How can you decorate the walls in an apartment in purple tones: lilac, purple or bright lilac shades in the interior and decoration options. Spring comfort at any time of the year: photo of the use of lilac wallpaper in home interiors What color of wallpaper is op

Any color is capable of evoking certain emotions and influencing the human condition. That is why it is important to approach the choice of wallpaper color in the interior of housing with all seriousness.

Looking at this color, thoughts come about spring freshness, the first timid flowers, about the time of renewal of nature.

This complex and at the same time simple shade is a symbol of bright memories, fantasies and tenderness. Violet notes give it mystery and significance:

Lilac is a classic interior design. It has been used for wall decor since the days of the strangest and most bizarre, literally, baroque style. Over time, his palette has not lost its popularity, for interior design and wallpaper, including bolder, more intense tones:

Neutral, light shades also continue to be successfully used for the design of residential premises:

In the case of lilac, the truth is confirmed - the new is, sometimes undeservedly, the forgotten old. Today, this color in the wallpaper is used everywhere in the interior. And it is not just included as an additional element, but made the main one in almost any room. An example in the photo.

Lilac wallpaper in the bedroom

The perception of a given color directly depends on its intensity. According to psychological research, bright lilac in large quantities can cause a person to feel anxious. Therefore, experts do not recommend wallpaper in bright colors for bedroom decor. But even a small accent can become a “highlight” for the interior (photo):

More often, designers resort to the use of calm wallpaper colors. Being unobtrusive, they make the bedroom delicate and give the whole interior a personality:

A relevant and modern solution is to decorate the bedside area with wallpaper of a more juicy or deep color. And the lilac gamma is perfect for this:

As for color perception, the delicate lilac pastel on the wallpaper soothes, relaxes and sets in a romantic mood. A small blotch of bright accents adds sensuality and a desire for novelty. Both those and other properties will not interfere in the bedroom of people who love each other.

In order to apply the wallpaper of these colors to decorate the bedroom as successfully as possible, you can use the advice of experts:

To combine the lilac color in the interior of the bedroom, the following shades of wallpaper are perfect:

The combination may turn out to be too neutral, so additional elements may be required, for example, vintage-style furniture:

Using a lilac palette to decorate the walls in the bedroom, it is important to comply with the measure. To avoid the negative influence of color, you can resort to combining wallpapers of different colors, or use several shades of lilac, for example, as in the photo.

It is better to decorate the floor and walls with lighter colors. If the interior turns out to be too pale, rich purple, burgundy accessories and decor elements will help to revive it. An example is in the photo below.

If the flooring material is white or light, then it is better to choose white or silver decorative elements and accessories. Gold, in this case, is suitable when using natural colors in the design of the floor.

Making the ceiling the color of the wallpaper, it is better to choose the traditional option.

Lilac kitchen

What to focus on when choosing a lilac wallpaper for kitchen walls? It should cause appetite, a surge of energy, invigorate, and to achieve this effect, you can use bright and light colors at the same time.

As for the texture, wallpaper with an embossed pattern is perfect for the kitchen. The most successful color combinations can be called a combination of lilac with:

Neutral colors can be broken up with bright accessories - interesting photo wallpapers, dishes, paintings;

Given the abundance of household appliances in the kitchen, it looks quite natural;

But you can also use a more relaxed combination:

Living room in lilac tones

The living room is a universal room where the whole family gathers, meets with relatives and friends, celebrates important events and takes a break from everyday work. How can decorating the walls with lilac wallpaper help make a room suitable for any occasion?

In fact, this color can fit perfectly into the design of the living room and, if everything is done correctly, the room will become lighter, more spacious, an example in the photo.

When choosing a lilac palette for decorating the walls of the living room, you should carefully select companion colors. Successful combinations can be called with the following shades:

  • milky - the tandem turns out to be very gentle, airy, allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the room. It is used to create an interior in the imperial style;

  • white - this color is able to absorb the excessive brightness of lilac, making it more delicate. It also looks great with its light tones;

  • yellow - a dangerous combination that can make the interior of the living room intrusive, flashy. But if you select the colors of wallpaper and furniture based on the brightness of the shades, you can get a modern, fashionable interior (photo):

  • purple - a combination of shades of the same gamut is considered classic. In this case, any of them can become the base one;

  • pink - this color is able to add notes of joy, naivety, carelessness to the design of the room;

Lilac wallpaper can make the interior bright or gentle, aggressive or calm. The most important thing is to correctly combine a large palette of shades with each other.

