of growing seedlings in open ground: timely watering, fertilizing and good lighting will allow you to get the first flowers of marigolds in June.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The optimal distance between plants when planting marigold seedlings in open ground is 0.4–0.5 m for upright varieties. Undersized can be planted a little more often. The place should be sunny, without stagnation of air.

Plants are transplanted along with a clod of earth. Before planting, marigolds should be watered so that the roots do not dry out during transplantation. It is advisable to prepare a place for a future flower bed in the fall - bring in, ash and dig. When planting seedlings in the ground, compost, urea or saltpeter are added under each root. But you should not be zealous with nitrogen so that the plants do not grow fat, that is, they do not increase their green mass to the detriment of flowering. Spraying with a solution of micronutrient fertilizers for flowers will bring great benefit to velvet. They do this after the plants have taken root, started to grow and began to pick up buds.

Tagetes care in the open field

Marigolds are moisture-loving, but do not like prolonged stagnation of water. Therefore, watering should be moderate. After watering, the earth must be loosened. For abundant flowering several times a season, flowers are fed with infusion of mullein or liquid and other weeds.

To maintain a high decorative effect, wilted inflorescences are cut off. Thickened areas are easy to thin out with pruning, using cut flowers for bouquets.

Diseases, treatment and prevention

Due to the content of phytoncides, marigolds are less susceptible to disease than other crops. However, unsuitable conditions for them can cause gray mold disease and spider mite invasion. Infected with rot specimens are destroyed, in healthy ones, watering is reduced, sprayed with drugs against the fungus.
From spider mites, tagetes are treated with an infusion of garlic, wormwood, red pepper or tobacco dust. In case of severe damage, the plants are sprayed with solutions of the preparations "Aktellik", "Fufanon", "Antiklesch", "Fitoverm".

Plant marigolds in sunny, windy places without thickening, and the plants will bloom more profusely and get sick less.

How to collect and save marigold seeds

With good care in the open field, marigolds planted in May-June form faded and dried achenes filled with seeds by mid-August. They are quite large and resemble an arrow with a black tip and light plumage. The largest specimens are collected for seeds. The collected achenes are dried in a dry place and cleaned, freeing from the husk.

Seeds are collected only from varietal marigolds, hybrids are not suitable for this, as they inherit the characteristics of only one of the parents.

Well-dried seeds are poured into cloth bags and stored at a temperature of 1–5 ° C and a humidity of 50–60%. Under such conditions, planting material does not lose its germination for several years.

Application in medicine

A bouquet of cut marigolds heals the air in the room, repels flies. Dried petals are used as a condiment in some countries. In the Caucasus, it is known as Imeretian saffron. Leaves treat constipation, fever, used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. In large doses, marigold leaves act as an emetic. The lutein contained in the flowers reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts and improves visual acuity. Baths with tagetes infusion relax, relieve anxiety. They are recommended to be taken at bedtime for depression and neuroses. The tincture of the plant copes well with stomatitis and skin diseases.

AT industrial scale marigolds are grown for essential oil.

The raw material for it is the entire above-ground part of plants. The oil has a sweet fruity aroma with a slight citrus note. It has a sedative, antifungal, hypotensive, antiseptic effect. It softens the skin well, at the same time repelling flying flies and mosquitoes. Helps heal cuts, scratches, softens calluses.

Marigold oil is a popular ingredient in many French perfumes.

Benefits for the garden

In order for the marigolds to fully show their volatile properties, they are planted around the perimeter of the site, along the paths, they mark the beginning and end of the beds with separate bushes. Tagetes, planted next to cabbage beds, scares cruciferous flea. One or two flowering bushes in a greenhouse can significantly reduce the likelihood of late blight and various rots. In autumn, the whole plant is used as green manure - they grind and dig up the ground along with the resulting green mass. This will scare away the nematode, wireworm and enrich the soil with organic matter.

Marigold bushes can be left for the whole winter. Planted in rows, they will serve as wind protection and hold snow on the site.

In the spring, after the snow melts, dried bushes are pulled out and burned, or sent to compost.

