Useful properties of banana peel for flowers. Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants - benefits, methods of preparation, dosage. Egg shells and bananas

Few people know that a banana peel, which makes up about 40% of the total mass of fruits, contains almost as many useful minerals and vitamins as the fruits themselves. According to many gardeners, the use of banana peels as a fertilizer improves the growth of plants, in particular indoor plants. What's more, it can help with leaf cleaning and pest control.

Therefore, if you familiarize yourself with all the ways to use banana peels in floriculture, you can save money and significantly improve your “green pets”.

Let's start with the fact that the peel, as well as the bananas themselves, contains many useful micro and macro elements. For this reason, it can successfully replace potassium / phosphorus supplements, as well as have a beneficial effect on the development of both vegetables and various indoor plants.

There are many ways to use the peel as a natural fertilizer - from the most simple to quite costly and time-consuming. Of course, those flower growers who are accustomed to "store" top dressing may negatively perceive such a cheap and simple top dressing, but they will be surprised to learn that a banana skin is practically in no way inferior to purchased products (for example, humic concentrates).

Note! If the banana peel is used together with grape branches, then you can get an effective complex top dressing, which contains a significant part of the periodic table.

It is authentically known that crops such as saintpaulia and cyclamen, after the application of such fertilizers, clearly demonstrate the full effectiveness of this natural remedy.

Video - How is the peel useful for plants?

What should you know?

Before using any of the methods listed below, bananas must be thoroughly rinsed to remove wax coatings and other chemicals from their surface that were used during transportation of fruits. Sometimes for processing, manufacturers use rather dangerous substances of the dust group, which are carcinogens.

Moreover, before delivery, bananas are soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate (this is necessary to remove the milky juice), because of which the peel does not become healthier either.

Perhaps, for faster ripening, the fruits were treated with ethylene, which negatively affects the hormonal background of our body. In a word, bananas must be washed, and in hot water and with soap, and the light fibers on the pulp must be removed.

However, it must be remembered that banana plantations are treated with pesticides, moreover, often (up to seventy times a year), so the best option would be to find a trusted supplier who uses the safest pesticides.

There are many methods for preparing such a fertilizer, as noted above. Consider the most common of them.

Method number 1. Simple

The simplest way to use banana peels to fertilize plants is surprisingly effective. The essence of the method is as follows: cut the peel into small pieces and bury it in the soil. Even the weakest indoor plants soon after fertilization will begin to grow lush leaves and generally "feel" great. Moreover, after ten days, this top dressing completely disappears from the soil (it is processed by the microorganisms living there).

Method number 2. fried peel

This method is suitable for those cases when a clear dosage must be observed when fertilizing plants. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Table number 1. Roasted Peel Fertilizer

Steps, no.Description

Divide the peel into slices and place it on a baking sheet previously covered with foil. Lay out the skin with the outer side down - so it does not stick to the baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and wait until the skin is fried. To save electricity, you can cook something else in parallel.

Cool the cooled fried peel, chop and place in a vacuum container.

For top dressing, spread skin mulch around houseplants.

Method number 3. banana powder

To prepare the next fertilizer, follow the instructions below.

Dry the skin in a dehydrator, oven (for two hours at a minimum temperature) or just in a room (if the room is well ventilated).

Grind the dried skin in a coffee grinder.

Sprinkle the resulting mixture with soil in a pot, then pour water over it. Repeat the process every four weeks.

Note! Often, flower growers complain that banana fertilizers become moldy in pots - this can only happen due to the lack of “good” bacteria in the soil.

In principle, the composition of the peel is very similar to ash, but it is not a product of combustion and does not contain nitrogen. Therefore, banana fertilizer can hardly be considered complete.

Method number 4. "Tea" for plants

The method is simple but effective. Brew the dried peel like tea, while observing the proportions that are familiar to you. Cool the resulting "drink", then pour it over the "green pets" under the root.

Dry the rind for tea leaves on a radiator, and store it in a paper bag when dried. By the way, such a fertilizer can be used in a dry form - fall asleep in the lower layers of the soil.

Method number 5. "Cocktail" of their peel

Place the peel of one banana in a blender and beat as finely as possible.

Pour in 250 ml of water.

Mix all this thoroughly.

