Large numbers of interesting facts. Facts about numbers

1. Eastern countries they are afraid of the number 4. Its pronunciation is very close to the word "death". The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese equated it with an "unlucky" number. If you pay attention to the number of floors in buildings, you will notice that the number "4" at the end of the floor is almost never registered.

2. A little trick (elementarily explained by mathematics and logic). Take your year of birth, more precisely the last 2 numbers. Remember how old you were in 2011? To these years, add the last digits from the year of birth. I bet you got 111?

3. If you square 111 111 111, the result will surprise you! You will get 12345678987654321. These are all numbers in order. First they increase, then they decrease.

4. Guess what happens when you add up all the numbers on the casino roulette? The number of the devil that many fear is 666.

5. Many people know about the various lotteries "6 out of 49" (as it used to be in Sportloto). Do you know how many times the jackpot has been hit in the history of the game? 3 times! The real lucky ones.

6. Everyone from school remembers the number Pi - 3.14. He even has 2 holidays. Unofficial, of course. In America, this is March 14 (03.14) and July 22 (22/7). Ask why July? Because when you divide the number by the digit of the month, you get exactly the number Pi. Funny idea.

7. The largest number has 600 zeros behind one. It has its own name. It is a centillion.

8. Interesting facts about numbers and numbers also apply to scientists. An American math graduate student was late for class one day. Equations were written on the board. George Dantzig (that was the name of the graduate student) thought it was a homework assignment. After suffering for several days, puzzling over how such a difficult task was given, George solved it. What was his surprise when he found out that this is an “unsolvable” problem in statistics. Many scientists have strained their convolutions for many years to unravel the mystery of these problems.

9. Guess which is the most common woman's name? Anna. 100 million women are named after him.

10. Famous people, too, with their "cockroaches" in their heads and fears. For example, Sigmund Freud was terrified of the number 62. This went so far that Freud did not stay in hotels with more than 61 rooms. What if he, the lucky one, gets 62 out of all? And the composer Schoenberg Arnold was afraid damn dozen. And he died on Friday the 13th at the age of 76 (do you know how much 7 + 6 is?). That's the magic of numbers. And he only says that thoughts are material. And you don’t need to create fears for yourself so that they don’t “finish off” you.

11. Another interesting fact about the devil's number. Imagine that in the USSR, architects wanted to create a microdistrict by building houses in it in such a way that the name of a great power could be read from space. However, the idea somehow fell out of favor or finances did not allow. But as a result, there is the 522nd microdistrict in Kharkov, where there are only 3 houses. And the satellite shows them on the map as "666".

12. In the Himalayas there is a sacred mountain with a height of 6666 m. Its name is Kailash. What is striking is that its height is the distance to the center of the North Pole and at the same time to Stonehenge. Some kind of mystic. But the mountain is actually very beautiful.

13. The centipede actually has far from 40 legs. People often call this a spider with long and thin "legs". It moves so fast it looks like 40 feet. However, some call centipedes centipedes, which in fact have up to 400 legs, and sometimes more. Those who count 100 legs should be wary of this insect. It bites painfully. But the so-called millenniums are generally harmless and harmless. Biology is an interesting science.

14. In Budapest, trolleybuses received numbers in 49. It was in that year that Stalin celebrated his anniversary - the seventh decade. And now the very first trolleybus was assigned No. 70 (although now there is no such route anymore). Since then, route numbers have been given after 70. There is neither the first, nor the twentieth, nor the fifty-third.

15. Is it possible to live a million days? Interesting. But if you count, it's 27 centuries. So many days have not yet passed since the beginning of our era. So the answer is unequivocal - no, you cannot live so many days for 1 person.

The properties of prime numbers were first studied by mathematicians Ancient Greece. Mathematicians of the Pythagorean school (500 - 300 BC) were primarily interested in the mystical and numerological properties of prime numbers. They were the first to come up with ideas about perfect and friendly numbers.

Prime numbers are evenly divisible by 1 and themselves. They are the basis of arithmetic and of all natural numbers. That is, those that arise naturally when counting objects, for example, apples. Any natural number is the product of some prime numbers. And those and others - an infinite number.

Prime numbers other than 2 and 5 end in 1, 3, 7, or 9. They were thought to be randomly distributed. And a prime number ending, for example, in 1 can with equal probability - 25 percent - be followed by a prime number that ends in 1, 3, 7, 9.
Prime numbers are integers greater than one that cannot be represented as the product of two smaller numbers. Thus, 6 is not a prime number, since it can be represented as the product of 2 × 3, and 5 is a prime number, because the only way represent it as a product of two numbers - is it 1? 5 or 5? 1. If you have several coins, but you cannot arrange them all in a rectangle, but can only line them up in a straight line, your number of coins is a prime number.

