Buy a geyser machine which is better reviews. Reviews of specialists and buyers about geysers. best tankless gas water heater

Hot water is supplied centrally to apartments in new buildings, but residents of private houses and Khrushchevs are still forced to choose good gas water heaters. Modern devices are more modernized and do not require ignition with matches - and yet each device has individual nuances that are worth paying attention to.

The price is 5500 rubles.

In the ranking of budget gas water heaters, an inexpensive model from a Chinese manufacturer is in the lead. The tandem of quality, safety and ease of use is the main secret of the popularity of the device. The Superlux Dgi 10l does an excellent job with the heating function, but only manual control is provided. Thanks to the "winter / summer" mode, you can save on gas consumption in the warm season.

  • Throughput 10 l/min.
  • Reliable system of protection against an overheat, gas control.
  • Inlet pressure 0.25-10 atm.
  • Easy mounting method.
  • Electric ignition.
  • The need for manual configuration.
  • It is designed for the operation of one mixer - when the second one is connected, the water temperature decreases.

The price is 6900 rubles.

A popular model from an Italian manufacturer has proven itself well. Thanks to the classic design, the model will harmoniously fit into any interior, and the economical consumption of water and gas will be a nice bonus. An effective multi-stage security system reliably protects against force majeure, so the Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte leads the list in terms of price-quality ratio.

  • Burner material - stainless steel.
  • Existence of regulators of temperature of heating and productivity (from 5 to 10 l/min).
  • The current temperature is displayed on a convenient LED display.
  • Electronic type of ignition.
  • Low water pressure does not affect the operation - the device operates at rates from 0.15 bar.
  • The heatsink fins are made of thin metal that make little noise.
  • Batteries need to be replaced periodically.

The price is 13500 rubles.

Despite the impressive size, the model received the maximum number of positive reviews from the owners. Work is provided with the simultaneous inclusion of two points of water intake - this will not affect the level of heating and pressure. Easy inclusion of the device is due to the piezoelectric element, with the help of which ignition is performed. Bosch WR 10-2P is equipped with a gas sensor and an operation indicator - in case of a leak, the unit will automatically turn off.

  • No overheating during operation.
  • In terms of safety, it is considered the best geyser in its price category.
  • The maximum level of water heating is +60 ̊С, which not every expensive model can boast of.
  • The inlet pressure parameters vary from 0.10 to 12 atm.
  • After several years of operation, the wick begins to go out, but the problem is solved by simply cleaning the column.
  • The piezoelectric element does not always work.

The price is 38000 rubles.

The legendary Italian brand took care of ending the dispute on the topic: what is better - a storage electric heater or a gas water heater. The premium device includes both features thanks to the 195L reservoir. The device is fully adapted to the Russian market, so it is possible to use liquefied fuel.

The thermal insulation of the tank allows you to keep the temperature of the heated water, so that it can be supplied even in the absence of electricity.

  • A temperature sensor as well as thermocouple and smoke extraction sensors ensure maximum safety.
  • Heating and power indicators.
  • Quiet work.
  • Large dimensions are not quite acceptable for an apartment.

The price is 20500 rubles.

One of the most reliable and high-quality geysers, designed to work with two water intakes. Thermal power of 22.6 kW, good performance (13 l / min) and European assembly are the main advantages of the model. There is not a single Chinese part in the design, so the Czech manufacturer gives the maximum warranty period.

  • To remove combustion products into the chimney, you will need a small gas neck.
  • Heating level limitation.
  • Automatic maintenance of temperature.
  • Gas control and overheating protection.
  • Prevention of scale formation.
  • Mechanical control.

The price is 19700 rubles.

In the TOP-10 popular geysers, a Korean-made device is firmly entrenched. The compact size allows you to place the Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307 in a small kitchen or bathroom in old five-story buildings. The burner ignition system is fully automated, and the required parameters are set by smooth-running regulators.

The display shows not only the temperature, but also the symbols of the errors that occur.

  • The complex protective system includes several sensors: lack of traction and overheating, a hydraulic element and a temperature sensor.
  • Electric ignition.
  • Copper heat exchanger.
  • Heats water quickly and well.
  • Batteries need to be replaced, so stock up on them in advance.
  • Operation from bottled fuel is not provided.

The price is 16300 rubles.

In comparison with similar models of competitors, the device clearly stands out for its high level of security and excellent technical parameters at an affordable price. Water heating occurs even at low pressure - a minimum value of 0.10 bar. The laconic design will fit into any interior - on the front panel there is only a rotary knob and a viewing window to control the intensity of the flame.

  • Power 17.4 kW.
  • Possibility of water heating up to 11 l/min.
  • Piezo ignition.
  • Ease of operation.
  • Soft supply of hot water without overheating at the initial stage of work.
  • Very noisy.
  • Expensive parts.

The price is 28000 rubles.

When choosing which geyser is better, experts advise studying reviews and the degree of safety of the model. The device has the best performance, because when the permissible gas pressure is exceeded, the safety valve is activated automatically. Among the advantages noted the possibility of installation on the wall and floor, as well as operation from liquefied fuel.

  • Simultaneous application at two points of water intake.
  • Anti-corrosion treatment of the storage tank.
  • The upper heating limit is +70 ̊С.
  • Stainless steel heat exchanger.
  • Not too voluminous tank - only 100 liters.

