September 9 is the day of the city of Tajikistan. State Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan. Bloody massacre at Kamaroba

According to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Holidays” (as amended by Law No. 628 of May 22, 1998), on September 9 the Tajik people widely celebrate the national holiday -.

At the end of the 1980s, in connection with the beginning of the process of declaring “state sovereignties” in the republics of the Soviet Union, the Tajik SSR also declared independence. The first step in this direction was the Declaration “On the Sovereignty of the Tajik SSR”, adopted at the second session of the Supreme Council of the Tajik SSR on August 24, 1990. And on September 9, 1991, at the session of Shuroi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan (Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan), the Resolution and Statement “On State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan” was adopted.

The achievement of state independence of the Republic became an important historical event for the Tajik people. And today, on this day, in accordance with the Regulations “On the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan,” the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is raised.

As part of the celebration of Tajikistan's Independence Day, a parade dedicated to the independence of Tajikistan is held in Dushanbe. The President of Tajikistan accepts congratulations from the heads of state of the CIS and himself congratulates all residents of the country in a solemn speech.

On the occasion of Independence Day, at the initiative of government bodies, public organizations and labor collectives, events of a socio-political and festive nature are held.

Today is May 12

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Tajikistan Independence Day is a public holiday of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is celebrated annually on September 9.

On this day in 1991, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan of the 12th convocation, the Statement of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was adopted. The statement served as the basis for the adoption of the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic "On the Declaration of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan."

The beginning of the modern stage in the history of Tajikistan is associated with the process of collapse of the USSR, the disruption of the balance of power that developed in the republic during Soviet times. The first signs of a crisis in power were the speeches of secular national democrats from the Rastokhez (Revival) movement that took place in Dushanbe in February 1990.

On August 24, 1990, in the midst of political confrontations, at the second meeting of the Supreme Council of the Republic of the 12th convocation, the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted.

The Declaration proclaimed the Tajik SSR as a sovereign multinational state. The state sovereignty of the Tajik SSR, it said, is expressed in the unity and supremacy of state power throughout the territory of the Tajik SSR and independence in external relations. It was proclaimed that the Tajik SSR on its territory independently resolves all political, economic, social and cultural issues, except for those issues that Tajikistan voluntarily transfers to the competence of the USSR.

The Republic retained the right to freely secede from the USSR in the manner established by the union treaty and the legislation based on it.

After the announcement on August 19, 1991 of the creation of the State Emergency Committee, the republic’s leadership took a wait-and-see approach. On August 22, after the failure of the putsch, in his address to the people of Tajikistan, President Kakhhor Makhkamov once again confirmed his position: “The critical political situation that has developed in the country requires deeply balanced and far-sighted judgments, endurance and endurance again... We still consider it necessary and important both for the people of the country and for the entire world community, the preservation of the USSR and we stand for the speedy signing of the Union Treaty...”

On September 9, 1991, the Supreme Council of Tajikistan at an extraordinary session declared the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Declaration of State Independence stated: “Taking into account the revolutionary transformations in the USSR and respecting the desire of its sovereign republics to build relations among themselves in a new way, ... in accordance with the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted on August 24, 1990. The Supreme Council proclaims state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan".

On the same day, some changes were made to the Declaration of Sovereignty, mainly strengthening the features of sovereignty and independence in the status of the republic: in particular, the validity of acts of the USSR on the territory of the Tajik SSR was excluded; the republic was declared an independent subject of international law; The Tajik SSR was renamed the Republic of Tajikistan.

Also, changes and additions were made to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, as a result of which the recognition of the independence of Tajikistan became a constitutional norm and, from a legal point of view, is irreversible.

Representatives of official Dushanbe participated until the end in negotiations on the creation of a confederal association in the USSR.

Almost even before the declaration of independence, a civil war began in the country between representatives of various regions and clans, which very quickly acquired the character of a confrontation between supporters of secular and fundamentalist Tajikistan. The final peace agreement between representatives of the warring parties was signed only in 1997.

Today, 64 holidays are celebrated in Tajikistan. Some dates remain the same every year.

The most significant celebrations: Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 9, Navruz (March 21-22), the religious holidays of Kurban and Ramadan, as well as the New Year, celebrated as throughout the world on January 1. Tajiks rest on these holidays from two days to one week.

Victory Day, National Army Day, World Labor Day and National Language Day, as well as Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day and many others are celebrated no less solemnly.