Types of tagetes

Marigolds grow in summer cottages different heights, differing in terms of flowering, size and color of flowers. Seeds of the variety and type you like can be bought at almost any specialized store.

Marigolds erect (Tagetes erecta)

The shape of the inflorescence is divided into two groups:

  • clove-flowering - this group has many reed flowers in the inflorescences, few tubular ones in the center;
  • chrysanthemum-flowered - the entire inflorescence consists of tubular flowers, along the edge there is one row of reeds.

Upright varieties of tagetes are among the highest. Among them are many beautiful, with large spherical inflorescences of yellow and orange flowers.

Antigua- low bushes are strewn with many flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm of yellow-orange color.

yellow stone- a plant up to 70 cm high looks like a chrysanthemum with large light yellow spherical flowers.

golden dollartall bushes with large dark green leaves beautifully set off red-orange odorless terry balls.

golden light- compact plants of medium height are crowned with bright orange lights. Late variety, blooms from late June until frost.

lemon prince- from the beginning of summer to cold weather, it will delight with a combination of lemon-yellow inflorescences with a dark emerald of carved foliage. Variety 80 cm high.

Shaggy Robin- pale yellow heads really look shaggy due to tubular flowers of different lengths. Cut beautifully and unusually.

Marigolds rejected (Tagetes patula)

This type of medium height is 20–40 cm. The flowers may not be double, but no less beautiful, often two-colored.

golden head- low strongly leafy bushes are covered with many yellow inflorescences with red edges. The outer petals are wavy and bent down. The grade is recommended for cultivation in containers, pots, for beds and rabatok.

golden ball- sprawling branched bushes will delight exquisite combination golden center in red-brown edging. Blooms from early summer. The variety is good for cutting.

Queen Sofia- red-brown shades of terracotta, cinnamon and bronze fade slightly in the sun, acquiring almost chocolate tones. The inflorescences are not double, but large.

lemon jewel- the name of the variety speaks for itself. Compact strongly leafy bushes firmly hold a scattering of double bright yellow flowers.

orange flame- the variety will not leave anyone indifferent thanks to two-color spherical inflorescences with a bright orange center in a red-brown design.

Thin-leaved marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia),

Thin-leaved varieties have thin, strongly cut foliage and small non-double flowers of yellow, orange or red. Flowering bushes resemble openwork balls dotted with many bright lights.

Golden ring- a plant of medium height with fragile shoots and small light green leaves. Blooms from early June bright yellow small flowers with dark orange trim.

Dwarf- similar to the previous variety, but differs from it in small height. Therefore, it is recommended for decorating the edges of flower beds, rabatok. Nice and easy to grow in pots and boxes.

Lulu- the variety is characterized by abundant flowering. A sprawling bush forms a green ball, strewn with bright yellow stars.

Paprika- a lot of fiery red flowers with a yellow center will not go unnoticed in any flower bed. The variety repels pests with a strong aroma.

With such a variety of varieties, you can make an elegant one and only from marigolds, alternating various colors. High large-flowered varieties are placed in the center of the flower bed, framing them with undersized varieties of a contrasting shade. Landed in balcony boxes velvet fabrics will fill the apartment with a delicate spicy aroma all summer long.

The most important thing about marigolds - video

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The onset of autumn does not mean that life in the garden is dying down. In addition to taking care of the flowers that are still blooming, there comes a time to prepare for planting flowers before winter, which will bloom next year. Is it worth planting flowers before winter? Planting plants before winter has its advantages, as their seeds undergo hardening, in spring they give strong shoots. They are frost-resistant, immune to diseases and weather conditions.

  • Firstly, by sowing flowers before winter, we free up time, which is so lacking in spring.
  • Secondly, during the winter, plants from hardened seeds form a strong root system, thanks to which, the roots germinate deeper and have the ability to get moisture from the deepest layers of the soil.
  • Thirdly, if some of the seeds do not sprout in the spring, then there will be an opportunity to sow them.