It is advisable not to strain the resulting mixture. Due to the fact that fertilizer will lead to rapid flowering, there is a risk of losing fruit (if the plant bears fruit), so be careful - a few teaspoons per month will be enough. After fertilizing, loosen the soil a little.

Method number 6. Freezing the peel

For constant feeding of indoor plants with an effective and natural fertilizer, you can allocate a separate peel tray in the freezer. This fertilizer will contain many nutrients. Place the skins of eaten fruits in the tray and don't worry that the plants will be left without "delicious".

Method number 7. Compost

The method is quite troublesome, but compost is an excellent top dressing for bulbous crops. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

In a bucket of soil, add the maximum amount of banana peel.

Then pour the Baikal fertilizer into the bucket and mix it all thoroughly.

A month later, place a new peel and a small amount of Baikal.

In another month or two you will have a black and nutritious compost, very useful for "green pets".

Method number 8. Spray from the peel

To prepare this remedy, prepare:

  • 20 g of magnesium;
  • 0.9 l of water;
  • peel from four bananas;
  • 2 teaspoons of crushed eggshells.

After that, follow these steps.

Dry the peel in the fresh air or with a dehydrator.

Chop the eggshell (if you haven't already).

Also grind the dried skin to a powdery consistency.

Pour all ingredients into water.

Stir until the magnesium is completely dissolved.

Store fertilizer in the refrigerator. Pour the required amount of the mixture into a plastic spray bottle, but warm to room temperature before use. Spray soil and leaves.

Fertilizer - spray

Note! Such a spray is, first of all, a fertilizer, which means that you should not use it under direct sunlight, but should be used once a week.

Alternative. Using overripe bananas

For top dressing, you can use not only the peel, but also overripe bananas.

Table number 1. Top dressing from overripe bananas

Steps, no.Description

Place the peeled banana in a bowl. Add about 150 ml of water there and knead it.

Loosen the soil around the plant, then pour the resulting banana mixture there.

Place the banana peel in a glass jar, fill it with water.

Mix the resulting solution with clean water in a ratio of 1:5.

Water the plants periodically with the resulting mixture.

Periodically add fresh water to the jar with the peel.

Banana skin in the fight against aphids

Burying a few pieces of peel in the ground next to the plant will help get rid of aphids, which are notoriously intolerant of potassium. Also for this purpose, you can make an infusion of banana skins - such a tool will additionally serve as a fertilizer.

Take the peel of three bananas and place it in a three-liter jar of water.

Insist for two days, then strain the resulting infusion.

Mix the infusion with the same amount of water.

Water the crops under the root with the resulting product.

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that the leaves of indoor plants can be wiped with the white side of the banana skin - this will clean them of dirt and also restore their natural shine.

In the right hands, banana peels can be very beneficial to plants, but don't forget to take precautions - rinse the peel before use and don't fertilize too often.

Video - Top dressing from a banana skin

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Nature Management

© When using site materials (quotes, tables, images), the source must be indicated.

Banana peel fertilizer has been actively used in indoor gardening for a long time, but in the Russian Federation its properties are not well known. This is most likely a legacy of the USSR, when citrus fruits on the periphery were regularly thrown into wide sale only on New Year's Eve, and bananas were "quoted" along with black caviar.

By the way, bananas do not grow at all on palm trees, as it is written in some places. Bananas are herbaceous plants; with palm trees, they biologically and habitually (in appearance) have a little more in common than a well-fed calf or burdock. And by the way, in addition to dessert bananas, there are canteens - plantains. They taste like potatoes, they are prepared in the same way: boiled, fried, baked, stewed. They even make chips. But back to our bananas, i.e. to their skins as raw material for plant nutrition.

Composition and action

Fertilizer for plants from a banana peel is valuable for a rather high content of potassium and somewhat less phosphorus. There is little nitrogen in it, but there is calcium and magnesium. Those familiar with agricultural chemistry understand that such a complex promotes flowering and fruiting. Of course, if the basis for increasing green mass - nitrogen - is also sufficient.

