“Research work on the surrounding world “Growing a sprout from a seed. Research project "Germination Conditions and the Importance of Seeds" Project work growing an exotic plant from a seed

Research project "Germination Conditions and the Importance of Seeds". The work was completed by: 6th grade student Khabibulina Irina Supervisor: teacher of biology at MKOU Pobedinsky school Balukova Galina Pavlovna

Growing plants from seeds is a very exciting process. Observing all phases of plant development from seed germination to the appearance of the first flowers or fruits is the magic of nature in action. It takes a lot of time and patience before a full-fledged plant grows. Plant growth usually begins with the germination of the most important reproductive organ, the seed. Only seeds with a living embryo can germinate and give rise to a new plant. Seeds with dead embryos lose their germination.

The relevance of studying the topic lies in the fact that this work will be useful to all those who want to plant and grow plants; made visual aids can be further used in biology lessons. Hypothesis: we assume whether wheat seeds will germinate without water, air, heat. The purpose of the study is to develop the skills of independent research activities on the topic "Germination conditions and the meaning of seeds" and the application of knowledge in practical life situations. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: To study the structural features of the seeds of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants; Select the object of study; Investigate the condition of seed germination; Note the effect of changing conditions on seed germination; To form the ability to properly sow seeds; Learn to apply the received material in practice (in everyday life); Collect collections of seeds of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants and methods of their distribution; Study the literature on this issue.

The structure of the seed and its role in the life of the plant Consider the structure of the seed of a monocot plant using the example of wheat

Seeds of dicotyledonous plants consider the example of a bean seed

Laboratory work "Studying the structure of seeds of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants"

Germination is the transition of seeds from a dormant state to the growth of an embryo and the development of a seedling from it. Stages of seed germination

Seed germination conditions Water Air Soil depth Temperature

Practical part Object of research I chose wheat as the object of research. Wheat seeds are easy to study, they are easy to grow, and they produce numerous fruits that can be eaten.

Conditions for seed germination. For the experiment, I took 6 plastic cups, in each I placed an equal amount of wheat seeds. I poured some water into the first glass, left the second dry.

In the third she poured water to the brim, in the fourth she moistened the seeds a little.

I added a little water to the fifth glass and left it warm, and placed the sixth glass in the freezer. I kept watching for a week. Result: experience showed that the seeds germinated in glasses where the seeds were slightly damp (1), where there was an incomplete glass of water (2) and which was warm (5). Conclusions: seeds need water, air, heat to germinate.

Experience. Sowing wheat seeds at different depths. For the experiment, wheat seeds were sown at different depths. The first layer is 10 cm The second layer is 6 cm The third layer is 3 cm.

For 15 days, she monitored the germination of wheat seeds. Results: after 5 days shoots appeared: from a depth of 3 cm, after 8 days 6 cm and after 12 days from a depth of 10 cm. centimeters. Wheat after 20 days of sowing.

Distribution and value of seeds. Seeds of flowering plants play an important role for the plant organism. With the help of seeds, plants reproduce and spread. Collections of seeds dispersed by wind, animals and humans.

The value of seeds. Sunflower seeds are used for human consumption

Sunflower seeds contain fat. If you crush a sunflower seed, a greasy spot will remain on a sheet of white paper. Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. Flour is obtained from wheat, and bread, confectionery, noodles, etc. are baked from flour.

Treat for beloved Beam. Compound feed is obtained from wheat and used for animal and bird feed.

Decorative jewelry Beads from persimmon seeds Bracelet from bean seeds and rose hips

Conclusion I have done research on the factors that affect seed germination. Seeds absorb water to restart the physiological processes associated with germination. Germination of seeds is impossible without the presence of air, due to the fact that the seeds breathe. For successful germination, a favorable temperature is necessary, because. if the seeds have enough water and air, but not enough heat, they will not germinate. Of particular importance, when sowing seeds, is the time and depth of seed placement. Plant seeds vary in size and weight. Seed size determines the method and depth of sowing. The larger the seed, the easier it overcomes the mechanical resistance of the soil and can germinate from a greater depth. Seeds with a living embryo are capable of germinating and giving rise to a new plant only. By conducting research on seed germination, I fulfilled all the goals and objectives, expanded my horizons in the field of the structure of seeds and its relationship with the environment, and left visual aids in the biology classroom on the diversity and methods of seed dispersal.

