Interesting facts about work. Interesting facts about work

There are thousands of different professions, many of which may seem monotonous, but there are also those in which you definitely will not be bored. But the most interesting professions in the world are usually not easy to get, because the need for such specialists is very limited.

This profession is considered the rarest. The need for it arose in 2009, when one of the travel companies announced the search for a worker who would live on the Australian island of Hamilton in a luxurious villa for six months, play golf, swim in the pool and do other pleasant things, while actively maintaining his photo blog. The casting was conducted all over the world, as a result, a British social worker got the job.

The following are the requirements for a caretaker:

  • swim, dive and steer a yacht, while entertainingly talking about it all;
  • feed the fish, clean the pools (in fact, they are equipped with a self-cleaning system, so the worker only needs to remove random debris from the surface);
  • official correspondence and communication with international media.

In fact, being at work, which is one of the most interesting professions world, is only twelve hours a month, the rest of the time you can just relax and enjoy nature. The position is suitable for both men and women. By the way, a girl from Russia, who also participated in the casting, could take it. The caretaker was given a salary of $110,000 for six months.

professional tool this person is a glass. He must assess the level of quality of the wine or its components, analyze the taste and smell in comparison with generally accepted standards. Therefore, the main requirement for the taster is an excellent memory for tastes and aromas.

The main goal is to identify the problems of a particular wine, preferably on the early stage production

A taster may not understand the rituals of serving wine or its prices, and, unlike a sommelier, may not think about the origin of wine, at what temperature it is made, and other nuances.

Usually tasters work at distilleries or certification bodies of the wine industry. Most the best specialist This profession is also well versed in the changes in the taste of the drink, depending on the production technology and the characteristics of human receptors. Usually the taster is a freelancer: he arrives, tries, then leaves to try somewhere else.

This profession is not taught in educational institutions, but often the confectionery factories themselves organize such courses. And not everyone can pass all the tests and get a job. Those who succeed receive an honorary diploma and an invitation to work at the factory. However, you can also graduate from a technology-related university. food production, then it will be possible to combine professional knowledge with an inborn gift.

The tasting process goes like this: the taster examines the pieces of chocolate, analyzes their color and texture, then the aroma and, finally, the taste.

It should be borne in mind that so many sweets cause daily swipe on the body. There is a known case when a person quit due to health problems, in two years he gained 15 kilograms excess weight. The man tried the sweets of such well-known companies as Mars and Nestle, receiving 30 thousand pounds a year for this. In addition to sampling finished products, his work has involved media coverage.

On average, twenty types of chocolate are tasted in one working day.

This is a person whose duties include testing the software, identifying errors and shortcomings. In other words, a specialist who performs quality control at the development stage. Similar vacancies exist in many large IT corporations.

The main responsibilities of a tester include:

  • finding and processing bugs and errors in the process of user's work with the software;
  • development and timely use of automated tests;
  • development of testing algorithms;
  • introducing the found shortcomings into the current documentation, as well as in some cases writing technical documentation to the software.

It should be remembered that a tester is not the one who is obliged to find all possible and impossible bugs, but the one who brings the product to a state that completely suits the user.

Usually people who are well versed in the device go to this vacancy software and analytical minds. Education is not so important, secondary special will be enough. According to statistics, the average salary of such a specialist is 70 thousand rubles, but it varies greatly depending on the region.

In Russia, no university teaches this specialty

It sounds like a joke, but such a profession exists. The fact is that penguins, although very dexterous in the water, are extremely clumsy on land. They slowly roll over on their short legs, and from time to time roll on the ice on their stomachs. It happens that, raising his head to the noise of a flying helicopter or plane, the penguin simply rolls over on his back, losing his balance. They cannot rise, and the poor animals have to either just lie down or somehow roll to the water. From lying on the ice for a long time, the bird can freeze to death or be attacked by predators.

That is why practically at all polar stations, both Russian and foreign, there is a position of a penguin lifter. As the name suggests, these people keep an eye on the penguin colony and help them get up if they fall on their backs.

The work seems very simple, but it also has its own nuances. It is necessary to go out to save the penguins in any weather, whether it is a snowstorm or a 50-degree frost. However, there are also many pluses. Penguins quickly get used to a person and soon begin to show tenderness towards him, becoming tame.