Magnesium is especially valuable for indoor plants that experience a chronic lack of light, because promotes photosynthesis. The same beneficial effect will be given by feeding greenhouse plants with banana fertilizer, especially in the off-season, when there is not enough light in the greenhouse. However, at the same time, plants should receive good nutrition, and the soil should be optimally structured; without good work of the roots and the leaves will bend from the effort, but in a pot and in a greenhouse, just with the nutritional value and structure of the soil, there are almost always problems. Therefore, top dressing with preparations from banana skins in such cases must be combined with top dressing, especially since the latter will also create a barrier to unwanted chemistry from bananas (see below). The cost of humates is low, and the cost of processing is scanty.

It is also possible to use a non-trivial fertilizer from banana skins - for seedlings and seedlings. Bananas are harvested unripe and subjected to processing to ensure freshness for the period of transportation and ripening at the time of sale. As a result, in the peel of commercial bananas, there is an increased content of plant hormones - growth stimulants. Sprouts under the influence of banana fertilizer take root better and develop faster. But, again, with good nutrition and well-structured soil.

Contraindications and precautions

Nothing is perfect, and banana peel as a fertilizer is no exception to this rule. The value of bananas as a delicacy and vegetables is that they practically do not accumulate foreign substances in their edible pulp. Bananas are a kind of “smart” plants that do not waste the substances they need for the substance necessary only to attract seed distributors. Although all banana cultivars are seedless, the natural biofilter remains in them, and breeders do not intend to get rid of it at all: this makes it possible to intensively use agrochemicals in banana culture.

When recycling banana waste, an advantage turns into a disadvantage: Banana skin fertilizer for fruit crops can be used in a limited way or prepared in special ways, see below. The "banana biofilter" is located in the peel, and from a production and commercial point of view, this is another plus: chemicals can be used to regulate the ripening of fruits, which is done - before transporting bananas from them, they are treated with ammonium sulfate and other substances that delay ripening, and before being sent to distributors - ethylene, "releasing the brakes" of maturity. Their residues in the peel, as well as pesticides (1-2 treatments per week for 7-9 months, this is how long bananas ripen to commercial ripeness), must be removed during fertilizer preparation.

Note: washing does not remove unwanted substances from banana skins, as is sometimes said, because. they are contained in the thickness of the peel.

Solanaceous and Compositae have a similar internal biofilter, but less effective, so banana skin fertilizer can be used for tomatoes, eggplants and sunflowers. A particularly strong effect is observed on the northern border of the distribution of these crops, but! Banana fertilizers from fresh raw materials can only be used for seedlings. At the stage of flowering and fruiting, it is possible to use roasted and dried skins as raw materials for the fertilizer composition, but in the first there will be no growth stimulants. For all other fruit/grain/bulb food crops other than those specified, banana peel fertilizers are not recommended.

Fertilization of flowers with banana skin preparations is largely free from these restrictions, but in this case, one must know, firstly, that in fresh banana peel there is a small amount of substances similar in action to papain contained in the milky juice of the unripe fruits of the papaya melon tree. Papains perfectly and without side effects soften tough meat, but they can also destroy root hairs. Secondly, the concentration of nutrients in a fresh banana peel is quite high. Therefore, raw banana skins can only be used by placing them under the roots of seedlings (see Fig.): while the roots develop, the banana skin will rot in the soil.

And if you put raw banana skins on the ground or mulch them with crushed soil, then the effect may either not appear, or it may turn out the opposite. That is why banana fertilizers in amateur conditions give a stable result for roses and ferns, although they are also suitable for other flowers.

Note: fertilizer with raw banana skins for tomatoes can be done, as for roses (see the figure above), but in the hole for each seedling bush you need to put half a peel, divided into strips 1-1.5 cm wide, and top dressing before sprinkle with earth when planting seedlings so that there is no direct contact of the roots with the peel. This method also increases the resistance of seedlings to frost, because. when a banana peel rots, a unit of its mass gives more heat than manure.

