How to cleanse your body of beta alanine. Preparations with beta-alanine for menopause: pros and contraindications. weekly course of creatine

Information about the tandem of creatine and beta-alanine should be kept in the strictest confidence. This combination of nutrients explodes muscle growth, fills you with energy and improves endurance.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties. The nutrient promotes muscle mass gain, accelerates strength gains, and becomes a source of additional energy during intense training sessions. And if we add to these advantages the absence of any side effects, we get a recipe for the most popular drug in history. You can't ask for more, right?

Not really. Recent studies have revealed a synergistic interaction between creatine and. An experiment conducted by Hoffman J. (2006) showed that men who received a combination of creatine + beta-alanine gained more muscle mass and lost more fat than the group who took creatine alone. It should be noted that this study was conducted on students playing American football, and not on ordinary citizens with a low level of physical fitness.

The second study, by Zoeller RF, Stout JR, O'kroy JA, Torok DJ, Mielke M. (2006), compared the effects of beta-alanine on aerobic exercise capacity with that of a beta-alanine + creatine combination. The experiment, in which 55 people took part, revealed significant and long-lasting gains in five of the eight assessed indicators in the group taking creatine + beta-alanine. Simply put, scientists have found that creatine, when combined with beta-alanine, increases aerobic resistance.

And here’s what Leil McDonald, a recognized expert in the field of improving the human body and author of the books “The Protein Bible” and “”, says about the combination of creatine and beta-alanine:

As a matter of fact, beta-alanine (an amino acid derivative) is a relatively new star in the sports nutrition firmament. For general development, it is enough for you to know that beta-alanine, along with histidine, is used by the body to synthesize an acid-base buffer system in muscle tissue, which is called (also sold as supplements). Athletes who subject their bodies to high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting or strength training, have higher levels of carnosine in their muscles compared to athletes who require increased endurance. Being a buffer system, carnosine prevents the development of muscle acidosis and thereby increases physical performance. However, experiments have shown that in laboratory animals, taking beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine levels more effectively than taking carnosine itself. At the very least, beta-alanine is cheaper and you will need smaller dosages of the drug.

Last year, the results of two human studies were published that examined the effects of beta-alanine on muscle carnosine levels. Beta-alanine supplementation has been found to significantly increase muscle carnosine concentrations, and supplementation by cyclists has been shown to improve performance during high-intensity exercise. Recently, it has been suggested that combining beta-alanine and creatine may lead to positive results. In theory, by preventing acidosis, beta-alanine will allow athletes to perform more repetitions with the same weight, which, as with creatine, will increase the rate of growth in athletic performance.

One thing is clear: beta-alanine acts as a powerful enhancer of the effects of creatine, providing further increases in endurance and strength, and also potentiates muscle gain and fat burning. So the next time you take creatine, add beta-alanine to it. Both drugs can be safely classified as cheap, and therefore this modification of the nutrient intake program may be the best option for the money spent.

Beta-alanine acts as a powerful enhancer of the effects of creatine, providing further increases in endurance and strength.

Beta-alanine: additional information

Almost every weightlifter can talk at length about creatine, but ask him about beta-alanine and you'll likely get the answer: “Well, I've heard something about that. I didn’t take it myself, but I heard.” So what is beta-alanine, and how does it work in the body?

Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps increase carnosine levels in muscle tissue. In turn, increasing intramuscular carnosine concentrations helps you accumulate energy reserves and also improves endurance and athletic performance.

Numerous studies have revealed the following beneficial properties of beta-alanine:

  1. Beta Alanine significantly increases peak strength and power.
  2. Beta-alanine promotes effective muscle gain.
  3. Beta-alanine increases muscle tolerance to anaerobic exercise.
  4. Beta-alanine increases aerobic endurance.
  5. Beta-alanine helps us train longer and harder.

Beta-alanine and creatine course

The longer you take beta-alanine, the stronger its beneficial properties. Weightlifters who take 4 to 6 grams of beta-alanine daily can expect a 60% increase in intramuscular carnosine concentrations after just one month. And after another 35 days of taking the nutrient, the level of muscle carnosine will increase by another 20%.

