How to plant seedlings of cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill. Greenhouse varieties and hybrids

​Related Articles But in a temperate climate, it makes no sense to immediately plant them in open ground. After all, it becomes warm only in May or June. Late autumn - sown tomatoes no longer have time to bear fruit. To eat early cherry tomatoes, you need to sow the seeds in March, and the latest in April. But only for seedlings.

Description of cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomato varieties

It is known that ovaries on tomatoes begin to form at a temperature not lower than 16, therefore, in regions with low temperatures, it is better to grow tomatoes in greenhouses.

During this period, a disease called black leg is especially detrimental to plants. For prevention, it is necessary to periodically water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. The second danger is the lack of sunlight. In winter, daylight hours are short, so tomatoes should be illuminated, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and die.

Growing cherry tomatoes is possible both on the balcony and in the apartment. You just need to buy varieties specially adapted for a small area and poor lighting, for example, Japanese dwarf or Craiova. True, you have to pollinate them in the apartment manually.

Algorithm for growing cherry at home

Growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse can be a good business. True, for this it is better to use a polycarbonate greenhouse, which is well heated and contains vents. Under such conditions, cherry tomatoes will bear fruit all winter.

In order not to disturb the root system, seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a clod of earth, carefully removing the plant from the planting container.

Soil for seedlings

Cherry tomatoes at home are transplanted a second time when the plants form 6-8 true leaves. Now you need to select an individual pot for each seedling with a volume of at least 5 liters. When transplanting, tomatoes should be deepened by 10-12 cm in order to form a strong root system.

The summer season is coming to an end, the harvest has already been harvested, and a long, boring winter lies ahead. And who told you that cherry tomatoes grow worse on the windowsill than in the garden? Cheerful bushes, hung with bright fruits, will delight you all winter, decorate the interior and bring a pleasant variety to the menu. Such simple gardening will please you and your loved ones, will bring variety to the gray everyday life. And how wonderful it is to serve the New Year's table with bright red tomatoes, which can be plucked directly from the bush. Today we will talk about all the features and subtleties of home gardening.​

  • In terms of taste, greenhouse tomatoes are inferior to those grown under the open sun. The sun enriches them with useful trace elements and substances.
  • Three months after planting, tomatoes give the first fruits. Branches growing from the stem can produce up to 20 small tomatoes. They all ripen almost at the same time. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, the fruits can be collected either one at a time or plucked as a whole branch, the main thing is that they are ripe.
  • ​Date F1.​
  • Planted seedlings require reverent care - regular watering, pinching, fertilizing, tying to a support, as well as the fight against diseases and pests.
  • Cherry tomatoes were bred by Israeli breeders in 1973, and since then their cultivation, both commercially and privately, has become extremely popular. This species was developed in order to slow down the rapid ripening of ordinary tomato varieties.
  • To grow cherry tomatoes, the soil for planting must be placed in a warm place so that it thaws. And after that, it must be shed with emproperate in order to revive useful soil inhabitants. If you are a student in the garden, then you can simply buy universal soil in the store.​
  • Cherry tomato seedling

Growing cherry tomatoes outdoors

If the tomatoes are tall, props should be placed in advance so that the stems do not break when the fruit ripens. Low varieties do not need support.


Cherry tomatoes grow well in neutral or slightly acidic soils. They love nutritious soils rich in minerals with good drainage properties.

Now the plants have transferred the final transplant to the pot, where they will grow throughout the growing season. Cherry tomatoes at home need regular watering as the soil dries out. So that a crust does not form on the surface, the soil must be regularly loosened. 10 days after transplantation, complex mineral fertilizer must be applied to the soil. Each plant will require approximately 250-300 ml of solution. The concentration is indicated on the individual packaging. Feeding should be repeated every two weeks to ensure conditions for normal fruiting.


The first thing you need is to prepare special containers, buy good seeds and potting mix. To grow fruit plants in winter, in conditions of a lack of sun and nutrients (the pot is very limited in its resources), you will need specialized fertilizers and top dressing. Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill grow no worse than in open ground, especially if you choose a place with sufficient lighting. It is desirable that these be windows facing west or south. The air temperature must be above 20 degrees, otherwise the yield will decrease.​

Growing cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets is carried out using ampelous varieties.

Hardening and planting in the ground

The fruiting period of tomatoes planted in open ground lasts until the temperature drops to 8 degrees.

Bead F1.

Very often they practice growing tomatoes at home in hydroponics.

Installation of supports

A tall variety with early ripening fruits can reach 1-1.5 m in height, and up to 20 small fruits grow on one brush. Such plants can be grown in tubs even on a balcony or windowsill. There are taller varieties - up to 2.5 meters. They grow well in open ground on trellises.


In March or April, seeds should be sown. To do this, take the usual form and pour soil into it. Then, using a pencil, you can make grooves into which you need to pour cherry seeds in an even layer. Next, you need to sprinkle the cherry seeds with soil about 2-4 mm thick, and only after that pour plenty of warm water.

Transferring bushes to containers

It is necessary to sow the seeds in a flower pot, while thoroughly water your plantings with warm water and cover with cling film on top. Cherry tomatoes sprout quickly, and you can see the first sprouts in 3-5 days.​

Further care for cherry tomatoes during the period of growth and fruiting is watering, loosening, feeding, as well as disease prevention. How to feed tomatoes read here.

Cherry tomato varieties

Soil soil can be purchased at the store or prepared in advance, since autumn, on your own. Before planting, the earth must be spilled with a solution of manganese heated to 70 to disinfect it.

  • Almost all varieties form stepchildren during growth - these are lateral shoots that develop in the axils of the leaves. Low-growing houseplants are formed in two or three stems. To do this, leave the top of the central stem and one or two stepsons. The rest are removed. Ideally, a stunted plant is a central stem and two stepchildren at different levels. In addition to stepchildren, diseased and yellow leaves, as well as foliage covering the fruits of the lower brushes, must be removed. By the way, the number of brushes also needs to be limited. Four bunches of ovaries can be left on each stem, and then pinch the crown.
  • Let's start with how to plant cherry tomatoes. It is better to buy land in a store, always loose and fertile. If you decide to make the soil mixture yourself, then you will need garden soil, leaf humus, peat. Before planting, be sure to disinfect the ground. To do this, you can spill the pots with boiling water with potassium permanganate dissolved in it. Some gardeners prefer to roast the soil in the oven, but this option is fine if you need a small volume.​
  • When choosing a variety, you must consider:
  • With the onset of cold weather, many gardeners practice planting a bush in large containers of 20 liters each, transport them to their homes and enjoy tasty and healthy fruits for a long time. Of course, their productivity will decrease a little, but this is not so important, there will still be something to please yourself with.
  • You can grow cherry tomatoes both at home and in open ground. Their cultivation is not much different from the cultivation of ordinary varieties of tomatoes.