Raw material preparation

You can make banana skins biologically inactive (with the preservation of chemical activity in the form of mineral components) in the following ways:

  • Roasting in the oven or microwave with minimal heating is the worst way. All by-product organics are destroyed, but a significant part of the by no means harmless products of its decomposition remains in the raw material. With the systematic use of this method, a harmful and smelly coating is formed in the chamber of the oven or stove.
  • Brewing like tea is tantamount to roasting.
  • Drying on a radiator or window sill (should be covered with gauze from ants and flies) - most of the decomposition products of by-products evaporate, but during a sufficiently long process, rotting and fermentation of raw materials is possible.
  • Freezing in a refrigerator freezer - the end result is similar to drying, only rotting / fermentation is excluded. But you can destroy the refrigerator: the volatile decomposition products of by-product organics that have eaten into the plastic lining cannot be removed.
  • Scalding with boiling water: after 1-1.5 hours, the infusion is drained; for further processing, a sour mass is used - growth stimulants remain in the finished fertilizer, but a certain proportion of proteolytic substances (which can damage the roots) is also preserved. In addition, a significant part of the mineral components is lost.
  • Drying outdoors in sunny weather - all mineral components and most of the growth stimulants remain, all other unnecessary organic matter disappears without a trace. The skins, loosened into strips of 1-1.5 cm, are strung by tails on a thread, like mushrooms, and dried in sunlight; breeze is desirable. Outside temperature - from 15 degrees, if only it was not damp.


The best way to make fertilizer from banana skins is with a water extract. 3-4 peels prepared as described above (tails must be removed), put in a 3-liter jar and pour water to the top. After 4-5 days, the infusion is drained and filtered (filtered). Shelf life in a tightly closed container - up to a month or more, if there are no signs of fermentation. Immediately before use, the mother liquor is diluted with water twice.

However, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of banana skins with some precautions, because. microorganisms are very willing to start in it. Biologists and aquarists know that banana skins are an excellent breeding ground for the culture of shoe ciliates and other protozoa. The procedure for preparing an infusion of banana peel step by step is as follows:

  1. Water for infusion is taken distilled or tap water, boiled in an enameled kettle on gas for at least 10 minutes;
  2. In the meantime, a jet of steam from the spout of the kettle scalds the jar from the inside;
  3. The scalded dishes are placed upside down on a clean rag, as in preparation for home preservation;
  4. Cover the spout of the kettle with the same cloth (do not forget to turn off the burner!);
  5. The infusion is made when the kettle cools down to 50-40 degrees, i.e. will not burn to the touch;
  6. Immediately after loading the mass and filling it with water, the jar is tightly closed and placed for exposure in a dark place. It is highly desirable - in a cardboard box, because. Sterilization with improvised means does not give a 100% guarantee against fermentation. The box will save neighboring things, suddenly the fermented bank will burst.

For the garden, banana peel fertilizer can be prepared easier:

Note: for, root crops and green crops, such a fertilizer cannot be used!

Video: Banana Peel Fertilizer Preparation Example


Methods for fertilizing plants with raw banana skins are described above. An aqueous extract from a banana peel, as already mentioned, is diluted with water 1: 1 immediately before application. Water for dilution can be used tap or irrigation, but if a portion of the infusion is not completely used, the water for dilution should not get into the residue, i.e. infusion is poured as needed, and the remainder is tightly closed again. Norms of application of the working solution:

For annual cut flowers, it is also possible to use a fertilizer banana cocktail: grind the fresh peel in a blender with a glass of water and add such a cocktail to the irrigation water at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons per pot/bush. Another option is to dump the resulting slurry on a rag, let the concentrate drain completely, filter it and spray the plants with the filtrate. A banana cocktail for plants provokes their rapid flowering, but depletes perennials to death. Very effective for forcing lilies of the valley for the New Year.

Banana fertilizer and insects

It is undeniable that the smell of bananas repels aphids, so rubbing fresh banana peel on leaves is an effective way to lime aphids indoors. However, banana skins contain quite a lot of sugars, which attracts flies and ants. Therefore, if an anthill is found on the site, it is necessary to apply fertilizer from bananas not earlier than you can get rid of the ants.

Snack with bananas

For plants, of course. Delicious and nutritious fertilizers for them can be made not only from banana skins. Here, for example, below is a video about 12 homemade organic fertilizers from food waste. Some of the cooking methods look unappetizing from our point of view, but plants eat them with pleasure and a visible effect.

This is interesting: fertilizers from 12 types of food waste (video)

We are considering banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants. We present the best recipes for feeding home flowers with banana skins: dried, fresh, infusion, cocktail and in combination with other products.

