Business plan for the pavilion of non-food products. How to open a grocery store from scratch: a business plan

Average investment: from $5000 (flower shop)
Approximate payback period: from 1 year

It would seem: why puzzle, how to open your store?

You have chosen a product for sale, created a commodity stock, rented a room and are waiting for a well-deserved profit.

But anyone who has faced this task in practice will confirm that everything is not so simple!

To open an outlet that will bring a stable profit and will not close in six months, you need to pay a lot of effort and attention to some points.

Advantages and disadvantages of the idea to open a store

For some reason, the idea of ​​opening a store remains one of the most popular among newcomers to the business.

Although, like any other idea, it has drawbacks.

Opening a store is considered one of the less stressful options for owning a business.Some store options require significant start-up capital.
A retail business is relatively easy to scale.It is necessary to have a "financial cushion" to finance the business if things are not going well.
Profit depends only on the desire and effort.This business comes with a number of risks.
Store management can be completely delegated to specialists.In trade high level competition.
Opening a store is profitable and cost-effective if you organize your business wisely.Even if the basic rules of the organization are observed, no one can guarantee an entrepreneur 100% success.

How to choose a niche to open your store?

Choosing a niche for a business is the first step an entrepreneur takes.

In fact, further decisions depend on what products you decide to offer customers.

Lucky are those units that burn with an original and popular idea, therefore they do not suffer with a choice.

But the rest need to do analytical work, considering several points:

    The level of competition.

    There is already a high level of competition in trade so as not to analyze this point before organizing a business.

    This does not mean that with a nearby supermarket, opening a stall is a failed idea.

    It is enough to narrow the direction of work (only confectionery or bread) and things will go well.

    Demand analysis.

    If there are no competitors to the business at all, perhaps it simply will not find an audience?

    Sometimes potentially profitable ones simply turned out to be misunderstood by Russian buyers.

    And entrepreneurs had to close unprofitable business until better times.

    Pay attention to whether there is seasonality in the chosen niche.

    For some newcomers, simply doing business in the "off season" without preparation proved to be disastrous for the business.

    If seasonality is pronounced, plan before you open a point, how you will level it.

    For example, the starting budget, calculated according to the business plan, needs to be increased by another 30-50%.

    Look at the resulting figure.

    Do you have such capital?

    Or do you have investors in mind who can provide you with financial support?

Calendar plan ideas for opening a store

Calendar plan necessary to control the implementation of the idea to open a store.

Terms depend on the chosen niche and the expected scale.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Registration and Permits
Signing a lease agreement
Execution of repair and finishing works
Interior design
Purchase and installation of equipment, furniture
Staff recruitment
Start of the advertising campaign
Store opening

How to advertise your store?

It is worth starting to advertise a future store even before you open it.

Hang a large banner with the opening date.

On X day, be sure to decorate the entrance, turn on the music, make special gifts for the first visitors.

    To make your customers permanent, offer special conditions.

    This may be a "Club of buyers", regular promotions, the use of discount cards.

    Inform customers about discounts and sales.

    To do this, you can use the distribution of leaflets, newsletters, the release of mini-newspapers of your store.

  • Sales are good for most niches, but don't use them too often.
  • Hire promoters to hand out flyers in nearby public places.

    It works well for grocery stores to distribute promotional material across mailboxes nearby houses.

Implementation steps to open your store

The steps required to open a point depend on the chosen niche.

However, some steps are common to all.

Registration and Permits

An online store can be opened without permissions, but for offline activities, you need to get a whole pile of papers.

    To open a store, entrepreneur or LLC.

    Each option has pros and cons, so the choice is yours to make.

  • In order to register a store, you must decide on the basic information: name, legal address, founders, form of taxation, and others.
  • Registration includes registration with a number of organizations, funds (pension, medical, social insurance), printing and opening a current account.
  • To obtain a work permit in the selected premises, you need to pass inspections of the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • If you plan to use a cash register, do not forget about the need to obtain permission for it.
  • The process of obtaining permits and other paperwork can take a long time.

    Experienced entrepreneurs advise, if possible, to delegate this task to specialists.

    The cost of the service is not particularly large (about 35,000 rubles), but the processing time will be significantly reduced.

