Nitrogen fertilizer for tomato seedlings. What fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings. Before landing at a permanent place

Many summer residents grow tomato seedlings themselves, trying to create for them comfortable conditions and provide additional recharge. After all, their further development and fruiting depend on the nutrition of plants during the seedling period. However, if you overdo it with fertilizers, you can harm them. Therefore, it is very important to apply fertilizers taking into account the condition of the plants and strictly adhere to certain standards.

Do I need to feed tomato seedlings?

Tomatoes need a balanced diet, but you don’t have to rush to add additional fertilizer if the seeds were sown in fertile soil and while the sprouts have strong stems and bright green leaves.

IN nutrient medium strong healthy seedlings grow

However, as the seedlings grow, they draw all the micro- and macroelements they need from the soil and, as a result of an imbalance of nutrients, become weak. Feeding will help the seedlings grow stronger and improve immunity. What types of fertilizers plants need can be judged by their appearance.

Video: is it necessary to feed tomato seedlings?

When should you feed tomato seedlings?

During the seedling period, plants are fed several times.

If necessary, you can fertilize the plants more often, once a week, while reducing the rate of the applied substance by 2 times.

It is advisable to feed tomatoes in the morning so as not to cause burns from water droplets on the leaves.

What is the best way to feed tomato seedlings?

To feed young shoots, mineral and organic fertilizers. Fertilizing is applied in two ways: at the root when watering or by spraying on the leaf. The most effective method for young shoots is the foliar method, in which nutrients are very quickly absorbed by the plants.

When sprayed, nutrients are absorbed faster by leaves

Mineral fertilizers

Ready-made fertilizers can be in liquid form (Effect, Ideal, Krepysh, Biohumus) and dry (Agricola, nitroammofoska). Fertilize the seedlings with nutrient solutions, strictly following the instructions.

Table: mineral supplements

Photo gallery: the best fertilizers for seedlings

Urea - a fertilizer in the form of white granules - supplies plants with nitrogen and accelerates the growth of vegetative mass Krepysh - a water-soluble fertilizer, most of which is nitrogen, promotes the growth of seedlings and improves immunity Double nitrogen-containing superphosphate is a phosphorus fertilizer that ensures the development of the root system and accelerates plant growth Nitrophoska, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, promotes good nutrition seedlings Agricola - complex mineral fertilizer for foliar and root feeding of plants Effecton is a natural substrate obtained by composting peat mass using additives

Video: application of Krepysh fertilizer

Folk remedies for tomato seedlings

To feed seedlings, gardeners often use folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of practice.

How to feed seedlings with ash

Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which tomato seedlings especially need in the early stages of development. The ash infusion is fed to the sprouts at a week old and again after 14 days. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 liter of water, leave for a day, filter and apply at the root or spray over the plant.

Ash infusion is an ideal fertilizer for weak seedlings

Feeding tomato seedlings with yeast

The yeast nutritional supplement is especially beneficial for young runners, stimulating their growth and the formation of a strong root system. Yeasts containing amino acids, vitamins, and microelements increase the saturation of plants with vitamins and improve oxygen metabolism.

Baker's yeast can be used as effective fertilizer for tomato seedlings

Fertilizing with yeast in the phase of 2–3 leaves improves the survival rate of seedlings after picking. However, such fertilizer is effective only when applied to warm soil (at least +18°C). In addition, in order to avoid a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which are absorbed during fermentation of fungi, yeasting is combined with the addition of ash (20 g) or egg shells (5 g\10 cm2). To prepare the starter, 200 g of fresh yeast are stirred in 1 liter of warm water, after 1 hour diluted with water 1:10 and applied at the root to moist soil or sprayed on plants.

Instead of yeast, I use bread, because it has a yeast base. I fill the bread pieces and crackers with water and put them under pressure for a week. Before use, strain and dilute with water 1:3.

Thanks to its yeast base, grain fertilizer acts as a biostimulator

Iodine is an effective fertilizer for vegetable seedlings

Using iodine as a fertilizer not only improves the development of tomatoes, but also reduces the risk of the spread of pathogenic bacteria. A 5% alcohol solution of the pharmaceutical preparation contains iodine, potassium iodide and 96% ethanol. The use of such feeding allows you to avoid iodine deficiency, and thanks to its antimicrobial properties, protect against diseases. Iodine solution (3 drops\10 liters of water) is applied in the phase of 2–3 true leaves during root watering or spraying.

Feeding with iodine after picking helps plants cope with stress faster and improve immunity

An excellent feed for tomato seedlings is milk with added iodine. I pour 5 drops of iodine, 200 ml of low-fat milk into 1 liter of warm water and spray. As a result, tomatoes receive the necessary microelements, pathogenic soil microorganisms are suppressed, and the film that lactose forms on plants reliably protects them from fungal spores.

Iodine-milk solution - fertilizer with a protective effect

Chicken manure is a valuable organic fertilizer

The richest source of nutrients is chicken manure. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, which are responsible for the growth and health of plants. To fertilize tomatoes, use an infusion of chicken manure: 1 liter of organic fertilizer is mixed with 1 liter of water and left in a closed container for fermentation for several days. Before use, the concentrate should be diluted 20 times.

Chicken manure contains useful microelements and bioactive substances that promote active plant growth

This infusion is best used during the first fertilizing irrigation. However, chicken droppings have bad smell, and when growing tomato seedlings on a windowsill, it is better to replace it with other means.

Green fertilizer for seedlings

A few days before planting in the ground, seedlings can be fed with herbal infusion. Nettle, yarrow, and dandelion are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and left for a week. Before use, the concentrated fertilizer is diluted with water 1:10 and the plants are watered (150 ml per bush).

Herbal infusion - an effective organic fertilizer

Video: feeding tomatoes before planting in open ground

Feeding seedlings with onion peel infusion

This feeding has a double effect. Carotene contained in onion skins and has antioxidant properties, promotes intensive growth of seedlings, restores the strength of weakened and damaged plants. And phytoncides present in the onion skin destroy harmful bacteria. 1 cup of onion peelings is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left for 2 days, then filtered, diluted with water 1:3 and added one sheet at a time.

Onion peel contains nutrients and phytoncides

The nutrition of vegetable seedlings must be balanced, so organic fertilizers should be used in combination with mineral fertilizers.

How to feed tomato seedlings with peroxide

Fertilizing with hydrogen peroxide also has a beneficial effect on tomatoes. The use of peroxide is especially useful for weakened, slow-growing or decimated seedlings. Hydrogen peroxide, which is clear liquid, the chemical composition is similar to rain and melt water, which is popularly called living water.

To feed tomato seedlings, you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in any pharmacy.

