The composition of the soil for orchids at home. Soil for orchids - how to make it yourself, composition and proportions. Which flower pots are best

Orchids are amazingly beautiful flowers, but rather capricious in their care. They require certain conditions of detention. They also need a special soil, which can be purchased ready-made at a flower shop. But it is quite possible to prepare a substrate suitable for plants with your own hands, although this can turn out to be a somewhat troublesome task.

In maintenance and care, these flowers are fundamentally different from other indoor plants. Ordinary garden soil does not suit them. In such soil, they quickly die. Need a special primer for. You can make it yourself by preparing and mixing certain ingredients. But in order for the nutrient medium to optimally suit the plant, you need to know exactly which variety the orchid belongs to.

The composition of a suitable soil for orchids will depend on which of the two groups a particular plant belongs to:

  • flowers that grow on trees in nature - their aerial roots do not require a rich nutrient medium, but the soil must be loose and well-permeable to moisture;
  • orchids growing in the ground - although their root system is located in the soil, it is quite different in composition from the soil used to plant other indoor flowers.

In indoor floriculture, varieties of orchids from growing on trees are more common. The substrate for them can be taken purchased, already completely ready for planting, or partially changed depending on the needs of the flower. But to be sure of the safety of the soil for orchids, you can do it yourself.

What is in the substrate

The basis of the soil for these colors is:

  • Bark - Pine or oak bark is more commonly used. But it can also be taken from larch or aspen. The bark does not need to be cut from the tree, it should be easy to separate from the trunk, be dry and free of signs of mold. And it is better to remove it from a tree that has fallen at least a year ago.

Attention! Fresh bark for the substrate is not used, since any disease can be brought along with it.

  • Charcoal - it can be taken from a burnt birch, oak or beech trunk. And in order to be sure that there are no impurities that can be harmful to the plant, it is better to burn a suitable log yourself.
  • Moss - Sphagnum is best, you can buy it or bring it from the forest.
  • Expanded clay, pumice, pieces of foam - are used for drainage when planting orchids.

When compiling the soil for orchids, other parts are also used. Nut skins, coconut fibers, sunflower seed husks are added to the substrate - this is a good baking powder of organic origin. You can also add pieces of fern root by digging up a healthy and fairly large specimen of this plant in the summer.

And to protect the flower from the development of fungal diseases and to loosen the substrate, small pieces of minerals such as perlite or vermiculite are added.

When preparing the soil, sand (white river or coarse quartz), peat and leafy soil are also used, which can be prepared independently during the warm period. They are used for the substrate of certain orchid varieties. Fallen leaves are also not added for all species.

Advice. Fallen leaves are taken from trees such as oak, aspen, apple tree. And to protect the substrate from the appearance of mold, it is good to add peach leaves to it.

Ground Component Processing

All components of the substrate harvested in the forest or in the swamp must be properly processed before use. All components must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water and then dried. The bark and moss must also be boiled or calcined in the oven, then dried, and after a few days repeat this procedure.

Boiling water treatment is also desirable for other components. And many flower growers advise moss to be additionally treated with insecticides. After such treatments, bark, moss and everything else can be safely used to prepare soil for planting.

Soil preparation

The simplest soil recipe might be as little as 5 parts bark and 1 part charcoal. But it can not be called the best option for plants. It will be optimal for most orchids if the soil also includes moss (1 or 2 parts) and expanded clay or crushed pumice for drainage.

Orchid transplant

Other components can be used for the substrate depending on the needs of the flower, adding them to the soil if necessary. It is important that all parts are disinfected, dried well and thoroughly mixed. It is also necessary to disinfect the container for planting the plant.

An orchid cannot be called an ordinary indoor flower, because it requires a special approach when growing. The soil for it also needs to be prepared very carefully. And although such a procedure is somewhat troublesome, many flower growers always prefer to prepare the substrate on their own. For those who do this for the first time, it is better to first watch the entire preparation process step by step on a video or photo.

Substrate for orchids: video

Kira Stoletova

To grow an orchid, it is important to know not only the rules of care, but also in what soil to plant it. The substrate for orchids is used based on the type of plant. It is easy to prepare at home.

For epiphytic plants

Pine bark is the most widely available material used in planting plants of the Orchid family. This is a crushed, thermally processed, and therefore environmentally friendly material.

The substrate is suitable for phalaenopsis, dendrobium orchids, i.e., species with a well-developed root system.

If plants are transplanted, moss-sphagnum is added to the composition of a freshly prepared substrate for epiphytic orchids in a ratio of 3:1.

For land plants

The composition is slightly different. The degree of its moisture capacity is much higher. To increase this indicator, the harvested pine bark is mixed with soil, which includes peat (2: 1). In it, the root system often rots in plants, so it cannot be called the best.

Best Cast

Of all the substrate components, sphagnum moss and bark are the main constituents. Also, manufacturers began to produce substrates for orchids with a more diverse and expensive composition.

As additional fillers are:

  • coconut flakes;
  • charcoal;
  • pine shavings;
  • crushed fern roots.

Such a nutritional composition is made by hand, having the whole set of components.

How to cook at home

To make a substrate for orchids, prepare all the necessary components. Training is carried out at different times of the year.

moss sphagnum

Moss is collected in the spring. This component is a kind of bioindicator. In the place where it grows, the environment is considered environmentally friendly.

Such a component absorbs moisture well, prevents the development of pathogenic microflora and contains a small amount of nutrients.

It is stored both dried and frozen.

Pine bark

Pine bark is collected from the trunks of fallen trees. Pieces of wood honed by bark beetles are not suitable for preparing soil mixtures: they will quickly rot. Dense pieces 1-2 cm thick are chosen, so that later they can be cut with a pruner.

Often pests get into the pot with such material. Therefore, before preparing the substrate for keeping orchids, this component is poured onto a baking sheet and dried for 5 minutes at the lowest temperature.

The process of cutting and harvesting pine shavings is laborious. Pine bark is on sale today. It is both cheaper in price and superior in quality to pine: it decomposes longer and does not smell like resin.

fern rhizome

It is one of the most important components in the preparation of potting mixes for orchids. It contains useful and nutritious substances that tropical plants need.

Digging up the roots is carried out in early spring before the start of the growing season or in autumn, during the dormant period. The roots are dried in a darkened and well-ventilated room, then cut into small fractions and stored in a tightly closed container.


Getting this component is easy. They take coals from a dying fire, wait until they cool down, and break them into small pieces. Flame-igniting mixtures should not be used in such a fire.

Instead of charcoal, chopped walnut or coconut is used as a baking powder.

Expanded clay

Recently, the cultivation of tropical plants has been carried out in expanded clay. This material with a porous structure is environmentally friendly.

It soaks up the salts of hard tap water, which adversely affect the growth and development of flowers. Along with this, expanded clay has one drawback: if the plant is not watered in time, the material dries rapidly and takes moisture from the roots of the plant. A dehydrated flower loses its decorative effect and fades.

Rules for preparing the mixture

Orchids need a substrate that:

  • retains moisture well;
  • will not turn sour;
  • has a loose structure, which increases its moisture and breathability.

Having the necessary set of components, they prepare a substrate for orchids with their own hands.

The mixture is prepared easily and quickly. At home, they mix the substrate for phalaenopsis, dendrobene, etc. orchids.

The most nutritious and acceptable for plants is the composition of pine shavings, charcoal, sphagnum moss and fern roots.

Ready mixes from the manufacturer

The modern market offers a number of compositions for growing indoor flowers.


An indoor orchid is planted in a bio-ground. This nutrient substrate is used for both epiphytic and terrestrial orchids. It consists of the following ingredients:

  • riding peat;
  • moss-sphagnum;
  • expanded clay;
  • charcoal;
  • pine shavings.

Biohumus is used as an organic filler.


Ready-made store soil is suitable for growing phalaenopsis, dendrobene orchids at home. The composition includes a large amount of silicon and trace elements that contribute to the full growth and development of the root system of plants.

Zeoflora nutrient soil contains several types of sorbents that have a beneficial effect on plant growth. Such an environmentally friendly composition does not have pests: bugs, fungal spores and other pathogens. Also, it does not contain seeds of weeds and dangerous plants.

To date, this is the most correct ready-made composition. It is used for planting and transplanting all types of indoor plants of this family.

Profi 1l

Ready nutrient substrate pro consists of several nutritional components:

  • pine bark;
  • coconut chips;
  • moss-sphagnum;
  • coconut fiber;
  • charcoal.
  • Conclusion

    The best is the composition of natural ingredients. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it or cook it with their own hands. Ready-made store mixes will be an alternative to soil.

Orchid princesses bring to our home not only the touching beauty of the exotic tropics. It has long been noticed that in rooms with these amazing colors a benevolent atmosphere reigns, filled with bright and joyful feelings.

Some orchids - paphiopedium, cymbidium, calantha - grow in soils, and they need completely different care conditions than most epiphytes. Ground orchids for better growth need the addition of special cortical materials to the soil.

Epiphytic plants prefer containers with holes - baskets or special pots that allow the roots to breathe.

Orchids that are accustomed to a special habitat - rocks, are called lithophytes or rock lilies, and for their normal growth, stones must dominate in the substrate.

Most orchids are moisture-loving plants, but there are species that can accumulate moisture in seals on the rhizomes, the so-called pseudobulbs, and their substrate should dry out slightly between waterings.

Requirements for the preparation of soil for orchids-epiphytes

The main task of the substrate for epiphyte orchids is to keep the plant upright, keep a minimum of moisture near the roots and freely pass air to the root system. That is why the soil for epiphyte orchids does not contain garden soil at all, but consists of bark, large fractions of sand mixed with perlite or vermiculite, granular clay, natural fibers, cork, coal, moss. In percentage terms, the composition looks like this:

Option 1

70% pine bark (pieces 10-15 mm)

10% perlite

10% sequoia bark

Option 2

90% conifer bark

5% charcoal

5% sphagnum moss

For phalaenopsis, cattleya, dendrobium, the substrate may consist of the following components:

50% conifer bark (5-15 mm fragments)

20% foam

15% expanded clay

5% charcoal in pieces 4-10 mm.

Some experienced orchid growers do not recommend using expanded clay as drainage, but recommend giving preference to natural materials - river pebbles and sand, after washing and boiling the pebbles, and calcining the sand in the oven. When arranging drainage for orchids, light and neutral foam is used.

Depending on the required irrigation regimes for individual species, the components of the soil for orchids will differ. For orchids that prefer a constant wet state of the soil - miltonia, vandas, lycastes, calanthes, draculas, the following substrate components are recommended:

Option 1

40% conifer bark

30% cork material

20% foam

Option 2

25% sphagnum moss

25% perlite

For orchids in which the substrate should dry out a little between waterings - akakallis, leptotes, trichopilia, vilestekears - the main components of the substrate can be:

Option 1

20% cork material

10% coconut fiber

Option 2

25% pine bark

25% foam

10% expanded clay

Experienced flower growers have their own secret of preparing pine bark for orchid substrate. Pieces of pine bark are subjected to heat treatment in boiling water for 20 minutes. After drying and grinding, the bark is soaked in a warm solution with orchid fertilizers, placed under oppression for several hours. Wet fractions of the bark are a wonderful component for the substrate. Some flower growers add a few granules of AVA long-term fertilizer to the substrate, and to prevent diseases and the appearance of pests, sprinkle the soil mixture with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon.

Beginning orchid growers in garden centers, nurseries or flower shops can pick up a ready-made substrate for orchids, for example, Vermion, Fasco "Flower Happiness", Terra Vita Gruntovich, Morris Green, "Effect", "Stender", "Landshafta NET" and others.

Ground for ground orchids

When compiling soil for terrestrial orchid species, a substrate for epiphytes is used, with the addition of a small amount of dry leaves and garden soil. A pot for planting is chosen with a large number of holes to improve drainage. To facilitate the penetration of air to the roots, sphagnum moss is not mixed with the rest of the substrate components, but is laid out in a pot on top of the soil mixture.

For Paphiopedium, the soil mixture consists of the following elements:

Option 1

20% dry oak leaves

20% pine bark

20% expanded clay

Option 2

35% clayey sand

15% perlite

15% pine bark

For cymbidium and zygopetalum, the soil mixture may include the following components:

25% foam

Recently, flower growers have often practiced growing orchids not in the ground, but in a hydrogel. Orchids do not like to be disturbed frequently with repotting. Young plants that are 1-2 years old can wait at least a year to transplant. But deciduous orchids - tunia, calanth - are recommended to be transplanted annually. Epiphytic orchids are moved to a new pot every 4-5 years, and evergreens - once every 2-3 years.

