Talk about work - a topic for conversation. Main types of human activity: description, features and interesting facts

The Japanese are a people renowned for their hard work and fanatical approach to work.

Thus, three-quarters of the Japanese are at work 60 percent of their lives. Two-thirds work almost non-stop and only 5 percent take vacations.

· On the 10th line is the oldest company founded in 1189. Feverham Oysters Fisher & Co. specializes in selling oysters. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that anyone can purchase shares of the old company.

· The now defunct WTS bureau in New York took the 9th place. It struck with its scale, the staff of which was 65 thousand employees. Every day, the flow of customers, tourists and employees was approximately 150 thousand people.

8th place is the highest office building in Europe, the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg with a height of 462 m. It is planned that the main structures of Gazprom will be located in it.

· On the 7th line is located the world's largest department store Macy's, which is located in New York. It has impressive staff figures - 12 thousand people, and a wide range of non-food items- more than 400 thousand items. The department store sells $1 billion worth of merchandise every year.

· On the 6th place is the oldest Belgian stock exchange from the city of Bruges. Its history begins in 1406. The word exchange comes from the Latin word "Bursa", which means "sack of leather", and this word also meant money, cash and wealth. So symbolically, these symbols - three wallets - appeared on the family coat of arms of the founder of the exchanges, the Van der Burs family.

· On the 5th place was the most devoted employee of the company. Every day, for 85 years, he went to work for a steamship company in New Jersey. Even the Japanese would envy such corporate devotion!

· The 4th place is occupied by the oldest employee in the intellectual sphere. Professor Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauchhaupt, aged 107, was a visiting lecturer at Heidelberg University, the flagship of German science. The professor visited his life of jurisprudence and law. It remains only to marvel at the wonders of his longevity, or maybe he just invented the "philosopher's stone."

· In 3rd place was the most disciplined secretary in the world, working at an Indian typewriter factory. There was a case when Mr. AnbHavane worked on a typewriter for more than 5 days, typing 800,000 letters in total. The typing speed was simply amazing - about 2 keystrokes per second.

On the 2nd line was a woman who worked the largest number time without rest. So a Belgian housewife spent over 78 hours at her workplace frying French fries. By the way, french fries were invented just in Belgium, maybe that's why the housewife has such a love for this craft.

There are many different professions in the world. Every year, some specialties disappear without a trace, while others appear on the contrary. In this article, we have prepared for you Interesting Facts About work.

These will broaden your horizons and maybe serve as new ideas.

  1. In England in the 18th century, it was customary to build huts in order to attract hermits to work.
  2. Have you ever heard the term "McJob"? This word is called not a prestigious and low-paid job.
  3. The oldest worker worked in New Jersey. Even when he was 100 years old, he still continued to go to work.
  4. One Belgian woman had the longest working day. She continuously fried french fries for 78 hours!
  5. Incredibly, but about half of their lives, most people spend at work.
  6. The future President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, originally worked as a lifeguard on the Rock River. An interesting fact is that he managed to save the lives of more than 70 people.
  7. In the 80s of the 20th century there was a great need for butlers. This was due to the sharp increase in millionaires in those years.
  8. Did you know that in Antarctica there is a profession - penguin lifter? Such workers must lift penguins that have fallen on their backs. This is due to the fact that birds, looking at helicopters or planes in the sky, throw their heads back, and then fall on the snow.
  9. A resident of the United States, Todd Gordon, has a very strange profession. He works with a smile.
  10. According to statistics, about 60% of their time is spent in offices.
  11. Two thirds of women do not want to have children and start a family because of career development.
  12. According to women, they cope with their duties much better and better than men.
  13. 9 out of 10 restaurants in the world close in their first year of operation.
  14. Hairdressers from Britain as the best conditioner bull semen is used for hair.
  15. The hardest day in working week counted as Monday.
  16. According to one university study, the performance of office workers depends on the temperature of the indoor air.
  17. British scientists say that those workers whose desk is located next to the window work best.
  18. The largest number of successful women live in Portugal.
  19. Most Russians dream of having a job in television.
  20. The most difficult and risky work is considered to be in outer space.
  21. George Washington was seriously interested in the study of caves.
  22. The richest pensioners live in Denmark.
  23. The personnel working at the Coca-Cola production have a shared secret that they are forbidden to divulge. The secret lies in the recipe for this famous drink.
  24. According to some scholars, the best time for an employee to ask for a raise is on Wednesday rather than any other day of the week.
  25. An interesting fact is that in the first year of its activity, Microsoft earned only 16,000 US dollars.
  26. In India, there is a restaurant built on the site of a cemetery. Therefore, in addition to serving customers, the waiters also bow to the dead.
  27. According to Dick's Last Resort restaurant policy, the customer must throw something at the waiter if they need napkins.
  28. The author of the NIKE logo was paid $35 by the company for his work.
  29. Every day, more than 60 people become millionaires.
  30. Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.

