See how to update the door varnish. How to restore a wooden door with your own hands. Do-it-yourself interior door restoration

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The door is an interior detail that constantly experiences high loads. Naturally, after a while, the former aesthetic appearance of the door leaf is lost. Various defects appear on the surface - scratches, cracks in the paintwork, dents, marks from dog teeth and claws. And if buying new doors is not an option, you should start restoring old doors. What is this process, what tools and materials are needed - we will tell in our article.

The restoration process is quite complicated, but quite feasible. There are many simple options for restoring interior doors.

Necessary materials and tools

Depending on what type of door has become unusable, a certain set of materials and tools should be prepared for restoration work. So, you definitely need antiseptic impregnation, varnishes and stains, paint removers, wood paint, putty and primer.

This is about materials. Now let's see what we need from the tool. These are an electric drill, a set of spatulas, chisels and screwdrivers, a carpenter's knife, a roller, brushes, emery cloth, nails and a hammer, pliers, glazing beads, door fittings and a building hair dryer.

Restoring a wooden door

Door leafs made of solid wood are worthy of praise - they are reliable, environmentally friendly products that have a very aesthetic appearance. But such structures are very cumbersome - it is very difficult to restore them. However, subject to the technology of restoration work, the result is worth the effort. Natural wood lends itself well to restoration.


The old door must be removed and laid horizontally on the most even plane. If the canvas has upholstery and glass inserts, they should also be dismantled. Next, you need to move on to removing the paintwork - usually there are several layers of paint on such canvases. To remove the paint easily and quickly, you will need a building hair dryer - the coating is heated until it is swollen, and then easily removed with a spatula. Residual paint can be removed by sanding.

It is important in the process of warming up the door leaf not to overheat it. As a result of overheating, wood can change its natural color. It is best to remove the paint outdoors or in a ventilated room.

At the final stage of the preparatory work, the entire canvas must be coated with a primer.

The main stage of restoration work

The first step is to carefully examine the canvas - it often happens that after the preparation process there are some minor flaws. To eliminate them, you can use putty. Based on the state of the door leaf, it is processed partially in places of defects or completely. Then, after the putty has dried, it is polished. Grinding is a rather delicate process, it should be treated with all care. A surface is well polished only when there are no traces of processing on it.

After grinding, dust and dirt may remain on the canvas. Before painting the product, the surface is thoroughly cleaned. It is desirable to apply paint in two steps - at the first stage, the canvas is covered with enamels, then they go directly to staining.

First of all, the color of the future door is selected - it is recommended to use stains. They can be either water or oil based. Stain or enamel should be applied through an airbrush, but brushes and sponges can also be used at home. Clots of stains and enamels should not be left on the surface - this can affect the color of the entire door leaf.

Paint or varnish is applied with a roller with a short pile length or with a brush. If it is a brush, then it should be of high quality and it is better if it is made of artificial material.

Last step

At this stage, it remains to install the door leaf in its rightful place. But the process is not limited to not only hanging the door leaf on the hinges with subsequent alignment. Sometimes the door frame is reinforced with reinforcing bars or anchor bolts. These manipulations are performed with the door closed. After installation, the gaps between the box and the opening are filled with mounting foam.

The process of restoring lacquered door panels

Let's look at how you can restore an old lacquered door. The first step is to remove the old coating. The door is carefully processed with sandpaper, and then polished in the direction of the wood fibers.

It is better to apply a new varnish with a flute brush or a foam swab. Lacquer is applied in at least four layers intermittently. The second layer can be applied after 2-3 hours, but all the rest - in a day. All this time the room should be very well ventilated.

The resulting surface is then necessarily polished - since this process is quite laborious, it is recommended to use a grinder with a felt or felt polishing nozzle.

Restoring veneered doors

The first step is to measure the surface of the door leaf and cut the harvested veneer. Then glue is applied to the canvas and allowed to absorb for 10 minutes.

If the door is not even, then it needs to be leveled - for large irregularities, a planer is used, for small ones, you can get by with an emery sheet. If there are chips or cracks on the surface, they are restored with putty.

For gluing veneer, an iron is used, the heating temperature of which is not higher than 50 degrees. After the veneer is heated, the surface is fixed by lapping. After that, it is necessary to press down the structure with a heavy object. It is important to carefully control the gluing process so that no voids form under the veneer.