What flowers to plant before winter

In winter, you can only plant cold-resistant varieties, you need to throw seeds into the already frozen ground, or with a slight warming, they can germinate and, of course, die in the future. You can not fill the seeds with too thick a layer of soil, otherwise in the spring it will be compacted under a layer of snow and it will be difficult for the seeds to sprout. As for the choice of colors for autumn planting, it is extremely large.

What annual flowers are planted in the fall:

  • aster chinensis
  • carnation
  • calendula officinalis

Which of the biennial flowers is planted before winter:

  • forget-me-not
  • daisy
  • Turkish cloves
  • viola

From perennials:

  • bell
  • lavender
  • carnation
  • delphinium
  • lupine
  • primrose

But this is only a small list, in fact it is much wider. Flowers planted in autumn will please next year with their abundant flowering.

Sowing flower seeds before winter

The site for planting is chosen even, so that in the spring the melt water does not wash the seeds. The beds before sowing are freed from carrion tops and various plant residues, dug up. Into the ground seeds should be planted thicker than in spring. The germination of such seeds is lower, it is difficult for them to break through the soil that has compacted during the winter. After planting, the ground is mulched with a thin layer of soil mixed with peat or humus, it can be covered with branches from above. Mixture for mulching must be prepared in advance.

But even before planting, you need to prepare the ground in the fall for sowing seeds, dig and fertilize. Make shallow grooves in the bed for sowing until the ground freezes. Choosing flowers for autumn garden, do not forget about the requirements of some plants. Mainly on suburban area plant hardy plants.

What is planted in the fall in the country

Seeds sown in autumn allow plants to bloom one to two weeks earlier. In addition, in the spring there will be less trouble with seedlings. It is better to immediately plant the seeds in a flower bed and then not replant. In autumn, any seeds are sown thicker, taking into account the fact that not all seedlings will survive. If the plants sprouted too densely in spring, they can be thinned out.

As for perennials, in any case it is better to sow them in the fall. Seed germination of many types of perennials requires cold stratification. Such plants that require stratification include primrose, lavender, delphinium and others. Most perennials sown in the spring will bloom on next year. If you plant the seeds of perennials in the fall, and cover with a film in the spring, then very often the plants bloom by the end of summer.

autumn flowers

Summer is coming to an end and it's time for harvesting in the country. The days are getting shorter and cooler, and autumn is in the air. Bright autumn flowers bloom in the garden. Autumn plants are the most persistent - they absorb the last autumn warmth and delight us with their beauty until frost.

Marigolds (tagetes)

These are often planted in the country, they can often be found next to horticultural crops. Small dark orange flowers with a spicy aroma. They begin to bloom in July and continue to bloom until November. In order for the plant to be lush in the fall, it must be cut in the summer. Regularly weed and free from weeds. Small varieties are suitable for planting in the fall.

Eschsholzia (California poppy)

By appearance looks like a poppy. Flowers are yellow, orange or Pink colour. The plant does not need complex care. The landing site should be open, sunny. The plant tolerates drought well, but still in a very dry summer it should be watered a little.

perennial asters

Asters are distinguished by a variety of colors. Their flowering time is from the end of summer until the start of frost. Asters are quite unpretentious and go well with annuals and perennial crops, delight with their flowering until November.

More than 2000 varieties have these flowers. Peony-shaped, spherical, needle-shaped, collared, anemic and nymphaeal - they differ in the shape of the inflorescences, the size of the flowers and the height of the bushes.

Pretty unpretentious perennial. The flowers are bright yellow in diameter 5-6 cm, reminiscent of chamomile.

Chrysanthemum bushes are a real decoration of the autumn garden. There are many varieties of chrysanthemums. In our conditions, small-flowered varieties will grow better. They bloom until the end of November.

What to plant in autumn

How to decide what to plant outdoors in the garden when the choice is quite wide. First of all, you need to plant small-bulb horticultural crops crocuses, scillas, pushkinias, freesias, lilies of the valley, hazel grouses. Toward the end of September, you can plant lilies, daffodils, amaryllis, tulips, irises, hyacinths. Don't plant everything bulbous plants at the same time, such a rule applies here, the smaller the bulb, the sooner the transplant should end.

