Red cherry plum jam. Cherry plum jam with and without seeds How to remove seeds from cherry plum

Many varieties of cherry plum have one unpleasant feature - an ingrown seed. It is simply impossible to remove this seed without turning the cherry plum into puree. But there are also varieties in which the seed is easily pushed out with a stick. When choosing how to make cherry plum jam, you need to take this feature into account.
Cherry plum, unlike its fellow plum, contains less sugar, but more calcium. Cherry plum seeds are used as one of the components for the manufacture of activated carbon tablets. So, even if you have to make jam with seeds, take comfort in the fact that you are getting more benefits from your jam.

To prepare red cherry plum jam, prepare:

  • 1 kg cherry plum;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

The pulp of the cherry plum is too dense, it does not have enough juice, therefore, water is needed here.

Prepare the cherry plum. Wash it, and if possible, remove the seeds. If the seeds do not come off, prick the skin with a toothpick in several places. If this is not done, the skin will burst during cooking and separate from the pulp.

Make syrup from water and sugar.

Pour the cherry plum into the hot syrup and remove the pan from the stove.

Let the fruits soak in the syrup and cool. Ideally, cherry plum should be infused for about 10 hours, but this is ideal. You can simply wait for the syrup to cool and continue making the jam.

Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. During the process, you need to remove the foam and stir the jam a little.

5 minutes after boiling, remove the pan from the stove and let the jam rest.

Bring the jam to a boil again and check the syrup for readiness. Place a drop of syrup on a cooled, dry plate and tip it. If the drop remains in place, then the syrup is ready. If it starts to leak, then you need to continue cooking the jam on the lowest heat until done.

Spicy cherry plum jam in the oven with cloves and cinnamon - seedless recipe

  • Cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • Cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

Cut the fruit and remove the seeds.

Place the cherry plum in a deep saucepan, or better yet, a roasting pan with a tight-fitting lid.

Add sugar, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice and mix well. Let the cherry plum stand for 2-3 hours.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, cover the pan with a lid, and simmer the jam for an hour and a half. Check the condition of the jam every half hour and stir it.

Place the finished jam in dry, sterile jars with lids and store it in the pantry.

Cherry plum jam is stored well, and in a cool place it is suitable for consumption for 24 months. If you store it at room temperature, it is advisable to consume it before 9 months.

How to make red cherry plum jam for the winter, watch the video:

For preparations you can use yellow or red cherry plum. The yellow fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, they are small and overly sour - few people like such fruits raw, but the jam they make is a very beautiful amber color, with a characteristic aftertaste, which is leveled out by adding a large amount of sugar (usually 700-800 grams per 1 kilogram of cherry plum).

Red cherry plum, unlike yellow one, is sweeter and meatier. Basically, these are specially bred hybrid varieties, with large fruits, sweet, pleasantly sour. Red cherry plum jam turns out to be especially tasty, because during cooking you can use much less sugar (700-800 grams per 2 kilograms of cherry plum). Don’t worry, it will harden perfectly, because red cherry plum contains natural pectin in abundance, which is responsible for the thickness of the jam. And of course, this is a recipe for seedless cherry plum jam - what kind of jam includes seeds, I would like to know?!))

Red cherry plum jam for the winter, the recipe for which I present to your attention today, will turn out thick, dark red, dense and elastic in consistency, like soft marmalade, taste - moderately sweet, with a wonderful aroma, which, if desired, can be emphasized by adding spicy cinnamon. It can be served with tea, mixed with cottage cheese or pudding, and used in home baking.

Total cooking time: 70 minutes
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Yield: 1 liter and 350 ml


  • red cherry plum – 2 kg
  • water – 250 ml
  • sugar - 800 g
  • cinnamon - 1 stick (optional)


    First you need to prepare the fruit - rinse and remove the pit from each fruit. Despite the fact that cherry plum belongs to the plum genus, it is not so easy to remove the seeds from it; you will have to boil the fruits. Sweet varieties are suitable (for example, cherry plum variety “Nesmeyana”), the fruits must be ripe and sweet, and in no case green. So, I sorted out the cherry plum and washed it. I poured 2 kilograms into a large enamel pan.

    I added a glass of spring water and put the pan on low heat. Bring to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes, covered, stirring, until the fruits become soft. Evaluate the process visually. The fruits should be softened so that you can easily remove the seeds. And do not pour more water than 1 glass per 2 kg of cherry plum, otherwise you will have to boil the jam for a long time; it will turn out too watery. During boiling, the fruits will gradually “settle” themselves and release a lot of juice.

    Now it’s time to free the cherry plum from the seeds. To do this, I used a sieve and rubbed the boiled fruit through it. This way the pulp was easily separated from the juice. I only removed the seeds and left the skins. If you want the jam without skins, then throw away all the pulp. But personally, I like it when I come across pieces of cherry plum; besides, they contain a lot of vitamins.

