Tomato seedlings at home: how to sow and grow healthy tomato seedlings. How to grow tomatoes - step by step instructions How to grow healthy tomato seedlings at home

Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops grown by gardeners. They are planted both in greenhouses and in open ground. This is a rather capricious plant that requires attention and care not only in adulthood, but also at the stage of growing seedlings. That is why newcomers to the world of gardening are afraid to mess with tomatoes, preferring to deal with other, easier-to-care crops. But you should not be afraid to cultivate these plants - experience will come with time, but you need to start with something. And we will start by learning how tomato seedlings are grown correctly and how to care for them so that they grow into strong and strong fruit-bearing plants.

Growing tomato seedlings is troublesome

Good quality soil is perhaps one of the most important conditions for the proper cultivation of high-quality seedlings. In this case, choosing the soil, you can go in two ways. The first is to buy ready-made in a gardening store. The advantage of such a soil is the optimal content of all substances necessary for young plants. However, such soil also has its drawbacks - it often turns out to be infected with midge larvae and other “living creatures” that can harm seedlings. Therefore, it is better not to use such soil or use it only after the disinfection procedure, but we will talk about this later.

Soil prices for tomato seedlings

soil for tomatoes

The second way is to make the soil mixture yourself. It has been prepared since autumn. One of the main requirements for soil for tomato seedlings is lightness and friability. It is also important to check that the soil is not only loose and nutritious, but also has a pH value in the range of 5.6-6. Therefore, simply picking up a bag of earth from the garden will be a wrong decision.

You can grow seedlings on several types of soil mixtures.

  1. Soddy soil, pressed peat, humus are mixed in a ratio of 1:2:1, and two matchboxes of superphosphate and about 500 ml of ash are added to them (additions are calculated for 1 large bucket of soil).
  2. Turf land, black peat or compost, coarse sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1, and then spilled with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate (10 g, 20 g, 30 g, respectively).

On a note! Since peat increases the acidity of the soil, a little chalk should be added to the soil mixture. You can replace peat with humus soil.

In general, there is no single recipe for preparing soil for tomatoes - each gardener uses his own time-tested techniques, but any of the above recipes will do for a beginner. Over time, everyone will learn to improve soil mixtures in their own way.

On a note! Seedlings love coconut substrate, rarely rot in it and develop well. You can buy coconut fiber at a gardening store. Also, for growing tomato seedlings, you can also purchase.

Coconut Substrate Prices

coco substrate

After the soil has been harvested in the fall, it is removed to where it will be very cold - the next stage of preparation, called "decontamination", begins. In frost, the earth will freeze well, most of the fungi and bacteria that can harm your plantings will die in it.

A few days before planting the seeds, the soil is subjected to heat treatment. It is carried out in different ways. The most popular are steaming and calcining.

Steaming is done very simply - the soil is placed in a metal container with holes in several places (usually in an old bucket) and placed on bricks laid in another, larger metal tank filled with water by about 5 cm. ) put on fire and kept on it for about two hours.

You can also steam the soil a little differently. To do this, the soil is poured into a fabric bag, which is placed on a grate installed above the water tank. Heating the tank on fire, we get steam, which envelops the bag of earth. So it takes about 45 minutes to disinfect the soil.

Now a few words about how the calcination takes place. To do this, the soil mixture is poured into a metal container, poured with boiling water, mixed and poured onto a baking sheet. The latter should be put in a hot oven for 25 minutes.

Attention! After heat treatment, be sure to soak the earth for about a week in the cold so that it rests. Only then use it.

The last stage of soil preparation for tomatoes is its disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate. This method will help protect young plants from disease. We dilute about 3 g of potassium permanganate crystals in a bucket of water and spill the soil with the resulting solution.

On a note! The process of disinfection must also go through the soil from the store. Even if the package says that the soil has been disinfected, it is better to play it safe and carry it out again. There will be no harm for sure.

The container for tomato seedlings can be anything - boxes, plastic and peat pots, home-made containers, and so on. It is very convenient to plant seeds in small plastic pots with a bottom that resembles a round plate. It is convenient to take out plants from such containers in the future and plant them in the ground. In addition, individual planting will save you from picking seedlings.

One of the most important stages is the disinfection of the seedling container. And it doesn’t matter if you bought new pots or use old boxes - everything needs to be processed. The easiest way is to wash the containers, and then dip them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes and rinse again with clean water.

Selecting seeds and preparing them

Very often, the disappointment of trying to grow tomatoes happens when the gardener simply chose the wrong seeds. First, you should decide what you need tomatoes for - for salads, for pickles, or for other needs. It is on this that the choice of variety will largely depend.

It is also important to pay attention to such indicators as ripening time, yield, keeping quality, endurance. Usually all this information is written on the package with seeds, and it will not be difficult for you to choose the best variety for you.

At the time of purchase, pay attention to how well the seeds are packaged and what their expiration date is. Do not take old ones - tomatoes remain viable for about 4-5 years, no more. Give preference to those varieties that are adapted to the climatic conditions of the region in which you intend to grow them.

Growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions allows you to get a good and (if necessary) early harvest. Not all varieties are suitable for greenhouses. It is necessary to give preference to those that are resistant to diseases. More details - in.

Before planting tomato seeds for seedlings, you should check them for germination. It happens that even the best manufacturers make mistakes and there are “dummies” in the packaging with planting material. To weed out the marriage will help pouring the seeds with salted water (10 g per glass) for 5-10 minutes. All the bad ones will float, and the good ones will stay at the bottom.

This procedure is followed by disinfection of seeds. Do not be surprised - even the highest quality seeds can be infected with pathogens. Disinfection is carried out as follows: tomato seeds are placed for 10 minutes in a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide, which is easy to prepare - for this, 3 ml of a disinfectant is diluted in 100 g of water, then heated to 40 degrees.

The next step is seed germination. To do this, you need a soft cotton cloth that is wetted with water. Seeds are laid out on one of its edges and covered with the second, the fabric is placed in a container, covered with polyethylene so that there is a gap for air access. Every day, 3-4 times, the film is completely removed so that the planting material can breathe. Seeds can be sown in 4-5 days.

Prices for tomato seeds

tomato seeds

Planting seeds

Usually, tomatoes for seedlings are planted around the end of February or mid-March, but, depending on the variety chosen, the timing may vary. Therefore, it is best to refer to the planting schedule shown on the planting material package.

Step 1. Fill the washed and disinfected seedling container with treated and prepared soil.

Step 2 Level, compact and moisten the soil with water at room temperature.

Step 3 Make neat grooves on the surface of the soil about 1 cm deep at a distance of at least 3-4 cm from each other. In individual pots, make indentations also 1 cm deep.

Step 4 Place tomato seeds in grooves at least 2 cm apart. Place one seed per pot.

On a note! Remember that the less often the seeds are planted in boxes, the longer you will not have to resort to the picking procedure.

Step 5 Gently cover the holes or furrows with soil.

Step 6 Cover the containers with plastic or a piece of glass to keep moisture and heat in.

Step 7 Place the containers in heat - for example, near the battery.

On a note! The air temperature for tomato seeds to sprout must be at least 25 degrees.

Step 8 Wait for shoots. The first sprouts will appear in about 3-5 days.

