How much cotton wool is obtained from a kilogram of sugar. Business Idea - Cotton Candy Street Trade


The idea of ​​starting a cotton candy business is great way earn decent money in the summer season. The process itself is quite easy, does not require the expenditure of physical strength. Small start-up capital is required. In order to sell cotton candy, you do not need to have special skills and special knowledge is not required, it is enough to responsibly approach the issue of establishing your own profitable business.

How you can stand out from your competitors

Before opening a delicacy business, you need to decide on a name. It should be memorable, which can play an important role in further expansion around the city. External design is also important:

  • the main materials must be of different quality - wood, plastic or metal;
  • all colors are bright and saturated;
  • workplace should always be clean and tidy (for this you can pay extra to the seller of the goods).

The business of selling such cotton wool is not much different from the rest, therefore the basic principles of creation and successful prosperity are the ability to stand out among similar competitors and offer the buyer something new. Special attention should be given to the product itself. The idea of ​​offering it on a bright multi-colored stick with various designs or ornaments is a great way to stand out from the competition with the usual wooden ice cream "holders". The product can be of any color or several shades at once, if it is possible to purchase two special devices at once.

The product will be much more interesting and tempting for the buyer if inexpensive flavors and natural dyes are added to it. The purchase price for them is low, special skills are not required for use.

Where can you start working

The idea of ​​opening a business selling such cotton wool is perfect for someone who has no experience in making sweets and has never tried to create their own business from scratch. Most the best time to start this business - spring warming (the second half of April or the beginning of May). You can sell cotton candy throughout the summer season and the whole of September. If the business is successful, it is not necessary to close the outlet: you can continue your business in a large shopping center with high daily traffic.

To get started suitable places are:

  • various art exhibitions;
  • amusement park and recreation;
  • resort area;
  • embankment of the city;
  • plots in front of children's goods supermarkets;
  • circus;
  • entertainment center;
  • summer cafe;
  • zoo.

In cases where it is not possible to find a good place to sell such cotton wool, there is an option to buy a special branded cart and transport it to different urban areas and squares, inside large shopping centers.

This method can significantly increase sales and, consequently, profits.

Required Equipment

The main thing that is required for the sale of goodies is a special apparatus for the production of this product. Moreover, this is the most expensive of all that is required to create this type of business. Registration of individual entrepreneurship for the implementation of legal work, as well as a check in the sanitary and epidemiological station, which gives consent to the production of the product and its sale, will cost small expenses. Verification is also necessary so that the seller is guaranteed to be protected from problems related to the quality of his goods, in case of possible complaints from buyers.

The device for the manufacture of the product should be chosen as powerful as possible. It is recommended to purchase American-made equipment - the most reliable of all. The speed of making portions depends on the power of the unit. The best option- 300 pieces in one hour. There is also a more powerful technique that dispenses up to 700 portions, but such a device is required for very large settlements. The quality of raw materials should not be ignored, since the volume of sales directly depends on this. Bad low-quality sugar is unlikely to leave a satisfied buyer.

The cost of white sugar is not very high, experienced businessmen advise choosing a reliable supplier who, depending on the season, can provide significant discounts on the product.

Estimated costs

In order to open your own business selling goodies, you need to have about 30,000 rubles. This is enough to buy special equipment. The imported version is considered more reliable than domestic counterparts, it will last much longer without serious damage. In addition, money will be required for the following (in rubles):

  • company registration - about 7,000;
  • monthly rent of a point of sale - 4,000;
  • monthly costs for electricity, on which the equipment works - about 1,500;
  • purchase of a trolley for mobile business – 15 000;
  • purchase of decorative sticks for cotton wool will be about 2,000;
  • purchase of food colors: 1 package is designed for 400-500 servings - 600.
  • colorful sign with the name of the product - 2000.
  • purchase of a sun umbrella, bright colored, attracting the attention of adults and young customers - 2,500.

Sugar is best bought at wholesale bases at the lowest cost.

Profit from cotton candy business

In the very first month of work, the profit received from the sale will be more than it was originally invested in this business, even if the goods are sold in the amount of 100 pieces per day. If one serving costs approximately 30 rubles, then the monthly revenue will be 90,000 rubles. With the cost of one serving equal to 60 rubles, the monthly income will be 180,000. Such figures are considered minimal, especially for the summer season, when up to 400 servings can be sold per day. It all depends on the scale locality, location of the point of sale, patency. Income from the sale of goodies can reach 500,000 - 600,000 rubles. per month.

Rental expenses, expenses for equipping the device with electricity, additional purchase of required ingredients are deducted from the amount received. In general, all of the above should not take more than 20,000 rubles. Everything else remains with the owner. profitable business. In order to continue to work successfully, it is not necessary to arrange a large advertising campaign in order to increase sales of their product. It is enough to beautifully equip your point of sale and buyers will not be able to pass indifferently without buying cotton wool. You can attract attention by making it colorful, provide it with attractive bright sticks.

