What determines soil fertility. Soil fertility. Saturation with carbon dioxide

Quality soil that contains a rich spectrum of nutrients and has a good structure that helps create a favorable microclimate is always the key to a rich harvest. The growth and yield of horticultural and horticultural crops depend on the quality of the soil, so it is very important to have an idea about the fertility of the soil on your own plot, to know what it depends on, and what measures can be taken to improve it.

General information

The fertility of the soil determines its ability to meet all the needs of plants. These needs include not only the supply of nutrients, but also the provision of favorable conditions for growth, good access to moisture and air.

For any plot of land cultivated by man and used for the cultivation of certain crops, a combination of natural and artificial soil fertility is characteristic. With the development of agricultural technologies and the improvement of the culture of agriculture, the share of the artificial component increases. However, it is impossible to clearly define the boundaries between the original potential of the soil and artificial changes introduced. In this case, a new concept is formed - potential fertility. It combines the entire set of soil properties that affect productivity, both inherent in nature and acquired.

The actual realized potential is considered to be effective fertility. Concepts should not be confused. Potential fertility only implies the possibility of obtaining a certain crop, while effective fertility is expressed in specific volumes of cultivated crops received.

There is another fundamental mistake when effective fertility is called economic. These are related terms, but not synonyms. If effective fertility is measured by crop volumes and is not tied to the economy, then the economic assessment includes all factors associated with obtaining a crop. Economic fertility takes into account not only the economic effect of obtaining a crop, but also the costs of tillage, improvement of agricultural technology, rationalization of the fertilizer system. Economic fertility takes into account the feasibility of soil improvement to increase effective fertility.

Main Factors

The ability of the soil to create favorable conditions for the life of plants is determined not just by the structure of the soil and the content of nutrients, but by a whole range of factors, each of which plays an important role in plant life.

The thermal regime is determined not only by the ability to accumulate and retain energy, but also by the distinctive features of the surface. For example, the heating of the soil will depend on the color of the top layer that absorbs the sun's rays.

Unlike minerals, nutrients in organic matter are not subject to leaching from the soil. Gradual mineralization provides long-term high-quality nutrition to plant roots. Organic matter contains the bulk of the nitrogen reserves, almost 80 percent of sulfur, and more than half of all phosphorus. Moreover, individual organic compounds can be directly absorbed by plants and act as growth stimulants.

In addition, organic substances make up the diet of microorganisms.

Biological activity

The biological component is associated with the vital activity of soil fauna, including microorganisms. This activity is directly related to the abundance and qualitative composition of living organisms. The work of enzymes involved in the transformation of inaccessible nutrients from organic substances into accessible mineral compounds depends on them.

Dying microbes form a significant mass of humus. This biomass contains a huge amount of nutrients, among them nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are of particular importance.


The ability to accumulate nutrients necessary for plant growth is the most important factor in fertility. It is responsible not only for absorption, but also prevents the free leaching of nutrients along with water after precipitation.

In combination, they should create favorable conditions for the growth and vital activity of plants. But each of them also has a negative impact. Machining destroys the structure, mineral fertilizers can cause soil toxicosis, with each season the soil loses mineral elements, giving them to plants.

With the right approach, the negative impact of these factors must be compensated: to restore the structure and replenish the lost nutrients.

Getting a good harvest always depends not only on natural fertility, but also on the skillful handling of the land. In order to get a rich harvest for many years, it is necessary to determine the type of land available, its advantages and disadvantages. Competently compiling a list of problems, you can find the best solution for each. A scientific approach to increasing fertility will improve the problematic characteristics of the soil, which will certainly affect the quality of plant life.

The soil is a biological ecosystem on which any living organisms, their growth and vital activity depend. The future harvest is determined by its composition and characteristics.

Fertility is the ability to grow healthy plants, providing them with the necessary nutrition, oxygen and water. On good lands, high-quality fruits ripen in significant quantities. What does it depend on

Factors affecting the yield

  • Natural due to the specifics of the climatic zone.
  • The presence of groundwater and the depth of their occurrence.
  • The level of soil pollution.

This is not a complete list of what soil fertility depends on. There are also artificial factors. Rational farming, agrotechnical processing, fertilization - this is all that determines the fertility of the soil for growing agricultural products.

How to improve fertility

Chernozem is considered the best soil. Its formation takes several hundred years, while destruction is possible in 3-5 years. Over time, humus is washed out, the soil structure is clogged, most of the microorganisms die, and the flow of oxygen and water to the plants deteriorates. How can soil fertility be improved?

The recovery process depends on the structure of the soil. Before you improve soil fertility, you need to find out what it consists of. For example, peat, lime, ash, sawdust are added to it. They will make the soil more loose and permeable, suitable for farming.

