Multivitamins for teenagers 15 years old. Vitamins for teenagers: which complex is better. For the development of memory and brain

Adolescence is the age at which there is a sharp jump in the development of the child's body. At this time, it is very important to include vitamins, minerals and acids in his diet. You will learn about the importance of vitamins for a teenager and what criteria to choose vitamin preparations from in this article.

A balanced diet, moderate physical activity and vitamin intake are the key to the full and rapid development of every teenager. During this period, puberty occurs, so in order to lay the foundation for a healthy reproductive system, it is necessary to enrich the child's diet with useful vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and vitamin complexes for teenagers - which ones to choose

Adolescence lasts from 12 to 17 years. At this age, the child should receive a whole range of vitamins that contribute to proper physical and mental development. Adolescents should definitely consume foods or preparations containing:

  • vitamin D,
  • b vitamins,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin PP,
  • ascorbic acid.

Vitamins for children 12-13 years old

If you are looking for an answer to the question of which vitamins are best for teenagers of 12 years old, then give preference to multivitamin complexes. During this period, the child needs vitamin D, which strengthens the bones and contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton. He also needs vitamin C, which boosts immunity and is involved in the absorption of other vitamins. This should also be taken into account by parents who want to understand which vitamins are best for teenagers of 13 years old.

Vitamins for children 14 years old

At the age of 14, many teenagers begin to actively engage in sports, spending twice as much strength and energy on it. Therefore, preparations for adolescents aged 14 should contain not only vitamins D and C, but also A, E and group B.

Vitamins for teenage athletes not only help to fill the lack of any substance, but also contribute to muscle building and the rapid healing of injuries.

Vitamins for teenagers 15-16 years old

At the age of 15, in addition to physical activity, schoolchildren begin to worry about passing exams, entering a university. That is why it is very important for teenagers of 15 years old to eat right and take vitamins. Vitamin-mineral complexes for adolescents 15-16 years old should contain all of the above vitamins, including PP, which promotes proper tissue growth and is involved in the conversion of sugars and fats into energy.

Vitamins for teenagers 17-18 years old

At the age of 17, there is a decrease in the growth and development of the teenage organism. But at the same time, there are often signs of irritability, fatigue and anemia. The answer to which vitamins are best for 17 year olds depends on these signs. It is better to give preference to multivitamin complexes, which contain a daily dose of all vital substances.

How to choose the right vitamins for teenagers?

Before you start picking up good vitamins for teenagers, you need to consult a doctor and take a blood test. This will help to choose the dosage of the drug and prevent the occurrence of hypervitaminosis.

Vitamins for teenagers, useful for the growth and development of their body, are divided into the following groups:

  • one-component,
  • multicomponent,
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Depending on the age of the child, they are available in the form of syrups, drops, lozenges and chewing sweets. After the first dose, carefully monitor the condition of the teenager.

Updated: 09/18/2019 23:36:32

Judge: Boris Kaganovich

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Statistically, adolescence (teenager) period covers the age from 10 to 19 years. At this time, the processes of physical and mental development are especially active, so you cannot do without a constant supply of the necessary substances. Lack of vitamins during cardinal physiological changes threatens with serious health problems.

Adolescents often suffer from headaches, insomnia, fatigue increases, blood pressure becomes unstable, appetite disappears, concentration decreases. It is important for parents to understand the condition of the child and maintain his health. It is very appropriate to take vitamin complexes. Our experts have ranked the best ones for early or late teens.

Rating of the best vitamins for teenagers

Nomination place Name of product price
Best vitamins for early teens 1 472 ₽
2 259 ₽
3 585 ₽
4 531 ₽
5 436 ₽
6 309 ₽
7 245 ₽
Best vitamins for late teens 1 376 ₽
2 -
3 -
4 330 ₽
5 798 ₽
6 709 ₽
7 237 ₽
8 170 ₽

Best vitamins for early teens

Boys and girls from 10 to 14 years old are classified as early adolescence. This is a period of active growth. Most of all, this process affects the tubular bones, the chest and limbs are formed. The internal organs are also restructuring their work. Teenagers need a complete complex of vitamins and minerals now more than ever.

Vitrum Junior

The American multivitamin complex Vitrum Junior takes the first position in the ranking. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 mineral components. This drug is very appropriate for use by adolescents during active growth, as well as with increased physical and / or mental stress.

