Which land is suitable for. Useful tips from gardeners: what land is best used for seedlings? What is fertile land

Properly selected soil when planting indoor plants is primarily a guarantee of their rapid, as well as healthy growth and development. There are several types of soil substrates: peat, clay, leaf, heather, compost, sod, coniferous soil.

Depending on its needs for certain organic compounds, it is recommended to add a certain amount of sand to the nutrient mixture, charcoal and dry moss. You can get the soil mixture in two ways, buying it ready-made in a specialized store or preparing it yourself.

What soil does this plant need?

Cyclamen prefers a loose soil mixture with a lot of organic matter. Importance has its acidity, since the accessibility is related to this minerals. For cyclamens, the optimal pH value is 5.5–6.5. Under all these requirements, sheet and sod land, humus, crushed peat, sawdust and straw cutting are ideal.

Land for a plant at home

ground for indoor flowers and plants can be prepared independently if you know their needs and have everything you need at hand. What composition of the earth is suitable? Soil for cyclamen at home should consist of the following components:

  • 1 part perlite / agroperlite / sand;
  • 1 part leaf ground;
  • 1 part peat;
  • drainage layer at the bottom.

A very important drainage issue for cyclamen. the best options small pebbles or small pebbles will protrude.

Important! If you mix sand with the soil, then it is recommended to initially steam it.

The right pot

A pot for planting cyclamen must meet the following parameters:

  1. the diameter and depth of the pot must exceed the size of the plant tuber;
  2. the pot must be equipped with a pallet;
  3. the pot should have drainage holes in the bottom or bottom;
  4. the pot must be stable.

How to transplant?

Immediately in front of itself, the earth in a pot needs to be loosened and moistened. The distance from the tuber to the edges of the pot should not be more or less than 2-3 centimeters.

do not need to be planted tightly and deeply in a pot and tamped with soil, otherwise it will begin to rot when watering due to stagnant water. The ground around the tuber should remain loose and soft.

No less important is the fact that when planting a plant, you need to make sure that the tuber is completely covered with the soil layer and does not rise above its surface. If the root part is not completely covered with soil, this can lead to complete drying of the entire plant.


Watering the plant after transplantation is not earlier than 5 days later. For the prevention of fungal diseases, the growth of various pathogenic spores, reducing the likelihood of developing root rot of a transplanted plant, it is worth treating it once, during this period, with a solution of Fundazol. This tool also has an acaricidal effect, it will prevent the awakening of eggs spider mite in soil composition.

Generally cyclamen is constantly required. It must be carried out as required by the plant itself. When the ground cover around the plant begins to dry out and turn grayish, it's time to water the cyclamen. Water for irrigation should be separated and at room temperature.

Reference. Do not allow moisture to stagnate in the earthy coma of the plant, this is a hello to its complete death. To do this, it is worth watering the plant through a pallet or from a sprinkler that dissipates water.

Cyclamen love moisture. It must be sprayed from a spray bottle, but not during the flowering period.

top dressing

Feed cyclamen at the very beginning of the growing season. But do not overdo it, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 1.5-2 weeks. Before applying any fertilizers to the soil, you need to pour earthen water along the edge of the pot so as not to burn the dry roots.

For use, often, such purchased funds: Floretta, Vila, Lauren. These drugs are diluted strictly according to the instructions. Usually this is 0.5 cap of the product per 1 liter of soft settled water. You need to be careful with mineral supplements. During the growing season, they should be applied in small volumes.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Each gardener strives to get on his site good harvest. In order for plants to bear fruit successfully, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for them from the first days of life. For this, a special soil is used for sowing seeds, which provides fragile sprouts with nutrition, growth and future harvest. The success of this difficult task depends on how well the soil is chosen.

What is potting soil

Soil or soil for seedlings is a source for plants chemical elements and organic matter. They are necessary for seedlings to feed, active growth, reproduction and formation of tasty and ripe fruits in the future. The soil also provides the root system with the necessary temperature regime maintains moisture and air exchange. Not all the land that is on the site has the necessary properties, so experienced gardeners recommend using a special soil mixture for germinating grains. You can buy it at the store or make your own.