Laminate can be glued in the same way, however, liquid nails should be used to fix it.

This method of restoring an old door has advantages - it is a rich choice of veneer, its long service life, as well as an acceptable cost. But such a coating is very sensitive to humidity and temperature changes.

Restoration of solid wood doors using MDF panels

The restoration process is very, very simple. MDF panels suitable for the style of the interior are glued onto the old door leaf. This is a popular method and it also has some advantages - for example, these panels look very aesthetically pleasing, withstand moisture and mechanical damage. Among the shortcomings - the panels wear out in those places where they are often affected.

Restoration of doors from fiberboard

The technology for restoring such door panels is slightly different from working with door panels made of solid wood. These differences are not very significant, but you should still know them.

Some sources indicate that a blowtorch can be used to remove a layer of paint - no, it just should not be used. Only an iron or a building hair dryer is allowed. For grinding work, it is allowed to use only fine sandpaper - the surface of fiberboard is quite thin. It is possible to slightly change the surface relief with the help of decorative elements - it will imitate a paneled canvas. Then, after grinding, the entire door structure is painted.

There is another option. In this case, the surface will look like natural solid wood - for this, the surface is simply glued with veneer. How to restore an old door in this way is indicated above. After the work is completed, the door will simply not be recognized - everyone will think that it is made of real natural materials.

There are more complex ways, but for them you need to have certain skills. For example, a blind door can receive glass decorative elements. To do this, mark the place for future inserts, and then make a cutout using a jigsaw. The resulting space is reinforced with slats. How the inserts will look like, how many there will be - depends only on the imagination of the master and the style of the interior.

Door frame and fittings

These elements of the door also need restoration work as urgently as the door itself. In addition, the fittings should be replaced. Experts recommend completely replacing the hinges to match the color of the restored door leaf, handles and lock. It is recommended to purchase only high-quality products - the service life and ease of use of doors depend on their quality.

Many home craftsmen believe that you can simply purchase and install a new box - but this is not so. Doors that have been used for a long time have some deflections in various directions. When changing the box, you can only increase the gaps - this will not look aesthetically pleasing.

As you can see, the restoration of old doors is possible. This is not a difficult process that you can do yourself. The materials that will be required during the manufacturing process can be purchased at construction hypermarkets - often, their price is quite affordable. Such restoration allows significant savings - after all, even the simplest economy-class interior door costs from 4,000 rubles. In addition, old doors are high-quality products made of natural and solid wood, and after restoration they will look perfect.

03.09.2016 61396

Samples probably still remained in apartments and country houses. Their appearance leaves much to be desired, however, the owner of the dwelling simply may not have the money to replace the old structure with a new one. In this case, you should not refuse to repair, because it is always possible to update old doors. From our article, readers will be able to learn how to update the old one, giving it a beautiful and modern look, and without spending a lot of money.

Preparing the door surface for renovation

To make an old door beautiful is within the power of any person. In this procedure, you need to show only a little patience and work. The first stage of work consists in preliminary preparations for restoration.

So that in the process of repairing an old door structure you do not have to scatter your strength over trifles, think about preparing the surface in advance. To update you will need the following materials:

  • acrylic paint;
  • Sandpaper (for sanding a wooden surface);
  • putty;
  • Acrylic varnish;
  • The film is self-adhesive.

So, the new decoration of old doors begins with the preparation of a wooden plane. The main advantage of the work performed is that all actions are done by hand, which means that you do not need to pay for the services of craftsmen who are not cheap. The preparatory stage before starting the restoration of the old door structure is performed sequentially:

  • Remove it first and place it on a clean and level surface. Immediately try to remove all fittings and glazing beads so that nothing interferes with you during preparation.
  • Before new ones, remove the old coating first. For these purposes, the thermal method is best suited, which involves heating the painted surface with hot air produced by a building dryer. Under the influence of dry and hot air, the paint on the wooden surface begins to bubble and peel off. Now it can be easily removed with a spatula.

Advice. If the paint is old or applied in several layers, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove it at a time. After removing the main paint with a spatula, heat the surface of the door leaf again in those places where the peeling of the paint and varnish composition did not occur. After that, take the spatula again and remove the remaining paint. If the composition is preserved in the recesses and grooves of the door, remove it from there with a triangular-shaped spatula or a sharp corner of a conventional spatula.