When peroxide is used, the soil layer is saturated with oxygen, biochemical processes in the root system are accelerated and nutrient absorption is improved. Positive changes after such feeding are noticeable after just a few hours - the leaves of the seedlings become more juicy and acquire a rich green color. Watering or spraying with a solution (1 tbsp.\1 l) is carried out to accelerate the growth of seedlings or to revive seedlings that are withering after diving.

How to feed weak and thin tomato seedlings

Even experienced gardeners sometimes notice that seedlings begin to grow too rapidly, stretch out, and the stems become thinner. The reason for this may be a violation of agricultural technology, deficiency or excess of nutrients.

If the tomato seedlings have stretched out and acquired a pale green color, then it’s time to feed them with useful microelements

To resuscitate weak and thin seedlings and control their growth, you can use the stabilizing drug Atlet. As a result of using a biostimulant, the growth of the above-ground parts of plants slows down, and a strong root system, the stem becomes strong and thick. Athlete is used when 3-4 leaves appear, adding a solution (1.5 ml\300 ml of water) when watering 1 time. Or spray the seedlings three times with a one-week break with a more concentrated liquid (1.5 ml\500 ml).

The use of the drug Atlet will slow down the growth of the above-ground parts of plants and form a strong root system

After spraying with the drug, plants can be watered within a day, after root application - after 2–3 days. The last treatment should be carried out 3-5 days before transplanting into the ground.

To get strong, healthy tomato seedlings, you need to provide them balanced diet. Modern summer residents have a large arsenal of chemical and folk remedies. However, they should be used taking into account the biological state of the plants and strictly following the instructions.

Anyone who has been involved in growing tomato seedlings knows how important timely feeding is. It would be a mistake to think that regular soil is enough for tomatoes to get all the nutrients they need. After all, tomatoes consume quite a lot of nutrients during growth. This is especially true for growing at home.

Of course, on initial stage The sprout will receive everything it needs from the seed. But the volume of soil per plant in this case is very limited, so it is impossible to do without timely fertilizer. In our article, read the answers to the question of how to feed tomato seedlings at home.

Why do you need feeding?

Initial stages of growth – very important in plant formation. At this time, the root system is laid down, resistance to pests and diseases is formed. Properly grown seedlings that have received all the necessary nutrients will produce a healthy and strong plant. Its productivity will be high, and the fruits will be strong and of high quality.

In the first stages of growth, tomatoes have enough nutrients contained in the soil. But very soon the plants begin to show signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Here are the main ones:

Therefore, timely feeding of tomato seedlings is so necessary. When grown indoors, the plant cannot obtain nutrients from anywhere else. If you notice one or more signs in the seedlings, urgent feeding of the tomato seedlings is required.

When to fertilize

Feeding tomato seedlings at home must be carried out at least twice, before and after picking. It is also useful to apply fertilizer after planting in open ground.

Feeding seedlings with copper

Making a nutrient solution is easy.. Dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of clean water. After this, the solution is ready for use. It can be stored diluted unlimited quantity time. You can even leave it on next year. Just pour it into a tightly sealed bottle and place it in a dark place.

Feeding after picking

During picking, the tomato sprout experiences considerable stress. The roots of the plant are damaged, so it needs a little rest. Therefore, fertilize tomato seedlings no earlier than two weeks after picking. Apply a urea solution to the soil. Next time you can feed with the usual complex fertilizer.

It is known that plants receive nutrition not only through the root system, but also through the leaves. Therefore, to feed a tomato, it is not always necessary to water it. Sometimes it's enough just spray the foliage. Feeding tomatoes this way is very useful. You can alternate fertilizing the soil with the foliar method. Nutrients are most quickly absorbed from the leaves early in the morning, when dew appears. The most popular fertilizers for spraying:

  • Fitosporin (the solution is prepared according to the instructions);
  • Urea solution. Urea is an excellent source of nitrogen for seedlings. An aqueous solution is used for feeding. Spraying is used to prevent overdose;
  • Superphosphate (dilute a tablespoon of fertilizer in 10 liters of boiling water. You can spray it a day after dilution);
  • Potassium nitrate solution;
  • Potassium monophosphate (a teaspoon of the drug per 10 liters of water);
  • Solution boric acid. It helps speed up fruit set. In addition, after treatment with boron, tomatoes become sweeter, and the risk of pest infestation is reduced.

To feed the plant, it is not necessary to always use industrial fertilizers. There are many folk recipes, which can be used to prepare a natural and healthy substance. These include:

The following recipes for feeding tomato seedlings are more complex. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Fertilizer containing iodine

In order for the seedlings to grow strong and hardy, as well as to develop good ovaries, it makes sense to feed them fertilizers containing iodine. You can use ready-made complex preparations, or you can prepare feeding for tomato seedlings yourself. To prepare the solution, dissolve a couple of drops of an alcohol solution of iodine in four liters of water. Fertilize tomatoes by spraying their leaves with a spray bottle. For tomato seedlings, one such irrigation will be enough.

Yeast feeding

How to feed seedlings to speed up their growth and increase resistance to diseases? The most in a simple way will fertilization with ordinary yeast. A couple of decades ago this remedy was very popular. To fertilize plants, they used any yeast, and even bread. Then, with the advent of a large number of complex fertilizers, this product was undeservedly forgotten. But yeast is rich in microelements, and also activates the development of microorganisms living in the soil. They accelerate the development of the root system, help seedlings grow, and also improve resistance to diseases.

Making a yeast solution is easy. Take one hundred grams of any yeast and dilute it in warm water. To improve fermentation, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Infuse the solution until fermentation occurs. After this, dilute it again: one liter of concentrate per five liters of clean water. It is better to use fertilizer two weeks after planting seedlings in open ground.


A long-known and very effective organic fertilizer - cow dung . It can only be added to the soil fresh in the autumn. In spring and summer, its solution is used to feed seedlings. To do this, fill half a bucket of mullein with water and leave it to ferment in the sun. After a few days, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Now it is ready to fertilize the seedlings. Before planting in a permanent place, it is enough to water the tomatoes with fertilizer once.

Ash as a mineral supplement

You can feed the seedlings ordinary ash. From this, she begins to grow and develop better. After all, the ash contains potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for tomatoes and are perfectly absorbed by them. The only limitation is that ash cannot be applied simultaneously with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. These two feedings must be spaced at least a month apart.

To prepare the infusion, mix a tablespoon of ash with five liters of water. Fertilizer should be left to infuse for a day, after which it can be applied under the roots.

Growing vegetables seedling method it is necessary to use fertilizers for seedlings. Feeding has a huge impact on plant growth, but adding additional nutrients requires certain knowledge from the vegetable grower.

When growing vegetables in seedlings, it is very important to select not only high-quality seed material and seedlings, but also to apply the necessary fertilizers for the seedlings during the development process. Experienced plant growers know that fertilizing has a huge impact on plant growth. However, this process requires compliance with measures. Therefore, before fertilizing the seedlings, it is necessary to select the type, shape and composition of the nutrient mixture.