Video - Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

Caring for tomato seedlings involves providing and maintaining several environmental factors. These are humidity, temperature, the presence of fresh air, lighting.

Table. Conditions for growing tomato seedlings.

FactorRequired level

While the seeds have not yet hatched and sprouted, the soil moisture should be checked daily, and when it dries, spray the ground with a spray bottle. The first shoots are watered very carefully with warm water, while the second watering is done in about a week. It is important to remember that young shoots should always be kept moist, otherwise they will die, so the timing of watering is very relative. Watering seedlings is done with a pipette under the stem, you can not pour on the leaves.

Pots with seedlings of tomatoes should stand in the most lit place - usually this is the lightest window sill. It is also important to organize additional lighting with lamps. It is recommended to illuminate the plants around the clock for the first 3 days after germination, and then at least 16 hours a day.

In order for the seeds to sprout, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at + 25-28 degrees, a week after the emergence of sprouts - + 20-25, and after a couple of weeks the temperature can be reduced to room temperature.

While the plants are under the film, it must be periodically lifted to remove excess moisture. Remember that excess moisture can cause mold. It is easy to get rid of the latter - remove the affected soil and pour potassium permanganate on the ground. The film is completely removed only 1-2 weeks after the first entrances, while during this time the plants should be accustomed to the fact that soon the container with them will be completely open. To do this, lift the film or glass daily for a while.

The first feeding is carried out approximately 10-14 days after the appearance of the first shoots, then weekly. It's time to fertilize the soil when the sprouts have one leaf with cloves. Top dressing can be done with the "Effect" preparation, using it according to the instructions on the package.

Dive - the procedure for planting seedlings growing in boxes into individual containers 10 * 10 cm. Dive is carried out when young tomatoes have 2-3 true leaves.

When picking, you can use a regular teaspoon

At this time, diseased and frail plants are discarded. When transplanting, the stems of the bushes are buried almost under the very leaves.

Landing in a greenhouse

Before the most important thing happens - transplanting tomato seedlings into a greenhouse or open ground, it is important to harden the plants. To do this, seedlings should be taken out to a balcony or open veranda. The first "walk" is made on a windless and warm sunny day and lasts no more than 5 minutes. Then every day increase the time by 5 minutes.

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables. Without them, perhaps, you can not do in any garden plot. Vegetables are very tasty, great for harvesting for the winter and have many useful substances. Often purchased seedlings can be weak or not match the variety you wanted to purchase. But you can grow tomato seedlings yourself. The article discusses the basic rules for the cultivation of tomatoes by growing seedlings from seeds.

How to prepare tomato seeds before planting

Tomatoes are planted in open ground with seedlings and everyone can grow them at home. Of course, this will take some time and effort, but you will be sure of what you will get in the end. Most people for growing seedlings collect seeds from ripe fruits they like, dry them, and soak them for a couple of days before planting. That's the whole process.

However, if you want to grow good strong seedlings that are resistant to diseases and give a rich harvest, the seeds must be prepared before sowing. This procedure goes through several stages:

  • drying;
  • seed selection;
  • disinfection;
  • soaking;
  • germination;
  • hardening.
Seeds should be selected from ripe fruits undamaged by diseases and pests. They need to dry for a couple of days in a well-ventilated and well-lit area (avoid direct sunlight). To select the best material for planting, the seeds must be immersed for several minutes in a saline solution. To prepare it, a teaspoon of table salt is stirred in a glass of water and insisted for 10 minutes. Then the seeds are lowered into the water: those that float must be removed, as they are empty or overdried and are not suitable for growing seedlings.

Important!Larger and heavier seeds contain more nutrients. Strong and productive seedlings of tomatoes will grow from such material.

After sampling, the seeds are packed in bags and stored in a dark place at room temperature. If the seeds were stored in the cold, a month before planting, it is recommended to warm them up for a couple of days on a battery in fabric products.

The main number of tomato diseases take root on seeds and can exist there for a long time, regardless of climatic conditions. That's why before planting, it is recommended to decontaminate the material. To do this, the seeds are immersed for 15 minutes. in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or for 7 minutes. in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, preheated to 40 degrees.

Did you know?To increase the yield of seedlings, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a nutrient solution for a day before sowing. It can be a solution of Immunocetophyte or juice from grated fresh potatoes.

To soften the peel of seeds and facilitate their germination, planting material must be soaked in water at room temperature for 10 hours before sowing. The seeds are laid out in a piece of gauze and immersed in a container. The amount of water should be 30% less than the volume of seeds. After five hours, the water will need to be changed.

To speed up the process of germination of sprouts, it is recommended to germinate the seeds for five days in a saucer covered with wet gauze at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.

Important! During germination, make sure that the gauze does not dry out and at the same time is not too wet.

In order for the seedlings to be resistant to temperature extremes, night cold snaps, it is recommended to harden the seeds. In addition, such seedlings will bloom earlier and bring much more yield. For this purpose, the seeds that appear are placed in the refrigerator overnight (the temperature should be from 0 to +2 degrees), and stored at a temperature of 20-22 degrees during the day. Manipulations are carried out several times.

Soil selection and preparation

Seedlings of tomatoes are not very demanding on the soil. The soil for seedlings of tomatoes at home can be either purchased or prepared independently. When buying, preference should be given to peat soil.

To prepare the soil yourself, you need to take loamy soil and add a little humus, compost to it. Seedlings will grow well in loose soil. To do this, you can add peat or sawdust to the mixture.

Coke substrate is also used for planting seeds. It contains many nutrients, prevents rotting of sprouts, promotes the development of a powerful root system.

Did you know?Peat tablets are well suited for growing strong seedlings; 4-5 seeds can be sown in them. When planting in such soil in the future, it is not necessary to dive seedlings.

The choice of a container for growing seedlings is of no small importance. Seeds can be sown in the following types of dishes:

  • seedling boxes;
  • trays, cassettes;
  • seedling pots;
  • peat tablets or pots;
  • disposable glasses.
However, each option has its pros and cons. Boxes, trays and cassettes are more convenient and economical. They can grow a large number of seedlings, while caring for all the sprouts. Also, in which case such a container can be easily transferred to another place. They do not take up much space and cost less. However, shallow containers are suitable for growing seedlings only until the moment of picking. In deep boxes and trays, adult sprouts can become entangled with roots, then it will be very difficult to separate them without damage. In case of damage, the seedlings will take root for a long time, and maybe even disappear. Of these options, it is best to choose trays with partitions or cassettes.

Important!The best option would be trays or cassettes with a mesh size of 5-6 cm and a side height of 10 cm. When buying, be sure to specify what the container is made of. It is better to purchase a tray (cassette) made of polystyrene. Do not buy containers made of polyvinyl chloride, it contains toxic substances.

Seedling pots and disposable cups are the best inexpensive option. In them, seedlings can be grown until transplanted into open ground. However, such containers take up a lot of space and are not very convenient if the seedlings need to be transferred to another place. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the containers for planting seeds.

Peat tablets are ideal. They contribute to the development of a strong root system in sprouts, prevent seedlings from rotting. However, such pleasure is not cheap.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings should be carried out on March 15-20. The first shoots will appear in a week. Two more months will pass before the flowering of early varieties of tomatoes, and another week will be required to restore the plant after a dive. In early June, seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground.
Before planting, the soil should be slightly wetted. Seeds are buried in the soil no more than 1 cm and at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Then the container must be covered with a film or glass. After sowing, the vessel should be placed in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 degrees. Under these conditions, seedlings will appear in a week.