Choice of location and premises

What else needs to be done before opening your store?

Decide on a location.

A novice entrepreneur may not be in a hurry to buy a territory.

It is better to start renting the right place, and then build on the success of your business.

When choosing a location, consider:

  • it is important that your customers have easy access to both public and private transport;
  • a big plus is the presence of crowded places nearby (crossroads, underground passages, office centers);
  • evaluate whether there is enough space to organize not only trading floor but also warehouse and technical premises.

Recruitment for the store

Competently selected employees are half the battle.

Do not forget about refresher courses and incentives through bonuses.

An approximate staff of a small store might look like this:

The duties of an accountant, security guard and cleaning lady are often delegated to other firms.

This saves on wages.

How much does it cost to open your store?

Open point may require both minimum investment and large costs.

It should be borne in mind that trading is accompanied by a number of risks.

And if you invest large sums from someone else's "pocket" into the business, the danger of the venture grows exponentially.

Approximately the cost of opening a store can be represented by an example:

List of estimated costs for the development of your store

Before the profit will cover the costs, the entrepreneur must have a source for investing in TT.

A rough list of monthly expenses for work looks like this:

How much can you earn if you open a store?

The potential of the store can be assessed in a month or two of work.

After the opening, strong and weak sides, which you might not have identified in the preliminary analysis.

Increase the stock of popular items, arrange a sale of stale items, expand the range and experiment with advertising.

The income from the store will depend on the chosen niche.

As a rule, it consists of several parts:

  • direct profit due to the margin on the goods (on average - 40-200%);
  • profit from additional services(placement of advertising brands, sale of "golden shelves", paid delivery of products);
  • Income from the rental space of your store building.

Practice shows that the average store needs at least 1-1.5 years for a return on investment.

The video covers the basic steps for opening a retail store:

Before, how to open your store, the entrepreneur must weigh: will he be able to take into account all the subtleties and rules voiced above in the organization?

After all, any unaccounted for risk or error in the calculations can lead to collapse.

But with a competent and planned approach, your own store can become a source of large stable income.

So believe in yourself and succeed!

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    Retail is one of the most attractive activities in the medium and small segment. In this category, samples and examples of business plans are different. Usually they differ not only in the amount of investments, but also in types. Exemplary trading plan should contain the subtleties of the business and the features of the product.

    A good example of a retail business is opening a clothing outlet. As a rule, this does not require high initial investments. It also eliminates the risk of losing the product due to its damage. Retail stores can be opened in various areas, including specialized ones. For example, sports nutrition and much more.

    Sample Retail Business Plan

    A sample sales business plan structure contains the following aspects:

    • Summary;
    • List of products sold;
    • Production plan;
    • Organization of activities;
    • Marketing;
    • Financial planning;
    • Prediction data.

    The first section should indicate the purpose, type of activity and cost of implementation. The list of products must be presented in full and with an indication of the wholesale and selling prices. A trading project also requires calculation total cost products. The production section lists all initial costs. The store requires the rental of premises or its acquisition, as well as the purchase of goods and equipment.

    The main part can be considered a financial plan with calculations. This should present the calculation of revenue taxable and net profit, taxes, calculation of income and expenses and much more. Forecasting data can be compiled on the basis of financial calculations.

    A store business plan with calculations will help you realize the idea of ​​​​entrepreneurship in the shortest possible time, since the trust of creditors and investors with its high-quality compilation increases significantly. Retailing is an excellent basis for starting a business from scratch.

    And to engage in trade, the first question that will arise in front of you is: what exactly to trade? There are many options, but no matter what category of goods you choose, having weighed all the pros and cons well, sparing no time and effort to carefully think over the strategy and correctly calculate the business plan of the outlet, you can count on profit and satisfaction from your own activities.

    The lion's share of retail space is occupied by food and clothing. Which is not surprising, because these are one of the most profitable categories of goods. Being engaged in the sale of products, you earn on turnover, clothes - on the cost, because in this case the margin reaches 200-300%. But in both cases, one cannot but take into account the huge competition, which is extremely destructive for the newly formed business. Therefore, if you are just taking the first steps towards your own prosperous business, it makes sense to pay attention to such a group of products as household chemicals. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the shelf life of such products is much longer than, for example, food products, secondly, many products from this segment are not subject to mandatory certification, and thirdly, simple conditions implementations that do not require special equipment, refrigerators, freezers, etc.