Since the beneficial effects of beta-alanine on the athlete’s body only increase over time, the idea of ​​​​pre-loading with the nutrient a couple of weeks before starting to take creatine suggests itself. This is useful for most common creatine dosing regimens of 4 to 12 weeks, while for longer creatine cycles, beta-alanine preloading is not necessary.

A single dose of beta-alanine is approximately 800 mg, the nutrient should be taken four times a day. The half-life of beta-alanine in the body is short, and therefore you will experience a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the drug if the recommended dosage regimen is neglected. Therefore, try to take beta-alanine every four hours.

The effect of beta-alanine completely ceases three weeks after the end of the course of administration, and the level of intramuscular carnosine returns to its original level. Therefore, be prepared for some decrease in performance after completing the course of creatine and beta-alanine.

In addition, during the course of beta-alanine and after its completion, it is advisable to take it additionally, because taking beta-alanine is accompanied by a decrease in taurine content in the body.

So, let’s briefly recap how to fully realize the potential of the creatine + beta-alanine tandem:

  • Frequency and frequency of administration. Beta-alanine should be taken every four hours at a dosage of 750-800 mg. Aim for a daily dosage of 4-6 grams.
  • Taurine. While taking beta-alanine, add taurine to your diet.

No studies have reported any potential health risks from long-term use of creatine or beta-alanine, but generally accepted recommendations suggest a maximum course duration of 12 weeks for each drug. Below are some patterns for using these nutrients.


12 week course

The 12 week cycle is ideal for those who want to take creatine for as long as possible. Pre-loading with beta-alanine is not necessary during this cycle - start taking the drugs at the same time and do not forget about taurine.

  • Week 1-12. Creatine
  • Week 1-12. Beta-alanine

12-week course with preload

The regimen involves preloading with beta-alanine two weeks before starting creatine. The bottom line is that once you start taking creatine, you can hit the ground running and see amazing results right away.

  • Week 1-12. Beta-alanine
  • Week 3-12. Creatine

8 week course

The 8-week regimen is based on the same principle as the 12-week course without pre-loading with beta-alanine: you get a gradual increase in results, and by the end of the 8-week course you will reach peak fitness.

  • Week 1-8. Creatine
  • Week 1-8. Beta-alanine

4 week creatine course

Many people note that the effect of taking creatine is too strong. Perhaps you quickly reach your maximum load and therefore prefer shorter nutrient intake regimens. In this case, it is recommended to use a 4-week course of beta-alanine before adding creatine to the regimen. This approach will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the creatine + beta-alanine tandem over a 4-week period and will increase the rate of muscle gain, strength and athletic performance.

  • Week 1-8. Beta-alanine
  • Week 5-8. Creatine


There is a small percentage of weightlifters who get no or minimal benefit from creatine supplements. These weightlifters are advised to try a combination of creatine and beta-alanine. Just like everyone else... you simply must experience this tandem in action. After all, we are looking at inexpensive, and perhaps the most natural, safe and legal performance boosters in the history of sports nutrition.

Major players in the sports nutrition industry are already actively talking about the exciting and promising prospects of using the combination of creatine and beta-alanine. Although, perhaps the tandem of these nutrients could become the best kept secret in the world of professional bodybuilding.

Today we will tell you about the endurance amino acid. This is exactly what beta-alanine is called in professional sports, among bodybuilders. However, one should not assume that this component is exclusively a sports supplement. The use of the drug is also recommended for menopause in women. In the article we will talk about the effect of beta-alanine on the body, its specific benefits, and dosage.

What is this?

This element is a naturally occurring amino acid, which is part of many proteins, as well as pantothenic acid (a B vitamin). Beta-alanine is synthesized in the human body. The basis for it can be different:

  • carnosine;
  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine.

Beta-alanine is a dipeptide protein found in human brain and muscle cells and connective tissue. We owe its synthesis in the body to the process of dehydrogenation. When decomposed, this element will turn into acetic acid.