A perfect number has its own divisors equal to itself. For example, the proper divisors of the number 6 are: 1, 2 and 3. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The divisors of the number 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7 and 14. Moreover, 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.

Numbers are called friendly if the sum of proper divisors of one number is equal to another, and vice versa - for example, 220 and 284. We can say that a perfect number is friendly to itself.
By the time of the appearance of the work of Euclid's "Beginnings" in 300 BC. several have already been proven important facts about prime numbers. In Book IX of the Elements, Euclid proved that there are an infinite number of prime numbers. By the way, this is one of the first examples of the use of proof by contradiction. He also proves the Basic Theorem of Arithmetic - every integer can be represented in a unique way as a product of prime numbers.
He also showed that if the number 2 n -1 is prime, then the number 2 n-1 * (2 n -1) will be perfect. Another mathematician, Euler, in 1747 was able to show that all even perfect numbers can be written in this form. To this day, it is not known whether odd perfect numbers exist.

In the year 200 B.C. The Greek Eratosthenes came up with an algorithm for finding prime numbers called the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

No one knows for sure in which society they first began to consider prime numbers. They have been studied for so long that scientists have no records of those times. There are speculations that some early civilizations had some understanding of prime numbers, but the first real evidence for this comes from Egyptian papyri records made over 3,500 years ago.

The ancient Greeks were most likely the first to study prime numbers as a subject of scientific interest, and they believed that prime numbers were important for purely abstract mathematics. Euclid's theorem is still taught in schools, despite being over 2,000 years old.

After the Greeks, serious attention was paid to prime numbers again in the 17th century. Since then, many famous mathematicians have made important contributions to our understanding of prime numbers. Pierre de Fermat made many discoveries and is best known for Fermat's Last Theorem, a 350-year-old prime number problem solved by Andrew Wiles in 1994. Leonhard Euler proved many theorems in the 18th century, and in the 19th century a big breakthrough was made by Carl Friedrich Gauss, Pafnuty Chebyshev and Bernhard Riemann, especially with regard to the distribution of prime numbers. All this culminated in the hitherto unsolved Riemann Hypothesis, which is often called the most important unsolved problem in all of mathematics. The Riemann Hypothesis makes it possible to very accurately predict the appearance of prime numbers, and also partly explains why they are so difficult for mathematicians.

The discoveries made in the early 17th century by the mathematician Fermat proved Albert Girard's conjecture that any prime number of the form 4n+1 can be written uniquely as the sum of two squares, and also formulated the theorem that any number can be represented as the sum of four squares.
He developed new method factorization big numbers, and demonstrated it on the number 2027651281 = 44021 ? 46061. He also proved Fermat's Little Theorem: if p is a prime number, then for any integer a, a p = a modulo p will be true.
This statement proves half of what was known as the "Chinese hypothesis" and dates back 2000 years earlier: an integer n is prime if and only if 2n-2 is divisible by n. The second part of the hypothesis turned out to be false - for example, 2341 - 2 is divisible by 341, although the number 341 is composite: 341 \u003d 31? eleven.

Fermat's Little Theorem was the basis for many other results in number theory and methods for testing whether numbers are prime, many of which are still in use today.
Fermat corresponded extensively with his contemporaries, especially with a monk named Marin Mersenne. In one of his letters, he conjectured that numbers of the form 2 n + 1 will always be prime if n is a power of two. He tested this for n = 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16, and was sure that when n is not a power of two, the number was not necessarily prime. These numbers are called Fermat numbers, and it wasn't until 100 years later that Euler showed that the next number, 232 + 1 = 4294967297, is divisible by 641 and therefore not prime.
Numbers of the form 2 n - 1 have also been the subject of research, since it is easy to show that if n is composite, then the number itself is also composite. These numbers are called Mersenne numbers because he actively studied them.

But not all numbers of the form 2 n - 1, where n is prime, are prime. For example, 2 11 - 1 = 2047 = 23 * 89. This was first discovered in 1536.
For many years, numbers of this kind gave mathematicians the largest known primes. That the number M 19 was proved by Cataldi in 1588, and for 200 years was the largest known prime number, until Euler proved that M 31 is also prime. This record held for another hundred years, and then Lucas showed that M 127 is prime (and this is already a number of 39 digits), and after that, research continued with the advent of computers.
In 1952, the primeness of the numbers M 521 , M 607 , M 1279 , M 2203 and M 2281 was proved.
By 2005, 42 Mersenne primes had been found. The largest of them, M 25964951 , consists of 7816230 digits.
Euler's work had a huge impact on number theory, including prime numbers. He extended Fermat's Little Theorem and introduced the ?-function. Factorized the 5th Fermat number 2 32 +1, found 60 pairs of friendly numbers, and formulated (but failed to prove) the quadratic law of reciprocity.