    How to start your own business?

    In order to start your activity, first of all, you need to register as legal entity, or, in the case of a retail outlet in the market, an individual entrepreneur.

    The registration procedure is now greatly simplified. All you need for this is a passport, an individual taxpayer number, a completed application and 800 rubles to pay the state duty.

    One of key points entrepreneurship is a successful interaction with suppliers. Try to negotiate payment in installments, wholesale prices, discounts. Many suppliers offer their own delivery, which will give you the opportunity to save on driver services. Do not lose sight of this point, because it is very important to reduce costs as much as possible, especially at the very beginning of your activity.

    Pay special attention to the choice of location for the outlet. If you decide to work in the market, of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid competition, but it is possible to minimize it. Try to choose a place with high traffic of people.

    Remember that the most important thing in trading is the human factor. It depends on the seller whether your first buyer will become a permanent one. Do not forget also about the need to establish contact with the administration of the market.

    As for the assortment, you may not be able to immediately determine which product to buy and in what quantities, this issue will become clear after 2-3 months of active trading, when you have already studied your potential buyer and his needs. Therefore, during the initial filling of the counter, the emphasis should be on the type of product and its price category. Act according to the principle: a little of everything. Take into account the fact that too expensive and exclusive goods are sold very slowly, and you need, first of all, a turnover. It is worth taking care to present related products in the assortment (light bulbs, napkins, brushes, diapers, gloves, etc.) As experience shows, the income from the sale of these products can be up to 30% of all profits.

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    Basic calculations

    As for the financial part of the business plan of the outlet, the following articles should be noted in the "Expenses" section:

    • rent: 192,000 rubles / year.

    It is important to understand that this figure is taken from the calculation average price per sq.m. of retail space in Russia, so it can be very different from the prices that are currently relevant in your region. Keep this in mind when drawing up your own plan.

    1. Purchase of goods: 1,000,000 rubles / year.
    2. Salary: 190,000 rubles / year.

    It means wage substitute seller and payment for the services of an accountant.

    • Additional expenses: 50,000 rubles/year.

    Total: 1,232,000 rubles/year. This is an approximate amount of annual investment, provided that you rent a retail outlet with an area of ​​​​10 square meters, act as a seller yourself, hire another employee to be able to deal with organizational issues, and also resort to the help of an accountant.

    Food trade is perhaps one of the most popular areas in our country. Many say that people save on different things, but they will always buy food. The way it is. In this article, we will look at an example of a business plan grocery store. It is worth considering that the demand for this group of goods also generates huge competition among entrepreneurs, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly fight for a “place in the sun” in this business.

    It is worth saying that the profitability of the grocery business is about 25%. You can start with a large amount and serious investments, as well as with minimal costs.

    The general format of the outlet

    In short, here you can make a classification of options for starting this business. In your grocery store business plan, you will need to clearly define all these nuances and clearly know your next plan of action.

    1. Store size. It's one thing when you open a small outlet for 30 - 45 sq.m. and second, when you launch a grocery supermarket. In general, in our country there are several types of such stores:

    - hypermarkets and supermarkets. This is outlets, whose area is from 500 sq.m. and higher. Usually this niche is occupied by large retail chains: Auchan, Pyaterochka, Silpo and others.

    - grocery stores and "standard" grocery stores. This is a familiar format for all of us, the size of such points reaches 300 sq.m. And it starts from 90 sq.m.

    - small shops near the house. Such a business is also developing normally, its main customers are those people who do not want to go to the supermarket for bread and a pack of sour cream, but can easily buy everything near their home.

    - outlets with food products in the market. This is the cheapest investment point of view, but also quite competitive. Since dozens of such points are usually concentrated in one place on the market, it remains either to reduce prices or to constantly have a fresh assortment of products (compared to other sellers) to fight competition.

    2. Service Format. Will you have a self-service store, which involves the purchase of all equipment, from shopping carts to surveillance cameras, or will customer service take place on classical pattern from behind the counter.