References and Internet resources Binas A.V., Mash R.D. and others. Biological experiment at school. - M.: Education, 1990. Influence of external factors on seed germination. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://gorsun.org.ru/lib/children/researcher09/sprouting/01/ Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Kuchmenko V.S. Biology: Plants. bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens: A textbook for students of the 6th grade of educational institutions. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2016. The amazing world of plants. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.valleyflora.ru/3.html Seed germination conditions. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://beaplanet.ru/vsyo_o_semenah/usloviya_prorastaniya_semyan.html

Ministry of General and Vocational Education
Sverdlovsk region
Department of Education of the Leninsky District Administration
Cities of Yekaterinburg
Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution
secondary school No. 93
Growing a sprout from a seed

Pupils of the 4th "g" class
Zholudeva Taisiya
city ​​of Yekaterinburg, 2015
Type of project: research, educational
Project implementation period: short-term (4 weeks)
Relevance of the project: the project on growing plants at home is aimed at obtaining basic knowledge about cultivated plants growing in our region; how to grow and care for them.
Purpose: to study the theoretical data on the reproduction of flowering plants by seeds, the application of the acquired knowledge for the cultivation of several plant species.
1. Study the theoretical material on growing flowers at home.
2. Learn the rules for caring for seedlings.
3. To study the importance of light, heat, moisture, soil for the growth and development of plants.
4. Follow the growth and development of seedlings in practice
Project idea: Grow several types of plants on your own: marigolds, peas, nasturtium.
Project stages:
1. Collection of necessary information about planted plants, growth and development conditions
2. Preparation of materials for the project: seeds, soil, fertilizers, special pots.
3. Accumulation of material, preparation of a photo report, presentation of the project.
Object of study: the process of germination of plant seeds at home in winter
Research Hypothesis: Ability to Grow Cultivated Plants at Home in Winter

Theoretical data
What is a flower. Cultivation of plants by humans
Flowering plants or Angiosperms - a department of higher plants, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a flower as a reproductive organ
The first flowering plants appeared about 140 million years ago. But these were very simple and few plants. Traces of the wide development and distribution of angiosperms appeared about 100 million years ago.
One of the most important directions in the evolution of the plant kingdom is adaptation to the changing conditions of earthly life. Flowering plants are the clearest expression of this feature and are leading among all plants on the earth's surface at the present time.
To the widest geographical diversity is added a variety of forms and methods of growth. The common duckweed that covers the surface of the pond is a tiny green shoot with a simple root submerged vertically in the water, and with very indistinct leaves and parts of the stem. The mighty forest tree of the century developed its complex system of trunks and branches, covered with countless branches and foliage, and under the ground a powerful, well-developed root system occupies the corresponding area. Between these two extremes are endless species of aquatic and terrestrial grasses, creeping, upright or climbing, bushes and trees.
Man has been growing flowers since time immemorial. Monuments and documents found during excavations confirm that in different parts of our planet, long before our era, various flowering plants were grown to produce flowers and fragrant oils.
Floriculture is one of the areas of ornamental gardening. Floriculture is the cultivation of flower crops. They are grown to decorate parks, squares, gardens, various premises, to obtain cut flowers. Some plants are grown in open ground, others - in greenhouses, greenhouses, rooms.
This is an integral part of all crop production, it covers a group of plants that are not used as food, but serve to decorate the environment and interiors.
An important role in floriculture, as well as in crop production in general, is played by the rules for planting and growing cultivated plants, the timing and methods of obtaining and preserving seeds capable of producing high-quality sprouts.
Studying the processes occurring in the seed after planting, monitoring the growth and development of plants are ways to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge.