To raise an animal, sometimes you have to climb over huge snowdrifts and drown in the snow

This profession is ideal for both girls and men. She also has no age requirements. Currently, the specialty is actively developing. After all, entrepreneurs, politicians and other influential people are forced to attend all kinds of events very often, where it is necessary to both look and behave in accordance with the norms of etiquette. To do this, they hire competent specialists who will teach them all the intricacies of behavior in a secular society. After all, crimson jackets and gold chains now surprise no one, business conversation reached a new, more social level.

Knowledge of etiquette is also required for service personnel, for example, maids. Ethics teachers often enter this profession, while there are still very few narrow specialists. But almost any person with a humanitarian mindset, developed social skills, competent speech and a sociable, friendly disposition can become one.

Etiquette professionals instruct them in the rules of a culture of behavior in an accessible and effective way

This work is perhaps even cuter than the penguin lifter. It exists in China and is paid quite well - about thirty thousand dollars a year. Responsibilities are to sit all day with the pandas and pay attention to them, play games, share all the sorrows and joys. But not everything is as simple as it sounds: the panda hugger has practically no days off or holidays, he spends more time with his wards than with his family.

Candidates must be at least 22 years old, have basic knowledge of pandas, be able to take pictures and write correctly, be willing to cuddle with pandas around the clock, while recording their behavior and achievements.

In addition to decent wages The Giant Panda Protection and Research Center provides housing and food to the worker free of charge. That is why foreigners who want to visit China grasp this vacancy like a straw.

Pandas are an endangered species, there are only about 1600 of them in nature, and the same number in zoos, so taking care of them is truly an honorable occupation.

Each of us visits various shops or establishments almost every day. You need to buy food, clothes, and household appliances... But it turns out that you can also make money on the shopping process if you become a "mystery shopper". Of course, business owners can also focus on the reviews of ordinary customers, but, as practice shows, it is the work of a mystery shopper that is much more effective, since it works according to a predetermined scenario.

Anyone can become a mystery shopper. This may be an elderly couple, and a Kamaz driver who stopped at a gas station. For most, this is a good additional income.

On the market in this moment competition is fierce and the owner cannot afford to lose a customer. Therefore, the waiter or seller must be competent and polite, and the product itself must be of high quality and adequate in price.

Often, mystery shoppers covertly use voice recorders, video and photo cameras. The picture as a whole is evaluated: appearance object, cleanliness, order and comfort, answers service personnel to the questions asked from a special questionnaire, which the mystery shopper will later fill out.

They study the quality of service at a particular point by asking staff questions about products and services.

This is a person who is hired to artificially create the success or failure of a performance or even an individual actor. Often clackers with their applause or, conversely, theirs, infect the rest of the audience of the performance. This profession is two centuries old. It is based on the sociality of people, as a rule, people behave similarly to the behavior of others.

At the head of the clackers too not an easy task: he analyzed what moments of the performance should be highlighted and how to do it - with applause, enthusiastic exclamations, whistling or even crying in touching places.

To date, clackers are used not only in theatrical performances, but also in show business and even politics.

Sometimes, coming to a polyclinic or other institution, it is striking that there is a long queue. Few people like the endless hours of waiting for an appointment. In this regard, such a profession as a stand in line, or officially a tramidator, appeared. This person takes the queue for another person and sits in it for as long as necessary. On the territory of Russia it is quite new service, and in Europe and America it has been known for more than a decade.

To resort to the help of a tramidator, you need to contact a special company and place an order. A worker will take your turn and call you when it's time to get in. The customer can only return and pay the tramidator.

The service is very relevant, which means it has a great future

Most of our fellow citizens are interested in football, and each of them loves to discuss this topic and express their opinion on what is right and what is wrong (and how to do it right). But it turns out that there is such a specialty, and they even teach it. For example, in the sports school of Cologne. Its graduates become powerful football theorists.

The training lasts a year, during which they watch various matches, determine and analyze game strategies and choose the most effective ones from them. For men, this profession is just perfect: you watch matches, express your opinion, shine with knowledge on how to play correctly, except perhaps without beer.

A football strategist is not an ordinary fan, but a specialist with a diploma

While looking for a job, many people are faced with the fact that with a great variety of vacancies, they are all extremely monotonous. In fact, this is quite sad, because it forces us to get a job we hate and often spend our whole lives in it. But each of us can make an effort and find interesting work I like that every working day is perceived as a holiday.