The composition of the soil for orchids cannot significantly affect the number of peduncles or the approach of the flowering period, but an increase in daylight hours and regulation of the irrigation regime can. But the state of the beautiful orchid directly depends on the well-chosen components of the soil mixture.

As you know, replacing the soil for a flower is a kind of stress. For this reason orchids are transplanted every 3 years with soil replacement(Read about when it is best to transplant an orchid at home, and from you you will find out whether this procedure can be performed in the autumn). So during this period, the soil is greatly depleted, losing valuable properties:

  • The balance of mineral salts is disturbed.
  • The substrate ages and decomposes.
  • The supply of micronutrients is running out.
  • Decreased breathability.
  • The level of acidity rises.

ATTENTION: Compaction of the soil leads to disruption of the drainage process, and stagnant moisture can adversely affect the root system. For the full development of exotic, carry out a complete replacement of the substrate.

The general criteria for choosing a soil mixture for indoor orchids are the same. The soil must have the following qualities:

Representatives of orchids that are grown at home are divided into two groups: epiphytic and terrestrial. They differ not only in name, appearance, but also in the environment of growth. Accordingly, the substrate for plants has a number of differences.

Epiphytic orchids include varieties:

  • dendrobium;
  • cattleyas;
  • lycastes;
  • phalaenopsis;
  • cumbria;
  • zygopetalum;
  • Masdevallia.

For such plants, the soil is important mainly for maintaining an upright position, and then for nutrition and obtaining life-giving moisture. Consequently, epiphytes do not need land, enough without a soil substrate. Mixtures have variations: 1 part charcoal and 5 parts bark. Or sphagnum moss, ash and bark chips in a ratio of 2:1:5.

Ground orchids: cymbidium and paphiopedilum, which require enhanced nutrition. The following soil composition is suitable for them:

  • pine bark;
  • wood ash;
  • peat.

ADVICE: You can also prepare a substrate from ready-made orchid soil by adding moss and some deciduous soil.

Experienced flower growers unequivocally answer this question - no. The habitual habitat of orchids is loose, light soil.. The root system should be freely blown by air, participate in the process of photosynthesis. And in the ground, they will be compressed, as if under the weight of a stone. In such conditions, it is quite difficult for an exotic flower to grow and most likely it will die.

Can regular soil be used? You can buy ready-made soil for exotic plants, cook it yourself or purchase individual components, and choose the proportions yourself. Garden stores have a wide variety of orchid potting mixes to choose from. When buying a substrate, you should pay attention to:

Unfortunately, even in trusted stores, you can buy a low-quality product. To avoid this, the substrate for orchids is prepared independently. All substrate ingredients do not have to be collected by hand, which are sold separately in specialized stores. Thus, the substrate is easy to assemble by yourself by mixing the components in the right quantities. A good product of natural material from the manufacturer "Gardens of Aurika".

How to make a mixture yourself?

In order to save money, as well as to be completely sure of the quality, the soil is prepared individually. The main composition of the substrate contains:

  1. pine bark. This is the main component that is easy to find in a pine forest, on fallen trees. The bark should be crushed to 2-3 cm.
  2. moss sphagnum. Collected in the forests, in the lowlands, after the snow has completely melted. Moss has antibacterial properties. Used fresh and dry.
  3. fern roots which contain many useful substances. Add dry to mixture.
  4. charcoal easy to find in the ashes. Ash is needed the same size as the other components.
  5. Expanded clay, inexpensive and lightweight material. The granules are great for drainage.

Substrate preparation options are used with the addition of coarse sand, granular clay, cork material, perlite, polystyrene, leafy soil, peat, humus.

Watch the video on collecting materials for the orchid substrate:

With soil replacement? A detailed description of the transplant process will eliminate the fuss and unnecessary mistakes. It is important to follow the sequence:

Watch a video about the correct orchid transplant:

Every housewife dreams of making her home not only cozy, but also beautiful. To do this, sometimes it is enough to put a couple of flowering plants. The phalaenopsis orchid looks very interesting indoors. However, not everyone knows how to take care of her. The main mistake in the choice of soil. But it depends on him how the flower will grow. Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for these plants. So, what should be the soil for the Phalaenopsis orchid?