The price is 7600 rubles.

The model allows you to connect several points of pressure without loss of power and efficiency. Due to its small size, installation in a small kitchen or bathroom is possible. The package includes filters that increase the life of the device. The required volume of water is heated in a very short period of time, and the inclusion occurs with the help of electric ignition.

  • Copper radiator.
  • Smooth adjustment of the main settings.
  • The display shows temperature information.
  • Existence of the indicator of inclusion and heating, gas control.
  • Mechanical control.
  • Noisy at work.

The price is 6800 rubles.

The compact flat-panel speaker is a more modernized version of its predecessor. Despite the fact that the performance has remained at the usual level (up to 10 l / min), the modulation of the burner flame allows you to maintain a given level of heating with a changing pressure. On the panel of the device regulators of temperature and volume of arriving water are established.

The domestic manufacturer took care of the safety of consumers - the model has a gas control system, as well as draft and flame sensors.

  • democratic value.
  • Availability of inexpensive spare parts in free sale.
  • Ease of operation.
  • Copper heat exchanger.
  • Auto ignition at low pressure.
  • The manufacturer did not fully think through the design - after installation, wires stick out from below, which have nowhere to go.

Which gas column is better to buy

An overview of popular devices helps to create an overall picture of the main parameters and characteristics, but when choosing, you must take into account your own requirements:

  1. Gas pressure in the system. The indicators in our country are lower than in European ones (13 versus 20), so when buying it is important to ask about the gas pressure scale and the presence of a gas reducer. It allows you to maintain the setpoint at a constant level.
  2. Power. The parameter is presented on the market in three ranges: 17-19, 22-24 and 28-31 kW. The lowest power is enough to provide hot water to one point - the kitchen or bathroom.
  3. Burner type. Models with modulating and constant power are available. The first option is more convenient, since the column automatically adjusts to the specified parameters and does not require manual adjustment.
  4. Ignition type. Semi-automatic and automatic start of the device affects not only the final cost of the device, but also the gas consumption.

An important criterion is safety during operation - which geyser has the best equipment and the number of necessary sensors, you should stop the choice on that one:

  • the water pressure sensor will not allow the device to turn on if the pressure in the water pipes is not enough;
  • the traction sensor blocks the work, preventing the accumulation of carbon monoxide;
  • the overheating sensor serves as an excellent prevention of scale formation and protects the heat exchanger from damage;
  • the ionization sensor instantly cuts off the gas supply if the wick is accidentally extinguished, which prevents leakage and a possible explosion.

A gas water heater is a technique used to heat water in private houses and apartments. To do this, it uses natural gas, therefore it is the cheapest (in terms of operation), which means it is a popular device in this category of household appliances. When buying such devices, buyers are often interested in which gas water heater is better. To answer this question, you need to know the possible choices and their features, and then be determined in the priority parameters for yourself.

Varieties of gas water heaters

Some buyers often confuse gas water heaters with boilers for heating. These are different things. The former are used for heating water for washing dishes or bathing, and the second - for the purpose of heating housing.

The principle of operation of the geyser is simple - the incoming gas burns out and releases heat, which is sent to the heat exchanger, heating it. This node is usually made of copper or other materials with high thermal conductivity. And a coil made of the same material is twisted around it in order to heat up from the temperature of the heat exchanger. Cold water enters the coil and, passing through it, gradually heats up, and then goes to the tap, being already hot at the outlet. As for the resulting combustion products, they enter the chimney and leave the room.

Modern geysers are divided into types according to the following features:

  • at the place of production - abroad or in Russia;
  • by type of ignition: manual, automatic or semi-automatic;
  • by power: low, medium and high;
  • by type of control: mechanical or with flame modulation;
  • by type of combustion chamber: open or closed;
  • performance: hot water heating from 5 to 25 liters per minute;
  • by the number of water intake points: one or two.

Thus, there are many flow-through household speakers, so you should carefully choose a reliable and high-quality device for your home, taking into account a number of selection criteria.

Column Selection Criteria

Before buying a column for a private house or for Khrushchev, you need to decide how the equipment will be used. To do this, it is worth considering how many points you need to supply water, what power is needed, the type of ignition and other factors.


Geysers distinguish low, medium and high power. In the first case, devices (from 9 to 20 kW) are designed to heat water for only one point. Columns of the second type (from 20 to 24 kW) make it possible to use two points at once, but for one of them the water pressure will be much weaker. Whereas equipment with high power (over 25 kW) is able to supply hot water with the same intensity to 2 points, or to 3, but with different pressure.

Advice! For a one-room apartment with one or two tenants, a low-power device is sufficient. For a family of 3, it is better to choose a medium power device. If there are several cohabitants (from 4) or more than one bathroom in the house, then it is worth paying attention to equipment with high power.


By type of ignition, geysers are manual, semi-automatic (with piezo ignition) or automatic. The former are considered obsolete and are practically not produced today. To ignite them, you need to light the igniter with a match, and then turn the knob to supply gas and ignite the burner. In semi-automatic columns, to ignite the gas supplied to the igniter, you need to press the button to generate a spark, and then open its supply to the burner.

Advice! During the day, the igniter of the semi-automatic column can not be extinguished, which means that to heat the water it will only be necessary to open the gas supply to the burner.

