Growing indoor flowers in a greenhouse as a business. What should be the greenhouse? Flower greenhouse business at home - video with professional recommendations

The demand for flowers and bouquets does not fade even despite the pricing policy and the season, which means that a business based on growing these plants can be very profitable. Let's talk about how to start it right.

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Registration of a profitable business

The organization and legalization of the business of growing and selling flowers can be carried out in two main forms:

  • individual entrepreneurship IP;
  • personal household plot LPH.

To do right choice the entrepreneur should get to know and appreciate the benefits of doing business in each of these forms.

private household plot

If an entrepreneur has his own land plot in the amount specified by law, and a document confirming the right to own this plot, issued by local governments, which may be the board of a dacha partnership or the administration of a village, then the entrepreneur can:

  • not pay taxes;
  • do not report to the tax on income and volumes of grown products;
  • do not do business accounting.

But, despite these undeniable advantages, this organizational form one significant drawback, which cannot be ignored.

The owner of private household plots will be able to sell his products only on his own or by selling them to resellers, which is not always an economically profitable operation for an entrepreneur.

In order to apply for an LPH, you must ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. the size of the land plot should not be less than 0.5 hectares;
  2. you can not use hired labor in private household plots;
  3. for exemption from paying taxes, it is necessary to provide the above-mentioned certificate stating that the land belongs to the entrepreneur. This document must indicate the area of ​​the site.


If a fairly large-scale cultivation of a fragrant product is planned, or a once modest household plot has grown to a serious size, then it is imperative to go through the process of registering a business in such an organizational legal form like IP. It is this form of entrepreneurship that will facilitate cooperation with sellers. finished products, and with suppliers of raw materials. Modern wholesale companies prefer to deal with legal rather than individuals. In addition, the execution of contractual relations with the owner of private household plots is simply impossible.

To register, you must proceed as follows:

  1. in accordance with the law, go through the registration process with the tax office;
  2. register a business under the OKVD code "1.12.2" - Ornamental horticulture. This code includes activities related to the cultivation of both the flowers themselves and seedlings, tubers and bulbs;
  3. already officially being an individual entrepreneur, an entrepreneur should choose a taxation system, such as the ESHN - a single tax on agricultural activities. The rate of this tax system is only 6% of the amount net profit entrepreneur.

Selection of an assortment of plants

In order to make a competent choice, experts recommend following these recommendations:

  • selection should be made based on individual characteristics each plant;
  • preference should be given to species with similar environmental requirements (lighting, temperature, humidity, soil saturation and type);
  • if it is planned to grow plants with different environmental requirements, a system for their separation should be considered;
  • breeding in cold regions of heat-loving southern varieties is economically unprofitable.

In order to decide on the assortment, the entrepreneur should also consider what kind of flowers will form its basis:

  1. Annuals- beautiful bright plants, but have a limited lifespan, after which they die.
  2. Biennial- bloom and bloom only in the second year of life, after which they die.
  3. perennial- such plants will please the entrepreneur for many years, annually giving a beautiful and fragrant harvest, but they bloom only once a year.

Experienced flower moguls know that buyers are more likely to purchase multiple varieties of the same species than different types of plants. Many flowers have a huge number of varieties, which a novice florist should pay attention to.

Among the plants that are preferred in greenhouse conditions:

  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • peonies;
  • asters;
  • daisies;
  • dahlias;
  • roses;
  • violets;
  • hyacinths;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • gladioli;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • crocuses.

Choosing a greenhouse for growing

After all questions on determining the assortment have been resolved, it remains to determine the parameters and volume of the room created for growing, or rather, the parameters of the greenhouse. The minimum costs will be borne by entrepreneurs who own a plot of land. Renting a land plot and organizing its protection can be quite costly and require a lot of attention from a businessman.

There are the following most common and applicable for growing flowers, types of greenhouses, classified according to the materials from which they are made:

  1. Film. The most economical construction option, especially if you build it yourself. For construction, it is necessary to build a wooden frame and cover it with polyethylene. Modern views materials, have good strength and can last about 5 years. Suitable for seasonal operation and early forcing of bulbous flowers.
  2. Polycarbonate. Such greenhouses, as a rule, are purchased ready-made. About 30 thousand rubles will cost a greenhouse 2 meters wide and 10 meters long.
  3. glass. Such greenhouses are recognized as the most professional and they are produced on special orders from farms. Such structures are equipped with built-in communications (ventilation, heating, humidity control, light). Such models are suitable for growing plants throughout the year, but their cost is recognized as the highest.

The internal arrangement of the greenhouse must necessarily include the following vital systems for plants:

  • Heating system:
    • water - a traditional method of heating buildings and structures that has been proven over the years;
    • fan heater - the method is quite good, but electricity bills can significantly reduce the level of income;
    • IR heaters are the most profitable way heifer heating. This type of device is preferable due to its economy, ease of installation and fire safety.
  • Air humidity control and regulation system;
  • lighting;
  • irrigation system.

How to grow flowers?

It is necessary to hire qualified personnel knowledgeable in crop production.

Such personnel should have the following important responsibilities:

  1. Spraying and watering plants. Each type of flower and each plant requires a special attitude and care measures. One variety needs to be watered frequently and abundantly, while the other may die from such watering. If several types of flowers are grown in one greenhouse, then they should be planted, observing the conditions for favorable coexistence. Also, do not forget that only soft water is suitable for irrigation, which has managed to settle and warm up to room temperature. You can use the collected rainwater for this purpose.
  2. Fertilization and enrichment of the soil. For different colors may need a different land. That is why before disembarking, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant literature or consult with a specialist.
  3. Pest extermination and prevention from the appearance. It is desirable, of course, that such harmful organisms do not penetrate the greenhouse at all, since getting rid of them will be a difficult task. These pests include following insects: moth, aphid, tick, flies. If a pest has appeared, you can try to deal with it with more environmentally friendly folk methods or with the help of modern insecticides.

The choice of soil for planting

The composition of the soil can seriously affect the quality and appearance of the crop. But the acquisition of special soil is a pleasure that is not cheap. That is why many entrepreneurs involved in growing flowers prefer to take land on forest edges, meadows and abandoned fields.

In order for such soil to become suitable for planting plants, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • its upper layer to a depth of about 5–10 cm is cut off, rolled up and transported closer to the greenhouse itself;
  • bays of the earth are covered with opaque material so that the soil warms up in the sun;
  • after warming up, the soil is abundantly watered and covered with a transparent film;
  • in the sun, such soil will heat up to 60 degrees, killing weed seeds and insect larvae. The soil should burn for about 3-4 months. The soil will be disinfected;
  • now the soil can be used for planting flowers in the greenhouse.

The financial side of the issue

Initial investment

At the initial stage, it is not difficult to understand what is needed:

  • the cost of building a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​100 squares - about 500 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of planting material, if you grow roses, will be 4 bushes per 1 square, 250 rubles each - 100 thousand rubles.

The total cost of organizing a business will be about 600 thousand rubles.

Annual maintenance costs

The main items of this type of expenses are:

  1. payment of utility bills - about 48 thousand rubles;
  2. pest control - 48 thousand rubles for the purchase of pesticides.

total size annual expenses will amount to 96 thousand rubles.

Profitability of the flower business

If we talk about the business of growing roses in a greenhouse with an area of ​​100 squares, 4 bushes per square, then the proceeds from the sale of flowers will be about 6 million rubles, based on 100 flowers of 60 rubles each.