For peat and chernozem soils, regular application of organic fertilizers (manure, compost, bird droppings) will be sufficient. In addition to nitrogen, they contain beneficial microorganisms that can increase fertility several times in a short time.

How can soil fertility be improved? First of all, you need to check its acid-base reaction. Based on the test results, take further action. For acidic clay soils, it would be advisable to add dolomite flour in the fall for digging. Alkaline lands, on the contrary, are acidified with gypsum.

If the arable layer is depleted as a result of long operation, then you need to give it a break.

Holidays for the soil

The most fertile land needs periodic rest. You can not grow one crop in one place for several years. This leads to soil depletion.

Preservation of fertility

Natural processes are not immutable. And the natural fertility of the soil as a result of use in agriculture is dynamically changing, either rising or falling. The latter indicator is extremely undesirable, as it characterizes one of the main reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of growing products. How can soil fertility be improved?

Natural fertility is inherent in any soil, since it is part of a particular ecosystem under specific conditions. But it is not enough for growing agricultural products. In addition, as a result of misuse, its structure is often violated. Restoration of soil fertility is a necessary agrotechnical technique in agriculture.

Consistent artificial improvement of arable land will make it possible to recoup the costs and receive annual income from the sale of the crop. The task of the farmer is not only to maintain, but also to preserve the fertility of the soil.

Gray podzolic soils

On these lands, a wide variety of agricultural crops grown in the forest-steppe are cultivated: corn, winter and spring wheat, potatoes, flax, sugar beets, etc.

Dark gray forest soils are closest to chernozems and have a higher degree of fertility than light gray ones. They are agronomically similar to gray soils and require a special approach and fertilizer. The creation of a powerful cultivated layer and the introduction of calcium to neutralize acidity is a common technique for all forest soils.

In light gray and gray lands, the humus layer is small and amounts to 15-25 cm. An illuvial brown horizon lies under it. It is saturated with aluminum and iron, which is toxic to plants. Therefore, plowing should be shallow, and loosening of the illuvial horizon should be done without a moldboard. In this case, the lower soils will not be brought to the surface, and fertility will not suffer. To deepen the arable layer, you can gradually (2 cm per year) plow the illuvial horizon with the simultaneous introduction of organic matter, mineral fertilizers and calcium compounds (lime, chalk, dolomite flour). Good results can be obtained with grass seeding.

In dark gray forest soils, the upper fertile layer reaches 40 cm. And the upper part of the illuvial layer is saturated with humus. Therefore, deep plowing with the introduction of manure, mineral fertilizers and calcium in the form of gypsum and lime in a ratio of 1: 1 will be expedient here.

eroded soils

Slightly, medium and strongly eroded soils require special attention from farmers. Their illuvial horizon is already involved in the topsoil. For such lands, it is rational to use nonmoldboard deep loosening, liming, the introduction of increased doses of mineral and organic fertilizers, and grass sowing.

In areas with eroded soils, measures are needed to prevent further soil washout. These include: plowed terracing, processing across the slope, etc.

Chernozems of the forest-steppe

When growing crops on these lands, the main thing is to maintain soil fertility conditions. It is necessary to use their potential in an ecologically correct and competent way. Processing should be carried out in the period of ripeness, with an annual alternation of deep plowing and shallow subsurface loosening for various crops. This should be done to preserve the earthy-cloddy structure of chernozems and to exclude (reduce) humus losses from mineralization. For example, with non-moldboard flat-cut tillage for winter wheat, even without sufficient rainfall, it will take root well and give decent shoots. But for a high yield, deep moldboard plowing and the simultaneous application of manure are required.

Preservation of the fertility of chernozems

The use of biohumus has a high effect on crop yields on gray forest soils and chernozems. Much attention should be paid to the use of chernozems and measures to accumulate and preserve soil moisture.

meadow lands

They are highly fertile, rich in humus and nutrients. Farm land use can be carried out on meadow-chernozem, meadow and meadow-marsh soils. Demanding agricultural crops are successfully grown on them.

The main disadvantage of such lands is the proximity of groundwater, which often contains salts (mineralized). Therefore, the most important factor in increasing plant productivity is the regulation of the water regime.

Methods for regulating soil fertility

Depending on the biological characteristics of plants and the nature of land use, there are techniques that allow you to get high yields and at the same time not deplete the soil.

  • Regulation of the nutritional regime - the introduction of mineral fertilizers.
  • Comprehensive improvement of agrochemical, agrophysical, microbiological qualities - the use of organic fertilizers and the cultivation of herbs.
  • Regulation of water-air balance - machining.
  • Tracking agrophysical and chemical properties - the use of compounds containing calcium for liming or gypsum land.

The use of any soil should ensure the reproduction of the fertility required for the planned amount of environmentally friendly, economically profitable products per unit area.