Reproduction of flowering plants
Reproduction of flowering plants occurs in different ways. With the vegetative type of reproduction, all the characteristics of the plant are completely copied: flower color, height, features of the stem, root system, etc. For vegetative propagation, any part of the plant is needed - the parent, whether it be a root, stem or leaf.
Sexual reproduction involves the use of seeds. For most flowering plants, this method is optimal. In order for full-fledged plants to grow from seeds, they must be sown according to certain rules, subject to many conditions, such as: sowing time, temperature, soil characteristics.
SEED - the germinal stage of a seed plant, formed in the process of reproduction. Inside the seed is an embryo, consisting of an embryonic root, a stalk and one or two leaves, or cotyledons.
The seed is the basis of the existence of the modern flora and fauna. Without a seed, there would be no forests, meadows, steppes, grain fields on the planet, there would be no birds and ants, bees and butterflies, humans and other mammals. All this appeared only after the plants in the course of evolution had seeds, inside which life can, without declaring itself in any way, be preserved for weeks, months and even for many years. The miniature plant germ in the seed is capable of traveling long distances; he is not tied to the earth by roots, like his parents; does not need water or oxygen; he waits in the wings to get to a suitable place and wait for favorable conditions, to begin development, which is called the germination of the seed.

Seed germination, seedling growth
In most plants, even under favorable conditions, the seeds do not germinate for a certain time. At this time, in the seed, the processes of metabolism and energy conversion (in particular, respiration) almost stop, and the water content is no more than 10-15%.
For seed germination, a combination of such conditions is necessary: ​​sufficient humidity, the presence of air, a certain temperature, and for some, even light.
Each plant species has its own requirements for seed germination conditions.
Once in favorable conditions, the seed absorbs water and swells. At the same time, its respiration increases, reserve nutrients are transferred into a form available for consumption by the embryo (for example, insoluble starch turns into soluble sugars). Some of these substances are used to provide the cells of the embryo with energy, and the other part is used to form compounds necessary for growth.
A plant from the moment of germination is called a seedling. First, the germinal root sprouts, and only then - the kidney. The root breaks through the seed coat and grows deep into the soil, as it reacts to the force of gravity of the Earth, and the shoot, on the contrary, rushes up to the surface of the soil. This direction of growth of the germinal root and shoot does not depend on how the seed is located in the soil.
During storage of seeds, some of the embryos may die from pest damage, drying out, or other causes.
Another condition for obtaining healthy seedlings is the correct sowing depth of seeds. When sowing at insufficient depth, the seeds can dry out and die due to lack of moisture. And, conversely, when sowing too deep, it is difficult for a seedling to break through a thick layer of earth and it appears weakened on the soil surface. In addition, the content of oxygen necessary for the respiration of seedlings decreases with depth in the soil.
Seed germination ends with the transition of the seedling to nutrition through the roots and other parts of the plant. Therefore, the creation of optimal conditions for seed germination, and, consequently, an increase in seed germination is one of the prerequisites for obtaining healthy and viable plants.

Practical part. Growing plants at home
Preparatory work
For growing plants at home, seeds of two types of flowers were purchased: marigolds and nasturtium. The choice was made taking into account the fact that these types of flowers are quite unpretentious in care, germinate quickly and give beautiful large flowers.
In addition, pea seeds were purchased for comparison, which also has a fairly short germination time.
A special flower soil was also chosen, containing all the minerals necessary for future plants.
The required amount of soil was distributed over three small pots for seedlings.
After studying the rules for planting each type of seed indicated on the package of seeds, we proceeded to planting and further monitoring of the seeds.

