OSB flooring. OSB boards for floor installation. Video: Leveling a wooden floor with OSB boards

OSB is used on a wooden floor when repairing tongue and groove flooring, to reinforce a subfloor or to provide a continuous layer when laying small-format cladding (for example, tiles, PVC tiles, parquet).

Although oriented strand board is superior in quality to chipboard, this structural material is not suitable as a floor finish:

Therefore, OSB is used more often as a subfloor:

At the same time, it is necessary to know how to properly fasten OSB sheets to floorboards / logs, to use offset seams in adjacent rows.

There are several types of oriented strand boards:

  • OSB-2 - only for dry rooms;
  • OSB-3 - can be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • OSB-4 - for load-bearing structures.

Important! Since the subfloor has low maintainability, it is forbidden to use OSB-2 in it. The plates are additionally treated with an antiseptic and waterproofing material.

The main characteristics of oriented strand boards are:

  • density - 630 kg / m³;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.13 W / m * K;
  • linear expansion - 0.15% at a humidity of 70%;
  • straightness - 0.6 mm / m;
  • perpendicularity of opposite sides of the sheet - within 3 mm;
  • thickness deviation - 0.3 - 0.8 mm (polished, not processed, respectively).

Advice! Manufacturers produce slabs of different sizes, which must be taken into account when buying in order to reduce cutting waste for specific dimensions and room configurations.

Mounting technology

In order to properly lay sheet material on top of an existing plank floor, the following conditions must be met:

Important! When laying parquet, PVC tiles, other small-format facings, the heads of the self-tapping screws must be puttied.

Depending on the type of finish flooring, OSB boards are oriented differently on a wooden floor:

  • for small-sized decorative materials, it should be ensured that the seams of tiles, PVC tiles do not coincide with the joints of OSB boards;
  • when choosing a laminate, sheet piling, decking or parquet board, it is better to lay the OSB rows across the direction of the long-length facings of the finishing layer or at an angle of 45 degrees for a diagonal layout (important in rooms with wall geometry defects).

Advice! On OSB, it is allowed to apply a screed from a DSP or self-leveling floor. However, the surface of the oriented strand board must be pre-treated with a waterproofing material to prevent leakage into the lower floor and swelling of the structural material itself.

Finished floor repair

The main problem of the boardwalk is the floorboard or several boards, in which, with a periodic change in humidity or in the process of drying out, a transverse “hump” appears. This leads to an increase in the repair budget:

In other words, OSB with a thickness of 22 mm or more should be used. This problem can be solved by preliminary grinding or sanding of the base:

  • a grinder or scraper will smooth out the “waves”;
  • the contact area of ​​​​the layers of the subfloor will sharply increase;
  • you can get by with oriented strand boards of smaller thickness.

However, this is not always possible with a small thickness of the existing flooring.

OSB subfloor top layer

  • provide an even base for flooring;
  • increase the spatial rigidity and strength of the base;
  • reduce labor intensity and material consumption of works.

Unlike floorboards, self-tapping screws are screwed into OSB boards strictly vertically. When the hardware is tilted, a change in geometry may occur, warping of the material over time.

The main problems arise when opposite walls diverge (a trapezoid instead of a rectangular room). In this case, it is necessary to mark the existing wooden floor in order to cut only the slabs of the first row:

Thus, the OSB structural material is suitable both for creating the top layer of a subfloor and for repairing a finished floor covering made of grooved boards, if the dismantling of this cladding for some reason is not advisable indoors. When choosing an oriented strand board, the labor intensity of the work is reduced, the home master completely manages with the available arsenal of tools.

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OSB boards are one of the relatively new building materials, which has recently become increasingly popular. Increased strength and lightness compared to other similar products, good moisture resistance, ease of use and low price are the reasons for their use in a variety of types of repair work.
One of the most common uses for oriented strand board is flooring. In this article, we will tell you how to properly lay the OSB slab on the floor when using it as a base for various topcoats.

How to choose OSB floor slab

Due to the growing demand for OSB, there are currently quite a few products on the market that differ both in technical characteristics and in the presence of harmful impurities that are dangerous to human health. Therefore, when choosing a material for repairing a room, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

OSB laying on concrete screed

When replacing the floor in rooms with a concrete coating, OSB panels serve as an excellent basis for installing various finishing coatings - linoleum, tiles or parquet boards. They perform the following functions:

  • Surface leveling- the concrete floor, as a rule, has a significant height difference and various types of defects. Laying OSB on a concrete floor will provide a perfectly flat surface suitable for mounting any coating;
  • Soundproofing. The dense multi-layer construction of the plate reliably absorbs all types of noise;
  • Warming and waterproofing. The natural base of the slab allows for good heat-saving functions, and the water resistance characteristic of OSB-3 class products protects against moisture contained in the concrete base.

