How to seal the joints of the plates on the ceiling. How to seal cracks and seams between tiles on the ceiling. Ceiling seam from the underside

In apartments panel houses quite acute is the issue of sealing inter-tile ceiling seams- no matter how much you cover up and level the seam, it will still crack. Fortunately, this situation is not hopeless, and in our article you can find the answer to the question of how to close the seams on the ceiling.

In addition, the problem of the presence of seams is very relevant for finishing coating ceiling surface decorative tiles. How to get rid of the seams on the ceiling in this case, we will also figure it out.

Ceiling joint between floor slabs

Before you start the restoration of the ceiling, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • perforator equipped with a nozzle in the form of a spatula;
  • spicy construction knife;
  • a small paint brush;
  • construction pistol;
  • putty knife;
  • mounting foam;
  • leveling mortar;
  • primer;
  • putty.

Ceiling joint instructions

Consider how to close the ceiling seam with your own hands so that it is reliable and does not crack over time:

  1. If necessary, the existing seam should be cleaned of the previous finish, leveling layer, etc.
  2. Next, using a perforator with special nozzle(with a spatula) the seam should be expanded.
  3. Using a construction knife, the seam is thoroughly cleaned of small irregularities and debris. The same should be done in special occasions- in places where pipes enter the ceiling or if a swedish wall with mount.
  4. At the end of the cleaning of the seam, its surface must be coated from the inside with a primer solution. It is most convenient to do this with a small paint brush.

Advice! It is better to choose a primer solution with a deep penetration effect.

  1. When the primer is dry, the ceiling joints can be directly grouted.
  2. The depth of the seam must be filled mounting foam using a construction gun for this.

  1. You will need to let the foam dry, and then cut off its excess with a sharp knife.
  2. Next, you can start preparing building mix. The mixture is diluted according to the instructions on the package and thoroughly kneaded so that there are no lumps in it.
  3. In order for the seam to be stationary in the end, it is recommended to additionally reinforce it construction grid(sickle). The mesh is glued to the seam, and a leveling layer of the building mixture is applied on top of it. It is necessary to seal the seams on the ceiling in such a way that the space between the serpyanka and construction foam.
  4. When the building mixture dries, the seam and the ceiling as a whole can be finally leveled with putty.

Sealing the seams on the ceiling, made using this technology, subject to strict adherence to the instructions, will allow you to forget about the cracks that appear on.

Ceiling tiles without seams

If you plan to paste over and want the seams to not be visible on the tiled surface, it is recommended to use a special “ceiling without seams” tile. A good tool for this can be, for example, a seamless ceiling Format, or ceiling tiles any other manufacturer.

The new technology of seamless tile laying, invented by manufacturers, allows minimizing the size and visibility of joints between elements, making the surface even and complete.

The seamless ceiling is mounted using a similar technology with conventional tiles, but it has some styling features:

  • After the purchase, the material should lie down in the repaired room, preferably for a day in unpacked form.
  • The ceiling base must be well leveled with putty and primed.
  • Tiles should be carefully sorted, defective (uneven) tiles, if any, should be removed.
  • After the ceiling markings, glue is applied to the tiles. They do it not only rear surface material, but also from the sides (carefully coat the ends of the tiled elements).

  • After two tile elements are joined on the ceiling, the ceiling seam (joint) between them is strengthened with construction tape so that the plates remain in their original position after the glue dries.
    When the glue dries, the tape can be removed.

Naturally, the technology is not a panacea, and although the seams will be hardly noticeable, they will still take place.

If you want to get rid of even the slightest signs of seams, you can repair them as follows:

  1. Before you seal the seams in the ceiling, you should prepare a suitable putty. As a putty for joints, you can use a special grout,.

Advice! From use silicone sealant it is better to refrain, as it turns yellow over time.

  1. Fill the seam directly from the tube or with a narrow spatula when using a mixture.
  2. The seams must be filled carefully, avoiding gaps, and then remove the remnants of the composition with a clean rag.

So, we figured out how to close up a ceiling seam of various nature - inter-tile and formed at the junction of decorative ceiling tiles. Using our tips and tricks in practice, you can save yourself from the annoying problem of ceiling joints, make the ceiling in your house complete and beautiful.