Growing cherry tomatoes in greenhouses

It is important to monitor the level of humidity in plants planted on a balcony or veranda. Excess moisture contributes to the active growth of the plant and the release of a large number of stepchildren. In cloudy weather, it is better to reduce watering. This plant is self-pollinating. It is also worth remembering that increased soil moisture and air temperatures above 30 degrees slow down the formation of ovaries near the bush.

The fruits have a wide variety of colors (red, yellow, orange, pink and green), round, teardrop-shaped and elongated. It is not difficult to grow cherry tomatoes in your garden or on the windowsill in your living room.​

In order for the seeds to germinate and you manage to grow cherry tomatoes at home, you need to create optimal conditions for growth for them. The temperature suitable for growing cherry tomatoes is 25 degrees. Light day of tomatoes should last about 12 hours. Cherry molds should be placed on the windowsill on the east or south side of the house using radiators. Cherry shoots will appear in 5-10 days. After germination, the forms can be rearranged to a cooler place, but not colder than 20 degrees.​

Cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets

Tomato seedlings need to be thinned out immediately, only then can they grow. This should be done when the cherry tomato seedlings have already grown a little. When they are small, it is better not to do this, otherwise they may prevent each other from growing normally.

In order to know how to grow cherry tomatoes tasty and healthy, you need to take into account some features for caring for them.

  • Sowing seeds
  • Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, but you can increase the yield by hand pollination. To do this, during flowering, it is recommended to open the balcony so that a fresh breeze walks in the room, or simply shake the flowering twigs. When most of the brushes have formed, the tops and flowering branches are removed so that the fruits can fully develop. To accelerate the growth and development of fruits, use another technique. The plant is taken by the base of the stem and pulled up, as if trying to pull it to the surface. This is necessary to cut off small roots. Then the plant is spudded and watered. The root system responds with a powerful development of additional roots, and this has a positive effect on the growth and ripening of fruits. Do not forget about the benefits of fertilizers. With a lack of nutrients, it will be difficult to wait for a good harvest, because the pot is a closed and limited ecosystem.
  • Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill will grow in any pots you choose for them. But in order for them to actively bear fruit, the volume of land for one bush must be at least 5 liters. It is advisable to choose containers that are not too deep and wide. Pay attention to the drainage holes to remove excess moisture, without them the roots will suffocate without oxygen.​

The selected variety should branch well and not let stepsons.

Growing cherry tomatoes in the garden and at home

The most popular varieties that can be grown outdoors:

In order to enjoy delicious fruits, cherry seeds are sown in early spring to obtain seedlings. The soil for planting seeds must be revitalized in advance with useful substances by spilling it with an EM preparation. In order not to bother, you can simply purchase universal soil for planting tomatoes in a specialized store.

Rooting stepchildren in tomatoes occurs very quickly, literally in 7 days. To do this, add a drop of flower fertilizer to the water with stepchildren.

Currently, supermarkets are simply overflowing with this tasty and healthy vegetable.

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill. How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill in a pot?

To grow cherry tomatoes, you need to water the seedlings regularly, while paying attention to the intensity of the drying of the soil. Cherries do not like soil droughts, but too much water will not do them any good either.

How to grow cherry tomatoes on a windowsill?

To grow cherry tomatoes, do not forget to also loosen periodically and water. During the flowering period of the tomato, you need to pollinate the cherry "ovary". Also, tomatoes need mandatory fertilizer. To do this, you will need fertilizer, and before using it, carefully study the instructions. To successfully grow cherry tomatoes, they need to be fertilized once every 2-3 weeks.

Soil preparation

They need daily but moderate watering. With a lack of moisture, brown cracks appear on the tomatoes, with an excess of it, the fruits crack and become watery.

Choosing a pot

After a couple of days, you can plant seeds. The time of their germination depends on the variety of tomatoes, the quality of the seeds and their storage time. In some tomatoes, the seeds germinate in a week, in others - after 3 weeks. Therefore, each variety of cherry tomatoes is sown in a separate planting box.​

I welcome you friends on the site advice to gardeners. This article gives some recommendations on how to grow cherry tomatoes at home and in a summer cottage.​

The best varieties for home growing

For every 2 pots, or 10 liters of soil, you need to add a matchbox of urea and potassium sulfate, a handful of wood ash. In such conditions, your tomatoes will feel just fine.

Hybrid Ampelny

It often happens that the branches break under the weight of the fruit. Therefore, the species chosen for planting in a flowerpot must have flexible and not fragile branches.

Growing seedlings

Beads are a very productive tall variety. It has sweet fruits with a diameter of 1 centimeter.

In March, seeds can already be sown. To do this, grooves are made on the open ground with a pencil, into which seeds are poured. This makes it possible to sow several rows with different varieties of tomatoes, and then sign their name. The sown seeds must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and poured abundantly with warm water. For successful seed germination, it is necessary to provide the appropriate conditions: temperature within 25-28 degrees, as well as ten hours of daylight.​

Picks of seedlings

Experienced gardeners use the method of planting cherry tomatoes in metal buckets. Late blight does not affect such plants. Apparently, iron inhibits all these pests.

Due to their decorative appearance, cherry tomatoes are very often used not only for planting in garden plots, but also as a decoration on the balcony and veranda.

When about 3-4 true cherry leaves appear, you can dive seedlings in cups up to 500 ml each. You need to use the same soil as for seed germination. You can take the cups to the balcony or loggia if the temperature there is at least 16 degrees. If the temperature is still low, then you can grow cherry tomatoes on the windowsill.

Further care

If you grow tall cherry tomatoes, then be sure to put pegs, otherwise the stems may break off under the weight of the fruit. Low-growing cherry varieties, especially those that grow at home, should not be tied up. They don't need it.


You definitely need a garter of plants and mulching the soil to protect the fruits from pollution and the earth from overheating. Tomatoes are harvested only when they are fully ripe, otherwise the fruits are completely tasteless.


In order for the seeds to germinate, a sufficiently high temperature is needed - about 30. Given this, the landing containers are located close to the heating devices, the top is covered with glass or a transparent film to preserve humidity.

In principle, the technology for growing cherry tomatoes is no different from the cultivation of ordinary large-fruited tomatoes.