Since the flower is sensitive to frost, early boarding it is not recommended in the ground. Transplantation of the finished planting material is carried out as a standard in May-June after frosts on the soil have passed.

Can it be transplanted during the flowering period?

Is it possible to transplant during the flowering period? Flowering plants can be transplanted during the period when the buds are picked, the main thing is to follow simple rules: do not thicken the planting, there should be a distance between the plants for ventilation. Marigolds are herbaceous flowering plants, in shape they resemble small bushes with a strong and rather thick stem and equally strong branches. Seedlings should have a well-formed root system and 3-4 healthy green leaves.


Marigolds will grow well and delight you with their colorfulness on nutritious, loamy, acid-neutral soils. If marigolds are grown on poor soils, then regular feeding, which should be carried out during the growing season - 2-3 times per summer (read about how to feed marigolds for abundant flowering).

For these flowers, it is important that the soil is airy and loose, and also passes water well. They do not like dark and damp places. The soil for planting should be dug up and applied mineral fertilizer , it will also not be superfluous if, in the hole prepared for planting, you add expanded clay or other small stones to ensure good drainage.

Details about the features of marigold care and design rules beautiful flowerbed, you can find out.


ATTENTION: In growing conditions on a balcony, the pot is supplied with good drainage of about 3 cm: pebbles, expanded clay or small stones. Take the land for garden plants and mix it with peat or wood shavings.

All this is necessary in order for the earthen ball to breathe. When planting, remember that marigolds, or another name for them - Chernobrivtsy, are a bush, so planting many bushes in one pot does not make sense, do not allow thickening in plantings: the risk of rot increases greatly.

Read about the features of growing marigolds in pots or boxes at home.

Start time for gardening

Reproduction of marigolds is carried out in two ways:

  • sowing seeds in open ground;
  • planting prepared seedlings.

spring-summer season

It occurs in June, when the temperature of the upper soil layer (about 5 cm) reaches 15-20 °C. The planting depth is from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. If the sowing is late and is done in soil that is not saturated with moisture, then it should be increased to 7 cm.

If you are interested in earlier flowering, then marigold seeds are sown for seedlings in April, while already grown plants are planted in a permanent place in May (read about how to grow marigold seedlings yourself and when and how they are sown). If there is a chance of frost, then simply cover the newly planted seedlings with a covering material. As practice shows, plants after such greenhouses are stronger.

Some varieties of marigolds have earlier flowering dates.. For example, marigolds rejected, or "French" (T. patula), they gained their popularity for compact look which is suitable for decorating balconies and more short term before flowering, on average about 60 days from the moment of sowing the seeds.

ADVICE: Plant out after all night frosts have passed. Marigolds do not like frost, especially young plants.

A photo

Look at the photo how marigolds planted in a flower bed look beautiful.

Can you sow in August?

Transplantation for decorative purposes is possible in pots or boxes, for open ground it is important to take into account the climatic features of the area (early soil frosts). It is not advisable to sow seeds in open ground in August..

Under the winter

Now let's talk about sowing marigolds before winter. There are subtleties here. Cultivation in regions with a milder climate gives good germination results. But since the flower is thermophilic and does not tolerate frost, and also does not like excessive moisture, the experiment on planting before winter in northern latitudes may become rather unsuccessful. But our grower is not looking for easy ways, let's try to formulate the basic rules for preparing marigold seeds for sowing before winter.

To begin with, let us clearly define for ourselves what a place for planting marigolds must be prepared in the fall, preferably in September, well, or in the case of a protracted autumn in early October, cut furrows-grooves in the garden. Make sure that it is not in the lowland, excellent suitable place with a slight slope.

The soil should not be dense, if this is the case, then it is necessary to add peat, tree bark, humus or sand in equal proportions and good loosening (digging). Further, planting seeds should be done only in well-frozen soil. Because a sudden thaw, which will bring excess moisture into the soil, will destroy your seeds, they will simply rot.