The seams that are located between the ceiling tiles are considered to be one of the most difficult defects. For many decades, people have tried to deal with this problem, but as a result, the cracks again made themselves felt. This happened according to different reasons, for example, due to shrinkage of the house or ground movement. current market building materials can offer a wide range of products that can help in this situation. One of the solutions to hide this defect is to install a stretch ceiling, but not everyone is able to afford this luxury. What to do in this situation?

How to remove expansion joints if they are strongly visible? If you decide to use material such as wallpaper or fabric for the ceiling, then the most the best option to close the seam, there will be the use of mounting foam and putty. If the ceiling is painted, then it would be better to use a method that will be of better quality.

When sealing the seams on the ceiling, you need to use only high-quality working materials.

If you do not follow this simple rule, then after a certain period of time the seams will reappear and the ceiling will have to be leveled again.

Overlapping the seams on the ceiling can be divided into 5 stages:

  1. First of all, you need to expand the crack. To do this, you can use a puncher or a special spatula;
  2. After that, using a construction knife, the seam must be cleaned and the crack should be coated with a special primer. This step must be done with a brush;
  3. Next, the seam must be filled with mounting foam using a construction gun. When the foam is thoroughly dry, using a construction knife, the excess is removed to a flat surface;
  4. The next thing to do is to mix the primer from the mortar. The mixture is carefully applied with a spatula to the seam. Movements must be smooth and confident in order for the putty to completely fill the empty space of the foam;
  5. After half an hour, it is necessary to apply an additional layer of putty using a wider spatula.

This method is suitable not only for sealing ceiling seams. It can also be used if there is an empty space between the pipes that enter the ceiling.

After the mixture dries, it must be primed, then the entire surface of the ceiling must be treated with putty.

The joint between the wall and the ceiling: choose the material

Another problem that can be encountered very often is a crack between the walls and the ceiling. What to do with such a seam? This problem will interfere with quality finishes ceiling. Of course, you can resort to the method described above and seal the joint with construction foam, but there are several other materials that can save the situation.

For example, to close a seam you can use:

  • Gypsum mortar;
  • Synthetic putties;
  • Moisture resistant putties.

If there are large joints, then here you can use a reinforcing mesh, which must be placed in the resulting crack. Most often, cotton or linen is used for this, which are moistened in glue. The final step will be to apply plaster, which will help to fix the result.

Preparatory stage: how to cover the seams on the ceiling between the plates

In order to prevent the seam from being visible in the future, it is necessary to do some finishing measures, which include the use of special materials. However, first you need to prepare the ceiling for work. Since the primer is applied exclusively to a clean surface, the old coating is first removed and the old cement and lime are scraped off.

It is important to remember that you can not apply the next layers of material until the previous one has dried. This is very important point which must be observed. If you do not pay attention to this and neglect the rule, the quality of the final work can be seriously affected.

Final alignment work

After the main work is completed, you can begin to level the surfaces. This is done using abrasive mixtures.

It is very important to remember that you can start painting the ceiling only when everything repair work will be finished.

Using interlining, you can get a wonderful ceiling. It must be glued before you start using putty. Thus, you will get a flat ceiling. After the finishing putty is applied, the ceiling is primed last time. At the end, the ceiling can be given absolutely any look using paint or other material.

Expert answer: how to seal the seams between the tiles on the ceiling (video)

The seams between the ceiling tiles are a problem that has been around for a very long time. Today, this unpleasant situation is solved very simply, it is enough to resort to the help of building materials. Focusing on the size of the crack, we select the material and the desired method. Create perfect ceiling without resorting to hinged structures really. The most important thing is to follow the step by step instructions.

Ceiling cracks are a very common defect in multi-unit buildings, especially in panel houses. The reasons for this problem are: ground movements under the base of the building, natural shrinkage walls of the house or shortcomings during construction (wrong installation technology for ceilings or cheap materials). Regardless of the reason, the defect annoys the household. Dust can fall from cracks, they increase drafts, and most importantly, cracks spoil the aesthetic appearance of the premises.

To get rid of such a defect will allow sealing the seams between the floor slabs. If funds allow, then cracks can be closed with plasterboard sheets or a stretch ceiling.