Useful properties of the element

On the Internet and in the press you can find a large number of reviews about beta-alanine, written by nutritionists, professional bodybuilders, qualified trainers, and amateur athletes who have tried the product on themselves. All of the above can be combined into three main remarkable properties of the amino acid:

  1. Increased muscle contraction. How does this happen? Due to increased calcium channel resistance. This factor allows the muscles to contract with greater speed and force. Increased release of carnosine reduces acidity. How is this useful? Increased acidity in the body causes so-called “muscle failure.” That is, the inability to perform a repetition of this or that exercise. Beta-alanine increases the athlete's fatigue threshold. Hence its second name.
  2. Source of energy, blood glucose regulator. These qualities are also indicated in the instructions for beta-alanine. The amino acid takes an active part in the metabolism of a number of organic acids and sugars. In addition, beta-alanine is a source of energy for both the central nervous system and muscles. After all, once in the liver, the amino acid in this organ is transformed into glucose. If an athlete goes through the so-called “drying” stage, then his blood sugar level is low. Alanine will help regulate blood content. It fights not only hypoglycemia (insufficient glucose levels), but also low blood pressure.
  3. Immune defense stimulator. Beta-alanine - what is it for? The amino acid, among other things, stimulates the body’s immune system to produce protective antibodies.

No specific harm to the body was detected during clinical studies when the correct dosage was observed.

Who is the element shown to?

The main use of beta-alanine in sports is as an additive to the diet when an athlete is gaining weight and working on muscle definition. In general, it is indicated for all people who lead an active lifestyle, systematically engage in sports, and those who regularly attend training in the gym.

If a person is characterized by prolonged heavy physical activity, then he needs alanine. This element helps remove metabolic products formed during the breakdown of proteins from the body. In particular, ammonia.

Also, the instructions for using beta-alanine indicate that the drug will help restore well-being after prolonged stress and nervous strain. It is indicated for people who have been forced to starve for a long time, adhere to a strict diet, also to restore the body’s strength.

Where is the element contained?

For treatment today it is possible to purchase beta-alanine at the pharmacy. In addition, it is available in the form of dietary supplements (special powders, capsules), which are widely presented in sports nutrition stores - regular and online.

Since this is an amino acid of natural origin, it will be contained not only in special capsules and tablets. The following foods are rich in beta-alanine:

  • Meat and rich meat broths.
  • Milk, a number of products obtained from it - liquid and solid.

Correct dosage

How to take beta-alanine correctly? It is enough to adhere to the daily dosage that is suitable for your lifestyle:

  • The average need of the human body for this amino acid is 3 g/day.
  • If you are actively involved in sports, systematically visit the gym, or are passionate about bodybuilding, then this dose for you increases slightly - 4-6 g/day. When purchasing the supplement in the form of powders, capsules, it is best to take the substance in courses - 4-5 weeks.
  • If your lifestyle is not characterized by serious physical activity, you are indifferent to sports and active recreation, your body needs a smaller amount of alanine - about 1 g/day.

Now let's move on to using this amino acid as a therapeutic stabilizing agent.

Beta-alanine during menopause

What are the characteristics of menopause for a woman’s body? At this turning point, the level of such important hormones as estrogen and progesterone decreases, and the entire organ system shifts to a new mode of life. Aging factors together can cause consequences such as exacerbations of chronic pathologies, prolonged treatment of infections, and the development of complications. Also, menopause is often accompanied by frequent mood swings, hot flashes, unreasonable fever and other negative manifestations.

Beta-alanine actually helps to cope with the conditions described above and reduce their negative manifestations. It can normalize the declining level of hormone production and “fix” the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

Effect of the drug

As we have already mentioned, beta-alanine is a useful amino acid that can be independently synthesized by our body. However, during menopause it is produced in small quantities. Its insufficient synthesis leads to causeless heat and sweating - it is beta-alanine that keeps the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus under control. Hence, in order to normalize her condition, a woman must replenish amino acid reserves artificially - by taking medications.

Another useful property: beta-alanine inhibits volumetric releases of histamine into the blood, which dilates peripheral blood vessels and is harmful to vegetative processes. A sufficient level of beneficial amino acids in the body during menopause helps cope with the number and severity of hot flashes, increased sweating, headaches and migraines.

It is also beta-alanine that is responsible for removing lactic acid from the body. The latter, stagnating in muscle tissue, causes us to experience a state of unreasonable fatigue.

Several more important effects of drugs containing alanine on a woman’s body during this difficult period of restructuring:

  • Increases immunity, develops resistance to many diseases.
  • Helps you successfully survive stressful situations.
  • Promotes concentration and switching between important tasks.
  • Promotes good performance and reduces fatigue.