He was the first to introduce the methods of mathematical analysis and developed the analytic theory of numbers. He proved that not only the harmonic series? (1/n), but also a series of the form
1/2 + 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + 1/11 +…
obtained by the sum of reciprocals of prime numbers also diverges. The sum of the n terms of the harmonic series grows approximately like log(n), while the second series diverges more slowly, like log[ log(n) ]. This means that, for example, the sum of the reciprocals of all the prime numbers found to date will give only 4, although the series still diverges.
At first glance, it seems that prime numbers are distributed among integers rather randomly. For example, among the 100 numbers immediately before 10000000, there are 9 primes, and among the 100 numbers immediately after this value, there are only 2. But on large segments, prime numbers are distributed fairly evenly. Legendre and Gauss dealt with their distribution. Gauss once told a friend that in any free 15 minutes he always counts the number of primes in the next 1000 numbers. By the end of his life, he had counted all the prime numbers up to 3 million. Legendre and Gauss equally calculated that for large n the density of primes is 1/log(n). Legendre estimated the number of primes between 1 and n as
?(n) = n/(log(n) - 1.08366)
And Gauss - as a logarithmic integral
?(n) = ? 1/log(t)dt
with an integration interval from 2 to n.

The statement about the density of primes 1/log(n) is known as the Prime Numbers Theorem. They tried to prove it throughout the 19th century, and Chebyshev and Riemann made progress. They connected it with the Riemann Hypothesis, a hitherto unproven conjecture about the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta function. The density of primes was simultaneously proved by Hadamard and de la Vallée-Poussin in 1896.
In the theory of prime numbers, there are still many unresolved questions, some of which are many hundreds of years old:

  • twin prime hypothesis - about an infinite number of pairs of prime numbers that differ from each other by 2
  • Goldbach's conjecture: any even number, starting from 4, can be represented as the sum of two prime numbers
  • Is there an infinite number of prime numbers of the form n 2 + 1 ?
  • is it always possible to find a prime number between n 2 and (n + 1) 2 ? (the fact that there is always a prime number between n and 2n was proved by Chebyshev)
  • Is there an infinite number of Fermat primes? are there any Fermat primes after the 4th?
  • is there an arithmetic progression of consecutive primes for any given length? for example, for length 4: 251, 257, 263, 269. The maximum length found is 26 .
  • Is there an infinite number of sets of three consecutive primes in an arithmetic progression?
  • n 2 - n + 41 is a prime number for 0 ? n? 40. Is the number of such prime numbers infinite? The same question for the formula n 2 - 79 n + 1601. Are these numbers prime for 0 ? n? 79.
  • Is there an infinite number of prime numbers of the form n# + 1? (n# is the result of multiplying all prime numbers less than n)
  • Is there an infinite number of prime numbers of the form n# -1 ?
  • Is there an infinite number of prime numbers of the form n! +1?
  • Is there an infinite number of prime numbers of the form n! - one?
  • if p is prime, does 2 p -1 always not include among the factors of squared primes
  • Does the Fibonacci sequence contain an infinite number of primes?

Some people think that prime numbers are not worth deep study, but they are fundamental to mathematics. Each number can be represented in a unique way as prime numbers multiplied by each other. This means that prime numbers are "atoms of multiplication", small particles from which something large can be built.

Since primes are the building blocks of integers that are obtained by multiplication, many integer problems can be reduced to prime number problems. Similarly, some problems in chemistry can be solved using the atomic composition of the chemical elements involved in the system. Thus, if there were a finite number of primes, one could simply check one by one on a computer. However, it turns out that there is an infinite number of prime numbers that this moment badly understood by mathematicians.

Prime numbers have a huge number of applications both in the field of mathematics and beyond. Prime numbers are used almost daily these days, although most often they are not aware of it. Prime numbers are of such importance to scientists because they are the atoms of multiplication. A lot of abstract problems about multiplication could be solved if we knew more about prime numbers. Mathematicians often break down one problem into several smaller ones, and prime numbers could help with this if they understood them better.

Outside of mathematics, the main applications of prime numbers are related to computers. Computers store all data as a sequence of zeros and ones, which can be expressed as an integer. Many computer programs multiply numbers associated with data. This means that just below the surface lie prime numbers. When a person makes any online purchases, he takes advantage of the fact that there are ways to multiply numbers that are difficult for a hacker to decipher, but easy for a buyer. This works due to the fact that prime numbers do not have special characteristics - otherwise, an attacker could get the bank card data.

One way to find prime numbers is by computer search. By repeatedly checking whether a number is a factor of 2, 3, 4, and so on, one can easily determine whether it is prime. If it is not a factor of any smaller number, it is prime. This is actually a very time consuming way of finding out if a number is prime. However, there are better ways to determine this. The performance of these algorithms for each number is the result of a theoretical breakthrough in 2002.

There are a lot of prime numbers, so if you take a large number and add one to it, you can stumble upon a prime number. In fact, many computer programs rely on the fact that prime numbers are not too hard to find. This means that if you randomly select a number from 100 digits, your computer will find a larger prime number in a few seconds. Since there are more 100-digit prime numbers than there are atoms in the universe, it is likely that no one will know for sure that this number is prime.

As a rule, mathematicians do not look for individual primes on the computer, but they are very interested in primes with special properties. There are two well-known problems: is there an infinite number of primes that are one more than a square (for example, this matters in group theory), and is there an infinite number of pairs of primes that differ from each other by 2.

The largest prime number calculated by the GIMPS project can be found in the table on the project's official page.

The largest twin primes are 2003663613 ? 2195000 ± 1. They consist of 58711 digits and were found in 2007.

The largest factorial prime number (of the form n! ± 1) is 147855! - 1. It consists of 142891 digits and was found in 2002.

The largest primorial prime number (a number of the form n# ± 1) is 1098133# + 1.

It would take a book of more than 7,000 pages to write down the new prime number found by mathematicians. It - this is an unprecedentedly large number - consists of 23,249,425 digits. It was discovered thanks to the GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) distributed computing project.

Prime numbers are those that are divisible by one and themselves. And nothing more. What has now been found also applies to the so-called Mersenne numbers, which have the form 2 to the power of n minus 1. The record number can be expressed as 2 to the power of 77232917 minus 1. It has become the 50th known Mersenne number.

Prime numbers are used in cryptography - for encryption. They cost a lot of money. For example, in 2009, a premium of $100,000 was paid for one of the prime numbers.

Despite the fact that prime numbers have been studied for more than three millennia and have a simple description, surprisingly little is known about prime numbers. For example, mathematicians know that the only pair of primes that differ by 1 are 2 and 3. However, it is not known whether there is an infinite number of pairs of primes that differ by 2. It is assumed that there is, but this has not yet been proven. It's a problem that can be explained to a school-age child, but the greatest minds in mathematics have been puzzling over it for over 100 years.

Many of the most interesting questions about prime numbers, both from a practical and theoretical point of view, are how many primes have a particular property. The answer to a simple question - how many prime numbers of a certain size are there - can theoretically be obtained by solving the Riemann hypothesis. An additional incentive to prove the Riemann Hypothesis is a one million dollar prize offered by the Clay Mathematical Institute, as well as a place of honor among the outstanding mathematicians of all time.

There are now good ways to guess what the correct answer to many of these questions will be. At the moment, mathematicians' guesses pass all numerical experiments, and there are theoretical reasons to rely on them. However, it is extremely important for pure mathematics and the operation of computer algorithms that these guesses are actually correct. Mathematicians can only be fully satisfied if they have an undeniable proof.
The biggest challenge for practical application is the difficulty of finding all prime factors numbers. If you take the number 15, you can quickly determine that 15=5x3. But if you take a 1000-digit number, calculating all its prime factors will take more than a billion years even for the most powerful supercomputer in the world. Internet security depends a lot on the complexity of these calculations, so it's important for communication security to know that someone can't just come up with a quick way to find prime factors.

It is currently impossible to say how prime numbers will be used in the future. Pure mathematics (for example, the study of prime numbers) has repeatedly found applications that may have seemed completely unbelievable when the theory was first developed. Again and again, ideas that were perceived as a wonderful academic interest, unsuitable for real world, turned out to be surprisingly useful for science and technology. Godfrey Harold Hardy, a famous mathematician of the early 20th century, argued that prime numbers have no real application. Forty years later, the potential of prime numbers for computer communication was discovered, and they are now vital for everyday use of the Internet.

Because prime numbers are at the heart of the whole number problem, and since integers are constantly found in real life, prime numbers will have ubiquitous applications in the world of the future. This is especially true given how the Internet is permeating life, and technology and computers are playing a bigger role than ever before.

There is an opinion that certain aspects of the theory of numbers and prime numbers go far beyond the scope of science and computers. In music, prime numbers explain why some complex rhythmic patterns take a long time to repeat. This is sometimes used in modern classical music to achieve a specific sound effect. The Fibonacci sequence occurs all the time in nature, and it is hypothesized that cicadas have evolved to hibernate for a mere number of years to gain an evolutionary advantage. It is also suggested that transmitting prime numbers over radio waves would be the best way to attempt communication with alien life forms, since prime numbers are completely independent of any notion of language, yet complex enough to not be confused with the result of some pure physical natural process.