After deducting all expenses, there remains a profit of 5 million 340 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur will feel the first profit within six months after the launch of the project, and in order to fully recoup all costs, it will take about 9 months.

The profitability of this type of business is 70%.

Methods for the implementation of flowering goods

For those entrepreneurs who have opened an IP, there are the following ways to sell finished products:

  1. flower tent. Thus, the entrepreneur will trade his own goods himself, having mastered another type of business. At the same time, it is necessary to establish the cultivation of several types of flowers at once, or to buy other types in bulk from competitors.
  2. Wholesale. The simplest method of selling goods is considered to be the wholesale sale of flowers to distributors, but the cost of goods in this case will never be high enough.
  3. Scientific approach to solving the problem. An entrepreneur can organize his own salon selling flower products and make good money on it. The main thing is to hire florists who are able to create real masterpieces from grown flowers. The salaries of such employees will be high, but it is worth it and the profit from the salon will not keep you waiting. Moreover, florists can not only collect bouquets, but also decorate ceremonial halls for weddings, anniversaries and other events.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The purpose of the project is the organization of a greenhouse for growing roses for the sale of flower cuts in Rostov region. The main target audience is concentrated in Rostov-on-Don. The target audience is small wholesale buyers (flower stalls, florist shops, etc.) who sell their products to the city's population aged 20 to 50 with an average income.

Over the past few years, the Russian flower market has been demonstrating active growth and is characterized by a trend towards an increase in the share of domestic products. This trend was stimulated by fluctuations in the exchange rate and the growth of customs costs. As a result, all more flower shops seek to find suppliers in the domestic market. Climatic conditions in Russia make it possible to grow flowers year-round only in greenhouses. Therefore, greenhouse floricultural farms are becoming an actual direction for business. To date, this niche is free - in Russia, only 7% of greenhouses are used for growing flowers.

Thus, the idea of ​​organizing a greenhouse for growing roses, as the most popular look colors, is up-to-date. This business has the following advantages:

    high rate profitability (on average for the industry - 70%);

    low threshold for entry into the industry;

    preferential conditions for doing business related to agriculture;

    relatively low initial cost.

For the implementation of the project, a private land plot with a total area of ​​50 sq.m. is used. The personal household plot is located in the Rostov region, 20 km from the enterprise is the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The initial investment is 511,000 rubles. Investment costs are directed to the construction and equipment of greenhouses, advertising promotion, the purchase of seed and the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The main part of the required investments (78%) falls on the construction and equipment of greenhouses. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of project operation. It is anticipated that after this time, business expansion will be required. In accordance with the calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the ninth month of operation. Based on the results of the first year of operation, a net profit of 703,740 rubles and a return on sales of 24.5% are projected. Integral project performance indicators are presented in table 1 of the business plan.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project

The yield index is greater than one, the net present value is positive and amounts to 662,300 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.


The Russian flower market is at the stage of active formation, both in terms of consumer demand and trade offer and domestic production. The intensive development of the market began relatively recently, and actually coincided with the start of mass imports fresh flowers from abroad about 10-12 years ago.

The current range of supply and demand is formed by flower importers. Russia is one of the largest importers of flowers, ranking 6th in the world in terms of imports. At the end of 2016, Russia imported flowers in the amount of $357 million. Experts note that the crisis has changed the structure of the market - the share of domestic flower producers is growing every year.

Over the past few years, the Russian flower market has been demonstrating active growth. The statistics of market volumes testify to the dynamic development of the flower market. Every year, the market volumes are increasing - for the period from 2011 to 2015, the volume of the cut flower market in physical terms increased by 1/3.

Figure 1. The volume of the flower market in real terms, billion pieces, 2011-15

In monetary terms, this growth is more noticeable due to the increase in prices for flowers. During the period 2011-2015, the market volume increased by almost 40%.

Figure 2. The value of the flower market, billion rubles, 2011-15

To date, the entire Russian market can be estimated at 160 billion rubles in monetary terms and 35.8 tons in physical terms.

Ready-made ideas for your business

According to analysts' forecasts, the Russian flower market will continue to grow. According to the analytical company GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING, the real capacity of the domestic market is estimated at $40 billion.

Thus, the flower business is regarded as one of the most promising, despite the risky component. The average profitability of the flower business is constantly growing. At the same time, the likelihood of risk also increases. The main threats are related to the pronounced seasonality of the business and the high probability of incorrect planning of sales volumes of flower products. Flower sales peak in February, March, May, September and December, and the summer months are considered the "off" season, which can cause a significant reduction in profits. The economic crisis, lower incomes of the population can also have a negative impact on the flower business, reducing sales or shifting their focus to a more budgetary segment. In addition, flowers are not stored for a long time - the maximum period for their sale is limited to one week. Another risk is a strong dependence on imports. To date

Russia ranks sixth in imports of cut flowers, and the share of imports in sales is about 90%. However, there is a positive trend in the share of domestic products. It is planned that in the next few years the share of domestic flowers on the market will increase by another quarter. According to analysts, in the next ten years, Russia will take second place in Europe in terms of imports after Germany. This risk lies in the possible growth of the exchange rate, the likelihood of a ban on the import of flower products from some countries, the tightening of customs policy, etc.

Figure 3 shows the structure of flower imports by producing countries. Largest share imports are accounted for by the Netherlands - 44.7%, the second and third place is occupied by Ecuador and Colombia with a share of deliveries of 36% and 12.8%, respectively. Other countries account for only 6.5% of deliveries.

Figure 3. Distribution of producing countries by volume of deliveries in physical terms in the Russian Federation, 2014

Roses account for 43% in the structure of flower deliveries. The second most popular flowers are chrysanthemums - 24%. The top three is closed by carnations, the share of supplies of which is 22%. In general, in recent years, the leaders in supplies have remained unchanged, however, there is a tendency to popularize exotic, unusual colors. AT recent times flower shops try to diversify their range and attract customers with unique types of flowers.

Figure 4. Structure of flowers in the total volume of imports (in physical terms), %, 2014

Ready-made ideas for your business

At the end of 2016, roses dominate in total sales in Russia - their share is 51%, followed by chrysanthemums (about 16%) and carnations (9%).

Pricing in the market consists of two components - the amount of costs (taking into account the exchange rate, customs duties, the price of gasoline, etc.) and fluctuations in demand - an increase in demand entails an increase in prices. On average, the pricing policy in the flower market implies a markup of 100-300% of the purchase price.

The high dependence of the market on the customs policy and the exchange rate, as well as the rise in the cost of flower imports, have formed a trend towards an increase in the share of domestic suppliers. The choice in favor of a domestic manufacturer allows distributors not only to purchase products at lower purchase prices, but also to minimize supply costs. Thus, the business of growing flowers is being updated. According to data reflecting the structure of the flower market, roses are the most popular flowers. In this regard, the cultivation of roses is seen as one of the most profitable and successful types of business. A project to organize a greenhouse business on flowers can pay off within one season, and under favorable circumstances - in 2-3 months.

