Test on the topic of plant generative organs. Test Vegetative organs of plants. material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in biology (grade 9) on the topic. Structure and functions of leaf pulp

Test on the topic: Vegetative organs plants

Choose the correct answer.

    Vegetative organs include:

A. Escape



D.All answers are correct

2. The root performs the functions:

A. Absorbs water from the soil and nutrients, leads them to the stem

B. Fixes and holds plants in the soil;

B. Serves as a storage facility for nutrients

D. All answers are correct

3. Based on the type of origin and development, roots are divided into:

A. main root;

B. Lateral root;

B.Adventitious root;

D.All answers are correct;

4. The main root is very well developed:

A. Mochkovataya root system;

B. Tap root system;

B. Answers 1 and 2

D. There is no correct answer;

5. Has a fibrous root system:

A. Beans;

B. Sunflower;

B. Carrot;

G. Garlic;

6. The taproot system has:

A. Wheat;

B. Beans;

V. Millet;

G. Luk;

7. The root is divided into zones:

A. 1;




8. Cells of educational tissue divide intensively and contribute to root growth and length in the root:

A. Divisions;

B. Rosta;

B. Suction;

G. Conducting;

9. In the zone….only individual cells divide

A. Divisions;

B. Rosta;

B. Suction;

G. Conducting;

10. The area is densely covered with root hairs:

A. Divisions;

B. Rosta;

B. Suction;

G. Conducting;

11. The zone is responsible for supplying other plant organs with absorbable substances:

A. Divisions;

B. Rosta;

B. Suction;

G. Conducting;

12. Powerful succulent underground organs of some plants:

A. Korneklubni

B. Root vegetables

B. Answers 1 and 2

D. There is no correct answer.

13. Nutrients are deposited only in the main root:

A. Korneklubni

B. Root vegetables

B. Answers 1 and 2

D. There is no correct answer.

14. Escape is:

A. Stebel

B. Leaves


D. All answers are correct

15. The place where the leaf is attached to the stem is called:

A. Internode;

B. Knot;

B. Leaf sinus

D. All answers are correct

16. The distance between adjacent nodes on the stems is called:

A. Internode

B. Knot

B. Leaf sinus

D. All answers are correct

17. The angle formed by the stem and the leaf extending from it is called:

A. Internode

B. Knot

B. Leaf sinus

D. All answers are correct

18. Frame, the central support of the plant, connecting its underground and above-ground parts:

A. Root

B. Stem

V. Liszt

G. Flower

19. Main functions of the stem:


B. Conductive

B. Storage

D. All answers are correct

20. According to the direction of growth of the plant stem, there are:

A. Erect

B. Creeping

B. Creeping

D. All answers are correct

21. The outermost layer of the trunk6


B. Cambium

B. Wood

G. Core

22. This layer is located under the bark, between the bast and wood:


B. Cambium

B. Wood

G. Core

23. Lies under the cambium to the center of the phloem:


B. Cambium

B. Wood

G. Core

24. Central part of the stem:


B. Cambium

B. Wood

G. Core

25. Transports liquid from roots to stems:

A. Xylem

B. phloem

B. Answers 1 and 2

D. There is no correct answer

26. Delivers nutrients obtained in the leaves to the roots and other parts of the plant:

A. Xylem

B. phloem

B. Answers 1 and 2

D. There is no correct answer

27. Elongated creeping shoots with elongated internodes:

A. Kolyuchki

B. Tuber

V. Trunks

G. Mustache

28. Allows plants - vines to occupy a vertical position:

A. Kolyuchki

B. Tuber

V. Trunks

G. Mustache

29. Protect plants from being eaten by animals:

A. Kolyuchki

B. Tuber

V. Trunks

G. Mustache

Vegetative organs of a plant
1) Modified dahlia roots
A) root vegetables.
B) root suckers.
C) tuberous roots.
D) aerial roots.
E) root pores.
2) The nutrient supply of wheat grains is located in:
A) spine.
B) stem.
C) endosperm.
D) cotyledon.
E) kidney.
3) Wide base of the leaf vagina
A) cereals.
B) Rosaceae.
C) nightshades.
D) Asteraceae.
E) legumes.
4) This node is
A) embryonic shoot.
B) growth cone.
C) thickening of the skin.
D) the area of ​​the stem from which the leaf emerges.
E) bottom.
5) In wheat seeds
A) 2 cotyledons
B) no endosperm
C) 2 embryos
D) 1 cotyledon
E) no embryo
6) Shortened stem
A) Asters
B) Watermelon
C) dandelion
D) Ivy
E) Hops
7) In the seeds of dicotyledonous plants:
A) 1 cotyledon
B) No cotyledons
C) 3 cotyledons
D) 2 cotyledons