1. The English people in the 18th century had a tradition of creating a hut where hermits were attracted to work.

2. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, people had jobs with tight schedules.

3. The term "McJob" is used for low-prestige and low-paid work.

4. The oldest worker worked in New Jersey. At 100, he always showed up for work, even though he was already retired.

5. Anb Havane is an Indian who is considered the most diligent secretary in the world.

6. The Belgian had the longest working day. She had to continuously fry french fries for 78 hours.

7. Workaholics live exclusively in Japan.

8. In 1976, the average head of the company was paid 36 times more than his subordinates.

9. A person spends almost half of his life at work.

10. Glassblowers in the 19th century worked in extreme heat.

11. Ronald Reagan's first job was to rescue drowning people on the Rock River. He had to save 77 lives.

12. In the 1980s there was a huge demand for butlers because the number of millionaires and billionaires increased significantly in those years.

13. Huge unemployment in the world has forced young people to carefully choose their profession.

14. The penguin flipper is a “rare” profession that can be found on the airfields of Antarctica.

16. Japanese residents spend about 60% of their time in the office.

17. At McDonald's, people work in multiple shifts.

18.62% of women do not want to have children and a family in order not to miss career growth.

19. In Ukraine, between 2 and 6 million people work in informal jobs.

20.Women were increasingly subject to discrimination in employment.

21. Women at work believe that they perform their duties much better than men.

22. Fast food corporation McDonald's serves approximately 46 million people every day.

23. Almost 90% of restaurants close in their first year of operation.

24. British hairdressers use bull semen as the most wonderful hair conditioner in their work.

25.6000 Russian history teachers need retraining because they failed to answer questions in their own subject.

26. In Germany, there is a vacancy for a "brothel tester".

27. Monday is considered the hardest day to work.

28. If you believe the researchers from the University of Leiden, then the performance of office workers is affected by the air temperature in the room. This is also evidenced by the facts about working in the office.

29. Those who have a table located near the window work best. This assumption was given by scientists from the UK.

30. Lives in Portugal the largest number successful women.

31. Job facts show that there is a job opening in Australia “for best work in the world".

32.New Zealand is considered the most successful country for doing business.

33. Most Russian residents dream of working on television.

34. Scientists from the Vancouver Business School have suggested that children who were born in the summer will not be able to hold leadership positions.

35. Residents of Russia who have permanent job, - the happiest.

36. The most difficult and dangerous work is considered to be in outer space.

37. George Washington liked to explore caves.

38. The first pizza delivery was ordered in 1889 by the Italian Queen Margherita of Savoy.

39. The richest pensioners live in Denmark.

40. At the beginning of his reign, Vladimir Putin received practically nothing for his work, but by mid-2002 his salary had increased significantly.

41. Employees of a Coca-Cola company have a secret that they do not disclose. The secret is in the preparation of this drink.

42. American dentists use approximately 13 tons of gold per year.

43. Wednesday is best time to ask for a pay rise at work.

44. It is very difficult to get a job at Apple.

45. Microsoft received about $16,000 in its first year of operation.

46. ​​In India, there is a restaurant that was built on the site of a cemetery. There, in addition to serving dishes to customers, waiters bow to the dead every day.

47. If a client of the Dick's Last Resort restaurant asked the waiter for napkins, he should throw them at the client.

48. The creator of the NIKE symbol was paid $35 for his work.

49. Approximately 65 people a day become millionaires.

50. The most productive day of the week is Tuesday.

Interesting work largely determines the quality of human life. Employment is not just about making a profit. How happy an individual is depends on his perception of work. If he performs tasks with pleasure and is completely passionate about them, at the end of the shift there will be good mood and the desire to have fun. Otherwise, labor seriously exhausts, irritates and infuriates a person. The colors of life gradually fade, the employee becomes a hostage to the system. In this article, we will discuss interesting work, vacancies and employment opportunities for a modern person.

What does "interesting work" mean?

This definition sounds very ambiguous, because each individual has his own life goals and hobbies. One person may enjoy growing plants, while another will never go to the garden with a tool. First of all, it is worth learning that the most interesting job is different for everyone, so it would be incorrect to talk about the profession of another person. The material will be useful only to those who seriously think about their own career guidance and want to decide what they should do.