The peculiarity of greenhouse cultivation of flowers lies in the possibility of year-round production, under any climatic conditions. Table 2 of the business plan presents the advantages and disadvantages of growing roses to consider when planning a business.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of a rose growing business



    simplicity of business processes: availability of a land plot; heated and illuminated greenhouse; a wholesale base that buys flowers;

    high rate of return (up to 300%, industry average -70%);

    return on investment within 6-8 months;

    low threshold for entry into the industry;

    small initial investment - about 500,000 rubles;

    year-round production in all climatic conditions

    uneven demand for products (peak in holidays);

    the need to have knowledge of growing flowers;

    dependence of costs on climatic and weather conditions (the warmer the climate, the less electricity is consumed to maintain greenhouses);

    state support for agriculture does not include support for flower greenhouses

To date, the segment of growing flowers is relatively free. In Russia, only 7% of the greenhouse economy is used for growing flowers. According to the Greenhouses of Russia Association, by the beginning of 2017 total area greenhouses in the country has reached 2.3 thousand hectares, of which floriculture enterprises occupy only 160-170 hectares. The Association has developed a development concept that involves supporting the floriculture sector and increasing the area of ​​greenhouses to 400 hectares. At the same time, experts note that among all crops grown in greenhouses, flower production provides the greatest profit.

An analysis of the flower market showed the relevance and relevance of the greenhouse growing business of roses. The main advantages lie in high profitability, low market entry threshold and high demand for the product.


The main activity is the greenhouse cultivation of cut roses. It is planned that the sale of products will be carried out through several wholesale buyers (flower shops).

The assortment of a flower greenhouse is determined based on a comparison different varieties roses. The main parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing varieties for cultivation is their yield. The minimum yield of the variety must be at least 200 flowers per sq.m. per year to pay for the maintenance of the greenhouse. Also, when selecting varieties, the conditions of cultivation and transportation, color, cultivation features, and customer preferences are taken into account.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Priority is given to those varieties that are the most productive and less capricious when grown. According to the practical data of Russian greenhouse complexes, it is possible to identify the most productive varieties of roses, the characteristics of which are reflected in table 3 of the business plan.

Table 3 Comparative characteristics varieties of roses for growing in a greenhouse


One of the most popular varieties for growing in greenhouse conditions. The flowers are large, the bud is dense, has a characteristic pink-lilac color. Productivity - at least 200 bushes per meter per year. The main drawback is that the variety is very tender, it does not survive severe frost.


The flowers are medium sized, deep pink. He does not like rain and cold, he is quite picky in care, but provides an annual yield of at least 200 bushes per meter.


Flower large sizes, an ivory shade with a pink, gently diffusing center. It grows equally well regardless of weather conditions, loves the light. Productivity - 140-160 flowers/sq.m. in year.

Red Naomi (Red Naomi)

In the domestic market, among red roses, this variety is the leader. The flowers are large, cherry red. Yield 200-300 flowers per sq.m. in year. Disadvantage: strongly draws water, which complicates the storage process.


Bud size is medium. Medium terry petals. Flowering is constant and abundant. The peduncle reaches the commercial stage somewhat faster than in varieties with large buds. The variety has good frost resistance, hardy and unpretentious. Flowers are characterized by good transportability. Productivity: 300-340 flowers/sq.m. per year.

Bud size is large classical form, color - white with a green undertone. Flowering is continuous, resistance to diseases and frost is above average. Productivity: 140-160 flowers/sq.m. in year.
Candy Avalanche
(Candy Avalanche)
The size of the bud is large, the color is pale pink. Long flowering period, endures both high and low temperatures. Productivity: 200-400 flowers/sq.m. per year.
Ange Romantica (Angie Romantica) Beautiful peony-shaped rose of a gentle creamy-pink hue. Productivity: 150-180 flowers/sq.m. in year. Features: the rose is not subject to import, as it must be put up for sale no later than 2 days after cutting. The flower is cut only when the bud is fully opened. This feature complicates the process of growing and selling roses, so it is presented in the assortment in a minimum volume.

It is important to note that the selection of a varietal base of roses for planting in a greenhouse is a long and responsible process. Rose selection is a serious long-term investment (about 4-6 years), so mistakes can lead to lost profits and low greenhouse productivity. This is due to the seasonality of sales, which must be taken into account when planning planting and transplanting flowers. In each case, it is recommended to professional selection varieties. This business plan provides an indicative list of varieties selected according to the criterion of yield, plant hardiness and bud color.

Thus, the range of flower products is represented by the following varieties of roses:

    Red Naomi (red);

    Candy Avalange (pink);

    Avalange (white);

    Sphinx (yellow);

    Angers Romantic (peony, creamy pink).

In addition, you can consider the possibility of obtaining additional profit. For example, you can find a use for rejected and unsold flowers by using them in various sub-projects.

    Rose painting. Recently, flowers painted in different colors are gaining popularity. Roses are the most suitable for coloring. The technique of creating rainbow roses allows you to get original bouquets bright colors. The painting process does not require special skills or special equipment. White roses are used for coloring.

    Petals and buds for decoration. Rose petals can be used for sachets or wedding decor.

    Rose petal jam. This is the most difficult option. For jam, you need to use tea rose petals grown without the use of chemistry.


The peculiarity of the rose growing business is that the target audience is not the end consumer, but wholesale buyers, product distributors, represented by various flower stalls and florist shops. At the same time, the advertising strategy must take into account the requirements of the end user in order to plan production and forecast sales. Portrait of the final consumer of products: the population of the city aged 20 to 50 years with an average income level.

Thus, the marketing policy of the project covers both the assessment end users, and promotion methods among flower distributors. Advertising is aimed at establishing long-term cooperation and developing a client base.

The most profitable way to sell finished products is wholesale sales to large flower shops and markets. However, it will be quite difficult for a novice entrepreneur to immediately form distribution channels.

This will require:

    analyze the competitive environment, assess the level of demand for products, develop their competitive advantages;

    conduct a price analysis of the market and offer more favorable conditions as a supplier: lower cost, flexible system of discounts for wholesale buyers, guarantees, etc.;

    issue a catalog of finished products on paper and on the Internet. Create a list potential buyers and send out commercial offers.

    marketing analysis of the local sales market - 15,000 rubles;

    Direct marketing is a way to increase sales by sending sales letters to potential customers.

Effective direct marketing is ensured by narrowing the target audience and a well-written mailing that may interest the client. The same group of expenses includes the costs of promotion on the Internet, the implementation of call-promotion and transportation costs - 10,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the search for new customers and the development of sales markets is ongoing process, so a salesperson is needed to perform this function. His responsibilities will include attracting clients and working with them, as well as advertising support for the project and analyzing the effectiveness of using the advertising budget.

The competitiveness of the project is ensured by the high quality of products. In all promotional activities, attention is focused on the advantages of purchasing goods from a domestic manufacturer (savings in transportation costs, lower prices, reduced risk of supply disruption, guarantees, flexible discount system, high product quality, which is achieved by reducing delivery times).

When planning the sales volume, production capacity should be taken into account, since the maximum production volume depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouses, the varieties of roses and their yields, as well as the conditions in which the flowers will be grown. The maximum production volume is calculated based on the greenhouse area - 50 square meters. m., which accommodates about 200 rose bushes, and an average annual flower yield of 250 flowers from 1 bush. In total, the yield of a flower greenhouse will be: 200 * 250 = 50,000 cuts per year, and about 4166 cuts per month. This indicator should be guided by when planning the volume of sales.

Demand for products is seasonal. Sales peaks occur during the holiday months: February, March, May June, September, December. The planned sales volume is calculated on the basis of the sale of 100% of the harvest at the average market (wholesale) price of 60 rubles / piece. To simplify the calculations, averaged indicators for sales volume and price of various varieties of roses are used. The minimum price of 1 rose is 45 rubles/piece, the maximum price is 75 rubles/piece.

Thus, the average amount of revenue will be about 250,000 rubles per month. In this business plan, it is planned to reach the declared sales volume in the third month of work.