It is a good idea to prepare the soil for the top backfill in advance and leave it in a warm room.. After planting the seeds and filling them with soil, it will be useful to cover them with a layer of leaves or thin wood chips about 10 centimeters, and so that the wind does not scatter them around the site, cover them with any mesh for bushes on top.

IMPORTANT: Please also note that when planting before winter, you need to take seeds 1.5-2 times more than in the spring-summer period. By following this small set of requirements, you can get a flowering meadow of marigolds from hardened seeds earlier than your neighbors.

For several weeks after planting, marigolds need constant watering. But do not overdo it, as the plant is susceptible to a number of diseases caused by excessive waterlogging: gray mold, black leg and bacterial sores.

  1. loosening(air access to the roots and exclusion of weed pressure);
  2. watering(moderate, although marigold easily survives dryness, the plant may look wilted, but after watering the leaves gain strength);
  3. top dressing(mineral fertilizers).

Marigolds can and even need to be trimmed, as this will form a beautiful flowering bush, for this you just need to pinch a couple of lower branches. After the marigolds have begun to bloom, do not leave wilted inflorescences, but break them off, this will contribute to more lush bloom and the formation of new inflorescences.

If you decide, then leave a few withered plants, and after complete drying, collect seeds from them. Marigolds are distinguished by good preservation of seeds until spring..

Do not forget that all marigolds are hybrids, flowers from seeds will grow different, not like the parent plants. Having bought seeds once, you can then not think about buying new ones (if you don’t want to try new variety), the germination rate of marigold is high, it will be quite enough for you to collect seeds already from your grown plants.

If there is a flower so common throughout the world, it is solar. Purchase seeds and subject to simple rules planting, you will see this piece of the sun in your garden.

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The root system is fibrous, the leaves are pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, alternate or opposite, the green color can be light or dark green.

Baskets of inflorescences from yellow to bright orange or brown. Flowering begins in June and may continue until the first frost. It is worth noting that marigolds can sow themselves. The germination of seeds that have fallen into the soil lasts up to 4 years. Nice smell does not come from the buds, but from the greenery of the plant.

In addition to this, a flower bed with marigolds on the site is an invaluable home pharmacy.

Flowers help in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • prevention of cataracts;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • stomatitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • cold.

How to grow at home and on the site?

Marigolds have a short growing season and can begin flowering as early as the second month after sowing the seeds. Due to the fact that the plant is unpretentious to weather conditions and tolerates small spring frosts, it does not need covering material when sowing seeds directly in open ground or in boxes on the balcony.

It is necessary to plant marigold seeds at a time when a stable temperature of +5 is established on the street.. Planting dates directly depend on weather conditions, if in regions with a warm climate it is possible to sow seeds in the ground already in April, then in middle lane it will be the end of May. Flowering, respectively, occurs at the end of June at the beginning of July.

If you want the marigolds to start flowering earlier, then you should use the seedling method of planting. Seedlings are grown at home, and when warm weather sets in, an adult plant ready for flowering is planted in a permanent place.

You can learn more about the features of growing marigolds.

Collection of seed material

Marigold seeds are oblong black sticks with white tips that form in the center of the flower after it dries. Because seeds remain viable for more than 4 years, flowers can be self-seeded.

Varieties of American selection germinate later than French ones, and hybrids cannot be grown from seeds at all, they may not sprout or the new plant will not have parental properties.

How to propagate marigold seeds? start in September, in its second half. The main sign for this is the wilting of the bushes, especially if the stem near the head is dry - the seeds are ripe. To collect seed material dry, calm and sunny weather is needed - seeds collected in bad weather can become damp and germination will be reduced.

Seeds are collected in the following way:

  1. cut off the testis and put it in a ventilated place to dry;
  2. then carefully open the head with seeds and shake them out on a newspaper.

There is another way to collect seeds:

  1. collect flowers in a bunch and hang in a ventilated and dry room over a newspaper;
  2. as soon as the boxes ripen and open, the seeds themselves can get enough sleep.