Not all cherry tomatoes are stunted. Varieties today are presented in such abundance that you should spend time studying their features so as not to accidentally buy a garden giant. There are varieties of Russian selection that successfully grow both in the open field and on the balcony. There are tomatoes that bear scarlet fruits, these are the already well-known Winter Cherry, Andryushka and Businka. They are successfully grown on balconies and loggias, as well as simply on window sills. Today, this company is complemented by red cherry tomatoes. These are such varieties as Sparrow, Queen Margo. In order to diversify the winter table or prepare a beautiful assortment of vegetables, you can plant varieties of yellow and orange cherry tomatoes. These are Lemon, Golden Bead and Noon. Of the cocktail tomatoes of domestic selection, we can recommend the varieties Sunny Bunny, Marishka and Rosita.

Be sure to choose varieties that produce small fruits.


Cherry black for many is considered a fruit, not a vegetable. Tall variety with black-brown fragrant tomatoes 2 cm in diameter.

The first sprouts that appear after 10 days should be placed in a cooler place. Watering seedlings should be regular, as the soil dries out.

The most common cherry tomatoes grown on the balcony and windowsill are:

How to grow cherry tomatoes. Tomato cultivation technology

After all, this variety can be quite successfully grown in flowerpots. Cherry tomato looks colorful on the windowsill in any room.​

Growing cherry tomatoes in the open field

Growing cherry tomatoes

For tomatoes grown indoors (on the balcony in containers and in hanging baskets), the soil is fertile, loose, moisture and breathable. Once a week, to increase the yield, the bushes need to be fed with Fertility humate.

When shoots appear, seedlings are placed in the most illuminated place. Care during this period comes down to watering and loosening the soil, as well as top dressing, which is carried out every 10 days.

This variety of small tomatoes is loved by many gardeners and not without reason, as they have a great taste, friendly ripening of fruits, always a plentiful harvest, versatility in use, fairly long shelf life, the ability to grow on a loggia or on a windowsill.

Growing cherry tomatoes on the balcony, I want the bush to take up as little space as possible, but at the same time give a lot of fruit. Under these criteria, the Ampelny hybrid is excellent. It will grow well in a pot, old barrel or hanging planter. A distinctive feature is the formation of a bush. Instead of stepchildren, it forms brushes, so the bush resembles a Christmas tree, which is all hung with bright red toys. Like all of the above small-fruited hybrids, it forms fruits weighing up to 50 g, has a high yield and excellent taste of tomatoes. They are tasty, dense and very beautiful.

Cherry tomatoes, which are grown in hanging baskets on the balcony, should be sown in early May. In case of cold weather, it is better to bring the plants into the house and put them on the windowsill. The bush will not branch for a long time. This state will be before the appearance of fruits. Under the weight of numerous berries, the branches will begin to lean towards the bottom and thereby create an extraordinary decorative effect on the balcony or window sill.

seedling care

Honey drop has pear-shaped fruits. This species forms numerous stepchildren and brushes with 8-9 fruits.

As soon as a few leaves appear on the stems, they can be planted individually in small cups. Tomatoes are planted in the same soil as for sowing seeds. In order for new roots to appear, the stem needs to be slightly deepened into the soil. Then the young plants are exposed to a warm room. They can also be placed on the balcony if the temperature is not lower than 16 degrees. At low temperatures, it is better to leave the tomatoes on the windowsill.


In order to grow these tomatoes at home, it will take very little effort and expense. For this process you need:

Cherries need to be planted in open ground only after the frost has passed. Focus on specific conditions outside the window. If some plants begin to bloom earlier than usual, then they will take root even after they are transplanted.

Landing in the ground

If the plant becomes too branchy, then it is necessary to cut off excess branches from it. Stepsons grow between the real leaf of the plant and its stem. You do not need to cut the main leaves, otherwise the tomato will bear fruit poorly or start to get very sick.

Cherry tomatoes are very healthy. The fruits of this amazing vegetable contain various minerals that have a positive effect on metabolism and the lymphatic system. They are rich in antioxidants, organic acids and vitamins. Eating cherry tomatoes will help improve well-being and prolong youth.

It is also necessary to arrange seedling illumination so that the daylight hours for seedlings are at least 14 hours. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get strong, stocky seedlings.

They differ in early maturity, height, color and shape of the fruit, taste.

Cherry tomatoes on the balcony are grown in the most common, seedling way. So you have the opportunity to observe the growth of seedlings and select only the strongest, strongest and healthiest for picking. The pick itself contributes to the development of additional roots and the correct formation of the bush. For growing seedlings, you will need any wide containers 8-10 cm deep. Fill them with earth, water well and place them near the battery. Before sowing, seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulator in order to achieve more friendly shoots.

Recently, small-fruited cherry tomatoes have become very popular. There are recipes for new dishes using cherry tomatoes, and it is convenient to decorate already known and familiar dishes with them. Like everything unusual, children love them. These tomatoes are convenient for canning in small jars and creating all kinds of vegetable platters for the winter. Cherries are tasty and healthy, because they contain more sugars, vitamins and antioxidants compared to ordinary tomatoes.​

A tall cherry variety gives dark red round-shaped tomatoes. Up to 20 fruits can grow on each brush.

After the last frost has passed, tomatoes can be planted in open ground. Here you need to focus on the climatic conditions of the region.​


How to grow cherry tomatoes at home

Prepare a container for planting. It is recommended to plant the plant in a cylindrical pot, since square containers or rectangular containers will be less likely to fill with the root system. For planting you need to use fertile soil.

Before planting tomato seedlings in the ground, it must be hardened for a week, taking it out into the open air for 2-3 hours every day.

How to grow cherry tomatoes at home?

A few months after planting cherry tomatoes, fruits will be tied on the plants. Cherry tomatoes ripen very quickly, and one bush can bear fruit for about 6 months. You need to collect cherry fruits as they ripen.

Cherries give a very good harvest of small fruits. They are distinguished by their friendly ripening, which is why gardeners love the cherry tomato variety. These tomatoes can be pickled, used fresh.


Breeders have bred varieties of cherry tomatoes for growing in our climate.