  • The paint is completely cleaned, and now, armed with sandpaper, carefully sand the old wooden door. To make the plane even and more convenient to work with, first fix the sandpaper on a flat rectangular block of wood.
  • To make the sanding better, use coarse sandpaper at the very beginning, then medium grit material, and finally fine grit paper (for polishing the sanded surface).

It should be remembered that it is impossible to immediately cover the polished and sanded surface of the door leaf with a new layer of paint. The fact is that cracks and small scratches may remain on it, which should first be removed with putty.

  • It is not difficult to buy putty for wood in a retail network. By the way, you can make it yourself. For this purpose, simply mix small sawdust with PVA glue.
  • Fill all the bumps on the old door with a ready-made putty composition using a spatula.
  • After puttying, let the composition dry, and then clean the door leaf with sandpaper in accordance with the scheme described above. As a result, you should get a perfectly flat and smooth surface.
  • The last stage of the preparatory work is the application of a layer of drying oil. Its shade may be slightly darker than the color of the wood. Drying oil will become a reliable basis for further application of paints and varnishes.

Options for restoring old doors

Having decided to update the appearance of the old door, be prepared to choose the best restoration method. This procedure can be performed in several ways, using various materials for this.


You can make a new door out of an old door with the help of staining. This option is used most often, and its essence lies in applying a paint and varnish composition to the door leaf. Usually, a roller or a spray gun is used to do such work with their own hands. The brush is used only for good staining of hard-to-reach places. When choosing a roller, we recommend giving preference to pile models, since foam rubber rollers wear out very quickly.

Veneer finish

Veneering old doors is a longer and more labor-intensive process compared to wallpapering or painting. Finishing work using veneer is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Prepare the web in accordance with the technology described above;
  • Now prepare mock-ups of veneer parts using tracing paper or old newspapers for this purpose;
  • Carefully try on all the elements to be prepared, applying them to the surface of the door;
  • transfer paper layouts to veneer, and then cut out details from it to decorate old wooden doors;
  • Try on the veneer elements to the wooden plane, then apply a layer of glue of a small thickness on the surface of the door and the veneer part;
  • Attach the cut piece to the canvas, aligning the surfaces covered with glue, and press firmly. Perform smoothing of the plane, starting from the middle of the part, moving towards the edges. We recommend using a slightly heated iron for this purpose;
  • To extend the life of such a decorative coating, coat the veneer on top with wax.

Wallpapering or vinyl

If there are glass elements in the old door, then they can be replaced with plywood inserts, making the entire structure solid and not transparent.

To use wallpaper or vinyl, follow this consistent pattern:

  1. To fix the decor elements, use PVA glue. It is better to prepare the adhesive composition in advance. If you choose wallpaper to finish the old door leaf, then it is better to give preference to washable models. They are easy to care for and less likely to get dirty. Such material will significantly extend the life of the door plane.
  2. Cover the surface of the canvas with a layer of pre-prepared glue, and then press the decorative element against it with force. Only first do a dry fitting of the wallpaper in order to accurately measure part of the material.
  3. When pressing the wallpaper against the surface treated with glue, try to smooth the material well, removing all the air from under it. This approach will eliminate the likelihood of bubbles on the decorative surface.

Features of the restoration of modern doors from hardboard

The repair of doors made of modern hardboard material is done somewhat differently. For this procedure, you will need to purchase a self-adhesive film. The doors themselves are also removed from the hinges, and carefully inspected before starting the restoration. Before filling cracks on them, be sure to degrease the surface. Only after completing this procedure, you can apply varnish or coloring composition to the hardboard canvas.

I would like to pay special attention to the self-adhesive film. It comes in different qualities, with varying degrees of transparency. Naturally, the more expensive material will be better.

Cut the purchased film according to the dimensions of the door leaf, and then carefully stick the material around the entire perimeter of the restored door structure. It is recommended to smooth the already glued material with a towel to prevent the appearance of bubbles and ensure uniform fixing of it on the entire surface. Smooth the self-adhesive film in the direction from the middle to the edges. If it so happens that bubbles still appear on the surface of the glued film, they can be easily removed with a needle. The door leaf covered with such a film material will have an impeccable and beautiful appearance. After fixing it, the door can be installed and the fittings can be fixed on it.