People often have to make a choice between their desires and the needs imposed by society. Parents of creative children strive to provide them with a prosperous future and therefore force them to learn a more practical craft. However, work under compulsion brings in the end much less benefit than the one you want to do. Working without the right incentive and inspiration, even the best specialist will alienate clients and will not be able to increase their own efficiency. In order to find your vocation and receive a decent payment for it, you should proceed not only from the material aspect, but also take into account the most important spiritual component.

It is believed among the people that representatives of popular professions will always find a job. However, there are often too many such specialists. Most of them are forced to find a job in a completely different specialty or be on the lists of employment centers for a long time. In this regard, a logical conclusion suggests itself: education in a sought-after direction does not always help to get rich. Everyone has problems with employment, because the country is still experiencing high level unemployment. So does it make sense to become the thousandth specialist in a city where there is already high competition in this industry?

The problem of unemployment does not disappear anywhere, but there is always a way around it. The only way to outperform your competitors - to become better than them. This is achieved only when a person is really passionate about his work and constantly strives for improvement. He invents new ways to increase profits and improves his own skills every day. As a result, such a specialist will earn much better than representatives of typical professions and will be able to enjoy work.

Summing up, it should be noted that when looking for vacancies, you should focus on your own merits and hobbies. They will allow you to highly paid position and perform their duties effectively.

Very interesting job! What unusual professions can be found in our time?

Among ordinary vacancies on specialized sites, very entertaining offers are sometimes published. We have prepared a rating of the most amazing professions, among which the reader can find an interesting job for himself:

In addition to the above options, the applicant can pay attention to interesting research work in different directions. Chemists, biologists, psychologists and many other professionals need assistants to conduct experiments. If you feel a craving for science and are ready to invest own forces in its development, it is worth contacting the appropriate research center.

The video suggests looking at 10 dream professions. Here you can learn some interesting facts about the job and find the perfect job for yourself:

After watching such amazing and simple options earnings, a person comes to the understanding that almost any dream is feasible. If the reader has not yet found his place in life and is working in a boring position, he should consider a new interesting job and think about cardinal changes in his life!

In contact with

AT modern world there are a huge number of different specialties, their number is so large that it is hardly possible to count them. It is noted that every year some specialties lose their relevance and simply disappear, while others, previously unknown, are formed. But the full database of vacancies in Russia, including Perm, can be found on the portal
Jobsora Perm. Believe me, with this service you will definitely be able to choose suitable job. And this article contains the most interesting moments, one way or another, related to working moments.

1. England (18th century) - in order to attract hermits to the working process and to interest hermits as much as possible, they initiated the construction of huts.

2. A low-paid and non-prestigious profession is referred to as “McJob”.

3. New Jersey - there was an employee who managed not only to live to be 100 years old, but also to continue to fulfill his professional duties at this age!

4. Belgium - the longest working day was recorded by a resident of this state. For 78 hours straight, a woman fried the famous french fries!

5. It is noted that almost 50% own life, the majority of citizens spends for the implementation labor activity.

6. Ronald Reagan (America) - is known for the fact that before taking the post of President, he worked for some time as a lifeguard. He has saved 70 lives to his credit.

7. Antarctica - only there you can find such a specialty as a penguin lifter! The duties of such a person include the timely raising of animals, which, due to their curiosity, periodically find themselves on their backs.

8. Todd Gordon (USA) is the only person in the world whose profession is to work with a smile.

9. Japan - the inhabitants of this country spend 60% of the time in offices.

10. Career turns out to be a priority for 2/3 of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - there is no question of children.

11. According to the survey, women sincerely believe that they cope with their duties many times more efficiently than their male counterparts.

12. Britain - the stylists of the local beauty salons use bull semen in their practice, counting it the best conditioner for hair.

13. Monday is a hard day, as almost all the inhabitants of the planet think so.

14. A study conducted by employees of one university showed that the internal climate has a significant impact on the performance of the team.

15. According to the great scientists from Britain, those employees whose workplace located as close to the window as possible, they work much more efficiently.

16. Portugal - it is here that the largest number of women who have achieved incredible success in their work is recorded.

17. Flight into space - recognized as the most difficult and dangerous work activity.

18. Coca-Cola manufacturing plant - its staff members are not entitled to disclose the secret of the preparation of the drink.