Release form Vitrum Junior - chewable tablets. They are light brown or closer to orange with patches. Their smell is light, fruity, because the composition contains an orange / pineapple flavor. Taste is sour. Chew the drug for children from 7 to 14 years old, 1 tablet per day during the main meal.

Parents in the reviews note that with Vitrum Junior their teenage children feel great, even with increased mental stress at school or physical in sports sections. Our experts have included Vitrum Junior in the rating because it has a balanced composition and is well tolerated by teenagers. Thanks to this complex, young organisms develop organically, and also get sick less.


  • balanced composition;
  • pleasant taste, aroma;
  • invigorate, strengthen the immune system.


  • remain a grain in the mouth when chewed.

Pikovit Forte

The multivitamin complex Pikovit Forte was given the second place in the rating. The drug is produced in Slovenia by the pharmaceutical company Krka. Pikovit Forte contains 11 vitamins. They are suitable for teenagers who experience increased physical activity. They are especially needed for those who are passionate about sports. And also with distracted attention against the background of heavy loads during the educational process.

Pikovit Forte is available in light orange or dark orange coated tablets. They have a sweet-sour taste, but as they dissolve, they gradually become bitter. Children from 7 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 1 time per day after meals. It is absorbed, but if, due to bitterness, it is not possible to achieve complete dissolution, then the residue is swallowed with water.

Parents praise Pikovit Forte in their reviews for the fact that with this complex their teenagers noticeably improve school performance, they wake up easier in the morning and feel cheerful throughout the day. Pikovit forte has earned its place in the ranking because it has an unloaded composition, but at the same time it is enhanced with B vitamins, which are essential when the adolescent's nervous system is in high load mode.


  • non-overloaded composition with a good content of B vitamins;
  • help to cope with mental and physical fatigue;
  • do not cause allergic reactions.


  • when resorbed, bitter taste appears.

Supradin Kids magic dragee

The third place in the ranking went to the Swiss dietary supplement Supradin Kids Magic Dragee. It is a balanced complex of vitamins supplemented with iodine and zinc. The manufacturer positions its product as one that gives a charge of health and strength.

Supradin Kids magic dragee is an oblong chewy multi-colored candy. They can taste orange, lemon or strawberry. Food colors, flavors present in the composition are natural. The product rarely provokes allergies. Children over 7 years of age should chew 1 tablet 3 times a day during main meals.

Reviews about Supradin Kids magic dragee are mostly positive. Teenagers love that these vitamins taste like candy. And parents note that during their use, children become more active, organized, their mood and school performance improve. Our experts have included dietary supplement Supradin Kids in the rating, as it significantly strengthens the immune system of a teenager. With these vitamins, any cold passes many times faster.


  • contain iodine;
  • delicious chewable dragees;
  • do not cause allergic reactions;
  • improve the general physical well-being of a teenager.


  • must be taken three times a day.

Doppelhertz Kinder

The German dietary supplement Doppelgerz Kinder ranks fourth in the ranking. The complex contains 10 vitamins, zinc, iodine. A good adjuvant for maintaining physical and emotional strength in adolescents, especially prone to frequent colds.

These multivitamins come in the form of gummies. They come in orange or raspberry flavors. The complex does not contain artificial colors and preservatives. Adolescents over 11 years old are recommended to chew 1 gummy twice a day during main meals.

In their reviews, parents note that with the addition of Doppelherz Kinder, their children's appetite noticeably improves and they practically do not get sick. This multivitamin complex deserves to be in the ranking, because it has a balanced composition, has no harmful components, and is well tolerated by teenagers. They also have pretty attractive prices.


  • optimal components of the composition;
  • delicious marmalades;
  • improve appetite, invigorate;
  • increase the body's defenses.


  • allergic reactions may occur.

Univit Kids

Another German vitamin complex, Univit Kids, is in fifth place in the ranking. Dietary supplement contains 8 vitamins. Univit Kids has a general strengthening effect on the body of adolescents. Since dietary supplements contain natural dyes and flavors, it is likely that they will not provoke an allergic reaction.