Now you know that a new door leaf can be made from old ones. This will make it possible to modernize the interior of the house, but also save on repairs, purchase and installation of a new door.

If your renovation is in full swing, and there is not much money left, you can save money if you know how to restore an old door. With the help of simple tricks, you can give a second life to products made of wood, metal, fiberboard, etc. In addition, you are given the opportunity to create your own unique design that fits perfectly into the interior.

Restoration allows you to update an old door at minimal cost

Possible problems

To know exactly how old doors should be restored, you need to find out the existing problems. Most often, interior models suffer from mechanical damage and moisture.

Scratches are the number one problem with plastic. You can hide them with soft polishing. If desired, you can apply a new coating, for example, a film on a self-adhesive basis.

Wooden interior doors often suffer from drying out due to temperature fluctuations and moisture ingress. The canvas is covered with cracks and warps. There may also be a problem with the coating itself. If it's paint, it can flake and peel off over time. If decorative overlays like laminate or MDF were used, be prepared that they will peel off when exposed to moisture. Wood that has not been properly treated deteriorates and can become moldy. Then you need to clean the affected layer.

The most difficult thing is to restore interior doors made of fiberboard, since this material cannot be subjected to rough processing. As for chipboard, its main problem is the delamination of the structure due to moisture ingress. It is necessary to fill the gaps with glue and put the canvas under the press.

Chips and cracks appear on the doors during operation

Preparation for work

Before you decide to restore the old interior door with your own hands, you need to assess the scale of the upcoming work. Remove the canvas from the hinges, carefully inspect it from all sides, including from the ends. Lay it on a flat and clean horizontal surface. If the problem is the presence of minor damage, you can simply complete the repair there.

If you need to adjust the base itself, you need to remove the old cladding. The overlay panels can be peeled off quite easily by hand. But how to restore an old wooden door covered with varnish or paint? First you need to remove all the coating, layer by layer, until you get to the finishing material. For this, it is best to use fine-grained sandpaper.

Since the work is quite dusty, it is better to carry it out in the workshop. If this is not possible, cover all the furniture and the floor in the room with a film. Take care of respiratory protection from small particles of material, put on construction goggles on your eyes.

Before starting work, prepare the work area and take care of personal protective equipment

Elimination of chips and cracks

After the varnished canvas has been cleaned, you can proceed to the next step. It is necessary to restore the door to the state of a perfectly smooth and whole material.

How to restore old wooden interior doors:

  1. Sand the surface of the canvas with fine sandpaper and clean it of dust.
  2. Use a special putty to cover all the cracks.
  3. If there are chips, you can glue the missing fragment or form it from putty. You can also fill the gaps with sealant or glue.
  4. After the mass has dried, go over these places with sandpaper to eliminate irregularities.
  5. If the canvas contains curly elements and glazing beads, you need to replace those that have become unusable.

Restoration of an old wooden door involves puttying problem areas

How to restore interior doors from fiberboard? Since fiberboard is a thinner and more fragile material than wood, it must be handled with extreme care. Cracks should be covered with putty on wood. The surface can be rubbed only by zeroing and strictly by hand.


Before updating the old canvas, it is necessary to carry out primary processing. It is enough to treat fiberboard with a primer. Typically, such a surface is decorated by gluing decorative overlays. The best option, and not only for fiberboard, is veneer. Alternatively, you can use PVC film, laminate or eco-veneer.

Wooden interior doors can be restored using the same method or covered with paint. First you need to treat the canvas with a deep penetration primer, as well as a special impregnation that protects the wood from destruction, damage by fungus, insects and mold.

The use of high-quality paints allows you to effectively restore even a very unpresentable door.

How to restore a wooden door by painting:

  • Stain - allows you to preserve the structure of the tree and give the canvas the necessary natural shade. To protect against moisture, you need to varnish the door with at least two layers of varnish.
  • Paint - water-repellent compositions are used. You can choose glossy, satin or matte paint.

There are many decorative techniques for creating an unusual surface. They are based on the combination of different compositions of paint, varnish and the use of auxiliary materials.

glass insert

Some interior doors contain a glass insert. Such structural elements can also be restored. If a solid canvas is used, you can cut the glass yourself.

The order of work during the restoration of glass inserts of wooden doors with your own hands:

  1. Remove the glazing beads holding the glass and remove it from the opening.
  2. If you want to use the same sheet, you need to put it in order. Drops of paint are removed with a special scraper, acetone or a blade. Scratches are polished with toothpaste. You can cover the glass with a film with a pattern, paint it or turn it into a stained glass window.
  3. Insert new glass into a completely renewed and painted canvas. Secure it with new glazing beads.

Installation of new fittings

To return the external attractiveness to the doors will allow the replacement of fittings

Do-it-yourself complete restoration of old interior doors also involves the replacement of auxiliary structural parts. Old fittings need to either be repaired or replaced with new locks and handles.

If mortise models were used before, you need to select similar products so that the finished cutouts for the fittings match. This is especially true for mechanisms like nobs, where drilling of a large hole is required. At this stage, the restoration of doors with your own hands can be considered complete. At minimal cost, you can create a product no worse than a new sample.

The interior type of doors is not only a heat and noise insulating device, but also a full-fledged decorative detail of the room, which is designed to decorate the interior. It is no secret that it is this factor that is of primary importance when setting a certain cost for products by the manufacturer. Often, not everyone can afford the most liked door, but everyone wants to change the appearance of a door that has worn out over a long period of operation.

For painting interior doors, alkyd paints are the most popular.

In this case, it is recommended to update the door with your own hands. If you have a good imagination and creative impulses are not alien to you, you can easily change the appearance of the interior door yourself, since this does not require professional skills. Below are several methods for updating and decorating doors. Before starting work, it is worth considering that you will have to deal with slopes.

Preparatory work

Whatever renovation method is used, the coating of each door needs to be prepared. The following accessories are required for operation:

  • building adhesive mixture;
  • tracing paper;
  • press (any massive object will do).

First of all, it is necessary to dismantle the door or remove it, after which it is good to examine it for scratches, peeling areas and cracks.

The door can be finished with rolled material depicting exotic plants.

Carefully apply the adhesive mixture to the flaky places, put tracing paper on top and press down well with a press.

Micro-cracks and cracks can be filled with the same adhesive mixture. If the gaps are large, you will have to make some effort to carefully close them.

In this case, fine shavings must be added to the adhesive composition.

Door Upgrade Methods

The most simple methods for updating the door leaf are the following:

  • staining;
  • varnish coating;
  • staining;
  • veneering;
  • decorating with a pattern or pattern (decoupage);
  • decorative cracks (craquelure).

Staining, varnishing, staining and veneering

Varnishing is best done with a brush, as it paints hard-to-reach areas well.

Painting is the most common method of finishing interior doors. In the process of updating the appearance of the canvas, organic, synthetic or water-based varieties of dyes are used. As a result, the door acquires a fresh appearance and looks like new. The paint is selected based on the material of the door leaf and its color.

For varnishing the door leaf, varnish for wooden products or protective and decorative varnish Lakobeits is usually used. Wood varnishes are perfectly absorbed into the structure of the canvas, evenly covering its surface. The main advantage of the protective and decorative varnish is the tinted base, which gives the door a rich look.

Varnishing is carried out with a brush or sprayer, but it is recommended to use the first option, since when applying varnish, the brush follows the contours of the canvas and paints hard-to-reach areas well. To increase the protective properties, it is best to apply varnish in 2 layers.

Veneering of interior doors gives the canvases an expensive and aesthetic look.

If the interior door is not updated for the first time, they resort to the method of processing with stain, after which they varnish the surface. Stain is also used if you want to update the color scheme of the canvas. It does not allow the new shade to mix with the old one, and subsequent varnishing enhances the brightness of the selected color. If you sand the finished canvas, it will acquire a matte finish. If there is no need to achieve a matte color after sanding, you need to polish the surface of the door and dry it. Thus, the door leaf will acquire a crystal shine and will look like a completely new one.

This method is most often used to finish very old samples of canvases, which were made from sawdust of cheap and recycled logs. Veneering will give such canvases an expensive and aesthetic look. The main thing is to treat the surface of the door well and sand it thoroughly. The gluing of veneer is carried out transversely with respect to the wood fiber.

Vinyl sticker

If you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on updating the door, you can use self-adhesive vinyl for wood. This method does not require any special skills from you, it will easily hide all the defects of the canvas and give it a fresh look. For work you will need the following materials:

  • a piece of cloth;
  • household hair dryer;
  • scissors.