Care and cultivation of tomato seedlings

After the shoots appear, the seedlings need to be moved to a lighted and cool room. The temperature regime should be from +14 to +16 degrees. The room is bright. If there is none, you can arrange the illumination of the sprouts with the help of lamps.

After a week, the temperature should be slightly increased to +20 degrees, and at night it should be lowered by a couple of degrees. To do this, you can slightly open the window, just do not allow drafts.

Did you know? In the first few days after germination of sprouts, it is recommended to arrange round-the-clock illumination for seedlings. This will greatly speed up its germination.

Watering tomato seedlings for growing at home should be moderate and carried out with water at room temperature. Until the first good leaf appears, the soil is lightly sprayed with water when it becomes completely dry. After the appearance of the leaf, watering is carried out once a week, and after five good leaves are formed, the seedlings are watered every 3-4 days.

Dive seedlings of tomatoes

Dive is transplanting seedlings into separate containers. This contributes to the formation of the root system. There is a growth of lateral roots, the nutrition of the plant improves. Seedlings become stronger and will easily take root in open ground, will give a good harvest.
The picking of tomato seedlings is carried out on the tenth day after the first shoots appear. However, each case must be approached individually. The general rule is to dive seedlings on the second day after the appearance of the first true leaf.

Important! When diving, only the best and healthiest sprouts are selected, and the rest must be discarded. Also, a small earthen lump should remain on the root of each sprout.

A couple of days before picking, the seedlings should be lightly watered so that the sprouts can be taken out more easily. It is necessary to remove seedlings from the ground very carefully so as not to damage still weak roots. It is advisable to dig them with a stick or a toothpick. You need to transplant into a deeper container. To do this, you can use pots, disposable half-liter cups or plastic bottles with a cut neck.

After picking, the sprouts are watered abundantly and transferred to a cool place with moist air. Seedlings should not be exposed to direct sunlight. After a week, the seedlings are returned to their former warm place.

Hardening off tomato seedlings

It is recommended to harden the seedlings so that they do not freeze when planted in open ground, and are resistant to temperature extremes, which often occur in the summer. Let's take a closer look at how to harden tomato seedlings.
When it gets warmer outside and the temperature reaches 15 degrees, containers with seedlings are taken out to the street or balcony. Before this, the plants are watered. During hardening, you need to monitor the temperature regime. When the temperature drops below 8°C, the containers should be brought to a warmer room. It is better to take out seedlings after four to five in the evening, when the sun subsides a little. Otherwise, it may burn out. You also need to monitor the soil, it should not dry out. If the soil is dry, it needs to be watered a little. Never leave containers in direct sunlight. The hardening period is two weeks.

Growing tomatoes in most regions of our country begins with sowing seeds for seedlings. Preparing seedlings at home requires knowledge and little experience, since you can waste time, and the result will be deplorable, and it will never come to a good harvest. But this work is not so complicated as to buy seedlings on the market every year, and every gardener is simply obliged to master it and grow tomatoes.

Is it necessary to grow tomatoes through seedlings

The growing season for tomatoes is very long, many months pass from sowing seeds to harvesting, and all work on growing tomatoes begins in March, when spring has not really begun in most of our country. Therefore, no matter how sorry, almost nowhere without growing seedlings can not do without.

When in the 1980s we, graduates of Moscow State University, distributed in Saratov, acquired summer cottages, one girlfriend could not understand the meaning of the word “seedlings”. And I certainly didn’t want to believe that tomato seeds must first be planted in a pot or box, and then groomed and cherished in the apartment. In their village, on the Azov coast, where shafts sprout, there were only two stages of growing tomatoes: plant seeds in a garden and harvest.

In the conditions of central Russia, and even more so in the northern regions, growing seedlings is mandatory. Fortunately, unlike cabbage, which requires low temperatures for growing seedlings (from 6 to 16 ° C), everything is in order with tomatoes in this regard: the conditions of a city apartment are mostly suitable for seedlings, only the sun is sometimes not enough. Therefore, for about two months a year, gardeners occupy all the free space in the apartment with boxes and cups with tomato seedlings.

Lunar calendar 2019 for planting tomato seeds

Many gardeners compare their sowing, planting and caring for plants with the phases of the moon and other celestial bodies. It is difficult to judge how correct this approach is, but there is probably something in this, because everything in nature is interconnected. True, a working person does not always manage to do everything exactly on the days when the Moon tells, but many pensioners try to adjust their gardening schedule to the lunar rhythms. The trouble is that in different sources at the same time you can find slightly different lunar calendars.

In 2019, the following days will be favorable for sowing tomatoes for seedlings:

  • February: 1, 2 (until 18:51), 3, 4, 7 (until 9:04), 8, 27, 28;
  • March: 1, 2 (after 9:44), 3 (before 17:21), 6 (after 14:55), 7, 8 (before 17:00), 11, 29, 30;
  • April: 1–4, 6–9, 11–13, 15–17, 20, 21, 24–26.

It is important not to plant seedlings on the days of the new moon and full moon:

  • February: 5, 19;
  • March: 6, 21;
  • April:5, 19.

Preliminary preparation

An experienced summer resident performs all operations in preparation for sowing seeds automatically, knowing when to get the harvested seeds from the box, what to do with them first, where and what kind of soil to get, where he keeps reusable cups or wooden boxes, or where and when to stock up peat pots. By spring, he already has some fertilizers in store and potassium permanganate, which has suddenly become scarce, which is very necessary for disinfecting both seeds and soil.

Seed preparation

In different manuals, you can find different descriptions of the preparation of seeds for planting, so I will try to briefly describe my more than thirty years of experience, without claiming that this is exclusively correct. But seasons without good tomatoes have not yet happened. I must say that I never bought seeds in a store, I use only my own and “from neighbors”. The remark is superfluous. Firstly, recently a lot of seeds have been sold that have been pre-treated in one way or another, they just need to be sown immediately in pots. Secondly, many tomatoes are not varieties, but hybrids (F1). Their preparation is very different from the preparation of varietal seeds and is also minimal.

The first sowing usually begins immediately after March 8th. At this time, I take out the seeds of early varieties. The disinfection procedure is combined with the rejection of seeds. To do this, I use a strong, very dark solution of potassium permanganate. Often in advice they miss a small nuance that people who are far from chemistry do not pay attention to. Potassium permanganate dissolves very slowly in cold water, and decomposes to a large extent in hot water. Therefore, to obtain a solution, it is necessary to dissolve a small amount of the drug (at the tip of a knife) in warm water (40 degrees), stirring occasionally and checking that there are no crystals left at the bottom. It is convenient to pour about half a can of water into a half-liter jar. If you hurry and put the seeds there ahead of time, the undissolved crystals will immediately burn them.

You can often see tips on preparing a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for this purpose, but some strange numbers are written next to it. Firstly, it is not easy to dissolve such an amount, although the maximum solubility at room temperature is 6 times greater. Secondly, this is already a bomb that burns all living things. Yes, and few in which apartment there are scales that allow you to take the necessary weights for preparing a glass of disinfectant solution. Therefore, we do it by eye and are not afraid. Seed treatment with a slightly pink solution can hardly be considered disinfection, the solution should be dark. Will the seeds color? Yes, they will stain, no big deal. They will be covered with a thin layer of the permanganate reduction product - manganese dioxide, which at the right stage will play the role of a trace element.