Most often, the slabs are laid on wooden bars, which play the role of sex logs and allow you to smooth out errors.

To ensure the necessary rigidity and resistance to deformation, it is better to use two layers of plates of small thickness (8-10 mm), laid with a slight offset. The layers are fastened to each other using special glue and spiral or ring nails.

In the presence of a flat base or the use of leveling mortars, installation directly on a concrete sole is possible. In this case, one layer of plates is sufficient, which is fixed with dowels and self-tapping screws. See the video below for how it's done:

Since OSB boards are able to absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere, they can change their dimensions during operation. To compensate for expansion and contraction, special gaps of 3 mm are left between the plates, which are called dilation gaps.

In addition, when installing floating floors, it is necessary to ensure a distance from the flooring to the walls of 10-15 mm.

Installation of the base for wooden floors

In rooms installed on a flood or columnar foundations, the floors are most often laid on wooden logs made of timber or multilayer boards. In this case, OSB boards can be used as a rough or finishing floor, as well as for leveling the surface for finishing with floor coverings.

The laying of OSB on a wooden floor is carried out taking into account the same recommendations for ensuring expansion gaps as in the previous case. When installing a two-layer coating, these requirements apply to both layers.

Features of OSB surface treatment for different types of floor coverings

The unique characteristics of strength and wear resistance, as well as the hard, even surface of the front part, allow the use of OSB boards both as an independent material for finishing floors and for preparing the base for all popular types of floor coverings.

Benefits of using OSB for flooring

The use of OSB plates allows you to quickly and efficiently level the floor in any room. In addition, in some cases they are sufficient for use without further finishing. Working with this material has a number of the following advantages:

  1. It's simple. No special skills or special tools are required. Installation of OSB on the floor can be easily performed by any adult with minimal construction skills.
  2. It's comfortable. One OSB plate provides even coverage of a large area. The size of the plate allows you to place logs at a distance of 56 cm from each other, which is ideal for placing modern types of insulation between them.
  3. It is not expensive. It compares favorably with many similar materials.
  4. It's safe. OSB boards hold all types of fasteners well and are firmly fixed in the installed position. They do not deform during long-term operation, do not change shape and hold the load well.

OSB is one of the most economical options for a quick do-it-yourself floor installation during renovation or construction.

From the author: hello to everyone who reads this article! We dedicate today's material to those who want to independently update the floor coverings in an apartment or private house, spending a minimum amount of time. One of the most economical options is do-it-yourself OSB flooring. Its installation does not take much time, and the price allows you to purchase this building material without compromising the budget. About how to choose the material and carry out repairs correctly, we will tell further.

Characteristics of OSB boards

Before laying OSB boards, let's look at the features of this building material. Oriented strand boards are made on the basis of wood chips, consist of several layers pressed together and glued together with various waterproof resins and synthetic wax. Under the influence of high temperature and appropriate pressure, a reliable, durable material is obtained.

Each plate usually consists of three (rarely four) layers. In the outer shavings, 7–15 centimeters long and 1–1.2 centimeters wide, it is located longitudinally, in the inner ones it is transverse. This solution gives special properties to finished boards. The material is classified according to the degree of strength, the index is indicated in numbers.

Source: http://pamir.mk.ua

Types of oriented strand boards

In construction, to make, use the following types of plates:

  • OSB 2 - they are characterized by low moisture resistance. They can only be used for interior work in a dry room;
  • OSB 3 - recognized as a universal material that is used for interior and exterior decoration;
  • OSB 4 - the most durable and moisture resistant. Optimal for carrying out work on load-bearing structures under conditions of high humidity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

To know if oriented strand board can be used for roughing and laying as a finish, let's look at the main qualities of OSB boards. Their advantages include the following:

  • environmental friendliness - when creating this building material, natural wood is used;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and mechanical influences;
  • high strength, flexibility, elasticity;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • texture uniformity, which helps to avoid spillage and delamination;
  • having made a rough floor, you can get a flat surface suitable for laying any topcoat;
  • due to its multi-layered nature, the plates remarkably absorb noise, insulate and waterproof the room;
  • the material has an attractive appearance, affordable price.

Of the shortcomings, only the fact that phenol can be included in the composition of the resins, however, manufacturers today are successfully introducing new technologies that allow the creation of formaldehyde-free polymer resins. Such products are labeled as "ECO" or "Green".