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Most Interesting Facts about numbers and numbers and how they affect our lives.

12/17/2016 / 20:40 | pomnibeslan

Numbers surround every person everywhere, many of them we betray special meaning. Date of birth, address, age, train ticket number… We will tell you about the most mysterious facts about numbers and figures.

  1. Do you know what the largest number is called? He was given the name Centillon. It is written as "1" and 600 zeros. The number was first recorded in early 1852.
  2. In Arabic countries, numbers are written differently than in European ones - from right to left, starting with a smaller digit. That is why, when we see Arabic designations in texts, we will habitually read them from left to right, which means that what we read will be incorrect.
  3. Interesting facts about numbers and innovative technologies did not bypass. For example, Google Corporation is one of the largest and most successful search engines on the Internet. Its creators Sergey Brin and Larry Page Special attention devoted to choosing a name for their creation. Having come up with the name "Google", the developers wanted to talk about the amount of information that the system is capable of processing. "Google" - this is the name of a number that includes one and a hundred zeros. Surprisingly, the name of the search engine is not spelled correctly, instead of "googol" it was decided to give preference to the word "Google"
  4. "13" is one of the most unlucky numbers in Greece, however, this only applies to a date that falls on a Tuesday. The Italians are afraid of the 17th, which falls on Friday. And scientists from the Netherlands conducted a study, as a result of which it was found that the number 13 accounts for the least number of traffic accidents, accidents and other misfortunes, which is associated with the special caution and concentration of people.
  5. The word "Number" is translated from Arabic as "0". However, over time, this name began to be used to refer to any number, not only in Arab countries, but throughout the world.
  6. It is believed that the number "7" refers to the happiest. The person who is accompanied by this number is more fortunate.
  7. Found and unusual facts in the world of insects. So, the centipede, unloved by many, does not have 40 pairs of legs at all. Their number can vary from thirty to four hundred.
  8. At launch, the weight of the space shuttle reaches 2000 tons.
  9. We often enjoy the spectacle when many clouds gather in the sky. It is worth knowing that the average weight of one cloud is five hundred tons.
  10. One of the thickest printed publications was released in New York in 1965 - The New York Times consisted of 946 pages, and its weight was close to 3.5 kg.
  11. If you receive a million dollars in $100 bills, the weight of the money will be nine kilograms;
  12. The earth is rich in various minerals and other resources, however, there are materials that are worth their weight in gold - total weight Astatine, located in earth's crust worldwide, is no more than 0.16 grams. This is because Astatine is highly radioactive. With Greek Astatine means "unstable".
  13. Satellite TV is preferred by many people today. Have you ever wondered how far the satellite is located, through which television channels are broadcast? It is located at a distance of 35,000 km.
  14. The blue whale is a large mammal, and the length of its tongue is as much as three meters!
  15. The Guinness Book of Records recorded the largest domestic cat, its length was 1.23 m. Breed - Maine Coon.

  1. In fact, Arabic numerals were not invented by the Arabs, but by the Hindus.
  2. All numbers containing "0" (multiples of ten) got their names as a result of adding the name of the first number and ten (Seventy, Eighty, etc.). The exception is the number 40, which is due to the fact that in old times"Forty" was called "Fourteen".
  3. "35" and "11" are numbers that for most subjects of the Queen of England mean nothing more than "no money" and "term has come to an end." Such designations were formed from the fact that a special card is used when paying for a bus fare, and if it is inserted into the terminal, these numbers may be displayed, indicating a low balance or an overdue card. Habit is a terrible force, and today many English people use these numbers for quick correspondence via SMS.
  4. The authenticity of a euro banknote can be verified using a serial number consisting of letters and numbers. You should replace the letter with the number that it corresponds to according to the alphabet. Next, all the digits of the number must be added, the resulting number should be added to each other, and so on until one digit is obtained. The fact that the bill is real is indicated by the answer in the form of the number 8.
  5. Anna is the name of more than 100 million women around the world. Therefore, the nickname is considered the most popular among all existing female names!
  6. There is only one digit that cannot be written in Roman numerals - this is "0".
  7. The year 1961 is a fairly rare occurrence, because this number can also be read upside down. Next year similar to 1961 - 6009.