Dried banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants

Therefore, at home they are actively used to feed plants in various ways.

Banana peel fertilizer is especially liked by plants from the Rosaceae family.


  1. The banana peel is thoroughly washed and dried (on a radiator, in an oven, on a sunny balcony) until it becomes brown-black and brittle.
  2. Dry banana peels are ground in a coffee grinder.
  3. The resulting powder can be mixed with the soil mixture (1:10) at the time of transplanting or used as mulch and fertilizer - pour on top of the nutrient substrate in the pot and water. It is recommended to add banana peel powder once every 30 days.

2nd OPTION: washed, dried banana skins break into small pieces by hand and fall asleep on the bottom of the pot instead of drainage during the transplantation of indoor flowers.

  • REVIEWS: most growers consider these banana peel feeding methods to be effective and beneficial for houseplants and flowers.

Fertilizer from fresh banana skins

  1. Banana skins are cut into small pieces with scissors and buried in the soil mixture as deep as possible so that the peel does not become moldy.
  • REVIEWS: The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to calculate the required amount of banana peel so that there is no excess, and the skins quickly decompose in the substrate. Banana peel processing in pots is very slow.

Nitrogen fertilizer should be used to speed up decomposition.

Banana peel infusions


  1. The banana peel is thoroughly washed, crushed and then filled up to half a liter jar and filled with water.
  2. Banana peel is infused for 24 hours, then the infusion is poured into another jar and filled with water to a total volume of 1 liter.


  1. The peel from 3 bananas is placed in a 3-liter bottle and filled with water.
  2. Insist for 2 days, filter and dilute with water 1: 1, after which indoor flowers are watered.
  • REVIEWS: this infusion has an unpleasant odor, after fertilizing indoor plants with fertilizer, the smell is felt for some time. Critics of the banana peel infusion consider it not effective enough to produce a similar flavor.


  1. From one banana, put the peel in a blender and pour 200 grams of water.
  2. Carefully grind.

To feed indoor flowers, put 2 teaspoons on top of the loosened soil, and so once a month.

  • REVIEWS: an interesting recipe, but so far it has not been possible to find real reviews from the use of a banana cocktail.

Spray Banana Peel Complex Fertilizer

  1. Grind the dried peel from 4 bananas into powder and mix with 2 tsp. eggshell powder (grind 2-3 pieces in a coffee grinder) and 20 g of magnesium sulfate (magnesia).
  2. Pour the resulting solution with 900 ml of water and shake until the magnesia is completely dissolved.
  3. The solution is stored in the refrigerator. Home plants are fed by spraying the solution on the soil and leaves no more than 1 time per week.
  • REVIEWS: this banana peel recipe is more effective due to the addition of other nutrients. Fertilizer can be successfully fed indoor flowers. Among the disadvantages: inconvenience in storage and the purchase of magnesia is required.

Banana, citrus and sugar fertilizer

We combine the beneficial properties of bananas, sugar (glucose) and citrus fruits, and prepare a special natural fertilizer for indoor plants.

  1. Chopped zest and banana peel (1: 1) fill a 3-liter bottle by 1/3.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp on top. a spoonful of sugar and pour warm water.
  3. The mixture is insisted for about 3 weeks in a warm place and shaken a little every 3-5 days.
  4. After three weeks, the infusion must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.
  5. To feed home flowers, dilute the fertilizer with water 1 to 20.

IMPORTANT! This natural fertilizer is recommended to be used no more than once every 30 days.

  • REVIEWS: this banana peel recipe has a serious chance of being put into practice, but at the moment it has not been possible to get real reviews.

How safe is banana peel fertilizer?

Bananas are brought to us from afar, and in order to get a ripe and beautiful fruit, they are processed with chemicals.

  1. After harvesting bananas to eliminate the milky juice, they are soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate.
  2. For ripening, ethylene is often used, from which the human hormonal system suffers. Unscrupulous importers can use hexochlorocyclohexane, a carcinogenic substance from the dust group.
  • ATTENTION! Therefore, bananas must be thoroughly washed with hot water before peeling! After washing, bananas can be eaten, and banana peels can be used to feed houseplants.


We hope that banana peel fertilizer for houseplants will bring many benefits!