Mineral fertilizers for vegetable seedlings

This type of fertilizer consists of inorganic compounds, mainly mineral salts. Depending on the type of filling, fertilizers for seedlings can be simple with one microelement or complex, containing several minerals.

The main minerals that are necessary for the full development of the plant:

  • Nitrogen: ammonium nitrate (35% nitrogen), urea (46% nitrogen), ammonium sulfate (20% nitrogen), ammonia water (20-25% nitrogen).
  • Phosphorus: superphosphate (20% phosphorus) or double superphosphate (40-50% phosphorus).
  • Potassium: potassium chloride (50-60% potassium oxide), potassium salt (30-40% K20), potassium sulfate (45-50% K20).

If there is a deficiency of any mineral, seedling growth slows down significantly. Its leaves become light green, become small and begin to fall off. If there is an excessive supply of mineral fertilizers, the plant may get burned and die. Therefore, before fertilizing the seedlings, you must carefully study the instructions and apply fertilizing in accordance with the stated standards.

Organic fertilizers for vegetable seedlings

This type of fertilizer contains organic matter. The main advantage of feeding is that it contains not just one type of minerals, but almost all the necessary nutrients. Such organic fertilizer cannot be attributed to any one type, since the main mineral elements are already present in it. In addition, other minerals are contained in different proportions: cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, etc.

Organic fertilizers for vegetable seedlings:

  • Manure. The advantage of using manure is a complete set of all necessary substances. In addition, after its supplementation, biological and physical characteristics soil. It begins to release abundantly carbon dioxide, which is necessary for carbon nutrition of the plant.
  • Chicken droppings. His distinctive feature is enormous productivity. It contains large quantities of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Compost. This type of fertilizer is easy to prepare at your summer cottage. For its preparation, leaves, straw, grass from weeds, potato tops, various kitchen waste, etc. are used.

Applying organic fertilizers to seedlings gives good results, but it can be difficult for a beginner to determine the required proportions. Therefore, before feeding, it is better to get additional advice from a specialist.

Fertilizer for cabbage seedlings

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Nutrient supplements are used several times. The first time fertilizers for tomato seedlings are used after picking only after 10 days. It is recommended to water the plants with organic fertilizers, which will enhance the growth of weak seedlings. The principle of preparing a nutrient mixture from mullein or bird droppings is described above.

Also as a fertilizer for home seedlings Wood ash, which contains large quantities of various microelements, has proven itself well for tomatoes.

For 2-3 m² of sown area, 8-10 liters of liquid, 70-80 g of ash and 15-25 mg of ammonium nitrate will be required. This nutrient mixture can be used 10-13 days after the first application of fertilizer.

Each feeding of any plant should be completed with irrigation with warm water. When applying fertilizers, avoid getting the fertilizer on the leaf mass. To prevent burns on the leaves after watering, it is recommended to spray all plants with water.

Video: fertilizers for seedlings or why leaves turn yellow

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- complex mineral, crystalline, completely water-soluble fertilizer;

What fertilizer is best to feed tomato seedlings?

​pulling shoots;​

​Boron deficiency can manifest itself:​

​If a tomato bush lacks potassium, then, as you can see in the photo, the plant “signals” about this:​ ​2 tbsp. spoons wood ash;​

- water - 1 bucket.

Fertilizer for tomato seedlings. Types and types of fertilizers

- potassium sulfate - 3 g;

When to feed seedlings

​Potassium mineral fertilizers are usually used during the ripening of fruits, which helps them develop taste and avoid the appearance of green veins inside.​
​The optimal drugs are “Krepysh”, “Agricola”, “Kemira Combi” and some others. It is better if it is a complex fertilizer. Pepper seedlings tolerate foliar feeding very well. Plants are sprayed early in the morning. If the leaves of the seedlings turn yellow, then urea, which contains nitrogen, should be used as a fertilizer. Next, fertilizing should be done after planting the plants in open ground.

Fertilizer form

​At the end of spring, many gardeners rush to markets to buy tomato seedlings. However, the trunks of some plants are long and thin, while others are strong and thick. Why does this happen?​

What to look for when choosing

​- does not contain chlorine; ​slowdown in growth and development.​

Types of fertilizers

Leaves curl;
​twisting the edges of the leaf blade;​

Mineral fertilizers

​1st. spoons of superphosphate; ​Important: you should not overfeed tomatoes with ammonium nitrate, mullein, or bird droppings before fruit set, since excess nitrogen in the soil will cause the plant to become “fattened” - form a strong stem with abundant foliage, however, it will not bloom or bear fruit.​

Available fertilizers

​Infuse for 3-4 days in a sealed container - the unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide that appears does not mean that the product has deteriorated. Before use, drain and dilute with water three times.​

Fertilizers for tomatoes

- water - 2 l. ​One of the most popular means of this type of mineral is ash; it contains potassium carbonate, which dissolves well in water, is absorbed into the soil and is very convenient to use.​

Fertilizer for seedlings must be applied with caution. Too much large number can only harm the plants. The soil, if it is fertile, has everything necessary for their growth. As we develop, we need to respond to changes and introduce the necessary components.​
​Of course, seedlings different varieties the tomato looks different. However, very important point in growing seedlings is their feeding. Let's find out what you need to feed tomato seedlings so that they grow better and their trunks are plump and do not stretch.​

Features of fertilization

- recommended for feeding everyone indoor plants, vegetable crops, flowers and seedlings;​
​To eliminate the lack of manganese, you can carry out foliar feeding with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or manganese sulfate (​

Options for feeding tomatoes: folk remedies, mineral and organic fertilizers

​the death of the apical point of growth;​

When to feed tomatoes

​color change from deep green to yellowish-bronze;​

​10 liters of water.​

​In the event that you have applied too much nitrogenous fertilizer with your own hands and your tomatoes have become fattened, then here are instructions on how to fix it: ​The second feeding of tomatoes is carried out no earlier than two weeks after the first. Its composition is largely determined by the condition of the seedlings. Complex fertilizers such as Effekton O are quite suitable for healthy seedlings. But in case of obvious stretching of the stems, it is better to use superphosphate, dissolving it in hot water at the rate of one tablespoon per three liters. For the same purpose, you can water with a special drug“Athlete”, which slows down the growth of the above-ground part of the plant and stimulates the development of roots. But it should be used with great caution - reuse can cause stems and leaves to stop growing altogether.​

​Another option:​

In addition, ash, as a mineral fertilizer for plants, is a highly effective substance. However, it is worth paying attention to what such ash was made from, because... it may contain different amounts of potassium depending on source material. So, greatest number Pine and birch contain potassium - almost 40 percent.​