The automatic igniters use batteries and the burner is ignited by turning the hot water faucet handle. Manual and semi-automatic speakers are cheaper, but they need to be hung in a way that allows easy access to the device. In addition, devices with piezo ignition constantly consume gas in a small amount. Automatic gas water heaters work completely independently, they do not require access, and there is no need for a constant burning igniter.

When choosing a geyser, attention should be paid to such an important characteristic as setting the water temperature, which depends on the intensity of the flame burning and allows you to set and maintain the selected temperature regime. There are three types of adjustment in total:

  • step, in which three modes are available: low, medium and high temperature;
  • smooth, in this case, the regulator gradually switches the settings from the minimum value to the maximum;
  • automatic, in which the device independently determines the temperature thanks to electronic sensors.

Water pressure

In addition to external adjustment, the final temperature is also influenced by the water pressure. If it rises or falls, the temperature will change. In cases where the burner power does not change, it will be necessary to manually set the degree of water heating, and this causes certain inconveniences.

Advice! When choosing, it is better to stop at a column in which the burner has a modulating power. It independently adjusts to the changing pressure and maintains the set water temperature.

Depending on the exhaust system and the method of output of combustion products, water heaters are turbocharged or with exit to the chimney. The first ones remove smoke and burnt particles outside through a hole in the wall, and the second ones - into a common chimney. According to this criterion, everyone determines for himself the preferred method of output, based on the planned location of the column.


In addition to the criteria listed above, it is worth paying attention to the presence of security sensors. These include:

  • combustion and ionization sensors - if the flame goes out, they shut off the gas supply;
  • draft sensor - detects its presence, and if there is no draft, or carbon monoxide goes back into the room, then the gas flow is blocked;
  • hydraulic valve - turns off overheated equipment;
  • flow sensor - when the tap is opened, it turns on the column, and when it is closed, it performs the opposite action;
  • safety valve - is responsible for protecting pipes from ruptures when water pressure rises;
  • pressure reduction sensor - in the absence of water or low pressure, this element blocks the start of the column;
  • gas supply sensor - stops the operation of the water heater if there is no gas.

Important! When choosing a geyser, you need to make sure that all of the listed sensors are installed in it, otherwise its use is very dangerous for humans.

Quality Rating

When buying a geyser for a house or apartment, you should study the reviews of specialists, which, among other things, can be in the form of videos with reviews of models. You can find such information on specialized forums. According to the reliability and quality rating in 2017 and 2018, the best equipment is the production of Neva, Electrolux, Mora, Zanussi, Vaillant, Bosch, Ariston, which can be purchased in Leroy or in any specialized stores.

Geyser NEVA 4510-M

So, the best columns according to several criteria for three price categories (budget, medium and premium) will be shown in the table below. The models were reviewed based on the opinions of several experts.