Banana peel fertilizer in home floriculture is one of the most effective and time-tested top dressings. Not well known in Russia, it has been successfully used abroad for many years. There are many recipes for preparing top dressing for indoor flowers. The most popular of them will be discussed in this article.

The value of banana peel as a fertilizer is due to the high content of potassium in its composition. Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and a small amount of nitrogen are also present. The presence of these minerals in the diet of plants is a necessary condition for the full development, flowering and fruiting.

It is known that the largest part of useful trace elements is concentrated in the banana skin. It is worth noting that the beneficial properties are perfectly preserved after drying, infusion, freezing and any other processing.

Processing methods

To prepare a complete fertilizer for flowers, banana skins need preliminary preparation. You can use the following processing methods:

  • drying
  • brewing
  • infusion
  • grinding
  • freezing
  • composting

It can also be used fresh. With a detailed examination of each method, it turns out that preparing a healthy top dressing is not at all difficult.

banana peel powder

An effective fertilizer can be made by drying the peel in a vegetable and fruit dryer, in the oven, on a battery, or naturally in the sun. In this case, green or yellow skins are used without spots, which are a sign of the decomposition process that has begun, in which the product is exposed to pathogenic flora: bacteria, mold, and so on. Such a tool can harm the plant instead of benefit.

For drying in the vegetable dryer, the cut peel is evenly placed in the tray. At a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, the process will take about 6 hours. Similarly, the raw materials are dried in the oven, but in time a little longer. To prevent the raw materials from sticking to the baking sheet, you can cover it with baking paper or foil.

To save on electricity, in winter, raw materials can be decomposed on a radiator by covering it with newspaper. In summer, drying can be done in direct sunlight in the open air. It is advisable to lay it with the inside up and cover with gauze from the invasion of insects.

A sign of the readiness of raw materials is a change in color to brown-black. This makes it very brittle. After cooling, the raw material is crushed until it turns into sand and poured into a glass jar with a lid for storage.

The resulting powder is used:

  • for direct application to the soil for planting crops, as well as for transplanting;
  • as an ingredient for the preparation of fertilizer;
  • as mulch.

For indoor flowers, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of the powder on the surface of the soil and water thoroughly.

banana broth

Unlike powder, the process of preparing a decoction is less laborious: it does not require preliminary preparation of raw materials. Use fresh or frozen product.

3 banana skins are crushed and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Frozen crusts must first be thawed. The mixture is infused for 4 hours, after which it is filtered. Indoor plants are watered with a decoction at the rate of 50 ml per 1 bush.

Since the shelf life of the decoction in the refrigerator should not exceed 10 days, the volume of the decoction should be calculated in advance for a single use. This liquid top dressing is enough to do 1 time per month.


One of the most effective fertilizers for flowers is a water extract. For cooking, a peel with cut tails from 4 bananas is taken and placed in a sterilized jar with a capacity of 3 liters.

Water in the amount necessary to fill the jar is boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled to 40 ° C.

Having poured water to the top, the jar is tightly closed and placed for infusion in a place protected from light. It is advisable to install the jar in a box, since even after sterilization, the possibility of a fermentation process is not ruled out, because of which the jar can “shoot” and stain everything around with its contents.

After 5 days, the extract is filtered. The tincture should be stored in a tightly sealed container for no more than 1 month.

The product is used once a month diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The consumption of the composition is 100 ml per 1 plant. The container with the remnants of the infusion is hermetically sealed again and then stored in a dark place. You should be aware that in no case should water or other substances get into a container with unused infusion, since a violation of the sterility of the raw material will lead to its deterioration.

Application of fresh peel

Method 1. An equally effective liquid solution is prepared from a fresh banana skin. The skin of 1 banana is washed and beaten in a blender with the addition of a glass of water until smooth. 2 tbsp. spoons of the resulting solution are introduced into a pot of soil intended for planting a room flower and mixed. For full absorption, leave a flowerpot covered with a cloth in a dark place. After 5-10 days, flowers or seedlings can be transplanted into the enriched soil.

Method 2. Banana peels are cut into pieces measuring 1 cm * 1 cm. Drainage is laid out in a flowerpot, then a layer of prepared raw materials and covered with soil. To speed up the decomposition of cleanings, you can dilute them with organic matter rich in beneficial microflora. The soil for transplanting a flower (seedling) is ready in 2-3 weeks.