Then the seeds are placed in a paper bag and stored until spring sowing.

Growing methods

Marigolds can be grown in two ways - sown directly into the ground, or in separate pots at home on the windowsill.

It is worth considering both of these options in order to accurately determine the timing of landing in a particular case. It depends on how early and abundantly the plant will begin to delight with its beautiful flowers.

Read more about how to grow marigolds at home.

When to sow?

If it was decided to sow seeds in the ground, then optimal time sowing will be May-June depending on the region. It was during this period that good and stable economic growth was established in many regions of Russia. warm weather.

In open ground and seedlings

Flowers are grown by sowing seed material in the ground at the following times:

As for the seedling method of growing marigolds, you can sow them in pots at any time, from February to March.

Preparatory stage

It should be understood that in order to obtain good seedlings, fresh seeds are needed that are not yet two years old, and the soil must be prepared fertile and very light.

Before sowing, the seeds should be prepared - germinated, then the seedlings will be fast and friendly. Seeds are placed in a cotton cloth, which must first be soaked in warm water. Place on a saucer and wrap in plastic wrap. cling film, for creating greenhouse effect. Put the saucer in a warm place and after 2 days check the seeds if they good quality, then the bulk of the planting material will already hatch. The seeds are ready for planting.

Requirements for the composition of the earth

The following soil composition will be optimal for sowing marigolds:

  • garden soil - 1 kg;
  • washed river sand- 500 g;
  • peat - 1 kg;
  • humus or compost - 1 kg.


Planting seeds is carried out as follows:

  1. make grooves on the beds, between which there should be 2 cm;
  2. spread the seeds at a distance of 1 cm from each other;
  3. embedment depth no more than 10 mm;
  4. shed the grooves with warm water;
  5. fall asleep seeds;
  6. cover the beds with covering material until shoots appear.

As soon as shoots appear, the film is removed. This will help to harden the plant for further favorable development and growth.

If sowing is done seedling way, then the procedure is the same, only after the emergence of shoots the pot is transferred to a bright, sunny windowsill so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

We select a pot

Any container is suitable for growing marigolds- plastic, plastic, containers, boxes, individual cups. It is worth noting that seedlings can appear in any container, only there is the main condition - good drainage at the bottom of the pot and holes for draining excess water.

Soil selection

The soil can be prepared by mixing garden soil, peat, humus and river sand in equal amounts. Or you can buy it in a specialized store ready soil, for growing marigolds.

Cet care

Once the seedlings have grown and planted in a permanent place, it will be as follows:

  • regular watering, while hot weather twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening;
  • constant weeding;
  • formation of a bush with the removal of dried flowers and damaged leaves;
  • loosening the soil is carried out 1 time in 7 days, the roots must breathe.

We water correctly

Marigolds are very fond of moisture, especially during the active growing season.. But in irrigation, it is necessary to observe not only uniformity, but also the rate of water.

It is worth remembering that if watering is plentiful, with stagnant water, then the roots of the plant will begin to rot. With a lack of moisture, the flower may not bloom, or form small, ugly flowers.

During growth, watering should be moderate, and later it will need to be reduced so that there is no stagnation of moisture, from which the plants get sick, rot and do not bloom. In the summer heat, it is better to water in the evenings..

top dressing

Marigolds do not need much fertilizer, but for a lush and long flowering, fertilization is only welcome. You need to feed the plant 1 time per month.

Try not to overfeed the plant nitrogen fertilizers, as the flower will give a lot of greenery and bloom much later.

Basic advice experienced gardeners held three times per season:

  1. as soon as the height of the seedling reaches 10 cm;
  2. with the formation of the first buds;
  3. at the beginning of flowering.

You can feed the plant for the fourth time in the period rapid flowering, this will increase the growing season. Top dressing is carried out with complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video on how to plant marigold seeds for cultivation:


Finally, it should be said that the plant is light-loving, and they need to be planted in bright, sunny areas. This culture easily tolerates temperature changes and lack of moisture. These characteristics allow the plant to be used in decorative floriculture. Also, a cut plant can stand in a vase without losing its beauty for almost three weeks. But you should not plant a crop near water bodies or in heavily shaded areas - or die.