Features of the restoration of seams

Defects on floor tiles are different, and each of them requires a special approach:

  • For narrow deep cracks, a solution of the brand NTs is used. The peculiarity of this cement is that when applied, it expands, which increases its adhesion to the floor slab. Cracks smeared with such a solution do not crumble, and most importantly, they do not continue to expand.
  • Wide defects are sealed using sealants based on polymers (mounting foams, foamed plastics, etc.). A decorative composition is already applied over the material.

Note! In apartments on the upper floors common cause cracking is the deplorable state of the roof. Restoration of the gaps between the floor slabs on the ceiling in this case is pointless, since the defects will reappear during the first precipitation. Therefore, before repairing the ceiling in the apartment on top floor be sure to check the condition of the roof, in case of problems, repairs begin with it.

Materials for sealing the seam between the plates

Before work on the restoration of ceiling joints, be sure to prepare materials. The progress of work will depend on the quality of building materials and tools. Remember that it is best to purchase not universal means, and putties and mortars narrow circle actions.

To seal cracks you will need:

  • solution brand NTs;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • elastic mass for puttying (silicone-based compounds are excellent);
  • foam material (mounting foam, expanded polystyrene, etc.);
  • a piece of construction self-adhesive mesh (sickles);
  • putty for and finish;
  • application tools (large and small spatula, perforator and brush).

Work performance technology

Ceiling restoration is very time-consuming, so before starting work, carefully consider whether you can handle it yourself. It may be better to enlist the help of professionals or acquaintances with experience in construction and finishing work. Repair of the ceiling cannot be done pointwise, you will have to finish the entire floor. Before restoration it is necessary to prepare workspace, for this, the ceiling is cleaned of old finish(plaster, paint, etc.).

It is convenient to wash off the old layer of whitewash with a spray bottle. It is poured into hot water and thoroughly moisten the entire layer of lime with it. After 15-20 minutes, the finish is cleaned with a spatula. It may take several approaches to soak the whitewash. Before the next step, make sure the ceiling is dry.

Often traces of rusty smudges remain on the ceiling, they must be treated with an anti-rust agent. Peeling pieces of putty are cleaned with a spatula. The seams are cleaned of plaster and remove cement residues and dust. For such work, a puncher may be required, they remove layers or expand the seams. Ideal floor seams should have U-shape. When the seam is expanded, it is cleaned with a brush and wiped with a damp cloth from dust.

After all work, it is necessary to measure the dimensions of the cracks in order to determine the method of sealing. Depending on the size of the cracks, a certain restoration technology is used. For shallow seams (from 3 cm), the technology of sealing with mounting foam is used. After the mounting foam has hardened, the excess is removed and a wedge-shaped recess 4-6 mm deep is made in the material layer.

Cracks are already 3 cm, but with great depth, they are coated with a deep penetration primer and dried thoroughly. It is best to dry such material natural way. After drying, the crack is covered with NC cement, leaving a small depression.

Thanks to the technologies described above, a seam or crack will be obtained, filled with foam and mortar. Inside the former crack, a recess is necessarily left, it will be applied to it decorative trim. For greater convenience when working, use a wide and narrow spatula. The solution is taken wide, and the work is performed narrow, picking up putty from a large spatula. After filling, the cracks are smoothed out with a large spatula, comparing the restoration site with the floor slab. Subsequent finishing is also performed with a wide spatula.

When all the seams are sealed, they are left for a couple of days to dry completely. After that, the ceiling is covered with putty. It is applied to the ceiling so that the solution comes into the joints of the plates. A serpentine or masking net is applied over the putty and pressed into the solution. Such a patch will prevent cracking of the composition after drying.

The surface after installation of the patch is leveled with a spatula. Small roughness is removed after drying with fine sandpaper. After this procedure, the entire surface of the ceiling is treated with preliminary putty using a wide spatula. When the layer dries, it is sanded with sandpaper and treated with a finish. The process can be repeated 2-3 times complete removal irregularities. Big bumps finishing putty cleaned and reapplied.

A common defect in panel houses is the difference in the height of the ceiling tiles at their joints. To correct this deficiency, the ceiling is plastered, leveling the defects of the ceiling with a solution. For better adhesion of the solution with the floor slab, a paint grid is laid on the solution. First, the plates are coated with a primer to increase the adhesion of the solution and the plate, this is due to the presence of solid particles in the primer. Then a paint grid is applied to the layer and smoothed out. In this state, the ceiling must be left for three days until completely dry. After drying, the ceiling is puttied according to the instructions described above.