Source: http://superdom.ua

Choosing OSB boards for laying

Let's find out how to choose slabs and other types of coatings. First of all, you should pay attention to the country of manufacture. The material produced in Europe and North America is considered the best, where environmental safety requirements are observed and new technologies are applied. Next, you should choose the right degree of strength of the plate. Experts agree that products with the OSB 3 index are optimal for residential premises - durable, reliable, moisture resistant. It is also necessary to take into account the thickness - if you want to lay OSB on, a 10 mm slab is enough, if such an option as flooring on wooden logs is used, the recommended material thickness is from 15 to 25 millimeters.

Preparing tools for work

Before laying OSB on an old wooden floor or concrete screed, you will need to stock up on the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • tape measure;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • level gauge;
  • dowels and wood screws.

You also need to make sure that the necessary consumables are at hand:

  • OSB boards;
  • plinth;
  • material for insulation (polystyrene, foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.);
  • wooden bars;
  • mounting foam;
  • dry adhesive mixture for insulation;
  • floor varnish.

Now you are ready to start laying the flooring.

Work procedure

To correctly lay the material on a wooden or concrete base, you need to know how to complete each stage of the work. Our step-by-step instructions will help with this:

  1. If the concrete screed is even, without obvious defects, installation is carried out directly on it. Use one layer of plates, follow the following sequence of actions:
    • clean the floor surface from debris and dust as much as possible;
    • cover the concrete screed with a primer for better adhesion of the adhesive to the base;
    • Apply a special parquet adhesive to the OSB sheet using a notched trowel;
    • the tile is laid on the floor, pressed;
    • between the plates to be mounted, leave expansion joints of at least 3 mm, since under the influence of moisture the material is able to change its size;
    • drill holes in the corners of each OSB sheet with a perforator;
    • using dowels and self-tapping screws, fix the plates on the concrete surface;
    • fill expansion joints with mounting foam;
    • OSB floor is almost ready. It remains to let it dry for 4 hours, then you can cut off the excess foam, free the surface from debris - and you can proceed with the installation of the finish coat.
  2. In the case when you need to lay OSB sheets on wooden floors, the work must be done in the following sequence:
    • clean the surface of debris as much as possible;
    • inspect the old boards, if there are nails, drown them deep into the floorboards. If necessary, treat the surface of the floor with a planer;
    • lay out the plates pre-sawn with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw on the surface, not forgetting the need to leave gaps of 3 millimeters between them;
    • to fix OSB sheets, use self-tapping screws 4 centimeters long, observing an interval between them of 20–30 centimeters;
    • sink the caps of the self-tapping screws inside the plates;
    • carefully grind the joints between the sheets with a grinder.

That's all for today. We look forward to your feedback on how useful this information was. Subscribe to our groups in social networks, share links with friends - perhaps this material will help them make their home more comfortable and warm. See you soon!

OSB boards are very popular due to their characteristics, therefore they are very widely used in construction. Depending on the thickness, the plate can perform a load-bearing function even in a damp room. OSB boards consist of stacked, ordered fine wood particles held together by a binder. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to properly lay osb.

Since the composition of the OSB board is such that all its elements are laid in the same direction and are beautifully aligned, the OSB even in its raw state looks harmonious and partially even modern. In addition, the modern development of technologies in the industry makes these panels particularly durable and resistant to the external environment. Thus, the OSB panel is used for various purposes. Thin versions of osb slabs are used for the construction of partitions or wall decoration, as well as for cladding pitched roofs. Thicker slabs are used for arranging floors.


  • level
  • folding ruler or tape measure
  • pencil
  • forceps
  • screwdriver
  • manual circular
  • a hammer
  • bracket for laying laminate
  • jigsaw
  • japanese saw
  • osb plate with grooves
  • waterproofing film
  • adhesive aluminum tape
  • soundproofing underlay
  • rule
  • wedges

If the floor is laid in a floating way, this means that OSB floor slabs should not be attached to the base, but only to each other. This prevents the floor from creaking, which often occurs when the floor is made of wooden elements in a room where there are constant changes in air pressure and temperature. However, if the floor is laid in a floating way, it can always expand and contract freely in the direction of the walls without making annoying sounds.

Advantages of OSB boards

Manufacturers of this material produce plates in four classifications. The first OSB - 1 - these are panels that are used for the manufacture of furniture and interior wall decoration, suitable only for use at low humidity.

OSB - 2 is used in dry rooms, but already has load-bearing properties.

OSB-3 boards are laid in damp rooms as bases. They are ideal for floating laying in an attic or concrete surface.