Superstitions and numbers

Numbers have always been surrounded by a halo of superstition. In each country they have a certain meaning:

  1. Most unlucky number for many of us - 13. A person is horrified in front of him and tries in every possible way to avoid everything that is connected with him. The number 13 in the date promises trouble at work, parting with loved ones, accidents and other troubles. In Italy, the number 17 is equal to our 13 - people believe that 17 entails mortal danger. AT Ancient Rome the Romans wrote the number VIXI on the tombstone, as if speaking on behalf of the deceased - "I am no longer here."
  2. Superstitious fear of certain numbers experienced famous people. So, the musician Arnold Schoenberg did not like the number 13. As his life showed, it was not in vain. The composer died on the 13th on Friday, he was 76 years old, and if you add 7 and 6, we get 13! Sigmund Freud was afraid of the number 62. There are no confirmed facts that this number somehow influenced the life of a psychoanalyst, but the phobia brought the man to the point that he avoided hotel rooms with the name 62!
  3. The number 4 for the Japanese and Chinese is a symbol of death. It is for this reason that in the houses of these countries there are no fourth floors and apartment numbers with the number 4. In the scientific world, the fear of four is called Tetraphobia.
  4. The number 666 - in our understanding, this combination of numbers somehow refers to the devil. So, three sixes are clearly visible from the satellite, if you look at one of the residential microdistricts (522 district) located in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine). In the Himalayas, some stories are also associated with this number, for example, Mount Kailash rises to a height of 6666 meters, it is located at the same distance from the North Pole. And if you are a gambler, you should know that 6666 is the sum of roulette numbers!
  5. In Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the post-Soviet space, it is not customary to give a bouquet consisting of an even number of flowers. To bestow such a bouquet on a person is considered not only a bad taste, but also a direct wish for death. But in other countries such superstition does not exist. For Europeans, an even number of flowers symbolizes happiness!
  6. The number 7 is the luckiest number, according to experts. It accompanies us everywhere, from the number of days in a week and the biblical seven deadly sins, to the number of shades in the rainbow and the presence of seven continents! The Japanese are of a different opinion. For them, the number 8 is lucky, denoting love, happiness, good luck.

Nostradamus cipher

The book of prophecies of Nostaradmus was first published back in 1555. On the title page publications was located a digital code, which was subsequently applied to other publications. However, after some time it lost its meaning and was no longer used.

They say that if you solve this cipher, a person will become enlightened and will be able to see the full picture of the future. However, this is not a simple key, because Nostradamus, protecting valuable knowledge from dishonest people, encrypted it. Unfortunately, the secret has remained unsolved.

One of the daredevils who decided to find out the secrets that the digital code holds was a certain Raphael, who lived in the 19th century. Based on the information received, tables were compiled to predict the future and present in detail the present.

Each of Nostradamus's predictions is marked with a specific date. However, you should not tie them to specific years. The seer wrote that in most of the prophecies, both places and dates are indicated, as well as times that are close to the most accurate. For encryption, Nostradamus used the science of Numerology.

One of the predictions of Nostradamus looks like this:

“The collapse of the world will occur between 2065 and 2066. Humanity will perish due to prolonged famine, merciless wars, natural disasters. The following describes the decline of mankind in the time period from 2065 to 2242 BC.

Vanga's predictions

Vanga is a Bulgarian seer who has helped many people. After the death of Vanga, talk about her does not stop. So, today the predictions of the seer by date of birth are extremely popular. Unlike the traditional astrological forecast, which should be created annually, Vanga compiled a permanent table where forty numbers are located, each of which has its own meaning.

At first glance, all the numbers and dates are arranged in a chaotic manner, however, such an arrangement can help everyone to find out the purpose, striving for which, you can achieve the desired success both in work and in family life.

How was the blind seer able to draw up and depict the magic table, accurately calculating the meaning of each number? This question has no answers. The age of people is clearly limited by dates of birth, ranging from 1940 to 1995, and find a table with complete guide to the action and the meanings of numbers on the Internet is not difficult.

The magic of numbers has always been effective tool for clairvoyants who wanted to convey something to people through numerical designations. Knowing the date of birth of a person, you can calculate and see the pattern of events taking place in his life.

The prediction of the Bulgarian seer with the help of the table she compiled is an example of how numerology can be skillfully used.

Mysterious number "23"

AT last years the devilish number 666 has left the leading positions, today the sign leading to unpleasant situations is the number 23.

Scientists analyzed numerous facts, and it turned out that quite a lot of unpleasant events are associated with the number 23, some of them:

  • Before his death, Julius Caesar received 23 knife wounds;
  • The Roman Empire fell in the summer of 476, on August 23;
  • On January 23, 1556, a terrible earthquake hit China, which led to the death of many people;
  • In 1648, on the 23rd of May, the Thirty Years' War began;
  • In 1985, on June 23, there was a terrorist attack - a bomb was blown up on board the plane, which led to the death of all the people there;
  • At the time of the explosion on the Kursk submarine, there were 23 people in the compartment;
  • Visitors to Nord-Ost were captured by terrorists on October 23rd.

Today humanity is experiencing a new turn in the development of civilization. Thus, society is actively interested in the possibility of personal self-development, business, the correct upbringing of the younger generation, their own health, the creation strong family and many others. It all has to do with numbers in one way or another. Thinking about them, we no longer make appointments at random, choosing the most attractive dates for this. Carefully selected time for rest, entertainment and other activities. We are looking for lucky numbers that would help to avoid difficult life situations, could make life easier and more comfortable!

Interesting facts about numbers and numbers

Numbers in our lives are of great importance, but they do not only add up dates and amounts. They are surrounded by mysticism and superstitions, they underlie various ciphers and so on. At the moment, many interesting facts related to numbers are known.

Superstitions and numbers

Numbers are surrounded by a halo of superstition, in different countries and in different times they had their meaning. What is it?

The number "13" - in many states is considered unsuccessful. Therefore, the floor after "12" has the designation "14", "12A" or "M" (the thirteenth letter in the alphabet)

Italians have a similar attitude towards the number 17

Great people experienced an inexplicable fear of some numbers. For example, the composer Arnold Schoenberg was terribly afraid of the number 13, and it turned out that it was not in vain - he died on Friday the 13th at the age of 76, that is, 7 + 6 = 13. The second vivid example is the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who avoided the number 62. Facts from his life about the fatal significance of this number for him is not there, but his fear reached such a point that he did not stay in large hotel complexes so as not to accidentally get into a room with this number.

In countries such as China, Japan and Korea, the number "4" is considered unlucky. Therefore, there are no floors with numbers that end in "4".

It is believed that the number 7 always brings good luck. This number is present everywhere - 7 days in a week, 7 continents, 7 deadly sins, 7 notes, 7 colors in a rainbow and so on.

The number 8 is considered the number of perfection. It is associated with infinity, and among the ancient Egyptians it was considered the number of balance and cosmic order. It is considered lucky number in Japanese and Chinese culture. The Pythagoreans believed that

The number 8 is a symbol of love and friendship.

For many peoples, for a long time, the counting limit was the number 3. It was considered a symbol of completeness, perfection. So, among the ancient Greeks, this number was considered lucky, and in ancient Babylon they worshiped three deities: the Sun, the Moon and Venus.

Many names of fairy tales and myths are associated with the number 3: "Three Truths" (Africa), "Three Treasures" (Japan), "Three Springs" (Turkey) and others. At the same time, there are a number of signs, according to which “three is not good” (three candles, three guests).

The mysterious power was attributed to the number 9, and in some times - good, and in others - vice versa. "Nine will not have a way" - they said in antiquity. The name of the painting by I. Aivazovsky "The Ninth Wave" reflects folk beliefs about the formidable forces of nature, of which the ninth wave is the most dangerous.

The ancient Greeks had a good reputation for the number 9. Jury for Olympic Games consisted of nine judges, there were nine patrons of science and art. In Russian folk tales the action often takes place "in a distant kingdom, in a distant state", "beyond distant lands".

Just interesting facts

    Most small number, opened today, does not even have a name, but is decimal, which has 100 million trillion trillion trillion zeros after the decimal point and before the one. It is not used in applied mathematics and is used by scientists to calculate the probability of a new universe from an atom.

    Logic trick: How old were you in 2011? To this number add the last two digits of your year of birth? It turned out 111, right?

    Interesting facts about numbers concern and modern technologies. Yes, Google is one of the most popular search engines. It was invented by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The name of the search engine was chosen for a reason. So, its creators wanted to show the amount of information that the system can process. In mathematics, a number that consists of one and one hundred zeros is called a googol. It is also interesting that the name "Google" is spelled incorrectly (not "googol"). But the founders liked this idea of ​​the name even more.

    The name Anna is one of the most common in the world. To date, 100 million owners of this name have been recorded.

    Numbers that are the same in both directions (for example, 12321) are called palindromes.

    The sum of all numbers from 1 to 100 is 5050

    Arabs write numbers from right to left, starting with the least significant digits. Therefore, seeing the familiar Arabic numerals in the text Arab peoples, we read them from left to right incorrectly

    The most mystical and legendary number is considered to be 666 - the number of the beast and the Antichrist (named so in one of the verses of the book of Revelation). A large number of interesting mathematical facts are connected with it: - the sum of all numbers on the roulette wheel is 666;

There is seat 666 in the European Parliament, but by tradition no one occupies it;

At a large number objects around the world replaced the number 666 with another, in connection with the protests of believers. This applies to the numbers of highways, public transport routes, telephone codes.

    Fibonacci numbers

These numbers were named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, who introduced Europe to the decimal system and Arabic numerals.

Fibonacci numbers are sequence numbers in the following order:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, …

In this case, each next number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers.