In working with ceilings, any feature is important. When self-restoring the ceiling, use the advice of professionals:

  • To repair deep cracks, you can use non-foam materials, but ceramic tile adhesive.
  • Professional builders use gauze or chintz instead of sickle. Before laying, the material must be well wetted and steamed with an iron. This will make him shrink.
  • Small gaps and cracks are perfectly restored with acrylic-based sealants. The disadvantage of silicone compounds is that they turn yellow and shine through the paint.

Note! Before work, be sure to determine the location of the wiring, drilling or repairing cracks can damage the wire.

How to cover the seams of OSB boards

For rooms with OSB finishing slabs must be carefully prepared before painting. It is far from possible to seal the seams of OSB boards with any material. This type ceiling lining has moisture resistant coating which does not let water through. Therefore, materials for working with OSB boards compositions are not suitable for water based. Ideal for similar materials acrylic sealants. You can also use silicone compounds, but they are much worse painted over. The sealant is applied to the cleaned surface, and then covered with a decorative material.

Do not ignore small defects in the ceiling, this can develop into more serious damage. Even if you plan to mount stretch ceiling, be sure to process cracks in the overlap before stretching. Such defects can cause slight deformations of the web. It blows in the crack cold air or moisture seeps in, which can cause irreparable damage to the decorative finish.

The situation when plaster literally falls from the ceiling onto your head is familiar to all residents. apartment buildings Soviet built. Similar phenomena also affect private cottages during the period of shrinkage of the building, especially as a result of poor-quality finishes and savings on building materials. The problem is unpleasant, but completely removable, and without the help of hired craftsmen - plasterers. Let's look at how the seams between the floor slabs are properly sealed in order to solve the issue on our own.

How to close the joints on the ceiling

According to the old technology used in the Soviet era, the interpanel gaps (otherwise - rusts) were tightly stuffed with tow, and then filled plaster mortar. And the latter was served mechanized way by hose from a special station.

Since simple lime or cement plaster does not have elasticity and has an average degree of adhesion, ceiling cracks appeared already during the shrinkage of the building. At the first repair at the neighbors from the upper apartment, it begins to get enough sleep, or even fall off in whole pieces. The same picture was observed on the ceiling of the last floor due to a violation of the waterproofing of the roof.

The current technology for sealing slab joints does not provide for their filling with any solutions. Instead, elastic polymers are used - polyurethane mounting foam and rollers (bundles) made of foamed polyethylene. Next, alignment and cosmetic lining of the joint is carried out using the following materials:

  • deep penetration primer;
  • finished plaster mixture on a plaster basis;
  • finishing latex putty;
  • reinforcing element - fiberglass, sickle or fiberglass.

Reference. Also, interlining is used for embedding - thick paper with fibrous inclusions. But it is glued on top of the finishing layer and does not work as a reinforcement. More useful information about various materials you will learn from the video from the master of interior work:

If builders allowed a large difference between the floor slabs, then it is extremely difficult to level it by plastering. The best way out of the situation is to finish the ceiling with drywall sheets that create flat surface. But there are also seams between the GKL, which can crack as a result of shrinkage. So the listed materials will be useful in this case.

It looks like a crack between plasterboard plates

Preparing roof for renovation

Ideally, grouting between slabs should be accompanied by complete renovation ceiling. The point is not that the transitions between the old and new finishes along the joints will become visible, they can be successfully painted over. Previously applied putty can crumble at any time and you will have to repair the room again.

Advice. It is completely useless to close up ceiling rusts if the roof is leaking on the top floor. Whatever material you cover the joint with, water will find its way and destroy the results of all labors. First you need to seal the roof area above the apartment.

To work, you need a simple set of tools:

  • wide and narrow spatula;
  • drill with a stirrer;
  • a chisel with a hammer or an old hatchet;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • brush - maklovitsa;
  • manual sprayer.

Before you close the gaps between the plates, you need to embroider them, remove the old mortar and peel off the putty from the ceilings. The technology is simple: spray abundantly the entire surface with water and after 15 minutes remove the finish layer with a wide spatula. Knock out all the mortar from the interpanel seams and pull out the tow, then clean the cavities with a brush and remove dust as much as possible with a dry brush.