Potassium permanganate solutions of various concentrations are used as a disinfectant; I consider it possible to use a solution of dark purple color

I pour seeds of one variety into a jar with the prepared solution and keep them there for about 10 minutes, periodically shaking well. Those that have not drowned during this time, I mercilessly throw away, pouring the upper layers of the solution into another jar through a strainer. Then, through the same strainer, I filter out good seeds and rinse them very well under a tap with water. I put it in a wet cloth and keep it in a Petri dish for several days, observing in the morning and in the evening. (Those who do not have a Petri dish can be placed in any small container, covered with a lid that is not completely airtight).

As soon as at least a few pecked seeds are found, I send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then I take it out and keep it for 8 hours at room temperature. I alternate cold and warm three times. Everything. You can sow.

With the planting of these seeds is already too late: it will be difficult not to break off the roots

There are tips on heating the seeds by the battery, using hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, growth stimulants (Epin, honey, agave juice, etc.), etc. They even use air sparging! Most of the techniques have the right to use, each has its own methodology. But… Gardening should not turn into fanaticism, so we only do what is necessary. And disinfection and hardening (except for the southern regions) are necessary! But, for example, bubbling helps to hatch seeds covered with a strong oily layer (for example, carrots, parsley), it is absolutely useless for tomatoes.

As for hybrids, you still won’t collect seeds from them in the garden, it’s useless: you won’t understand what will grow. And conscientious producers pack them in our time already prepared for sowing, they recommend sowing dry. But ... It seems that it will not be superfluous to harden them in the conditions of the middle zone and the northern regions, if the plants do not have to live in a greenhouse.

Soil preparation

Seedlings will grow in almost any soil, unless it is infected, that is, not taken from a garden bed where vegetables grew and diseases raged last year. But, of course, it's not about her growing up in principle, but growing up strong and healthy. Now the stores sell ready-made soil for any garden crops. You can buy a package of such soil in order to grow a dozen roots, but our person does not associate with such a quantity.

Using such a package is convenient, but very expensive

In Saratov, tomatoes are almost "a matter of national pride", and few summer residents plant less than 150-200 bushes. Therefore, on purchased soil, you can go broke. At the same time, it is problematic to make up the optimal soil, which is advised in most manuals, since it is equal parts of peat, humus and soddy land. And if in central Russia peat is not a very big problem, then in the Volga region it is from the realm of exotic. So we take what we have.

And in the country there is heavy, clayey, but at the same time black earth, on which almost everything grows, except, perhaps, carrots, but which requires obligatory loosening after a certain number of hours after watering, otherwise it is an impenetrable crust. Here are a few buckets of this earth and we bring it every autumn, leave it on the balcony. Partially, the infection freezes out, but before planting the seedlings, we must dilute the earth with sand (2: 1) and spill it well with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. If we do not forget to grab compost from the dacha, add it as much as we have. And some ash.

I think steaming the soil in the oven is not a very good idea. Firstly, being in the apartment during this procedure is a dubious pleasure. Secondly, the soil must be alive, and not a simple inorganic substance. And at the recommended temperatures (above 100 ° C), not only pathogenic microbes will die, but all beneficial microorganisms.

So let's recap. You should not bother with the composition of the soil for seedlings of tomatoes, but it should be as nutritious as possible and at the same time breathable, not too heavy. To prevent diseases of seedlings, it must be disinfected by watering well with a dark solution of potassium permanganate.

How to grow strong tomato seedlings at home

The traditional ways of growing tomato seedlings are in common boxes and individual cups, but, as M. Zadornov said, “our man is strong with improvisation,” and as a result of what options were not born on Russian soil! Leaving aside such techniques as, for example, growing in coconuts, we will consider several different ways.

Growing on a windowsill in a house or apartment

In an apartment, the most successful place is usually a sunny windowsill, but there are few such apartments (and such summer residents) where all the seedlings could fit on the windowsill, and tomatoes are only a small part of the future garden ... Many owners equip additional shelves across the window, and boxes with seedlings are installed in several tiers, but this approach is usually not enough, additional tables are used ... But in this case, additional lighting is indispensable. The best options are cold light fluorescent lamps or diode lamps; Special phytolamps are far from being allowed by everyone.

It makes no sense to immediately sow tomatoes in separate cups, since picking is very desirable for them. Therefore, the prepared seeds are first sown in common boxes, pouring soil into them with a layer of 5–6 cm and dividing the box with partitions according to varieties.

First, you can sow the seeds in any convenient container: they do not live here for very long

Extremely convenient for sowing tomatoes are liter (and larger) rectangular cardboard bags from juice or milk. By cutting off one of the large sides and making holes for drainage in the opposite side, we get an excellent disposable container for sowing one or two varieties of seeds, which, after picking the plants, can be thrown away without regret.

O. A. Ganichkina recommends transplanting seedlings twice: first dive into small cups, then, as the seedlings grow, into larger ones. The advice, of course, is not bad, the seedlings will only become stronger from this, they will not stretch much, but where can I get so much space in the apartment? And on the windowsill? The best seedlings grow in a liter pot. We consider: 150-200 pieces of such pots, and even peppers, eggplants, cabbage, celery, numerous flowers ...

So, in a large box, cups or peat pots, we keep seedlings on the windowsill or a table moved up to it until planting in a greenhouse or open ground, that is, until the time comes for this, and the seedlings do not grow to 15–30 cm. What is good about an apartment? You can always control seedlings, quickly take measures to correct the situation. What is bad? Usually it is still too hot, it is not always possible to observe the temperature conditions. Well, there is simply not enough space!

Growing in a greenhouse

The presence of a greenhouse greatly simplifies the cultivation of tomato seedlings, unless, of course, it is easy to get to the greenhouse, and it is not located in the country, which is tens of kilometers away. The advantages of the greenhouse are obvious:

  • easier to regulate the temperature;
  • sufficient illumination can be provided;
  • a large amount of space allows you to grow an unlimited number of seedlings of different varieties and fruiting periods;
  • in connection with these advantages, seedlings grow stronger, do not stretch, the root system is more powerful.

Well, if the greenhouse is heated, all problems are generally removed. Minus - one: the cost of greenhouse equipment.

In the greenhouse, each plant can be provided with space

Growing seedlings in greenhouse conditions consists of absolutely the same steps as growing at home, it makes no sense to repeat what needs to be done to get strong plants. However, there are some features, and above all, it concerns the timing.

If the greenhouse is unheated, the timing of sowing depends on the region and the current weather. So, in the northern regions (colder than, for example, at the latitude of Moscow), sowing seeds is possible in mid-March, unless, of course, winter is already raging at that time. In the middle lane, this happens two weeks earlier. In a heated greenhouse, sowing is possible even in winter, if necessary.

The temperature in the greenhouse during sowing should be about 20 ° C, in the future the temperature regime is the same as at home. Fortunately, lowering the temperature in a greenhouse in March-April is much easier than at home. And in general, the greenhouse should be ventilated often: diseases develop more easily in stagnant air. Most often, in greenhouses, as in an apartment, they have boxes or pots, but no one bothers to sow seeds directly into the made beds. The most rational seems to be a mixed method: sowing seeds in common boxes and subsequent picking of plants already in a greenhouse bed. At the same time, if the greenhouse is used not only as a “transit point” between seedlings and open ground, but also the subsequent cultivation of tomatoes up to the harvest is supposed to be in it, it is possible to dive seedlings immediately to a permanent place.

Growing in a greenhouse

A greenhouse is usually understood as a small film (or with glass frames) shelter, that is, it is a kind of compact analogue of an unheated greenhouse. Heating in greenhouses is often provided by laying the so-called biofuel: fresh manure (preferably horse manure), straw, grass, etc., which is very hot during decomposition (for example, horse manure has a temperature of about 60 ° C). Biofuels can heat a greenhouse for several months. Growing seedlings in such a greenhouse is the most reliable and efficient way to grow seedlings.

The advantages of greenhouse cultivation over the apartment method are the same as in the case of a greenhouse, seedlings grow much stronger than at home; the advantage over an apartment is at a lower cost: it is greenhouses that most villagers use for this purpose, but this method should not be recommended for summer residents. The disadvantage, compared with a greenhouse, is that you need to monitor temperature conditions much more carefully: you can’t just open a window here, and it’s not easy to change the temperature by 1-2 degrees.

All procedures for growing seedlings in a greenhouse are similar to those discussed above, but putting boxes or pots in a greenhouse does not seem reasonable. Usually, beds are immediately prepared in a greenhouse for sowing seeds, where they are sown in the same way as in a box or box at home. Further care is similar, it also includes picking seedlings, which is carried out here, in the greenhouse bed. With the onset of warm weather and the readiness of the seedlings, it is hardened, removing the shelter, and then seated in a permanent place.

Use of various landing capacities

The use of boxes or reusable cups is a traditional technique in growing seedlings. The use of ice cream paper cups or homemade plastic bag containers has also been used for a long time. But in recent years, other approaches to creating a "dwelling" for seedlings have become widespread.

The use of peat pots

Peat disposable pots have been known for a long time; they are made of peat, pressed in the form of pots: geometric options and sizes are very different. Pot peat can be treated with fertilizers and growth promoters. The advantages of using peat pots over paper or plastic ones are as follows:

  • no need to remove seedlings when planting in the garden;
  • when transplanting, the roots are not injured;
  • the environmentally friendly material of the pots also serves as a fertilizer.

The only inconvenience in the work is that the watering pots get wet and soften greatly, so you need to be careful when moving them from place to place. And it’s better not to pick it up at all: put the right number of pots in the pallet and keep it that way. True, with a dense arrangement, roots can grow from one pot to another (the roots of most vegetables easily break through this barrier), and this must be monitored.

The peat pot will go to the garden along with its lodger - seedlings

Some crops are immediately sown in peat pots and are not touched anymore, but it is better to plant the tomato seeds in a separate box first, and when the seedlings reach the desired age, pick them up in separate peat pots. Due to the need for picking for tomatoes, such a well-known analogue as peat tablets is poorly suited: seeds of those vegetables that do not like picks are sown in them.

Application of plastic bottles

We are so accustomed to plastic bottles that we don’t remember that quite recently they didn’t exist at all. And how did we manage without them? After all, now in many cases a PET bottle is a lifesaver. Light, strong, often transparent ... Wherever the inquisitive mind of a Russian person has adapted them! Adapted for growing seedlings, even for obtaining grape seedlings from cuttings.

In the case of tomato seedlings, plastic bottles are most often used only at the first stage: seeds are sown in them, grown for the time required for the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, and then dive into peat or plastic cups in the usual way. But there are lovers who grow tomatoes in large, five-liter plastic bottles even before harvest, placing them on the balcony.

So, when growing seedlings:

  1. Cut a regular bottle lengthwise to make two small plastic boxes for sowing seeds.
  2. Pour a crushed eggshell on the bottom with a centimeter layer: it plays the role of drainage and allows you not to make holes to drain excess water.
  3. Pour a layer of soil, sow the seeds in the usual way and grow them right up to the pick.

Another option involves using the bottom half of a large (5- or 10-liter) bottle as a planting box, in which several seedlings are grown until they are planted in the garden. The advantage over bulky boxes is in compactness, the possibility of a simple rearrangement of bottles on the windowsill. But using them for individual cultivation (one tomato per bottle) is less economical. The pros and cons of using bottles are rather arbitrary: for some it is simply more convenient.

Some people use plastic bottles instead of large boxes.

Toilet paper application

Toilet paper is often used by gardeners at the first stage of growing seedlings of various vegetable crops. This is an example of the so-called hydroponics: growing plants without the use of land, where various inert materials can serve as a substrate. In the case of tomato seedlings, in addition to paper, the same plastic bottle or plastic bag is required. The simplest version of forcing sprouts looks like this:

Alternatively, they use paper in the form of a “snail”, winding it into a roll, having previously spread it over a plastic film, but this design is more suitable for miniature plants than for tomatoes.

The advantage of using toilet paper is that for at least two weeks less dirt settles in the apartment. The disadvantage is that it is not very easy to choose sprouts from paper: there is a risk of severely breaking off delicate roots.

Features of growing on the north side

To grow tomato seedlings, it is desirable that the windows of the apartment face the south side, the seedlings need warmth and sun. If the windows are located on the western, and even more so, the northern side, you will definitely have to highlight the boxes with seedlings. To begin with, they must be positioned so that the seedlings are as close as possible to the glass, but do not touch the glass.

You can use various reflective devices to increase the illumination: a mirror or at least aluminum foil. The screens should be positioned so that the maximum possible amount of light enters them, and the light is reflected on the seedlings.

In any case, if there are only northern windows, seeds for seedlings will have to be sown a little earlier. And even artificial lighting is not natural sunlight at all! By the way, it is undesirable to illuminate with incandescent lamps: they heat the air very much, and even for tomato seedlings, excess heat is useless. Modern lamps on diode elements are the best option.

Is it necessary to pick tomatoes

Some vegetable crops do not tolerate picking at all, for others it is undesirable, but for tomatoes, picking is mandatory. Of course, the seedlings will grow without it, because in the south, the seeds are sown immediately in the garden to a permanent place. But it's one thing - immediately to a permanent place, and quite another - to survive the apartment conditions, where the temperature is not all right, and there is little light, and the breeze does not blow ... Seedlings in the apartment often just pamper, so you need to at least make the roots grow better , and this is achieved by picking, during which the central spine is necessarily pinched.

Seedlings are ready for picking when they have the first two or three leaves, and this happens about 12 days after sowing the seeds. Previously, it is not necessary to carry out a pick: after all, in fact, this operation is a breaking off of the lower segment of the central root to ensure the growth of lateral roots.

A few hours before the procedure, seedlings should be well watered. Dig up seedlings with a small scoop or with any suitable kitchen utensils. Do not be afraid to damage the spine, but with sudden movements it can simply be cut off. Why is the procedure so named? For its implementation, any convenient peg, similar to a pike, is used, often just a sharpened pencil. With this pike, a hole is made in the soil and with its help the seedling is lowered there, having previously pinched the root. Tomato seedlings should be deepened almost to the cotyledon leaves. It remains to gently squeeze the roots with your fingers and pour well with warm water.