As for the fertility of the soil, my neighbor in the summer cottage, for example, is incredibly happy, unlike me, when weeds begin to rage in the garden in the spring. He explains his joy simply: If weeds grow, then the soil is fertile., then we will be with the harvest, unless, of course, - he adds, - do not be lazy. On the pavement, they say, weeds do not grow, but you can’t grow vegetables on it either! " In this way, the presence of weeds is a sign of fertility", - summarizes my neighbor, a homegrown philosopher. But let's leave our interlocutor alone with his reasoning and try to explain from a scientific point of view what soil fertility is.

What is soil fertility and what does it depend on

Soil fertility is its ability to provide plants with nutrition, moisture and air for their normal growth.

Fertility depends on the presence and percentage of humus in the soil, a kind of mineralized substance, where one part of the humus is involved in the exchange interaction with microorganisms, located in the soil, as well as plants, and the other is located, in the so-called stable form.
The more humus in the soil and the more massive its layer, the more space for the development of plant roots, which means that its fertility is higher.

The most fertile soils

direct response - chernozems. Then in descending order are:

  • loess or loamy soils;
  • sandy soils;
  • clay soils;
  • sandy soils.

At the same time, clay and loamy soils are considered heavy soils, and sandy and sandy - light. This parameter is purely physical and is determined by the specific gravity of a unit volume of the soil layer.

Acidity, as one of the indicators of soil fertility

Another important parameter of fertility is soil acidity. The best conditions for plant growth are slightly acidic chernozems, slightly acidic sandy and loamy soils.

Dear user, in the previous article, information was provided to your attention on how. Let's find out now what determines soil fertility on your site.

Fertility directly depends on the presence and amount of humus in it. Soils with a high humus content are characterized by: friability, excellent water absorption, good air permeability and, most importantly, a high content of substances necessary for plants. Humus is formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, when they come into contact with various organic compounds, it has the ability to glue soil particles into lumps, which gives it structure. According to the degree of fertility, the soil is divided into rich, medium or poor in humus.

In order to determine the presence of humus in the soil, we turn again to plants. Using the table below, you will be able to map out the placement of compact growing groups of plants on your plot of land. Pay attention to plants that grow in a group (at least three individuals) and have a healthy appearance. It should be borne in mind that quite often on inconveniences that are allocated for garden plots, the soil has a heterogeneous composition: on the same 6 acres of land, you can have all types of acid-base balance, and mechanical composition, and fertility.

Plants-determinants of poor soil by humus content:

Lingonberry Heather Clover plowed Cranberry

Meadow sivets Blueberry Lesser sorrel Hawkweed hairy

Plants-determinants of the average soil by humus content:

Butterfly anemone Wintergreen round-leaved Bedstraw real Strawberry

Fern shieldwort White cinquefoil Marsh marigold Clover medium

Plants-determinants of rich soil by humus content:

Kopyten Ivan-tea Oxalis Nettle

The quality and composition of the soil on the site are of great importance, because the yield of planted crops depends on this. Today we will look at the main types and types of fertility, as well as figure out how to determine the quality of land in a garden plot and what are the ways to improve its quality.

The soil, which can partially or completely satisfy the need of plants for nutrients, is considered to be fertile. This means that all the necessary components are balanced in it, which allows the planted crops to grow and develop. Infertile or less fertile soil is considered to be soil that lacks any substances.
By type of soil are divided into:

  • clay;
  • sandy;
  • sandy;
  • loamy;
  • calcareous;
  • marshy;
  • chernozem.

Important! Soil fertility is determined by the degree of interaction of all its components with each other.

Types of fertility

The earth can be saturated with useful substances through natural processes and by improving its quality with the help of agricultural practices. Fertility can also be viewed in terms of the yield or profit received from the harvested crop. Based on these criteria, fertility is divided into the following types.

This definition is typical for soils with intermittently high yields. In this case, everything depends on a combination of factors such as weather conditions and agricultural technology used on a particular land plot.
For example, in a dry summer, the most fertile soil - chernozem - will yield a smaller crop than podzolic soil.


This is a type of fertility, which is due to the rich composition of the soil, regardless of the weather and economic activity.


The soil is saturated with the necessary substances due to human activities, that is, it is enriched not in a natural way, but due to fertilizers and planting.

Such fertility is a combination of qualitative properties of the landscape and agricultural technology used by man. In this case, the yield or its value acts as a unit of measurement.

How to determine fertility on the site and what it depends on

The fertility of the land on the site determines the successful cultivation and yield of crops planted on it, so it is very important to determine the level of its fertility before planting plants.

Did you know? Initially, our planet was a bare rocky area, and it took centuries for the soil to form. This happened under the influence of climatic conditions - winds, rain, temperature changes and many other factors.