After sowing the seeds in the soil, you need to cover the sowing container with plastic wrap. Until the first shoots appear, the pot will be warm, near the battery. After the appearance of sprouts, the film must be removed and the box with seedlings transferred to the windowsill. It is desirable that it be lighter and a little cooler here so that the seedlings do not stretch. This period lasts approximately 20-25 days, and it will end with the formation of two true tomato leaves. Now you are already growing real cherry tomatoes. Seedlings are ready for the first pick. Since we are preparing seedlings for growing on the balcony, there will be several transplants.​

Growing cherry tomatoes is not much different from growing large tomatoes. Varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes can be determinant, semi-determinant, indeterminate. All types can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Seedlings are sown in March-April, diving at the stage of the appearance of two true leaves. Plants are planted in a greenhouse or soil when the time of spring frosts has passed. High indeterminate varieties form into one stem. All varieties should be tied up, even undersized determinants, otherwise the fruits will come into contact with the soil and become contaminated.

White currant has round cream fruits. Up to 10 tomatoes ripen on each brush. This variety is very tasty and is often used to prepare various dishes and salads.​

Before planting, the tomatoes are hardened, periodically taking them out to fresh air. It is not recommended to water the plants the day before transplanting.


The plant needs a well-lit place, so it is better to put it on the windowsill of the south or west side.

And the day before planting the plants in the ground, they must be stopped watering and preparing the beds, to a depth of about 5 centimeters. It is necessary to transplant seedlings so that more land remains on the roots. To successfully grow cherry tomatoes on the site, the distance between plants should be up to 1 meter, depending on the size of the bush.

cherry tomato care

There are no special care for cherry tomatoes in relation to other tomatoes. You should also water the tomatoes, fertilize and loosen the soil so that the roots get enough air. The quality and quantity of your crop in the future will depend on this. In addition, you will have to tie up your cherry tomatoes, otherwise they will rot if they just lay on the ground. This has a bad effect on the bush itself and on its fruits, their number and ripeness - on the ground they will ripen unevenly.

You can grow cherry tomatoes at home and outdoors, but not everyone knows how to do it right. The principle of planting and caring for cherry tomatoes implies that there are special subtleties when growing these fruits.

Growing cherry tomatoes

When a plant has 4-6 full-weight leaves, a pick is made. At an earlier stage of plant development, this should not be done because of the danger of seedling disease.

The most popular: in the open ground - Red Cherry, Beads, Honey Drop, on the balcony - Minibel, Cherry Lisa F1, Pygmy, Zelenushka F1, in hanging baskets - Cherripalchiki, Garden Pearl, Cascade Red (F1).​

Tomato transplants are tolerated almost painlessly, but you need to be careful not to damage the fragile stem. The first pick is carried out in pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The tip of the root is pinched off so that the root system develops better. Pots should be placed on a bright windowsill, the air temperature should be about 23-25 ​​degrees. Now it is necessary to constantly look after the seedlings, water, loosen the ground and every ten days apply complex mineral fertilizer to the soil.

To prevent cracking of cherry tomatoes, you should maintain a constant soil moisture, avoiding drying out and waterlogging. Cherry harvesting begins from the moment the first fruits ripen, periodically. If you collect unripe fruits, they will not be sweet enough, and if you delay harvesting, the tomatoes may crumble.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is also good practice. It is very important that the greenhouse is heated. If this condition is not present, then the tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse already in the form of seedlings. The distance between planted tomatoes should be at least 70 cm. To avoid the appearance of late blight, you must use a well-ventilated greenhouse. Caring for plants requires regular loosening of the soil, watering. In case of lack of daylight, plants need to provide artificial lighting. Greenhouse tomatoes, like those planted in the open field, should also be tied up.

The beds for planting must be prepared in advance, loosened. Then dig holes 10 cm deep, remove the seedlings from the cup and put in a hole, water abundantly. After the water has been absorbed, the hole must be buried and watered again on top. The distance between tomatoes planted in open ground should be about 1 meter.


With a lack of light, artificial lighting must be provided, as this can lead to the buds falling off.


Cherry tomatoes ripen fairly quickly. Also, this variety has a large yield and the ability to ripen quickly. Therefore, you can easily grow and harvest cherry tomatoes at home and treat them to your household, as well as grow cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse and any other conditions in which an ordinary tomato can grow. Cherry tomatoes will become an indispensable attribute of a beautiful salad, decoration of many dishes. The peculiarity of cherry tomatoes is that they have a bright sweetish flavor, which is why most people love them so much. And of course, you can easily grow cherry tomatoes in your garden.​

Cherry means cherry in English and the tomato got its name due to the fact that it has very small fruits of 10 grams each. The maximum weight of a cherry tomato can reach 25-30 grams. And its taste can be ordinary - tomato, only sweeter and richer. In addition, cherry tomatoes may taste like melon, raspberry, or other berry or fruit.​

After picking, it is useful to water the plant with sodium humate - 1 gram of the drug is used for two liters of water. Care for seeded seedlings is the same as for seedlings.

The most reliable way to grow cherry tomatoes is the seedling method. The term of sowing seeds is calculated based on the time of planting plants in a permanent place. Under the film in the greenhouse, seedlings are planted at the age of about 2 months, in open ground a month later.

Most of us notice cherry tomatoes only in winter, on supermarket shelves. And this is no coincidence. Indeed, during this period, they not only look appetizing, but also more than exceed larger varieties in taste (why their price is an order of magnitude higher). In the summer, bright kids are not so popular. Therefore, you won’t find them especially on the market at this time. In our beds, they are also not frequent guests. But, if someone is lucky enough to find their variety, it will be impossible to refuse cherry.

cherry tomatoes. © Matches2

The history of miniature tomatoes

The first mention of cherry tomatoes is found in the book of the famous 16th-century Swiss botanist Kaspar Baugin "Pinax Theatri Botanici". However, historical data indicate that miniature tomatoes are far from a new culture and by no means European. Found in the wild in the Andes, they have come a long way before becoming a common vegetable for us. And they have changed quite a bit, although they still look like cherries, from which their name "cherry" came from (translated from English - "cherry").

Only recently, at the end of the 20th century, Israeli scientists received an order to “ennoble” cherry tomatoes, as a result of which tomatoes appeared capable of the longest storage, mass production, and automatic care. In a word, we got those cherry tomatoes that are familiar to each of us today.

To date, this group of tomatoes has over 100 varieties and hybrids. And now it is already hard to believe that just half a century ago, almost nothing was known about her.

Advantages of cherry tomatoes over traditional tomatoes

The popularity of "cherry" tomatoes is progressing at an incredible rate. And not by accident. In addition to excellent taste, brighter than that of large-fruited varieties, high decorativeness, early ripeness and the ability to bear fruit until frost, they are characterized by amazing keeping quality (without loss of taste), high transportability, unpretentiousness to growing conditions and simplicity of agricultural technology.