For the first two or three days, the pickled seedlings must be removed in partial shade and the temperature slightly raised. Plants that have taken root well in a new place will quickly continue to grow.

Video: picking tomato seedlings

Growing tomato seedlings on your own allows you to save money and get plants of the desired variety, at the right time, and with some experience - and high quality. The process of growing seedlings is quite complicated, but the success achieved is always a pleasure: what is done with one's own hands is sure to raise self-esteem. Therefore, growing seedlings makes sense, if only there are minimal conditions for this.

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable on our table, with excellent taste and nutritional qualities. A variety of varieties allows it to be widely used both fresh and processed. The fruits of some varieties are preferred to be added to salads, while others are preferred to be added to pickles and marinades.

To get a good harvest of tomatoes from your garden, you need to know and follow the rules of cultivation. First, since the fall, it is desirable to prepare nutrient soil. Then you need to carefully select and prepare the seeds, which should also be planted in the ground according to certain rules. And seedlings must be properly monitored and cared for.

Tomato seeds can be planted immediately on the beds. And in order for fresh tomatoes to be on the table as early as possible, you should use the seedling method of growing tomatoes.

Depending on how you plan to grow tomatoes in a permanent place, you should select the sowing time.

  1. Seeds of greenhouse varieties are planted from February 15 to March 15.
  2. Seedlings, the seeds of which were planted in the first two decades of March, are later planted in open beds, for which it is required to build a shelter for the first time.
  3. For plants that are planned to be planted in open ground without any shelters, seeds are planted from March 15 to March 31.

In other words, if the seedlings are intended for further cultivation until they are harvested from the greenhouse, then the seeds should be sown approximately one and a half to two months before transplanting. If the seedlings are supposed to be transferred to open ground, then it is advisable to sow the seeds for a period of two to two and a half months from the planned date of planting.

Important! In climatic zones where there is a possibility of late frosts in the spring, it is better to wait with planting seedlings until the time when the risk of exposure to this negative factor is minimal.

Step-by-step instructions for growing tomato seedlings at home

Table. How to grow tomato seedlings at home.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Prepare the soil and fill the seed boxes with it.

Immerse the seeds in a 5% salt solution for 10 minutes. Then, after thorough rinsing, leave in water until swelling. Or you can just soak the seeds in water. To do this, they must be wrapped in a damp cotton cloth or napkin and placed in a shallow plate. Cover with something on top to prevent evaporation of moisture and keep in a warm room for a day.

One of the methods. Sow seeds in grooves, the distance between which is about 5 cm. Pre-moisten the soil with a slightly warm solution in which the seeds were kept. The sowing depth should be 1 cm, and the distance between the seeds should not exceed 2 cm. Do not water after planting. From above, you can cover with a film to speed up the process of seed germination.

Transfer sprouts to separate pots.

Tomatoes need a lot of light. After the first sprouts appear, special lamps should be installed above them.

Tomato seedlings are watered in the morning. The water temperature must be +28°C. In sunny weather, you need to do this every day. It is preferable to use soft water, such as melted water. If there is no sun, watering is done when the soil dries up. Seedlings need to start hardening two weeks before transferring to the beds.

To get a rich harvest, it is desirable to feed the seedlings with fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out during watering.

Soil preparation. Planting seeds

Some points of our step-by-step instructions need clarification. Let's consider them in more detail.

It is best to use soil prepared in the fall for tomato seedlings. Biohumus, sand and other additives are mixed into the soil, including peat, soddy soil and humus. The proportions of the components are selected depending on the incoming ingredients. Tomatoes love soil that absorbs moisture well, allows air to pass through, is not acidic and is quite nutritious.

If the seeds are supposed to be sown in boxes, then in the future it is necessary to dive. In this case, the sowing boxes are filled with earth by two-thirds. Before sowing, it is recommended to moisten the seed pits. Nutrients can be added to the water.

It is advisable to grow tomato seedlings at home without further diving. The fact is that when picking, the roots of plants are damaged. It takes about 7 days for tomatoes to take root in a new place and restore the root system. Therefore, the fruits from such plants can be obtained a week later.

If you do not plan to grow tomatoes on an industrial scale, then it is better to sow seeds immediately in separate plastic or peat pots. In this case, when transferred to open ground or a greenhouse, the plants will immediately begin to grow and develop rapidly.

Sowing early tomatoes should be done only in or pots with a volume of at least 500 ml.

You can grow tomato seedlings at home, using special ones for this, if in the future it is planned to plant it in a greenhouse. Then you can do without picking or sowing directly into pots. Seedlings grown in this way are transferred immediately to the greenhouse.

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Seeding rules

  1. Sowing in boxes is carried out in compliance with the interval of 5 cm between seeds. It is also necessary to make indents of 10 cm between rows. Such measures are needed in order to avoid thinning seedlings.
  2. It is desirable to deepen the seeds by no more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, rare and weakened seedlings can be obtained.
  3. After sowing, the container must be covered with a film, after moistening the air under it with a spray bottle. Until sprouts appear, keep in a dark, warm room. Shoots can begin to appear after 3 days. When sowing in open ground or a greenhouse, it takes longer to wait for seedlings.

  • When sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the boxes with seedlings placed in the light. For example, on a well-lit window sill.
  • After the cotyledon leaves open, it is necessary to discard not enough good sprouts, as well as those that did not get rid of the seed box.
  • How to care for seedlings

    In the first two weeks after sowing the seeds, the night temperature in the room where the boxes are installed should not exceed +15°C. During the day it should be no more than +20°C.

    After two weeks, hardening is carried out, at which the temperature is maintained at night no more than + 10 ° C, and during the day no more than + 15 ° C.

    The air in the room should be humidified up to 65%.

    When the plants have two true leaves, it is recommended to thin out the seedlings. For further growth, it is required to maintain strong plants with a thick stem and bright leaves, removing all weak seedlings 5 ​​centimeters in diameter from them.

    It is produced when the third true leaf begins to appear on the seedlings. To support the root system, which will inevitably suffer during this procedure, the night before, the plants are watered with a solution of water and superphosphate at the rate of 2 granules per 1 sprout. When diving, the same soil is taken that was used during sowing.

    If you are late with a dive, then the yield indicators will decrease by about a quarter. When diving directly into the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain an interval between plants of about 10 cm.

    How to care for seedlings

    Young seedlings require daily morning watering, as well as strict adherence to the regime of permissible temperatures. The room in which it will grow must be regularly ventilated to prevent diseases.

    At this time, the plants will develop very intensively, so the seedlings require additional lighting. With a lack of light, it can stretch. We recommend to purchase for the organization of highlighting. When using them, it must be borne in mind that the seedlings should not be lit for more than 12 hours a day. If seedlings are grown without additional lighting, then you can increase the flow of natural light. To do this, the container with plants is set at an angle to the window, the reverse side of which is covered with a light-reflecting cloth. For these purposes, a mirror or a layer of foil may be suitable.

    Advice! When the plants have 5 leaves, split off the first 2. In this case, the seedlings will grow more slowly up.

    When the daytime temperature reaches + 14 ° C and above, the seedlings are recommended to start taking out to fresh air. This is done so that she gets used to the sun. First, leave it for half an hour in the shade, gradually increasing the time interval.