On the video you can see the design options for living rooms with lilac wallpaper:

To decorate luxurious interiors, professionals recommend using lilac wallpaper for walls. Lilac color is one of the most harmonious, spectacular. Sometimes there are problems with the choice of color combinations. Seek advice from designers who will come up with profitable combinations that will turn your room into a rainbow corner. Fill the room with spring colors of nature.

Where can I find lilac wallpaper in Moscow?

Various shades of lilac in wall coverings are offered by Artique. To create a spring atmosphere, the following tips for applying color will help:

  • select separate zones, for example, niches, ledges;
  • use plain coatings for classic, retro directions;
  • light shades of lilac will visually expand the premises.

Wallpaper in lilac tones exclusively, will look advantageous in rooms located on the south, sunny side. In such a case, they will refresh the decoration of the room, emphasize its dignity. Psychologists believe that the use of lilac shades contributes to the development of intellectual, creative abilities, and sets in a romantic mood.

Today offers high-quality lilac wallpapers to buy online store Artique. You can get interesting results by applying different shades in the following stylistic directions:

  • provence;
  • classic;
  • Art Deco;
  • retro.

Quite successful color combinations are combinations with white, red, gray.

Combinations of lilac with brown, green will look original. It is recommended to complement with wooden furniture. Try using wallpaper with lilac flowers. This solution looks amazing in the bedroom, nursery. Take advantage of the tips to get started.

The lilac color will bring a touch of freshness to the interior The lilac color has been undeservedly forgotten for a very long time. Despite the fact that it is one of those colors that significantly transform the atmosphere, create a completely different mood, bring freshness - for many decades of the last century, this color was little used. And the roots of this color, its popularity go far back to the Baroque era, when it began to be used in interior design.

Lilac wallpaper for walls in the interior: features

The first association with lilac is spring, awakening, the beginning of flowering, primroses. And even pragmatic designers, with their “matching/not matching”, say that things should be chosen in unison with your mood, lifestyle.

With the help of lilac tones you can create a romantic atmosphere

It turns out that those who live with a reference to the beginning of spring should take a closer look at the lilac color. Say, this is psychologically their color, and such people will be comfortable in lilac walls.

If we talk, not going so deep into the psychology of colors, we can discuss other characteristics of lilac shades.

For example, lilac wallpaper in the interior:

  1. They convey calmness and tenderness;
  2. Look good in hot, sunny rooms, visually bringing them a little freshness and coolness;
  3. Suitable for sleeping and relaxing, so often the walls in lilac colors are decorated in the bedroom;
  4. Rid the room of the atmosphere of monotony, dilute the boring interior.

Lilac wallpaper will be appropriate in any room

Also focus on shade. For example, for some, juicy lilac is an irritant color, and faded lilac is tenderness, subtlety and romance itself.

Living room in lilac color (video)

What color goes with lilac wallpaper

It should be noted right away that this is not the most "friendly" color. And this situation is easy to explain - the lilac color is too dominant, it is not easy to find a company for him.

The lilac color in the interior will be in perfect harmony with the cream

Even psychologically, the lilac color is an absorber of its own. It is not surprising if the same juicy gray bedspread, for example, outside the lilac interior and in it look completely different. And bright, interesting in the interior of soothing colors, it will be completely lost in a room where there is lilac wallpaper.

Here you have to make compromises, for example, instead of juicy lilac, take a pale lilac color.

In general, lilac goes well with:

  • grey;
  • Black;
  • Dairy;
  • Cream;.

Combinations of lilac with various light shades are well suited for a child's room.

Of course, this is not the whole gamut, but, let's say, classical combinations. It is also important to look at how interiors with lilac wallpaper are being designed right now. For example, five years ago, lilac + green looked quite extravagant, but today green accents in a lilac interior have become almost a template scheme.

Bedroom design in lilac and white colors (video)

What color sofa is suitable for lilac wallpaper

And here it is difficult to answer unambiguously. It seems that you can focus on color compatibility, but it is important to see the whole situation as a whole. It is easier to consider this with specific examples.