Reception during menopause

Today in pharmacy stores you can find a lot of drugs whose active center is bata-alanine. The most famous are “Cyclin-alanine” from “Evalar”, “Klimalanin”. All of these products have one negative feature - they are overpriced. An excellent alternative for women during menopause would be the same capsules and powders that bodybuilders take. You can find these products in many sports nutrition stores.

Medicines with beta-alanine are prescribed only by the attending physician! He also prescribes the dosage and course duration. Basically, a woman with average symptoms of menopause is prescribed 2 tablets of the drug per day. If the symptoms are severe, the dose can be increased to 3 tablets.

An important feature is that the drug can be taken if hormonal therapy is prohibited. Sometimes it is prescribed as preparation for it. If beta-alanine copes well with the necessary tasks, then there is no need for hormonal treatment.

The amino acid drug is well tolerated by most patients:

  • Does not have a negative effect on the hematopoietic function of the body.
  • Does not provoke cardiovascular diseases.
  • There is no negative effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • A long course of administration does not cause drowsiness or decreased concentration. The positive effect is due to the absence of antihistamine elements.
  • Alanine is not addictive or addictive.

Beneficial effect during menopause

In conclusion, we list the entire range of beneficial effects of the element on the woman’s body:

  • Effect on the functioning of the nervous system: improved concentration, reaction speed. Combating mood swings.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Positive effect on mood and activity. Source of vital energy.
  • Normalization of metabolic and energy processes in the body. It is important that beta-alanine prevents excess weight gain during hormonal changes.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body and does not allow it to stagnate in tissues.

Beta-alanine is a very useful amino acid for the human body. First of all, it is indicated for professional athletes and women during menopause. Products rich in it will be useful for absolutely any person who cares about their health.

A systematic approach is important for success in bodybuilding. Training alone is not enough to gain weight. Even if you follow a protein diet, it is impossible to cover the body's needs for amino acids. For this purpose, single-component additives are used. One of them is the amino acid β-alanine, which is not inferior in effectiveness to the well-known activator of muscle growth.

Carnisone and beta-alanine: what is it?

Natural 3-aminopropionic acid with histadine-containing peptides - carnisone and anserine, vitamin B5 - a remedy that obstructive muscle acidification during intense training. It is formed in the body after the cleavage of dihydrouracil and carnisone. Found in connective tissue, muscle and brain cells. Carnisone, a dipeptide found in fast and slow fibers, is of great importance for athletes. Its quantity directly determines the volume of mass gain.

High acidity of the environment leads to depletion. Lactic acid reduces the ability of muscles to contract, which negatively affects the final result. To correct the pH level in skeletal tissue, the body uses several buffer systems:

  • one controls the acid-base balance in the cell;
  • the other - in the intercellular matrix;
  • the third is universal - it stabilizes pH values ​​in both cases.

The latter includes the cornison. Therefore, the success of the training depends on his concentration. After 30 days of taking beta-alanine in capsules its volume increases by 60%, in 2.5 months by 80%.

Then why can’t it be taken in its pure form? Due to its rapid disintegration in the stomach and immediate elimination from the body, it has little benefit. To ensure the required concentration, the athlete is forced to consume the supplement in large quantities. It is better to take beta-alanine powder with peptides in small doses, and maintain normal levels of the amino acid without harm to health.

Biological functions of β-alanine

Under the influence of the amino acid, the penetration of calcium channels through which ions enter the cells improves. Charged particles also enhance impulse conduction, contraction of muscle fibers and vascular walls.

Sports nutrition with beta-alanine acts as a protector and stimulator of muscle tissue growth. By increasing endurance, it lengthens the training process and maintains the same energy level.

It has been noted that the amino acid in bodybuilding brings more benefits than during aerobic exercise.

Beta-alanine helps in lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, Also:

  • adjust blood sugar levels;
  • stimulates the immune system, accelerating the production of antibodies;
  • promotes the functioning of excretory systems and the removal of toxic products.

If you follow the instructions side effects from b-alanine, except for tingling in the stomach, was not detected. To eliminate for parasthesia, the dose is reduced to 1.6 g.

Best Supplements

Sports nutrition is sold in the form of solutions, dry concentrates, and gelatin capsules. It is written on the packages "beta-alanine" or "CarnoSyn".