    We weighed the resulting mass - it turned out to be 2 kg of seedless fruit puree (that is, the same weight as it was initially; the weight of the seeds compensated for the glass of water that we added during cooking to soften the fruits). I added granulated sugar at the rate of 200 g of sugar for every 500 g of pitted cherry plum, that is, 800 g in total. For flavor, I added a cinnamon stick - it is not necessary to add it, but it gives an interesting aroma to the preparation and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

    She returned the pan to the stove. Stirring constantly, brought to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam! This is necessary so that the finished product is not susceptible to souring during winter storage. In addition, in addition to coagulated proteins, the foam may contain debris. As soon as it boiled, reduced the heat to medium and simmered, stirring constantly, until thickened - about 45-60 minutes, without a lid. Be guided by the consistency - it should become dense and thick, slowly draining from a spoon. Attention! Remove the cinnamon stick after 20 minutes from boiling, otherwise the aroma of the spice will be too intense.

    As soon as you see that the fruit jam has reduced and thickened greatly, it’s time to remove the pan from the heat. I poured the hot cherry plum jam into pre-prepared sterilized and always dry jars. Sealed with clean lids. Turned it upside down and left it until it cooled completely (no need to wrap it up).

    The yield was 1 liter and 350 ml, but here everything depends on the juiciness of the fruit, so it is better to prepare containers of different volumes, preferably small ones. Lids can be regular metal or screw-on.

After complete cooling, you can transfer it to the cellar or other cool and dark place, where seedless cherry plum jam will be stored for 1 year. As it cools, it gels even more and becomes thicker. Have delicious winter preparations!

Today we will talk about a berry like cherry plum. Surprise your family with wonderful seedless cherry plum jam. The recipe is quite simple, and step-by-step photos will help you with preparation. It is not immediately possible to guess such a preparation, because sweet cherry plum may resemble plums, some apples, and maybe peaches... The berry ripens in the middle of summer, when strawberries, cherries, and gooseberries have already grown. You can prepare a wide variety of preparations from it: bright compotes, sweet jams and syrups. Mostly, I have come across jam with seeds, since it is the seeds that are difficult to separate from the pulp and the housewife, in order not to bother for a long time, boils the berries whole. This is of course convenient, not without its charms, but a similar option without seeds is much better, tastier and more convenient. Spreading delicious seedless cherry plum jam on fresh toast is a real treat, so take the time to prepare this delicious seedless cherry plum jam. Remember that cherry plum comes in different varieties: yellow and red with a burgundy tint. They taste very similar, so choose the type you like best. For me, red cherry plum jam looks more appetizing, but some people like yellow cherry plum jam, it looks like honey. Everyone's tastes are different, but the principle of making homemade jam is the same, so don't miss today's recipe.


  • 600 grams of red or yellow cherry plum,
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

How to make pitted cherry plum jam

We wash the cherry plum berries and let them sit in a sieve so that all the water is gone. The cherry plum is large and can be washed in a matter of minutes without much hassle. Sometimes we come across tails that we immediately tear off.

Let's arm ourselves with a knife and cut the pulp of the cherry plum from the pit. There will be a lot of waste, but the pulp will remain tasty and juicy.

Cover the cherry plum with granulated sugar, use slightly less sugar than berries so that the jam retains a slight sourness. If you like very sweet jam, add about 100-150 grams more sugar than in the recipe. Leave the cherry plum aside, covering it with a lid. The berries will release juice and the sugar will completely melt.

Cook the jam over low heat for 35-40 minutes until thickened, stirring from the bottom from time to time so that the jam does not burn.

We pour the hot jam into jars that we have washed, rinsed and steamed in advance.

We roll up the jam with any lids of your choice: screw or turnkey iron, put it under a warm “fur coat” and wait for the jars to cool completely.

Ready cherry plum jam is ideally stored in a dark pantry or a regular cellar.

Making jam is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to preserve the cherry plum harvest for the winter.

Sweet and sour, viscous, aromatic cherry plum jam will decorate any winter tea party. The jam has a rich taste and aroma, is undemanding to storage conditions, and its preparation does not require much effort from you.

Both options will not take up much of your time, and the result - aromatic and tasty homemade cherry plum jam - will delight you on long winter evenings and brighten up your anticipation of spring. Let's get started?!

Prepare your ingredients. To prepare cherry plum jam with pits, you will additionally need a cup of water (250–300 ml) to prepare the sugar syrup.

Prepare the cherry plum. Wash, sort and remove all spoiled and wrinkled fruits.

To make pitted cherry plum jam, cut the fruit in half and remove the pit. If the cherry plum is ripe and soft, the seed can simply be squeezed out of the fruit by pressing it with a pencil or other small-diameter handy object.

Lay the cherry plum in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

Leave for several hours until the plum releases its juice.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the jam until completely cooled.

Repeat the procedure two to four more times, gradually boiling the jam to the thickness you need.