    So, in our case, we will take as a basis a small grocery store located in a residential area of ​​​​the city. Working hours from 8:00 to 23:00. Designed for low and middle income people. Estimated attendance of the store - 70 people per day.


    At the second stage, after registering as a private entrepreneur, you will need to find a room. When compiling a business plan for a grocery store, immediately indicate the size of the store, after that, start searching. It is advisable to take an area from 40 to 90 sq.m. These are figures for a small shop in a residential area. If the goods are sold from the counter, then you can look at the premises and, starting from 30 sq.m. Keep in mind that a large amount of space will be occupied by racks, shelves and refrigeration equipment. You should leave enough space for customers so that they do not crowd one after another.

    When choosing a location, you should first of all look at the flow of people (passability) near this point in a particular microdistrict. Renting a room in the back of the yard, where no one will notice you, is not worth it - this is a deliberately failed idea.

    Also, pay attention to repairs. He must be! In order to open a grocery store, you will need to deal with SES and firefighters, and without normal repairs, they will not give permission to trade. Found a great place in a crowded place, but without renovation? It will have to be done, perhaps try to negotiate with the owner that you will make repairs at a cost rent or at least parts of it.

    The layout also has importance. If you are developing a business plan for a self-service grocery store, then you will need to correctly position the cash registers and the shopping area. Install cameras. Some of the products can be sold from the counter, and the most popular ones can be put on self-service.

    The entire assortment and racks should be divided into sections according to areas, for example, the meat department, bakery products, cereals, vegetables, sweets, etc. This will help customers find products in your store more conveniently. Don't forget about related products: toilet paper, detergents, matches, disposable tableware and more.

    Grocery store equipment

    Don't skimp on equipment. Part of the equipment, for example, refrigerators, can be rented for a start, then you can buy all your own.

    Below is a list of the basic equipment you will need:

    • Racks and shelves - up to $3000;
    • Freezer - $1000/piece;
    • Refrigeration equipment - up to $2000;
    • Showcases - about $1300;
    • Cash register - $400;
    • Electronic scales - $500 - $700

    Focus on well-known manufacturers technology, don't skimp. They will work 24 hours a day.

    Where to look for suppliers?

    In today's economy, suppliers of goods will find you themselves. As a rule, immediately after the opening of the store, sales representatives will come to you and offer a certain group of goods. Some of them can be found by talking to people who have already established businesses in other areas of your city.

    There is another option - this is the purchase of goods in wholesale grocery markets. As a rule, there you can get goods a little cheaper than the suppliers offer, plus the choice is usually much wider.

    At first, you will need to work on a prepaid basis. If you successfully cooperate with suppliers, some of them will give their products for sale.

    How to choose an assortment?

    When drawing up a business plan for a grocery store, the assortment should be given Special attention. First of all, you need to draw up a portrait of the buyer. People with what level of income live in your area, and what goods should prevail in this case. Usually, all the main product groups are imported at the start, and already in the process of work for several months, the assortment is added, and something even leaves the shelves. So, for example, it will be possible to expand the range of vegetables, or bread from various manufacturers.


    You will need 4 salespeople with shift work. Vendors will need to be trained to use cash register. And it is best to draw up a clear instruction on customer service. These step by step instructions applied in most large networks grocery stores.

    Security guards will be needed if there is self-service to protect yourself from attempts to steal.

    Accountant, you can hire a person who will keep accounts, or outsource.

    Salaries for employees are set in the amount of a fixed salary, without a percentage of revenue.

    When promoting a grocery store, you need to apply special marketing methods.

    1. Signboard and windows. Your store should stand out from the mass of gray buildings. The name should be easy to remember.
    2. Discounts on a specific product or group of products. You can arrange discounts on goods every week, people will get used to this and will go to you to take something else at a promotional price, a habit is developed.
    3. Unique item. It might be an inexpensive meal. own production, the presence of fish of your own salting, etc. Think, when drawing up a business plan for a small grocery store, for example, what kind of "chips" you can offer your customers.

    Sample financial plan

    The approximate total cost is $15,000 - $17,000.

    Revenue from the store for the month - $ 7,000.

    The average markup is 30%.

    Net profit - $1200 - $1300.

    Payback - 1.5 years.