Other holidays are not celebrated in all regions or are considered professional holidays. For example, workers of a certain profession who are honored on this day rest, while others celebrate at their own discretion.

In accordance with the legislation of the country, all events are marked by raising the National Flag of the Republic. In addition, on these days, socio-political events can be held at the initiative of government bodies, as well as institutions regulating the labor and public spheres of life. Festive fireworks and military parades are held with the permission of the country's Ministry of Defense.

Holidays in Tajikistan - non-working days

Date Name
January 1 New Year
February 23 Armed Forces
March 8 Mother's Day (similar to International Women's Day)
March 21—March 24 Navruz holiday
May 1 International Workers' Day
May 9 Victory Day of Nations in the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945
June 27 national unity
September 9 Country Independence Day
October 2 Mehrgan - national holiday
October 5 Day of the state language (Tajik)
November 6 Constitution Day
November 24 Celebration of National Flag Day
Floating date Eid al-Adha
Floating date Eid al-Adha

Muslim holidays

Which holidays in Tajikistan do not have fixed dates? Religious celebrations, in particular Eid al-Fitr (Eid Ramadan), as well as Eid al-Adha (Eid Kurbon), while the procedure is the same in other Muslim countries. The dates of the celebrations change annually and are set by the country's Ulema Council.

Go Ramadan

Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of breaking the fast; it is with this that Lent (Ruza) ends in the sacred obligatory for the entire adult population of the country. During Ruza, according to religious dogmas, the best time to comprehend and atone for the sins that a person has committed during the year occurs. It is important to observe the absolute purity of performing religious rituals, and in everyday life, a respectable Muslim is obliged at this time to be distinguished by sinlessness not only in his actions, but also in his thoughts.

Go Kurbon

The most significant holiday in Tajikistan and for the entire Muslim world is the sacrifice, which is celebrated for about four days. It is celebrated seventy days after the end of Ruza in the month of Ramadan. From a historical point of view, we are talking about a biblical parable when Abraham (in the Muslim version Ibrahim) tried to sacrifice his own son Isaac (Ismail).

June 27 - Day of National Reconciliation

Every year on June 27, the country celebrates another national holiday of Tajikistan - Reconciliation Day. It was established in 1998 by presidential decree of Emomali Rahmon and coincided with the end of the civil war in the country, which lasted 5 years.

Medical Workers Day

On August 18, the country celebrates Doctor's Day, dedicated to the birthday of Avicenna, a Tajik-Persian doctor, scientist and philosopher. His real name was Abuali ibn Sino, and he lived in the period 980-1037. AD.

September 9 - Independence Day

At the beginning of September, the country widely celebrates the most important public holiday of Tajikistan - Independence Day of its republic.

Constitution Day

On November 6, 1994, the country adopted the Constitution in a referendum. From now on, at the beginning of November every year, Tajiks celebrate this important holiday for the country, which is a state holiday.

President's Day

On November 16, the Republic celebrates President's Day. In 1994, the first President of the Republic, people's choice Emomali Rahmon, took the oath of office. Since April 15, 2016, the holiday has acquired the status of an official holiday.

National holidays

When it comes to national holidays, it is always interesting and pleasant to participate in the culture of the nation. Tajiks celebrate them so cheerfully and fieryly that you involuntarily become infected by this atmosphere.

Snowdrop Festival

The first child to find a snowdrop (boychechak in Tajik) will be considered truly lucky. Flowers are given to all women: mothers, sisters, teachers, and they symbolize revived life, are symbols of beauty and youth. The ladies thank Allah for waiting for spring, the children are treated to fruits, sweets and pastries.


What is the most desired holiday in Tajikistan today? It was and remains Navruz. During the New Day celebrations, a holiday has been declared in the republic. Tajiks organize various entertainment events and games: strongman wrestling, songs, horse racing, and wide celebrations.

The first mention of the holiday was recorded in the holy book of Zoroastrianism - Avesta, but more details about it can be found in Omar Khayyam in his “Book of Navruz”. It tells the story of the legendary Jamshed, the ruler of the Persians, whose golden throne was hoisted to the highest point of the Pamirs on the day of the spring equinox, this marked his accession and the beginning of a new life.

The symbol of Nowruz is the indispensable sumanak (sumalak). This is a dish made from sprouted wheat grains. Eight days before the holiday, women soak wheat grains, which should germinate within a week. It was believed that the more they germinate, the better the harvest.