Table 4. Planned sales volume


Setting up a rose growing business in a greenhouse includes the following steps:

1) Registration with state bodies. The company is located on a private personal plot 50 sq. meters, located in the Rostov region. The city of Rostov-on-Don is located 20 km from the enterprise. Because the area of ​​the site does not exceed 2 hectares, for organizing a business it is only necessary to obtain a certificate from local administration that the land belongs to the owner and is used for growing roses. In case you plan to open your own in the future flower shop or other business expansion, it is recommended to issue an IP.

This project focuses on the cultivation of roses and positions itself as a personal household plot. Its activities are not taxed and do not require registration. This option is suitable for a small production that plans to cooperate with small distributors.

2)Production technology. The production technology provides for the creation of two greenhouses (total area - 50 square meters) of flowers, the use of irrigation equipment and equipment to maintain the microclimate in different time of the year. The process of planting seedlings, some care operations, as well as harvesting is carried out manually. The production cycle should be planned based on the fact that the first harvest is expected 6 months after planting the seedlings. Planting roses, as a rule, begins in February, which minimizes the cost of heating greenhouses.

Greenhouses should be built taking into account the following features:

    for growing roses, it is necessary to lay the foundation so that the outer beds do not freeze in the greenhouse. The most preferred option is a strip foundation with a depth of 70 cm;

    a metal profile frame is installed on the foundation, on which cellular polycarbonate is fixed. For good warming, a shed roof is made;

    the optimal dimensions of the greenhouse for growing flowers: width - no more than 5 m, length - 3-20 m, height - up to 2.5 m;

    the flower greenhouse must be equipped with a drip irrigation system, as well as heating equipment.

The construction of a greenhouse is a very important stage in organizing a flower growing business. The quality of the manufactured products, and hence the success of the business, depends by 60-70% on how well and technologically competently the greenhouse will be designed.

The amount of investment required to create greenhouses and industrial premises is 391,500 rubles. Of these, 200,000 rubles. - funds for the construction of greenhouses, and 191,500 rubles. - purchase of greenhouse equipment, the list of which is given in table 5 of the business plan.

The selection of the necessary equipment is carried out on the basis of the recommendations of farms. So, to save money on heating, it is planned to install a universal heating boiler that runs on all types of fuel. A classic water heating system will be used to heat the greenhouses. In addition, soil heating is provided, which will create an optimal temperature regime for the underground parts of plants. Watering plants is also automated - technology is used drip irrigation.

Lighting for greenhouses is provided by LED lamps, which have spectral characteristics that are completely identical to sunlight. Thanks to this, the normal process of photosynthesis in plants is ensured. In addition, LED lamps save up to 60% of electricity and do not heat up.

Table 5. List of equipment


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

total cost, rub.

Greenhouse construction

Greenhouse "Farmer"

2000 (for 1 sq.m)

Add. equipment

Installation of equipment

Irrigation equipment

Automatic drip irrigation system

Microclimate equipment

Boiler for water heating

Soil heating kit

Lighting equipment

Lamp Led grow light 90w UFO

Other equipment

3) Purchase and planting of seedlings. planting material must be purchased from trusted suppliers. You can buy seedlings of varietal roses in specialized nurseries. It is recommended to purchase seedlings in bulk to reduce their cost.

The calculation of the required planting material is carried out on the basis that per 1 sq.m. you can plant 4 bushes. Accordingly, to plant a greenhouse with an area of ​​50 sq.m., 200 rose bushes will be required. The average wholesale price for one bush is 240 rubles. Thus, the cost of planting material will amount to 48,000 rubles.

You should also provide for the cost of biofertilizers, as well as chemicals for treating plants from diseases and pests - this item of expenditure will be 7,000 rubles.

When purchasing and planting roses, recommendations on the optimal ratio of varieties should be taken into account. The area of ​​the greenhouse allocated for red and white solid varieties should be 60% (with a predominance of red rose). A colored rose is an assortment flower, so it does not need to be emphasized. Thus, the approximate ratio of varieties in the greenhouse will be as follows:

    Red Naomi (red) - 35%;

    Candy Avalange (pink) - 20%;

    Avalange (white) - 25%;

    Sphinx (yellow) - 10%;

    Angers Romantic (peony, creamy pink) - 10%.

In this way, total amount the initial cost of equipping greenhouses will be 446,500 rubles.

4) Search for distribution channels for products. A rose growing business will only generate consistent profits throughout the year if sales channels are established. Therefore, to the stage of finding customers and establishing commercial cooperation, it is necessary to pay Special attention. The basis of successful sales is a competent pricing policy and a flexible system of working with clients.

Wholesale of roses is the best option for organizing sales. But to achieve the desired volumes of wholesale sales on early stages it will be hard enough. At first, small flower pavilions and stalls will become the main customers.

5) Recruitment. For the operation of two small greenhouses, it will not be necessary to hire a lot of staff. A technologist and a worker are enough to help him take care of the plants. When selecting personnel, the following requirements for candidates should be put forward:

Technologist - higher specialized education, specialization in plant protection (flowers) in protected ground, work experience in a similar position.

Greenhouse worker - secondary education, skills manual labor experience in horticulture preferred.


To ensure the activities of the enterprise, it will be necessary to hire workers, which include a technologist, a greenhouse worker and a sales manager.

The technologist is responsible for all technological process growing flowers; daily monitors the condition of plants, climatic conditions and serviceability of equipment; controls the process of caring for plants; conducts material write-offs.

The greenhouse worker carries out work on preparing greenhouses for planting, planting and caring for plants, maintains greenhouses and the adjacent territory in an exemplary sanitary condition, and packs finished products.

The entrepreneur, who performs all managerial and accounting functions, is also engaged in the search and adjustment of distribution channels, negotiates with partners. Also involved in the collection and packaging of products.

Thus, the staff of the enterprise includes 3 people, incl. entrepreneur. The total wage fund is 89,700 rubles.

Table 6. Staffing and payroll


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the flower growing project, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period, expansion of the business will be required.

To organize a business in the cultivation and sale of flowers, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment, which includes: the cost of purchasing equipment, advertising promotion in the market, the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods.

The initial investment for a greenhouse for growing roses is 511,500 rubles. Of these, 78% are for the construction and equipment of greenhouses, for the purchase of goods - 11%, for advertising - 7%, and for working capital 4%.

The project is funded by equity. The main items of investment costs are reflected in table 7 of the business plan.

Table 7. Investment costs

The variable costs of the greenhouse economy consist of the spent capacities for irrigation, heating, as well as Supplies(seedlings, fertilizers, etc.). In this case, utility costs are classified as variable. To simplify financial settlements the value of variable costs is calculated based on the wholesale cost of 60 rubles / piece and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

Fixed costs consist of utility bills, payroll, advertising costs, depreciation and biofertilizer costs. The amount of depreciation in this business plan is determined on a straight-line basis, based on the term beneficial use fixed assets in 3 years.

Table 8. Monthly expenses

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 120,000 rubles.


The payback period for a project for growing flowers in greenhouses with an initial investment of 511,500 rubles is 8-9 months. Pure monthly profit project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 67,962 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the third month of operation. Return on sales in the first year of operation - 24.5%. The annual volume of net profit for the first year of implementation will be 703,740 rubles.

The net present value is positive and equal to 662,300 rubles, which makes it possible to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. The return on investment ratio is 12.36%, the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 11.44%. The yield index is greater than one and equals 1.29.