The release form of Univit Kids is chewable lozenges resembling dinosaur figurines. The product is similar to sweet raspberry or orange marmalade. Children from 7 years of age should chew 1 lozenge 2 times a day with meals. Given that the composition contains glucose syrup and sugar, this dietary supplement is contraindicated for adolescents with diabetes or those who are prone to obesity.

Reviews about this vitamin product are mostly good. Parents note that their children's ability to work increases and they become more active. It also improves the skin condition of those who suffer from teenage rashes. Univit Kids is rated because it contains the most essential vitamins, tastes good and rarely causes unwanted reactions in the body.


  • contains all essential vitamins;
  • the composition is free from artificial colors or flavors;
  • improves skin condition;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • invigorates and improves performance.


  • some rubber lozenges.

Alphabet schoolboy

The sixth place in the rating went to the Russian complex Alphabet Schoolboy. This dietary supplement contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals to help your teenager grow and develop normally. The composition does not include preservatives, artificial flavors, dyes. All components are divided into groups according to compatibility and digestibility.

Dose for each day Dietary supplement Alphabet student is 3 chewable tablets of different colors with a fruity taste. Reception can be divided into 2 or 3 times. They are recommended for use by children from 7 to 14 years. Tablets are given during meals or immediately after it.

In the reviews, parents note that with the Alphabet student, their children noticeably increase their mental performance and they better withstand physical exertion when visiting sports sections. Our experts have included the School Alphabet in the ranking of the best, since they contain Fe, Se, I, Ca, which are necessary for a teenager during active growth. They strengthen the immune system and help boys or girls adapt in stressful situations.


  • nutrient compatibility is taken into account;
  • pleasant-tasting chewable tablets;
  • help to be more concentrated;
  • increase efficiency;
  • help the teenager develop harmoniously.


  • the need to take three times a day.

Complivit Active

The Russian complex from Pharmstandard Complivit Active occupies the seventh position in the rating. This preparation contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. Complivit Active is recommended for adolescents who experience physical or psychological overwork.

Complivit Active is a light green film-coated tablet. Their size is small, streamlined, without roughness, which is not a problem when swallowing. Assign the drug inside from 7 to 12 years, 1 tablet 1 time per day after the main meal. Take vitamins with plenty of water.

Reviews about Complivit Active are mostly good. Parents note that this complex has a positive effect on the general well-being of their children. They become more active, their resistance to diseases increases, and their psycho-emotional state improves. This drug was in the ranking of the best, because it is easy to use, inexpensive and effective.


  • special technology that ensures the compatibility of components;
  • small tablets that are easy to swallow;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • increase performance.


  • allergic reactions are possible.

Best vitamins for late teens

Ages 15 to 19 are considered late adolescence. At this stage, puberty is completed, after which anatomical and physiological maturity occurs. For teenagers of this age, special vitamins for teenagers are suitable, as well as most multivitamins for adults.

Vitrum Teenager

The first place in the rating was given to the American complex Vitrum Teenager. The drug contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. Vitrum Teenager is used to normalize all body functions during active growth and puberty. These vitamins are also needed in violation of the diet or inadequate diet.

Vitrum Teenager is a coffee-colored round chewable tablet with a chocolate flavor. They are recommended for teenagers from 12 to 18 years old. Take 1 tablet per day. It is chewed after the main meal.

From the numerous positive reviews, it becomes obvious that the manufacturer's promises are not empty words. Vitrum Teenager has helped many teenagers to adequately survive exams or other physical/psychological stress. Our experts have included this drug in the rating of the best, because it has a balanced composition, pleasant taste, perfectly relieves lethargy, increases working capacity and strengthens the immune system.


  • complete composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • give strength and energy;
  • protect against colds.


  • underestimated doses of minerals.


The Italian complex Centrum from A to Zinc is in second place in the ranking. This biologically active food supplement contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. This dietary supplement is able to activate the body's defenses. It also helps to adapt to increased physical and / or emotional stress.

Centrum is available in coated tablets. They have a pleasant pale blue color and lack any taste. The tablets are not very large and are easy to swallow. They are recommended for adolescents from 14 years of age, 1 tablet per day with meals. Duration of admission - 1 month.

Reviews about dietary supplement Centrum are mostly positive. Young people note that with this complex, their constant drowsiness disappears, a surge of strength appears, and their mood improves. Centrum deservedly appeared in the ranking of the best, because due to its balanced composition, these vitamins effectively strengthen the immune system, invigorate, improve skin condition and protect against adverse environmental factors.