Examples of furniture and wallpaper combinations:

  1. Lilac wallpaper and light beige sofa. Light beige is a calm, even neutral color. It will balance what is bright and juicy. Therefore, the color of the walls can take all the “tasty” saturation of lilac shades. The floor in this case should also be light.
  2. Milky sofa to lilac wallpaper. White, slightly darker than snow-white, looks great on dark lilac walls. If the sofa is large, somehow shade it again with lilac - for example, due to sofa cushions.
  3. Dark lilac sofa and lilac wallpaper. And this option is not excluded: when one color scheme is played out in the interior. Of course, beacons are also arranged in the form of interior items of colors-neutralizers. But lilac walls are closer to cold shades, and more saturated, with a transition to a beetroot, lilac sofa with velvet upholstery - this is a great solution. And light gray will set off this range, and will not let you go into gloom.

A milky sofa goes well with lilac wallpaper

And there are many such solutions. The more items in the room, the more carefully you need to look at the combinations. More than three colors and their shades should not be combined in one space. This is possible, of course, but only pros and people with naturally good taste can do it flawlessly.

Successful combinations with lilac wallpaper

Again, color combinations should be considered with examples. And five such expressive examples, perhaps, will be a good hint for you.

For the interior in the Empire style, lilac wallpaper will be very relevant.

Combinations with lilac wallpapers:

  • Empire style with a combination of lilac wallpaper and central dairy furniture. This tandem, by the way, visually expands the space. The milky sofa, modular sets, tables and shelves really look great against the backdrop of expressive lilac wallpaper.
  • Lilac walls plus all shades of scandi white. Indeed, such a theme is often exploited in the Scandinavian interior.
  • Lilac walls plus yellow-green color. Only the second component should not be very much. This option is possible in the bedroom. Instead of plain wallpaper, you can use wallpaper with lilac flowers.
  • Lilac wallpaper plus purple color. One color scheme is played, which is so rich in shades that the result is always interesting. Well, gray, gray-white and faded beige can dilute this company.
  • Lilac walls plus pink. For a romantic, airy, slightly frivolous interior, one of the best options.

Well, if you want more elegance and some claims to luxury, combine the lilac color of the wallpaper with royal gold.

Lilac wallpaper in the interior (video)

Lilac wallpapers will be in fashion for a long time, because they spent so many years in oblivion, and people have not yet enjoyed their juiciness and nutritious rich color. Look at the variations of professional interiors in the photo, try these images on your interior, and perhaps you will find the best and most timely look for your room.

Good luck choosing!

Interior design with lilac wallpaper (photo)

Lilac is a complex and multifaceted color, it is not easy to work with it, but it is interesting. That is why it is important to choose the right shade of purple wallpaper in order to get a pleasant and sophisticated interior.

Features and shades of color

Surprisingly, lilac is not so common in interior design, although most people find it elegant and pleasant to look at. It is considered to be a derivative of the color purple, although always with an addition of pink or blue.

Depending on the amount of a particular color, you can get a special shade of lilac, which delight the eye with its diversity.

It is a gentle and beautiful shade that has a calming and calming effect. It is recommended to use it for interior decoration for people who are emotionally tired at work. Colorists warn that this color cannot be called homely, cozy, it is rather suitable for the bedroom of a single girl or the decoration of the living room of a young couple not burdened with children.

In nature, only flower petals can be painted in lilac, which is why it was named after one of them - the magnificent lilac. It is noteworthy that in English there is a similar situation - the word lilac refers to both color and lush bushes with fragrant flowers.

There are three groups of lilac shades:

  • pale;
  • saturated;
  • bright.

The first group includes bleached shades, so they go well with white and pastel colors close to them - mint, light pink, cream, beige, eggshell color. If in the interior the light lilac color does not serve as the main one, but is only intended to harmonize bright colors, it can be supplemented with purple, cherry, brown, blue.

Dark rich shades of purple will look good with a green color scheme, hot pink, dark brown. Nobility will be added to it by mother-of-pearl shades. For bright shades of lilac, you need to select colors from a friendly explosive palette - red, light green, yellow, blue. They will look good with dark brown and black.

Absolutely all shades of lilac will be combined with white. Now let's look at what color furniture goes with purple walls.

How to combine with the color of the furniture?

It is not so easy to choose furniture suitable for lilac walls. Most often, designers offer to opt for white, beige or milk, in a word, light. This solution will balance the depth of purple and fill the interior with light.

Another interesting option is brown furniture. For example, you can give preference to a beige sofa or carpet and a dark brown furniture set.

A win-win solution that will give the interior elegance and gloss - silver and golden hues. A frame on a mirror or a picture can be painted in gold, furniture legs and other elements can be painted in silver.

Such a decision would be appropriate if you are decorating a room in the style of art deco, rococo or modern high-tech.

remember, that the combination of lilac and yellow is too restless so it should be used in small quantities. If you're decorating an eclectic or modern room, yellow cushions on a white sofa or a small painting on the wall can be yellow.

Drawings and patterns in interior design

First of all, do not forget to pay attention to the choice of texture. The range of wallpaper textures is so diverse that it can be difficult to make your choice. Often, buyers prefer textured wallpaper for the reason that they can mask bumps on the walls and other errors. In addition, the gluing process will not cause difficulties even for a beginner.

It is important to choose the right pattern, starting from the size and purpose of the room:

  • A large textured pattern is not suitable for a small room.
  • When choosing textured wallpaper for your kitchen or bathroom, make sure it's washable. Otherwise, the pattern of the relief coating may deteriorate during wet cleaning.
  • If you want to combine several textures at once, use moldings that will help you make a smooth transition from one texture to another.


For the bedroom, it is better to choose calm, soft shades of lilac with a discreet pattern. It can be flowers, circles or abstraction. It is important to remember that the same drawings will look different, depending on the style of the room. Small flowers will suit the bedroom in the style of Provence, boho, shabby chic.

If the bedroom is decorated in one of the modern styles, it is better to choose a strict geometry or even abandon the pattern altogether. Now photo wallpapers are in fashion again, they will look good in any room, the main thing is to choose the right pattern and design. It is best if they decorate one accent wall., and the rest of the walls will remain solid, in one of your chosen shades of lilac.

In the bedroom, images of roses, irises, orchids, sakura, lavender and various landscapes will look interesting. Usually, designers advise choosing a photo of a sunset in pink and purple tones, which will be the best match with lilac walls.

Living room

If you are decorating a living room in one of the classic styles - Renaissance, Baroque or Rococo, give preference to lilac wallpaper with monograms. They fit perfectly into the palace style, giving the interior elegance and nobility.

In order not to overload the room too much, you can stick plain wallpaper, and on one of the walls make a panel of jacquard wallpaper with an image of elegant curls.

The stripe on the wallpaper is well suited for modern styles - modern, avant-garde, fusion, eclecticism. However, they will be appropriate in the English classics. Usually they are chosen for living rooms with low ceilings, as they visually make the room appear taller.


For a kitchen in lilac, they usually try to choose something stylistically neutral, since a bright shade is a decoration of the kitchen in itself. No need to be smart with a complex design, the best option is a plant theme. Images of orchids are very popular, which will go well with white or plain purple furniture.


Choosing the right pattern for the hallway is easier than it seems at first glance. Follow simple rules:

  • If the hallway is small, discard the large drawing.
  • Solid light lilac wallpaper will make it more spacious and add light.
  • Products in a vertical stripe will increase the hallway in height, and in a horizontal stripe - they will expand it, making it visually larger. At the same time, they will visually lower the ceiling, be prepared for such an effect.


Psychologists insist that children should choose their own wallpaper with a pattern. Even if your child is very small and cannot motivate his choice, he will definitely choose something that will not annoy him.

Traditionally, lilac is chosen for a girl's bedroom, very rarely it can be present in a boys' room. Therefore, the choice of patterns is also very predictable - floral motifs, butterflies, stars.

You can combine plain wallpaper with a photo wallpaper that depicts a Disney princess. Now Rapunzel and Anna with Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen Heart" are popular.

Room design decoration

Since the color lilac itself is quite complex, it is important to choose the right lighting and color for the curtains so that the finished interior looks harmonious and not annoying.

How to choose lighting?

If the room is small and the window openings are small, there will be little natural light in the room. In this case, you need to choose a suitable chandelier with many shades, the direction of light of which can be adjusted.

In addition to the chandelier, get some table or pendant lights to place at different levels. Everything will depend on which room you choose lighting for:

  • In the bedroom, you can put one sconce for reading and a pair of table lamps, placing them on the bedside tables.
  • In the kitchen, it is desirable that, in addition to the chandelier, the lighting should be above the work surface and above the dining table.

Most importantly, avoid poorly lit areas that can put pressure on the psyche.

Refrain from using bright lampshades, intricate shapes and catchy designs. Give preference to simple concise models that fit perfectly into any interior.