E) 4 cotyledons
8) Wood is typical for:
A) Leaves
B) Fetus
C) Flower
D) Stem
E) Seeds
9) Radish fruit:
A) Drupes
B) Bob
C) Achene
D) Pod
E) Berry
10) Educational fabric
A) Core
B) Wood
C) Cork
D) Cambium
E) Lub
11) Monocot plant
A) oak
B) wheat
C) buttercup
D) beans
E) peas
12) Eggplant is used for food:
A) leaves
B) stem
C) fruits
D) roots
E) kidneys
13) Substances from the leaf to the root move along:
A) wood
B) lubu
C) cambium
D) traffic jam
E) core
14) To stop the shoot from growing in length, you must:
A) Trim the tip of the shoot
B) Trim side shoots
C) Cut off the buds
D) Trim the roots

E) Cut off the leaves
15) Dicotyledons as opposed to monocotyledons:
A) have no lateral roots
B) bloom before the leaves bloom
C) have two cotyledons in the embryo
D) produce many seeds
E) are pollinated only by wind
16) Potatoes are eaten:
A) Roots
B) Tubers
C) Seeds
D) Berries
E) Fruits
17) Thickening of the stem occurs due to cell division:
A) Cambia
B) Peels
C) Wood
D) Cores
E) Luba
18) Mechanical tissue performs the function of plants:
A) Conductive
B) Support
C) storing
D) Formation of new cells
E) Starch formation during photosynthesis
19) Heat-loving plant
A) Rye
B) Clover
C) Flax
D) Cotton plant
E) Barley
20) A kidney that has been dormant for several years:
A) Insert
B) Apical
C) Subordinate clause
D) Sleeping
E) Axillary
21) K mineral fertilizers applies
A) Manure
B) Peat
C) Phosphorus fertilizers
E) Humus

D) Bird droppings
22) Plum fruit
A) Drupes
B) Nut
C) Berry
D) Bob
E) Apple
23) Propagated by bulbs
A) Apple tree
B) Garlic
C) Strawberry
D) Astra
E) Beans
24) Stem cuttings reproduce
A) Narcissist
B) Rose
C) Potatoes
D) Tulip
E) Onion
25) Dicotyledonous plant
A) Colchicum
B) Plantain
C) Lily
D) Tulip
E) Sedge
26) Cold-resistant plant
A) Barley
B) Cucumber
C) Melon
D) Tomato
E) Sunflower
27) Lack of phosphorus in the soil causes
A) Slowing down of fruit formation
C) Increase in fruit sugar content
C) Death of apical buds
D) Lodging of plants
E) Leaves falling
28) Dicotyledonous plant
A) Wheat
B) Corn
C) Barley
D) Beans

E) Rye
29) The seeds are protected by the pericarp
A) Algae
B) Angiosperms
C) Gymnosperms
D) Ferns
E) Psilophytes
30) The plant needs light for
A) Photosynthesis
B) Breathing
C) Reproduction
D) Discharge
E) Evaporation
31) People grow carrots, turnips, and beets for
A) Fruits
B) Roots
C) Seeds
D) Leaves
E) Stems
32) Turns blue under the influence of iodine solution
A) Starch
B) Fat
C) Glucose
D) Gluten
E) Protein
33) The main root is formed
A) From the embryonic root
B) From the cotyledon
C) From the bottom of the stem
D) On side horses
E) On adventitious roots
34) Chamomile inflorescence
A) Panicle
B) Complex ear
C) Basket
D) Umbrella
E) Complex shield
35) Dicotyledonous plant
A) Corn
B) Rice
C) Plantain
D) Feather grass