Segment Model Description
The best speaker manufacturers
budget This sample heats up to 10 liters of water per minute, has auto-ignition, an aluminum heat exchanger and independent flame adjustment depending on the water pressure. The model is considered one of the smallest speakers. It is characterized by simple structure, easy repair and maintenance. Among the minuses is a short-lived heat exchanger.
Average Electrolux GWH11 Pro Inverter This water heater has the ability to work on several water intake points. The ignition is automatic. There is flame modulation, a self-diagnostic system, outlet temperature maintenance. Installed protection against overheating and switching on without water. Copper heat exchanger. The disadvantages include a long inclusion.
Premium Vaillant MAG OE 11-0/0XZ C+ The sample is included in the TOP-10 best premium models. The column works at once on several points of water intake, is equipped with a piezo ignition, a thrust sensor, power control and a display for settings. The water heats up after a couple of moments, at the outlet after opening the tap, warm water first flows, and not immediately hot, as is the case on inexpensive models. For careful consumption of gas, the model is equipped with an economical mode. The disadvantage is a lot of noise during operation.
The best flow columns for one water intake
budget Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307 The sample stands out for its small dimensions, light weight, automatic ignition, smooth adjustment of power and water heating, the presence of an LED screen and a number of protective sensors. The disadvantages include battery operation, as well as the inability to use the device with bottled gas.
Average Baxi SIG-2 11i This flow column with a power of 19 kW is equipped with auto-ignition, flame modulation, a protective filter at the inlet, heating temperature limitation, and gas extinction protection. No deficiencies have been identified.
Premium Electrolux GWH285ERN NanoPro This sample with a power of 19.2 kW heats up to 11 liters of water every minute. The device is equipped with smooth temperature control and self-diagnosis system, automatic electric ignition and a number of protective sensors. Works very quietly. Disadvantages - expensive components.
The best columns for two water intakes
budget Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW The power of this column is 20 kW, it is very quiet, equipped with electric ignition. Copper heat exchanger. There is a coarse water filter and a gas control function. The set temperature is shown on the display, the indicator lights up when turned on. Of the shortcomings, it is difficult to replace the input filter.
Average Ariston Gi7S 11L FFL This is a high performance water heater powered by liquefied gas. It is able to supply water with the same temperature to two points of intake. Copper heat exchanger. Electronic sensors allow you to accurately control the operation of the device. Of the shortcomings, a high level of noise is noted.
Premium Mora Vega 10 This sample is one of the leaders in sales in the premium price segment. The column is capable of providing water to up to three water intake points at the same time. Its power is 17 kW, and the water heating rate is up to 10 liters per minute. The model is small, easy to repair, has thrust and gas sensors, works with both natural and liquefied gas. However, during operation, plastic parts break and require replacement.
The best speakers for a private house and cottage
budget Bosch W10KB This model with a copper heat exchanger has the ability to work on liquefied gas, but an additional kit is required. It is equipped with separate adjustment of power and water flow, automatic ignition and gas control system. Minus - loudly kindled.
Average BaltGaz Comfort 17 This is a novelty in the middle price segment. Performance (17 liters per minute) allows you to use the column for several points of water intake. The device automatically maintains the temperature at the outlet, has protection against overheating, operation without water, a gas presence sensor. Water temperature limitation is provided. The ignition is automatic, it is possible to work on liquefied gas. No deficiencies have been identified.
Premium Bosch WRD 15-2G This premium column with a power of 26.2 kW and a capacity of 15 liters per minute can run on liquefied gas. It is equipped with automatic ignition, a display with the output of the set temperature, an on indicator, and overheating protection. Minus - does not work well with low water pressure.
The best speakers vending machine
budget Ladoga VPG 10E This Russian water heater has automatic ignition, a copper heat exchanger, scale protection and economical gas consumption. The model is able to work at low water pressure and is equipped with many protective sensors. The disadvantages include the lack of a display.
Average Ariston Fast Evo11C The sample has automatic ignition and operates at low water pressure. Its power is 19 kW at a heating rate of 11 liters of water per minute. The device is equipped with an electronic display that shows the temperature and error codes, as well as overheating, draft and flame sensors. The disadvantage is that the display shows the set water temperature, and not the output readings.
Premium Bosch WRD 13-2G This sample is considered one of the most reliable in the premium segment. In stock - auto ignition, multifunctional display, power change to save gas, operation without batteries. Built-in - draft sensor, temperature limiter of the flowing water, valve for changing the volume of liquid at the inlet. The device allows you to change the temperature with an accuracy of up to a degree. Water heating - smooth. The column does not work well with low water pressure - this is its main drawback.
The best semi-automatic speakers
budget Baxi SIG-2 11p This column has a capacity of 10.9 liters and the ability to work on two types of gas. It is equipped with a piezo ignition, a display with the output of the set temperature, flame modulation, and a gas control system. Copper heat exchanger. Minus - the device is able to heat water only up to 60 ° C.
Average Bosch WR10-2P This powerful water heater can supply water with the same temperature to two points at the same time. The device is activated by a piezoelectric element, there is an operation indicator and a gas leak sensor. The heat exchanger is made of copper. The water heater is quite large, but at the same time lightweight, it does not overheat during operation. The disadvantage is the unstable operation of the piezo ignition.
Premium Mora Vega13 One of the best premium models with piezo ignition according to user reviews. It is assembled in Europe, has a copper heat exchanger, and is equipped with anti-scale technology in the tubes. The sample has sensors for flow, overheating and draft, fuses for the operation of the burners. Cons - high price.

So, in order to buy a high-quality geyser, you first need to decide on the necessary parameters: how many points the device should work, what power it should have, what additional functions are needed. The above rating of gas water heaters shows the best models that are popular with buyers in 2017-2018 and have received many positive reviews from experts. Among them, everyone will be able to choose a device that is suitable for the price and capabilities.

Electrolux GWH11 Pro Inverter on Yandex Market

Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307 on Yandex Market

Mora Vega 10 on Yandex Market

Bosch W10KB on Yandex Market

Ariston Fast Evo11C on Yandex Market

Bosch WR10-2P on Yandex Market

The choice of gas equipment must be approached from the point of view of safety and reliability. Buying a cheap water heater can be fatal for its owner. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for the maintenance of gas equipment. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to choose a geyser in order to purchase the perfect unit. The article we have proposed describes all the criteria that can affect the choice of gas wall-mounted equipment. We present popular models among consumers from proven manufacturers.

The general principle of operation and the device are characteristic of all models of gas-fired instantaneous water heaters. Propane enters the column through the nozzle. A valve is installed in the pipe that regulates the gas supply.

Water is brought to the adjacent branch pipe in the geyser. A control valve and a sensor are installed in the branch pipe. When the sensor is triggered, the gas enters the burner through the nozzle. The gas ignites in the burner.

In old Soviet models, the gas had to be ignited manually. In modern, three methods of igniting gas are used:

  1. from a piezoelectric element.
  2. From batteries.
  3. from a hydro generator.

Piezo ignition means pressing the button every time you use the gas column (if you use gas economically). This is inconvenient, but more reliable than using automatic ignition, where the gas is ignited by a spark that is supplied by candles.

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It is difficult to do without hot water in an apartment or house. If there is no central hot water supply, then the issue is resolved by installing an electric or gas type water heater. Electrical devices are not very economical and last much less, gas water heaters are much more widespread, they are more economical and more efficient to use. When choosing this equipment, pay attention to a number of important factors:

  • Product power: the ability of the column to produce the required volume of hot water - there are 10-11, 13-14 and 16-17 liters per minute;
  • The ability to adjust the flow of water and its temperature;
  • Manufacturer - the better the device, the longer it will work and heat the water faster.

In our top 10 rating dedicated to the choice of gas water heaters, we reviewed the most popular models that have a good price-quality ratio. It includes products that have received only positive feedback from consumers.

This water heater is quite large. You can use two points of water intake at the same time - this will not affect the efficiency and temperature of hot water at all. Ignition is carried out using a piezoelectric element, which ensures easy turning on of the device. Inside there is an indicator of operation and a gas contamination sensor. If it works, the column will automatically turn off.

The burner is made of high quality stainless steel. The heat exchanger is copper, has a long service life - about 15 years. The device does not overheat during operation. Connecting the Bosch WR 10-2P to the water supply is quite easy, and it doesn't weigh too much - it can be easily hung on the wall. The water heater is connected to the gas supply only by a specialist of the gas company. For its price range, this is one of the best water heaters.


  • Works reliably and stably;
  • With timely maintenance, there are no complaints;
  • Long service life;
  • Acceptable price.


  • The piezoelectric element does not always work;
  • A significant number of control sensors that are usually not needed or quickly fail during operation.

This automatic device, the heater is able to turn on and off by itself. The productivity is about 14 liters per minute, so it is one of the best for centralized water supply systems, which produces about 9-11 liters per minute. The temperature is regulated only once - in the future, the water heater will maintain it independently.

It is very simple to control the device - there is only one handle on the body, which is responsible for adjusting the temperature. The display of this heater is not provided, so the water must be adjusted according to the sensations. To the left of the rotary knob is a special indicator light. If it lights up, it means that it is necessary to replace the batteries in the piezoelectric element. When it flashes from one to five times in a row, you need to call the wizard. The water supply of the heater is lower, which makes it easier to connect the device. Near the water inlet, the device has another knob that adjusts the volume of water entering the heater. In fact, this is a standard faucet regulator.


  • Attractive appearance;
  • High build quality;
  • Ease of management.


  • The copper radiator is quite thin - in some models, leaks quickly occur;
  • Batteries in a piezo ignition are discharged quite quickly;
  • Clogged with scale in case the water is hard.

This is the only heater in this rating that has a manual ignition system. Its design provides for a handle that allows you to adjust the size of the flame, to the right of it there is another handle that is responsible for the amount of water supplied. Below them is a digital display, which displays the temperature of hot water. It turns on when the tap is opened.

A coarse filter is installed at the water inlet, which retains debris, which prolongs the life of the heater. The model is light in weight, due to which it can be easily hung on the wall. Do not connect to the gas line yourself. The heater works almost silently.


  • The copper heatsink is tin plated, which prolongs the service life;
  • High power level - about 19 kW;
  • Weight only 5 kg;
  • The presence of automatic protection against overheating;
  • Display showing water temperature and possible errors.


  • The automatic shutdown system works at low water pressure;
  • After a while, the work begins to make pops;
  • The need to turn it on manually;
  • The temperature has to be adjusted all the time.

This is a fairly compact design with a flat body of small size. The heat exchanger is made of copper, the ignition is set to automatic. It is a modernized model 4510. Productivity remained at the same level - 10 liters per minute. The modulation of the burner flame was added here depending on the pressure of the water. There is no need to constantly monitor the temperature and regulate it.

On the front side of the case there are two control knobs: one is responsible for the passage of incoming water, the second is designed to set the temperature. Between them there is a digital display that allows for more precise adjustment. In addition, the design provides for a significant number of sensors that ensure the reliability of operation and the safety of its use. They are responsible for the size of the flame, water temperature, draft, there is a gas control system that does not allow leaks.


  • Simplicity of design;
  • maintainability;
  • Low price of spare parts;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Ease of use.


  • Components periodically fail;
  • Short service life of the heat exchanger.

The maximum thermal power of this device is 17.3 kW, the effective throughput is 10 liters per minute. This is one of the best gas water heaters, it is additionally equipped with an electric ignition system, well suited for domestic water supply. The design has a small size, high performance. The column has a long service life, if necessary, it can be repaired. It contains a reverse draft valve that prevents combustion products from entering the room - this makes the column absolutely safe during operation.

An ionization electrode is also provided, which shuts off the gas supply if the flame suddenly goes out. The column can fully provide three points of analysis with water at once. Another advantage is the ability to work with natural or liquefied gas.


  • There is an electric ignition system;
  • Open type combustion chamber;
  • Wall-mounted column, gas and water are supplied from below;
  • There are a number of functions responsible for safe operation;
  • The design has two handles - one is responsible for the maximum temperature of heating water, the second regulates the size of the burner flame.


  • During the summer months, condensation forms on the cold water pipe;
  • If the column is idle for about 7 hours, then the heat exchanger heats up very much from the wick - because of this, boiling water comes out for several seconds after turning on the water;
  • Cracks appear on plastic parts during operation, this leads to the need to replace them.

5. Neva 4511

The model is a classic instantaneous water heater, which is produced by the well-known Russian company Baltgaz. The products are equipped with an automatic ignition system - just open the hot water tap. It works offline, so you don’t have to connect the device to the mains, the main thing is to change the batteries in a timely manner. On the front panel there is a viewing window and two adjusting handles. One is responsible for the water pressure, and the second allows you to select the desired temperature. The performance of the heater is 11 liters per minute, that is, this power will be quite enough to provide two points of water intake at once. For products, the heat exchanger is made of copper, the gas burner has 10 sections at once. The nozzles are made from brass.

Two temperature sensors are provided at once - working and emergency. The gas control system and the draft sensor installed on the combustion chamber are responsible for the safe operation of the product. If the chimney is clogged or the draft has decreased for another reason, then it will simply turn off the column. The products run on natural gas, but it can also be converted to liquefied fuel, however, for this you will have to replace the nozzles with special jets, in which the passage has a smaller diameter. Fuel consumption is not too high - 2.2 cubic meters of gas per hour. The efficiency of the equipment is high: it is 87%. The column is mounted to the wall, does not occupy usable space. The case is made of galvanized painted steel, the mass of the device is only 10 kg with overall dimensions of 56.5x22.1x29 cm.


  • Fairly simple design;
  • Autonomous automatic ignition system;
  • Can work even at low pressure in the water supply system;
  • Compact overall dimensions.


  • Quite a lot of noise;
  • The burner flame does not have smooth modulation.

Differs in reliability of work, in a set there is everything necessary for fastening to a wall. It is equipped with an automatic ignition system and a hydrodynamic generator, which ensures stable operation of the device. On the front side there is a multifunctional indicator board that allows you to control the level of water heating and possible errors in the operation of the equipment. The power of the design is controlled, which allows to reduce gas consumption; batteries are not provided in the automatic ignition system.

The heat exchanger is made of alloys without the addition of lead or tin. All plumbing fittings are made of polyamide, which is additionally reinforced with fiberglass. There is a sensor that protects against back draft, there is a temperature limiter at the outlet, which increases the safety of the device. The column has a valve, due to which you can change the volume of water supplied.


  • Compact device;
  • Reliable assembly;
  • Stable work for a long time;
  • The temperature can be adjusted with an accuracy of up to a degree;
  • Water heating is performed smoothly, without jumps;
  • The burner goes out when the hot water tap is turned off.


  • The hydro generator makes a loud whistling sound;
  • Acutely reacts to pressure drops in the water supply;
  • There is no protective cover on the bottom.

3. Bosch W 10 KB

Reliable and safe design, capable of providing hot water to two or three taps at once. With its help, you can quickly and comfortably heat the water to the desired temperature. Ideal for home use. The system has reliable protection against overheating, and is also equipped with reliable technology to protect the room from the ingress of flue gases. An atmospheric burner made of stainless steel is installed here. Copper heat exchanger. The average productivity of the device is 10 liters per minute at a hot water temperature of 25 degrees. The power of the water flow and its temperature are regulated manually. The column is able to operate at low water pressure in the system - from 0.15 bar. If there is no access to a natural gas system, the device can be converted to liquefied fuel.

The flame control sensor is ionization, which allows you to control the temperature of the water with an accuracy of one degree. The ignition system is electronic and runs on batteries. The mass of the device is insignificant - only 10.5 kg with dimensions of 400x850x370 mm. It also has a system responsible for traction control, which is able to automatically turn off the device, there is a maximum temperature sensor. It does not allow water to heat up above a certain threshold. Turbulators are installed in the copper heat exchanger, which prevent deposits and scale formation.


  • Acceptable cost;
  • Quickly heats water to the set parameters;
  • The column can work even at low pressure;
  • Compact overall dimensions;
  • High quality production;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Long period of operation.


  • Ignites with a very loud click;
  • Batteries are not included.

2. Electrolux GWH 12 Nano Plus 2.0

In geysers of this series, only the most modern technologies are used, with the help of which it is possible to ensure comfortable and absolutely safe operation of this device throughout the entire service life. The water heater fully complies with all the requirements that apply to similar equipment. It has an electronic ignition system powered by batteries. Management is intelligent and intuitive. Multi-level security control - a large number of different sensors are provided for this: gas leaks, ingress of combustion products into the room, the maximum temperature of water heating, and so on.

On the front panel of the case, you can find a liquid crystal display that tells the user the temperature of the water in the system and the remaining battery power. The burner is made of high-alloy stainless steel, which is able to withstand high temperatures for a long time, as well as its significant differences. The gas consumption is negligible, the column operates almost silently, it is able to heat water even at low pressure in the system. The performance of the device is increased - it is about 12 liters of water per minute. The diameter of the chimney here is 110 mm, so absolutely all combustion products will immediately fall into the hood.


  • Quiet operation;
  • Water heats up almost instantly;
  • Saves battery life;
  • Ignition functions without failures;
  • Digital temperature indicator.


  • Alkaline batteries are not recommended.

A geyser is a water heater, usually of a flow type, that uses gas to heat water. When an apartment building is often left without hot water, it is recommended to think about purchasing a unit that will ensure its uninterrupted supply. "Plumber Portal" will tell you how to choose a geyser for an apartment that will efficiently and smoothly perform its work.

The gas flow model has all the advantages of an electrical counterpart, but at the same time does not load the wiring. In apartments, instantaneous gas water heaters are usually used to prepare hot water, and in old two-story houses they can be used to maintain the temperature of the coolant.

Flowing gas water heaters can usually be found in old-style houses. Homeowners in multi-storey buildings with a centralized hot water supply are practically unfamiliar with this unit. But the inhabitants of Khrushchev quite actively use these devices.

A flowing gas water heater or in simple words a gas water heater is a unit for preparing domestic hot water in a stream. Main structural elements:

  • heat exchanger - necessary to transfer heat to water from burning gas;
  • burner;
  • control, protective and control fittings - flow sensor, pressure switch, ignition device, temperature sensor, gas and water regulators, draft detector;
  • smoke exhaust system.

Heating is carried out during the combustion of natural gas, which becomes impossible in the absence of oxygen supply and removal of combustion products.

The unit works quite simply - as soon as the mixer opens, the liquid begins to flow through the device, the burner lights up and the water is heated. From the point of view of the consumer, this type of water heater is quite convenient - when opening the wound, hot water immediately flows.

Pros and cons of a gas heater

The question arises, which gas water heater is better, and what are the advantages of this design? Choosing a gas water heater: advantages over electric:

  1. Power outages (quite frequent in rural areas) do not affect the operation of the unit.
  2. The electrical wiring in old Soviet houses will not be able to cope with the load during the mass installation of electric water heaters.
  3. Gas is cheaper than electricity. When heating 1 m3 of water, 9 times less money is spent than when heated with electricity.
  4. In comparison with the electrical counterpart, the gas one is able to serve several points of hot water analysis.

The downside of these water heaters is the need to equip a ventilation pipe. The disadvantages include also monitoring the status of the device. The devices are very sensitive to pressure drops in the natural gas supply.

  1. Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW - price up to 20,000 rubles.
  2. Beretta Idrabagno Aqua 14i - price up to 25,000 rubles.
  3. Bosch WRD 13-2G - price up to 22,000 rubles.
  4. Mora Vega 13 - cost up to 20,000 rubles.
  5. Ariston Fast Evo 11C - price up to 13,060 rubles.
  6. Zanussi GWH 10 - cost up to 12,000 rubles.
  7. Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus - price up to 10,000 rubles.
  8. Neva or Neva 4510-M - cost up to 8000 rubles.

These models gained the most positive feedback from consumers who installed the device, both in an apartment of a multi-storey building and in a country house.

Oasis devices are distinguished by their original design, however, in terms of technical characteristics, they are inferior to models from the rating.

Types of gas water heaters

Geysers distinguishes the method of ignition. Due to the fact that the equipment is a source of increased danger, the unit is equipped with an automatic shutdown of the gas supply in the event that a reverse draft occurs in the chimney and the wick blows. There are gas water heaters that require a spark to ignite after pressing the button, and there are devices where this function works automatically.

  1. Geysers of manual ignition. An old proven scheme: bring a burning match to a special window in the column where the gas is ignited. This method is always somewhat "exciting", but modern units are much safer compared to Soviet counterparts.
  2. Gas heater with piezo ignition. To ignite the gas, you just need to press the button located on the front side of the column. The piezoelectric element inside produces an electrical discharge that ignites the gas. Basically, a piezo is a device that can last forever, so you don't have to worry about it ever running out like a battery.
  3. Geyser with electronic ignition. This device is another monument to how laziness drives progress. The gas lights up as soon as the faucet is opened.

According to the method of removal of combustion products, the columns are divided into:

  • chimney - the most optimal choice when the corrugated column is led into the chimney, which is already in the house;
  • turbocharged - presents some difficulties during operation, since it is necessary to break through the outlet for the column in the wall, and because of this, the outlet paths may freeze in severe cold and in order not to break the heat exchanger, it is necessary to constantly drain the remaining water.

Criteria for choosing a geyser

In an apartment where a chimney channel is equipped, it would be more rational to install a chimney geyser. Usually, such channels are equipped in all high-rise buildings with gas stoves, in particular in Khrushchev and Stalinka buildings. A pipe from the gas column is led into it, through which combustion products will be removed, thus it is possible to protect both the inhabitants of the apartment from combustion products and the rest of the residents in the house.

So, which flowing gas water heater to choose? When choosing a geyser for heating water, before you buy it, you need to pay attention to many parameters that directly affect the life of the unit. Also, one of the key points when choosing a device is free space in the apartment.

Hot water performance is also one of the important characteristics, as far as the unit can make you happy. How to choose a suitable geyser:

  1. For a single person living with a single pet, a column with a capacity of 10 l / min is suitable. and less.
  2. A couple with a baby or a pet can get by with a 9 l / min column.
  3. A family of three and a pet or four people, two of which are children - up to 15 l / min.
  4. A large family of four and several pets needs a unit with a throughput of 16l / min or more.

The unit comes in power in three kW ranges: 17-19; 22-24, 28-31.

A device with low power, capable of supplying hot water to only one point in the house, for example, a bathroom or kitchen. If it is necessary to serve several points, then the column should produce at least 15-20 l / min. with a heating temperature of 35-40 ° C, the power in this case should at least be average.

The pressure inside the water supply system also plays an important role, since even a powerful unit will not be able to cope with its task if it is insufficient. Therefore, it makes no sense in this case to acquire a powerful expensive unit.

The gas pressure in the system is perhaps the key parameter that needs special attention. The domestic gas system differs from the European one in lower pressure: 13 mbar versus 20. Therefore, when purchasing a gas column from a European manufacturer, you need to find out which gas pressure scale is used for this device and whether it has a gas reducer to maintain constant pressure.

Another important feature is safety. A gas water heater for a house or apartment is a high-risk device, a supply system for both water and gas. Because of this, the devices are equipped with a variety of protective relays and sensors. When asked which device to take, you need to pay attention to the presence or absence of any elements in the chosen device.

The main sensors are:

  • ionization sensor - immediately shuts off the gas supply at the moment the wick fades;
  • combustion sensor - is a safety in the case when the ionization sensor does not work, performing its work in case of its failure;
  • overheating sensor - does not allow the water temperature to rise, thereby preventing the heat exchanger from breaking, and also neutralizes the likelihood of scale formation;
  • flow sensor - serves to automatically turn on the geyser when a hot water tap opens and turns it off at the moment it is closed;
  • draft sensor - designed to block the inclusion of the unit in the absence of draft in the chimney, thereby preventing the formation of carbon monoxide in the room;
  • temperature sensor - designed to control the power of the flame;
  • safety relief valve - protects the heat exchanger from damage by blocking the unit in the event of an increase in water pressure in the system;
  • low water pressure sensor - blocks the inclusion of the column if the water pressure is too weak for its safe operation.

Remember! If the water hardness seriously exceeds the requirements of the instructions, it is necessary to install a water softener. High rigidity provokes the formation of scale, which seriously reduces the life of the device.

When the column can not be installed?

In a house where there is permission to install gas equipment, such as a stove, installing a column may be prohibited. This restriction applies to houses above 11 floors. Permission to install a column in such a building will not be issued by any controlling organization, due to the potential danger to the people living in it.

In addition to the number of storeys, permission may be denied due to redevelopment. The studio apartment is also included in the list where it is impossible to install a geyser, due to the fact that this equipment cannot be installed in sleeping quarters. When the kitchen is combined with the living room, the installation of a geyser will also be prohibited. Before you start redevelopment, you need to be aware of these limitations. All of the above can be attributed to apartments where there is no kitchen at all or it is shared.

If the house does not have the restrictions listed above, then you will need to collect a package of documents that are needed to register the unit. The procedure is as follows:

  1. An application is written to the office that deals with gas distribution.
  2. Get a plan from BTI or Rosreestr.
  3. Present an extract from Rosreestr, which confirms the right of ownership.
  4. In the profile organization will apply for drafting.
  5. Contact certified specialists from the organization involved in gas work.

After that, specialists crash into the gas pipe, connect the device and put it into operation. In order to determine the possibility of installation, it is necessary to carefully study the cadastral passport of the apartment. There you can find out about the parameters of the room where you plan to install a water heater.

It is absolutely forbidden to independently install this device, neglecting the procedure established by law, no matter what goal you pursue. This can lead not only to a substantial fine, but also to endanger the lives of others.

Rules for installing the device in the apartment

Incorrect installation of the gas processing device can lead to a serious hazard. To eliminate the slightest risk, site consultants recommend thoroughly studying all the details and subtleties of the installation process.

The gas water heater must be installed in a room whose cubic capacity is more than 7.5 m3. The height of the room must be at least 2.0 meters. This height is optimal for the operation of the unit. The room should be glazed, while the window should not be deaf in order to be able to ventilate in case of a leak.

The total glazing area, excluding the frame, can be determined by the formula:


where: C - glazing area, O - volume of air in the room.

The window should be able to ventilate the room in case of an emergency. As a rule, an ordinary kitchen is quite suitable for these parameters if it has a door. If not, it needs to be installed.

In addition, it is desirable to install a gas analyzer in the room. Thanks to it, a gas leak can be detected. This device does not have to be installed, but it can be used to monitor the operation of gas appliances. It monitors the excess of propane in the air and, if detected, signals this.

The water heater must not be installed on a load-bearing wall of a building. Because of this, the explosion can damage or even destroy the entire building. To clarify this information, it is recommended to use the cadastral passport of the apartment or the general plan of the house. Also, this information can be clarified with specialists.

Requirements apply to the distance from the column to the opposite wall. It should not be less than one meter. This is done for free access to the device during its maintenance and inspection. In addition, it is forbidden to install gas supply pipes into walls.

The pipes that are in the apartment belong to its owner, but it is forbidden to make any changes to them. Any changes must be approved by the gas service, otherwise you can run into a serious fine. If the column has already been previously installed in this place, then this will not cause any special changes in the project. You can close the gas supply valve on the pipe and simply replace the device, or take it for repair. In the case of the first installation of the device, it is necessary to make the wiring.

Before self-installation of pipes, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Shut off the gas before starting work.
  2. Work must be carried out with windows open.
  3. Debris that appeared during installation in the pipes must be removed.
  4. Pipes must not be passed through windows and doors.
  5. It is forbidden to use the ventilation shaft for laying pipes.
  6. The gas pipeline must not be installed in a wall.
  7. It is forbidden to use thin flexible hoses, whose length is more than 3 meters.
  8. Metal pipes must be pre-painted.

Particular attention should be paid to the sealing of the gas pipeline connection elements. For this, a sealant and sealant are used. After the wiring is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation of the device.

Thus, the geyser is an excellent alternative to electric storage water heaters. However, it is not enough to know how to choose a gas water heater for an apartment; to install it in a house, you must obtain the appropriate permission and invite a specialist to install and connect the device to a common gas main.