To create an unforgettable mysterious atmosphere in the house, filled with charm and luxury, you should choose lilac wallpaper for wall decoration. In the photo of the finished interiors, they look very stylish, romantic, spring-fresh. is associated with harmony, tranquility, but at the same time effectively emphasizes the situation, adds bright colors to it. Lilac, bedroom, nursery or even kitchen and hallway are equally well suited. But you need to choose the right shade and pattern wisely, since the lilac range can affect the psychological state in different ways, and this will largely depend on the situation as a whole and successful color combinations.

The psychology of color

In nature, the lilac color is quite rare, therefore, for a long time, mystical properties were attributed to it, used during ceremonies and rituals to gain a connection with spirits.

This color is associated with sensitivity, determination, creativity and mystery. Shades of lilac range evoke nostalgic emotions. They are chosen by people who are stubborn, patient, restrained, aimed at a brighter future, but not without vanity, rather secretive, distrustful and cautious.

Lilac color in the interior

For a long time, lilac was the favorite color of the European nobility, and it could be seen in richly decorated royal palaces and noble mansions. baroque era. Until now, all shades of purple and lilac are associated with nobility, elegance and sophisticated style. Today they are considered classic, and absolutely everyone can use them when decorating their homes.

Lilac wallpaper in the interior is appropriate both in huge country houses, as well as in typical city ​​apartments. With their help, you can create a noble and elegant living room interior, soothing and neutral atmosphere in the nursery, especially for a hyperactive child or two kids of different sexes. The color scheme is also well suited for decorating the kitchen, dining room and hallway, or workshop.

Advice! Lilac wallpapers will allow you to tune in to a working mood, engage in mental or creative activity for a long time. But it is better to choose such a finish for active, cheerful people, otherwise depression may develop.

Plain, striped lilac wallpaper, with flowers - the photos clearly demonstrate that such a finish perfectly complements the interior, emphasizes its features and serves as an ideal backdrop for the whole environment. Manufacturers offer many options that differ in pattern, texture, shade, which allows you to choose the perfect lilac wallpaper for any design.

Best of all, lilac wallpapers are suitable for, but you should not be limited only to them. Neoclassic, , , , shabby chic, retro, , - it all depends on the shade, texture and pattern on the wallpaper and their combination with furniture.

Color combinations

Lilac can be considered the base color, as it goes well with many different shades, serves as an ideal backdrop for furniture and other interior items. That is why designers often advise choosing wallpapers of this particular range for wall decor, since such a finish will look unobtrusive, interesting and soothing at the same time.

Lilac wallpapers may seem delicate, light, but when pasting walls with them, it often turns out that the color turned out to be too deep, even heavy. There is nothing surprising, because lilac shades are considered dominant, so when using additional colors for interior decoration, one should build on this.

All shades of lilac wallpaper can be divided into three groups:

  1. Light - used for complete wall decoration in rooms, serve as a background, help to visually expand the space.
  2. Dark and saturated - are used to highlight individual zones, as well as to visually reduce space.
  3. Bright - act as accents.

    Among the companion colors for lilac are:

    • White - all shades from cold snowy to warm milky. Depending on the dominant shade of lilac, white decor can act as a bright accent (for light wallpapers) or a spectacular contrast (for dark ones).
    • - lemon, saffron, gold, bronze.
    • - from muted terracotta to rich pumpkin.
    • .
    • Pink - from powdery to.
    • Black.

    With the right combination of lilac wallpaper with interior items, you can achieve a very stylish look, romantic, elegant and creative at the same time.

    Lilac wallpaper for the living room

    For the walls of the living room, it would be appropriate to choose lilac wallpaper in several shades at once or with a different ornament, for example, plain and in a flower. With the help of such a finish, it will be possible to effectively zone the room, make it less oppressive, especially if the room has a small area:

    • The wall on which it is planned to focus attention can be pasted over with plain wallpaper of a rich lilac hue. In this area, it is worth placing decorative elements (or, photo composition, panel, spectacular sconces, ).
    • it will look good and not distract if it is decorated with light lilac wallpaper, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern.
    • The seating area (behind the sofa) can be decorated with lilac wallpaper with a large pattern or with an unusual texture, for example, embossed or combining a glossy and matte surface.

    Advice! When decorating the walls of the living room with plain lilac wallpaper, you should balance them with inserts of contrasting shades, for example,. Such accents can be located on one of the walls, for example, with window or door openings.

    When choosing furniture, focus on the shade of the walls:

    • Light wallpaper will serve as a background for a massive