To assess the risk component of the project for greenhouse cultivation of roses, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

Internal risks include:

    flowers are a perishable commodity that cannot be stored for a long time. In order to avoid losses, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market and forecast demand;

Do you like flowers? A small hobby may well develop into a serious business that brings a good income. Here we take a closer look at information about how to start a flower business from scratch , what difficulties may arise during work and how you can generally make money on flowers.


Business on flowers is not entirely unambiguous. If done properly, it brings a good profit (profitability of at least 50%), but it can become unprofitable due to a drop in the general income of the population. You must immediately decide: how do you see earnings on flowers? If this is a family business for your own pleasure, then investments in it are practically not needed. If you decide to enter the market and capture it, then you will need to work hard.

A flower shop is both profit and aesthetic pleasure

How to register

To register, you will need to contact the nearest tax office and open an individual entrepreneur. You will immediately receive the OKVED code 52.48.32, which will allow you to officially conduct retail flowers. You will also need a cash register and a printer. You will need it if you plan to work with large suppliers - they require an imprint on documents. From the papers you need:

  1. Trade Permit.
  2. Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Book of reviews and suggestions.
  4. Cash magazine.
  5. Document on registration of KKM.
  6. Lease contract.

Note:all employees must have medical books with seals affixed to them, as well as badges with photographs.

Business types

Flowers can be traded in four different ways:

  1. Classic tent in a walk-through place. Such entrepreneurs sell classic cut, which is not stored for longer than 3-5 days. However, if the place is good, then the assortment is updated almost every day. Emphasis should be placed on the most popular varieties and beautiful packaging.
  2. pavilions. Usually they are located in the market, in shopping centers or in passing places. The assortment of flowers here is at least 30-40 species. In addition to cutting, you can sell ready-made bouquets and compositions, various souvenirs, vitamins for flowers, soil, etc. The pavilion brings constant profit to the owners - if the demand for flowers falls, then the business “leaves” due to various related products.
  3. Online store. Here the emphasis is on the delivery of ready-made bouquets and compositions. It is usually opened by pavilion owners who have decided to find new niches for themselves. You can also open an online store if you have somewhere to take flowers. You can even simply conclude an agreement with several pavilions and engage in intermediary activities, delivering bouquets to customers.
  4. Specialized shops. These are already serious floristic centers, which usually open on the main streets, in hypermarkets and other crowded places. They occupy 100 or more square meters, selling both cut and fresh flowers. Usually they have everything that is necessary for floriculture: various pots, tools, soils, fertilizers, insecticides, seedlings, seeds, etc. Investments in opening such an institution can reach 80 thousand dollars, and the monthly profit is about 5 thousand.

A small stall in a walk-through place can bring up to 100 thousand net profit per month

Choose a place

With the choice of location. In fact, the place is the main thing for any physical flower shop. You are only interested in passing places: shopping centers, subway exits, public transport stops, central streets, markets.

After the most interesting places are selected, we are looking for a room. It can be a small container, a shop, a pavilion or a separate room - it all depends on your requests. Recently, the sale of flowers from a car has become quite popular - it allows you to save on rent and utilities, as well as change places to more successful ones.

Requirements for the premises

There are no special requirements as such. You need a fairly spacious room (from 20 square meters or more), in which the heating and ventilation system operates. It is advisable to arrange it correctly, without stinting on designer repairs. If the area allows, then equip the florist's work place in a conspicuous place near the shop window - this will attract additional customers to you. In addition to the hall itself, you will also need utility room for personnel and storage of various materials.

In the store, it is better to focus not on the cut, but on fresh flowers and accessories.

We are looking for clients

For a flower shop, a constant flow of customers is very important, which guarantees a quick update of the assortment. This means that you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising. You will need all types of advertising:

  1. Order a good themed sign.
  2. Equip the store with light boxes.
  3. Provide consistent publicity through flyers, posters, signs in your area.
  4. Set up pages on social networks.
  5. Let's advertise in the media, arrange various promotions and sales.

Where to get goods?

There are two ways:

  1. Buy flowers from suppliers.
  2. Grow them yourself for sale.

Finding suppliers is not difficult - you can visit various flower shows, search for information on the Internet, or ask the staff of flower shops.

Definitely yes. In this case, you will be able to register according to OKVED A.01.12.2 and register yourself according to the Unified Agricultural Tax, which allows you to save on taxes. To grow flowers, you will need a small plot on which you will need to build a greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 100 m2.

The store should always have a good selection of colors

Self-cultivation of flowers

In order to reach a normal income and provide yourself with a constant flow of flowers, it is necessary to build a thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. The average investment for such a project is about 500 thousand rubles (including equipment for irrigation and heating). Up to 400 bushes can be grown in such a greenhouse.

The greenhouse can be located in your country house or you can rent a piece of land with electricity connected to it. Planting material for such a greenhouse will cost you about 150 thousand rubles. The total cost for one growing cycle is 600 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the recurring costs. For heating a properly built greenhouse at current electricity prices, it will take about 50 thousand rubles a year at the rate of 4.5 kW in the cold months. To process flowers, you will need chemicals at the rate of 40 thousand rubles per year. In total, you will spend about 90 thousand rubles per year.

Now let's calculate how much you can earn.very promising. Imagine that we have planted roses. At least 250 cuts can be made from one bush per year. From the 400 bushes that we have planted, 100,000 cuts are being made. One flower costs at least 40 rubles. This means that in a year our business will bring 4 million in profit. Subtract from this amount the costs of the greenhouse itself, seed, fertilizers, electricity and taxes - it turns out that in one season we not only fully recoup our investments, but also earn at least 3 million rubles. And that's not counting the fact that you can sell various related products in the store!

Note:40 rubles per rose is the selling price. nice flower in a store it can cost 100-200 rubles, which significantly increases the profitability of the entire project.


Your stores should look decent and be as functional as possible. Therefore, you will need to purchase special furniture and equipment. You will need:

  1. Showcases.
  2. Counters.
  3. Shelving.
  4. Refrigeration equipment.

Be sure to hire a competent florist - he will create a beautiful showcase

It is advisable to purchase all this from one supplier, asking him to equip your outlet. It will cost less than buying everything separately.

You will also need a good air conditioning system. This is very important - your room should have the most even temperature and humidity. In total, the purchase of equipment for a store of 30-40 m2 will require about 300 thousand rubles, including a refrigerator.

Let's start working

In a small store, you will need at least one competent florist, one salesman and one delivery man - a security guard. A large store requires a minimum of 4 sales assistants and 4 florists working in 2 shifts. In order to create a showcase, you will need at least 20 different types of flowers, 50-100 pieces for a small pavilion, or 50 types of flowers, 100-200 pieces for a store. Also, don't forget related products. In total, to start work, you will need to invest at least 40 thousand, ideally 200 thousand only in flowers.

As you can see, growing flowers as a business very profitable. All initial investments pay off on average in 6-9 months, after which the store begins to generate a net profit.

In contact with

Many flower gardeners often think about turning their hobby into a profitable business. It is worth noting that growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business is an interesting and profitable idea, but it has its own characteristics.

Flower business has always been and remains one of the most reliable types of income. Beautiful flowering plants are in constant demand - birthdays, weddings, such important dates like Knowledge Day or Teacher's Day, and just the desire to demonstrate one's indifference to the beloved woman provides florists with regular customers. Moreover, there is a demand for flowers both in winter and summer, and they are especially actively bought just during significant holidays, such as International Women's Day, Victory Day and many others.

But first, we will begin to study the business plan for creating our own flower business, we will study the features of this industry.

  1. Remember that the demand for flowers is highly seasonal. Above, we have already discussed the main dates when demand is maximum and there is an opportunity to make good money. However, during the rest of the year, flowers will still not be sold in such large volumes.
  2. Also, be prepared for the fact that in the summer the price of goods will have to be reduced - competition at this time of the year is growing strongly, the products are supplied to the market by those gardeners who grow flowers only in summer. That is why it is best to immediately plan the cultivation of plants in the greenhouse and in the winter.
  3. Flowers are plants that need constant care. You will need basic knowledge of floriculture, and you will have to pay a lot of attention to caring for plants. Any wrong action, lack of watering, overflow or overheating can lead to mass death of plants, and at the same time losses, sometimes quite large. That is why you must be an expert in floriculture or, alternatively, you can hire a specialist in this field.

The documents

To run a flower business, you need to take care of the availability of the necessary permits. You can become an individual entrepreneur or cheat a little and use the advantages of the owner of a household plot (LPH). What is the trick? It's simple: if you have a land plot, and the local authorities have documented that you are the owner of that very private household plot, you can avoid extra spending(including payment of taxes, submission of a tax return on income, etc.). Also, you do not have to keep accurate accounting.

On a note! Although financially, LPH is very convenient, it also has a minus. You will not be able to sell flowers on your own, but only through resellers. In some cases, this may not be economically beneficial.

An individual entrepreneur, although he is forced to pay taxes and closely monitor accounting, is still free to set prices and sell his products. To become a businessman, you need to go through certain stages.

Step 1. Register as an individual entrepreneur (state registration procedure).

Step 2 Select OKVED code. In our case, this is the one that has the name "Ornamental gardening" and subsection A - "Growing flowers."

To register an individual entrepreneur, an application form P21001 is filled out. When filling out sheet "A" and information is entered on the types of economic activity

Step 3 As a taxation system, you must choose a single agricultural tax (UAT). His rate is 6% of all profits.

Step 4 Get everything you need to run a flower cultivation business.

What should be the greenhouse?

Perhaps the main aspect of success in the flower business is right greenhouse. It is on where and how crops will be grown that the success of the entire enterprise depends to a greater extent.

The type of greenhouse that you should equip on your site directly depends on the number of available Money and your plans - someone wants to be content with a modest greenhouse and a small income, while someone dreams of a real flower farm. At first, we recommend investing at a minimum and expanding over time to avoid big risks.

On a note! If you have an ordinary greenhouse on your site in which you can grow flowers, then you can try starting a business with it, gradually expanding it.

Since the flower business in the future still involves growing crops not only in summer, but also in winter, it would be advisable to build a thermos greenhouse on the site. Its advantage is that it allows you to save a huge amount of electricity needed to heat the room in winter period.

What is a thermos greenhouse? The optimal size for this design is 5 * 20 m, and on the south side it should be about 2.5 m high (from the north it is made lower by 0.5-0.8 m). The structure is installed on a strip foundation with a depth of 70 cm. It is impossible to mount a thermos greenhouse on bare soil, since in winter the soil and beds with plants will freeze. It is desirable to make the frame of the greenhouse from metal, and it should be covered (two layers so that it is as warm as possible). The roof is required to be pitched to improve the possibility of heating the structure by the sun. As for the location of the greenhouse, it should stand on a flat area, stretching from east to west.

An example of a wooden frame scheme for a buried greenhouse

A heating system must be provided in a thermos greenhouse - without it, you will not be able to grow flowers in winter. It can be either water heating with an electric boiler, or a solar collector made of timber and black film.

Do not forget about the additional lighting that flowers will provide. necessary quantity light in winter. Also, the design should have a good and thoughtful ventilation system.

Perhaps one of the most important elements of a greenhouse for flowers is correct soil. But here everything will depend on what varieties of plants you will grow.

Advice! To reduce costs at the very beginning of business development, use soddy soil taken from the forest edges.

Preparing such soil for use is simple: after pouring an 8-centimeter layer of soil, cover it with an opaque material, heat it in the sun and then spill it with water, again covering it with a film, but already transparent. After these operations, the soil will “burn out” well, heating up to 60 degrees - all pathogens, weeds, and insects will die in it. The soil must “burn” for at least 3 months.

If you plan to immediately expand the business "on a grand scale", then you will need industrial greenhouse complexes. These are huge structures, in which only the width of one span is at least 8 m. Heating here is equipped with the help of internal boilers, and watering is carried out with the help of. This is an extremely expensive option, it is not suitable for a novice grower-businessman. Thinking about purchasing such greenhouse complexes is only for those who already have some experience in this area.

Choosing flowers for growing

In order to cut costs and be sure of making a profit, you must be clear about what flowers you will grow. You should not get inflamed and rush "into the pool with your head", cultivating many varieties at once - stop at a maximum of 8-10 species. The fact is that each variety of flowers requires certain care, growing conditions, and these factors do not always coincide for other plants.

Advice! To grow flowers for sale in the same greenhouse, select several varieties with similar growing conditions and care requirements.

Also, do not forget to take into account demand - at one time they are happy to buy chrysanthemums, and at another roses are popular.

Table. Types and varieties of flowers for growing in a greenhouse.


Chrysanthemum loves soil with the addition of sand and humus. You can grow at any time of the year. Cuttings are best planted in the morning or evening at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. In winter, the culture needs additional lighting, and the air temperature in the greenhouse should be at least +18 degrees. During the appearance of the first buds, the temperature is reduced to +10 degrees. Chrysanthemums grow for about 4 months from the moment the cuttings are planted.

These beauties are highly valued for their bright color and beautiful flower shape. Planted in autumn before the first frost. The culture is excellent for growing after harvesting vegetables. It is important to properly prepare the bulbs for planting - they must first be cooled. Daffodils are planted to a depth of 15 cm, and the air temperature in the greenhouse should be about +9 degrees.

The queen of flowers that never goes out of style. Grown by grafting or layering. Can be grown for many years in one place. We will tell you more about the cultivation of the queen of flowers below.

March 8 symbol. Grown from bulbs that should be large and healthy. Otherwise, the flowers will be frail. Before planting in the ground, add some ash and mineral fertilizers to it. To keep up with the harvest for International Women's Day, the bulbs are planted in a greenhouse in December, warming it up to +2 degrees (the bulbs are stored in the basement until this time). Around the end of January, the air temperature in the greenhouse is gradually raised to +8, then to +15-22 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, do not forget about additional lighting for 6 hours daily.

Unpretentious and beautiful. He likes manure and a small amount of mineral fertilizers in the soil. Caring for them is very simple: loosening, watering and weeding - that's all the necessary activities. These flowers are selling very well.

We grow roses

The rose is the flower that is always in the highest demand. It can be of different colors, sizes, it is loved by both adults and children, it is given to teachers and lovers. In addition, it is able to immediately give a large profit. That is why it is the rose that is so often grown by flower growers-businessmen. How to cultivate a rose in a greenhouse?

Step 1. Prepare soil for crops. Add humus to the soil (20 kg will be enough), superphosphate (about 30 g) and ammonium sulfate (30 g), peat (no more than 10 kg) per 1 m 2. Also, the soil can consist of mullein, peat, turf and (1:5:4:) and be about 80 cm thick. Such a mixture should be kept in a pile for about a year and only then used. Before planting flowers, add a little meat and bone meal (1 kg per 1 m 2) and mineral fertilizers to this soil.