The fourth class of OSB are panels that can provide strong load-bearing properties in all areas, even in a damp room, such as a bathroom. These panels can be used if the joists in the attic are spaced far enough apart to create a solid floor. If the distance between the beams is a meter or more, then you definitely need to use OSB - 4. Starting from a distance from the beam of about one meter, you should use these panels anyway.

OSB 3 - a universal option for the floor

OSB of the third class is ideal for flooring in your home. The material has many positive properties, but pay attention to the weight of the sheets. If you want to make a floor on the second floor or attic, it will be difficult or even impossible to raise this material to a height on your own. Depending on the thickness of the plate, the weight can be from 590 to 610 kilograms per cubic meter.

Sizes of plates that are on sale

  • Slab size with groove and tongue 2500 x 625 mm - 12, 15, 18, 22 and 25 mm
  • Size with straight ends 2500 x 1250 mm - 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22 and 25 mm

Preparatory stage

Tip: it is optimal to choose not only thicker OSB boards - 22 or 25 mm in size, but also, if possible, made with m grooves and a spike for connection. In this way, you will get higher strength for a floor that will withstand greater weight loads.

Before starting work, check the beams and boards for damage caused by worms or rot. If you lay a new floor, then you will no longer have access to these elements of the house and the opportunity to change or change something.

Tip: When buying glue, pay attention to Note: Formaldehyde-free glue. This is a more environmentally friendly option, and it should be taken even for non-residential premises.

floor leveling

An old floor or a concrete floor that has served for many years will often be slightly uneven, so it must be leveled with a leveling layer before laying the OSB panels. Otherwise, the slabs will sag or sag over time. Perhaps even with a heavy load on the floor, they can break.

Now in every hardware store you can buy various mixtures, including expanded clay or something similar.

Before leveling, you must install guides that are filled with loose material and leveled with a rule or a high level, or finally with a flat board. In the end, you need to make sure that everything is level and tightly packed, without holes and protrusions.

When leveling you will need:

  • fine expanded clay or leveling compound
  • guides
  • rule
  • level

Especially if the laying of OSB is carried out on the old floor of wooden boards, a vapor barrier is required between them. It's just a strong plastic film that you stick with aluminum tape. The film should protrude well on the wall so that it will later be higher than your new OSB floor. After completion of all work, the film will be hidden behind the plinth.

Soundproofing installation

If you are not laying OSB on the ground floor, then you need to additionally lay soundproofing material. Otherwise, your walking on the floor will be quite audible in the room below you. Soundproofing is sold both in rolls and in small mats, it is not very expensive, so you do not need to omit this step.

Laying slabs - first row

OSB panels should have time to adjust to room temperature before laying, just like laminate or parquet. Therefore, it is recommended to store the boards indoors at least 24 hours before laying, so that they can acclimatize.

Start laying from the longest wall of the room - from the left corner. At the plates that lie against the wall, the lock is cut off from the wall - using a circular saw. Then the sheets are aligned along the wall, wedges are installed at a distance of about 80 centimeters from each other - between the plates and the wall to set a gap of 1.5 to 2 centimeters - this is an expansion joint.

Tip: If you want to glue the floor, then first you need to cut all the sheets for one row, and then apply a thin layer of glue to the joints of the groove and lock. With the help of an iron bracket, the plates are shifted into each other.

The last sheet in the first row should usually be cut off. To prevent board seams from falling directly into one row, the cut board is used as the first element in the next row. Thus, a composition similar to brickwork is created. Always use enough wedges so that the floor is clamped on all sides.

If the remaining piece of sheet that lies in the next row is less than forty centimeters, it is better not to use it, but to find a more suitable half of the sheet.

Curing and removing glue

Leave the floor alone for at least 24 hours to allow the adhesive to dry. Then you can remove the wedges near the walls. If the finish coating - laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc. will not be laid on the OSB, it should be painted or waxed for wood.

Tip: use good quality wedges, preferably plastic. Wooden wedges are partially split already at the first correct blow with a hammer. And soft fibers can't hold a big floating floor.

In a non-residential attic, you don't have to worry about installing a floating floor, you can simply screw the sheets to the base.

If possible, drill holes for the screws and go through the holes with a countersink. This way the screws will be sunk into the OSB sheets and you can't hit them with your shoes.

Tip: If the room is not heated, you should use screws that do not rust due to high humidity. Stainless steel screws are ideal for this purpose because they can be removed even after several years of operation in a humid environment.

OSB double decking

In the case of a not very strong base made of rotting boards or beams, or with a large distance between them, experts recommend using two layers of OSB boards. For example, sheets with a thickness of 10 or 12 millimeters are taken, the first layer is screwed on, and then thinner sheets - 8 millimeters - are attached in the opposite direction. In this case, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the seams of the plates never coincide.