Getting rid of ceiling gaps

To finally remove dust from the space between the plates and ensure good adhesion of the surface with finishing materials, treat rusts with a primer for 2 times. Apply the composition with a brush, wait 20-30 minutes for impregnation and drying, and then repeat the operation. For secondary drying, allocate 0.5-1 hour, during which it is advisable not to raise dust in the room.

Now specifically about how to seal the seams between the panels:

  1. Fill wide slots (from 50 mm) with polyurethane mounting foam, pushing the tube deeper into the opening. Do not blow out the polymer in large portions, after expansion, the excess will still have to be cut off.
  2. Firmly insert polyethylene foam rollers into narrow slots.
  3. Cut the frozen foam with a knife and a spatula to make a small depression along the joint.
  4. cook gypsum plaster and apply it with a spatula interpanel seam. The goal is to make the surface as level as possible.
  5. After curing plaster finish apply a layer of latex putty 2-3 mm thick and drown the glass mesh or fiberglass into it, smoothing it with a rubber or silicone spatula.

Note. With the help of the technology described above, you can successfully close up interpanel rustications in any building with reinforced concrete floor- in the country, in the garage or.

In a new building, it is advisable to suspend the repair of ceilings at this stage, if possible - for a week. During this period, it is necessary to observe the condition of the seams for the appearance of fresh cracks. Their appearance indicates the continued shrinkage of the house. The way out is to disguise the defect by gluing non-woven sheets or “web” on top - thin fiberglass. Upon completion, proceed to finishing and painting panels.

Cracks at the joints drywall sheets are eliminated in the same way - by puttying and gluing strips of fiberglass. It is not necessary to cut the cracks with a spatula. How the seams are sealed by craftsmen, see the next video:

Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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The seams that form between the tiles on the ceiling are among the most problematic, because they are very difficult to hide or repair. And all because ceilings tend to move, especially when the building shrinks, as well as during seasonal ground movements. It is very difficult to notice these changes, however, they can cause the destruction of the solution with which the joints are filled, resulting in a seam.

Sealing the seams on the ceiling with mortar is a temporary solution to the problem. Most often, these measures do not last long. Some try to hide defects on the ceiling with suspended ceilings or stretch ceilings, but it happens that the height of the room makes it impossible to do so. Unfortunately, people who do not have special skills do not know how to seal the seams on the ceiling between the tiles correctly. Therefore, we offer brief instructions how to do it.

What materials will you need

Required Tools

In order to really firmly, and most importantly, qualitatively seal the seams on the ceiling between the plates, you will need to make mounting and Finishing work for surface preparation, namely sealing and jointing of the ceiling joint. For this you will need special materials and tools that are suitable for these jobs.

List necessary materials and tools that must be available when carrying out such work:

  • For sealing deep joints, you should choose a special NC cement. His distinguishing feature in that it expands after drying.;
  • If there are wide seams, then you need to purchase foam, ordinary foam for installation is also suitable;
  • Be sure to purchase impregnation, it is better to choose a primer that has deep penetration;
  • Latex putty. For sealing seams, just such a putty is more suitable;
  • Serpyanka;
  • Putty of two types - preliminary and finishing for the final stage of finishing;
  • Spatula - large and small;
  • Brush and spray bottle.

Work technology

Stage 1

Ceiling seam

The seams on the ceiling are most often sealed simultaneously with the repair of the entire ceiling. This is much more convenient, since such repairs are quite laborious and dusty. Therefore, it is better to do this in a complex.

  • First you need to prepare the surface. To do this, you need to clean off the ceiling old whitewash or leftovers water-based paint. This is done very simply. With the help of a spray bottle, water is sprayed onto the ceiling. It is necessary to carefully spray the entire ceiling so that there are no dry areas left. Then, you need to allow the surface to absorb water for 15 minutes.
  • After that, using a spatula, preferably a wide one, remove the layer to the plaster. If there are traces of paint, rust and other materials on the ceiling, they must be removed. chemical solution. You also need to make sure that the surface is obtained without chips and holes, as this can interfere. You need to work especially carefully on the seams. They need to be embroidered, rid of old putty, plasters, paints and whitewashing. It is better to clean with a narrow spatula to get into all parts of the seam.
  • If manually removing the solution fails, you can use a perforator. The most important thing is that in the end the seam should be U-shaped, so the adhesion to the putty will be stronger.
  • After the seam is ready, it must be cleaned of dust. This can be done with a brush. And also it needs to be blotted with water.