​Seedlings need to be fertilized no more than twice a week. It is better to apply nutrients in the morning when the soil has optimal temperature. If the soil is dry, then it is better to use liquid fertilizers and replace watering with them. If the soil is dense, then you need to carefully loosen it. After applying fertilizer, you need to monitor the reaction of the seedlings and reduce or increase the dose if you see changes for the worse. We must remember that plants love not only root feeding, that is, the application of fertilizers to the soil. Sometimes spraying with a solution saturated with useful substances is useful for them. Do not forget about applying fertilizers after planting seedlings in open ground.​

Types of fertilizers

​It is necessary to fertilize the soil for tomatoes in the fall. Then to spring planting the earth will become fertile and saturated with all necessary elements. To do this, you need to take 100 g of nitroammophos and potassium magnesium, 200 g of double superphosphate, as well as 1.5 kg of ash obtained from combustion tomato tops. In the fall, these fertilizers are added to the soil mixture, and in the spring, tomato seeds are sown in this soil mixture.​

​- contains all the necessary macro- and microelements in the optimal ratio:​


​1.5-2 g per 10 liters of water​
​the formation of many stepchildren;​

Uneven ripening of fruits.
​During fruiting, greenhouse tomatoes, to accelerate the ripening of fruits, you can feed with the following composition: 1 tbsp. l nitrophoska, 1 tsp. l of dry sodium humate powder, diluted in 10 liters of water. For every 1 m2, 5 liters of working solution are consumed.​

​You must not water the tomatoes for a week. At the same time, we increase the daytime temperature in the greenhouse to

​The composition of the third feeding should correspond to the specific needs of the plants, usually determined visually. If these are not observed, and the seedlings look strong and healthy, you can limit yourself to a weak solution of complex fertilizers, such as Nitrophoska, Agricola, or do without it altogether.​

- ammonium nitrate - 0.6 g;

​You should be very careful with nitrogen fertilizers, because with an excessive dosage of such a product, the soil will become too toxic, which is why the tomato will begin to grow too quickly, but the fruits will be deformed: cracks and spots will appear, the shape and taste will change. But with moderate use of such mineral fertilizer, it will help plants grow and develop normally. Nitrogen fertilizers include urea and various types of nitrate, such as ammonium, potassium or calcium nitrate. Urea for tomato fertilizer can be used in small quantities, and the consumption rate of such a solution will be half a liter for each plant.​


Feeding tomatoes after planting is a very important step. If you want to get a rich harvest, especially if this soil has previously been used for other plantings, you need to know how to properly fertilize tomatoes. ​

When growing tomato seedlings at home, the first feeding of the plants should be done approximately fourteen days after picking. The solution for this is prepared as follows: add 20 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15 grams of potassium sulfate to 10 liters of water. Add 100 g to this mixture water extract from ash, which must be prepared in advance by taking 1 glass of ash per 1 liter of water. In the future, feeding should be done once every two weeks.

​Nitrogen total. - 16.0​

Falling and dying of buds.

​Phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil contribute to plant resistance to various unfavorable conditions, development of a strong root system and good fruit set.​

Complex fertilizer recipe

​Tomatoes grown in greenhouses or greenhouses require mineral fertilizers containing:

Instructions for proper feeding

- superphosphate - 4 g;

​Whatever fertilizer you choose, it is worth remembering that for the best effect it is worth using complexes of substances. Those. Do not use organic fertilizers alone, but take them in combination with mineral ones, but calculate the dosage correctly.​

​Despite all its fertility, after frequent planting of vegetables and other plants, the soil is depleted and no longer brings as much harvest as, for example, in the first few plantings. To help the soil restore its fertility, various types of so-called fertilizing are used, i.e. fertilizers Not all vegetable crops need a high level of soil fertility, such as pepper, but a tomato requires high level, otherwise it simply won’t grow and bear fruit.​

​Many inexperienced gardeners are interested in what to feed bad seedlings tomato and is it possible to use folk remedies for this? In order for your seedlings to grow strong and not stretch out, you need to monitor the ratio of the amount of fertilizer. If the tomato seedlings are poor, then before picking you should increase the amount of superphosphate and ash, and

Video “Feeding tomatoes”

​Nitrogen amm. - 7.9​

​Zinc added to the soil, as well as magnesium, promotes more active plant growth, the formation of larger fruits, as well as earlier ripening.​

Why do you need to fertilize seedlings?

To eliminate such a deficiency, you can carry out root feeding by dissolving

When to feed?

​In addition, phosphorus is involved in the process of absorption of other nutrients by plants, in particular nitrogen.​


​, and night​

​In order for a tomato planted in a greenhouse or hotbed to please the gardener with a good harvest of tasty fruits, you need to not only create necessary for plants humidity, light and temperature conditions. For good growth and fruiting of tomatoes, a wide variety of nutrients are needed, which must be complete and balanced.​

What to feed?

- potassium sulfate - 1.5 g;

​A complex solution for tomato fertilizer contains all the beneficial nutrients that will help the plant grow and develop properly. To prepare a good complex fertilizer, you can use stinging nettle and dandelion leaves in any proportion, fill a third of a two-hundred-liter barrel with this mixture, add any manure, add water and leave for ten days, covered with film. After this, remove the film and the top floating layer. Mix the solution and add the “Gumat+7” fertilizer to it. The finished product is diluted with water in the ratio of a liter of composition per bucket of water and water each bush with 3.5 liters of the resulting solution.​
​After all, every gardener knows that a tomato can be demanding and, during its ripening, draws a huge amount of nutrients from the soil, which are formed into a powerful vegetative mass, which, after ripening, is harvested.​
Here you need to add very little nitrogen. Then the growth of green mass in the plants will be delayed, and a powerful and strong root system will be formed.​
​Nitrogen - 8.1​

​2 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water​
​If tomatoes are deficient in phosphorus, you can see this by the following signs:​
​– up to +220С​

​If tomatoes do not receive any of the substances they need, then the price of such a deficiency is quite high: their growth slows down or even stops, and fruit set and ripening is difficult.​

- water - 1 l.

The popular approach to fertilizing tomatoes is also to use iodine. It accelerates the development of fruits, helps increase their weight and also disinfects the soil and protects the plant from fungal diseases. The solution is very easy to prepare: for each bucket of water - 4 drops of iodine and water two liters per plant. Iodine is also used together with milk for feeding, disinfection and increasing fruiting. To prepare such a remedy, a liter of serum is used, to which iodine is added (about 20 drops). Each bush is watered with a liter of this solution.
It is important to fertilize the soil before planting tomato seedlings.