Cherries are growing fast. Form powerful plants. They form fruits that are uniform in size and shape. They mature fairly well. In most cases, they are characterized by high yields. They are widely used: for decorating dishes, adding to salads, canning, drying, drying. Growing them is fun!

In addition, many varieties and hybrids of this group of tomatoes are characterized by a high content of lycopene, which is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also a substance that heals the cardiovascular system, as well as beta-carotene, a natural “elixir of youth and longevity”. Cherries have almost twice the amount of dry nutrients, sugars. In a word, they bypass their large counterparts in many respects.

Harvest of cherry tomatoes on the branches. © W10

Variety of types and varieties of cherry

Selection work has led to the fact that today "cherry" tomatoes have acquired varieties of green, white, yellow, orange, red, pink, black, purple and even striped. They have rounded, pear-shaped, plum-shaped, elongated fruits. Sweet or sour taste. They have exotic flavors and aftertaste (melons, raspberries, blueberries).

Cherries also differ in the structure of the brush, which occurs in the form of a bunch, a whip (some industrial hybrids have a length of more than 1 m), an umbrella, a small brush, a fan of complex shape. In different varieties, the brush will hold from 12-20 to 50-60, and sometimes more fruits.

The weight of cherry tomatoes varies from 7 to 25-30 g. "Cherry" tomatoes also differ in the nature of the development of the bush, dividing into determinant, indeterminate and semi-determinant.

Indeterminate cherry varieties (tall, have unlimited growth)

The most numerous group intended for growing in greenhouses (but amateurs experiment with it both in open ground and on balconies).

The length of the stem of indeterminants varies from 1.8 to 3.0-3.5 m. The weight of fruits is from 25 to 30 g. Due to the characteristics of their growth, they need to be tied up and regularly pinched.

Examples of varieties and hybrids: "Gold", "1000 and 2 tomatoes", "Amako F1", "Dance with the Smurfs", "Black Cherry", "Ildi" (interesting in the fan shape of the brush, each brush ties up to 60 fruits), " Yellow Cherry”, “Barberry”, “Chio Chio San” (up to 50 tomatoes in a brush), “Healthy Life”, “Elizabeth”, “Yasik F1″”, Savva F1″.

Semi-determinate cherry tomatoes (medium height)

The length of the stem of this group of tomatoes reaches from 1 to 1.8 m. The size of the fruit in diameter is from 3 to 6 cm. Weight - from 15 to 25 g.

Such tomatoes usually stop growing after the formation of 8-12 brushes. They need a garter and pinching. Due to the frequent cases of early topping (end of growth), which occurs as a result of stress, it is recommended for growing in several trunks.

Examples of semi-determinate cherry tomatoes: "Cherry Likopa", "Honey Drop", "Bourgeois Prince", "Beach Cherry", "Kira".

Tall semi-determinate varieties and cherry hybrids are suitable for indoor use, while lower ones are preferred for beds.

Cherry Lycopa tomato. © m.uogorod

Determinate (low) cherry

The smallest, but stubbornly gaining popularity group. It has a small, 0.2 to 1 m high, compact bush. Fruit diameter from 1 to 3 cm. Weight - from 7 to 15 g. Very decorative look.

Determinants are topped (end their growth with a flower brush) over 4-5 or 6-7 lower brushes. Differ in precocity. Ripe tomatoes can be removed from them 70-90 days after germination.

Due to a small root system and an abundance of varieties and hybrids up to 50 cm high, determinant cherry trees are often used for growing indoors, on a balcony, as an ornamental crop. At the same time, they do not require pinching, and often garters, since each individual shoot of such plants ends with a brush, and in general the bush is quite resistant to lodging. A container for mini-tomatoes should have a volume of 3-5 liters or more.

An example of determinate varieties and hybrids of cherry are: Unicum F1, Verige F1, Mirishta F1, Vranac F1, Nivica F1.

For pot culture ("balcony tomatoes"): "Bonsai" (20-30 cm high), "Pygmy" (25-30 cm), "Minibel" (30-40 cm), "Balcony miracle" (30-40 cm ), "Arctic" (up to 40 cm).

Ampel varieties for growing in hanging baskets: "Cherry Falls" (lash length up to 1 m, bush height 15 cm), "Red Abundance" (lash length up to 60 cm, bush height 15-20 cm), "Garden Pearl" (length stems 30-40 cm), "Citizen F1", "Golden Bunch". In one basket, for greater decorativeness, 2-3 plants are usually planted, sometimes mixing red-fruited and yellow-fruited varieties.

Ampel cherry tomatoes. © peerclip

Features of agricultural technology of cherry tomatoes

In general, the cultivation of cherry tomatoes is practically no different from caring for ordinary varieties. They are also grown through seedlings, except for determinant varieties sown immediately in pots, tubs or beds. At the stage of 3-5 true leaves, a pick is carried out. At the age of 55-65 days, they are transferred to the ground. Plants are hardened 10 days before planting.

When planting tomatoes with an interval of 35-45 cm, 2.5-3 bushes are placed per square meter. Low growing plants are denser.

Indeterminate varieties and hybrids form more often in one, sometimes in two stems. Semi-determinants - and in two stems, and in three or four in open ground.

Since tall cherry trees not only grow intensively, but also rapidly grow lateral shoots, they are pinched several times a week. Determinate varieties and hybrids do not stepchild, but when thickened, the bush is thinned out.

In determinate tomatoes, the leaves should never be cut off, as this causes a delay in their development. But in indeterminate and semi-determinate, after gaining wax ripeness with three lower brushes, the first pruning of the leaves is carried out, removing everything that is located up to the third brush. This gives impetus to the maturation of the brushes, not only in their upper part, but also to the very tip.

After the removal of the first mature brushes, the second stage of foliage removal is carried out, this time leaving the leaves only at the top (it is not recommended to completely expose the plants). For the same purpose, in August (one month before the end of the season), indeterminate varieties and hybrids pinch the crown of the plant.

When growing cherry tomatoes, it is worth remembering that they are very demanding on uniform soil moisture and therefore need frequent watering. They react to drought by wrinkling fruits, cracking. But they can not be transfused, as this is fraught with the development of diseases. Mulch generously to keep the soil moist.

When growing cherry tomatoes indoors, plants are placed on the sunniest windows. In winter and cloudy days, they need additional lighting.

It is recommended to remove "cherry" tomatoes at the stage of full ripening. Harvested brown or green, they ripen, but they do not gain taste and do not have their own characteristic smell. Fruits collected by brushes are stored longer than those taken separately.

If you grow cherry tomatoes in the beds or on the balcony, please share your experience in the comments to the article. What varieties do you particularly like? Why?

Cherry tomatoes rarely appear on supermarket shelves, but are always very popular among gourmet food lovers. In summer, they can be grown in a greenhouse or open field, so the price for them is not high, but in winter the cost of a kilogram of fruit can be tangible. In fact, even in the cold season, you can grow cherry tomatoes at home, on a windowsill or on an insulated balcony.

Growing conditions for cherry tomatoes at home

  • Feed tomatoes at home every two weeks with a solution of chicken manure (see recipe below) at a dose of 200-250 g per bush.
  • Water as the soil dries out, without waterlogging the soil.
  • Best of all, cherry will grow on the southeast or southwest window.
  • It is desirable to illuminate for 1 hour in the morning and in the evening.
  • Every day, turn the plant to the light on the other side - so it will develop evenly.
  • Try to ventilate the room more often, cherry trees love fresh air, but do not allow drafts to form.
  • Adult plants can be tied to the support with a loop, without tightening. As a support, you can take a stick 20 cm long.
  • You need to collect the fruits as they ripen, picking one at a time, and not with brushes.

Cherry varieties for growing at home

So, for starters, I advise you to choose varieties. Of course, you need to take undersized ones so that they have enough growth strength and the construction of supports for them is minimal. In my opinion, the most worthy cultivars are:

  • minibell,
  • Zelenushka F1,
  • pygmy,
  • Cherry Lisa F1,
  • Bonsai.

Planting cherry at home

Sowing seeds for cherry seedlings at home is not much different from growing seedlings for planting in the ground. For a reliable result, it is imperative to prepare the soil, seeds and suitable containers for growing.

Preparing the soil for planting cherry

I recommend preparing the soil yourself - you will never guess what the store soil was stuffed with. It is better to take ordinary garden soil from the place where nightshade never grew, mix it with humus soil and river sand in equal proportions and add wood ash (about 100 g per 1 kg) of heavily crushed eggshell (10-15 g per 1 kg ).

Cherry seedling boxes at home

It is convenient to grow tomato seedlings in ordinary wooden fruit boxes. They have a side height of about 7 cm - what you need. At the bottom, so that the soil does not spill out and water does not flow out, you can lay a thick plastic film, pour the prepared soil on top with a layer of about 5 cm and slightly compact it.

Seed preparation before planting

When the soil is ready, you can start preparing the seeds. Take them out of the bag and carefully inspect: those that seem frail should be put aside. Take the largest, well developed ones.

I advise you to decontaminate seeds before sowing, even if you collected them yourself. To do this, dissolve potassium permanganate in water (1/2 tsp per 1 liter), place the seeds in a gauze bag, and dip it into the solution for about a quarter of an hour. Then take it out and rinse with running water.

When the seeds are disinfected, they need to be prepared for sowing. To do this, I take a piece of cloth, moisten it very well in Epin (1 g per 1 liter of water) and put the cloth on a plate. Spread the seeds evenly on it and cover with a plastic bag. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, I advise you to place a plate with them in the warmest part of the room for a day, then for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, and then again for a day in heat. Seeds will hatch in 5 days, and they can be sown for seedlings.

Sowing cherry seeds at home

I recommend sowing seeds in grooves, which are best done along the box. The depth of the grooves is about 0.5 cm. I put the seeds in them at a distance of 1.5 cm and sprinkle them with the same soil with a layer of 1 cm.

In order for the seedlings to be friendly and appear as soon as possible, I advise you to put the seed box in the warmest place in the room. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the box moved to the windowsill.

Cherry seedling care at home

Care is very important when growing tomatoes at home. After all, plants do not have enough light, and the air in the apartment is too dry and hot. Therefore, cherry tomatoes on the windowsill in winter need to provide additional lighting, timely watering and organic top dressing.

Illumination of cherry seedlings

After the emergence of seedlings, seedlings need additional lighting for full and uniform development. You can use both expensive phytolamps and cheaper fluorescent ones for these purposes. If the weather is cloudy, then you can turn on the usual daylight.

Checking if additional lighting is needed is very simple. Turn on the light - if you see a difference, then you need additional lighting. Once a day, turn the boxes the other side to the light, so the seedlings will develop evenly.

Watering and fertilizing cherry seedlings

About a week after germination, seedlings can begin to be fed.

It is best to use natural top dressing for fertilizing tomatoes - chicken manure or manure.

  • I dissolve chicken manure in the amount of 80 g per bucket of water, and manure in the amount of 250 g per bucket of water.
  • After dissolution, I let it brew for 2 days.
  • Then I stir well and water.

The box takes about half a liter of solution. This solution can be fertilized every 12-13 days.

Seedling picking

As soon as the seedlings form 3-4 leaves, I advise you to dive into a separate cup, trying not to disturb the clod of earth. After transplanting, water the plants, and after a week, feed with the same fertilizer.

As soon as the plants stretch to 12-15 cm, they can be transplanted into a pot. If you do not want to carry out this additional transplant, then you can plant it in a separate pot immediately, and not in cups.

Planting cherry tomatoes in pots

For cherry tomato, dishes with a volume of 4-5 liters with a pot depth of about 15 cm are suitable. The soil can be taken of the same composition as for growing seedlings. When planting, it is not forbidden to deepen the seedlings a little (by about 1 cm), so additional roots are formed. After planting, be sure to moisten the soil, and carry out the second watering after a week, allowing the roots to develop.

There are more and more lovers of cherry tomatoes, the cultivation of which has some features. Indeed, small fruits are very healthy, have bright taste and decorative qualities. It should be considered in more detail how to grow and care for cherry tomatoes in accordance with all the rules.

The main stages of growing cherry tomatoes

So, how to grow cherry tomatoes correctly? To get a good harvest of cherry tomatoes, you must patiently go through all the stages of their cultivation, including:

  • choice of seed variety and planting method;
  • preparation of planting material;
  • creation of optimal conditions for plant growth;
  • timely harvest.

There is a huge variety of varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes. But it is worth acquiring them only after finally deciding on the method of cultivation:

  • in greenhouse conditions;
  • in the beds in the open air;
  • in hanging baskets;
  • on the loggia or balcony.

For growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse, these varieties of tomatoes are well suited., like Businka, Mariska, Red Cherry, Zelenushka, Yellow Cherry and many others.

Almost all of them are tall and early maturing, famous for their high yield. Tomatoes are considered heat-loving plants, so greenhouse care allows you to get a good harvest in the cold season and in climatic zones that are not suitable for farming.

The following varieties of cherry tomatoes are suitable for open ground: Honey drop, White currant, Black cherry, Cherry, etc. Growing cherry tomatoes in the open field in suitable areas with proper care allows you to get the most delicious and healthy fruits, saturated with direct sunlight and useful trace elements.

For planting cherry tomatoes on balconies, loggias, in an apartment, in hanging baskets are well suited miniature varieties and hybrids, distinguished by their decorative effect and productivity: Bonsai, Little Red Riding Hood, Micron-NK, Minibel, Balcony Miracle, etc.

Growing cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets involves the use of varieties that do not require pinching. These include: Garden Pearl, Cherripalchiki, Citizen FV, etc.

Acquisition of seeds should be made only from proven, well-established breeders.

In most cases, cherry tomatoes, the seeds of which are purchased in advance, are grown in seedlings.

Seeds of selected varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are carefully sorted out, soaked for several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and washed with clean water. A few days after this, in a warm place, the seeds are germinated, wrapped in a damp cloth.

In mid-March, cherry tomatoes, the seeds of which are properly sorted and germinated, are planted in planting containers in prepared nutrient soil. Seedling care consists in providing watering and the right amount of light, for which fluorescent lamps are used.

When 3-4 true leaves appear, cherry tomatoes are picked into separate larger containers. Throughout the entire period of growing seedlings, cherry tomatoes must be fed with complex fertilizers.

Approximately 2 weeks before planting seedlings in a permanent place - in a greenhouse or open ground - it should be gradually hardened. To do this, young plants are taken out for a short time outside to a shaded place. The time spent in the fresh air gradually increases.

At the required time, you need to carefully, together with a clod of earth around the fragile roots of the plant, plant seedlings of cherry tomatoes in a permanent place.

We grow cherry tomatoes (video)

Creating optimal conditions for the further growth of cherry tomatoes

To properly grow cherry tomatoes and get an excellent harvest, you must ensure:

  • watering as the earthen coma dries up;
  • sufficient volume of air and light;
  • optimal air temperature;
  • plant garter;
  • loosening the soil and weeding weeds;
  • protection of tomatoes from pests and diseases;
  • timely harvesting of fruits.

In the course of further care for young cherry tomatoes, it is necessary to properly distribute moisture. Its excess is fatal to them, as well as its deficiency. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 50-70 cm between plants in order to ensure a good distribution of air and light between them.

A mandatory garter of cherry tomatoes is required so that their branches do not break under the weight of the fruit. Such care for them will help to avoid some diseases, such as late blight. In the treatment of plants and for preventive purposes, drugs can be used: Aktofit, Mikosan, Fitosporin, etc.

When harvesting, it is necessary to focus on the ripe state of the fruit. Only fully ripened tomatoes will benefit and have excellent taste. It should be borne in mind that tomatoes are afraid of fogs: after them they instantly deteriorate - they become black and unsuitable for food. To preserve the harvest in this case, you need to pick the fruits green and put them in cardboard boxes for ripening.

Thus, knowing simple agricultural techniques and the features of proper care for cherry tomatoes, the cultivation of which is available to everyone, one can achieve enviable success in obtaining a tasty and healthy harvest.

Cherry tomatoes (video)

Gallery: cherry tomatoes (15 photos)

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Cherry tomatoes filled the vegetable shelves of almost every supermarket. Miniature tomatoes are used to decorate the festive table, they are added to salads, soups. Many summer residents grow crops in their gardens without worrying about the environmental friendliness of the future harvest.

The type of miniature tomatoes appeared in the countries of South America, but today the culture is distributed almost all over the world. The name comes from the English word cherry, which translates as "cherry". Indeed, the fruits resemble cherries, the weight of which fluctuates around 20–35 g.

Cherry - a small-sized tomato weighing 20-35 g

A characteristic feature of these tomatoes is a delicate sweetish taste, in which there is no sourness inherent in an ordinary tomato. Some varieties are characterized by an unusual flavor of fruit, such as melon or strawberry.

Despite their fragile appearance, cherry tomatoes are resistant to many adverse environmental factors: low temperatures, lack of sunlight, lack of regular feeding. The crop is grown mainly in open ground, but there are options for planting tomatoes right on the balcony of a residential apartment.

Characteristics and benefits of tomatoes

Most cherry tomatoes are hybrids, which determines their resistance to frost and unpretentious care. A culture is classified according to several criteria, one of which is the size of the stem:

  • undersized (determinant);
  • medium-sized (semi-determinant);
  • tall (indeterminate).

The fruits ripen on peculiar clusters. About 15-25 tomatoes grow on each of the brushes. Considering that the degree of maturity of all fruits in the bunch is the same, the crop is harvested by cutting branches.

Classification of culture according to the size of the stem

According to the ripening time, cherry tomatoes are divided into:

  • early;
  • medium;
  • later.

A feature of cherry tomatoes is considered to be a lower yield than ordinary tomatoes. However, this is fully compensated by the taste and unusual appearance of miniature tomatoes.

The beneficial properties of mini-tomatoes are due to the high concentration of vitamin C. In addition, the composition of the fruit is rich in:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • gray;
  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • vitamins A, B, E.

The chemical composition and benefits of tomatoes

Determinant varieties

Undersized varieties are called determinant, the height of which does not exceed half a meter. They are completely undemanding in care, they do not need to be cut. This procedure is carried out only if the culture grows very strongly.

Only branches should be pruned, not leaves. Otherwise, this will significantly reduce the fertility of the plant.

Determinate varieties are characterized by rapid maturation: from the moment the first sprouts appear to full maturity, as a rule, 60–85 days pass. The crop yield is quite high - about 25 fruits are formed on one brush.

Garden pearl Cranberry in sugar Pinocchio
Minibel Bonsai

balcony miracle

The peculiarity of the variety lies in its precocity - ripening occurs after 80–90 days. Shrub low - up to 40 cm, slightly leafy. Tomatoes are round, with a thin and smooth skin. The weight of each fruit fluctuates around 35–45 g. The culture is resistant to lack of lighting and is intended for growing on loggias.


The hybrid belongs to dwarf varieties, as it grows up to 30 cm in height. The fruits ripen within 90 days and are characterized by low weight (20–25 g). The yield of each shrub is about 0.5–0.8 kg.

baby sweet

An early maturing variety that does not require particularly careful care. Easily adapts to weather conditions. Tomatoes are very sweet and juicy.

Cranberries in sugar

The variety is characterized by early ripening and unpretentiousness in cultivation. The fruits are sweet, have a dark red hue and are actively used in home preservation.


Shrubs reach a height of 40 cm, have strong clusters with many small fruits. Tomatoes sweet and sour, weighing 20 g.


From the moment the sprouts appear to fruiting, 85-90 days pass. The culture is undersized, characterized by high productivity. Pygmy is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases and perfectly adapts to the cold.


One of the most popular varieties for growing on balconies. Ripe tomatoes are quite large, have a firm skin and a sweet taste.

garden gem

Belongs to undersized cultures, the height of the bush reaches half a meter. The fruits are smooth, have a characteristic pinkish hue. The weight of each tomato reaches, as a rule, 18–20 g.

Cherry Kira F1

Kira f1 - an early ripe variety with massive tassels. On each of them, about 15–25 orange-colored fruits ripen.

Indeterminate varieties

Tall varieties are called indeterminate. Often they are grown in summer cottages, but planting these varieties in flower pots is practiced.

Madeira F1 - a bright representative of the indeterminate group


An early ripe variety growing up to 2.5 m in height. The fruits are small (which is the reason for the name of the variety), but very sweet and juicy. Tomatoes are shaped like fingers.


A characteristic feature of the variety is the color of tomatoes - rich yellow. They are round and smooth.


The variety has a high yield. Tomatoes are yellow, sweet, small in size.

Kishmish orange

The hybrid is resistant to many fungal diseases and is intended for protected ground.

Madeira F1

The culture has early ripening and resistance to frost. Tomatoes are small, about 25 tomatoes are formed on each brush. Fruits before frost.

Dance with the Smurfs

The description of the variety is similar to the previous ones, but it has one feature - the fruits are dark, almost black. This makes the variety extremely popular among culinary specialists.

black cherry

The shrub matures in 65–70 days, growing up to 4 m tall. The fruits are dark red, sweet.

Semi-determinant varieties

These are medium-sized shrubs, characterized by early ripening. Crops are grown both in open ground and in the so-called room conditions.

Honey drop belongs to semi-determinant varieties

bourgeois prince

The variety is high-yielding and has rich scarlet tomatoes. The shrub easily adapts to weather conditions, is resistant to fungal diseases and pests.

honey drop

Shrubs reach a height of 1 m, form strong brushes with many fruits. The size of the tomatoes is medium, and the color is yellowish.

beach cherry

Given the feedback from gardeners involved in the cultivation of Beach cherry, this variety can be considered one of the most unusual. Tomatoes have a dark red hue and a characteristic wine flavor.

Cherry Lycopa

This hybrid was bred in Russia. It has an average ripening time and is resistant to cold. Cherry Lycop fruits are small, bright red in color.

Video "Secrets of growing cherry tomatoes"

This video shows you how to properly grow tomatoes outdoors.

Agrotechnics of cherry tomatoes

The technology for growing hybrid varieties is similar to growing ordinary tomatoes, but there are still some differences.

Landing dates

Often the plant is cultivated in seedlings. Seeds are sown in prepared containers in early March. This is the optimal time for the maturation of a full-fledged planting material. The earth is slightly moistened and covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions.

Choice of location and soil

Tomato beds should be done in a sunny area. The best predecessors are legumes, onions, beets, radishes.

You should not plant seedlings where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants used to grow.

The characteristics of the soil ideal for cherry include several points:

  1. Nutrition. The substrate can be prepared from turf, sand and humus. To increase the fertility of the land, fertilizing is added to the soil: superphosphate, wood ash, potassium sulfate.
  2. Humidity. The soil should be moderately moist.
  3. Looseness. The soil must be porous. It is this factor that will provide free access to oxygen.

Rules for sowing seeds

It is recommended to sow seeds only after warmer weather is established. This period begins in the middle - late spring. The air temperature must not be below 20 °C. The day before planting, the seeds are treated with a solution of manganese to exclude the possibility of planting infection with an infectious disease. After processing, the seeds are thoroughly dried.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in late spring

Sow seeds in slightly moist soil. After distributing the material along the furrow, it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and gently tamped. Until the first shoots appear, the earth must be regularly loosened, watered and weeded.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground when they reach 20–25 cm in height. The stem and leaves must be strong. Before planting the plant in the soil, hardening is carried out. To do this, containers with tomatoes are taken out into the street for 2-3 hours. This procedure is repeated for 12-14 days, after which the culture is planted in the garden. Between the bushes it is important to observe an interval of 0.5 m.

The wells need to be fertilized with wood ash, slightly moistened. After planting the seedlings, the ground in the root area is carefully tamped. With the onset of warm weather, plantings are mulched with dry grass.

In addition to traditional beds, undersized crops are grown on window sills or loggias. To do this, the gardener must comply with certain conditions:

  1. Position the plant on sunny windowsills.
  2. For planting, choose only those varieties that are intended for growing in an apartment.

Tomato care

When the planted bushes have already grown, they should be formed into one stem. For tall crops, a support is made. Important care procedures are:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing;
  • weeding.

Support is made for tall crops

Protection against diseases and pests

Common diseases of cherry tomatoes are:

  • mosaic;
  • late blight;
  • fruit cracking.

And the bear is considered the most dangerous pest of the culture. The main damage is done to the root system of shrubs, because the bear bites through the stems of plants. The most effective way to deal with it is considered mechanical, when during the digging of a pest site, they are simply collected by hand.

Also, gardeners often resort to the help of insecticides. Preparations prevent the appearance of pests, treat the plant and contribute to the growth of yields. The most common means:

  • "Anti Medvedka";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Actara".

Collection, storage and use of the crop

Only fully ripe tomatoes are harvested. Otherwise, the gardener will not feel the delicate sweet taste of cherry. Harvest should be stored in the refrigerator. The advantage of the culture is that most cherry tomatoes (for example, the Ira variety) retain their taste even after freezing. What can not be said about large tomatoes, which crack in such situations.

Cherry tomatoes are used in salads.

Given the low calorie content of the product, cherry tomatoes are actively used in the preparation of salads and snacks. In addition, dishes are decorated with miniature fruits, used in home preservation, dried and dried.

Often, housewives close a kind of assortment for the winter - small tomatoes with large ones. In this case, the maximum filling of the jar occurs.

Cherry tomatoes filled the supermarket shelves and our refrigerators. This is due to the taste of the product and the long shelf life of the fruit. In addition, many gardeners grow miniature fruits in their beds. New varieties, which are bred by breeders, allow you to get a plentiful harvest of cherry tomatoes even in northern regions with a harsh climate.