There are special strict requirements for the soil for seedlings. If you change at least one component, then the seedlings will grow reluctantly, they may disappear in the process or not rise at all. The issue of soil selection must be approached with all care, fulfilling the following conditions:

  • Looseness. This concept refers to the physical structure of the earth. If it is taken in one lump, then it is better not to take it, like stale soil. The earth should be airy, porous, moisture-permeable, breathable, sprinkled between the fingers.
  • The composition of the soil for seedlings. If you find fungus, mold, insect larvae or small weed roots in the ground, then such a basis for plant growth is not suitable.
  • Fertility. The soil must contain the necessary trace elements needed for the growth of seedlings.
  • Acidity. Pay attention to this indicator when choosing a soil. Acidity should be neutral, i.e. pH should be 6.0-6.7 depending on preference garden culture. Plants will not germinate in a highly acidic or alkaline environment.
  • Toxicity. good soil for seedlings - this is one that does not contain waste industrial production, toxic oil products, salts, radionuclides. It must be environmentally friendly.

Varieties of purchased soil mixture

It is easier and more reliable to purchase ready-made soil for planting seedlings in the store. Before making such a purchase, carefully study the composition of the proposed land. Below are popular soil grades and their descriptions:




living earth for seedlings

Universal or special soil based on peat

Peat, biohumus, agloporite, mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen -150 mg/l, potassium - 300 mg/l, phosphorus - 270 mg/l. pH is about 6.5.

55 rubles for 5 liters.


Multi-component special primer with a carefully selected balance

Sand, peat, Humimax fertilizer. Ammonium nitrogen - 700 mg / kg, nitrate - 100 mg / kg, potassium oxide and phosphorus oxide - 800 mg / kg each. pH - 6.0-7.5.

350 rubles for 40 liters.

Garden land

Universal soil based on peat

Peat, river sand, mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen 300 mg / l, potassium 400 mg / l, phosphorus - 300 mg / l. pH - 5.5-6.0.

260 rubles for 50 liters.

Pay attention to the type of purchased soil. It can be universal or special. In a special soil, manufacturers add one or another component to more which is well suited for a certain kind crops such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, cabbages, onions, flowers, etc. universal earth suitable for all plants, but you may have to supplement this soil yourself to give them required composition for any type of plant.

Do-it-yourself soil for seedlings

  1. When backfilling the finished soil in the boxes, do not forget to provide good drainage. To do this, put a layer of dry moss (sphagnum) or sand on the bottom.
  2. Pour the soil itself on top of the drainage. Do not be sorry, it should be covered in an even layer and up to the edge of the box, peat cups or other containers that are used for planting seedlings.
  3. Don't forget extra food. To do this, take suitable fertilizers and distribute them evenly over the surface of the soil, then mix thoroughly.
  4. If you take dry fertilizers, then the soil should be moistened before enrichment, but do not overdo it. Perfect option- lack of liquid when squeezing the soil.
  5. Select the desired temperature regime, which is difficult in an apartment environment. Arrange a micro-greenhouse on the balcony. Otherwise, limit watering, otherwise the root system of the seedlings will be weak, and the green top with leaves, on the contrary, will be too high.


To prepare a simple universal primer for seedlings you will need:

  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

These ingredients can be purchased at a specialty gardening store. Peat can be replaced with humus or leaf soil. To additionally mineralize the resulting composition, i.e. to increase its fertility, add 200-300 grams of charcoal or ash for every 10 liters. It is recommended to mix perlite, vermiculite or sawdust. These components make the earth light and airy. Another useful supplement is ground into a powder. eggshell, compost heaps.


Often, the quality and volume of the crop depends on how well the soil is disinfected. Decontamination is the removal of larvae and pupae of harmful insects, bacteria, fungi and other unnecessary microorganisms. The disinfection procedure can be carried out independently by any of the following methods:

  • freezing followed by thawing;
  • steaming in a water bath;
  • washing in boiling water in small portions;
  • calcination in the oven;
  • keeping in the microwave;
  • washing with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water);
  • dressing with Aktara's solution, fungicide;
  • addition of Fitosporin.

How to choose a soil mixture for seedlings

A large selection of soil types for seedlings often baffles novice gardeners. The following tips will help you when buying the right soil:

  1. If you are in doubt about which type of land is better - universal or special - take the first option. It is suitable for any seedling, if necessary, it can always be supplemented.
  2. Pay attention to the label. It should contain information about the manufacturer, composition, properties. Required condition is the presence of instructions for use. If there is no label or the information on it is incomplete, it is better to purchase another primer.
  3. The composition of the earth is very important. It must include at least three ingredients. It is good if peat, vermiculite or sand with the addition of mineral fertilizers is present in the composition. Chemical components should not be too much. The amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus should not exceed 300 mg / l, otherwise it is better to dilute the soil.
  4. The consistency of the soil is very important, so evaluate this factor when buying. If necessary, take a trial parcel of land.
  5. To assess the acidity, you need to carry out the following procedure. Place the piece of glass on a dark horizontal surface. Pour a little soil on top and pour vinegar. If it forms on the surface a large number of foam, which means that the soil has an alkaline environment, the complete absence of foam indicates hyperacidity, slight foaming - about neutrality.


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Planting containers are important in the life of indoor flowers. Flower growers often wonder what kind of pot is needed for a money talisman, because the growth cycle and development of the inhabitant depend on the capacity.

Pot for money tree appropriate for the age of the guest. For a small shoot, a small pot is suitable. For an adult plant, a tub is needed. AT wild nature Crassula has a thick tree-like trunk. It grows up to three or four meters. At home indoor flower reaches a height of one and a half meters. Peculiarities of the corn - root system located in close proximity to the soil surface. This suggests that best pot fat women wide, but not deep. The size of the flowerpot is selected larger diameter crowns. With such a landing, the Crassula will stand securely and avoid a coup.

For a lush crassula, a beautiful ceramic planter is suitable. The flowerpot will emphasize the exoticism of the indoor miracle. They plant this miracle and plastic utensils. Flowerpot for African tree it is better to choose a brown and terracotta shade. This combination will decorate the interior, help the fat woman to open up in all its glory.

If bear ears are destined to become a talisman, you need to spare no expense and decorate the pot for the money tree with coins. Money to money financial flow will definitely increase

mother earth

We figured out the habitat, but the flowerpot needs to be filled. What kind of land is needed for a handsome money man. Succulents are demanding on the composition of the soil. Garden soil is not suitable for them, they do not like stones either. According to ancient belief, the earth rests on three whales. The soil for the fat woman too:

  1. Structure: loose and airy.
  2. Saturation with air - aeration.
  3. Drainage.

Soil for bear ears is best done on your own. For it you will need: turf and leaf land, river sand, humus. Humus, sand and sheet soil will be required in one part. Substrate base - soddy soil. It needs three parts. river sand pre-calcined on fire. Then the components are mixed - the earth for the crassula is ready.

Many people love indoor flowers, but not everyone has the opportunity to select the necessary components that make up the soil of a particular pet. For bear ears, special land for succulents is suitable, which is sold in flower shop. What kind of soil to buy - the seller will tell you. Crassula can be planted simply in a universal flower substrate.

The planting of the corn is carried out in early spring before the start of natural sap flow. During this period, all living things in nature are renewed, new cycle plant life. This time is the most favorable for changing the conditions of existence. The fat woman is growing rapidly, therefore, at first, expanding the place of residence should be done once a year. In an adult plant, growth slows down - transplantation is carried out after 3-4 years, picking up a larger flowerpot.

Drainage is done in the container before planting. A small layer of broken brick or pebbles is placed at the bottom of the pot, and then fertile soil is poured. According to Feng Shui, so that the tree contributes to strengthening financial position, coins are buried in a pot. This will not add material well-being, but it will provide drainage.

necessary and sufficient

Succulents tolerate the hardships of life well, but still require some conditions:

  1. Light. The place for crassula is the southern, eastern or southeastern window sill. In Feng Shui, this place in the apartment is associated with the sector of wealth. In winter, the African sleeps. Less light is needed. At this time, it is better to rearrange the plant to the north side.
  2. Temperature. The country tree loves warmth. Optimum temperature air for growing + 20-30 degrees. The African is not afraid of the heat. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the flower is removed in the shade. But the cold is harmful to a southerner. An inhabitant of a warm continent will fall into hibernation. At minus five degrees, vital activity pet stops.
  3. Humidity. Cornflower loves moisture. AT hot weather leaves require spraying. Once a week, in memory of tropical rains and for personal hygiene, a bath is arranged for the flower - it is watered from under the shower to wash off the dust from the leaves.
  4. Watering depends on the season. In summer, water 1-2 times a week, in winter - once or twice a month. Watering should be at sunset with water at room temperature.

Note to flower growers

There are some points that will help caring owners judge the health of the plant and grow a beautiful flower over time.

  • If the leaves become soft - the corn is not enough moisture.
  • You can not put the flower too close to the window or to the wall - this interferes with the formation of the crown.
  • Periodically, the fat woman is rotated in a circle, turning to the light either on one side or on the other. With the help of simple manipulations, a symmetrical lush crown is formed.
  • Humidity environment does not affect the growth of fat women.
  • In whatever land a money talisman would not be planted, once a month a home tree requires fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers intended for succulents are introduced into the flowerpot.

Caring for a house tree is not difficult. Good soil, ceramic flowerpot, moderate watering will help the florist care for the African miracle. Fulfilling all the conditions, the novice florist will grow a beautiful indoor plant that will become an interior decoration, and long years will delight their owners.

Crassula, crassula or "money tree" is one of the most famous home and office plants. Unpretentious, it feels great in any conditions, in bright light or in a darkened corner. In Feng Shui, a lot of attention is paid to it, it is believed that by successfully placing such a plant at home, one can attract well-being. In fact, this is a moot point, because if you dream of wealth and do not make any effort, then not a single fat woman will help. However, we leave this question to the discretion of the reader. Today we are interested in what kind of land is needed for the "money tree" so that it develops well and does not hurt. And then it will wither away, what is the welfare of the house after that ?!

A little about the plant itself

To pick up ideal conditions for a flower, you need to know about its features and preferences: where it comes from, what kind of root system, attitude to watering and the requirement for nutrients in the soil. All this plays a big role. Some particularly fastidious specimens can be grown only by creating for them greenhouse conditions. Fortunately, the fat woman has nothing to do with such. It belongs to succulents, and therefore is already naturally prepared for survival in the most extreme conditions. Even a novice florist who has no idea about growing indoor plants will be able to keep such a specimen on his windowsill. Today we will not only talk about what kind of land is needed for the "money tree", but also consider the features of planting and care.

Where to put the plant

In apartments, insufficient space is real problem, so there is only one option left for flowers - this is a window sill. But the illumination on each of them can be very different. This one is generously watered with sunlight all day, and the other is in the shade. large trees or neighboring houses. Of course, the difference between plants that stand on one and the other will be obvious.

The fat woman loves diffused light. Indoors, it is recommended to put it on the southeast windows. Surprisingly, this is fully consistent with the opinion of feng shui experts, so your well-being will also be under reliable protection. Below we will talk about what kind of land is needed for the "money tree", and we will see that, depending on the temperature regime and illumination, this indicator may change. The hotter it is outside your window, the less sandy and loose the soil should be. And here are the direct sun rays fat woman does not like, in this case lower leaves redden, wither and fall off.

Need fresh air

Succulents do not tolerate the lack of ventilation very well, therefore, with the onset of the summer period, it is best to take the fat woman out onto the balcony. So she will be quite comfortable, just do not forget to shade from direct sunlight. If the balcony is located on the east side of the house, then ideal conditions will be created for the growth and development of the plant. AT winter time the pot is best moved to the south side, since the lack of light is no less harmful than the excess of sunlight, this item should also be taken with all due attention.

Watering the plant

This is the last point we wanted to consider before moving on to what kind of land is needed for the "money tree". The ohm should always be in a slightly damp state. You can not let it dry out too much, but you do not need to fill the plant. Therefore, the amount of water introduced is closely related to the choice of soil. Moderately loose and nutritious soil will allow you to optimize watering without any additional effort. To do this, once a week it is enough to walk well with a watering can through the pots. In a very hot time of the year, you can enter an additional time per week, for example, if you made a round on Sundays, now also on Wednesday. In winter, like all cacti, the fat woman has a dormant period. The soil needs to be moistened about once every two weeks.

Earth, how much in this word ...

In fact, beginner flower growers have the opinion that a cactus can be planted in any soil. Apparently, they think so because they can withstand extreme temperatures for a long time, do without water and top dressing. In fact, this is a big misconception. Land for the "money tree" should be special. Not only the fat woman, but also any stem succulent makes high demands on the soil. He will not suit a fertile, well-fertilized garden soil but also bare stones.

Three whales"

It is enough for you to comply with the conditions that we will talk about now, and your fat girl will delight you with wonderful appearance long years:

  • light, loose structure;
  • good aeration;
  • excellent drainage.

There is nothing complicated. Land for the "money tree" just needs to be porous and light. The presence of nutrients is not important enough to focus on. Separately, we will talk about the PH level. With strong acidification, the fat woman will have a bad time, but the life activity of the plant itself leads to its gradual alkalization.

The "money tree" blooms willingly, but only if there is a sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers. At the same time, an excess of organic matter is not at all desirable for her. It is not recommended to introduce humus into the soil. Succulents grow quite slowly, and excess nitrogen, on the contrary, stimulates rapid cell division. As a result, the outer skin cracks, and the plant becomes covered with scars.

Use of prepared soils

The easiest way is to buy the mixture in the store, in this case you don’t have to puzzle over what kind of land is needed for the “money tree”. The composition in this case is selected by experts in the field of floriculture, however, it can also be significantly improved by adding coarse sand, brick chips or pebbles. Drainage should be such as to exclude even short-term waterlogging. That is, an earthen ball, ideally, quickly gets wet and gives off excess water.

Be sure to read the ingredients on the label. The main component of most store substrates is peat. It has a high acidity, which is reduced by adding ground limestone. But the peat itself can be different, so do a wetting test. Riding - very light, it contains practically no nutrients, retains moisture for a long time, and after drying it is extremely poorly wetted. Lowland peat is heavy and quickly cakes. It is necessary to add more sand and other baking powder to it.

As you can see, it is not so easy to answer the question of what land the “money tree” should be planted in. Maybe it's better to mix it with my own hands? Let's see what components it should consist of.

Basic composition

Experienced flower growers will never buy ready soil, because it is much better to make it optimized for specific plant compound. And indeed, here you are buying a package that says "primer for succulents." This group includes hundreds different plants, each of which has its own preferences. Is it good for him or bad? Apparently, the plant will survive, but optimal conditions would be difficult to name.

So, they brought us a young "money tree". Land for planting should be ready, or you urgently need to take on mixing it. The base composition is considered to be the composition in which 40% sod land, 40% leafy earth and 20% or small pebbles. A very simple, versatile and high-quality composition will allow your fat woman to turn into a real tree and delight you with flowering.

We store turf land

If you love succulents and plan to have at home not one, but several pots, then it is recommended to think in advance about what kind of land the “money tree” should be transplanted into. So, you will need to prepare a turf substrate. To do this, it is advisable to visit a meadow or an old pasture. In fact, this is the upper horizon of the soil, which is penetrated by living and dead roots and shoots of plants. With a sharp object, you will need to cut off a layer of 5-10 cm, and you take it home as a substrate.

leaf humus

But turf isn't everything. We have already said above which land is suitable for the "money tree". It should be loose, light and nutritious. This humus is obtained as a result of overheating of fallen leaves. It is much lighter than turf. You can pick it up in your garden, park or square. There are some restrictions. Do not take humus from under conifers and poplars. The soil will be too acidic, and the fat woman will start growing very late. because of high content tannins, you should not use humus from oak and ash.

Sand or pebbles

There is one rule here: do not use fine fractions, which are most often used in construction. Such sand includes a huge amount of dust and cements the soil. If there is no other option, then you will need to thoroughly rinse, dry and sift it to separate the largest particles. However, it is best to take only or independently prepare brick chips. Small pebbles, expanded clay and others are also suitable.

We enrich the soil

Our story about which land to transplant the “money tree” into is almost complete, but one more important point needs to be mentioned. Since the fat girl is good to mineral supplements, then it would be nice to add them to the soil. It is very easy to make, just add a small amount wood ash or crushed coal. This will save you from having to feed the plants in the near future. You can add a small amount of broken shards or bricks to the substrate. This will increase the porosity of the soil, and in addition, pieces of baked clay will absorb excess moisture.

Substrate acidity

It's another one important indicator to which you need to pay attention. If we are talking about succulents in general, then they quite calmly endure even excessive acidification, but the fat woman does not like it at all. Therefore, it is necessary to determine, before planting a "money tree", what acidity the earth needs.

The finished soil mixture is checked with an ordinary indicator paper, which are sold in gardening stores. Ideally, if the indicators are 5.5-6.5. How to do it? To do this, the soil is mixed with distilled or cold boiled water. Next, you need to navigate the situation. To make the mixture more alkaline, add chalk, and for acidification - peat. If the composition is too acidic, and you don’t have anything at hand to normalize this indicator, then you can simply decompose the soil into outdoors and don't forget to water. After 3-4 weeks, it will be completely ready for use.

Landing technology

Now it is clear which land for the "money tree" will be considered optimal. The last question remains: "How to prepare the soil?" First of all, it must be disinfected. To do this, it is enough to take a large dish, place wet sand on the lower tier, and all other components on top. Hot steam when heated will completely disinfect the soil.

Now you need to choose the right pot. The fat woman does not like too big, so choose the one that includes the root system with a margin. If necessary, the plant can be transplanted. Best time for this - the beginning of spring. Be sure to stock up on a drainage layer. Now carefully remove the plant from the pot and then transfer to a new one. It remains only to sprinkle the voids with earth. Watering the fat woman in the first 3-5 days is not recommended, since the root system must move away from the injuries.

We form a plant

"Money tree" can be different. If several sprouts sit in one pot, they will stretch out and lose their decorative appearance. And even one seedling is capable of tilting to the left or right under its own weight. Therefore, as soon as the branch has gained 3-4 leaves, it is pinched. Then the fat woman grows with a well-shaped center and a lush crown.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, growing this plant has its own characteristics, but is not at all difficult. Once you learn how to make a substrate, you'll never buy it from a store again. Homemade soil mixtures different individual approach to each plant. In addition, you know exactly how they were made, what formed their basis. It remains only to observe the optimal temperature regime, do not overfill the plant, and the fat girl will delight you with a stunning crown for a long time.

Different cultures need different land for beds. But there are also General requirements, if they are not observed, then the plants will not grow or you will collect the minimum yield. There are different soil requirements. Good breathability. Usually, it is considered that loose soil has such air permeability. Moisture permeability and moisture capacity. Optimal soil It must also perfectly pass moisture through itself and retain some of its volume in itself, so that moisture is inside the soil in any weather and different air temperatures. The soil should also have neutral characteristics, as many plants require neutral soil to grow. It is better if the soil contains nutrients in a form that is easily absorbed by crops.

This is done by adding mineral fertilizers or organic matter to the ground. But organic is better, since plants with it are not as saturated with nitrates.

What is fertile land

Fertile land is 30% black earth and 50% peat soil, 20% sand. Sand improves moisture permeability and contributes to the enrichment of the earth with oxygen. Peat reduces the negative impact of harmful impurities.

Chernozem has a neutral acidity, it contains a lot of humus, so it acts as a source of various elements useful for plants. That is, fertile soil is ideal for the growth and development of crops.

Comparison of fertile land and black soil

The soil with plants from which large crops are harvested is black soil. It usually has everything. cultures need useful material, the chernozem has the moisture required for plants, sufficient air permeability. But it has a drawback - it is sold quite expensive.

Fertile soil has more low price. After pouring it into the soil, you can not additionally feed the plants for several years.

Advantages of fertile land:

  1. Low cost.
  2. It consists of natural, safe components that will not harm humans and nature.
  3. Fertile land increases the yield of plants.
  4. When buying, you can adjust its composition.

Such land is universal, you can plant and grow any plants on it. They will actively grow.

How to prepare the land for beds

In the Moscow region, they prepare the land for beds in April, at which time it will already dry out and warm up. This is done at an air temperature of + 10–15 ° C, the soil should not stick to the shovel, but be dried. From strong moisture and snow, the soil settles. Therefore, it is loosened with a rake or a cultivator.

If on given place winter crops were planted, the soil is loosened with a harrow. It is advised to mulch the soil in the fall, then in the spring it will be loose. In the spring afternoon, after lunch, they dig up the soil, at this time upper layer the earth is well warmed up. After digging, the bottom layer will also warm up. The bed is loosened with a rake. Plant residues are placed in a compost pit.

Important! You can enrich the soil with the help of trace elements: iron, molybdenum, copper, zinc, manganese. To do this, green sand or seaweed flour is added to it. You can add completely rotted leaves.

Preparing the virgin land for planting

First mark the sod in small squares, then cut it off.

That is, with a shovel, make cuts along the perimeter, and cut the turf from below. The removed sod is placed in compost heap. The soil is loosened with a pitchfork, a layer of compost and humus is poured. On such land, it is advised to plant pumpkin, legumes, and corn.

If you don't have a compost pit, turn the sod upside down and place it like this. Then beat off the sod with a shovel. Then cover with a dark film, then the turf will perepreet.

How to make the ground more suitable

There are several ways to do this. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

The soil is enriched with fertilizers

Plants need nitrogen to grow leaves and stems, phosphorus is needed for the root system, and potassium is needed to strengthen immunity. But it is better to add organic matter, it will support the microflora required by plants in the soil.

If you make a compost heap on the site, then it will help you without cash spending improve land characteristics in 6 months. For landing vegetable plants it is required to mix 20% compost and 0% soil. Then you will actively grow seedlings, the number harvested crop will increase.

Crop rotation

You can not plant the same plants in the same place every year. This impoverishes the soil, it lacks necessary for plants nutrients and pathogens and pests are collected. Be sure to rotate the planting of crops on your site.

Enrichment of the earth with fungi and bacteria

You can buy them in stores for the garden and cottages. For example, the fungus Mycorrhiza helps crop roots absorb more water and required useful elements. Nitrogen fixing bacteria enrich the earth with nitrogen.

If the land is not fertile

The solution to the problem of such soil can be the creation of high beds. You can make beds 10–20 cm high from boards or slate. You can also raise very high beds up to 50–70 cm from bricks, concrete, stones.

Organic material is placed at the bottom of the beds, for example, rotten boards, rotten logs, hemp. Branches, chopped bark, wood chips are placed on them. Manure is poured from above, water is poured out. After laying layers of straw, hay, sawdust, grass. Humus is poured between these layers. It is recommended to pour Baikal, Emochki, Radiance fertilizers on each layer.

And the top layer is made from soil mixed with humus or compost. The layer should be 7–8 cm high. You can not mix the layers, as microorganisms will take care of this. But do not forget that it is necessary to add compost or a mixture of soil with compost from time to time.

You also need to know what is humus and what is compost:

  1. Humus is manure that has completely decomposed.
  2. Compost is a lot of organic residues, compost rots and turns into humus after about 1-2 years.

But you can put compost ripening accelerators in it.


These soils are great for any crops, as they have a number of advantages:

  • accumulate heat;
  • breathable;
  • the root system of crops develops well in them;
  • if the layer is thick, then it perfectly retains moisture.

But such soils also have a big minus, they have few nutrients for plants, they are quickly washed out of the soil.

Therefore, in order to enrich such lands, it is necessary to constantly add organic matter, compost or humus to them. It is best to use compost, as it is the undecomposed remains of plants. Therefore, when organic substances are washed out of sandstones, they will be released from the remains of vegetation. Also, to make sandstones better, you can add some clay to them.

swampy soils

Is it loamy or clay lands, ground water they lie close to the surface. On such soils, you can make high beds. You can also dig drainage grooves so that groundwater goes down.

Prepare these soils better in autumn. They need to be carefully dug up to a depth of 10 cm, first spreading manure or compost over the surface. It is advised to scatter ash over the surface after digging, since such soil is usually very acidic.

Important! best method to make such lands more fertile is to sow green manure in the fall. Then, in early spring, the earth is not dug up, but loosened with a pitchfork, mixing the soil with green manure vegetation.

acidic soil

Soil acidity is determined using litmus paper. Collect a few handfuls of soil from the site, pour into a glass, mix and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then mix again. Top of the glass after 5 minutes. gruel appears, then apply litmus paper to it. When paper is dyed scarlet, the acidity of the soil is high. If the paper turns orange, then this is medium oxidized earth. If the soil has a weak acidity, then the paper will acquire yellow tint. If the paper turns green, then you have neutral soil, while bright green means your soil is alkaline.

If your soil consists entirely of peat, then it needs to be deoxidized 1 time in 3 years, if the soil is sandy, then 1 time in 5 years, and for loams it is required to add deoxidizing substances 1 time in 7 years.

Can be used slaked lime. If the earth is highly acidic, then in autumn 50–70 kg of fluffy lime are scattered per 100 m², then the soil is dug up to the depth of a shovel. If the soil is moderately oxidized, then 40–45 kg are poured, and 20–25 kg of lime are scattered on a slightly acidic place.

Or you can buy dolomite flour. Then, with strongly acidic soil, 500 g are scattered on top of 1 m² of land. dolomite flour, for simply acidic soil - 450 g, and for slightly acidic - 350 g.

Soil on permafrost

To make such land suitable for planting, a trench is dug, having a depth of 70 cm. various materials, which will serve for thermal insulation: logs, boards, empty plastic bottles on which the lids are screwed. Next, a mixture of humus, leafy soil and compost is poured into the same place.


That is, in order to prepare the land for the beds, it is necessary to constantly plant green manure, with which you can then enrich the soil. Do every year compost pits to permanently place compost in high beds. Place mulch under the plants from chopped straw or mowed grass.

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