The Fibonacci sequence is observed in nature in plants and animals, in the pattern of sunflower seeds, pineapple, pine cone and even the human body (one nose, two eyes, three limb segments, five fingers on the hand).

    The term "number" in Arabic means "zero". Only over time, this word began to be used to refer to any numerical symbol.

Internet resources:

1. When we look at the farthest visible stars, we are looking at 4 billion years in the past. The light from it, traveling at a speed of almost 300,000 km / second, does not reach us until many years later.

2. There are 33 or 34 vertebrae in the human spine.

3. There are about 2000 taste buds in the human body.

4. 99 percent mass solar system centered on the sun.

5. A whale's heart only beats 9 times per minute.

6. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

7. 12 billion years old is the age of the oldest galaxies photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope.

8. An adult takes approximately 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) a day.

9. Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age During the whole life the female body reproduces 7 million eggs.

10. Right human lung holds more air than the left.

11. The height of the Nix Olympic volcano, located on Mars, is more than 20 km.

12. A car moving with average speed 60 miles per hour, it would take approximately 48 million years to reach our nearest star (after the Sun) Proxima Centauri.

13. In the Valley of Death, the driest and hottest place on the globe, lives more than 15 species of birds, 40 species of mammals, 44 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, 13 species of fish and 545 species of plants.

14. If the Earth rotated in the opposite direction around its axis, then there would be two days less in a year.

15. Echo - reflection of a wave of air. If the rock reflecting the sound is less than 30 m away from us, then the echo does not occur.

16. For 10 minutes, the spacecraft can photograph up to 1 million square meters. km earth's surface, while such a surface is removed from an aircraft in 4 years, and geographers and geologists would need at least 80 years for this.

17. In France, near the city of Verdun, there are two towers at a distance of 60 m from each other, and if you stand between them and shout, you can hear the echoes of the word twelve times.

18. An iguana can stay underwater for up to 28 minutes.

19. Mormon leader Brigham Young had 27 wives.

20. According to the UN, every day 250 thousand newborn babies appear on earth.

21. Approximately 3 people every second.

22. More than a third of all publishing marriage announcements are married.

23. The Incas and some other tribes of pre-Columbian Peru used the decimal system for centuries, Europe began to use this method later.

24. On May 6, 1978 at 12:34 pm, the time and date digits lined up in a specific order that would not repeat itself until 2078. The digits for the day of the week, date and year can be read as 5/6/78. Combine them with time and get 12345678.

25. largest number, which mathematicians operate on, is a centillion. It's 1 followed by 600 zeros. Any number over a centillion is considered as abstract, lying in infinity. Although attempts have been made to define such abstractions. For example, megiston is 10 raised to the power of six billion. Or googolplex (googolplex) - 10 to the power of googol (googol - 1 with 100 zeros).

26. 1001 is the smallest four-digit number that is the sum of two cubes of natural numbers.

27. The entire population of the world can be completed in a cube with an edge of one kilometer

28. In 1868 on Polish city About 100,000 meteorites fell in Pultusk in one night.

29. 53 percent of American philatelists are ... women.

30. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

31. English statisticians have calculated that the average person walks 100,000 kilometers in his life.

32. 10% of men and 8% of women on Earth are left-handed.

33. What five-digit number, when multiplied by four, gives a number that is the reverse sequence of digits of the original number? 21978 x 4 = 87912.

34. Men commit suicide three times more than women. However, women attempt suicide three times more often than men.

35. A person blinks 10 million times a year.

36. Only 15% of the Dutch know the words to the national anthem of the Netherlands.

37. The average age of Internet users in the world is 33 years.

38. In Japan, 93% of the corpses are cremated, in England - 67, and in America - only 12%

39. Every day, 200 million couples around the world make love. That's 2000 pairs at any given time.

40. In Lobachevsky's geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always less than 180. In Euclid's geometry, it is always equal to 180. In Riemannian geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always greater than 180.

41. If the number 111 111 111 is multiplied by itself, then you get interesting number 12 345 678 987 654 321 (all numbers first increase and then decrease in order).

42. On the head of blondes (and blondes) on average 150,000 hairs, on the head of brunettes (and brunettes) - 100,000 each.

43. In Russia, a person who is 20 years old, but not 21, will say that he is 20 years old, and in America and Europe - that he is 21 years old.

44. At the beginning of the second millennium (1000), the population of the Earth was 400 million people, by the end of it (1999) - already 6 billion.

45. There are more than 300,000 people in Sweden with the last name Carlson (or Karlsson).

46. ​​The average woman wears 2kg of lipstick in her lifetime.

47. In 1977, only 8% of American physicists were women.

48. The most popular female name in the world is Anna. Almost 100 million women wear it.