Disadvantages of a Cotton Candy Business

The advantages of opening a business to sell a product are obvious: minimum costs, fast payback, big income. However, there are a number of "cons" that can negatively and even critically affect the success of your own business. This is, first of all, the danger of poisoning buyers with the final product of production due to poor-quality untested raw materials. In such negative cases, the entrepreneur must answer according to the law or suffer appropriate punishment.

It is important to choose places to purchase sugar from suppliers that comply with all necessary requirements for product storage. The overpayment will be insignificant, and the quality is guaranteed. If the owner decides to sell this cotton wool on his own, then a problem arises high costs physical strength, since it is quite difficult to be on your feet all day in extreme heat. If a hired employee works for the entrepreneur, then it is impossible to accurately track the conscientiousness of his work, which implies considerable losses for the owner.

The sale of cotton candy is, of course, a profitable and successful business that does not require significant investments, a large number equipment and various accessories. With the correct definition of the territory in which the product will be sold, and competent organization workplace, business will go up, and customers will be satisfied with the purchased goods.

The main points of sale of the product: children's cafes, amusement parks, buffets in the territory of circuses, in recent times shopping centers (wherever), zones with attractions. It is necessary to organize a point for the sale of cotton candy in those places for children and families.

Happy faces of the main consumer group :)

What equipment is needed to make cotton candy?

To make a treat, you will need the following equipment:

  1. apparatus for the production of cotton candy;
  2. a protective dome that prevents the "leakage" of the air product and protects the metal drum from dust;
  3. a trolley for the device, if you are going to open a mobile point (for example, in a park);
  4. tent for street trading.

Raw materials for the production of cotton candy

Cotton candy is made from ordinary refined sugar: both cane and beet sugar can be used. For one serving, 2 teaspoons of sand are enough - this is 15-20 g. Sugar is poured into the central part of the drum, into a special recess. After starting the apparatus, the sand melts, forming a web, which is sprayed towards the sides. At this time, it must be collected by winding it on a stick. The product can be prepared for the future for further sale through the store.

Allowed dyes, flavoring additives can be used. Before using sand, mix it with other ingredients.

Requirements for the premises

There are no special requirements for the room in which cotton wool will be produced. You can organize a point of sale with instant production of the product on the street. The main thing is that the equipment and raw materials meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor - certificates of conformity are required. If you still decide to stay indoors, then pay attention to such aspects as:

  • humidity (must be dry so that the product does not stick together);
  • ventilation system.

It is best to place the device in the premises of an existing catering enterprise: a cafe, a buffet,. In this case, you do not have to issue permits.

Vata is loved not only by children, but also by teenagers: accommodation outlet in the vicinity of their location will be successful

If you place production on the street, take care of a tent, in extreme cases, buy a dome - this is the main requirement of the sanitary service. You will also need a lease agreement and storage space for equipment. It is best to open next to some catering company - within walking distance should be running water and, if possible, a utility room in which you will store the equipment. You also need to conduct electricity to the tent. Or, alternatively, you can buy a generator.

Economic indicators

The cost structure is built in this way (see tables 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1 - Cost of equipment

Table 2 - Other expenses

Table 3 - Operating expenses

Thus, the equipment will cost 59 thousand rubles, rent and transportation (if you take it to the maximum) - 20 thousand rubles. Total: 79 thousand rubles. To this cost must be added the cost of wages if you are considering hiring a salesperson. The issue price is 15 thousand rubles. So it is desirable to start with an amount of at least 100 thousand rubles. As a rule, in the first month, entrepreneurs trade on their own in order to understand all the nuances of the work.

The business is seasonal. You can set up a tent from May to August. If the weather continues to be sunny in September, you can stay for another month.

Now about the revenue. The average productivity of the device is 3 kg of sugar per hour. This means that within 60 minutes you can cook 150 servings if you work without interruption. At the same time, the average amount of revenue per shift is 5 thousand rubles. Given that the cost of 1 serving of cotton candy is 100 rubles, 50 pieces are made per day. (1 kg of sugar). Costs for 1 serving: 1.65 rubles:

  • 0.5 rub. (sugar),
  • 0.25 rub. (additives),
  • 0.9 rub. (wand).

A pack of plastic bags is enough for a month, because. far they will not always be needed. Taking into account the fact that cotton candy cannot be sold on rainy days - it will stick together - count on 20 working days per month.

  • Average monthly expenses - 60.8 thousand rubles. (consumables + rent + salary of one seller + social contributions)
  • Average monthly income - 98.4 thousand rubles.
  • Income tax - 5.6 thousand rubles. (USN, 15%)
  • The entrepreneur's profit is 32 thousand rubles.
  • The equipment will pay for itself in 2 months.

Thus, for the season (May-September) you will earn 160 thousand rubles in the production and sale of cotton candy, in the first season - 101 thousand rubles. In parallel, you can put a popcorn machine or. This neighborhood will increase profits.