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Planting and care in the open field is not difficult. These flowers can be planted both to decorate flower beds and as medicinal plant. There are two ways to plant marigolds - seedlings or seeds, both are simple and do not require special expenses.

Description and features of the plant

Tagetes (marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, lights) are bushes that can reach up to 130 cm in height. Leaves pinnatipartite or pinnately lobed, different shades Green colour. The plant blooms from early summer until the first frost. Its flowers are large, yellow, orange or with a brown tint.

In addition to decorating the beds, marigolds have many useful properties:

  • their smell repels insect pests;
  • lutein, which is found in flowers, reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts and improves visual acuity;
  • infusion of marigold flowers relieves inflammation of internal organs, relieves stress;
  • dried raw material is a seasoning for food.

Planting marigolds in open ground and caring for them is simple task. It is enough to buy seeds 1 time, and then you can collect them from adult plants. If you do not take part in the reproduction of tagetes, new flowers will grow on their own from seeds.

Landing rules in open ground

Marigold seeds can be purchased at the store or collected from plants you like that have already faded. In the future, they are removed from their boxes, which are formed in place of the flowers.
Then they must be dried and stored at room temperature until spring.

Planting marigolds in open ground and caring for them does not require pre-training. Seeds can be planted in one of the following ways:

  1. Dry seeds are placed in previously prepared and watered furrows with a depth of not more than 3 cm at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other.
  2. Seeds can be germinated 2-3 days before planting. They are soaked for 10 minutes, then left in any container and covered with a napkin with water. When the first sprouts appear, they are transferred to the garden in the same way as dry seeds.

Marigolds protect neighboring plants from insect pests

When to plant marigolds in open ground depends on the region and type of soil. In any case, it is better to plant them in the spring, after warming, so that the seeds do not freeze and rot during the winter. The sooner they are planted, the sooner they will sprout and begin to bloom. The flowering period continues until the first frost.

Planting marigolds in open ground in autumn is not always possible. They will survive the winter only in the southern regions, where there are no severe frosts. In addition, these plants quickly absorb moisture and can rot when it thaws. a large number of snow.

plant care

Planting marigold seeds in open ground and caring for them will not seem difficult even for beginner gardeners. The main thing is to remember that the plant is very thermophilic, and before planting make sure that the soil has had time to warm up. Planting marigolds and care in the open field during frosts is not always possible. In cold regions, they are propagated by seedlings. Seeds are germinated at home or in a greenhouse, and transferred to the street only when the soil warms up.

Plants require frequent and plentiful. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the soil remains loose and permeable to air. Otherwise, individual inflorescences and leaves will begin to rot. They must be carefully removed with scissors, and the soil loosened.

Tagetes grows well in any light. The difference is that in open, lit areas, the bushes will reach their maximum height, and the flowers will be larger. In the shade, marigolds will grow low, but will not lose their beneficial properties.

Marigolds grow on any type of soil. They can be planted even on depleted or sandy areas, but subject to additional feeding. For these purposes, suitable - compost or humus.

Diseases of marigolds

Chernobrivtsy are very resistant to pests. The phytoncides that they secrete repel insects, protecting not only these plants, but also neighboring ones. They also remain immune to infectious and fungal diseases.

The variety of varieties allows you to create whole compositions from Chernobrivtsy.

There are several dangers to which these flowers are exposed:

  1. During a long drought spider mite. To get rid of it, plants are pollinated with a solution of colloidal sulfur or use it for fumigation.
  2. With abundant watering, flowers attract slugs. To combat them, it is enough to place containers with bleach between the beds.

Diseases of marigolds in the open field can be easily avoided. If you control the soil moisture and pay attention to the invasion of pests in time, Chernobrivtsy will grow tall and healthy. Their flowers will decorate the beds and heal the owner from many various diseases, and the plants in neighboring beds will be under reliable protection from insects.

Video about planting seedlings of marigolds in open ground