planted plants
TAGETS (Tagetes) - The Latin name comes from the name of Tadis, the grandson of Jupiter, who taught people to predict fate and find treasures.
Marigolds are native to South and Central America. In the 16th century, along with many plants (potatoes, corn, etc.), they were brought to Europe and North Africa, from where they quickly spread throughout Europe.
Marigolds came to our country around the 18th century and were then called "African flowers". However, this name did not last long. The Russians called these flowers marigolds because of the velvety of their petals.
You can grow seedlings of marigolds on the windowsill on the sunny side. The soil should be loose, nutritious and fertile. At the time of sowing, the soil should be moist. Seeds are planted in grooves to a depth of 1 cm and at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. After that, the seeds must be sprinkled with a layer of soil no more than 0.5 cm in height, watered and put in a warm place. Water the seeds should be no more than 1-2 times a day, as the soil dries. Seedlings should appear in 3-5 days.
Nasturtium (beauty, capuchin, tropeolum). Belongs to the capuchin family. The name comes from the Greek words "tropion" - trophies and "olos" - full (the leaves of nasturtium look like shields, and the flowers look like helmets, that is, they resemble the ancient weapons of a warrior).
In Russia, this plant, brought from Holland, was known as capuchin, which is associated with the shape of the flower itself, imitating the hood of a monastic cloak. Later, however, the name "nasturtium" stuck.
The plant is undemanding to growing conditions, with bright flowers. Growing nasturtium requires fertile soil, good sunlight, and frost protection. Seedlings should be placed on the brightest window sill or on a glazed loggia. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm in 2 pieces. Nasturtium prefers moderate watering.
Peas are an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family, which has a fruit - a bean, and seeds - peas.
The history of pea cultivation goes back at least 3,000 years. In the Middle East, the remains of pea dishes were discovered, which are at least 10 thousand years old. Peas were widely cultivated in ancient India and ancient China, where they are a symbol of fertility and wealth. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, peas were the main food of the poor people. After the peas were brought from France, they quickly became very popular in Russia.
Before planting, pea seeds must be soaked for several hours. Seeds are sown in boxes or pots with moist and loose soil. Peas are sown very densely - every 1-2 cm in a row. Row spacing 2-3 cm. Planting depth 2-3 cm.
Pea care consists in watering, weeding, loosening and top dressing, protection from pests. When the seedlings get stronger and begin to grow, rods are substituted for the plants, clinging to which with antennae, peas can grow vertically.

First day
Planting marigold flower seeds
This is what marigold seeds look like, ready for planting

Planting peas
What dry seeds look like
Seeds must be soaked for several hours before planting.
Plant seeds after soaking
Planting nasturtium flowers
What dry seeds look like
Water after planting in a pot.
Inside the flower seed looks something like this

The peel protects the seed from external influences.
The endosperm is a storehouse of nutrients. Thanks to him, the plant can begin its growth after planting. When the seed germinates, the nutrients from the endosperm enter the root, stalk and bud through the cotyledon.
Cotyledon, bud, stalk and root - the embryo of the future plant. From the kidney - leaves, from the stalk - the stem, from the root - the root, from the cotyledons - the first 2 leaves.
From each part of the embryo and seed, a certain part of the plant develops.

All conditions were created for the growth of the plant: light, watering, warmth, care.
Seed germination has begun.
Schematically, the process of flower growth is as follows:

Or more clearly:

The first sprouts of marigolds appeared on the 4th day after planting

On the eleventh day after planting (the seventh after the appearance of the sprout)
Marigolds grow slowly. By the end of the second week after planting:

On the eighteenth day:

In three weeks, the height of the sprout was only three centimeters.
In 6-7 weeks such flowers should have bloomed

The first sprouts of nasturtium appeared on the 7th day after planting

Nasturtium grows rapidly, more than 1 cm per day. The reason for such rapid growth is also that in winter there is little light in the room and the sprouts struggle to reach the window to get more sunlight.

Seventh day after seed germination

The sprouts reach for the light

Beginning of the second week after emergence:

Turn towards the light source

They grew quite large, more than 30 cm in two weeks.

The seedlings did not have enough light and heat to set flowers in winter. The first flowers should appear about two months after emergence.
Such nasturtium flowers should have bloomed

The peas did not germinate a single seed. Most likely, the seeds were old and did not have enough moisture and heat for sprouts to appear.

Dry seeds contain the beginnings of future LIVING plants, but in a "sleepy" state.
Conditions for seed germination are light, air, water, minerals.
Seed germination begins when water enters the seed. Having penetrated into the seed, water causes it to swell - the seed slightly increases in volume. At the same time, reserve nutrients found in the endosperm and cotyledons pass into a soluble state and become available to the cells of the living embryo.
If there are few reserve nutrients in the seed, as happened with the seeds of peas and marigolds, then the development of the embryo occurs slowly or does not begin at all, and the embryo dies.
the importance of heat and light is very great. With a lack of lighting (winter period, dark rooms), plants tend to an available light source, stretch out, leaves and stems become weak and light.
when planting, it is very important to follow all the rules for this plant: planting dates, hole depth, thermal and light conditions. Without these conditions, the desired result may not be achieved.

Raven P., Evert R., Eickhorn S. Modern botany, vol. 2. M., 1990
Collier Encyclopedia. - Open society. 2000.
"Biology. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen, 2006.)

Planted by your hand, a fragile sprout suddenly sprouted.

For some, there is a feeling of a miracle and involvement in Nature. Others turn on God Mode. But in a closed space, and even in winter, both often result in uncontrolled botanical ecstasy, and the seeds of all exotic fruits that are found in the area are sent to the ground in generous handfuls.

“If you plant this seed, you will grow a whole peach tree, all hung with juicy peaches.” Photo from choklingtersar.ru

This is understandable: growing from a seed, or even much more interesting than buying a finished plant or getting it from a cutting. Let's try to find out which fruit seeds can be planted and what such experiments can lead to at home.

The most popular "supplier" of material for citrus experiments was and remains lemon. You can learn about your personal experience of growing lemons from seeds from this.

And the general rules for caring for a home citrus garden are set out in the article.

Persimmon from the bone

Diospyros, or, is a "divine" fruit from the Ebony family, which is rarely seen on windowsills. Meanwhile, it is also quite possible to grow it from a bone. It is done like this:
  • Washed and slightly dried persimmon seeds are planted in moistened soil, covered with foil, glass or a piece of plastic bottle and put in a warm place;
  • We periodically remove the "greenhouse", ventilate and moisten the soil;
  • As soon as sprouts appear, the shelter can be removed.
Waiting for shoots is not long: just a couple of weeks. But if during this time you have not seen them, then they are unlikely to appear at all. However, persimmon germination is not bad. For example, out of three seeds planted by me on 11/23/14, two successfully sprouted. Here is one of the shoots today:

And here is a funny time lapse of how it happens:

I also have two plants at first quietly coexisting in one pot. But then the leaves began to turn yellow, so the seedlings had to be planted urgently. At first, it will take more than once or twice, because. persimmon has a powerful root system that develops rapidly and requires free space. And moisture. Persimmons need regular and. Therefore, we carefully monitor the soil, avoiding either overdrying or overflow.

Experienced persimmon growers advise feeding the plant twice a month (and alternately). As soon as the "tree" grows to 20-30 cm, you can begin to form it by pinching. In summer, it is better to take the persimmon outside or onto the balcony, gradually accustoming it to the sun. But she needs to provide a cool wintering (+5 ... + 10 ° C): for example, in. If a tree lives at home from November to March, sooner or later it will die.

In room conditions, persimmon grows up to only one and a half meters. If a tree is grafted (with a cutting in winter or a bud at the end of summer), then it can bear fruit in 3-4 years. Otherwise, the harvest will have to wait for the same amount (and not the fact that it will be).

Read more about the types and varieties of persimmon, as well as how to care for it and where you can get hold of material for planting and grafting, read.

Dried fruit date palm

I always loved dried ones, but last year these guys surprised me: I didn’t know that something could grow out of them.

It turns out, how! Drying dates not subjected to heat treatment. So, their seeds do not lose their germination. And you can try to grow from them. Only the bones are better to pre-soak. Although this is not necessary if the product is fresh, i.e. came from his homeland to our shelves recently. But just in case, I played it safe and soaked the date seeds for about a week, changing the water every day. True, she did not scarify and did not suit other dances with a tambourine. I stuck them vertically in a mixture of peat and sand and moistened them in a day or two as needed. About a month later, my future palms sprouted:

And here's how they grew in another month:

It’s too early to think about the harvest) Although no one will forbid us to dream, at best, such a miracle in feathers will grow from a date “feather”:

Date palm. Photo from dachnicam.ru

This is provided that she has enough light and space, and I have patience. And, alas, I have not yet come across evidence that she is able to bear fruit in room conditions.

Date palm care consists in regular watering (without overdrying the earthy coma, and watering is minimized in winter) and airing, providing enough light and conditions for a cool winter. In addition, in the first "five-year period" the plant needs an annual transshipment into a larger pot. But how cool, probably, to sit down in the evening!

mango mango

Huge bones are hidden in the fruits of this large Indian guest. "" is even translated from Sanskrit as "great fruit". Its seeds are extracted from ripe fruits, opened, the core is taken out and germinated in a light and loose substrate (soil is suitable for or). Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot - as, indeed, in all other cases.