E) Tulip
36) The number of seeds in fruits depends on the quantity:
A) stamens.
B) petals.
C) ovules.
D) sepals.
E) pistils.
37) The area of ​​the stem between adjacent leaves is
A) node.
B) escape.
C) kidney.
D) internode.
E) sinus.
38) Expanded part of the sheet
A) leaf blade
B) scale
C) vein
D) petiole
E) stipule
39) Early spring at a temperature of 05 0C and high soil humidity, seeds are sown:
A) Oats
B) Cucumber
C) Melons
D) Corn
E) Tomatov
40) Reproduces by rhizomes:
A) Rye
B) Onion
C) Tulip
D) Lily of the valley
E) Potatoes
41) Cold-resistant cultivated plant
A) Beans
B) Pumpkin
C) Oats
D) Corn
E) Cucumber
42) Garlic is propagated:
A) Usami
B) Rhizomes

C) Bulbs
D) Tubers
E) By vaccination
43) Protects the stem from unfavorable conditions:
A) Core
B) Wood
C) Cork
D) Lub
E) Cambium
44) Monocot trait
A) Parallel venation
B) Cirrus venation
C) 2 cotyledons per seed
D) Reticulate venation
E) Tap root system
45) Bulb from:
A) Jerusalem artichoke
B) Iris
C) cactus
D) Lilies
E) Aloe
46) People grow carrots, turnips, and beets for the sake of:
A) Fruits
B) Roots
C) Seeds
D) Leaves
E) Stems
47) Location of shoot growth point:
A) Axillary bud
B) Leaf bud
C) Apical bud
D) Internode
E) Accessory bud
48) K annual plants include:
A) cabbage
B) wheat
C) oak
D) beets
E) raspberries
49) flowering plant reaching a height of 100 meters or more is:
A) maple

B) bamboo
C) poplar
D) eucalyptus
E) apple tree
50) Guard cells are found in
A) leaf
B) stem
C) seed
D) fetus
E) root
51) Special phytohormones that regulate plant irritability
A) auxins
B) pesticides
C) herbicides
D) phytoncides
E) vitamins
52) Perennial plant
A) sunflower
B) rosehip
C) radish
D) beets
E) radishes
53) Fruit of the shepherd's purse
A) pod
B) box
C) bob
D) berry
E) drupe
54) Moisture from the leaf evaporates through
A) cells of columnar tissue
B) vessels
C) stomata
D) sieve tubes
E) intercellular spaces
55). Root tubers have
A) beets
B) radish
C) dahlia
D) onion
E) carrots
56). Cuttings cultivated plant taken for vaccination is called:

A) scion
B) sprout
C) rootstock
D) escape
E) wild
57). Adventitious roots are formed
A) Only on the main root
B) On all types of roots
C) On side shoots
D) Only on the lower part of the root
E) On the stem
58). Pea stem:
A) Curly.
B) Creeping.
C) Shortened.
D) Clinging.
E) Erect.
59). Substances stop flowing from the root to the leaf if the damage is severe:
A) Semen.
B) Fruit.
C) Flower.
D) Stem.
E) Leaf.
60). Has a mustache
A) Peas.
B) Beetroot.
C) Carrots.
D) Tomato.
E) Corn.
61). Root hairs are located in:
A) Chehlike.
B) Division zone.
C) Suction zone.
D) Venue area.
E) Growth zone.
62). To obtain root crops they grow
A) potatoes.
B) carrots.
C) onion.
D) dill.
E) garlic.
63) Tube-shaped vessels are located in:
A) Cambia
B) Wood

C) Traffic jam
D) Core
E) Lube
64).The skin of the leaf forms tissue:
A) Mechanical
B) Conductive
C) Storage
D) Integument
E) Educational

65). It reproduces by rhizomes:
A) Potatoes
B) Maple
C) Tulip
D) Corn
E) Lily of the valley

66).Contains sieve tubes:
A) Cork
B) Wood
C) Cambium
D) Core
E) Lub
67).You can determine the age of a tree by:
A) Tree height
B) Number of leaves
C) Tree rings
D) Bark thickness
E) Stem thickness
68). Substances from the root to the leaf move along:
A) Traffic jam
B) Wood
C) Cambium
D) Lubu
E) core
69). The mustache is used to propagate:
A) Strawberries
B) Lilies of the valley
C) Raspberries
D) Cuff
E) Karagach
70).Seeds less than 1 mm in diameter have:
A) Pumpkin
B) Poppy