​Folk remedies in the form of mullein infusion or chicken droppings should be used with great caution, since an overly concentrated fertilizer can burn plant roots. In addition, droppings and manure can introduce various infections to tomatoes. Therefore apply these folk fertilizers necessary in the correct proportions.​

​Phosphorus - 20.6​

A deficiency of this microelement can manifest itself:

The leaf blade begins to curl along the main vein;

​If an excessive amount of organic or mineral fertilizers was applied to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, the plants are suppressed and may die, as severe dehydration occurs.​

​Tomatoes are quite capricious plants, therefore their feeding must be correct and effective; with any mistake in the use of fertilizers, they can bring harm, rather than benefit, to the plant and deprive you of your harvest. Therefore, it is worth paying utmost attention to the preparation of various solutions, because if you overdo it with any of the fertilizers, the plants may deteriorate or even die and strictly adhere to the rules for using fertilizers for each tomato bush.​

For this purpose, humus or mineral fertilizers are usually used. But if you skipped this stage of soil preparation, you will have to feed the tomatoes during their growth and development if you want to get a rich harvest.​
​When growing tomato seedlings, you should remember that “overfeeding” plants with fertilizers is just as dangerous as their lack. To obtain a good harvest, plants must be fertilized strictly according to the developed schemes.​

​Potassium - 27.1​

​change in color of the lower tier of leaves;​

Tip: in order to stimulate fruit set, you can use foliar fertilizing with an aqueous solution of boric acid. In one liter hot water dissolve 1 g of boric acid, after which the solution is cooled. The inflorescences are sprayed with a warm solution.

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse, what fertilizers and when to use

Red and purple spots appear on the underside of the leaf;

​Let us dwell in more detail on the question of what time and what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

To stop the development of green mass of tomatoes, root feeding is carried out with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, diluting

At each stage of its development, a tomato needs various feedings, which we will discuss in more detail.

​Yeast infusion:​

What, when and how to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes

​As mentioned earlier, you only need to water the space around the bush, but in no case the plant itself, its leaves, flowers, and especially its fruits.​

In this case, the tomato needs to be fertilized at the initial stage of development, when the plant really needs nitrogen. But it is worth remembering that when working with such demanding plant Like a tomato, it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Better yet, just give the plant as many nutrients as they require. different stages development after planting occurs.

​Good seedlings are the key to the future harvest and its basis. It is not easy to grow, and the quality depends on many factors. It is worth considering every nuance of the choice good seeds before feeding. Fertilizer for seedlings is a necessary component. Its correct application ensures good growth and development. Healthy seedlings It tolerates planting well in the ground and produces a bountiful harvest.​ ​Iron - 0.1​​the appearance of spots along the leaf veins, which subsequently die off;​

  • ​This microelement plays an important role throughout the entire vegetative period of tomatoes, but it is especially necessary during the formation of ovaries and fruit development.​ ​slowing down the process of fruit ripening.​
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are needed at two main stages of tomato development:​3 tbsp. spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water
  • - bread yeast - 5 grams;​It is important not to over-fertilize the plants, because... An overdose of any drug can have a bad effect on the internal state of the fruit.

​Then you need to feed the tomato while it is flowering. At this time, the plant really needs potassium and phosphorus. It is very easy to notice when a plant needs one of these substances - its growth slows down, the leaves curl, and the color of the plant changes. Fertilizer for seedlings should be applied no earlier than a month after germination. This is especially important if the foliage is too light in color or purple tint. Also, from a lack of fertilizer, the tips of the leaves may dry out. For better plant growth, you need to periodically add soil to the pots.​ ​Boron - 0.02​

The stems of the plants are quite thin and woody.

  1. ​Tip: the first fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse can be done while planting seedlings in a permanent place. To do this, add 10-15 g of superphosphate to each prepared well. ​After transplanting into a greenhouse or hotbed.​​. The resulting solution is used at the rate of 1 liter per plant. Quite often, tomato seedlings grown at home stretch out very much, and by the time they are transplanted into the greenhouse they look, to put it mildly, “not very good.” (See How to fertilize tomatoes) - water 5 liters.
  2. ​It is also worth alternating the application of fertilizers with watering: first you should water the plants, and then add nutrients.​​In general, during the entire period of growth and maturation of the vegetable, fertilizing should be done three or four times. The first time it occurs after two weeks from the time the seedlings are planted in the ground, in order to stimulate the growth of roots and the plant itself. The second feeding occurs two weeks after the first, and the third, foliar feeding of the tomato, either during flowering or already forming fruits. Finally, the last feeding is usually done while the plants are in the fruiting stage.​ ​This will encourage the formation of new roots and provide the seedlings with additional nutrients. For more intensive growth, liquid fertilizers containing micro- and macroelements can be added no more than once a week. Fertilizing should be done with caution, pouring it under the root so as not to get on the leaves. Too much fertilizer can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the seedlings, so moderation must be observed.

When to fertilize

​Copper - 0.01​

  • ​To eliminate zinc deficiency, you can add zinc sulfate directly to the soil, at the rate of 2-3 g per 10 m2, or spray with an aqueous solution of zinc sulfate.​​ Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in tomatoes during the mass formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits, and manifests itself as follows :​ ​After the formation of ovaries on the first two clusters of most tomato bushes.​​Experts, answering the question of when and what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, recommend adhering to a specific application schedule various fertilizers during the growing season tomatoes.​
  • ​If, despite all your efforts, and a couple of weeks after transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place, they look pale, thin and weak, then the first and second feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse is carried out with an aqueous solution of mullein, dissolved in​ Stir well and leave for 24 hours. Feed the seedlings with the resulting suspension. Fertilizer is not stored.​ ​Thus, if you follow all the rules for growing tomatoes, dose fertilizers correctly and provide the plant with various types of nutrients, then in the end you will get a large harvest of juicy and tasty tomatoes.​​On at the moment There are a huge number of different fertilizers for all stages of plant growth. In the case of tomatoes, you can use both mineral and organic fertilizers; they can be in dry form or in the form of solutions. Fertilizer for seedlings is available in several forms. Firstly, these are liquid substances. They can be considered the most optimal. Secondly, these are granules, tablets or powders that need to be dissolved in water before use. The third option is bulk fertilizer for seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables. But this type is characterized by high consumption and small packaging. These fertilizers do not differ in effectiveness. It all depends on the composition, and not on the form of release.​
  • ​Manganese - 0.1​
  1. ​Tip: to comprehensively feed tomatoes with microelements, you can use a decoction of wood ash. To do this, boil 3 cups of ash for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. After the broth has cooled, filter it, and then add up to 10 liters of water and spray.
  2. ​discoloration of leaves, starting with the old leaves of the lower tier;
  3. ​In addition to macroelements, tomatoes need a large amount of microelements. According to experienced gardeners for good fruiting and a high-quality harvest of tomatoes, you need about
  • ​As mentioned above, if the seedlings are very overgrown, and besides, they were grown in low light conditions, and after transplantation they remain weak and elongated, then after