Stage 2

Sealing ceiling joints

When the preparation of the ceiling is completed, you need to inspect it and decide how to remove the seams on the ceiling, that is, which method to use. If the width of the seam is more than 3 cm, and the recess is not very large, then such a seam can be repaired using ordinary mounting foam.

  • To begin with, you need to slightly moisten the seam with a clean liquid, and then apply foam and a can. You need to wait a few hours before the foam expands and hardens.
  • After drying, it is necessary to carefully cut off the excess foam. It is better to cut with a clerical knife, because it has a thinner blade and the cut will look neater. It is necessary to ensure that a small depression in the shape of a triangle remains at the cut site. But, this recess should not be more than 0.5 cm. If the seam on the ceiling is deep enough, but not very wide, then it is better to strengthen it with foam, and foamed polyethylene is also suitable.
  • Before this, the seams must be carefully treated with a primer and dried. This is important, because if you apply the material to wet surface it won't hold and will fall off soon. You can fix the seal with a sealant, be sure to choose a moisture resistant one. Remember that the surface must be dried. A sealant is laid in the seam of the slab, and then, with a mortar of cement, the seams are sealed with outer side. At the joints, you should get a small indentation, just like in the first case. After that, the cement must be allowed to dry thoroughly.

Stage 3

Do-it-yourself ceiling seam sealing

  • On the recess, which is on the frozen foam or cement mortar put a layer of putty, as mentioned earlier, it is better to choose a latex putty. It is necessary to carefully level the solution with the surface of the plate. It's not easy, so you'll have to work hard. It is important that there are no irregularities, because otherwise the ceiling will be uneven.
  • It is better to apply putty with a large, as well as a narrow spatula. On a large one, apply a sufficient amount of the solution, and on a narrow one, spread it on the seam. At the same time, do not forget to strengthen and smooth the solution inside the entire seam. It is necessary to ensure that there is no empty space left in the seams, as this can cause the mortar to crumble and fall out.
  • After that, with a wide spatula, you need to smooth the surface and remove excess putty.

Stage 4

Stuccoed seam on the ceiling

  • The seams must be allowed to dry for 15-20 hours. And only after that you need to start re-puttying.
  • The first layer of putty is applied to the seams and the area next to the seam. On top of the layer, it is necessary to glue a sickle or a special mesh. It is necessary to glue, making efforts so that the mesh is pressed into the putty layers. This is done to strengthen the surface, so it is more likely that the putty will not fall off over time. The layer of putty and mesh must be carefully ironed to get rid of irregularities.
  • After that, the surface must be allowed to dry. As soon as the putty dries, you need to walk on it with sandpaper or a special mesh. This is done to get rid of roughness and irregularities. When sanding the surface of the ceiling, it is worth using a bandage on the face and special glasses, as this is a very dusty job. And the dust from putty is very harmful to the human respiratory organs.
  • After the surface is cleaned, it is necessary to apply a second layer of putty on it, but already on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. The application principle is the same. Using a large spatula, apply a layer to the ceiling and level. After drying, go over the surface with sandpaper.
  • Then comes the final stage - this is the application of the final layer of putty. It is applied in the same way as the preliminary one. Only after drying, it needs to be sanded with a special fine-grained mesh so as not to scratch or damage the surface. After that, the ceiling can be painted or wallpaper glued to it.

sickle sticker


Thanks to this technology, the ceiling looks smooth and beautiful, and the seams are completely invisible. The most important thing is to strictly follow the sequence and be careful, because due to any mistake, the ceiling can collapse, and the seams will reappear.

It is important to remember that this method of grouting is not suitable for newly built houses. Since in the first years of operation, the house will shrink, and accordingly the ceiling will change a little, and the seams will appear regardless of you and the repair. Therefore, for such apartments, a stretch or false ceiling. After a while, it will be possible to think about how to putty the ceiling using this technology.

If you do not have special skills or are not sure that you will be able to repeat the process exactly, it is better not to risk it and turn to specialists. Since the appearance of the ceiling is very important and it will be a shame if your work goes down the drain, and the ceiling will look even worse than before the repair. It is not worth risking your own strength, means and appearance ceiling.