Attention! Before planting seedlings, do not forget to warm the soil to +12 degrees.

Step 2 Most likely, you ordered seedlings by mail. So, they should be prepared for landing. Since the plants lost a lot of moisture during transportation, first immerse them in water for 24 hours. If the plants were stored for a long time and were waiting in the wings, then you can immediately drop in, leaving the grafting site in the air - do not forget to properly moisten them and spray them with a product containing copper to avoid diseases. If roses came to you in peat, then water them a little and immediately plant them in the ground.

Step 3 Plant roses in the greenhouse according to the following scheme: 30 * 30 or 40 * 25, so that there are no more than 12 units per 1 m 2. Plant as described above: the root system is in the ground, the grafting site is in the air.

Attention! The rose should not sit too deep/high. In either case, the plant will die. It is important to choose the right planting depth of the bush.

Step 4 Water the seedlings well with a hose.

Step 5 Now carefully monitor the air temperature - it should not be higher than 10 degrees before forcing, otherwise the bushes will grow unevenly. On the whole optimum temperature air for a rose - about 22 degrees, and soil - at least 12.

Step 6 Don't forget to humidify the air. Spray the flowers daily to keep this figure at 70%.

Step 7 Provide proper lighting. It should be bright and uniform for 16 hours. In winter, take care of the presence of additional light. In the summer, slightly shade the bushes.

On a note! Own-rooted roses are ideal for early forcing, which can produce at least 100 flowers per 1 m 2.

Step 8 To cut a rose, expel one shoot, remove the remaining buds and side shoots, leaving a short part (about 3 buds). Soon they will give new shoots. And if the flowers are being prepared for sale, then pinch them over the 3rd leaf so that the shoot becomes woody and allows buds to form in the axils of the leaf. New stems will appear, and after a while you will have new flowering bushes in your greenhouse.

On a note! Roses can be propagated by layering. To do this, bury the shoots deviated to the sides in grooves up to 8 cm deep, strengthening them there with pegs.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business is considered a profitable type of entrepreneurship. After all, such a product as flowers is in demand all year round. This is the perfect gift for any holiday, and the demand for flowers has been, is and will always be. Being engaged in breeding them on an ongoing basis, you can achieve a good income.

If you decide to master, for example, growing tulips in a greenhouse at home, you should get acquainted with the main nuances inherent in the specifics of this particular activity. This business is considered seasonal, flowers are most in demand on the eve of the holidays.

AT summer time among those who sell them there is high level competition, but in winter, flowers are grown and sold much less, so prices for goods can be significantly increased.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business: where to start?

As in any type of activity, upcoming expenses and income should be calculated in advance and included in a well-thought-out business plan.

The prerequisites for getting started are the availability of a land plot for the installation of a greenhouse. It is in it that it is possible to maintain conditions that are optimal for the growth and formation of flowers.

Particular attention should be paid to seedlings, on the quality of which the final result depends to the greatest extent.

What are the benefits of doing this?

1. You are not limited in time - you can grow flowers all year round.

2. Focusing on the holiday calendar, you can prepare for certain dates large quantity goods to increase profits.

3. This business does not have a very long payback period and is not considered high cost. Profit is possible already in the first year of doing business.

4. The normalized working day is not fundamental here, and a businessman can freely plan his time.

5. Simultaneously with flowers, medicinal plants can be grown, which are sold in pharmacy chains and pharmaceutical factories.

If an entrepreneur grows flowers on a personal plot of land, then he does not need to leave his house every day and go to work. Buyers themselves will pick up the goods - usually they are resellers or various small firms.

What are the disadvantages of this activity?

1. Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business is not the easiest job, it requires the entrepreneurial grower to have certain skills and abilities.

2. You will need to install a greenhouse, which must be selected correctly and in accordance with the required parameters.

3. As in any entrepreneurial activity, to draw up a business plan (which you cannot do without) you will need at least minimal economic skills.

4. To achieve serious earnings, you have to work tirelessly all year.

5. There may be difficulties in choosing high-quality seedlings, as well as unexpected "surprises".

Anyone who is serious about growing flowers in a greenhouse for sale should compare the pros and cons and make a final decision. And only after that is it possible to move on to the main stages in the development of a business.

Business: registration features

This occupation, by definition, assumes the presence of a land plot optimal size where one or more greenhouses will be installed. Such a plot may be owned by the entrepreneur, but it can also be rented.

To register a personal household plot, you will need to contact the local government. Having handed over the necessary package of documents there, the entrepreneur, after some time, receives documentation confirming the presence of private household plots (personal household plots). In this case, the cultivation of flowers in a greenhouse as a business can be carried out without the formation of a legal status such as LLC or IP.

What is the advantage of using a personal subsidiary plot?

First of all, it is the absence of the need to pay taxes. At the same time, LPH is a good way to make money. Control over the activity of the entrepreneur by the state or tax office does not lead. The owner of an auxiliary personal farm is not required to report documentarily to various authorities.

Thus, at the first stage of business development, this option is the most optimal. With a successful combination of cases and an increase in turnover, it makes sense to register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, which will allow you to officially hire assistants and put the case on stream.

Let's talk about disadvantages

The disadvantages of growing flowers as part of a personal subsidiary plot include the possibility of selling them only to resellers. On the one hand, this eliminates unnecessary hassle, because, as a rule, they take the goods in bulk. But on the other hand, the price offered by such intermediaries will never be too high.

Therefore, if you are in the mood for serious business development, select in advance the necessary OKVED codes related to plant breeding and their marketing. should be thought in advance and future system taxation. Perhaps, the best choice here there will be ESHN, in which a tax of 6% is paid on net profit.

How to organize work

All the main stages into which the formation of your activity will be divided must be contained in the business plan. First of all, you should prepare the ground. Remember that your business is designed for all year round.

Measure the area and make sure that there is enough space to install not one greenhouse, but several at once. After all, by installing a small greenhouse on a tiny plot, you are unlikely to achieve much profit.

The next very important step is actually choosing a greenhouse. The most rational designs, arranged according to the principle of a thermos. Its essence is to protect plants from negative weather conditions - if you plan to plant flowers in a greenhouse in winter. Such a design will not require serious energy costs, since one of the main resources for heating the internal space is sunlight. Below we will talk in more detail about the choice of a greenhouse and the basic rules for its installation.

What else to consider

Your business plan must provide for the exact location of the construction on the site with all the necessary drawings. Having decided on the number and location of greenhouses, you can start building. It is quite possible to enter on your own. Optimal quantity seedlings are obtained when the dimensions of the greenhouse are 20 by 5 meters and a height of about two meters on the south side and about 2.5 m on the north.

The base of each greenhouse is made in the form of a shallow and fairly easy-to-install strip foundation. Then a frame is installed on it, it is covered with cellular polycarbonate, a structure of rafters, usually single-pitched, is arranged on top. With its help, the heating of the greenhouse occurs quickly and without any problems.

The effect of a thermos is achieved by using a pair of layers of polycarbonate - inner and outer. The business plan should also provide for the heating of the structure in the form standard heating water, solar collector or electricity, as well as watering flowers in the greenhouse.

Choosing soil for plants

The choice of suitable soil is one of the important conditions for the proper maintenance and cultivation of flowers. What factors need to be taken into account?

The land in the area where you are going to plant seedlings must be dug in advance to a depth of about half a meter. Each of the resulting pits must be filled with soil suitable for growing flowers. Do not forget to apply all necessary fertilizers and protective solutions.