When the grains sprout, they are pounded in a mortar, then placed together with flour in a cauldron, filled with water and cooked for about 12 hours, accompanied by continuous stirring.

Usually, before sunrise on the day of the holiday, sumanak is ready. This is not just a dish, it is a kind of shrine, so before starting to cook it, the elder reads a sura from the Koran - “Ikhlos”, which is intended to bless the food. This dish should be distributed to all friends, neighbors, relatives, and loved ones. The interesting thing is that it is sweet and reminiscent of liquid chocolate, although there is absolutely no sugar added to it.

Before you try it, make three wishes, and they will definitely come true this year.

Tulip Festival

In mountainous areas, tulips bloom at the end of spring. In time, the celebration of tulips is a national holiday in Tajikistan dedicated to the flower, celebrated together with the first harvest, it is called “Sairi Lola”, and many dishes from the gifts of nature appear on the table. The festive table is decorated with delicious samsa stuffed with young herbs, flatbreads and, of course, aromatic pilaf.

The main event of the holiday is the competition of wrestlers - palvons in a unique Tajik sambo - gushtingiri. This skill is traditionally passed down from generation to generation.

On this day in 1991, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan of the 12th convocation, the Statement of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was adopted. The statement served as the basis for the adoption of the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic "On the Declaration of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan."

The beginning of the modern stage in the history of Tajikistan is associated with the process of collapse of the USSR, the disruption of the balance of power that developed in the republic during Soviet times. The first signs of a crisis in power were the speeches of secular national democrats from the Rastokhez (Revival) movement that took place in Dushanbe in February 1990.

On August 24, 1990, in the midst of political confrontations, at the second meeting of the Supreme Council of the Republic of the 12th convocation, the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted.

The Declaration proclaimed the Tajik SSR as a sovereign multinational state. The state sovereignty of the Tajik SSR, it said, is expressed in the unity and supremacy of state power throughout the territory of the Tajik SSR and independence in external relations. It was proclaimed that the Tajik SSR on its territory independently resolves all political, economic, social and cultural issues, except for those issues that Tajikistan voluntarily transfers to the competence of the USSR.

The Republic retained the right to freely secede from the USSR in the manner established by the union treaty and the legislation based on it.

After the announcement on August 19, 1991 of the creation of the State Emergency Committee, the republic’s leadership took a wait-and-see approach. On August 22, after the failure of the putsch, in his address to the people of Tajikistan, President Kakhhor Makhkamov once again confirmed his position: “The critical political situation that has developed in the country requires deeply balanced and far-sighted judgments, endurance and more endurance... We still consider it necessary and important both for the people of the country and for the entire world community, the preservation of the USSR and we stand for the speedy signing of the Union Treaty...”

On September 9, 1991, the Supreme Council of Tajikistan at an extraordinary session declared the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Statement of State Independence stated: “Taking into account the revolutionary transformations in the USSR and respecting the desire of the sovereign republics included in it to build relations among themselves in a new way, ... in accordance with the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted on August 24, 1990. The Supreme Council proclaims state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan".

On the same day, some changes were made to the Declaration of Sovereignty, mainly strengthening the features of sovereignty and independence in the status of the republic: in particular, the validity of acts of the USSR on the territory of the Tajik SSR was excluded; the republic was declared an independent subject of international law; The Tajik SSR was renamed the Republic of Tajikistan.

Also, changes and additions were made to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, as a result of which the recognition of the independence of Tajikistan became a constitutional norm and, from a legal point of view, is irreversible.

However, even after the declaration of independence in 1991, Tajikistan could not imagine its existence outside the framework of the Union. Representatives of official Dushanbe participated until the end in negotiations on the creation of a confederal association in the USSR.

Tajikistan had to pay for its independence at an extremely high price. Almost even before the declaration of independence, a civil war began in the country between representatives of various regions and clans, which very quickly acquired the character of a confrontation between supporters of secular and fundamentalist Tajikistan. The final peace agreement between representatives of the warring parties was signed only in 1997.

In Tajikistan, on the occasion of Independence Day, on the initiative of government bodies, public organizations and labor collectives, events of a socio-political nature are held.

On the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a festive procession of citizens and a military parade will be held in the capital of the country, Dushanbe.

The citizens of the country will be congratulated by the President of the Republic Emomali Rahmon. Guests of the capital will be shown a specially prepared theatrical performance, which will end with festive fireworks.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources