What is profitable to sell in a year. place: Restoration of old and antique things. Sale of sports nutrition

To work for yourself, to have your own profitable business is the dream of many. However, some people hesitate to enter the path of self-employment, some decide, but suffer losses, the business falls apart, and only debt and disappointment remain.

We suggest considering topics on how to open your own business from scratch in order to earn income.

Choosing business ideas with minimal investment

Every businessman started his business by choosing a field of activity.

Such a choice can be prompted by life circumstances themselves (moving to the countryside may prompt the idea of ​​raising livestock for meat, getting a job in a flower company will awaken the desire to independently grow planting material for sale, etc.).

If this did not happen, it is better for business to choose an area in which there is some knowledge, a predisposition to work in this direction.

The less competition, the more profitable things are going, so you should not go the beaten path - much more time and effort will be spent than the return received. Competitors who have experience will be able to force out the novice entrepreneur from the market. Yes, and permanent losses will not allow the business begun to develop. Therefore, non-standard activities should be chosen, those that are required by the consumer, but they are not available, or they are not presented in sufficient quantity, or the product is of insufficient quality.

In order to find out what services or goods the consumer is waiting for, it is best to conduct an analysis of consumer demand before starting your own business (there is a demand for ornamental vegetation in this area, and there are no places for recreation in this area, and there are many young people, so it is better to open youth cafe or club with slot machines).

When analyzing, everything should be taken into account - the age and gender of the consumer, his ability to pay, the location of establishments of future competitors near this place, etc. So, for example, in a student district, a store selling planting material, and the donut machine will be in place. Moreover, near universities, where more girls study (pedagogical institutions, accounting), inexpensive cosmetics will work well. Near the men's educational institutions For example, the opening of a sports hall will be relevant.

When an idea is chosen, you should carefully consider and calculate all the details. To do this, you need to write a business plan.

A business plan will come in handy in the future, without it it is impossible to get investments (if any are required), it will be in demand in other cases. There are even special shapes writing business plans. But at the beginning stage, such a plan is written for oneself and there is no need to adhere to special forms. The main purpose of writing is to see an approximate perspective of the chosen business.

The business plan includes:

  • Purpose of opening a business;
  • Methods, methods of activity;
  • Approximate calculation of all costs (including purchases of equipment, payment to workers, utility costs, etc.);
  • Sales market, clientele, suppliers, competition;
  • Placement of equipment, construction or rental of premises;
  • Staff;
  • Risk factor, ways to avoid losses;
  • Other.

Already from the drafting of a business plan, it will be possible to realistically assess your capabilities and see how soon you need to wait for a certain profit.

Interesting fact: The man who created the world-famous Fender guitars, Leo Fender, never knew how to play the guitar himself.

In order to avoid serious consequences, it should be remembered that:

  • You can’t take money from banks to open a business if everything is not thought out to the smallest detail and when there is no experience;
  • You should not start a business with money that is intended for important purposes (buying an apartment, education, improving health);
  • Even before opening a case, it is necessary to outline “paths of withdrawal”, foresee the possibility of failure;
  • You should never get into dubious projects with huge financial investments, even if they promise instant super-profits;
  • You need to constantly learn from successful entrepreneurs;
  • Running your own business will require tremendous personal organization and a conscientious attitude towards your customers.

Interesting fact: McDonald's is famous not only for spreading many of its locations around the world, but also for the fact that it fired 155 of its employees just because they gave leftover food to the homeless.

Business ideas in 2017 with minimal investment

You can, without leaving your own home,. This does not even require large investments.

It is worth considering just a few ideas.

Creation of online stores

Such a store is very convenient because you do not need to spend money on salaries for sellers, look for staff, rent warehouses- at first, you can manage on your own, and only when things gain momentum, you need to attract assistants.

Through the Internet, you can sell your own products (handicrafts, sewn bed linen, knitted clothes, wicker furniture, pottery, fur products, etc.), or you can sell goods from other manufacturers if you have access to goods with a minimum cost.

The disadvantages of such trade is that due to the inability to inspect the goods, buyers can return the products. When a product is purchased from another manufacturer, there may be difficulties.

Another disadvantage is the fact that for the sale of marketable products, you will need very powerful advertising, since competition is very strong, and competitors are not concentrated in one city (town, district), but are located throughout the country and abroad, that is, there are a lot of them.

Now this type of service is very relevant, and you can earn good money.

However, there are also downsides.

Such a business is only possible for those who are well versed in computer capabilities.

Another disadvantage is that this business can only generate limited income, because one person can only create a certain number of sites in a certain period of time. Involving assistants in this business (who are also strong in the computer) is not an easy task, such assistants can create websites themselves, they do not need bosses.

Internet advertising

A very hyped business, has not been a special novelty for a long time. However, to this day it is required in great demand and will be relevant for a long time to come. This requires its own platform (your website, blog), which is popular. This site will host advertisements. Next, you need to find a customer who would agree to advertise their products on this site and agree on a price.

The disadvantages include the fact that this way of earning will require knowledge computer programs and the ability to interest users and it is not always easy to find a good customer.

If you have your own car, then you can already count on income. The most common type of business is the transportation of people.

This type of business is very popular. With a small financial base, you can limit yourself to the sole transportation of people or goods, but if finances allow, you can open a transportation company.

In order to withstand competition, it is necessary to expand the services offered. For example, to organize not only the transportation of goods and passengers, but also animals, livestock, building materials, liquid products. To do this, you need a park of various equipment.

The disadvantages include more costs for the purchase or rental of equipment, which does not pay off soon.

A service that has appeared recently, but is already popular - the provision of a bus for recreational activities. To turn this idea into a reality, a bus is required, which is equipped with tables and decorated accordingly.

The idea is good for a family business, where the husband is the driver, and the wife is in charge of the entertainment program.

Here you can sell your own pastries, food, drinks to the tables, which will also make a profit.

The disadvantages are the increasing competition. You can fight this with your own extraordinary imagination.

Services for parents

Children demand entertainment and new methods of development, so you can also offer your services here.

First graders are yesterday's kindergarteners. Their school day ends early, while the rest of the time they are forced to be without parental supervision. Therefore, such a service as the maintenance of a child after school until the arrival of parents is very in demand and not widespread enough. Such groups can be organized if there is free space (if not, you can rent).

It is better to work in such groups of 2-3 people. At the same time, one employee will be in the group, and the other will pick up the children from the lessons and bring them to the group.

Children in such a "kindergarten" are given a certain regime - lunch, rest after school, preparing lessons, playing, etc.

Among the shortcomings, one can note not too much income from one such group.

The organization of the School of Models is not a new idea either, but there is still a demand for them. In order to stand out from the competition, it is necessary to look for outlets on television, it’s good if school children are filmed in advertisements, their photos are in magazines. Then the popularity of the school grows, therefore, the income of the organizer - the businessman - increases.

In order for such a thing not to fall apart at the very beginning, it is necessary to find good specialists dance, movement, make-up, etc.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the high costs for specialists, payment for renting halls, and competition.

You can also organize other schools or courses - horseback riding, a school of modern, ballroom dancing, a school for young motorists, karting.

Disadvantages - requires specialists, specially equipped rooms or areas for classes.

The organization of holidays is a service so familiar that a beginner will hardly find a place in this market. However, you can try. To do this, you need to add a little fiction. For example, you can organize an outdoor holiday for children.

A bright event for any child will be a trip out of town in a decorated bus, with a stop in Alyonushka's hut, with a meeting with the Old Man - Lesovichok in a real forest clearing, who will play games with them. In winter, you can visit the winter meadow, where children will have colorful slides, snow labyrinths, snowmen and snowball games.

Such trips can be organized not only on holidays, but also on any day, calling it “Fairy Tale Day”, “Snow Maiden's Birthday”, “Meeting with the heroes of fairy tales”.

You can offer this service through kindergartens, through schools (primary classes), organizing a group of children for a trip at once.

Disadvantages: Requires a lot of training (albeit low cost), requires many workers. Such a trip will not be cheap, so not every parent will be able to pay for such a holiday for their child.

Interesting fact: The item that ranks first among the best-selling items in the world is the Rubik's Cube. And only then the iPhone.

Pet owners treat their pets with such care and love that they are willing to pay for various services that make life easier for their pets.

We will not describe the creation of beauty salons for dogs, clothing stores for animals and others. famous ideas. We offer to consider services that are in demand, but the market is not yet sufficiently filled with them.

Many pet owners are forced to leave home for a while. Therefore, before each trip, they rush about in search of those people who would agree to take care of their pet.

In cities (even small ones) there are already zoo hotels, however, not everyone is in a hurry to identify their pet there. This is due to the fact that the animals are in individual cages or boxes, isolated from people. Pets that are next to a person from birth experience double stress - the loss of a beloved owner (albeit for a while, but the animal does not know about it), and imprisonment in a cage.

Home overexposure, it would seem, is not much different from a hotel, but the animal gets rid of one of the strongest stresses. Often, there are still animals at such overexposures, therefore the bitterness of separation from the owner is not so acutely tolerated.

In order to organize such a home overexposure, it is necessary to attract many workers, because keeping many dogs or cats in one apartment is simply impossible. But this is not difficult to arrange - many single grandmothers are afraid to have animals, because they do not rely on their health. A cat (dog), who will live with them for a certain time, who will be fed, provided with a tray, control her condition (and the condition of the owner of the overexposure), and even pay money for it - will become a desirable guest.


  • Any dog ​​or cat is not suitable for such home overexposure. Aggressors and large dogs are unlikely to be able to live in an outside house without problems.
  • Great responsibility for the health of the overexposed animal.
  • Also, there is a considerable risk that the owner will take the pet back.

As an idea, you can consider the creation of a bakery (cafe, snack bar) for dogs and cats. Here you can cook special dog treats, as well as sell food from well-known manufacturers.

Disadvantages: in our cities, there is still not enough demand for such bakeries.

Many owners do not have the opportunity to fully walk their dogs. Some dogs of small breeds live like this, walking only on a leash (in the city it is dangerous to let small dogs go without a leash), adjusting to the unhurried step of the hostess or owner. Meanwhile, the dog needs certain physical activity. Owners understand this, but cannot provide their pets with a full walk every day due to employment, health problems or age.

In this case, we are not talking about the usual walking of a pet - such a service, if it is in demand, will be inexpensive.

Taking a dog, taking him out of town, providing him with games, running, meeting other dogs - it's worth a good pay.

The duties of a dog trainer can include training, training burrowing dogs on an animal (dachshund, West Terrier), swimming after a duck (Labrador).

And if you add to such a diet a weekly examination by a veterinarian who will cut his claws, clean his ears and monitor the health of the pet, the price for the service will be quite impressive.

Not every owner will be able to afford such a trainer, but those who will cooperate may be enough. In addition, satisfied owners themselves will advertise a good coach.

There are almost no downsides to this business. Except for the time spent getting to know the dog, but it happens quickly.

Small town business ideas

Many people think about what kind of business can be opened in a small town. Offers that are relevant in not big cities, enough. Here are just a few of them.

Children's freedom after secondary school always worries parents, no matter what grade the child is in.

In small towns, it is very difficult to rent a sports area where one could deploy, for example, swimming, figure skating, basketball and diving. This requires several sports grounds, different in quality (pool, skating rink, gym). But the presentation of one sport will be ineffective (not everyone will go only for swimming, figure skating, etc.).

Therefore, it is better to choose sports that require sports grounds of the same type. For example, you can rent an ice rink (or organize it yourself, with the help of housing offices, etc.), hire trainers and conduct lessons figure skating, speed skating, playing hockey.

If you rent a gym, you can do gymnastics, open a basketball, athletics section, etc.

In order for the school to be in demand, and interest in it does not dry out, it is necessary to invite famous athletes, take children to large cities for competitions, and look for successors for promising children.

Cons: Room rental.

There are always lonely people and, most often, such people want to part with loneliness. The vast majority of acquaintances occur on the initiative of those who want to find a couple, but there are also people who just need help!

Disco "For the Free" - a symbiosis of a disco and a dating club. If maximum imagination is applied to the organization of such a disco, then in a small town (where restaurants are expensive and there are not so many entertainment venues) it will be a success.

To do this, you do not need to constantly remove the area. It must be taken into account that people different ages should assemble in different time. For example, guests over 40 need appropriate music, entertainment and games appropriate for their age and the appropriate contingent.

So that the idea does not fail the first time, you should find customers in advance, send them the program of the evening and announce the cost of the ticket.

It is better if the main cost is not on the tickets themselves, but on the goods that will be offered at this evening (soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream, etc.).

In different age groups, evenings are held at different times, ticket prices may vary.

In a small town, you can successfully sell T-shirts with interesting inscriptions.

The success of the business will depend on the knowledge of city dates and forthcoming festivities. For example, for the anniversary of the school, you can release T-shirts with an inscription regarding this date (in a serious or joking way). Near the registry office to sell T-shirts "A good mother-in-law will not have a skinny son-in-law", "Married", etc. Near the maternity hospital "The Best Dad", etc.

There are practically no cons, if you work with fiction and in the right places.

Organization and sale of master classes

Even small towns already have the Internet. So, there are opportunities to earn in it. For example, you can sell master classes.

This is done like this: for example, you decide to change the wheel (candles, etc.) yourself. Perhaps it will be interesting to some newcomer - the driver. Therefore, each stage is described in detail and recorded on a movie camera. After the video is ready, it can be offered for purchase on the sites of motorists.

Such master classes can be carried out in any direction - construction work, gardening, plumbing. Master classes in make-up, handicrafts.

The disadvantages include the fact that finding a buyer master class not so easy.

Business ideas of 2017 that are not in Russia

There are ideas that are not yet in a hurry to be implemented in our country. And in fact, they work perfectly abroad.

A novice businessman may be afraid of novelty and will not invest a lot of money in starting such a business (for example, a flower machine that dispenses bouquets of fresh flowers. It takes about 500,000 rubles to invest). Therefore, we present several low-cost ideas.

Such food is very popular abroad. You can make it yourself, it is made from chocolate, marmalade or caramel.

Children will be incredibly happy with such a treat. You can make a small batch of sample dishes to evaluate how such a business will go.

With such a “small” detail, sales will successfully go on in a children's cafe or in another food outlet (adults will also like such a novelty).

Of the shortcomings, it is only worth noting that we are wary of new products.

We have a lot of old car tires, but sidewalks are not yet properly covered everywhere.

The Americans came up with a wonderful and cheap solution. They take old tires and vulcanize them to make crumb rubber, and then pour the resulting mass into finished forms. After drying, a durable and high-quality paving slab is obtained, which serves for many years.

We have not yet engaged in such production, the competition is zero.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the equipment, nevertheless, will have to be spent. But this investment pays off in a matter of months.

A simple idea, but we have not developed too much. Abroad, trips to the places where famous TV shows were filmed are very popular. For someone who owns a bus, the cost will be the bare minimum. (It must be remembered that the bus has a device that reproduces footage of these places with the actions of the characters in the film).

Disadvantages: Requires a lot of thought about which movie locations to offer a tour to get the most customers.

Expert opinion

Oleg Mansurov, Head of the Preactum Youth Entrepreneurial Community

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to find an idea. The idea that will always inspire you, the one that will shoot into a stable business. The path of an entrepreneur must begin with practical experience in setting goals and achieving them. It is important to understand what you want to achieve, how you can achieve it, what resources are needed for this. Ideally, if the idea is packaged into a specific project, an action plan.

It is the project activity that underlies entrepreneurship. When we talk about the development of entrepreneurship, most often we are talking about the practice of project activities.

The next step is building relationships and communication skills. These include team building, collaborations, partnerships with external players. An entrepreneur is a person who primarily works with relationships, he builds them between partners. Relationships can give you a lot, for example, people who have different assets, funds, resources, connections.

This is very important from the very beginning of the journey. It's not so much money that can be useful to you, but people who have what you wanted to buy with this money. Finances are not so important at the first stage. The task of the entrepreneur is to agree on the resources that he needs on a barter basis, or with deferred payment. By the way, no one has canceled the investment option either.

If we talk about commerce, about trade - to understand where there is demand, to understand how to satisfy this demand, where to find goods with a lower price and eliminate the shortage of goods where it exists. And then move on from simple exchange to production stories.

The next step will be to increase capitalization, reduce business costs, grow and scale.

In short, then:

  1. Plan, project
  2. Team
  3. Partners
  4. Attracting investments
  5. Working to meet demand
  6. Business development


These few ideas will help someone become richer or will prove definitively, and that there are countless areas for developing their business, and for someone they can completely discourage any desire to open their own business.

The main thing, we must remember that a businessman is not the person who is very lucky in life, but the person who has internal self-organization, tireless performance and the ability to overcome difficulties. That is, such qualities that everyone can cultivate in themselves.

For almost a month now, 2016 has become another page of history. For some it was a stage of success, for others it was a defeat, and still others were able to decide on nothing, and remained, as they say, “with their own”. One way or another, we, the Svoy Business blog team, congratulate all our readers on the start of a new year full of hopes for all, wish that the coming year will definitely be better than the past, and the business ideas of 2017 will meet all your expectations for you.

Modern business requires vigilant control over their business from entrepreneurs, energetic activity, search new ways development, introduction of innovative technologies. This is the only way to stay “afloat” during this difficult time for the entire business. In today's review, we will show you new best business ideas 2017, which, in our opinion, promise to enter the top 10 in terms of profit and demand. This includes popular business ideas in Europe, America (read the top 9 business ideas from the USA), and projects that are suitable exclusively for our country.

What business is relevant in 2017?

In the process of rapid changes in the global trading market and complex economic relations between countries, it is quite difficult to confidently predict which business ideas will take the lead in 2017. For this, it will not be enough even to conduct a thorough analysis of the target audience of market segments, knowledge of the investment opportunities of potential investors, and draw up an ideal marketing strategy Everything is too unpredictable right now.

Formation of new trends in various spheres of life, business, science, etc. makes businessmen interested in success always aware of all market opportunities. But in any case, when making a forecast, most experts use data for the outgoing year. So will we.

Business ideas 2017 with minimal investment

First of all, as always, we focus on the implementation of business ideas with minimal investment - today this is the most relevant topic in small and medium-sized businesses. In 2016, the questions of how to get a loan from a bank or a loan from a private investor have lost their relevance. But others have become important, for example, everything related to investments:

  • where to invest half a million rubles, a hundred thousand rubles, a million
  • and many other similar topics

But not everyone has financial opportunities for investment, most start-up entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities to open their own business with minimal investment. And many business ideas of 2017 meet such criteria.

Vape bar

We were so often told from TV screens, magazine pages, on Internet sites about the dangers of smoking, that people finally believed it! But believe one thing, but refuse bad habit- that's different. This is why electronic cigarettes have been replaced by conventional cigarettes.

Omitting discussions about the benefits or harms of this activity, let’s say that vape bars are exactly the names of establishments where you can find “like-minded people” and calmly let off steam.” Vape bars have replaced hookah bars, which were banned after the introduction of a law prohibiting smoking in public places, and are absolutely legal from a legal point of view.

Selling food in traffic jams

Almost any person living in a densely populated city knows firsthand what traffic jams in Russia are like in reality. Irritation is already 1-15 minutes of standing in a traffic jam, but it happens that the waiting time is delayed for a much longer period.

Surely many car owners shrugged off the offers of annoying grannies or unkemptly dressed teenagers, scurrying between cars, striving to get under the wheels, and offering pies and other pastries, hot tea and coffee in winter, drinks and ice cream in summer, etc. . It is a completely different matter if a young man (girl) in branded clothes with a mini-fridge in his hands offers the same assortment. Actually, clothes and a refrigerator will make up all the necessary expenses for the implementation of this business idea.

Trading in traffic jams - the current business of 2017 is most suitable for young people - high school students, students, or people temporarily out of work.

At first glance, an unsightly business idea, according to the confessions of the street vendors themselves, up to 5-7 thousand rubles of net income. The range of products offered can be not only food products, but also all kinds of car accessories - cheap Chinese fans (especially a hot commodity in the summer heat), auto heaters - in winter, flash drives with audio books (if you really kill time in a traffic jam, then with benefit!), phone chargers, etc.

Products can be purchased at wholesale warehouses, conclude agreements with stores, sell own goods(pies, pastries, etc.), attracting mom, grandmother, sister to your business, order on Aliexpress.

The only "gap" in the implementation of this business idea is its legal registration. Legalize street trading in traffic jams, in accordance with Russian law, it will not work in any way. Therefore, you will have to work at your own peril and risk. Although, the maximum that in practice police officers do to traders in traffic jams is to threaten with punishment and drive them off the road.

Sale and delivery of organic products

The huge demand for environmentally friendly products in recent years can only be compared with the sales of the necessary medicine during the epidemic. Add fuel to the fire numerous television reports and print publications about violations in the production and sale of food.

Delivery service organization

Of course, everyone knows that everything new is a well-forgotten old. And therefore, the current business of 2017 adopted the best projects of the outgoing year. So, for example, the organization of a delivery service has been “roaming” from our tops of the best ideas for business for 3 years, each time acquiring new features.

food delivery, building materials, drugs, etc. due to the general shortage of time is in increasing demand. In 2017, the number of customers may increase dramatically due to offline and online stores, which, often without their own deliveries, resort to the services of third-party organizations.

The undoubted advantage of the implementation of this project is the absence of the need for a solid initial capital. You can start a business by having an old car, doing delivery personally. You can even advertise your company with minimal cost. Methods are inexpensive and effective advertising can be found out.

Considering the main trouble of Russian city roads (except for their condition, of course!) - traffic jams, it would be quite useful to purchase a moped, scooter, or bicycle for greater mobility. This will set the company apart from its competitors.

The most important thing is to remember that the responsible execution of instructions will allow for the most short time significantly expand your business, as evidenced by a good example:

Video about what delivery services are:

Opening of EMS fitness studio

EMS fitness studios have appeared relatively recently. Previously, most fitness clubs used old heavy and uncomfortable wired EMS (ems) simulators, which hindered movement during training and caused inconvenience.

In the summer of 2016, wireless EMS trainers for training and fitness appeared in Russia for the first time - such as the wireless EMS i-Motion suit. Over the past six months, more than 150 fitness studios have opened in Moscow alone. Based on this, you can see a big trend in the growth of popularity of this type of business.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle, worry about the beauty and health of their bodies, now pay attention primarily to EMS training. Exercising with EMS equipment is much more convenient and effective than regular exercises. The principle of EMS training is that you train in a special i-Motion suit for only 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 4 hours of intensive training in the gym.

Do you have fitness studios in EMS city? Most likely not yet, so hurry up to open yours and be one of the first. Choosing the right EMC equipment is very important in this business. Pay attention to the Spanish EMS equipment, namely the i-Motion wireless EMS suit - http://emskostum.ru/. This is an example of quality EMC equipment for such training. The i-Motion EMS simulator is certified in Russia, and a medical license is not required to work with it. The official representative of the manufacturer in Russia offers a complete service maintenance, free education you or your staff, assistance in starting a business.

As for the approximate income from such a direction of fitness studios, it is quite easy to calculate it. The cost of one 20-minute EMS workout varies from 500 rubles. up to 3500 rub. (depending on the city, the prices are different). Up to 25 EMC workouts can be done per day, as underwear sets are provided for each client, as well as the suit has an antibacterial coating and does not require a long time to maintain it between workouts different people. Accordingly, the potential income is up to 75,000 rubles per day from one suit. It is also possible to conduct group trainings for 10 clients at once. Thus, the potential for earning is increased by 10 times!

The sphere of children's hairdressing services in the country is now in the development stage. Nevertheless, its popularity is growing every year, and in the future of 2017 it promises to become one of the most promising areas for small businesses. Those readers who have ever been to an ordinary hairdresser with a child will immediately understand that this project is simply doomed to success.

Business on the Internet in 2017, just like last year, like a magnet attracts those who want to start their own business. The secret of such attractiveness is simple: firstly, an Internet businessman is his own boss, and secondly, despite the need for special knowledge for decent earnings on the Internet, “poke buttons” on the keyboard is not for you at the machine for 12 hours a day stand!

However, to each his own. And no one bothers the same “hard worker” at the machine to learn how to “poke buttons” wisely, master Photoshop, start creating websites, or something else like that. Although in this moment The most profitable income on the World Wide Web is the creation and sale of training courses.

Each of us is, if not a pro, and not even a specialist, then at least a good command of any business. Cross-stitch, plant indoor flowers, play the guitar or trombone masterfully, stand on your hands, read a book upside down, whatever!

To the person himself, his skill may seem insignificant, but in fact, it is quite possible that thousands of people want to master the same skill. Most importantly, they are willing to pay money for it. The point is small - choose the format for presenting the necessary information, create a video course, and start selling it.

Home repair services

This business idea requires special knowledge and skills. However, having learned how much mobile application developers earn (up to 200 thousand rubles a month, and this is not the limit!), You can spend a year or two studying in parallel with your main job.

If you think that this is impossible, think about the fact that you are just too lazy to build your own in 2-3 years. own business, to acquire some knowledge, but it’s not at all a burden to go for 30-40 years to a hateful job! Liked? Then you are here! In the link you will find Full description mobile app development business ideas.

It's no secret that the economic crisis first of all "hit" ordinary people. This shows not only a general decline in the standard of living, but also the increased popularity of pawnshops.

Everyone knows what a pawnshop is. Technically, implementing such a business idea is no more difficult than, say, opening a car service or tire fitting. The only significant obstacle that may arise is the moral and ethical side of the issue, which everyone determines independently.

Gastronomic brand of the locality

Everyone knows what Tula gingerbread is, Vologda butter, Leningrad ice cream, Smolensk groats, Kyiv cutlet, Shchebekin pasta. There are a lot of similar "goodies", the names of which are "tied" to some locality.

However, we think that the essence of the idea has already become clear. Any settlement in Russia, be it a large city or a small village, is famous for its culinary product. And if not, then no problem. Such a dish can be invented. The most difficult thing remains - to "promote" it in the country's food market. How to do this - read in one of our next publications, which we will definitely devote to this original business idea.

Popular business ideas 2017 in a private house have a very wide range of different areas. But the most popular, as always, are those that require the most minimal investment. Such ideas include the sale of homemade products - pickles, jams, marinades, etc.

Selling homemade products as an excellent help to retirement is suitable for pensioners who have enough free time to care for the garden. The demand for such products is quite stable. Well, if the taste of the product “does not let us down”, then we can assume that regular customers are provided!

Fixed price shop

Cheap is not always bad. This truth has been successfully confirmed for many years by the Fix Price chain stores, the less well-known Zaodno, Clothes 3000, and some others. Despite the fact that the shelves of these stores (why pervert!) are crammed with frank Chinese consumer goods of the Low quality, these outlets are always full of visitors, and the daily revenue in cities with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people "rolls over" for 50 thousand rubles.

The range of such stores is extremely wide - from food and clothing to automotive products and plumbing tools. Suppliers wholesalers from China. According to Fix Price employees, the average purchase price of goods sold in fixed-price stores in China is 3.7-4.3 rubles.

Taking into account logistics costs, customs duties, VAT, and some other expenses, the cost of this product in Russia rises to 5.9-6.6 rubles. On store shelves, a fixed price is set, for example, 50 rubles. Profitability is simply enormous!

The budget of the whole venture will not exceed the opening of an ordinary store with children's clothing, and the profit is many times greater. By the way, the top American business ideas 2017 and business ideas from Europe 2017 also contain this project.

The idea of ​​opening your own beauty salon was considered, probably, by every woman who wants to start a business. There is no doubt - the business is very profitable, and it pays off, with proper business management, in literally 10-12 months.

But the pace of life in modern society is becoming so great that many women simply do not have time to go somewhere to get a manicure, haircut, anti-aging procedures, etc. Judge for yourself: in the morning to work, in the evening - home, where you need to spend time with your family, relax, and ... that's it. And the next day - all over again.

A similar direction is a new word in the opening of gyms in Russia, while in Europe and America EMS-fitness is already quite widely developed. First, let's decipher what the abbreviation EMS means. From the English "electric mio stimulation" it literally translates as "electromyostimulation". The word "myo" here is borrowed from Greek- "muscles". That is, the impact of electrical impulses on human muscles, which stimulates them, creating the effect of a full workout.

First of all, EMS-fitness is aimed at those people who have little time to go to the gym. Unlike a 1.5-2 hour session in the gym, a special training suit allows you to work out your muscles in 20-25 minutes with exactly the same effect! Always busy business people will appreciate the EMS simulator.

The implementation of such a business idea is not cheap. Not only will you have to organize a fitness club in its usual sense for the layman (you never know who of the visitors wants to work out in the usual format), plus you also need to buy an EMS suit, the price of which starts (as of January 2017) from 230 thousand rubles. And such a suit in a fitness studio will obviously be needed not in a single copy. However, there is an option to rent such suits or pay for leasing.

The “passions” with the economic sanctions imposed against Russia are beginning to subside, the borders of all states are once again open to our compatriots, but the real drop in income is forcing us to turn our eyes from attractive foreign resorts deep into the Russian expanses.

Over the past 2 years, domestic tourism in the country has grown by as much as 35%! One can only imagine what a rise in profits the owners of hotels, mini-hostels, hotels, and other similar establishments received. The question of how to open a hostel - a budget mini-hotel, has become extremely relevant among entrepreneurs.

In terms of tourist attraction, you can choose almost any corner of our vast country - in almost every locality has its attractions various conditions for relaxing and just having a good time. At this link you can find the business plan of the hostel -


Every cloud has a silver lining - this proverb was very well confirmed by all the same economic sanctions against Russia, which raised the domestic agronomic market to a completely different level. Cattle breeding, pig breeding,

When asking yourself what kind of business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the conditions of the crisis in Russia, you must remember that own business is a popular field of activity that allows a person to reveal his aspirations and turn them into reality.

According to the latest estimates, in our country today more than 3 million citizens are entrepreneurs in various legal status- IP, Ltd. The demand for business is explained by economic features, difficulties in finding a job. Many businessmen have come to understand that they want to work independently, to realize themselves in a certain direction. Some opened a case in order not to be in subjection.

Business with minimal investment

In order to start profitably without investing large amounts of money, it is necessary to study the market, to identify in which of its areas the demand is always consistently high. Below we provide a list profitable ideas to open a business that do not require high costs on the initial stage.

Hairdresser at home

According to research, even in times of crisis, people want to look good, so opening a hairdresser or beauty salon will good decision. For those who can't afford big investment, you can provide the services of a hairdresser-stylist at home.

Sale of firewood

Another type of business without large investments is the sale of firewood. In general, even during a crisis, demand will be high, since today not every village has gas, and it is necessary to heat houses during the cold period. Here you do not need to purchase equipment, you just need to have a place to store firewood and a car for delivery. At the initial stage, you can use the old GAZelle. Additional costs - the purchase of a chainsaw.

Advice. Such a business should be opened where there is demand - in regions, small towns.

The demand for firewood is always stable, because it is impossible to heat a house with electricity due to the high cost. Not everyone can prepare firewood on their own, so there will always be customers. You can buy raw materials for the subsequent harvesting of firewood and sale at low prices in forestries or directly at wood processing enterprises, for which you will need to conclude an agreement with the management.

Fast food

Fast food is a niche that will be in demand even in times of crisis. If there are not enough funds to open a cafe or purchase vending machines, then you don’t need to forget about the dream. To implement the plan, you can use the idea of ​​​​opening a fast food stall. So one of the options is to sell root dogs (sausages in dough on a stick). Investments here will be small, and incomes will be consistently high.

Smoked meat production

The production of smoked meats can also become a successful business in times of crisis, as people want to eat quality and tasty food. Demand for products will always be high, since many will not stop celebrating the holidays anyway. industrial production based on the use of "liquid smoke", this reduces the cost, but deprives the products of a unique aroma. Using a smoker will make the meat or fish smoke, no flavor enhancers are needed, therefore, the finished product will be High Quality. This guarantees constant demand, as most people cannot afford to buy delicacies, especially in times of crisis. Investments in this type of business will be minimal.

Advice. Before you open a business related to smoking, you must complete all the documents and permits that allow you to work with food.

Bread production

Another type of business that will not cease to be relevant even in times of crisis is the production of bread and pastries. Investments here can be different - a lot depends on the aspirations and capabilities of the entrepreneur. For those who cannot afford a large start-up capital, you can implement the idea using the usual one. Over time, the income received from sales will allow you to open your own bakery. Baking bread is one of the most relevant business ideas that allows you to get a stable profit in a crisis. At the initial stage, you can bake:

  • bread;
  • buns;
  • cakes.

For the convenience of work, you should organize production at home, taking orders via phone or the Internet.

Thermal printing on fabric

People in crisis need rest and entertainment. That is why the actual type of business will be the production of knitwear with various images created to order - thermal printing on fabric. Here the main attention should be paid to the development of marketing moves. Need to invest in advertising company, create groups in social networks if funds are limited. Directly for thermal printing on fabric you will need:

  • thermal film;
  • Printer;
  • thermal paper.

Income will be stable as this service is popular.

Business in a small town: which option to choose

Those people who live in small towns or villages also dream of opening their own business. Before asking yourself what kind of business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the context of the crisis in Russia, you need to take into account the peculiarity of the area in which you plan to open your business.

The specificity of small towns is a quiet, measured, provincial life, therefore, a business should be opened in such a way that it does not violate the usual way, but is interesting local residents. For the businessman himself, this is a great opportunity to radically change his life, bring colors and variety to it.

AT major cities there are many opportunities for implementing business ideas and projects - advertising works quickly, there are many sources of inspiration. For a small town, opening a boutique or a nightclub will not be relevant, and in a crisis it will be unprofitable. That's why The best way obtaining a guaranteed profit - a business on various services.

Photo studio

Opening a photography studio would be a great option. People want beautiful and important events in their lives were captured by professionals, so the services of a photographer will be in demand and relevant even in conditions of economy Money. In addition, the photo studio can be engaged in the production of photographs for documents. Increase profits and get stable income You can by providing the service of location shooting, for example, at weddings or birthdays. In small towns, such services are in demand and are expensive enough to quickly recoup all investments.

Computer and household appliance repair services

As successful business perform repairs household appliances or computers. In megacities, workshops are located in different areas, so finding a specialist is not difficult. Small towns are most often in short supply of such services, so the repair business will be profitable and in demand among residents. In a crisis, it will be much more profitable to repair a thing than to buy a new one, the influx of customers will be high, and with it business income.

Private kindergarten

Today, in the current economic situation, it is necessary to take into account the needs of people before starting a business. The problem is acute in small towns preschool institutions. There are few kindergartens, the queue in them, as a rule, is very long, so there may not be enough places in them. Therefore, the discovery of a private kindergarten will be a great alternative to waiting or looking for a nanny. The amount of start-up capital here is quite large, which must be taken into account in advance, but the payback of all investments will come quickly. The demand for such a service will be stable, provided that the payment for the presence of the child in the garden is acceptable.

Development center for children

For small towns, the issues of circles for children remain relevant. Music and art schools may not be in the city at all, so the business can be directed to the opening of a dance school. Many parents are interested in the fact that children further develop, gaining new knowledge and skills. That is why the demand for such a service will be consistently high.

Choosing the direction of work, a businessman must take into account the possibility of independent teaching. As for the starting capital, it all depends on how many students are planned in the group. To get started, you can develop a business by arranging individual sessions. You should also not neglect fashion trends and trends, you need to teach relevant trends that are of great interest. You should also develop a good advertising campaign, as in any other type of business, in order to recruit the required number of students in the group.

Satellite television

The installation of satellite dishes will also become profitable business in a small town, as the TV signal reception is not always good, and the Internet speed does not allow you to watch videos online. Using a conventional antenna, it is impossible to connect to modern channels, so the demand for installing satellite television will be high. In order to open such a business you will need:

  1. automobile;
  2. tool;
  3. device for tuning antennas;
  4. satellite map.

It is necessary to have a ladder for working at height.

Thus, business in the conditions of the 2016-2017 crisis in Russia pleases with a variety of ideas and implementation opportunities, both in large and small cities.

Business ideas with minimal investment - video

Before you start talking about what kind of business to open now, I recommend reading about unsuccessful attempts to start your own business, earlier on blotter ru we discussed this with the people.

So, what business is relevant now? To understand this, you need to understand what happens in a crisis, and not only in a crisis - but the following happens - the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Therefore, business directions are promising - either for the very poor or for the very rich. The middle class suffers the most at all times.

We open a profitable business for the rich


It is very important for Moscow and other large cities of Russia. Self-service car washes are especially in demand.

Banqueting hall

Crisis or not, there will always be holidays, weddings, birthdays. We rent a hall, make repairs, decorate everything, find a photographer, toastmaster among friends, advertise in the media and the Internet. Ready.

Apartments for rent

A fairly risk-free and stable type of business, but requires large funds at the start. Actual for large cities and resort areas. We buy property and rent it out.

Network Marketing and Franchise

Well, let's take McDonald's as an example, there are always queues! The franchise costs about 1 million dollars, the payback is 2-3 years.

Domestic tourism

Due to the growth of the dollar, many people have refused to travel abroad. For foreigners, our country has become more attractive in terms of tourism. Demand for domestic tourist routes has grown.


This is especially true for children's clothing. Go to a children's online store and see what prices are there, many things are more expensive than for an adult. Demand in this area is high.

Actual business for the poor with minimal investment


At all times, the activity of pawnshops flourished. It's always been considered enough profitable business with minimal investment.

Funeral services

People always die and never save on funerals. The only problem in this type of business is that all the grain places in the cemeteries are already occupied and it will be quite difficult to enter there. But a funeral is not only a cemetery, it is also transport, coffins, wreaths, etc. this is where you can earn money.

Food trade

People always want to eat and it doesn’t matter if there is a crisis in the yard or not. Therefore, you can earn money on the sale of food: homemade, greenhouse, pickled vegetables, pies, jam, etc. all this can be done at home.

Fast food

Shawarma, samsa, barbecue - a small stall in a bread place and there will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcustomers, the income is good, especially if you do not hire a seller, but stand behind the counter yourself.

Commission shop

Or, more simply, second-hand, especially for children's and branded items. Demand in this type of business is good and, most importantly, stable.

Rental Services

This type of business is relevant in both small and large cities. What can be rented out, but almost everything, for example:

  • Carnival costumes
  • Baby baths and car seats
  • strollers
  • Bicycles and more

Earnings on the Internet

Without having any skills, you can earn money on the Internet. Did everyone in school write essays? We find a content writing exchange and offer our services. For one article you can get from 100 to 3000 rubles.

traffic jam business

This business is especially relevant for large Russian cities, for example, for Moscow. I often travel around the Moscow Ring Road and get stuck in traffic jams, and recently I saw small vans that stand in traffic jams and sell coffee, sandwiches and other food, and now they have quite large queues of customers.


Well, everything is clear! The main problem is the cost of renting the premises.

Business on avito.ru

This is a very interesting kind of business. Simply put, buy low and sell high. There are categories of goods with very high demand among the population, for example, iPhones or winter tires before winter. People want to sell quickly and are ready to lower the price a bit, this is where you can make money.

Home kindergarten

This type of business can be organized right at home. Clients can be found in your area among friends.

home kitchen

Very good profit from baking cakes. Dumplings are also in high demand, etc. The main thing is to find a stable buyer for your product.

Car repair

We rent a garage in some large parking lot and there is already a minimum flow of customers.


If you have certain knowledge in some area, then you can sell it. Becoming a tutor is a fairly good demand in this line of business.

How to calculate profitable promising business directions

  1. We look at what is around us, what kind of business is running. A simple example: I live in Moscow and regularly observe huge queues at car washes, and not at all, but at self-service car washes (this is where you wash your car yourself), and there are always queues. Conclusion: the demand for these sinks is not small.
  2. We watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, look at advertising posters on the street. The area of ​​business that is actively advertised is profitable, if there is money for active advertising, then the business is profitable, there is demand, there is money.
  3. We open a large job search site and monitor for about a week where the most vacancies appear and see what the companies that posted vacancies are doing. If the company has many new vacancies, then in this area of ​​business MONEY there is demand for goods and services.

If you have your own thoughts, ideas about what type of business it is important to do now, write in the comments, it will be interesting for me and site visitors to read the site.

Failed business ideas
The stories of the most failed business projects in the first place.

Owning a business is a direct road to financial freedom. Nowadays, any purposeful person can do entrepreneurial activity and achieve great success. The most important thing is to find new ideas for business in 2019, the newest ideas that will work in modern conditions.

Business with China

Chinese products are confidently conquering the domestic market, so if you are looking for new business niches in 2019, try reselling goods from China. This is a fairly promising area of ​​​​activity, which guarantees novice entrepreneurs a decent stable income.

Has many advantages:

  • Quick profit;
  • High markup;
  • Wide range of;
  • Good quality;
  • Low prices;
  • Well-established delivery;
  • Development prospects.


  • Huge competition;
  • The risk of purchasing low-quality goods;
  • Long delivery times;
  • Customs duties when ordering a large consignment of goods.

If you are interested in new business ideas 2019 with minimal investment, you can work according to the dropshipping scheme. But in this case, you need to create your own website where you can post photos of the product from its detailed description. Beginners buy products in small wholesale lots for 10-20 thousand rubles. Due to good margins, you can get a good profit and spend it on larger purchases. If you order a large quantity of goods, Chinese sellers can make good discount, so don't linger too long on dropshipping.

The resale of goods from China can hardly be called a new business in Russia in 2019. Many entrepreneurs have long been supplying our country with large quantities of Chinese products and earn decent money on it, so you can safely move in this direction.

Dry wash

Another new business idea 2019 from Europe is a dry car wash. This service is beneficial not only for entrepreneurs, but also for consumers. Its main advantage is environmental friendliness, safety and, of course, mobility. A person can wash his car anywhere - in the courtyard of the house, near the office or in the parking lot of the entertainment complex.

- This is a fairly profitable occupation, which has its advantages:

  • Low entry threshold;
  • No need to rent a room or purchase special equipment;
  • There is no need to issue permits;
  • None additional costs to pay bills for water and electricity;
  • Mobility;
  • Development prospects;
  • Service speed;
  • Environmental friendliness.

But this new 2019 small business idea comes with its downsides:

  • Dry washing cannot be performed in the cold season, because according to the technology, special cleaning agents can only be used at positive temperatures. In winter, in twenty-degree frost, hardly anyone wants to work with a rag and spray. In principle, such a thing can be done in the garage, but then there can be no question of any mobility;
  • The fenders and the bottom of the car are poorly washed out, which means that you will not be able to wash a too polluted car with high quality;
  • The high cost of quality detergents.

It is most advantageous to open a dry wash in a parking lot near a shopping or entertainment center. Here you can serve about 20 clients a day. The cost of washing is about 250 rubles. This means that for one shift you can get 5 thousand rubles in revenue. At the same time, the cost of one sink is only 20 rubles. This new 2019 business idea can be implemented almost from scratch. The cost of one bottle of detergent is approximately 500 rubles. In addition, you need to purchase several microfiber towels. You will spend another 300 rubles on this. In total, you will need only 800 rubles to start.

Decorative chrome parts

They amaze with their diversity. One of them would like to give Special attention. We are talking about decorative chrome parts. This is the application of a special coating to the surface of various objects. You can offer your services for decorating motorcycles, bicycles, auto parts and more. The technology for applying such a coating is quite simple, so anyone who does not have special skills can easily master it. The only problem that may arise in the course of work is the search for a supplier of high-quality reagents.

Doesn't require large financial investments. If you have your own premises, for example, a garage, you will need 100 thousand rubles to start. This money is needed to buy special equipment and reagents. You can reach full payback in just 2 months.


  • High level of profitability - 85-90%;
  • Stable profit;
  • Small starting capital;
  • Free education at the expense of the state and the possibility of receiving a gratuitous subsidy;
  • exclusivity;
  • Demand.

Most often, chrome plating services are ordered by motorists, so this new business the idea of ​​2019 is best implemented on the basis of a car service or workshop. Some car owners even chrome the body of their car, after which it turns into a real masterpiece.

Car resale

In order to open your own business, it is not necessary to take the newest business ideas of 2019. You can follow the path that other entrepreneurs have already taken many times, for example, to resell cars. This business can be safely called a home business, because you don’t need to rent an office or arrange individual entrepreneur. All you need to work is a computer with internet access and mobile phone. From each car sold, you can make a profit of 10-20% of its total cost.

It is most profitable to deliver cars from abroad, but there are serious risks here. The biggest problem is the buyer's trust, as he must make a 100% prepayment. But over time, you will be able to solve it. The more successful transactions a businessman makes, the more willingly they will trust him.

In order to purchase a used car of domestic production, you will need about 50 thousand rubles. You will spend another 15 thousand rubles on its pre-sale preparation. Such a car can be sold for 80-85 thousand rubles and earn 15-20 thousand rubles on it. The more expensive the car, the more income you will receive. In general, a novice entrepreneur must have a starting capital of at least 500 thousand rubles. But it is better that it be 1-2 million rubles. In this case, you can minimize all possible risks. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time profitable occupation. Experts recommend paying special attention to it.


Handmade products are always much more expensive than mass-produced products. But, unfortunately, not all talented people who know how to do something with their own hands, know what such a hobby can be for them constant source income.

If you are looking for business ideas in 2019, you can implement the newest ideas from scratch with your own hands, with little to no initial investment. This is the main advantage of this line of business. Author's performance and creativity will allow you to attract a huge number of customers to your creations. allows you to start with minimal investment. You can start with 10-20 thousand rubles and in a few years develop your business into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Restoration of old furniture

This area of ​​activity cannot be attributed to the newest ideas of 2019, since many entrepreneurs are engaged in this business in our country. The main advantage of such a business is the minimum initial investment. But at the same time, you should not count on too much profit. As a rule, such an idea is used as the basis for the development of a larger project. In addition to furniture repair, you can offer customers upholstery of sofas and armchairs, as well as replacement of worn-out fittings. brings a more substantial income, but in order to engage in such a business, you need to have special skills.

The main disadvantage of this line of business is high level competition. To attract customers, offer them upholstery materials in different price categories and make good discounts at first.

You will spend about 10 thousand rubles on the purchase of a tool. Fabrics and accessories will cost another 50 thousand rubles. Full payback occurs in about six months. The profitability of the business reaches 30%.

Production of inflatable trampolines

In the list of business ideas 2019, the newest ideas stand out for their originality and simplicity. Especially when it comes to the production of inflatable trampolines. In order to open such a case, you will need special equipment. It will cost you about 300 thousand rubles. The cost of raw materials largely depends on its quality. Materials for the production of trampolines are best purchased in bulk from foreign manufacturers through their official dealers. In general, with the cost of rent and staff salaries, you can meet 1 million rubles.