Conditions created by nature

To understand what soil is needed for phalaenopsis orchids, it is necessary to determine the conditions under which these plants exist. First of all, these flowers are one of the varieties of epiphytes. Orchid roots are commonly referred to as "air roots". Thanks to them, the plant is attached either to the rock or to the tree. All the necessary components, including the orchid, receive from their "donor", as well as from the air. The flower is poured with rain. This is where this species exists.

However, hybrids have long been bred that were created specifically for growing at home. Phalaenopsis are the most unpretentious orchids. However, they also require certain conditions. This is especially true for the soil.

Choosing soil for phalaenopsis orchids

The composition in this case is of particular importance. The soil for this type of plant is called the substrate. Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made. If possible, then you should cook it yourself. When choosing a soil, one should take into account climatic features, flowering periods, plant size and volume of dishes.

You can experiment with mixtures. The main thing in this matter is the observance of proportions. If the orchid blooms profusely, then the plant liked the soil.

What should be in it:

  1. Leaf land.
  2. Pine cones.
  3. Perlite rock.
  4. Vermiculite is a mineral.
  5. Peat moss sphagnum.
  6. Polystyrene.
  7. Fern roots.
  8. High or lowland peat.
  9. Coir.
  10. Expanded clay.
  11. Charcoal.
  12. The bark of a pine or deciduous tree.

Features of some components

The soil for phalaenopsis orchids should contain deciduous or Finding such components will not be difficult. It is worth choosing growing and healthy trees. In this case, the bark should peel off quite easily. If this is not the case, then it is worth finding another tree. When collecting the bark, do not use force or sharp objects. Everything is done exclusively by hand. Bark can be collected from stumps or fallen trees. It is important that they are without dust. The raw material must be dry. Wet components can introduce pathogens into the soil, the activity of which can adversely affect the plant.

Fern roots and moss can also be found in the forest. You also need to carefully assemble these components. The fern should be dug up. The substrate requires only the roots of this plant without the top. For convenience, the raw material can be divided into small pieces.

As for moss, it is best to use marsh. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to collect sphagnum in the lowlands.

Deciduous soil can be used for soil. It must be used in small quantities. True, phalaenopsis may not like this component.

Pebbles and rocks

Phalaenopsis orchid soil may contain building material. There are two types of expanded clay: crushed stone and sand. In this case, the first option is relevant. After all, expanded clay is mainly used as waterproof drainage. Polystyrene can also play the same role.

Vermiculite is a layered, secondary product. It is very beneficial for plants. After all, this component makes the soil for the Phalaenopsis orchid looser, protects the plant from drying out, fungal infections and mold. In addition, vermiculite prevents caking and clumping of the soil. Thanks to this mineral, the plant develops evenly. Vermiculite also protects against changes in day and night temperatures. After all, this substance is able to keep cool even in very hot weather.

What could be the composition

When creating soil for an orchid, it is not necessary to use all of the above components. There are several composition options:

  1. One part charcoal and five parts pine bark. This soil can be used not only for pots, but also for a greenhouse. Such a soil has a reduced moisture capacity and excellent air circulation.
  2. One part charcoal, two parts crushed moss, and five parts pine wood chips. A similar soil for Phalaenopsis orchids is perfect for those plants that are planted in a basket, pot or in blocks.
  3. One part each of pine bark, peat and charcoal, and three parts of hardwood. This soil is perfect for plants that need top dressing.

How to choose soil

In order for the plant to take root in the house, several principles should be observed:

  1. The soil for the phalaenopsis orchid should not be compacted and be too dense.
  2. The substrate for these plants dries out in just three days. This is considered the ideal soil for this species.
  3. The lower the humidity in the room, the more soil is needed, which contains a sufficient amount of moisture-intensive components.

soil preparation

Since fertilizing the soil for the Phalaenopsis orchid can be quite difficult, you should take its preparation seriously. If it contains enough of all the components, then top dressing may not be needed.

So, the moss needs to be soaked in water for a day, rinse the fern roots in the shower, and then pour over boiling water. This will remove all insects. After that, the components should be crushed. Peat should be divided into small pieces, and the bark into chips. All components should be steamed and then dried.

At the bottom of the tank you need to put small gravel, polystyrene foam, broken red brick - drainage. Then a layer of soil is laid out. In the center, be sure to make a drainage layer, and then a substrate layer. That's all. It remains to plant a plant.