The canvas is updated within a few minutes. It is worth considering that before gluing it is necessary to thoroughly clean its surface.

Smooth out the self-adhesive and carefully remove the protective layer. The vinyl sticker is glued on the principle of wallpaper, that is, it must be smoothed with a cloth to prevent the formation of bubbles. After 8-10 minutes, it is necessary to remove the film from the self-adhesive coating. If this process is difficult for you, heat the sticker with a hair dryer. This will help to remove the film without any difficulty.

Decorating with a pattern or pattern

Decoupage of the door is carried out on a thoroughly washed and dry surface.

The technology of decorating the door leaf also does not require special skills. Decoupage can be carried out even without dismantling the door, you only need to thoroughly rinse and dry it.

Before starting work, it is necessary to paste over the doorway with mounting tape. The canvas needs to be primed with high quality, rubbed with a simple paraffin candle and painted. After that, start gluing decoupage cards, but first they need to be soaked in water for 8-12 minutes. Before gluing, the drops of water must be wiped with a dry cloth, and then carefully cover the back of the cards and the surface of the door with PVA glue.

Having tightly glued each element, it is necessary to check if there are bubbles or wrinkles. If you do not eliminate them immediately, it will be quite difficult to correct defects in the future. After drying, a thin layer of putty is applied to the edge of the cards. Excess can be removed with sandpaper or a wet cloth. If desired, you can process the door edges, leaving scuffs there. This will give the canvas a vintage style.

There is also an alternative decoration option. The door leaf is decorated with details of various shapes, which are cut from napkins. The color scheme is selected according to the shades of the interior. The gluing process is the same as above. Upon completion of the work, the door is covered with acrylic varnish.

decorative cracks

This method of updating the door leaf is the most original. It will appeal to people who are in awe of antiques. In addition, such decor is quite rare, which gives it individuality. The technology of applying craquelure involves two-layer varnishing of the door leaf. An important point is the selection of varnish - each layer should have a different composition and drying time. Before finishing, thoroughly clean, degrease and dry the door covering.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • special craquelure varnish;
  • bituminous varnish for an aging effect;
  • acrylic paint.

First of all, craquelure varnish is applied to the canvas. As soon as the 1st layer dries, a bituminous varnish is applied on top of it with the 2nd layer. It is used to enhance the contrasting effect when a white background is selected. For dark tones, it is advisable to use acrylic paint. This method is considered the best.

If you have difficulty buying craquelure polish, you can replace it with ordinary PVA glue, gelatin, vinegar, or egg white.

Inlaid door leaf and stained glass painting

For stained glass door decoration, you will need a special type of water-based paint and a sketch of the desired pattern.

People who have mastered the processing of wood materials turn to more difficult renovation methods. The main materials for marquetry, inlay and intarsia of door panels are the following:

  • Leather Products;
  • glass and mirror tiles;
  • stained glass;
  • mat;
  • bamboo curtains;
  • wood blocks;
  • veneer.

The decorating process requires some experience, perseverance and imagination. The final result will be not only the original decor, but also matching the interior to your taste.

The canvas, where a simple glass tile is replaced by a stained-glass window, creates an extraordinary look in the interior of the room. To bring this idea to life, you will need a special type of water paint and a sketch of the desired pattern. Your task is to transfer the pattern to the door glass using paint. This procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. A sketch of the drawing is being prepared on plain paper.
  2. The processed glass is thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
  3. The drawing is substituted to the glass and carefully outlined on the back side with a thin brush.
  4. The circled contours are painted with various colors of paints at your discretion.

Upon completion of the painting process, it is necessary to allow the paints to dry for 20-22 hours. After drying, the glass fragment is inserted back into the door leaf and is well fixed.

Update of doorways

After successfully updating the canvas, you need to take care of the doorway, otherwise the beautiful door will be completely out of place in it. For the successful completion of the upcoming work, you need to plan the finishing process in stages.

First of all, you need to process the support guides. In the future, they can be repainted to match the color of the door leaf. If the guides are badly worn, drywall sheathing can be mounted on top of them. In the presence of irregularities and roughness, the skin must be equipped with special perforated corners. After that, the opening can be repainted.