Nutrients required for greenhouse tomatoes

The first application of mineral fertilizers is carried out through

  • ​10 liters of water 1 liter of mullein​
  • ​Extract from ash:​
  • ​In this video you will see how to fertilize tomatoes and what needs to be done to get a rich, generous harvest.​

​It is worth remembering that fertilizing tomatoes should only take place in the bush areas, and not on the plant itself, otherwise it may begin to rot and will not bring the expected harvest.​


​The first thing to consider is the composition of the fertilizer, namely its main components and additional micro- and macroelements. Only the chelate form is suitable for seedlings. Sulfates developing plants unnecessary and even harmful.​

  1. ​Molybdenum - 0.002​
  2. If you have not yet pruned the seedlings, then water them once a week alternately with infusion of ash and pink potassium permanganate. After diving, the first feeding after 10-12 days (3-5 g of urea, 25 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water) or with complex fertilizer for tomatoes.​

​gradual spread of yellowing (see Why tomatoes turn yellow - a professional view) and discoloration from below tomato bush up;​ ​20 microelements​​10 days​

​14-20 days​

​and adding:​


- wood ash - 1 tablespoon;

​Tomatoes consume quite a lot of nutrients from the soil at all stages of their development. Therefore, feeding tomato seedlings always justifies the effort spent on it, both when grown in wide boxes and in individual small cups.​

​First of all, plant feeding occurs with the help of organic fertilizers, which are organic compounds containing plant nutrients necessary for good development and harvest. A natural organic means for feeding tomatoes is manure.​

  1. ​Therefore, if the composition contains sulfate or SO4 formula, then this fertilizer is not suitable for seedlings; we immediately remove it to the side. The second important point is the application dosage. For seedlings it should be smaller. If the manufacturer indicates one quantity for any plant, then this raises doubts about the quality of the product.​
  2. ​Zinc - 0.01​

​Temperature regime: after the emergence of seedlings, for 7 days the temperature is maintained at 16 - 18 ° C during the day, and 13 - 15 ° C at night. Then it can be increased to 18 - 20°C during the day and 15 - 16°C at night. This regime is followed until the seedlings grow in the box (until the second or third true leaf), which is approximately 30 - 35 days after germination. During this period, the seedlings are watered 2-3 times. This watering regime during the period of low light (March) does not allow the seedlings to stretch. The first time they water it a little, when all the seedlings appear, and then after 1 - 2 weeks. Last time water on the day of picking the seedlings, 3 hours before picking. The water should have a temperature of 20°C.​

​Yellowing of the leaves with preservation of the green color of the veins.​

  • ​it can be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such root feeding will give a powerful impetus to enhanced growth and development of the root system and the bush itself.​
  • ​after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska in


​50 g ash​

- hot water - 2 liters.

​Good seedlings can only be grown in fertile land. But when choosing soil for sowing, gardeners are often guided by its other qualities: hygroscopicity, breathability, convenient mechanical composition. They are more concerned about the absence of pathogenic microflora in the substrate than about the long-term supply necessary elements. Of course, seedlings will grow without fertilizers - at the initial stage, the substances stored inside the seeds are enough for them. But this is only for the first time. Young plants growing rapidly at room temperature will require more and more nutrition. Starvation, which inevitably occurs when seedlings are kept in limited volumes, can be eliminated only in one way - feeding.​

  • Of course, before using this product, you should put it through the compost and under no circumstances use it raw. This folk way fertilizing can be very effective, because The manure of hay-fed cattle contains a wealth of nutrients.​
  • ​All fertilizers are divided into organic and inorganic. There are also complex preparations, which are the most popular. It is very important to choose individual fertilizers for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other plants, because each vegetable needs its own set of nutrients. Complex preparations usually come in liquid form.​
  • - stimulates bud formation;

​A few more tips for caring for seedlings in boxes. Boxes or drawers must be turned the other way almost every day. window glass so that the seedlings do not stretch in one direction.


In order to eliminate magnesium deficiency, foliar spraying with a solution of magnesium sulfate is used, based on

​The most significant are:​​10 liters of water​

  • Leave for 24 hours, drain off the sediment and strain.
  • It is advisable to carry out the first feeding of tomato seedlings no earlier than the appearance of the first true leaves on the seedlings. Some manuals advise starting it only two weeks after the pick. In fact, it all depends on the planned amount of fertilizing, determined by the quality of the substrate used.​
  • ​Another option for feeding tomatoes is bird droppings, which are a very strong fertilizer containing large amounts of nitrogen.​
  • They contain salts and organic additives that have a beneficial effect on plant growth. Mineral fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and other vegetables can be liquid or bulk, instant. They consist of salts and various chemical elements. Complex fertilizers are usually used, but there are supporters of only organic fertilizers.​

- extends the flowering period;


​The main thing is not to get carried away with frequent watering; when watering, try to ensure that water does not fall on top of the leaves; it is better to water under the roots. The water must be settled. Don't forget to spray your plants with skim milk. To do this, take half a glass of skim milk, dilute it in 1 liter of water and spray the plants in the morning so that the leaves are moistened. Spraying the seedlings is done after two true leaves appear. Treatment with skim milk will help get rid of viral diseases that cause leaf curl.​

​10-15 g of the drug per 10 liters of water​

  • ​After most tomato bushes The ovaries have formed on the first two clusters, you can fertilize them with nitrogenous fertilizers. At this time, the nitrogen added to the soil will not be used to form green mass, but will be directed to the formation and development of fruits.​
  • ​30g superphosphate​
  • ​Banana peel tincture:​

​When seedlings are planted in fertile soil specifically designed for growing tomato seedlings, you can limit yourself to two or even one application of fertilizers. It is done 10 days before planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If ordinary garden soil is used, the plants quickly develop symptoms of deficiency of one or more essential elements, indicating the need for additional feeding. It’s not difficult to notice them - you don’t need to have any special skills or observation devices to do this. But chicken manure is not very actively used in tomato fertilizer, because has a very strong odor and contains helminth eggs and weed seeds, which can harm the plant as well as benefit it. But science was able to solve this problem too. Today, gardeners are offered to use chicken manure to fertilize open ground not in its wet form, but in its dry form. It is dried at very high temperatures, which ensures cleansing of unnecessary, but preserving nutrients and reducing odor. Modern mineral fertilizers are presented in a large assortment. They provide plants with stable growth, adequate nutrition and make the gardener’s work easier. It is very convenient to use fertilizers for seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, other vegetables and even flowers. There are several types of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen preparations include sodium and calcium nitrate. They contain up to 17.5 percent nitrogen, easily dissolve in water and have a deoxidizing effect on the soil.​

- increases the color intensity of flowers and leaves;


​Seedlings grow in a box without feeding. You cannot place the box directly on the windowsill; it is better to place it on some kind of stand, so that air access to the root system is not limited.​