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In the office Google does not have a set work schedule. Each employee starts when he wants and finishes when he wants.

Fact #2

Of the ten resumes received, Google HR selects only one person. Out of 10 calls, only one person is selected for an interview. Out of 10 job interviews, one person is invited. That is, when selecting employees to work at Google, the competition is 1:1000.

Fact #3

While it's hard to get a spot on Google, it's even harder to lose one. Under California labor law, it is very difficult to fire a person from a position. If the employee does not do his job, then the manager is obliged to first have a conversation with him, to help with the difficulties that have arisen. If nothing changes within a month, then an assistant is assigned to him. If this does not help, then after half a year the employee is fired. But this rarely happens. Only the employee who disclosed confidential information is fired immediately.

Fact #4

Google's main religion is "garage spirit".

This religion has its own Gods - Larry and Sergey (Russian Googlers affectionately say Serezha). There are sacred artifacts: in the lobby of one of the buildings there is the same server from the garage on which Page and Brin launched the first version of Google.

The spirit of a startup is cultivated in employees - for example, each employee can devote up to 20% of his time to working on any projects that are of interest to him. Even if they have nothing to do with his main profile. Even if these projects are absolutely crazy.

Fact #5

There are 20 restaurants within the Google office that serve Google employees for free. All these restaurants have different cuisines Here everyone will find food to their liking.

Fact #6

Employees from other cities are provided with buses that take them to work and home daily. Also, employees can choose where they will work, in the office or at home.

Interesting work largely determines the quality of human life. Labor activity It's not just about making a profit. How happy an individual is depends on his perception of work. If he performs tasks with pleasure and is completely passionate about them, at the end of the shift there will be good mood and the desire to have fun. Otherwise, labor seriously exhausts, irritates and infuriates a person. The colors of life gradually fade, the employee becomes a hostage to the system. In this article, we will discuss interesting work, vacancies and employment opportunities for a modern person.

What does "interesting work" mean?

This definition sounds very ambiguous, because each individual has his own life goals and hobbies. One person may enjoy growing plants, while another will never go to the garden with a tool. First of all, it is worth learning that the most interesting job everyone has their own, so it would be incorrect to talk about the profession of another person. The material will be useful only to those who seriously think about their own career guidance and want to decide what they should do.

People often have to make a choice between their desires and the needs imposed by society. Parents of creative children strive to provide them with a prosperous future and therefore force them to learn a more practical craft. However, work under compulsion brings in the end much less benefit than the one you want to do. Working without suitable stimulus and inspiration, even the most the best specialist will repel customers and will not be able to increase their own efficiency. In order to find your calling and receive a decent payment for it, you should proceed not only from the material aspect, but also take into account the most important spiritual component.

It is believed among the people that representatives of popular professions will always find a job. However, there are often too many such specialists. Most of them are forced to find a job in a completely different specialty or be on the lists of employment centers for a long time. In this regard, a logical conclusion suggests itself: education in a sought-after direction does not always help to get rich. Everyone has problems with employment, because the country is still experiencing high level unemployment. So does it make sense to become the thousandth specialist in a city where there is already high competition in this industry?

The problem of unemployment does not disappear anywhere, but there is always a way around it. The only way to outperform your competitors - to become better than them. This is achieved only when a person is really passionate about his work and constantly strives for improvement. He invents new ways to increase profits and improves his own skills every day. As a result, such a specialist will earn much better than representatives of typical professions and will be able to enjoy work.