Recipes of complex fertilizers

Banana peels are also used as an additive in combined organic top dressings.

Nutritious tea


  • loose leaf green tea - 1 tablespoon
  • banana powder - 2 tablespoons
  • boiling water - 1 liter

A mixture of powder with tea is poured with boiling water. The mixture is infused until it cools. Adding 50 ml of this tea to the soil can improve the condition of even the most stunted houseplants: there is a rapid set of green mass and the formation of flower stalks. The introduction of tea is combined with watering once a week.

Citrus complex with sugar


  • citrus peel
  • banana peel
  • boiled water;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Zest and banana skins in a ratio of 1: 1 are crushed in a food processor to a mushy state. The mixture should fill a 3-liter jar by a third. Pour sugar and pour warm water. The solution comes to condition in a warm dark place within 3 weeks. The solution must be mixed twice a week. The finished infusion is filtered and applied diluted with water (1:20), together with watering once a month.

The citrus complex is rich in glucose, vitamins, flavonoids and essential oils. Its use can quickly improve the appearance of bushes and is very effective for urgent resuscitation of weakened flowers and seedlings.

Helpful shower

All components of the spraying agent are thoroughly mixed until the magnesium sulfate is completely dissolved. The use of the shower will quickly improve the indoor flora with regular use 1-2 times a week.

Before using banana peels as a fertilizer, consider the following factors:

  1. Fresh peel, being on the surface of the soil, becomes moldy.
  2. Wash fruit thoroughly before use. The preparations applied to them (delaying premature ripening, and then stimulating ripening, protecting against pests, etc.) can harm houseplants instead of good.
  3. Banana peel is not able to fully satisfy the needs of plants in trace elements. It is necessary to supplement their nutrition with nitrogenous top dressing.
  4. Fresh cleanings attract insects: ants, midges, bees.
  5. Bananas effectively repel aphids.
  6. Fertilizers can be successfully used in outdoor flower beds and for vegetable crops.

Banana skin is saturated with potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), contains phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N). These substances are important for the development of many cultures. Therefore, it is often used as a natural fertilizer for garden, garden, indoor plants.

Benefits of banana nutrition

  1. The undoubted advantage that banana top dressing for indoor plants has is the ability to saturate the soil with useful trace elements necessary for the growth of crops, the development of their root system and a strong, lush green mass. In its composition, it is not inferior to complex mineral fertilizers, while remaining a natural, vegetable raw material;
  2. The use of banana compost saturates the soil with organic matter, improving its fertility;
  3. Magnesium contained in it promotes photosynthesis, which is especially important for indoor plants grown on windowsills with little sunlight;
  4. The effectiveness of banana infusion in protecting leaves from aphids;
  5. The availability of this product and the ease of preparation of various fertilizer options.


  1. In the process of growth and ripening, bananas are treated with pesticides many times. To slow down the ripening of fruits harvested during the period of technical maturity, they are bathed in preparations containing chlorine, ammonium sulfate. After transportation, for early ripening, bananas are treated with ethylene. All these substances are retained in the thickness of the banana skin, so it is impossible to get rid of them even after thorough washing in soapy water. Therefore, for feeding vegetables, berries, horticultural crops, it must be used with caution. The minimum single doses of substances harmful to humans are not terrible, but as they accumulate in the body, they can lead to serious illnesses;
  2. Nutrients present in the banana peel in excess can be a good breeding ground not only for beneficial microorganisms, but also for pathogenic bacteria, rot and fungi. Therefore, it is not recommended to spread it on the soil surface or use it as a mulch;
  3. The sucrose found in banana peel house flower food can attract ants, flies, bees, and other sweet-toothed insects.

For which plants is banana top dressing suitable, and for which it is not

From garden crops, this fertilizer is suitable for composite (Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower) and nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants). These plants assimilate all useful substances, and when harmful microelements enter, they accumulate them in their peel and do not let them into the edible pulp. Thus, the harmful effects of the chemicals contained in the banana skin are leveled.

For ornamental shrubs, flower beds, flower beds, banana skin nutrition can be used without restrictions.