To prepare cherry plum jam with pits, pour hot water over the prepared fruits. The water temperature should be about 80 degrees; if the water is too hot, the skin of the fruit will burst. I don't have a thermometer, so I just cool the boiled water a little (a few minutes) before pouring it over the fruit.

After 3-4 minutes, drain the hot water and, after rinsing the fruits with cold water, pierce them in 2-3 places with a needle or toothpick.

Combine sugar and water. Over low heat, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves. Turn off the heat and place the cherry plums in the hot sugar syrup.

Leave the fruits in the syrup for 4-5 hours, then repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. Each time, bring the syrup to a boil, turn it off and leave the berries to cool in the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil for the last time and simmer over low heat for 10–20 minutes until the syrup reaches the desired consistency and thickness.

Place hot jam in sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Cherry plum jam with and without seeds is ready. Bon appetit!

Cherry plum, or wild plum, juicy, with a slight sourness, is widespread in the southern mountainous regions of the planet - in the Caucasus, Iran, Asia Minor. It is unpretentious in breeding, but loves warmth and bears fruit abundantly only in the south.

The harvest is harvested in late summer-early autumn. There are many color options for cherry plum fruits: greenish, yellow, pink, raspberry-red, purple. Moreover, the color of the fruit can say a lot about the composition of the berry: for example, yellow cherry plum contains many carotenoids, and purple cherry plum contains anthocyanins.

Cherry plum is low in calories and has a low glycemic index. Its juice and flowers are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Activated carbon is made from the shells of cherry plum seeds.

Cherry plum is incredibly tasty both fresh and in jam, and as a pie filling. It is used to make jam and marshmallows, syrups and marmalade, wine and compote, pilaf and kharcho soup. There are even recipes for making cherry plum with garlic - for example, tkemali and satsebeli sauces.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of cherry plum is that the seeds are not always easily separated from its pulp, except in very ripe berries. And if they hardly interfere in jam or compote, then their presence in other dishes is unacceptable.

How to free cherry plum fruits from the inedible part and at the same time preserve their shape is a question that housewives have to solve, who prefer that their dishes not only taste good, but also look beautiful.

Methods for peeling cherry plum berries from seeds

There are quite a large number of options and methods for peeling seeds from berries. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. The seeds from the cherry plum can be removed using a knife: the berries are cut in half and the hard core is removed by hand. But, unfortunately, a significant part of the pulp is often lost, and during heat treatment, the cut fruits boil too much and turn into jam, which is not suitable for every housewife. And the time required in this case is impressive, especially if you have to process several kilograms.
  2. The next method requires some skill. The cherry plum berry is placed on the neck of the bottle with the notch upward, and then with a stick no thicker than a pencil the seed is squeezed into the bottle. In this case, the appearance of the berry will hardly suffer, unless, of course, the housewife overdoes it with the pressure and if the bottle is well strengthened.

  3. Various devices for squeezing cores out of fruits, both manual and mechanical, operate on the same principle. The simplest ones are shaped like a double spoon or a stapler. The berry is placed on the lower plane in a recess with a hole, the device is compressed with the palm, and with the help of a tip with a spring mechanism, the seed is quickly pushed out.

    Other devices may be a piston attached to the container. A handful of cherry plums is placed in a tray above the container, the berry enters the recess under the tooth, which is driven mechanically, the squeezed-out seed falls inside, and then the berry rolls out through the outlet sleeve.

  4. Special devices are very convenient that allow you to remove seeds from a significant number of berries at one time. During the summer preparations, they are indispensable, as they are a great time saver for the housewife. Such devices have several cells and teeth at once. The berries are rolled into the recesses under the teeth, with one movement of the handle the mechanism is set in motion, the removed seeds fall into the tray and are then thrown out.

  5. You can make a device for processing berries with your own hands from a regular medical syringe of 10 ml or more. The nose of the syringe is cut off with a knife, then in its place a hole is drilled in the center, roughness is removed, and a “window” is carefully cut in the wall of the syringe close to the edge for the berry according to its size. The piston is processed with tweezers so that a non-sharp, dense tooth with a length of 25 mm and hooks are obtained just above its base.

    A round rubber attachment, previously removed from it, is attached as a stop for the piston - so that the stroke of the tooth is limited by the upper edge of the window. And to ensure automatic reverse motion, a regular rubber band is used: it is folded in half, then in the shape of a figure eight, put on the syringe stops and piston hooks, and the nose of the piston is threaded into the resulting loop.

  6. You can use a regular closed safety pin, a hairpin or paper clip, even a tiny spoon. This method is only suitable for soft, ripe fruits. The cherry plum is pierced with the rounded end of the object, the seed is pryed off and pulled out.
  7. Some housewives use a regular pen with the tip removed to clean berries, but the hole gets clogged too quickly and needs to be cleaned from time to time. For such actions, a hard stick with a depression in the middle is better suited.

Thus, getting rid of the seeds in the cherry plum and not deforming it is a solvable problem.

But we must remember that the berry is very juicy, and use deep dishes that collect splashes of juice.