At the end of the update of the opening along its perimeter, it is necessary to correctly place the platbands. It is recommended to fasten on special clamps that hold the casing well. If there are no clamps, the strips are glued with special glue or screwed on with self-tapping screws.

Renovation of door frames

If the slopes of interior doors are not redone in accordance with the updated opening and door leaf, the update cannot be considered completed. Slopes are finished by various methods, several of them are described below.

The most common way to update is the installation of finished slopes based on MDF. The second most popular method is the installation of plasterboard slopes, which are attached to glue or a perforated corner.

Another finishing method is slope plastering. This method is considered the most time-consuming and will require a certain amount of time to complete all the work. Practice shows that perlite-stucco slopes are the best option, but they will require some costs for building materials. But the final result will be high-strength and durable slopes with increased resistance to mold.

The modern market offers many options for decorative slopes, among which you can choose the one that suits your new door.

Updating the door, its opening and slopes is a fairly elementary process that does not always require professional skills. With great desire and low cost, you can turn an ordinary door into a work of art. The main thing is to turn on the imagination and allocate some free time.

03.09.2016 37200

The need to update interior and exterior doors arises for everyone. There are two ways to solve the problem: purchase new or. The second is quite realistic to implement without recourse to specialists. In order to need to think over the design, the way to implement the idea, get acquainted with the order of work, stock up on the necessary materials and realize what was conceived.

We think over the design

There are many ways, the choice of which largely depends on what material it is made of: wood, chipboard, MDF, veneered or with glass inserts. It can be:

  • paint in whole or in part by drawing
  • varnish, stain, tint;
  • veneer;
  • paste over the door with wallpaper, their fragments, vinyl stickers;
  • decorate with moldings;
  • apply aging varnish (craquelure method);
  • insert glass, including painted, frosted, corrugated.

As a result, the cheapest doors can become an exclusive author's product.

Getting ready to implement the project

To remake old doors, you will need the following tools:

  • a screwdriver or a universal screwdriver - for dismantling and opening, hanging and adjusting hinges and handles;
  • spatula, construction knife - for cleaning the surface of old paint;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw - for cutting openings in the door, if the project provides for the insertion of glass or a sheet of plywood;
  • sandpaper (ideally a grinder) - for cleaning surfaces and edges;
  • brushes (flat), rollers (foam rubber or velor with fine pile), rags, sponges - for applying a primer and painting;
  • self-tapping screws, wallpaper nails - fasteners;
  • glazing beads and wooden slats - if necessary, fixing glass or plywood inserts into the canvas.

The material for alteration is selected for each specific case individually. Restoring old interior doors begins with their dismantling and preparation of the base:

  1. Prepare a place for the conduct of work - a horizontal surface sufficient to place a door leaf on it and covered with a non-rigid material.
  2. loops, removing from the opening, lay on the prepared surface, unscrew the fittings - handles, hinges, locks and latches.
  3. If the interior door is with glass and it is planned to replace it, then it must be carefully removed, after loosening the glazing beads.
  4. Clean the surface of the old coating and decoration elements - a layer of paint, glass inserts, cracked veneer layer and the like.
  5. Sand with sandpaper, remove small particles.
  6. Degrease and prime the surface, wait for drying. If there are no visible large defects on the canvas, then the door is ready for finishing.

We close up small dents and large holes

If the doors are very old or have been subjected to impacts that left holes and dents on the surface, then they must be restored. Damage is filled with special wax or putty, which subsequently hardens. For work you need:

  • hard furniture wax, matched by color to match;
  • soft wax;
  • retouching marker;
  • soldering iron or special gas wax melter;
  • lint-free microfibre cloth;
  • fixing varnish.

The order of restoration work:

  1. Trim the edges of the damage along the contour, trimming them.
  2. Fill the dent with hard wax, melt with a soldering iron and pour into the recess. Wait for hardening, remove excess with a knife to level the wax with the surface.
  3. Retouch the color with soft wax and a fine felt-tip pen.
  4. Fix the result with varnish.

It is not necessary to retouch the defect to match the color of the surface if the restored area is planned to be glued or painted in the future.

If the hole is of impressive size, then instead of hard wax, wood putty is used to work.