  1. The leader in the ranking is a product from the USA - NOW Beta-Alanine Powder.
  2. In second position is a powerful anti-catabolic All Nutrition.
  3. In third place is an amino acid from a well-known American company Optimum Nutrition.
  4. The remaining places were shared by inexpensive supplements from Poland: Olimp Labs, OstroVit, Real Pharm.

Powders do not contain flavoring agents. Some have added vitamin B6 and taurine. All of them reduce the concentration of lactic acid and promote athletic progress.

You can learn more about all types of sports nutrition in the section.

Beta-alanine: instructions for use

  • Daily dosage is 800-1200 mg, the permissible norm is 2000 mg.
  • Take it in 2-4 doses.
  • On rest days You can get by with 2 servings.

This is enough to maintain normal carnosine concentrations. Those whom doesn't bother me tingling effect, can take beta-alanine powder on an empty stomach, then before training and 1-2 servings throughout the day. First results appear after 14-18 days. After completing the course lasting 3 months, every 14 days the concentration decreases by 2%.

The best results appear when consumed with taurine, but combining them together is not advisable. They are usually taken one at a time. It is not forbidden to combine with betaine, citrulline. The dosage regimen gives good results. To tone the central nervous system during intensive preparation for competitions, take an energy drink with caffeine.

Useful video about beta-alanine

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Menopause is inevitable for every woman. The processes of aging and withering of the body are absolutely normal, although sometimes it is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. At this time, the female body changes the amount of sexual hubbub, and the entire system has to adapt to a new job. Sometimes this condition even leads to chronic diseases. In order to avoid this, doctors often prescribe medications to a sick woman whose main active ingredient is beta-alanine during menopause.

  1. Completely unexpected hot flashes that a woman is unable to control or predict in any way.
  2. Profuse sweating, especially pronounced at night.
  3. Even without the slightest physical activity, a woman may experience an excessively rapid heartbeat.
  4. Since a woman is sure that menopause will not bring anything good, but only aging, fading, loss of beauty and not being needed by anyone, this can cause her to become depressed. Her emotional state is extremely unstable, there is increased sensitivity, excessive irritability, and mood swings.
  5. At night, hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia are observed again.
  6. Since at night a woman cannot rest properly and regain her strength, during the working day she feels tired, which is accompanied by stress and new hot flashes.

The effect of beta-alanine on the female body

In order to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, you need to overcome and minimize the manifestations of hot flashes. This is why the doctor prescribes hormone-based medications to the woman.

However, hormonal pills are not suitable for all women to take, and also have many side effects. That is why doctors are trying to replace conventional hormones with herbal preparations that can help with menopause.

In addition to all this, doctors often prescribe drugs that contain beta-alanine - this is an amino acid that helps fight improper thermoregulation of the body. It is because of its lack that women experience frequent hot flashes during menopause. When there is not enough beta-alanine, the female body must obtain it by taking medications containing it.

Attention! Scientists accidentally discovered that this amino acid fights hot flashes very well, especially in those women for whom hot flashes cause a lot of discomfort. Some women sweat so much during hot flashes that they even have to change their clothes completely. For these women, anti-menopausal medications containing beta-alanine are a real salvation.

In addition to all this, beta-alanine has the following effects on a woman’s body:

  1. Fights headaches.
  2. Removes lactic acid from the body, which stagnates in the muscles.
  3. Thanks to this amino acid, a woman becomes more efficient and less tired.
  4. Bela-alanine increases the body's resistance to stress.
  5. This amino acid improves immunity.
  6. Helps in strengthening the muscle and bone skeleton.
  7. The psycho-emotional state stabilizes, mood swings and apathy disappear.
  8. Taking beta-alanine can somewhat slow down the processes of aging and skin wilting.
  9. Controls metabolic processes: with its help you can get rid of the risk of gaining excess weight during menopause.
  10. Eliminates the formation of stones and other deposits in the kidneys.
  11. Maintains normal carbohydrate balance.
  12. Helps cope with swelling and does not retain excess water in the body.

Attention! A rather serious advantage of beta-alanine is that it is not addictive. That is, if for some reason a woman decides not to use it anymore, then she can do it completely calmly.