The middle of the already opened bone is planted immediately. The unopened one is carefully opened (if she is ready for this) - as in this video:

If it is impossible to push the wings apart without effort, the bone is first kept for a couple of weeks directly in the water (the water is changed every other day) or wrapped in damp cotton wool / towel. At the same time, it is extremely important prevent drying out. After the emergence of seedlings, they will have to be sprayed regularly: mango is sensitive to air humidity, as well as light and heat. It does not tolerate cold at all, and even at + 18 ° C it begins to feel uncomfortable. Well, if everything suits him, you will soon grow.

Having decided to grow mango from the stone, be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait for flowering for 5 or even 10 years at best. However, this does not mean at all that the matter will end with fruits: the flowers of this exotic guest are very difficult even in natural conditions, what can we say about the window sill in foreign latitudes.

Fig tree (fig)

Seeds (figs, or ficus karika) for planting are "extracted" in the same way as from feijoa: they must be carefully washed, dried and sown superficially in moist, loose soil. Then lightly “powder” with sand, cover with a film and find a warmer place for them. They germinate in about 3 weeks, all this time they need to be regularly moistened and ventilated.

Sometimes there are difficulties with fruiting, but some gardeners manage to get fig fruits already from three to four year old seedlings.

Passion fruit (passiflora)

Passion fruit, it is actually a tropical from the Passionflower family.

The fruits of this evergreen beauty from South America are edible whole, including the crispy seeds. However, if you plant them, there is a chance that you will grow a liana, and someday you will admire its luxurious flowering without leaving your home.

Just do not forget to provide her with bright light and fresh air, warmth, space, high humidity and “enhanced” nutrition.

The purpose of my work- grow an avocado plant at home.

project product will be an avocado plant.

To achieve this goal, I need to solve the following tasks:

  1. Collect material on the topic.
  2. Analyze the collected information.
  3. Collect and prepare seeds for sowing.
  4. Germinate and plant seeds.
  5. Observe and record plant growth.


  1. Search for information on the Internet, in the library.
  2. Study and analysis of literature.
  3. observation, comparison.
  4. Agricultural practices for growing avocados.


  1. After studying the literature on growing avocados at home, I learned that it is more efficient to propagate avocados (Avocado) can be vegetatively or by grafting.
  2. Therefore, I grow two more plants to obtain material on these propagation methods.
  3. Work on the formation of an avocado plant will continue.

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Project name: "The development of a plant from a seed"

Objective of the project: to trace how new plants grow from seeds, to find out by experience what conditions are necessary for seed germination.

Project objectives:

  • Prepare the necessary equipment for the project
  • Individually create conditions for the germination of plants for each project participant.
  • Self-sprout the selected plant from the seed
  • Record your observations in a diary
  • draw conclusions about this project.


  • search engine- work with literature and Internet resources about various plants
  • creative- development of interest and broadening the horizons of students
  • research– observation of grown plants

Object of study: seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, wheat.

Subject of study: plant growth conditions

Practical output of the project: creation of a collective project


The world of plants is amazing and diverse. Every attentive observer and thoughtful researcher can discover something new in it.

In the lessons of "Biology" we got acquainted with the development of plants from seeds. This was the basis for the creation of our project. In our class, several students expressed a desire to grow their own plant and observe its development, and the rest observed the control process of seed germination and plant cultivation in the class.

The research work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, we studied the issues of seed germination and processed the necessary information. In the practical part, experimental research methods were used, based on the results of which we made the appropriate conclusions.


Among a wide variety of plants, all seeds need the same conditions for germination. Therefore, we assumed that the seeds of beans, cucumber, tomato, wheat, beans can be germinated at home. For the purity of the experiment, various planting materials were used: sawdust, soil, peat tablets and hydrogel.

Before the start of the study, a hypothesis: if one of the conditions is excluded, then the seeds will not germinate.

Project Implementation Plan

  • Specify the conditions for seed germination. Stages of seed germination.
  • Find out effective methods for germinating seeds at home.
  • Watch the development of sprouts.
  • Monitor compliance with the conditions.
  • Keep an observation diary.
  • Acquire new knowledge.
  • Get the end result.
  • Make a conclusion.

Expected results

It is assumed that as a result of the work a project will be created.

Grade 5 students will show interest and take an active part in the search for materials about plants in order to further design the project, expand their horizons, and gain experience in the field of crop production.

The implementation of the project will help to solve the problems of educating children in an active life position, forming a sense of responsibility.