C) Peas
D) Corn
E) Beans
71).Erect stem at:
A) Ivy
B) Poplars
C) Dandelion
D) Hops
E) Watermelon.
72). The taproot system has:
A) Tulip
B) Rice
C) Sorrel
D) Wheat
E) Onion
73). From environment plant leaves absorb:
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Fats
C) Water
D) Mineral salts
E) Starch
74). They have an endosperm that surrounds the embryo of a monocot plant on all sides:
A) Wheat
B) Onion
C) Buttercup
D) Oak
E) Violet
75). Only in the taproot system is the root well developed:
A) Chief
B) Lateral
C) Air
D) Additional
E) Subordinate clause
76).Lentils develop into:
A) Traffic jam
B) Cambia
C) Wood
D) Loubet
E) core
77). Can be propagated by rhizomes
A) Hyacinth
B) Irises

C) Karagach
D) Raspberry
E) Strawberries
78). Monstera has well developed:
A) Aerial roots
B) Root vegetables
C) Corniopores
D) Root tubers
E) Sucker roots
79). Propagated by stem cuttings:
A) Rose
B) Potatoes
C) Tulip
D) Narcissist
E) Onion
80). In cabbage, sorrel, spinach, humans use:
A) Seeds
B) Fruits
C) Roots
D) Leaves
E) Stems
81). The root extending from the main one is called:
A) Sterzhnev
B) Air
C) fibrous
D) Lateral
E) Subordinate
82).Elongated shoots are shoots with long:
A) Kidneys
B) Stems
C) Sinuses
D) Knots
E) Internodes
83).The leaf is attached to the stem using:
A) Root
B) Veins
C) Kidneys
D) Petiole
E) Stomata
84). Plant roots in waterlogged soil suffer from a lack of:
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen

C) Hydrogen sulfide
D) Carbon dioxide
E) Hydrogen
85). The main root does not stand out among the rest in the root system:
A) Oats
B) Beans
C) Clover
D) Sunflower
E) Pumpkins
86). The roots growing from the stems are called:
A) fibrous
B) Subordinate clauses
C) Main
D) Rod
E) Lateral
87). simple leaves y:
A) Rosehip
B) Linden
C) Rowan
D) Karagach
E) Hemp

Which plant organs are indicated in the figure by the letters A, B, C? What is their role in plant life? What organ are they a modification of?


1) A – tuber; B – bulb; B – rhizome.

2) Importance in the life of a plant: reserve nutrients are deposited, ensuring earlier germination of shoots. They can also be used for vegetative propagation.

3) Modified shoots.

Source: Unified State Exam in Biology 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 1.

1) absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide

2) absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen

3) absorb water and release oxygen

4) absorb water vapor and release carbon dioxide


Root cells are living, they breathe, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.

Answer: 1

1) protective

2) educational

3) support

4) conductive


Mechanical tissues provide strength to plant organs. They form a frame that supports all plant organs, resisting their fracture, compression, and rupture. The main characteristics of the structure of mechanical tissues, ensuring their strength and elasticity, are the powerful thickening and lignification of their membranes, close closure between cells, and the absence of perforations in the cell walls.

Mechanical tissues are most developed in the stem, where they are represented by bast and wood fibers. In roots, mechanical tissue is concentrated in the center of the organ.

Answer: 3

Source: Unified State Examination in Biology 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 2.

1) regulation of gas exchange in the plant

2) protection from mechanical damage

3) formation of the plant skeleton

4) conducting organic matter

5) conducting inorganic substances

6) protection against temperature extremes


Cover tissues are the outer tissues of a plant. They protect plant organs from drying out, from temperature influences, mechanical damage and other adverse environmental influences. They absorb and excrete water and other substances. Under the numbers 3 - mechanical fabric; 4 and 5 - conductive (xylem and phloem).

Answer: 126.

Answer: 126

Source: Yandex: Training work Unified State Exam in Biology. Option 3.

Georgy Fofanov 01.08.2018 14:14

Good afternoon. option 5 of this task is also suitable, since the integumentary tissues carry out gas exchange and transperation, carrying inorganic substances through the stomata.

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

this function is called gas exchange

The root of most existing plants cannot perform the function

1) breathing

2) carrying substances

3) storage of organic substances

4) photosynthesis


Functions of the root. The root is the axial organ of the plant, serving to strengthen the plant in the substrate and absorb water and dissolved minerals from it. In addition, various organic substances (growth hormones, alkaloids, etc.) are synthesized in the root, which then move through the xylem vessels to other plant organs or remain in the root itself. It is often a storage site for reserve nutrients.

But the root does not participate in the process of photosynthesis (in most plants, but there are exceptions)

Answer: 4

1) hydrotropism

2) phototropism

3) geotropism

4) chemotropism


Chemotropism causes plant movement under the influence chemical compounds. Phototropism is the ability of a plant organ to bend under the influence of light. Hydrotropism is the ability of growing plant organs, especially roots, to bend in the direction from a less humid environment to a more humid one.

The organs of hawthorn (a) and grapes (b), indicated in the figures with a question mark, develop from identical embryonic rudiments. What are the names and as a result of what evolutionary process were such organs formed that have a similar structure and origin? Which method of studying evolution involves the presence of such organs? Name which organ of each plant they are a modification of and what function they perform.


1. A - hawthorn thorn; B - grape mustache - Homologous organs - organs that are similar to each other in origin and structure, but perform different functions. Their appearance is the result of divergence.

2. The method of studying evolution is classified as comparative anatomical (comparative morphological).

3. A - hawthorn thorn; B - grape mustache is a modification of the shoot.

The function of hawthorn thorns is to protect against being eaten by animals.

The function of the grapevine is additional support and fastening of the plant.


Divergence is the divergence of characters and properties in initially close groups of organisms during evolution.


In the original source, the letter A refers to barberry, but barberry has a thorn - this is a modified leaf. And the drawing is represented by hawthorn - barberry develops normal leaves (several) on short shoots, and thorns instead of leaves on elongated shoots.

1) reproduction by spores

2) differentiation into organs and tissues

3) fertilization, which occurs outside the aquatic environment

4) autotrophic method of nutrition

5) cross-pollination by insects

6) the predominance of woody forms among them


General characteristics of higher spore plants.

1. The presence of multicellular antheridia (male reproductive organs) and archegonia ( female organs sexual reproduction) and multicellular sporangia (asexual reproduction).

2. Alternation of diploid (asexual generation - sporophyte) and haploid phases (sexual generation - gametophyte) in life cycle; In most organisms, gametophytes are dioecious.

3. Plants that have an embryo (a feature that distinguishes them from algae) and reproduce by spores.

4. Differentiated sporophyte (organs and tissues).

Correct answer: reproduction by spores, differentiation into organs and tissues, autotrophs. The autotrophic mode of nutrition is characteristic of all plants, but in these answer options it characterizes the similarity of mosses and ferns. Under the numbers 3, 5, 6 are signs characteristic of seed plants.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik (Novocherkassk)

Liver mosses - equipped with stems and leaves, devoid of any veins and arranged in two or three rows; those on the side facing the soil are scaly and of a completely different shape than the rest. The upper leaves, usually arranged in two rows, have two lobes, of which one small one takes a special shape and is bent downwards.

Leafy mosses are always divided into stems and leaves. The leaves are arranged spirally and collected at the apex in the form of a bud.

Guest 07.05.2013 20:20

fertilization of ferns and bryophytes requires water

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

yes, they need water. But this option is not offered in the answer.

Svetlana Korshunova 17.06.2017 00:08

Please explain point 3 of the note: “plants with an embryo.”

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

U higher plants a zygote (a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two physiologically opposite haploid cells - gametes) turns into an embryo.

The process of embryo formation is known as embryogenesis. The embryo is a more or less dissected miniature sporophyte, before rapid growth(in seed plants - germination) being in a state of relative dormancy for some time. Its parts consist of cells with meristematic activity. With the beginning active growth the process of organogenesis begins in the embryo, i.e. development of vegetative organs, already established in the embryo.

The embryo of seed plants is located in the seed.

What are distinctive features higher plants compared to lower ones?


1) Higher plants are multicellular, lower plants are unicellular and multicellular.

2) Higher ones have tissues and organs. The body of the lower ones is the thallus.

3) Chlorophyll is contained in chloroplasts, in lower ones - in the chromatophore.

Higher plants form specialized organs in which gametes mature.


Vlad Kuznetsov 16.01.2018 08:11

A different answer was given to a similar question https://site/problem?id=17380; it is not very clear which one is considered more correct (since plants are divided only into lower and higher, the question about the characteristics of one of the taxa is the same as the question is how this taxon differs from another.)

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

Both questions and their answers are correct. If the question is about differences, it is recommended to give the answer by comparing one with the other.

List the characteristics of higher plants.


Higher plants have organs and tissues in their bodies. In the development cycle there is an alternation of sexual and asexual generations. Higher plants form specialized organs in which gametes mature. Higher plants are adapted to life both in aquatic environments and on land.


Higher plants include bryophytes and vascular plants (ferns, lycophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms).

Armenak Agbalyan 13.06.2018 18:56

Can we say that only they have seeds, that only they have tree-like forms?

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

No, because higher plants include And bryophytes and vascular plants (ferns, lycophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms).

2. Angiosperms

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



1. Green algae: B. a cell center may be present in the cells; G. form motile gametes; D. zygote divides by meiosis

2. Angiosperms: A. cells contain a variety of plastids; B. organs and tissues are well developed; E. sporophyte predominates in the life cycle


Plastids are colorless or colored bodies in the protoplasm of plant cells, representing complex system internal membranes and performing various functions.

The cells of higher plants contain a variety of plastids: colorless plastids are called leucoplasts, variously colored ones are called chromoplasts, and green ones are called chloroplasts. The cells of higher plants usually contain from 10 to 200 plastids 3-10 microns in size, most often having the shape of a biconvex lens.

U green algae- green plastids called chromatophores- can have star-shaped, ribbon-shaped, mesh and other shapes.

In lower fungi - chytridiomycetes - and in higher plants there is no CELL CENTER. As it turned out, in algae, in human cells and in most animals, the presence of a cell center is necessary for the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

What characteristics are common to bryophytes and pteridophytes? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) depend on water for reproduction

2) have conductive fabrics

3) have roots and shoots with leaves

4) have vegetative organs

5) form seeds

6) reproduce by spores


Under the numbers 1, 4, 6 are signs of similarity between bryophytes and pteridophytes.

Number 2 is a sign of pteridophytes (conductive tissue is well developed in the stem, between the bundles of which the cells of the main parenchymal tissue are located), and moss-like ones are low-growing perennials herbaceous plants- in most of them the body is divided into stems and leaves, but there are also thallous forms; vegetative organs are formed by assimilation, conduction, storage and integumentary tissues. However, unlike other higher plants, bryophytes lack true vessels and mechanical tissues.

Number 3 means that mossy roots do not have roots; they have an attachment organ - rhizoids. The body of the fern consists of leaf blades, a petiole, a modified shoot and roots (vegetative and adventitious). The leaves of a fern are called fronds.

Under the number 5, both bryophytes and pteridophytes reproduce by spores; the seeds are gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Answer: 146.

1 option

1. Cultivated plants:

A) develop without human help

B) grown by humans

C) settle without human help

D) bred by man

D) all answers are correct

2.K wild plants include:

A) dandelion

B) cucumber

B) carrots

D) birch

D) tomato

3.If a plant lives a long time, then it refers to:

A) to annuals

B) perennial

B) two years old

D) all answers are correct

D) there is no correct answer

4.Raspberry refers to:

A) to herbs

B) bushes

B) shrubs

D) trees

D) subshrubs

5.Vegetative organs include:

A) root

B) seed

B) flower

D) fruit

D) all answers are correct

6. Distinctive features of plant cells:

A) dense shell

B) the presence of plastids

B) the presence of a core

D) presence of cytoplasm

D) absence of ribosomes

7. Hereditary information in the cell contains:

A) in the cytoplasm

B) in the nucleus

B) in plastids

D) in the cell membrane

D) in the ribosome

8. Plastids that determine green color:

A) leucoplasts

B) chromoplasts

B) chloroplasts

D) wrong answer

D) all answers are correct

9.What tissue cells are constantly dividing?

A) educational

B) cover

B) main

D) conducting

D) mechanical

10. Conductive tissue is represented by cells:

A) with a very durable shell

B) transformed into conducting vessels

C) dividing throughout life

D) containing chlorophyll

D) containing chromoplasts

11. Plants differ from all other organisms in their ability to:

A) to breathing

B) photosynthesis

B) reproduction

D) development

D) all answers are correct

12.Protects the plant from the effects of external adverse conditions:

A) covering tissue

B) storage tissue

B) supporting tissue

D) educational fabric

D) excretory tissue

13. The seed consists of:

A) from the peel and endosperm

B) embryo and endosperm

B) from the peel, germ and endosperm

D) there is no correct answer

D) all answers are correct

14.Seeds of monocots, as well as dicotyledonous plants, contain:

A) one cotyledon

B) two cotyledons

B) embryo

D) a, b

D) b, c

    The plant stem performs the following functions:

A) stores nutrients

B) brings leaves to the light

B) connects the root and leaves

D) all answers are correct

D) there is no correct answer

16. A stem twisting around a support is called:

A) curly

B) clingy

B) creeping

D) erect

D) a, c

17. The function of the root is:

A) fixation of the plant in the soil

B) absorption of water and minerals

B) reproduction and accumulation of nutrients

D) all answers are correct

D) c, b

18. A root growing from a stem or leaf is called:

A) lateral

B) subordinate clause

B) main

D) embryonic

D) a, c

19. The fibrous root system is characterized by:

A) lack of expression of the main root

B) the presence of several main roots

B) well-developed adventitious and lateral roots

D) lack of expression of the main root and well-developed adventitious roots

D) c, d

20. Roots grow:

A) basis

B) middle part

B) apex

D) root cap

D) all answers are correct


Option I

I. Look at the drawing. Determine the types of venation in the proposed leaves.

II. Write definitions of the concepts: generative organ, leaf, phloem, cambium.

III. Choose the correct answer:

1.The layer of the stem in which nutrients accumulate
a) core; b) bast; c) bark; d) peel

2 . Part of the shoot is not: A) flower and inflorescence; B) stem with leaves and buds; B) root; D) fruits and seeds

3. Modifications of the escape do not include:

A) B) C) D)

4. Tree rings in a tree trunk are formed due to the work of cells:

A) bast B) cambium C) wood and bast D) heartwood and wood

5. Through the stomata of plants occurs:

A) gas exchange B) transport of minerals

C) transport of organic substances D) release of heat

IV. 6. Specify correct sequence movement of water in the plant, starting from the root:

A) vessels of the wood of the stem

B) leaf veins

B) venue area

D) stomata

D) root hairs

Enter your answer into the table:

7. Why the depicted organ is considered a modification of the shoot and not the root, provide at least three pieces of evidence.

V. 8. Why does starch not form in pelargonium leaves smeared with Vaseline? Justify your answer.


on the topic “Vegetative organs of plants”

Option II

I. Look at the drawing. Identify simple and compound leaves.

2 3 4


5 6 7

II. Write definitions of the concepts: vegetative organ, xylem, rhizoderm, stem.

III . Choose the correct answer:

1. A shoot is: a) a stem; b) stem, leaves, root; c) stem with leaves and buds; d) kidneys
2. A bud that has a rudimentary bud: a) apical; b) vegetative;

c) lateral; d) generative

3. The layer of the stem, thanks to which it grows in thickness:
a) wood b) cambium

c) core d) bast

4. Choose plants with parallel veins
a) lily of the valley b) wheat

c) rice d) apple e) rye

5.Which cells take part in photosynthesis
a) leaf skin b) columnar

c) vessels d) closing

IV. 6. Indicate the sequence of processes occurring during photosynthesis:

A) release of oxygen

B) formation of sugars

B) illumination of leaves by the sun

D) decomposition of water by the sun

D) water absorption

E) absorption carbon dioxide

Enter your answers into the table

7. Which part of the sheet is indicated by the number 5, what structures does it consist of? What functions do these structures perform?

V. 8. Potato tubers develop in the soil on stolons. Is there a relationship between tuber yield and the development of the above-ground parts of the potato? Justify your answer