Indications for use of beta-alanine

Beta-alanine should be used by women whose menopause is quite severe and requires additional drug treatment. Among the indications for taking amino acids are:

  1. Frequent hot flashes.
  2. Increased sweating, night sweats.
  3. Weak immunity, frequent infections, colds and other diseases.
  4. A state of general weakness, fatigue, depression.
  5. Distraction of attention, memory deterioration, decreased performance.

Contraindications to the use of beta-alanine

Despite the fact that this drug has visible benefits for the body, it should not be used by everyone, as it has some contraindications. It is because of this that drugs containing beta-alanine should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Among the contraindications are the following:

  1. Allergic reactions to medications.
  2. Individual intolerance to substances that are part of the drug.
  3. Gluten intolerance.

How should I take this drug?

The element beta-alanine is completely harmless to the female body, but only a doctor should prescribe it. If the drug is taken uncontrolled, it can cause a severe form of menopausal disorder. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the drug only with the doctor’s approval, and only according to the instructions and regimen that he prescribes.

In the case when the symptoms of menopause are pronounced and prevent a woman from leading her usual lifestyle, she is prescribed 3 tablets per day. For the first month she should adhere to this dosage, and then gradually reduce it to two tablets per day, and then to one. Complete cessation of taking the drug is possible only when hot flashes completely stop tormenting the woman.

In the case when the symptoms of menopause are not too pronounced, the drug should be taken in an amount of a maximum of two tablets per day, and no more. However, the period of use of the drug is quite long: it must be taken for six months.

Are there analogues of beta-alanine?

There are cases when beta-alanine is simply vital for a woman of menopausal age, but she experiences an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the drug. In this case, the doctor should suggest something similar or similar in its effect so that the woman is not tormented by the symptoms of menopause. Indeed, analogue drugs are available, but they must be prescribed strictly by a gynecologist. And sometimes a woman is confused by the price, and she looks for something cheaper.

  1. Feminal. This drug can be tried as an alternative, but you must immediately make a reservation that this is not a medicine, but a biological supplement. Your doctor may also recommend using this supplement, as it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones extracted from plants. In this case, from red clover. The dietary supplement Feminal is available in capsule form. It is quite easy to take: you can drink just one capsule per day with any meal. However, the course of treatment with such a drug will take quite a long time - about six months. The manufacturer also claims that this supplement does not have any negative effects on the body and is not addictive.
  2. Menoril. This is also not a medicine, but a supplement. It is available in the form of vitamins with various plant extracts. In addition to relieving the symptoms of menopause, this drug is a good prevention of bone diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general.

Therefore, menopause symptoms need to be treated, and it is advisable to do so regularly.

In order for you to choose the right treatment and medications with beta alanine that are needed and will help you, you need to consult a doctor: only with his help can you succeed in the difficult task of overcoming the symptoms of menopause.

The beta-alanine component copes well with the problems that prevent beautiful ladies from living their lives to the fullest, so if you have no contraindications, but have hot flashes, this drug must be used for treatment, and your condition will return to normal in the very near future.

Interesting and educational video

Many men and women dream of simultaneously working, playing sports, family, home, and hobbies. Fatigue often interferes with such plans. Beta-alanine, a substance synthesized by the liver and helps maintain vigor, helps fight fatigue. Modern fitness instructors, along with doctors, suggest taking medications in the form of dietary supplements.

Beta-alanine - what is it?

Beta-alanine is a natural amino acid that is produced by the liver in a healthy person. The level of hormone production depends on the age and activity of the person. In young people, the amino acid content in the blood is higher. The substance is the basis of connective tissue, brain, and nerve fibers. Meat, cheese, seafood, broths increase hormone levels. During active sports, bodybuilding, and women with menopause, it is recommended to take vitamins containing protein complexes, including alanine.

Effect on the body

Dietary supplement is used in the field of health. The amino acid is necessary for everyone, but it is especially important for athletes involved in bodybuilding, women during menopause, and people suffering from increased fatigue. Studies have shown that beta-alanine supplements improve the physical condition of the body. Taking amino acids is indicated for a whole list of conditions.