    1. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after the dive. For fertilizer, a solution is taken from 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium sulfate, mixed with 15 g of superphosphate and diluted in 5 liters of water. Watering with a slightly warm solution.
    2. 7 days before transferring seedlings to open ground, they should be fed again. For seedlings of good quality with bright green leaves, a solution of 20 g of superphosphate and 12 g of potassium sulfate per 5 liters of water is prepared for fertilizer.

    With a lack of nutrients, seedlings will look bad. Their greens will be pale, and a purple hue may be noticeable on the stems.

    At first glance, growing tomato seedlings is a simple matter, but in practice everything is much more complicated. In the course of work, various kinds of problems often arise, with which it is not always clear how to cope. The fact is that tomatoes come from South America, which means that they are rather capricious plants that are demanding on external conditions, especially in our latitudes. If they don’t like something, then they won’t have to count on a rich harvest. But everything can be different if you get a hand in growing seedlings and work out your secrets.

    Tomatoes have a long growing season. In some southern regions, their seeds can be immediately planted in the ground, where the climate and daylight allow it. But basically, preliminary forcing of seedlings is required, which begins as early as February-March. I am glad that the conditions of a city apartment are more or less enough for young tomatoes, except that there is not enough sunlight. But this disadvantage is easily compensated by artificial lighting. So, where does the cultivation of tomatoes begin, and what rules should be followed?

    Varietal diversity: what to choose

    Before you plant something, you need to decide what to plant. With the choice of a variety of tomatoes and a place for planting them, preparations for sowing work begin. Today, breeders have bred thousands of different forms of the product, among which the following can be distinguished into separate groups:

    Hybrids are best grown in warm areas, where it is easier for them to provide suitable growth conditions. In addition, it is hybrid forms that, from an economic point of view, bring the greatest profit to summer residents. If the goal is to grow tomatoes from their own seeds or the climatic conditions are quite severe, preference is given to varietal forms.

    If you turn to an experienced gardener for advice, he will definitely recommend planting zoned varieties adapted to local conditions. They will be less hassle when growing.

    There is another significant factor influencing the choice - the place where the tomato is grown.

    Whether it will be a greenhouse or open ground depends on the summer resident, so the following options are being considered here:

    • Indeterminate varieties- the highest representatives, reaching 2.5 m or more. They grow slowly, constantly forming generative buds. Fruiting later, long. Require pinching and to supports, protected ground. Usually grown in greenhouses;
    • Superdeterminant- dwarf (30-50 cm) early-ripening varieties and hybrids, the growth of which stops after the formation of 2-3 brushes. The fruits ripen together, new ovaries are not formed. There is no need for pinning. Grown for early harvest in greenhouses or in the open field;
    • Determinate Tomatoes- Good for growing outdoors. They reach a height of 1 m, forming 3-6 flower brushes every 2 leaves, starting from the fifth. Harvest ripens early and amicably. Requires tying;
    • Semi-determinant varieties and hybrids- late-ripening tomatoes up to 2 m high, forming from 9 to 12 flower brushes. Require pinching and tying. Shrub congestion is often noted when fruiting occurs at the expense of roots and leaves. Grown in a greenhouse, in the south - in the open field;
    • Standard tomatoes- undersized early ripening varieties with a thick, strong stem. Such tomatoes are unpretentious, they control their own growth, forming a compact shrub 40-60 cm tall. They have an underdeveloped root system, and therefore they can be grown denser to each other.

    Special mention deserves tomatoes adapted to growth in containers. These are super determinant varieties that can be grown on a balcony or loggia. For this, often, self-pollinating varieties or varieties that do not require pollination in principle are chosen. Fruit ripening times vary.

    Thus, low and medium-sized tomatoes are more suitable for open ground. And it is better to choose ultra-early and early tomatoes, which are more likely to give a bountiful harvest in a cool climate. In the south, late-ripening representatives can also be planted; their crops are harvested in August-September. Accordingly, hybrids and tall tomatoes are grown in the greenhouse, and here you can already choose varieties regardless of the time of fruiting. Do not forget about the taste of tomatoes and the purpose for which they are grown.

    Where do you grow tomatoes?

    in the greenhousein OG

    Optimal timing for forcing seedlings

    Typically, seed producers indicate on the packaging the optimal time for sowing. But every gardener should be able to calculate it on his own, especially if his own, manually collected seeds are used. The timing of sowing depends on the precocity of the variety and on where the grown seedlings will be planted - in a greenhouse or in a garden.

    The calculation is based on the duration of the growing season:

    • For ultra-early varieties - 65-75 days;
    • For early ripening - 75-90 days;
    • For mid-early - 90-105 days;
    • For mid-season - 110-120 days;
    • For late-ripening - 120-140 days.

    Having determined the approximate date of receipt of the crop of the selected variety, subtract from it the growing season and 5-10 days allotted for emergence and adaptation of seedlings. Thus, the optimal time for sowing tomato seeds is obtained:

    The terms of planting seeds given in the table are indicated taking into account the further transplantation of seedlings into open ground. If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, the seeds are planted 10-14 days earlier.

    The lunar calendar advises above-ground plants to be planted on a growing moon, then their shoots will grow faster, and the fruits will tie up and take shape well. The most fertile zodiac signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If the growing moon falls on these signs, the shoots will be strong and strong.

    In 2018, favorable days for forcing seedlings will be:

    • February: 6-7, 21-22, 25-26;
    • March: 20-21, 24-25;
    • April: 17-18, 20-22; 27-29.

    Sowing work is not recommended on the days of the New Moon, Full Moon and Solar Eclipse. If the phase of the moon does not coincide with the favorable sign of the zodiac, then the work is carried out in accordance with the sign, but they try to do this by the end of the unfavorable period.

    Conditions for growing healthy seedlings

    Tomatoes are very demanding on the external environment, especially light and heat in the early stages of growth. But if there are no problems with heat in a city apartment, then with lighting, everything is somewhat more complicated. It is this factor that is key when growing seedlings. What conditions need to be provided for tomatoes to grow strong and healthy?

    Air temperature

    Seeds planted in the ground germinate at a temperature of at least 10-15°C, but 23-26°C is more favorable. If the air is warmed below 10 °, there will be no shoots. After the seeds hatch and the first two true leaves appear, the daytime temperature can be reduced to 20-22°C, and the night temperature to 16-18°C. This mode will contribute well to the development of seedlings. If the temperature is reduced to 13-15 ° C, the seedlings will begin to act up.

    soil temperature

    Optimally, if the soil is warmed up to 20-25 ° C. At t≤14°С, the life processes of the plant stop, the growth and development of seedlings stops. At t≥25°С, seedlings develop more intensively, but in the future this will affect the quality of the crop. Hybrid varieties of tomatoes require a temperature 1-2°C higher than the culture as a whole.

    Daylight hours

    As soon as the first leaves shed their seeds, the plantings are provided with additional lighting. In general, daylight hours for seedlings should be 12-15 hours, and even those plantings that are located on the southern windows illuminate.

    In winter, the lamps turn on at 6-7 in the morning and turn off around 8-9 in the evening. If the day is clear, then during the hours of the most intense sun, the lamps can be turned off.

    The lack of additional illumination will lead to the fact that the seedlings will begin to "starve". From the lack of light, the seedlings will strenuously stretch upward, their stems will become longer and thinner, and the internodes will stretch. Slow photosynthesis is the cause of weakness and soreness of seedlings.

    There is no need to provide seedlings with round-the-clock lighting. Plants should rest at least 5 hours a day, since it is at this time that the substances accumulated during the day are processed. If the tomatoes do not arrange a "night sleep", over time, a nutrient deficiency will affect their condition.

    Lighting quality

    In addition to the length of daylight hours, tomatoes need to provide a sufficient amount of light. Tomato seedlings require 20 thousand lux or more for normal development, which can only be provided with artificial lighting. Moreover, the light should fall at a right angle, as tomatoes love it. Naturally, plants receive only 3-5 thousand lux on the window.

    For lighting, they take lamps with a power of up to 400 W, which are suspended above the seedlings at a height of up to half a meter, depending on the type of lamp. The main thing is that the tomatoes do not “burn” under them, while receiving a sufficient amount of light. As a light source, you can use fluorescent and LED lamps, high-pressure mirror lamps. It is better if these are lamps of 830-840 spectrum and higher, since the quality of light directly affects the process of seedling growth.

    Humidity of air and soil

    With regard to air humidity, there are no problems in the apartment for young tomatoes - 55-65% is enough for them, which are supported naturally. If, as a result of intensive heating, the air
    dries out, a humidifier or regular irrigation of seedlings from a spray bottle will come to the rescue. At high humidity and air temperature, there is a risk of developing fungal diseases, so ventilation is recommended.

    At the time of planting seeds and in the early stages of growth, while the roots are superficial, increased soil moisture is necessary. Otherwise, the seedlings will dry out and die. But for grown seedlings, moderately moist soils are favorable. Their root system is pivotal, deep, and therefore abundant watering is not required. Watered in the morning, before the heat, so that the sun does not dry out the soil during the day. Evening watering is undesirable, as the temperature at night can drop significantly. In combination with moist soil, this can be a serious test for seedlings.

    soil fertility

    The tomato is unpretentious to the quality of the soil. It can grow equally well on both sandy and loamy soils, as well as on not too heavy clay soils. The main thing is that the soil is breathable, drained, rich in organic matter. Organics are introduced into the soil for seedlings in advance, at least six months before sowing. From mineral fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium are mainly required. But at the stage of intensive growth, it is important not to overfeed the seedlings, otherwise it will grow too rapidly, and this will further affect the yield. The acidity of the soil should be approximately neutral.

    Forcing tomato seedlings: procedure

    To make your work easier, tomato seedlings can be bought on the market. But there is no guarantee that it will be a quality material, not to mention the fact that the grown variety may not correspond to the declared one. It is better to grow tomatoes yourself from the very beginning and, if possible, collect seeds for the next harvest. Then your favorite varieties will delight from year to year. How to grow tomato seedlings in your apartment, and what may be required for this?

    Soil preparation

    The main condition for the growth of any seedlings is a healthy soil. If you plan to grow no more than a couple of dozen bushes, then you can buy ready-made soil. But in other cases, this is impractical, since it will require significant cash costs.

    Soil is prepared. In the fall, they take the basis - the earth from the garden, greenhouse or the nearest forest, and leave it to winter on the street. During frosts, some of the pathogenic microbes will die. By spring, river sand, compost, ash are added to the thawed soil and mixed. The constituent components should be approximately in equal proportions, but not necessarily. You can, for example, put a little more sand or, if available, peat. The main thing is that the soil is nutritious.

    When the soil is ready, it is disinfected in one of the following ways:

    • Warm up at high temperatures in the oven. Particularly resourceful gardeners adapt a double boiler and microwave oven for this purpose. The procedure takes about 1 hour;

    The calcination of the earth leads to the destruction of all soil microbes, including useful ones. Therefore, such a procedure should be carried out 2-3 weeks before sowing, so that beneficial bacteria have time to multiply and the soil becomes “alive”.

    • Poured with boiling water, but the soil must be placed in a container with holes in the bottom to let excess water out;
    • Watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    In the last two cases, the soil will be ready for sowing in 10-12 days.

    Seed treatment and soaking

    Seeds purchased in factory packages, including hybrids, have already been processed by the manufacturer, so nothing is required from the summer resident in this regard - just plant them in prepared soil. But if the seeds were collected on their own or taken "from a neighbor", then pre-treatment is indispensable. Prepare the seeds for planting in the following order:

    • Choose only medium and large seeds. Small, blackened, wrinkled are rejected;
    • The selected seeds are dipped in a saline solution (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water), stirred and left for 7-10 minutes. Empty, barren seeds will float on the surface - they are also rejected. The rest are washed and dried.
    disinfection It is impossible to plant untreated seeds, as there is a risk of introducing pathogenic microbes into the soil, which can cause seedlings to get sick in the future. For disinfection, you can use:
    • Strong solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, several crystals are dissolved in water at a temperature of 40 ° C, at the tip of a knife. The seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped into the solution for 15-20 minutes, after which they are removed and washed;
    • soda solution. In half a glass of water, dilute 1/5 tsp. soda, where the seeds wrapped in gauze are then lowered. Withstand the day. It is believed that tomatoes grown from such seeds begin to bear fruit earlier;
    • Aloe juice solution. The juice of the healer can be bought at a pharmacy or squeezed out on your own. Dilute in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and soak the seeds for a day. In the future, tomatoes will have stronger immunity;
    • Fitosporin solution. It is prepared in accordance with the instructions, depending on the form of release. Seeds are kept in it for 1-2 hours, then washed.
    Soak They take a Petri dish or other similar container and cover the bottom with wet cotton pads or a cloth. Spread the seeds on top and cover with a lid, but not completely airtight. If there is no lid, you can wrap the container in cellophane. Make sure that the seeds are kept in a humid environment at all times.
    Stratification In other words, hardening. As soon as the first hatched seeds are found, they are placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then take out and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. This is done 3-4 times, making sure that the seeds do not dry out. After hardening, tomatoes can be sown.

    An optional condition for preparing a tomato is to feed their seeds in nutrient solutions to stimulate growth. Although, by and large, the seeds will germinate without them. But disinfection and hardening must be carried out. The yield of the product depends on this.

    Sowing seeds

    Any convenient container can be adapted for sowing - a wooden box, peat or plastic cups, plastic containers, cut cardboard bags from juice or milk. Drainage holes must be made in them to drain excess water. Also, when choosing containers, it is taken into account that soil 5-7 cm high will be poured into them. If a common box is used, it should be divided into sections in advance for
    various varieties.

    So, the seeding order is as follows:

    • The container is filled with soil, level it;
    • Make grooves with a depth of 0.5-1 cm in increments of 3-4 cm. Instead of grooves, there can be holes of the same depth at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
    • Seeds are laid out in the grooves every 2-3 cm, 2-3 seeds are placed in the holes (the less often the seeds are sown, the longer they can be kept in the original container). Seeds are sprinkled with soil;

    You can sow without grooves, simply spreading the seeds over the surface of the leveled soil and gently sprinkling 1 cm of earth without tamping.

    • Plantings are irrigated from a spray bottle until well moistened and covered with a film or glass until pecking;
    • The container is left near the battery or in another warm, bright place, making sure that the earth does not dry out.

    If mold has formed in the container (due to waterlogging), slightly lift the film for ventilation. The mold is carefully removed, and the soil area is watered with Fitosporin or Fundazol.

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