19. Many scientists, for some reason, came to the conclusion that the increase in wages for employees should be carried out only on Wednesday, and not on any other day.

20. Microsoft - at the beginning of its journey (the first year), its income was only 16,000 thousand dollars.

21. India - famous for its restaurant, built on the territory of a former cemetery. Before serving the visitor, the waiters are obliged to bow to the deceased.

22. Restaurant "Dick's Last Resort" - if a visitor needs napkins, he must throw something at the service staff.

23. Nike bought the rights to this logo from its creator for just $35.

24. It has been proven that every day about 60 people become millionaires.

You have the most incredible computer on Earth in your head. It has the ability to store billions of pieces of information and retrieve them almost instantly. It can recognize noise or smell, handwriting or drawing much faster and more reliably than electronic computers. Of course it's your brain. It is so complex that only a few years ago scientists began to understand how it works and what it is capable of. Here are some useful passages and interesting stories about the human brain from the books "How to remember (almost) everything and always", "Light yourself up", "Healthy brain".

How is the brain arranged?

Our brains are about the same size and shape as two adult fists put together. It is divided into two hemispheres, which are connected by the so-called corpus callosum. The halves of the brain look the same, but perform different functions. Each "looks after" their half of the body.

A special part of the brain is called the hippocampus, from the Greek hippokampos, meaning "seahorse", because of its curved shape. It is responsible for short-term memory and memory of events that happened to you personally. The cerebral cortex (or " Gray matter”) covers most of it. Memory is stored throughout its area.

Fun fact: the left half of your brain controls the right half of your body, while the right half of your brain controls the left side of your body. This is known, because in people who have suffered an injury or stroke in one of the hemispheres of the brain, it always suffers opposite side body.

The work of neuroscientists has led to many discoveries about how the brain works. First, the brain itself does not have pain receptors, a kind of pain sensors. This means that you can be conscious while the neurosurgeons are digging into your brain and feel nothing.


Left- and right-handedness depends on how your brain is "powered". In left-handed people, control areas that are usually located in the left hemisphere of the brain may end up in the right hemisphere. It is still unclear why this is happening. Surprisingly, most animals do not tend to be "right-footed". For example, what kind of paw does your dog give? With which paw does your cat open the door if necessary? The scientists found that about half the time they use their right paw and half the time they use their left paw.

Although our memories are distributed across both hemispheres of the brain, they themselves work differently. For example, words and meanings are usually stored in the left hemisphere of the brain, while melodies and images are mostly stored in the right. We know this from studying people who have been brain-damaged in one way or another. One person who had a stroke in the left hemisphere was unable to speak, but could still sing!

In another case, a patient whose brain was cut in the middle and the two hemispheres were separated was shown a picture of a banana. While the right eye

the patient was closed. The patient's right hemisphere recognized the banana and knew it was a fruit, but was unable to name it. When the right eye was opened, the left hemisphere stepped in and the name popped into consciousness.


Most people remember very little of what happened to them before the age of five. It is extremely unusual to recall events from an age of less than three years. For many children, the earliest memories are of something exciting or scary.

Most two-year-olds, if they were promised a gift, will remember it and often remind their parents of it; however, their memories won't last very long. Even when children grow up, their memories are very short. Some last only 10 seconds - exactly how long you need if you are not trying to remember something forever.



Forgetting is useful, it helps to remove all unnecessary and concentrate on what is really important. At times, you may consciously wish to be rid of memories that are painful or sad.

People forget information if they store it but never use it. You may know that the French word for guinea pig is cobaye. It is also possible that you have only just learned this. There is also the possibility that you will never need this information again. Naturally, the word will soon disappear from your memory. To keep it, you need to repeat it very often.

The longest known case of amnesia occurred with American John R. Crosswhite in 1936. He was in a car accident, and when he regained consciousness, he decided that his name was John Cross. As a result of this mistake, John Crosswhite was reported missing and officially declared dead in 1940. Later, John Cross married, and his family did not know that he already had a wife and children. In 1973, this man had a stroke, and as a result of changes in the brain, he remembered who he really was.


The smart ones forget too

Some very smart people seem to have terrible memories. A friend of the famous mathematical genius David Hilbert once showed him complex formula On the desk.