Top dressing for indoor flowers from a banana peel is in the form of:

  • Fresh casings;
  • Frozen;
  • dried, dried;
  • powder;
  • Infusion;
  • Decoction;
  • Compost.

fresh peel

It is used both in whole strips and cut into small pieces. The skin is laid out on drainage in a container for seedlings or in holes when transplanting flowers to a flower bed, so that there is always a layer of soil between it and the roots. Such top dressing is useful in that as the temperature of the earth rises, which is good for heat-loving flowers, the necessary substances are released into the soil gradually. For vegetable crops, fresh peel is used only when growing seedlings. It cannot be used to fertilize bulbous crops.


Insist top dressing only in clean water to avoid fermentation. Water can be used melted, distilled or boiled, cooled to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. A glass jar in which banana peel dressing will be infused is pre-sterilized. A clean peel of one banana with a cut stalk, whole or cut into pieces, is soaked in a liter of warm water. After 2 days, the infusion is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and immediately used by watering the soil under the roots of the plant.

This fertilizer is applied once a week. The dosage depends on the type and needs of the plant. Usually for flower beds and horticultural crops from 100 to 200 ml., For indoor 2 tablespoons per liter pot. It has also been successfully used to control aphids. To do this, the affected plant is sprayed from a spray bottle.

Dried or cured peel

Drying in the summer is best done outdoors. The peel is dissolved into ribbons, 2 cm wide, strung on a thread and hung in the sun. In winter, strips of peel are placed on a baking sheet, left on a central heating radiator until completely dry. The dried peel becomes thin, light, uniform brown. Store it in cloth or paper bags, plastic or glass containers.

Such fertilizer is applied to the soil in the same way as fresh raw materials. Moreover, during the flowering period, it is recommended to use top dressing only from dried peel or powder. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it.


The so-called banana tea is made from dried skins or powder. A teaspoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted until cool. The decoction is used in the same way as the infusion.


Banana powder is obtained by grinding dried banana skins in a blender or coffee grinder. It is easy to dose, which is important when caring for plants and formulating complex fertilizers. It keeps well in a glass jar. It is used in its pure form no more than 1 time per month.

When picking, transplanting flowers into a new container or seedlings in a flower bed, add a teaspoon of banana powder to each well. As a top dressing, it is poured into the soil and gently mixed. This procedure must be carried out after watering. The powder is also used for the manufacture of infusion, decoction, as a component for the preparation of complex fertilizers.


Some gardeners prefer to store banana skins frozen. Why freeze it in the freezer, put it in plastic containers, plastic bags. After thawing, it can be used in the same way as a fresh peel.


Thanks to its ability to decompose quickly, banana compost can be made in as little as a month. To do this, you need to pour the peel (without stalks) from 10 bananas and 10 kg of garden soil with the Baikal preparation, mix thoroughly in the proportion indicated on the label. Compost is suitable for both seedlings and mature plants. The use of such compost in flowerbeds, garden plots attracts earthworms that produce natural humus, and contributes to an even greater increase in soil fertility.

Flower dressing recipes

Raw materials from banana peel are also used for the preparation of combined vegetable fertilizers:

  1. Banana tea. 1 tsp. banana powder and green tea are brewed in 200 gr. boiling water. After cooling, water the flowers under the root every 2-3 weeks;
  2. Grape-banana infusion. Dried bunches of grapes are poured with clean water and infused for a day in a warm place, mixed with banana infusion. Before use, dilute with the same amount of pure water. Banana-nettle infusion is also made in the same way;
  3. Fertilizer from eggshells and banana skins. 1 tsp. crushed shells and powder (or chopped dry peel) mixed with 10 g of magnesium sulfate, pour 2.5 tbsp. water, mix. This infusion is sprayed on the leaves of plants every week;
  4. Orange banana cocktail. A 1/3 liter container is filled with orange and banana peels, poured 1 tsp. sugar, pour clean water. Infuse for a month in a dark place, filter, dilute 1:20.

From the above, to summarize: banana skins can be used as top dressing for house flowers and some other types of plants. Homemade fertilizer will not be inferior in its properties and effectiveness to expensive chemicals purchased in the store. The main thing is not to forget about the measure and follow the cooking instructions.