  • ​The tomato is a very quickly developing plant, which requires potassium for its development, which promotes the formation of stems, the setting and development of fruits, the manifestation of varietal taste qualities, as well as a beautiful appearance.​
  • The second time the tomatoes are fed through

- dry banana peel- 2/3 bucket; With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become stunted, gradually turn yellow and even fall off. The main thing is not to confuse this symptom with those observed with unfavorable conditions cultivation - low temperature, accompanied by excessive watering.​ ​Nitrogen can also be extracted from leguminous plants. You just need to plant several legume plants in the soil where you plan to plant tomatoes, and you won’t need any fertilizers or fertilizing, because legumes are excellent soil enrichers with nitrogen and also, thanks to their developed root system, become soil looseners.​


​Ammonia and ammonia fertilizers for seedlings change the composition of the soil to acidic. They contain up to 21 percent nitrogen. They must be applied with caution, especially when feeding seedlings. Urea and ammonium nitrate are the most important nitrogen fertilizers. They contain up to 46 percent nitrogen. Phosphorus preparations are distinguished by their degree of solubility. Water-soluble are double and simple superphosphate. The next group contains a substance that dissolves not in water, but in a weak acid. But these drugs are not used for summer cottages. The last group is slightly soluble in water (phosphorus flour), but is excellent for neutralizing soil. Potash fertilizers are potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and potassium salt. They dissolve well in water and are well suited for feeding.​

- promotes fruit formation.

  • ​Depending on the condition of the plant and soil, they are fed, starting from the appearance of the true leaf: with vermicompost, humisol.​
  • For normal growth and development, tomatoes need manganese. In addition to its active role in the process of photosynthesis, it contributes to a significant increase in plant resistance to diseases, in particular to brown spot of tomatoes.​
  • ​manganese;​
  • ​Among other things, potassium contributes to the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases. (See Tomato diseases in the greenhouse)​
  • ​7-10 days​

​and by​ - water - 1 bucket.​Too strong purple tint of stems and bottom side leaves indicates phosphorus deficiency. And chlorosis, characterized by green veins against the background of a noticeable lightening of the leaf blades, is due to a lack of iron.


​Another popular approach to fertilization, which many gardeners have been effectively using for quite some time, is the use of green manure, i.e. herbal solutions. They are very easy to prepare and all you need is herbs. The most commonly used is nettle. It is cut, placed in a barrel, plastic or wooden, and filled with water.​

​Fertilizer for seedlings of flowers and vegetables can be very affordable. Wood ash can be called a complex preparation that is always at hand. It contains potassium, iron, silicon, calcium, sulfur and phosphorus. Ash perfectly reduces soil acidity and is effective for 2-2.5 years. This fertilizer is added to the soil for seedlings in small quantities. Manure and humus are also available and cheap fertilizers. But they must be used with caution, especially for seedlings.​

​When growing seedlings​

  • ​If the soil is purchased, then it initially contains all the necessary macro and microelements for the growth of the seedling. After picking, when the plant begins active growth - after about 2 weeks - you can feed it with any complex fertilizer. You shouldn’t get carried away with fertilizers at the seedling stage before planting in the exhaust zone - everything should be in moderation.​
  • Manganese deficiency manifests itself:
  • ​magnesium.​

​The greatest need for potash fertilizers in tomatoes during the following periods of development:

​after the first application of fertilizers. For this feeding, a solution is used

When should you feed tomato seedlings for the first time and with what?

Solovyova(Fedotenko) Albina

​0.3 g (at the tip of the knife) manganese sulfate and boric acid​

Bond, but not Manka

​Infuse the mixture in a warm place for at least three days. Before feeding, drain and dilute with water three times.

​For the first feeding of tomatoes, you can use both ready-made fertilizers, for example, Nitrophoska or Agricola-Forward, Agricola No. 3, and self-composed mixtures:

​After this, they are left to ferment, stirring the contents daily to release oxygen from the solution. Shortly after the start of fermentation, not very pleasant smell, but you can easily get rid of it by adding a few drops of valerian to the barrel. After two weeks of fermentation, you can open the barrel and if the solution clears, it means it has fermented and is ready for use. But it is worth remembering that such a mash is not suitable for direct watering of a plant; it must first be diluted and only then used this remedy as fertilizer. Usually, to dilute nettle mash, use a ratio of 1:10 and water the plant at the root.​

Each plant requires a specific set of substances for active growth and fruiting. Fertilizer for tomato seedlings should be selected depending on the stage of development. Most effective drug is superphosphate. It is best suited for feeding tomatoes. Superphosphate reduces soil acidity. Magnesium, which is part of it, promotes the rapid growth of crops related to the nightshade family.

Lina Sakharnova

​One tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in 20 liters of water and watered once a week.​

ღ M@rin@ ღ

​When the shoots appear, I spray them with Energen solution.​


​small young leaves with yellow spots;​


​In the presented video materials you can find many interesting and useful tips about what you can feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.​
​During the opening of the third and fourth real sheet, when the bookmark occurs generative organs plants.​

​1 hour l potassium sulfate in 10 l water
​Egg shell tincture:​
​- urea - 1 g;​
​Mullein is also used to fertilize tomatoes, from which an infusion is made. It contains large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. Mullein is diluted in water at room temperature in the ratio of half a liter per ten-liter bucket. This mash is poured a liter under each plant.
It is produced in granules or powder form, which dissolve well in water. Very often they use mineral preparations, for example, “Krepysh”, for seedlings (fertilizer, which is universal). You can also use nitroammophoska as a fertilizer for tomatoes. It contains everything necessary for the growth of these plants. Excellent fertilizers for tomatoes are peat, humus, manure and wood ash, but they must be used with caution. The first feeding of tomato seedlings should be carried out 15 days after planting. This can be any complex preparation, for example, nitroammofoska or “Krepysh” for seedlings - a fertilizer, the reviews of which are only positive. After 10 days, fertilizing is repeated. Use fertilizer and weak solution potassium permanganate. Next, fertilizing should be done after planting the seedlings in the ground.
​If you spray then Zpin + Zircon​
​I am always Kemiroy. Now instead of Kemira they have released FERTIKA (analogue of Kemira)​
​appearance of lighter color of leaves;​
​This microelement is responsible for the quality of tomatoes, namely the saturation of the fruit with vitamins and sugars, as well as for its size and keeping quality.​
​From the moment the ovaries form, right up to the ripening of the fruit.​
Each plant should receive about half a liter of working solution. The interval between the first and second application of fertilizers should be at least a week, optimally
​- eggshells - 2/3 buckets;​
- superphosphate - 8 g;
Mineral fertilizers are an excellent addition to organic ones and are used at all stages of tomato growth. The most popular mineral fertilizers are phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Phosphorus fertilizers are mainly phosphate and superphosphate, which contain a whole complex of substances beneficial to the plant, such as phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and, of course, nitrogen, which act on the plant with different sides and bring various benefits.​
It is very easy to grow pepper seedlings at home and even on a windowsill. The technology is no different from planting other vegetables, such as tomatoes. After the first shoots appear, on the 10-15th day, you can carry out the first feeding. It is very important to choose the right fertilizer for pepper seedlings.​

Experienced gardeners no longer need to explain that feeding tomato seedlings at home before and after picking, as well as after planting in the ground, is an absolutely necessary procedure for obtaining healthy and strong plants. After all, only such tomatoes can bring good harvest, resist diseases and pests.