One of the criteria for evaluating the soil is to determine its physical properties, namely: structure, composition, texture, as well as the location of groundwater. All this can be determined by eye, after a careful examination of the land on the site. Fertile soil should be loose, porous and textured.

Such a structure is considered ideal and contributes to good aeration, proper distribution and retention of moisture, as well as constant soil renewal, subject to proper planting, and, if necessary, various fertilizers.

Chemical properties

Chemical analysis will allow you to learn much more about the quality of the soil, among the mandatory components that must be present in it, the following can be distinguished:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

If during the research it turned out that all these indicators are within the normal range, then such soil can be considered fertile.

Important! The high content of potassium, salts and easily soluble chemical elements automatically deprives the soil of the definition of fertile.

Even if the studies showed not the best results, and it turned out that there is a shortage of useful components, but harmful and toxic substances are in excess, you should not be upset, because this can be corrected. How to do this - we will consider a little later.

The presence of microorganisms and bacteria in the soil is not at all a negative characteristic, but, on the contrary, is necessary for its fertility. Microorganisms can significantly improve the quality of the soil through loosening, moisture retention, increased heating, oxygenation and ventilation.
Soil with little or no micro-organisms and bacteria is considered poor.

Did you know? It is the soil that is the most powerful and effective water filter on Earth. Such cleaning is three-stage and consists of biological, physical and chemical filtration.

Despite the fact that the formation and composition of the soil is an incredibly complex natural process, we still have the opportunity to influence fertility and adjust its level. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, and the fundamental ones are the application of fertilizers, compliance with the rules of crop rotation and agricultural technology.
No matter how fertile the soil you have on the site, there are general rules for saturating or maintaining it:

  • landing of annual plants -;
  • soil rest every 4-5 years, that is, no crops are planted, the land “walks”, but at the same time it is plowed and fertilized with organic matter in spring and autumn;
  • planting medicinal plants: it can be garlic, wormwood or other plants that can disinfect the soil.

The clay substrate is classified as infertile due to:

  • dense structure;
  • poor warming;
  • insufficient air circulation;
  • improper distribution of moisture (it lingers on the surface and does not enter the lower layers).

But, with all this, clay soil is considered quite rich, and if it is properly processed, many plants can be successfully grown on it.
Actions to improve soil quality should be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to loosen the earth to a depth of more than 25 cm and thereby provide aeration, this can be done by adding sand or, at the rate of 30 kg per 1 sq. m.
  2. In order to increase the number of microorganisms and bacteria, manure or compost is applied.
  3. Liming is used to reduce acidity.

Important!Plants should be planted shallowly in clay soil, this will help the root system develop well, receive the necessary moisture and nutrients.

Such soil is considered poor, since it contains practically no useful substances. But its structure cannot but rejoice, because the sand warms up quickly and air circulates well in it.

It perfectly passes water, preventing its stagnation, but in hot summer this is more likely to be a disadvantage of this soil, since the moisture in it instantly evaporates, so peat, manure and compost should be added to it in order to ensure moisture retention.

This is best done in autumn.
Regular feeding with complex is very important.

They are used to enrich the soil. They need to be sown to a depth of 13-15 cm so that they receive enough moisture.

Did you know? 95% of what humanity eats grows on earth.

Such soil is an excellent option, as it harmoniously combines a good structure and a large amount of nutrients. It is necessary to feed sandy loamy soil only when it is very depleted. For this, complex mineral fertilizers and organics are introduced.

This soil has good characteristics and is suitable for growing most crops. There is no need to improve its quality, you just need to make sure that it is not depleted, and for this you need to regularly and timely apply complex mineral fertilizers.

Very poor soil, in which there are a lot of rocky inclusions, but it can be easily improved if you apply a few tricks, namely:

  • regularly loosen the soil;
  • feed with mineral complexes;
  • mulch the soil;
  • plant green manure;
  • to make regularly and for acidification.

Subject to these simple rules of agricultural technology, any crop can be grown on limestone.

Such soils are classified as infertile, but at the same time it is quite simple to cultivate and enrich them, for this you need to perform the following steps:

  • dig deep into the soil in order to raise the sandy layers;
  • add manure, compost, slurry or bioadditives to normalize the number of microorganisms;
  • feed the land with fertilizers high in phosphorus and potassium.

To normalize the acidity, lime is added.

The real luxury is black soil - an ideal soil that does not require quality improvement, and its disadvantages can only be attributed to the fact that it is in short supply. If there is such land on your site, then it should be valued, namely: to prevent its depletion, to make mineral supplements in a timely manner, to plant green manure and give it a rest when necessary.

Video: 8 Ways to Improve Soil Fertility