With through holes in the hollow door leaf, the restoration process is as follows:

  1. Trim the edges of the pothole, giving the edge a smooth shape.
  2. Fill the hole with soft paper around the edges - a kind of foam limiter, which is poured in the next step.
  3. Blow foam into the hole.
  4. After waiting for hardening, cut off the excess.
  5. Putty the surface of the foam and the door, leveling with a spatula.
  6. Sandpaper clean the surface.
  7. Primed, painted.

Decoration Methods: Painting

The most common way to transform an old door is to paint it. It is important not to make a mistake with the choice of color - unsuccessful coloring will only emphasize that an outdated door needs to be replaced. The color is chosen to match the walls or in contrast.

Painting is carried out on a previously prepared (cleaned, primed surface). Work with brush or roller. As a rule, the paint is applied in 2 layers: the surface is covered with the second after the first has dried. The following types of paints are acceptable for use for this purpose:

Acrylic. Eco-friendly water based. They dissolve with water, which evaporates when dried, leaving insoluble resins, so the paint is not washed off in the future, and the surface can be washed.

Oil. Popular in the past, durable and resistant to scratches, these paints have somewhat lost their relevance. They dry for a long time - at least 24 hours, are toxic in liquid form. Solve with drying oil.

Alkyd. Waterproof enamels resistant to solvents after drying. Dissolve with white spirit or solvent. They also dry for a long time - a day. A common group of alkyd enamels is PF-115.

Advice. If during the restoration of doors the choice fell on their coloring with alkyd enamel, then it is not recommended to use a foam roller for work, since it melts under the influence of solvents and forms lumps on the surface. It is better to use a velor nozzle or a fur one with a small pile.

Nitroenamels. They dry quickly - about 1 hour, but their pungent smell can last up to several days. Suitable for use on wood, chipboard, MDF, plywood. The solvent used is acetone.


The painted surface can be decorated by drawing. The easiest way is the screen printing method.

  1. Print the pattern you like on the printer.
  2. Placed on a more durable material (for example, a dense plastic blank), cut out along the contour.
  3. Attach the stencil to the door with adhesive tape.
  4. Apply paint to the open part of the stencil (with a brush, sponge or use a spray can), making sure that it does not get under it in unintended places.
  5. When the paint dries, remove the stencil.

A variant of screen printing is the "anti-stencil" technology, when the cut out pattern is placed on the surface and the area around it is painted.

An original solution can be a decor with a geometric ornament, which is easy to apply with paint or vinyl stickers: rhombuses, stripes, triangles, herringbones, polka dots and just contrasting lines give the canvas an unusual effect.


The real ones are high, and a layer of paint hides their true dignity. A sure way to ennoble the interior is to tint a wooden door. Toning is the treatment of wood with compounds (oils or resins) that preserve the appearance of texture and fibers, but give them a rich color. If the door was previously painted, then it will be necessary to remove the top layer and sand the wood:

  1. Remove old paint from the surface. This can be done mechanically (with a spatula) or chemically (with special compounds).
  2. Sand with medium grit sandpaper or a grinder.
  3. Toned using stain or varnish.
  4. The stain is not recommended to be applied with a brush, it is better to make a tampon from a cloth, dip it in the stain, squeeze it onto a draft sheet of cardboard. Toning the wooden surface with light circular movements, avoiding abundant dot spots on the canvas.

The varnish is applied evenly with a brush. Toning is used not only for, in this way you can ennoble the front door.

Glass processing

Interior doors with glass are a modern trend. To update the glass, you need to take out the old transparent glass and insert a more up-to-date sample: matte, with a pattern, photo printing, corrugated, color. If the door leaf is deaf, then you will first have to cut the opening, and then glaze it. Installation instructions:

  1. Mark the place on the canvas.
  2. Drill a hole about 1 cm in the corner of the marking so that a jigsaw saw can fit in it.
  3. Cut out the opening.
  4. Make grooves around the perimeter for glass or nail slats that will hold it.

To insert glass, you must:

  1. Measure the opening in the door leaf, which is being prepared for glazing.
  2. Cut the glass, taking into account that it should "sit down" in the opening, entering approximately 0.5 cm from each side. To work, you will need a glass cutter and a metal ruler.
  3. Fasten with glazing beads by driving wallpaper nails into them or by screwing in small screws.

Restoration, renewal and decoration of interior doors is a creative process that brings positive emotions and satisfaction. The interior is transformed at the lowest cost, and in some cases an exclusive product is created.