During the growth of seedlings, the root system begins to develop, the plant’s “immunity” to diseases is laid, and the basis for the future harvest is formed. And what it will be like depends on how and when you feed the tomato seedlings.

  • 1 How and when to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.1 Why do you need fertilizing for seedlings?
      • 1.1.1 Signs of nutrient deficiency for seedlings
    • 1.2 When to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.3 Feeding tomato seedlings after picking
    • 1.4 Foliar feeding of tomatoes
    • 1.5 Feeding tomato seedlings with organic fertilizers
      • 1.5.1 Feeding tomato seedlings with iodine
      • 1.5.2 Yeast feeding
      • 1.5.3 Feeding seedlings with ash
      • 1.5.4 How to feed tomato seedlings, video

How and when to feed tomato seedlings

Many people mistakenly believe that tomatoes need only fertile soil. You can grow plants without feeding, and they will even give you a harvest, but not the same if you still feed the tomatoes.

Why do you need fertilizing for seedlings?

In the first stages of development, the plant has enough vitality contained in the seed itself and nutrients from the soil. But only the first ones. Imagine how much strength a plant needs to hatch from a seed and break through a layer of soil, even if it is loose. And at home, when it is warm and humid enough, all growth processes accelerate and very soon the plants begin to experience nutrient deficiency.

Signs of nutrient deficiency for seedlings

Those gardeners who carefully observe their seedlings every day notice any changes immediately. In this case, you need to act immediately and correct mistakes during cultivation:

  • If the leaves become light and all the veins are clearly visible on them, then there are two reasons, or you are watering the plants with tap water, which is not settled, which contains a lot of chlorine. Or the seedlings suffer from a lack of iron, but in both cases this is called chlorosis.
  • When plants suddenly become very fragile and break at every touch, it means that magnesium urgently needs to be added to the soil.
  • The leaves become darker and acquire a purple tint, especially on the underside of the leaf, which means they lack phosphorus.
  • Symptoms such as lightening of foliage, stunting, and leaf drop can be caused by insufficient water, poor lighting, cold air, or lack of nitrogen.
  • When to feed tomato seedlings

    Experts recommend starting fertilizing at the very early stage growth, that is, the first feeding should be in the phase of two true leaves. At this time, the plant develops resistance to diseases, especially fungal ones, such as late blight.

    If you are going to feed the plants at this time, then it is better to use the drug “Fitosporin”, which is diluted according to the instructions. It not only helps plants resist diseases, but also acts as a bioenergetics agent.

    Also at this time it would be appropriate to shed the soil with a copper solution, also to develop disease resistance.

    A week after the first, you need to carry out a second feeding. here you can already use a complex fertilizer, which will contain not only mineral, but also organic substances. It is convenient to use the preparation "Agricola", which contains everything that tomatoes need. And the plants themselves will choose what to take for development.

    The following fertilizing is carried out every 10 days, preferably also with complex fertilizer. In addition, you can use organic matter; below I will give examples of organic fertilizers.

    Feeding tomato seedlings after picking

    After a dive, all plants experience stress, they need to get used to a new place, maybe a different soil composition. The roots will certainly be damaged and the plant should simply rest. Therefore, we give it two weeks after transplantation and carry out the next feeding with a urea solution.

    After planting in the ground, tomatoes also need to be fed two weeks later, when they take root and begin to grow. Organic fertilizers can be used for the first feeding. Dilute the mullein infusion, prepared in advance, 1 to 10. Add a tablespoon of nitrophoska to a ten-liter bucket of this solution and water half a liter under each bush.

    All root feeding should be done after watering, this way the nutrients will reach the roots of the plant faster.

    Foliar feeding of tomatoes

    As you of course know, plants feed not only through their roots, but also through their foliage. Tomatoes are no exception, so foliar feeding has a very beneficial effect on them. Usually these procedures are carried out in turn with the application of fertilizers under the roots. Spraying useful compounds It is recommended to carry out early in the morning, on the dew, so that the nutrients penetrate inside the leaf faster.

    For foliar feeding of tomatoes, the following sprays are used:

    • Phytosporin solution, according to instructions
    • Urea solution
    • Superphosphate, solution 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours
    • Potassium monophosphate, 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water
    • Potassium nitrate solution.

    Feeding tomato seedlings with organic fertilizers

    Can be used for seedlings and fertilizers from folk remedies. My elderly neighbor sprinkles the soil in her seedling boxes with dormant tea leaves every year. Some are harvested by spring eggshells, pour water over two-thirds of a bucket of shells onto a bucket of water, leave for three days and water. You just need to take into account that for such feeding you need your own, homemade fresh eggs.

    In the spring, when the seedlings already require feeding, the first shoots of young nettles appear. I always collect young shoots in a bucket and pour warm water, I leave it like this for five days, then I use it for watering small tomatoes.

    Feeding tomato seedlings with iodine

    You can use ready-made water-soluble fertilizers with iodine for seedlings and water the plants. You can use an iodine solution for foliar feeding. To do this, dilute a couple of drops of iodine in four liters of warm water and spray the sprouts from a spray bottle. In the seedling phase, one fertilizing with this preparation is sufficient for tomatoes.

    Yeast feeding

    Previously, such dressings were popular, and they used both dry and raw yeast, even bread and crackers. But with the advent of new drugs, they forgot about such a remedy, and in vain. Because the yeast fungus activates the life of microorganisms in the soil, in addition, yeast is rich in all microelements that are necessary for plant growth, development of the root system and increased immunity.

    Yeast starter for watering is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of any yeast is diluted in warm water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sugar for better fermentation. The solution is infused until the fermentation process stops. Then you need to dilute it again, a liter of starter in five liters of water, water the seedlings a week after planting in a permanent place, then immediately after rooting.

    Feeding seedlings with ash

    This type of feeding has been popular for many years, because tomato and pepper seedlings absorb potassium and phosphorus contained in the ash very well. And everyone knows how all fungal diseases are removed with the help of ash.

    The only negative is that nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with ash and nitrogen can be added only a month after using ash fertilizers.

    For feeding, the following mixture is used: pour a tablespoon of clean wood ash with five liters of hot water and leave for a day, then apply it under the plants.

    How to feed tomato seedlings, video