  1. When engaged in intense training, increased load, building muscle mass while burning fat. The function of the nutritional supplement in this case is to compensate for the lack of protein received by the body, and the substance, unlike a purely meat diet, puts less strain on the kidneys. The amino acid, by increasing oxygen in cells, promotes rapid muscle growth.
  2. With intense brain activity. The substance increases endurance, helps to endure stress more easily, and can be used to correct chronic fatigue syndrome. The amino acid improves memory, helps you fall asleep easier in the evening and wake up in the morning. In case of nervous exhaustion, the drug increases appetite and helps reduce the negative effects of stress.
  3. Women with menopause, especially those suffering from frequent hot flashes and impaired thermoregulation. Amino acid peptides preserve youth by regulating cellular processes, improve skin tone, complexion, and reduce irritability and nervousness.
  4. For depressive conditions, amino acid preparations are prescribed as part of complex therapy, taking advantage of its properties to enhance the effect of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, improve the anaerobic state of cells, and brain activity.

The dietary supplement will not cause harm if taken correctly. The body transforms the substance into acetic acid and excretes it in the urine. However, you should not take amino acid dietary supplements uncontrollably; you should consult your doctor before starting a course of therapy. The diet when taking amino acids should include fruits and vegetables to compensate for the additional protein load on the kidneys.

Useful properties

Beta-alanine is a natural drug, so the substance has many of the benefits of chemicals and hormonal drugs, but without their negative side effects. Athletes-bodybuilders choose it for its ability to stimulate muscle growth, but what distinguishes it from gainers is without undue stress on the cardiovascular system. In contrast to hormonal therapy, when applied to menopausal women, dietary supplements not only do not cause excess weight gain, but help burn excess fat. This natural stimulant is safer than most analogues.


Preparations with amino acids are available in capsules or as powder. The dosage will depend on the purpose of administration, body weight, and level of load. In order to understand how to take beta-alanine powder or tablets, you need to consult a specialist. An experienced fitness instructor can suggest the right dosage, although consultation with a doctor remains optimal. If you don't do strength training, a visit to the doctor is also necessary.

Beta-alanine during menopause

Women during menopause who suffer from frequent hot flashes, sudden mood swings, and poor health are prescribed a tablet preparation of amino acids. Dietary supplements normalize blood pressure, regulate the hypothalamic function of thermoregulation, and prevent premature loss of skin tone and turgor. The amino acid reduces swelling by improving oxygen-cellular metabolism in the body.

In bodybuilding

Bodybuilders choose beta-alanine for its muscle-building effects and improved endurance. Thanks to taking the drug, it becomes possible to do more approaches during training without subsequent fatigue. Many gainer substances offered to athletes can cause poisoning, while this amino acid is safe for health.

Preparations with Beta-alanine

Various medications and dietary supplements contain the required amino acid, but you need to choose the right one in accordance with your goal. There are formulations specially designed for women suffering from severe menopause, for bodybuilders, for people with chronic fatigue and depressive syndrome. When playing sports or training, the following drugs will suit you:

  • mC2 from MAXimum Power;
  • Controlled Labs White Flood;
  • USPlabs Jack3d;

For females, it is better to purchase specialized formulas of amino acid preparations with a special composition, sold under names such as:

  • Qi-Klim Alanin;
  • Klimalanin.

How to take

The dosage is regulated depending on the purpose and purpose of administration. The standard dose of powder for a person involved in sports is from 4 to 6 grams per day. You should start with a small dose and gradually increase it. Athletes take courses for up to four weeks, while simultaneously increasing the load on the muscles, while in the case of severe menopausal conditions, short-term use is prescribed - up to seven days. The daily dose for women should not exceed two to three capsules of the selected composition of the drug.

Side effects

The amino acid of dietary supplements is well tolerated by the body. A normal, frequently occurring side effect is short-term tingling, paresthesia of the limbs, and increased ammonia in the urine. In rare cases, individual intolerance is possible. In case of an overdose of dietary supplements, intoxication is possible, manifested by paresis and paralysis. In case of drug poisoning, immediately call an ambulance.

Beta Alanine Price

Since an amino acid is only the main active ingredient of additives, medicines, dietary supplements, the price will depend on the specific brand, manufacturer, place of sale, and dosage. When choosing, you must be guided not only by the price tag, but also by the specifics of the action, depending on the desired effect. During intense exercise, it can be taken in combination with the creatine already contained in the sports preparation. Check prices in the table:
