Dieffenbachia leaves dry at the edges. What to do if the lower leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow. Why dieffenbachia withers after transplantation

Dieffenbachia is a fairly common houseplant. Caring for him is not difficult. However, flower growers are interested in dieffenbachia, what to do in this case, how can the plant be helped? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

But first you need to find out why the leaves of dieffenbachia turn yellow, what reasons contribute to the development of this disease. They may be different. Conventionally, experts divide them into three categories: pests, diseases, improper care.

Dieffenbachia: leaves turn yellow. What to do?

Dieffenbachia is an easy and rather unpretentious plant to care for. However, it is accustomed to a humid tropical climate, and therefore imposes a number of requirements for maintenance. First of all, you need to know the grower in whose house dieffenbachia grows: the leaves of the plant often turn yellow in low light, improper watering and soil selection, and low temperatures.


This indoor flower prefers diffused lighting (2500-2700 lux), does not tolerate direct sunlight. At the same time, she needs additional illumination in the dark season. Daylight hours with it should be at least 10 hours. The bright sun causes leaf burn, after which brown dry spots appear on the surface of the leaf plate, which surround large yellowed areas.

To return the plant to an attractive appearance, the affected leaves must be cut off - they will not be able to recover. Insufficient lighting can adversely affect the overall color of the leaves. In a plant located in the shade, on a north window or in the back of a room, the leaves may turn pale at first, and then they will acquire a slight yellowish tint. But it is quite simple to deal with this trouble: it is enough to rearrange the flower in a more lit place - and dieffenbachia will again delight you with bright colors.


Another extremely important factor that many beginner flower growers neglect. Dieffenbachia does not tolerate excessive moisture. The lower leaves turn yellow in this case due to the loss of roots. Yellowness in this situation is the last stage, which is accompanied by blackening of the stems. Florist's mistake - waterlogging of the soil.

When the soil is not allowed to dry out between waterings, aeration is disturbed, the roots suffocate and rot. This process is accelerated by the development of algae on the surface of the soil, the walls of the pot, as well as the sharp awakening of fungal spores. Is dieffenbachia doomed in this case too? The leaves turn yellow in this case, giving you a signal that the plant needs urgent help. At the initial stage, it is quite easy to save him. Transplant the flower into another soil, after cleaning it of rotten roots.

Several external factors indicate the need for such a transplant:

  • the surface of the soil becomes slimy;
  • a greenish coating appears;
  • with subsequent watering (even if the earth has dried up), an unpleasant odor appears.

To avoid the development of rot, a good drainage layer must be formed at the bottom of the pot, which will save the plant from an excess of moisture, and the pot must be selected according to the size of the root system.

Sometimes flower growers say that, despite the fact that Dieffenbachia is not watered too abundantly, the leaves turn yellow. The reason may be the overdrying of the soil. It is less detrimental to the plant, but sometimes it can also cause its death.

And another mistake that many indoor plant lovers make is watering with hard water. It can cause the development they will turn pale and then turn yellow. For the prevention, as well as the treatment of this disease, the plant should be watered only with soft, settled water. Dieffenbachia needs to be fed from time to time

Why do the lower leaves of dieffenbachia turn yellow? Soil selection and top dressing

This plant loves moisture and breathable slightly acidic soils, with a high content of humic acids, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. If the soil is chosen incorrectly, with a violation of the salt balance, then the roots will not be able to perform their functions, the nutrients will become unavailable to the flower.

This will immediately demonstrate to you with its appearance dieffenbachia - the leaves turn yellow (mainly the lower ones, adults). Moreover, the plant will slow down growth, and the new growth will be underdeveloped and weak. When the soil contains an insufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus, or with an excess of nitrogen, the upper leaves of the flower will turn yellow. Therefore, top dressing should be strictly dosed. For this, balanced complex fertilizers for deciduous ornamental plants are most suitable.

Temperature regime

Dieffenbachia belongs to heat-loving plants. It needs moderate temperatures throughout the year. It can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to +10 ... +12 ° C, however, after the stress, the lower leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

But dieffenbachia categorically does not accept temperature changes and drafts. The leaves turn yellow in this case, first along the edge, and then begin to dry out. This is a very common phenomenon, which is called necrosis, it is well known to many flower growers.


Like most indoor plants, dieffenbachia is subject to pest invasion. These are, first of all, aphids, scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, and the spider mite gives her the biggest problems. All these pests suck the juice from the shoots and leaves, which leads to the depletion of the plant, its lag in development and deformation of young shoots.

Often, yellowed leaves signal an invasion of uninvited guests. This is especially often manifested when a plant is damaged by a spider mite. Initially, groups of small yellow dots appear on the outer side of the leaf plate, which grow rather quickly, discoloring almost the entire leaf. At the same time, from the inside it (and the petiole) is covered with a thin cobweb, along which barely noticeable brown “dots” move. This is the ticks.

Infected leaves cannot be restored, they should be cut off, and the whole plant should be washed well under warm water (about +40 ° C), having previously protected the earth from excessive moisture. If this is not enough for a complete cure, then the procedure is repeated or the plant is treated with a special chemical preparation, for example, Fitoverm or Actellik.


One of the most serious causes of yellow spots on dieffenbachia leaves is viral, fungal and infectious diseases. They are not always easy to identify, however, we will describe the most common ones.

fungal diseases

Anthracnose- large black-brown spots with a yellowish border appear on the edge of the sheet and next to it. Gradually, the leaf dries up and dies.

root rot- dark spots appear on the root neck, light gray mycelium can be seen on the roots. As the disease progresses, the leaves turn yellow, drop, and the plant dies. The fungus is carried through the soil and develops in a new place with excessive watering and high humidity.

leaf spot- small brown spots with an orange border appear on the leaf plates. Gradually, they grow and cover the entire surface of the leaf. Infection occurs through the remains of diseased leaves and water. The disease is aggravated by waterlogging.

Preventive measures in the fight against fungal diseases include:

  • use of quality soil;
  • compliance with all requirements for the conditions of keeping the plant.

When the first suspicious signs of the disease are found, the plant must be treated with a systemic fungicide, for example, "Fundazol" or "Vitaros".

Bacterial diseases

The most dangerous of them is bacteriosis. It leads to the death of the plant. On the infected flower, watery areas with clearly visible borders appear on the leaves and stems. Gradually they turn brown or turn brown. The disease is transmitted from one diseased plant to another through damage to the stems. Treatment for this disease has not yet been developed.

Viral diseases

Bronzing- yellow rounded or ring-shaped spots appear on the leaves. Gradually, the affected leaves wither, although they remain on the branches.

Viral mosaic- on the leaf plate you can immediately see numerous rounded spots of dark green color with a light middle. The plant stops growing.

Viruses are transferred from an infected plant to a healthy one either by direct contact or by pests: aphids and thrips. It is impossible to cure the plant, so it is destroyed.

leaf aging

Dieffenbachia is a fast-growing plant, so it tends to expose the stem. Do not worry if the flower turned yellow and fell off one lower leaf, and this unpleasant defect did not spread to the rest of the plant. This shows that a natural process of aging and death is taking place.

Dieffenbachia is a popular indoor plant with large leaves, which not only looks very beautiful in the interior, but also has the ability to purify the air well. In addition, the flower is quite unpretentious, grows quickly and does not require complex care, so many flora lovers prefer to breed it. But sometimes you can notice that dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow. To understand why this happens, you need to find out the cause of the trouble, and then try to eliminate it.

Description of Dieffenbachia and its care

The plant belongs to the herbaceous perennials of the Aroid family and is an evergreen shrub with large and bright foliage. In the wild, the flower prefers to grow in a tropical climate, as its homeland is South and North America. Today, this planting can often be seen in the houses and apartments of many residents of our country.

Appearance and varieties

It should be borne in mind that changes in the appearance of a tropical bush due to illiterate care will not be immediately noticeable. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the flower to make sure that it is in good health. Otherwise, the negative impact of adverse conditions may weaken it, as a result of which the plant may become ill or become a source of food for harmful insects.

There is another reason for Dieffenbachia that should not be a cause for concern - this is the end of their lifespan. The process usually begins in the second year after planting and continues every season, with the onset of the autumn period. It differs from pathological manifestations in that at a certain time an insignificant part of the foliage turns yellow and falls off, and instead of it, new leaves appear in the near future.

Why do dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and dry? This question is asked by some flower growers, in whose houses the familiar decorative leafy plant dieffenbachia grows. There can be quite a few reasons for this. To understand them, you need to know all the nuances of plant care, what diseases the indoor flower is most often exposed to and what pests can attack it.

An unpretentious indoor plant in nature grows in a humid tropical climate. Therefore, in order for a bush in a house or apartment to grow well, and its leaves to be beautiful, conditions should be created for the flower that are close to natural. . If dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow, which means that some care rules are not followed. To know, what to do in this case, it is necessary to study - how to care for dieffenbachia correctly?

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves. Lighting

Requires diffused lighting. In the shade, the leaves will fade, become greener and lose their decorative effect. But you should not put the flower on the southern windows, where direct sunlight can burn the leaves of dieffenbachia, on which, after such a burn, dry brown spots with yellowed areas around will appear.

What to do if dieffenbachia leaves become dry from the sun? They will not become green and beautiful again. Therefore, the affected leaves are carefully removed with a pruner, and the plant is moved to a new place, away from the sun's rays.

Why do dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? Watering

Watering a flower depends on its size. But in any case, the plant does not tolerate an excess of moisture. It has fleshy roots and a trunk, which, from excessive waterlogging, begin to quickly rot. As a result on dieffenbachia primarily lower leaves turn yellow. They seem to give a signal that the plant needs help.

How to properly water a bush:

  • between waterings it is necessary to let the top layer of soil dry out;
  • water should be used only separated and at room temperature, since cold water can cause root rot;
  • some time after watering, the remaining water should be poured out of the pan so that it does not stagnate in it and the roots do not rot;
  • watering should be plentiful, but not too often, checking before watering with a hand or a wooden stick whether the topsoil has dried out.

If algae (greenish bloom) appeared on the surface of the soil or the earth became slimy, then the substrate is often waterlogged and there is a possibility of root rot.

What to do if the lower and other leaves on dieffenbachia turn yellow due to waterlogging? Only transplanting to another soil and processing the roots can save the plant. For this you need:

  1. Prepare intended for new nutrient soil.
  2. Carefully pull the bush out of the pot and inspect the roots.
  3. Remove rotten roots with secateurs or scissors and sprinkle the cut points with crushed wood or activated charcoal.
  4. The new pot is selected according to the size of the remaining root system. Even if the bush itself is large, and there are few healthy roots left, the container should be taken small. It is not recommended to plant a plant in an old large pot. A small number of roots in a large volume of land will begin to rot again after watering.
  5. The bush is planted in a new container and carefully watered.

Now you need to monitor the soil and water it only after the top layer dries out.

However, dieffenbachia leaves can also turn yellow from overdried soil. But in this case, the leaves become more dry than yellow, and saving such a plant is quite simple. It is enough to organize the correct watering and the flower will begin to grow better. But if the soil is dried out systematically, then the plant may even die.

Why do dieffenbachia leaves dry? Temperature and humidity

The decorative leafy plant is unpretentious to the temperature regime and grows well in room conditions. However, some factors can adversely affect the growth of the bush and the condition of its leaves:

  1. Drafts, keeping the flower at a temperature within and below +12 degrees, temperature changes lead to hypothermia of the roots. As a result, the roots begin to rot first, after which the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In this case, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry along the edge.
  2. Dry air at home is the enemy of many plants. Dry and hot air emanating from batteries has a particularly negative effect on the decorativeness of the leaves. At the dieffenbachia standing next to the heating radiators, the edges and tips of the leaves will dry. What to do in this case? The bush should be removed away from the batteries and if the apartment is hot, spray the leaves several times a day if possible.
  3. The leaves will be beautiful if they are regularly wiped with a damp soft cloth or sponge. The plant will thank you with beautiful foliage if you periodically wash it under a warm shower. You should first cover the soil in the pot with cellophane so that it does not wash out.
  4. If the apartment is hot and the air is dry, you can use humidifiers by placing it in a green area where flowers grow.

Why do dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? Top dressing and soil selection

The plant requires a slightly acidic, well-air- and moisture-permeable substrate. It should include nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and humic acids. The lack of nutrients negatively affects the growth of the flower and its decorative effect. Primarily lower adults turn yellow leaves. The bush begins to grow poorly, and the growth turns out to be weak and underdeveloped.

Over time, the soil is depleted and the plant needs top dressing. They should be carried out in spring and summer during the period of active growth. Fertilizers are selected for decorative leafy plants and used strictly according to the instructions. It is necessary to ensure that they do not contain lime.

Dieffenbachia with white leaves should be fed once every three weeks only with mineral fertilizers. When using organic top dressing, the leaves will begin to turn green, since organic matter (manure, etc.) contains a lot of nitrogen.

An excess of nitrogen in the soil and a lack of potassium and phosphorus leads to the fact that dieffenbachia top leaves turn yellow. Therefore, for top dressing, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers intended for decorative and deciduous plants.

Natural yellowing of dieffenbachia leaves, reproduction and renewal

That's not worth worrying about. This is a natural process and over time the stem of the plant will become bare. What to do in this case, so that the flower becomes beautiful again?

Can be updated and at the same time propagate dieffenbachia with apical cuttings. It is quite simple to do this and there is no need to be afraid of such a procedure. It is better to update the old bare plant and after a while get some young beautiful bushes. For the procedure it is necessary:

  1. To the bare stem, cut off the top along with the leaves. The cut must be made below the node, departing from it two centimeters.
  2. The stalk can be placed in a container with water, where it will give roots. After that, it is planted in a pot with suitable soil. Dieffenbachia cuttings can be rooted in sphagnum, sand, or in a mixture of peat and sand (1:10).
  3. The container with the cuttings should be in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. In this case, the air temperature should be within + 22 ... + 24 degrees.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and, as it dries, spray it with settled water. You should also regularly spray the leaves and wipe them with a damp cloth.
  5. When the roots grow to about 3 cm in length, the young bush can be planted in a new beautiful pot.

If the dieffenbachia bush was tall, then the remaining stem can be cut into segments, each of which should have one node. They are dried for two days, after which they are simply laid horizontally in a container with a mixture of peat and sand and covered with polyethylene. At an air temperature of at least +25 degrees, the stem cuttings will soon have roots and they can be planted in pots.

As a result of such circumcisions, only a stump will remain from the bush, which needs to be watered. Soon he will begin to give new shoots. Thus, from one adult dieffenbachia with a bare, ugly trunk, you can get several young bushes at once.

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves - flower diseases

Infected soil, pests, or a diseased flower can cause a plant to become infected with a viral, bacterial, or fungal disease. As a result, the leaves lose their decorative effect, and the bush dies over time.

Viral diseases

Viruses are carried by pests or a plant can become infected from a nearby diseased flower. Dieffenbachia are most often affected by the following viral diseases:

  1. Viral mosaic is determined by dark green rounded spots on leaflets that have a light middle. Over time, the spots become more and more, and the bush stops growing.
  2. Leaf bronzeness is a disease in which ring-shaped or rounded yellow spots appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia. Affected leaves do not fall off, but fade.

Viral diseases cannot be cured. The plant should be destroyed, otherwise it will infect other indoor flowers.

Bacterial diseases

The appearance of watery spots on the stem and leaves should alert. If they have clearly visible borders and after some time become brown or brown, then this is a bacteriosis. Unfortunately, this bacterial disease has no cure. It is transmitted through damage on the stems from one plant to another. A flower affected by bacteriosis soon dies.

fungal diseases

Poor-quality contaminated soil, water and the remains of diseased parts of plants can cause fungal infections in Dieffenbichia. The most common include:

  1. Leaf spotting. If small brown spots appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia, which have an orange border, then most likely this is a fungal disease. Over time, the spots grow and affect the entire leaf plate.
  2. Root rot. In this case, a light gray coating appears on the roots, dark spots appear on the root neck, and after a while the leaves fall and turn yellow. As a result, the plant dies. Root rot fungus lives in poor-quality contaminated soil and begins to develop rapidly with high soil moisture.
  3. Anthracosis. The disease can be recognized by rather large dark brown spots along the edge and near the edge of the leaf. The spots have a yellowish border. If untreated, the leaves gradually dry out and die.

In the initial stages, fungal diseases can be eliminated with the help of special fungicidal preparations. If the above signs are found, the bush should be treated according to the instructions with Vitaros or Fundazol.

Leaves turn yellow and dry - dieffenbachia pests

High air temperature and dry indoor air are the main causes of plant damage by pests. Spider mites, mealybugs, thrips, scale insects and aphids love flower leaves, from which juices are sucked out. As a result, the leaves of Dieffenbachia dry and turn yellow, young shoots are deformed, the plant lags behind in development and is depleted.

If the leaves began to turn pale, turn yellow and dry on Dieffenbachia, first of all, the leaf plates from all sides should be carefully examined. At home, in dry air, most often a spider mite starts up on flowers. You can recognize this insect by the cobweb and small brown dots, which are ticks.

What to do if pests start on dieffenbachia? You can get rid of them with the help of insecticidal preparations. Infected leaves should first be cut off, since it is impossible to restore them. The field of this bush is well washed under the shower. It is necessary to wipe each leaf with a sponge from all sides. If there are few pests, then such a procedure may be sufficient. But most often you have to resort to spraying plants with Actellik or Fitoverm.

As you can see, the leaves on dieffenbachia turn yellow and dry, mainly due to improper care. Therefore, if the leaves began to lose their decorative effect, the care and maintenance of the plant should be reconsidered.

Dieffenbachia is an unpretentious perennial deciduous houseplant native to countries with a tropical climate. For all its decorativeness, the sap of the plant is poisonous to humans and you need to be very careful with any contact with this deciduous crop. easy and many years of experience in floriculture is not required. But still, it is necessary to clearly observe all the preferences of the flower regarding watering, light, heat and soil composition.

Many are faced with the problem when dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow. And although there can be a lot of reasons, they can be divided into three main groups: violation of the conditions of detention and care rules, the appearance of diseases, and the invasion of pests.

Violation of the rules for caring for dieffenbachia

Wrong lighting

For dieffenbachia, a long daylight hours (at least 10-12 hours) throughout the year is very important. Lighting should be diffused, the culture must be protected from direct sunlight. On short daylight hours in autumn and winter, additional lighting with phytolamps or fluorescent lamps will be required. The most favorable level of illumination is from 2500 to 2700 lux.

Bright light and direct rays of the sun, when it hits the leaves, leave a burn in the form of dry brown spots against the background of emerging yellowness. Such leaves can no longer be restored, and it is recommended to remove them. Insufficient lighting will also negatively affect the decorative Dieffenbachia. This can happen if the crop is grown on a north-facing windowsill or in the back of a room away from a light source. At first the leaves will become light green, then almost white and soon begin to turn yellow. If you move the plant in a timely manner to another place with good lighting, then the normal green color of the leaves will gradually recover.

Wrong temperature

For heat-loving dieffenbachia, sudden changes in temperature, regular drafts and cold ventilation are undesirable. This can cause yellow and dry leaves. The optimum indoor temperature throughout the year is 20-25 degrees. Even a short-term drop in temperature to 10-12 degrees will lead to yellowing and dropping of the lower leaf part. Although dieffenbachia will not die after such temperature jumps, its appearance will lose its beauty. The leaves will still fall off even when the temperature is restored to normal.

Violation of the rules of watering

The condition and color of the Dieffenbachia leaf mass depends on the volume and frequency of irrigation. Yellow leaves may be due to a regular excess of moisture in the soil. They talk about rotting of the root part, which begins due to waterlogging of the soil. The earth should dry out a little before the next watering, the soil should remain light and breathable. And an excess of irrigation water leads to compaction of the substrate and does not allow the roots to breathe. In addition, excess moisture leads to the appearance and spread of a large amount of fungus in the flower container, algae begin to develop on the surface of the soil.

At the first signs of decay of the root part, it is recommended to urgently remove the flower from the pot, replace it and the flower soil, and carefully inspect the roots, rinse, remove the diseased parts and treat the cuts with charcoal. The new flower container should match the size of the dieffenbachia root system. A good drainage layer must be formed at its bottom. The reason for an emergency transplant is a greenish coating on the surface of the earth in a pot and an unpleasant smell from moistened soil.

No less dangerous for the crop is the lack of moisture with excessive drying of the soil mixture. With untimely watering, the leaves of the flower become brown and slowly dry out.

When watering, it is very important to use only soft water, which has been settled for 1-2 days. From hard water, Dieffenbachia leaves turn pale and turn yellow.

Incorrect soil composition and fertilization

The soil should be slightly acidic in composition, light, loose, with good water and air permeability and high in potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and humic acids. Such a soil mixture can be purchased at any specialized store. Another (inappropriate for this culture) composition and density of the soil will lead to a lack of nutrition of the root part. This will affect the external characteristics of the old and young foliage. Mature leaves at the bottom of dieffenbachia will turn yellow, while young ones will grow slowly and develop poorly.

The development of dieffenbachia directly depends on the volume and frequency of feeding, as well as on the amount of such useful elements as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Experienced flower growers advise using complex fertilizers strictly according to the instructions and for their intended purpose, since yellowing of the leaves can begin not only due to a lack of potassium and phosphorus, but also with an excess of nitrogen.


The main pests of dieffenbachia are scale insects, spider mites, aphids, thrips, and mealybugs. Their main food is the juice of shoots and leaves. Most often, the source of room dieffenbachia lag in development and the appearance of yellow leaves is a spider mite. First, tiny dots of yellow color appear on the reverse side of the sheet, which every day occupy an increasing area and discolor it. Also, the presence of a tick is confirmed by numerous thin threads of cobwebs.

Control measures at the initial stage - a warm shower of the whole plant, at a later date - treatment with special chemicals (for example, "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik").


fungal diseases

Root rot occurs under conditions of constant high soil moisture and abundant watering. First, a slight yellowing appears on the leaves of dieffenbachia, then they wither and the flower dies. This means that a fungus has appeared in the root of the plant, which affects the entire root system.

Leaf spot begins with infection from other indoor plants and is fueled by an excess of moisture during watering. At the initial stage, the leaves are covered with brown spots, surrounded by an orange border. Very quickly, the spots increase in size and destroy all the leaves.

Anthracnose is a consequence of acidification and waterlogging of the soil in a pot, as well as parts of an infected indoor flower that have fallen into the soil. With this disease, the leaves become covered with large spots of black or dark brown. Very soon the leaves completely dry out and dieffenbachia dies.

Fusarium is a disease that is transmitted to a healthy plant from a diseased plant through an infected soil mixture or when the flower containers in which they are grown are located nearby. The fungus attacks the root system. “Helps” to develop the disease is an insufficient amount of potassium in the soil and prolonged overdrying of the earthy coma.

Recommended preventive measures are the use of a high quality soil mixture, strict adherence to all the rules for keeping and caring for dieffenbachia, treating the flower with special preparations and solutions at the initial stage and at the first unpleasant symptoms.

Withering shoots, as well as yellow spots on the leafy part in the form of a circle or ring, are the beginning of a viral disease called bronze. Dieffenbachia leaves are affected very quickly, but they do not fall off, but remain on the shoots in a drooping state.

If dieffenbachia stopped growing and developing, and a large number of rounded spots with a light green middle and a dark green border appeared on the leaves, then the plant is infected with a viral mosaic.

Viral diseases, unfortunately lovers of indoor plants, are not treatable. Even in the early stages of the detection of the disease, it is recommended that the culture be urgently removed so that the rest of the flora in the room does not become infected.

Dieffenbachia can become infected from a diseased flower, being in close proximity to it. Also frequent distributors of viral diseases are pests that easily move from one plant to another (for example, aphids and thrips).

Bacterial diseases

One of the most dangerous diseases that cannot be treated, and from which houseplants die, is bacteriosis. Methods of infection - from a diseased plant to a healthy one through infected stems, leaves, soil. To protect healthy indoor flowers, it is urgent to isolate the diseased specimen and destroy it. Signs of the onset of the disease are watery areas of the stems or leaves and the acquisition of a brown or brown hue in the future.

In the presence of numerous reasons for the yellowing of leaves in Diefenbachia, there is another one that should not cause panic or excitement among lovers of indoor flowers. This reason is natural and applies to all plants that have survived to a certain age. The maturation or aging of a fast-growing flower can be manifested in a slight exposure of the stem and the fall of 1-2 yellow leaves at the bottom of the flower. If the dropping of leaves is over and the “signs of illness” have not passed to other plants in the house, then do not worry.

Dieffenbachia are demanding on air humidity. Do not place plants above or near the battery, spray regularly with non-cold settled water. You can purchase a humidifier, or at least set the plant on a tray of wet claydite. Dry tips can be carefully trimmed to living tissue while maintaining leaf shape. Attention! Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous, cut with gloves, wash scissors, do not let the juice get into your mouth and eyes.

Dry in the apartment, spray more often!

The apartment has dry air, spray more often.

Dieffenbachia are photophilous plants, however, they require obligatory shading from direct sunlight. In a very dark place, the leaves become smaller and less attractive.


Bright light

What it still does not tolerate is the drying up of an earthy coma. Thus, regular watering is required, as well as washing the leaves with water from a spray bottle. For watering and spraying it is necessary to use only well-settled tap water at room temperature.

Air humidity


Humidity: more information

Needs frequent spraying and regular washing of the leaves.

Connoisseurs arrange a dormant period for Dieffenbachia from September to March, so that small, hardly viable leaves do not develop due to insufficient lighting in winter. During the dormant period, watering is reduced, and fertilizing is not carried out at all. From time to time the leaves are sprayed with water.


Dieffenbachia are propagated by apical and stem cuttings at high air temperatures. Dieffenbachia also bloom in rooms, however, this greatly retards the growth of plants. The inflorescence is usually broken off, otherwise the growth of the leaves will stop for a while and the plant will be bare from below. Over the years or with poor care, the lower part of the stem is also exposed.


At least once every 3-4 years, dieffenbachia are transplanted into not very large pots and ordinary soil for indoor plants, to which you need to add a little charcoal. Regular weekly fertilizing from April to August - but only during this period - stimulates the formation of new leaves and improves the general condition of the plants. If the plants have become too large with an unattractive bare stem, they can be cut back, leaving a stump about 10 cm high, from which new shoots will begin to grow.

Possible difficulties

The base of the stem is soft and loses color - rotting of the stem. The disease is promoted by waterlogging of the soil and low air temperature. At the beginning of the disease, you can cut out the affected area, wipe the wound with crushed charcoal and transplant the plant into fresh soil. If the lesion is extensive, the top of the stem can be rooted and the rest of the plant discarded.

The lower leaves turn yellow and curl up - low temperatures in winter or cold drafts. The plant will be able to survive temperatures of 10-12°C, but the lower leaves will inevitably suffer.

Loss of color - too bright light or direct sunlight on the leaves leads to their discoloration. Move the plant to a less lit area.

Leaf dieback - The most common causes of young leaf dieback are too low temperatures, dry air or cold drafts. Older leaves die off with age.

The brown edges of the leaves - the drying of the soil. It should always be moist, but not waterlogged. Another reason could be cold air.

ventilate the room and remove from the battery.

Spray more often, because. dry air!