Summing up, it should be noted that when looking for vacancies, you should focus on your own merits and hobbies. They will allow you to highly paid position and perform their duties effectively.

Very interesting job! What unusual professions can be found in our time?

Among ordinary vacancies on specialized sites, very entertaining offers are sometimes published. We have prepared a rating of the most amazing professions, among which the reader can find an interesting job for himself:

In addition to the above options, the applicant can pay attention to interesting research work in different directions. Chemists, biologists, psychologists and many other professionals need assistants to conduct experiments. If you feel a craving for science and are ready to invest own forces in its development, it is worth contacting the appropriate research center.

The video suggests looking at 10 dream professions. Here you can learn some interesting facts about the job and find the perfect job for yourself:

After watching such amazing and simple options earnings, a person comes to the understanding that almost any dream is feasible. If the reader has not yet found his place in life and is working in a boring position, he should consider a new interesting job and think about cardinal changes in his life!

In contact with

You have already talked about everything with your interlocutor and you have nothing to say and add. Here, you need to use blanks to maintain a conversation about work. You just need to voice them at an opportunity, or use your ingenuity and good memory. A selection of interesting facts and funny stories about work will help you with this.

Well, interesting facts about work from around the world in front of you:

  • The oldest employee of the firm worked in New Jersey. He was over 100 years old and of them he worked in a shipping company for 85 years and did not even think about quitting.
  • The expression to beat the buckets is firmly planted in the memory of almost every person, but no one knows the meaning of this expression. Buckwheat
    called blanks for dishes and their manufacture was a very simple task. And so it happened.
  • There is one workaholic in the world, whose name was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. It turned out to be a woman who fried french fries without a break for 78 hours and 1 minute.
  • In several English dictionaries there is such a term "McJob" - it characterizes a low-paid and non-prestigious job without career prospects. McDonald's has repeatedly tried to remove this word from the dictionaries - but so far without success.
  • There are no guest workers in Japan at all. This is due to the law issued there, according to which the minimum salary of a foreign worker must exceed the average salary of a Japanese worker.
  • Two English scientists have deduced a certain pattern - according to which more successful people become incompetent people, as they always overestimate their strengths and abilities. And smart and competent employees, on the contrary, constantly doubt their abilities and underestimate their capabilities.
  • When a person types on a keyboard, 56 percent of the work is done by the left hand.
  • According to sociological surveys around the world, 78% of people consider getting up in the morning the most difficult thing in their work.
  • In America, a survey was made of secretaries by psychologists, and during the survey it turned out that 91 percent of secretaries would like to have an affair with their boss.
  • In Japan, there is such a job as a toilet guide, and he is a civil servant. His job is to help anyone find the nearest toilet. His services cost about 4 cents.
  • The established opinion that the most ancient profession is the trade in the charms of one's body is erroneous. In fact, the oldest professions in the world were farmers, tailors, and pastoralists.

Well, dilute your conversations about work with high-quality and witty humor:

  • An interesting thing, it turns out that Chukovsky wrote about my work a long time ago: "And such rubbish every day, then a seal will call, then a deer"
  • Work is a strange place. In the morning you want to eat here, in the afternoon you sleep and the whole day does not leave the feeling that it's time to go home.
  • Here is Santa Claus's work schedule - anyone will envy! Day through 364
  • If the Russians loved to work, they wouldn't call a switch a switch.
  • Why did you come to work so late?
    - I left the house late.
    “So what prevented you from leaving early.”
    - It was too late to leave early
  • Everyone known fact that 15 percent of people do 85 percent of the work. But recently one more circumstance became clear - 85 percent of people believe that they are included in these 15%.
  • I have no fear of losing this job, but there is a fear of not finding another one.
  • At the interview:
    - I really need this job. I have a wife and seven children at home!
    - What else can you do?
  • The old boss hands things over to the new one and, walking around the office, the new one asks the question:
    - How many people work here?
    - I think about 40 percent.

Here is a rough list to keep a conversation about working with anyone, but still try to improvise more, add stories from your life, your observations, be more interested in what is happening in the world - and you will not have any questions about how to develop and maintain an interesting conversation with your interlocutor.