Gilbert was very impressed and said: “This is amazing! Who wrote this?". "You!" - answered a friend. And this does not mean that Gilbert has a bad memory. A lot of smart people often distracted, that is, inattentive, because their brain is occupied with too many things.

Sometimes the desire to make the brain work can go too far. American William James Sidis was the son of a psychologist at Harvard University. FROM early age he was trained to memorize and learn. By the age of seven, William had finished eight years schooling in six months and learned five languages! He entered Harvard University, graduated with top marks and became a university lecturer at the age of 14. However, at the age of 25, he worked as an ordinary accountant. When asked why, he replied: “I am happy. This job allows me to forget."


Only a moving living creature needs a brain, says Rodolfo Llinas, a neuroscientist at New York University. As an illustration, he gives the example of a small, jellyfish-like marine animal called an ascidian. After birth, she attaches herself to the coral and slowly eats her brain. Since the sea squirt does not move, it does not need a brain.

As human species evolved, the purely physical skills of its representatives turned into abstract abilities to foresee, evaluate, make connections between phenomena, plan, observe themselves, make judgments, correct mistakes, change tactics, and then remember everything that was done in order to survive. Those neural circuits that our distant ancestors used to make fire, we today use, for example, to learn French.

By doing physical exercises, especially those involving complex movements, we also train those parts of our brain that are involved in mental activity. Automatic thought and motor functions are controlled by the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, and the brainstem, ancient areas that researchers have until recently associated only with motor functions. The transfer of fundamental skills and knowledge to these areas of the brain associated with our subconscious mind frees up other important parts of it to work on adapting to environmental conditions. This element in the structure of the brain is very important. Imagine that we would need to stop for a while and remember how to make a habitual movement. We would be exhausted before we even poured ourselves a morning cup of coffee. This is why jogging in the morning is so important.


Risk factors

Memory loss. You instantly forget the names of new acquaintances; put your car keys somewhere and after a few minutes you can no longer find them; If you don't write down an important thought, you can't remember it? Surprisingly, your main problem is not memory: your brain knows where the keys are left and what time you need to be at the doctor. The problem is that you can't get to that information at the right time. Gradually, of course, you will remember where you put the keys, but before that you will rush about for several minutes in search. And two days later, the time of the missed appointment with the doctor will pop up in my memory.

If it is difficult for you to remember recent events, but what happened several decades ago, you remember perfectly well, your memory is already quite seriously weakened. Memory loss is associated with a whole range of factors: age, malnutrition, lack of useful substances in the diet, diseases. But with a change in lifestyle, memory can be restored.

Difficulty focusing on a task. Do you find it hard to get back to work after being interrupted? If the radio or TV is on in the room, do you find it difficult to read or concentrate? The fact is that you are getting worse and worse at doing several things at the same time. To use a popular computer term, you can say that multitasking is more difficult for you. The young brain is able to multitask and absorb huge amounts of information very quickly. And the brain of an older person sometimes gets stuck. He is overloaded with information and cannot process it quickly.

Decreased ability to learn. When the brain begins to lose working capacity, it becomes more and more difficult for us to master new things. The brain loses the power of the “hard drive”, due to which perception new information requires more and more effort. For example, you may find it difficult to learn new language or even follow the plot of the novel. Here's what happens in this case. Your brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons, each surrounded by a protective membrane. Neurons have tiny branch-like extensions called dendrites. Here they play an important role in the learning process: when the brain encounters challenging task, it forms new dendrites, which activates communication between brain cells and increases your quick wits. And while new dendrites can form at a very old age, this process slows down significantly over the years, making it harder for you to keep information in your head, whether it's phrases in a new language or the intricacies of the plot of a new book.

Brain fatigue. Do you get the feeling that your brain is terribly overworked? If you find it difficult to produce in your mind simple calculations or keeping track of the score in a tennis match is definitely a sign of brain fatigue. You may find it increasingly difficult to perform tasks that require prolonged concentration (say, writing a report on work). You are now unable to process information as quickly as before, and you probably notice that you think more slowly. Why do you now have to spend half a day looking for glasses or car keys? There are mechanisms within your brain that, if left unchecked, can destroy it. All aspects of your life - sleep patterns, medications you take, diet - can either slow down these destructive processes or accelerate them.