Having prepared the soil properly, proceed directly to the landing.

What flowers do you prefer?

If the greenhouse is well designed and properly prepared, then the number of varieties of plants and flowers that can be grown is very, very large. You should choose your preferred varieties in advance, indicating this in the business plan, since both your expenses and the amount of final income depend on what exactly you will grow.

In this case, one should be guided both by one's own preferences and by the demand for certain types and varieties specific to your region. Having decided on the most profitable types, you will be able to make a preference for one or two of them and practice wholesale deliveries certain buyers. Or you can grow a little of everything or change the varieties of flowers every year so as not to lose your own interest in this activity.

What flowers are in the most stable demand? The list of those consists of roses, tulips, gladioli and chrysanthemums. Breeding these species is truly a win-win option. It is believed that by growing roses in a greenhouse for sale, you will always be with money.

When buying seedlings of any kind, think about the fact that a quality product cannot be cheap. Weak seedlings can completely ruin all efforts and nullify expected income. It is better not to save on its cost by contacting trusted suppliers who have long-standing authority in the flower market.

Planting and caring

As a rule, the business plan provides for the planting of about 4 rose bushes for each square meter of the greenhouse. If necessary, it should be possible to reduce this amount by half for the next year.

Roses are those flowers for which good lighting is especially important. That is why the soil cannot be covered with sheets or something else. Humidity in the greenhouse should be around 70%. The design of the greenhouse must be ventilated daily, and the beds must be regularly weeded. Flowers should be carefully monitored in order to determine the presence of diseases in time. Finding the affected plants, they should be removed as soon as possible.

What about finances?

Your plan must contain an expense and income component. That is, you must provide necessary minimum funds to start your business. This minimum will include the amount necessary for the construction of greenhouses, it is calculated based on the total footage of all structures.

The next expense item is the purchase of reliable high quality seedlings (for example, rose bushes in the amount of 200 pieces). Then - the purchase of fertilizers and necessary additives for the soil. In addition, the cost of heating each of the greenhouses should be included.

Adding everything up, we get the total amount of money required to grow each cycle of flowers during the year. The expected result will be approximately equal to the number of roses cut, equal to or slightly less than the number of bushes planted (adjustment for inevitable losses must be made). Knowing market prices per unit of flower production, you can easily calculate how much all your roses will be sold for.

By comparing the estimated income with the amount of expenses calculated above, you will be able to determine and plan the level of net profit. Income from growing flowers can be very, very good, especially if you gradually increase the number of greenhouses, expand the range and find new buyers. In a good scenario, you will soon need employees, and you will be able to expand your business.

At the same time, it is possible to grow houseplants in pots or, as already mentioned, medicinal herbs. That is, the range of goods produced by your greenhouses can be practically unlimited. With a successful business, after a while you can even afford to open a personal flower shop.

About greenhouse designs

Now let's talk about the greenhouses you are going to use. After all, whatever one may say, at least half of the success depends on a successful or unsuccessful design. Greenhouses for flowers can be either bought ready-made or made with your own hands. Purchased polycarbonate greenhouses have a beautiful design, they are durable, warm, but, unfortunately, quite expensive.

The disadvantage is that they are produced en masse for certain average climatic conditions, and manufacturers are not engaged in adapting their design to a certain climate or local conditions. Therefore, well-thought-out, self-made greenhouses made with love and care can be an order of magnitude more successful for your business.

And yet, let's talk about how to choose a finished greenhouse and assemble it correctly.

Polycarbonate greenhouses: subtleties of choice

Most often, they buy a finished greenhouse in the form of a prefabricated structure with an arched roof. At the same time, not everyone has information about what disadvantages are inherent in such a greenhouse. Manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertising that paints the tempting simplicity of ordering, delivering and professional installation such a design.

Expecting to install a strong and beautiful greenhouse on their own site in a short time, few people think that for such an installation it is necessary to prepare a foundation and a plinth of the right size. Otherwise, you will soon run into unexpected troubles. A greenhouse installed directly on the ground can be blown away by strong winds or begin to corrode.

Most often flower greenhouses made of polycarbonate are made in the form of an arched structure. This form is popular not because of optimality, but because of ease of production. It is quite easy to make an arched structure - a sheet of material 6 meters long is bent in the form of a semicircle with a radius of about 1.9 meters. Thus, the dimensions of the greenhouse are about 3.8 meters wide, and in height - according to the size of the radius.

This distance (1.9 m) is not very suitable for a greenhouse of normal height. Therefore, the finished greenhouse is best placed on a fairly large plinth. As an option, it is possible to install vertical walls about a meter high.

It is also desirable to optimize the width of the greenhouse by reducing it to two and a half meters. At the same time, a passage about 80 centimeters wide is made in the middle of it, on both sides of which there are two beds of the same width. With this ratio of sizes, it is quite easy to process the beds, with a larger width it is already difficult.

The central aisle is necessary for the possibility of transporting a cart with fertilizers and earth, which is subject to periodic replacement.

What else is the problem?

Another disadvantage of ready-made arched greenhouses is the loss of part of the necessary solar lighting by reflecting rays. This happens because the dome of the polycarbonate greenhouse has a high reflectivity. Everyone must have seen how strongly polycarbonate greenhouses shine under the rays of the sun. And the arched design contributes to this as well as possible. It is much more practical in this sense to use a flat-shaped surface, which is maximally designed for the intake of sunlight and heat. After all, the sun is never enough for greenhouse plants!

The third important drawback of ready-made polycarbonate greenhouses is incomplete transparency. It is best when light and heat enter it from the south side, but in the finished structure all walls are transparent, including the north one, through which heat and light also easily escape.

Homemade greenhouses are deprived of such a disadvantage. However, problems can also be eliminated in a purchased structure by making its northern wall opaque and reflective. That is why, when ordering and buying a finished structure, carefully consider where it will be installed and how it is oriented to the cardinal points.

Now for the benefits

On the other hand, it is easier to install an already purchased greenhouse due to the exact dimensions and the same dimensions of all arcs and other elements. This moment at self erection greenhouse design often becomes a stumbling block.

Why are polycarbonate greenhouses so popular these days? On closer examination, glass structures, and especially polyethylene greenhouses, also lose to polycarbonate. It does not break, which compares favorably with glass; such greenhouses can be repaired and moved from place to place. Material effectively stores solar heat, it is easy to give it any shape, its sheet can be cut even with a simple knife. Stocking up on polycarbonate sheets, you can create a design of almost any shape with your own hands, if you have the skills necessary for this business.

The frame of the greenhouse is best made from galvanized metal. Of course, it is more expensive than what is made of bending pipes. But think about the onset of winter - a large mass of snow can easily bend a greenhouse made of fragile material, and restoring it is not an easy task.

Polycarbonate, on the other hand, must be chosen as thick as possible, it is better to lay it in two layers or choose a type of polycarbonate with a special layer, in which inside condensation does not form.

Polycarbonate does not have to be just white and transparent. But if you plan to grow many different varieties of flowers or other plants in the greenhouse, then completely transparent sheets will still be the best option.

Do not buy into cheap options for greenhouse designs that do not have a sealant. The latter is very important for the tightness of all joints. In addition, with temperature changes, polycarbonate will be able to expand using a small gap.

If there are a lot of additional elements in the design, this, of course, will affect the price, but the assembly will be carried out correctly, safely and easily enough. Holes in polycarbonate for fasteners should also be slightly larger than the required diameter for possible expansion from high temperatures.