An additional advantage of this method is the price, since sheets with a straight end cost less, and the thin sheets still save money. Although the floor in this embodiment will turn out to be thinner than the floating one, it will be much more stable and stronger.


OSB boards are very popular and in demand today. They can easily level even the most curved surface. Laying OSB on a wooden floor makes it stronger and warmer. On such a base, you can mount almost any decorative coating. Most often it is used as a base under the laminate.

Material advantages

Among the advantages of the product are:

  • High density, which does not allow rodents to damage the OSB.
  • Moisture resistant. This makes it possible to lay sheets in unheated rooms or baths.
  • Thanks to good pressing OSB does not crumble.
  • Resistance to the influence of biological factors.
  • Environmental Safety. The elements are made from wood shavings, so they are natural.

  • Ease of installation. You don't need to have additional skills. Installation can be done by anyone who knows how to use a level, hammer and hacksaw.
  • Saving money. By itself, the OSB sheet has a low cost. In addition, one element is able to cover a fairly large area.
  • High level of reliability. OSB makes it possible to firmly fix almost any fastener. At the same time, it does not deform during prolonged use, and is able to withstand additional loads.
  • Can be used for finishing by any means, especially laminate.

Features of choice

In order for the floor to turn out to be of high quality, it is worth choosing the right sheets. When buying, consider the following criteria:

  • Manufacturer. Experienced builders prefer a Canadian or European manufacturer.
  • Element sizes. The following parameters are standard: 2.44 × 1.22 m.
  • Thickness. This criterion is very important and depends on the base of the room. For example, in the case of a concrete screed, you will need a slab no more than 1 cm thick. If the base is wooden, then it is better to give preference to a thicker material - up to 2.5 cm (it all depends on the distance between the lags).
  • Plate type. The most common material is OSB - 3. It is easiest to find it in stores. Installation of such plates is made simply and quickly even at home.

Read also:

How to choose and lay drywall for the floor

OSB installation technology

Features of laying the product on a concrete base.

This process consists of several stages:

  1. Foundation preparation. The floor needs to be well vacuumed. The fact is that dust can interfere with good adhesion. This operation is important for the subsequent fine finishing of any coatings, even laminate.
  2. Primer. You can use any substance. Everything depends on your needs. Perhaps a means of deep penetration is needed.
  3. Open sheets. Here it is necessary to take into account the technological gap at the wall, which is 5 mm. This is necessary to compensate for changes in the size of the plates under the influence of moisture. It is also desirable to provide such gaps between parts of the elements.
  4. Product installation. For this, rubber-based glue and driven dowels are used. Before laying the sheets, remember that they must lie with the transverse seams offset.

If the floor is level or a special mortar has been used to achieve the optimum level, one coat of OSB will suffice.

Features of laying on a wooden floor

Such a floor can be found in old houses. Before laying the sheets, it is necessary to treat the surface. Particular attention should be paid to nails: they are drowned into the board. To do this, use a hammer and a steel bolt. Its diameter should be equal to the size of the nail.

If the boards warped during the period of use, then they must be leveled. For this you will need a planer.

Next, lay out the cut sheets, not forgetting about the offset of the seams. For fixing OSB, it is better to use self-tapping screws, 4 cm long. There should be a distance of about 30 cm between fasteners. Self-tapping screws should also be drowned inside the plates.

After completing the work, try to grind the joints of the material. You can do it manually if the room has a small area. If the room is large, then it is better to use an electric grinder. For maximum effect, you can use a vibrating machine with a sanding grid for drywall. The plate is processed very carefully so that notches appear on its surface.

It is better to fill all unnecessary gaps with mounting foam. Mineral wool can be used as a heater.

How should the surface be treated after installation?

Sheets can also be used as a finishing coating. But most often the plates are the basis for the subsequent laying of other decorative materials. In this case, they need to be further processed. It all depends on the type of finish:

  • Tile. The main requirement for the foundation is its immobility. To ensure it, try to make the installation of the log so that there is a minimum distance between them. In addition, it is desirable to use elements with grooves for more durable fastening between them. Tiles should be mounted with a special adhesive that can hold ceramics and wood together.
  • Carpet. This material requires a very smooth transition at the joints. Otherwise, all the bumps will be visible on the fine finish. To fix this problem, try to do the installation with the thinnest sheets, seal the seams between which with sealant. In this case, it is better to make gaps from the walls.
  • Laminate. There are no strict requirements here, since the finishing material itself has sufficient strength and rigidity. Laminate is also attached with glue.