MultiTabs Teen is a round, flat, light gray tablet with patches. They can have a flavoring filler: fruit, orange-vanilla, cola with lemon. The drug is recommended for adolescents aged 11 to 17 years. Take vitamins 1 tablet a day with meals or immediately after.

In their reviews, teenagers note that with MultiTabs Teen it is easier for them to pass the exam period, and they are also full of energy during active sports. Our experts have included this drug in the ranking of the best, as it has proven itself well with increased mental and physical stress in teenagers. It has an optimal composition and is well perceived by the organisms of adolescents.


  • good combination of vitamins and minerals;
  • take 1 time per day;
  • acceptable taste;
  • give strength;
  • improve concentration;
  • increase disease resistance.


  • chyme component of the tablet.

Alphabet Teen

The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the Russian complex Alfavit Teenager. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Plus, the composition is devoid of preservatives, artificial flavors, dyes. It is designed to help adolescents adapt to increased psycho-emotional stress, as well as to improve the tolerance of physical stress.

Alphabet Teenager is available in chewable tablets. For a day they need to eat 3 pieces. Moreover, each tablet has its own color and its own component of the components. There should be an interval of 4-6 hours between doses. These tablets are recommended for adolescents from 14 years of age. These vitamins help the mature organism develop harmoniously.

Parents and teenagers themselves leave predominantly positive feedback about the Alphavit Teen additive. This vitamin complex turned out to be in the ranking of the best, because it not only takes care of the physical and emotional state of teenagers, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails, and hair. And this is very important in adolescence, when young people begin to pay special attention to their appearance.


  • contains all the useful substances necessary for a teenager;
  • taken into account the joint and separate use of nutrients;
  • it does not contain preservatives and other harmful chemicals;
  • helps to endure physical and mental stress;
  • improves appearance.


  • you can forget to take another pill.

Berocca Plus

The multivitamin drug Berocca Plus from the pharmaceutical company Bayer is in fifth place in the ranking. The drug contains 9 vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc. Its composition is not overloaded, but is able to provide the necessary support to the body of a teenager during increased physical exertion or during stressful situations.

Berocca Plus is available in coated tablets or in soluble form. The drug is recommended for adolescents from 15 years of age and adults. Take 1 tablet per day. Effervescent before use is dissolved in 200 ml of pure water. The coated tablets are quite large, but are swallowed tolerantly. With caution, this drug should be taken by teenagers suffering from gastritis and bowel diseases.

Adolescence is a time of intensive development of the body, and in addition, increased mental stress. Therefore, the need for a teenager in vitamins increases. Vitamins are contained primarily in food, but usually teenagers do not follow their diet, so many of them have one or another degree of hypovitaminosis. What are needed vitamins for teenagers 15-16 years old which are better accept complexes?

Vitamins for teenagers for growth at 15-16 years old

Studies show that many people are actually shorter than their genetic height. The reason for this is most often malnutrition and lack of vitamins in adolescence. Which are the best for growth? For growth, vitamins D, C, E, folic acid, B vitamins and especially vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is responsible for the absorption of proteins, are important. Vitamins for teenagers for growth - These are vitamins that are responsible for the formation of the skeleton. Among the vitamin complexes, one can name "Calcemin Advance", containing vitamin D3, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, "Natekal D3", "Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3".

If a teenager at the age of 15-16 goes in for sports, then his need for nutrients, including vitamins, increases. Here, vitamins A, B, C, D, E are also in the first place. There are special complexes that include vitamins for teen athletes. Some of them include supplements that help strengthen cartilage, improve the absorption of vitamins, and help restore energy after physical exertion. Vitamin complexes for young athletes include Unicap M, Multitabs, Alphabet Teenager, Complivit Active. Which is better is up to you.

Vitamins for teenagers with iodine

Iodine is especially important for a growing organism - even a small lack of it affects mental activity. And 15-16 years is just a period of intense mental stress. Also, iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which affects many processes in the body. Very often, iodine supplied with food is not enough, then to meet the need for this important element, 15-16 years should be taken vitamins for teenagers with iodine. In addition to iodine preparations, such as "Jodomarin", there are also complexes of vitamins and minerals, including iodine. Which ones are better - for example, "Complivit Multivitamins + Iodine" (this complex is also suitable for adults), "Multitabs Teenager", "Vitamins Multi +", "Junior Bee Weiss".

Vitamins for teenagers Komarovsky video

Taking vitamins will help avoid health problems in a teenager, but an excess of vitamins is no less dangerous than their lack, so you should consult a doctor before taking vitamin complexes.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Everyone knows that nutrition is the key to health. However, in the modern world it is very difficult to eat according to all the rules. Someone simply does not have enough time to monitor their diet, and someone simply does not consider it necessary to do this, like, for example, teenagers.

But a growing body needs more vitamins and minerals than an adult. And it is impossible to get them from fast food and various sodas. Of course, we can prohibit the use of these products, but will they follow our prohibitions? Moreover, it is very difficult to keep track of what a child eats at school or while communicating with his peers outside the home. Vitamins for teenagers will help save this situation.

There are even whole vitamin complexes that help replenish the reserves of micro and macro elements in the body. We will talk about them now.

From 12 to 17 years old, the child's body begins to grow at a rapid pace. During this period, puberty occurs, as a result of which hormones begin to "play" in full. All this greatly affects the concentration of attention, children become distracted and begin to study poorly. Against this background, problems arise with parents (quarrels, scandals, etc.), which greatly affect the child's psyche and he begins to experience stress.

Stress, in turn, is manifested by increased irritability, lack of appetite, etc. Under no circumstances should this be allowed. After all, nutrition is the most important thing for a growing organism. And in order to somehow help the child, the parent must provide him with an additional intake of vitamins.

This will contribute not only to the good physical and mental development of the teenager, but also to the improvement of his general well-being. After a few weeks of taking vitamins, you will be able to notice how your child's behavior has changed. He will become more attentive, calm and focused.

After all, every vitamin in the human body performs its “work”. For example:
Vitamin D, which helps the absorption of calcium, which is essential for the formation of the skeleton. In addition, this vitamin supports the functioning of the nervous system and improves immunity.

Vitamins of group B, which are involved in almost all metabolic processes occurring in the body. At the same time, they are responsible for the absorption of such important chemical elements as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their additional intake will contribute to the emergence of strength and energy in a teenager, which will favorably affect his studies.

Vitamin C is a very important element. It not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also the absorption of other equally important vitamins and minerals for the body.

Vitamin A. This chemical synthesizes proteins, which are the "building blocks" for muscles. Its additional intake will help strengthen the whole organism as a whole.

Vitamin E. This vitamin is especially needed during puberty, when hormonal changes occur.

If you are wondering what vitamins are necessary for teenagers, then remember that all of the above elements are the most important for a growing body. However, it is worth noting that other vitamins are also important during puberty. We should not forget about the minerals that "require" all the internal organs and systems of the human body. Their additional intake will contribute to the prevention of many diseases that adolescents are prone to - vegetovascular dystonia, thyroid diseases, etc.

In principle, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals is often the main cause of the development of most diseases, among which there are also joint diseases. If you want your child to grow up healthy and strong, be sure to monitor his nutrition and, in case of a clear vitamin deficiency, provide him with an additional intake of pharmacy vitamin complexes.

All of the above vitamins can be purchased at pharmacies in the form of multivitamin complexes. However, do not forget about natural food. Foods such as liver, eggs, and butter are high in vitamin D, while dairy products, beef liver, and greens are high in B vitamins.

An increased content of vitamin C is found in rose hips (you can simply eat the fruits of this plant or make tea from them), citrus fruits, and black currants.

The nutrition of a teenager should be complete, and therefore meat and fish dishes, fresh vegetables, fruits and greens should always be present in his daily diet. In addition, it is also necessary to ensure that during puberty the child consumes dairy and sour-milk products every day.

If, due to your employment, you are unable to monitor how your child eats on a daily basis, then you should purchase pharmacy ones. However, just coming to the pharmacy and choosing them at random is not worth it. You should first consult with a specialist. After all, uncontrolled intake of vitamins can lead to such a condition as hypervitaminosis.

The main criterion for choosing vitamins for adolescents is the age of the child and the presence of any diseases.

11 years

  • Pikovit Omega-3 - is prescribed for children who have emotional disorders;
  • Pikovit Prebiotic - recommended for children with rapid growth;
  • Pikovit D - is prescribed only if the teenager has diabetes;
  • Pikovit Plus - it is recommended to take children with insufficient weight, a special one is also prescribed.

12 years

Adolescents during this period can be prescribed one of the following drugs:

  • Pikovit Forte;
  • Sana Sol;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum Junior.

During this period, the child's body begins to grow rapidly, and therefore a 13-year-old child needs an additional intake, like A, D, C and B vitamins. The largest number of them is found in Koplivit and Duovit.

14 years old

Most teenagers during this period begin to actively engage in sports, and therefore they need more energy. Therefore, for 14-year-old children, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes Complivit-Active and Unicap M. They contain the most vitamins A, C, EE and PP, which add a lot of strength and energy to children.

15 years

At this age, a growing body needs not only vitamins, but also minerals. Intensive growth, great mental stress, malnutrition - all this can have a bad effect on the health of the child. Therefore, during this period, the intake of such vitamin-mineral complexes as Vitrum Circus, Multivit Plus and Biovital is recommended.

16 years

At the age of 16, adolescents experience severe fatigue and irritability. The risk of developing iron deficiency anemia increases, therefore, during this period, additional intake of vitamin complexes, for example, Metabalance 44, is especially important.

17 years

Upon reaching the age of 17, the body slows down growth and is almost fully formed. However, this does not mean that he does not need vitamins. On the contrary, at this age, teenagers begin to lead an active lifestyle. And so that they have the strength and energy to do everything, it is also recommended to take Metabalance 44 or Alphabet Teenager.

You can buy good vitamins for teenagers on the iHerb website. Here is an incredible selection of products that are of high quality and affordable prices (even with shipping). You can choose universal vitamins for teenagers, or you can choose separate special complexes for boys or girls. Popular supplements are:

  • . This is a complete complex of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a teenage body. Thanks to probiotics and enzymes, nutrients are easily absorbed. This supplement is suitable for children from 11 to 17 years old. It supports bone health, immunity, gives energy, improves attention and memory, and also provides clear and healthy skin, which is so important for children at this age.

  • . This complex contains 100% of the daily dose of all the necessary substances for the body of a teenager. Designed for children from 11 to 17 years old.

  • . A unique dietary supplement that contains a full range of vitamins and minerals that boys need during puberty. This complex will help strengthen the immune system, improve memory and concentration, help in proper and harmonious development. Vitamins are suitable for guys from 11 to 17 years old.

  • . This complex is distinguished by a special female formula, and is also hypoallergenic. The drug contains a full range of essential vitamins and minerals for girls. These vitamins give energy and strength, help the body cope with hormonal changes. They have a pleasant berry taste, suitable for girls from 11 to 17 years old.

Remember that each organism is individual and has its own characteristics. Therefore, only a doctor can recommend good vitamins for teenagers. However, it should be borne in mind that the additional intake of vitamin complexes cannot replace good nutrition.

Therefore, try to devote more time to your child and always watch his diet.
We understand that it is not always possible to keep track of what the child eats. However, you are a parent, and you are simply obliged to explain to your child why it is so important to eat right and what a negligent attitude towards your body can lead to. We are sure you will succeed!

Teenage years This is an important period in a person's life. The human body begins to grow at a rapid pace, the organ systems and their functions are finally formed. A growing child needs much more vitamins and minerals at this time, because during the period of active growth it is necessary to support the body and strengthen it to resist viruses and bacteria. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many drugs that will ensure a constant supply of nutrients to the body. But how to choose the best among them and what vitamins a student needs in the first place?

Groups of vitamins for teenagers

During the active maturation of the reproductive system, adolescents need to fully supply the body with nutrients to maintain normal mental and physical development. In the diet of a growing child, products containing the following elements must be present.

  1. Its benefits are enormous. First of all, it is involved in the formation of hormones, metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, improves vision (especially the ability to see in the dark). Retinol improves the condition of the skin, which is especially important in adolescence, when children often develop acne, pimples, inflammation, and greasiness of the skin. Retinol is found in the following foods: butter, sorrel, yellow and, especially, orange fruits and vegetables.
  2. . It takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism, converts them into fats, improves the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. . Improves the work of nerves, prevents deterioration of vision. Breaks down and converts amino acids in the body. Biotin strengthens the immune system, calms the nervous system, prevents an increase in blood sugar levels. The element also maintains normal intestinal microflora, thereby relieving digestive problems and improving the absorption of other nutrients. These vitamins can be found in dairy products, meat, greens, legumes, buckwheat porridge. There is a lot of vitamin B 6 in fish, garlic, bell pepper, pomegranate, nuts, and legumes. B7 is found in large quantities in bananas, potatoes,
  3. It is of direct importance in the growth and development of bones, skeleton, teeth. It will help teenagers during active growth not to experience a lack of phosphorus and calcium. In the warm season, vitamin D3 can not even be consumed by teenagers: under the influence of direct sunlight under the skin, it is formed independently. It is only important to spend enough time under the sun. Through window glass and through sunscreens, ultraviolet cannot reach the skin, and therefore vitamin D3 cannot be formed under such exposure to light. In winter, vitamin D for adolescents is needed in much larger quantities, because it is not formed in the skin at this time of the year. Therefore, it is worth consuming more foods that contain it: fatty sea fish, mushrooms, parsley, chicken meat, dairy products, liver.
  4. Vitamin e will help a teenager improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The nutrient has a powerful antioxidant effect, prevents the occurrence of anemia. It can be found in large quantities in seeds, nuts, natural unprocessed vegetable oil.
  5. First of all, this element strengthens the immunity of the growing organism and facilitates the resistance to viruses, infections and improves the absorption of other nutrients. A lot of the substance is found in yellow bell pepper, rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits, apples, onions, cabbage, potatoes.
  6. . They are responsible for proper blood circulation, improve memory, concentration, which is important with increased workload in middle school. There are many of them in beef liver, poultry meat, pork, offal, eggs, dates, cereals.

In addition to the main list of vitamins, a teenager cannot do without macro- and microelements. Such as iodine, calcium in the form of individual preparations or ready-made multivitamin complexes that contain both minerals with vitamins and digestive enzymes with omega-3 fatty acids.

When should vitamins be taken?

Young people experience high loads in various areas of life, because their defenses weaken, the body begins to need large dosages of nutrients to maintain immunity: vitamins C, A, D, E.

Also, additional intake of drugs with nutrients is justified when:

  • long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal agents;
  • poor environmental conditions in the territory of residence;
  • depressive states, severe stress, experiences;
  • low absorption of vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor appetite or unbalanced, poor nutrition;
  • seasonal beriberi;
  • for rehabilitation after a long illness;
  • slow growth (compared to children of the same age).

In some situations, taking multivitamin complexes may be contraindicated:

  • if you are allergic to vitamins or other components of drugs;
  • with hypervitaminosis of any substances in the body.

Therefore, the choice of drugs and their intake must be taken seriously and used only under the supervision of a doctor.

How to choose the right vitamins according to the age of the child?

Depending on the age of the child's needs for certain substances increase or decrease. Therefore, it is important to take this factor into account when choosing the right drug. Many manufacturers of vitamin products pay attention to this and produce products indicating the age category of the drug. Before buying, be sure to read the composition of the product and instructions.

younger adolescence

In this age category are children from 11 to 14 years old inclusive. It is during these years that children begin to grow rapidly, the figure changes, because the body needs more B vitamins, as well as A, C, D - a kind of growth vitamins for adolescents. These elements are found in a large number of children's preparations.

  • "Duovit";
  • "Complivit-Active";
  • "Biovital";
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Sana-Sol";
  • "Jungle";
  • "Alphabet schoolboy";
  • "Multibionta Junior";
  • Centrum Children's.

Also, the choice of children's funds should be based on the lifestyle of a teenager. If he is active, goes in for sports, then it is desirable for him to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins A, E and PP into the body (multivitamins such as Bio-Max, Vitrum Junior, Unicap are suitable).

The best vitamins for schoolchildren in this category are as follows.

  1. Supradin Kids Junior. Loved by consumers for the rich composition. In addition to the standard set of substances, it also includes minerals and lecithin, which improve the processes taking place in organisms. Lycetin normalizes the functioning of nerves, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Choline in the preparation improves brain function, calcium strengthens bones, omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state and the development of intelligence. Parents noted that the use of the drug facilitates daily physical and educational activities, improves appearance, normalizes the concentration of vitamins in the blood. The tool rarely causes allergies.
  2. "Centrum for children" Multivitamin is designed for children from 11 years old. Does not contain sugar, dyes, harmful substances. It is best to take it in the off-season to strengthen immunity and replenish the lack of minerals. Doctors advise giving these vitamins to schoolchildren who do not adhere to proper and rational nutrition. With frequent use of the drug, its effectiveness in the prevention of seasonal diseases has been proven.
  3. "Kinder Biovital" is a drug containing growth vitamins for adolescents. It comes in the form of a gel. Vitamins in its composition allow the child's body to grow and develop properly. It is pleasant in taste and smell. Useful even for inflammation in the oral cavity. The main action is aimed at helping with growth.

older adolescence

In children who have reached the age of fifteen, the need for vitamins and minerals becomes much higher. Teenagers are still growing at the same fast pace, and a hormonal surge in the body begins. Against the background of increased fatigue and high loads in studies, a fragile body gets tired faster, irritability increases, and nervousness increases. The following drugs can alleviate their condition and help the body.

  • Vitrum Teenager;
  • "Vitergnin";
  • "Supradin";
  • "Metabalance 44";
  • "Vitrum Circus";
  • Multivit plus.

The best vitamins for teenagers 14 years old in this period are as follows (these drugs can be taken from 12 years old).

  • "Alphabet Schoolboy". Loved by parents for an inexpensive price. This is a cheap tool aimed at increasing efficiency, strengthening the immune system, strengthening the nervous system, increasing resistance to increased loads. There are no dyes and flavors in the preparation. On the day you need to take 3 tablets with different composition (reception should be in the morning, afternoon and evening). Thus, the drug will be as effective as possible, and all the vitamins in its composition will be better absorbed.
  • "Pikovit Forte 7+". The best vitamins in terms of safety. Excellent vitamins for schoolchildren. If the child is very tired even with small loads, he should be given this drug. It has a lot of vitamin B, so it is perfect for increasing concentration, improving appetite, filling the lack of nutrients. There is no sugar in the tablets, but at the same time they have a pleasant taste of tangerine. Allergy from the reception does not occur.
  • Vitrum Junior. Liked by consumers for efficiency. It is necessary to drink only one tablet per day, which contains the necessary daily dose of all vitamins and minerals. The tool will help to cope with increased stress (mental and physical). With prolonged intake of vitamins, there is an improvement in the child's educational performance - he becomes more assiduous, attentive and collected.

From the age of 17, boys and girls are no longer growing so fast, but a high need for nutrients remains. Most teenagers suffer from rashes on the skin of the face, back, chest, pimples, acne. Preparations will help get rid of these problems, as well as calm the nervous system and enrich the body with nutrients.

  • "Pikovit Forte";
  • "Alphabet";
  • Vitrum Teenager.

At the same time, consumers named the best vitamins for adolescents from 14 to 18 years old.

  1. "Sana Sol". It contains a large amount of vitamin D. Therefore, it improves immunity and helps to cope with daily stress. Reviews of parents about the drug indicate that it perfectly restores the body after operations.
  2. Alphabet Teenager. The agent is well absorbed by the body. Does not contain dyes, preservatives and harmful substances. Every day you need to take three tablets with a different composition of minerals and vitamins - thereby achieving their maximum assimilation. The advantage of the tool is in an inexpensive price.
  3. Vitrum Teenager. The most effective drug. At the same time, vitrum vitamins for adolescents will provide a daily intake of all the necessary elements in just one tablet. These vitamins are especially useful for adolescent boys, as zinc, selenium, manganese, molybdenum and chromium are included in the composition. The tool prevents the appearance of skin problems in adolescence, supports the body's defenses, increases resistance to stress and stress, improves emotional state.
  4. "Multi-Tabs Teen". It has a very rich composition and a high concentration of iodine, which makes the drug useful for those who experience increased mental stress. It is useful to take after the flu and colds. "Multi-Tabs" normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous system, compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

There are also separate vitamins for teenage girls that can improve the female cycle (“For Her by Nature’s Plus”, “Power Teen”).