With the onset of the first really warm spring days, city residents begin to massively spend time in recreation areas - parks, squares. This time of the year can be used to make a profit by starting your own business for the production and sale of cotton candy. Cotton candy is very popular, both adults and children like it. Huge funds are not required to start work, so if you are really interested in this offer, now you can start saving small amounts to create a small business of your own.


Small initial capital;

Quick payback, and exit to net profit during one summer season;

No need for special technical knowledge;

Ease of organization.


There is a seasonality, not pronounced. The period in which it will be possible to gain significant income is 5-6 months;

There may be high competition in some regions;

The issue of rent. There are a number of issues that you may have to deal with. More specifically, you will have to work hard to find a good place for an attractive rent. AT this moment this is true for any area of ​​trade.

The sale of cotton candy has come to us since Soviet times. People of all ages bought cotton candy in droves while walking through the parks. This fact suggests that at the present time you will always be provided with customers, again, subject to a competent choice of the location of the point of sale. The popularity of this dessert is no lower than that of colleagues in the "workshop", and. So why is it worth doing this business?

Calculations of the cost price of a serving of cotton candy

Now it's time to return to the main topic of our article - the calculation of the cost of one serving of cotton candy. The cost of one serving of cotton wool is 30 grams of sugar and 2 grams of the special dietary supplement Flossine and, of course, a stick. As a result, we get the following figures: - One stick will cost you 1.5 rubles. - A pack of flavor additives weighing half a kilogram will cost 1,300 rubles (that is, the cost per serving will be around 6 rubles) - A kilogram of sugar costs 50 rubles (1.5 rubles a serving.).

We summarize and get about 9 rubles for one serving of goodies. Suppose that you sell at least 50 servings per day at a price of 60 rubles per unit of goods, we get 3 thousand per day and 90,000 per month. 90 thousand rubles is our revenue. Now let's calculate our income minus the cost of ingredients. 90,000 rubles - ((9 rubles x 50 servings) x30 days) = 90 thousand - 13.5 thousand = 76.5 thousand. From the amount received, it remains to deduct the tax, rent and salary to the seller, the net profit will be 40-50 thousand per month. Attractive numbers, right? Having spent about 30 thousand on the device, you can recoup it in the first months of operation. There are not so many such highly profitable cases.

Is cotton candy business profitable and how to start your own business? Most novice businessmen choose directions from the most common ones. Such a business is initially doomed to failure. In most cases this grocery stores, fast food cafe. This is the most complex types businesses characterized by high level competition and only at first glance seeming simple and understandable. You need to have great financial resources, obtain a significant amount of permits, be able to choose the right place for the future enterprise and invest in the purchase of goods.

  • How to start your own cotton candy business
  • Cotton candy production equipment
  • Preparation of documents for opening a point of sale for the sale of cotton candy
  • Taxation regime for a cotton candy outlet
  • An alternative option is a simplified taxation system. It allows you to pay to the state treasury 15% of gross income or 6% of the difference between revenue and expenses (costs must be documented).
  • What is the best raw material to choose?
  • How much can you earn in the production and sale of cotton candy

It is best to choose a simpler direction, for example, the sale of cotton candy. To open such a business does not require special knowledge, just the desire to learn and understand all the problems that may await you when doing business. Cotton candy is sold in many cultural and entertainment establishments, so with a search ready business there will be no problems with the plan. However, the best option is independent execution all calculations, since many indicators will depend on the location of the outlet, the personal qualities of the business organizer and the abilities of sellers. The return on investment is almost immediate. You can start earning high income on the first day of your outlet's operation.

If you maintain the proper sales volume, the initial investment will pay off in a month, after which you will receive a net profit. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a cotton candy business is the perfect option for you. Naturally, certain difficulties happen in any business, so do not take business lightly. Learn to deal with problems as they come.

How to start your own cotton candy business

The sale of cotton candy is practically no different from the sale of other goods, you need to have an individual approach to each buyer. You can organize a stationary outlet or purchase mobile equipment for the production of cotton candy. In the first case, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of a place, because your profit will depend on its patency. You can open a retail outlet of this type in a park of culture, a zoo, a shopping center. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the counter and the quality of the products.

Since most of your customers will be children, come up with a catchy name and a colorful sign. Use in decoration various materials(metal, plastic, wood), painted in bright colours. The seller must keep the workplace clean, because customers will refuse to buy at the sight of dirty counters. In large areas, it is better to use a trolley with a company logo. You will be able to move the outlet between the parks, shopping malls and zoos, increasing sales and, consequently, their own income. Many people buy cotton candy more than once, but not everyone wants to come back for it, so it will be very good if your outlet is always nearby.

Cotton candy production equipment

The basis for the success of such a business is high-quality equipment for the production of cotton candy. Best Option is the purchase of a machine that will produce high-quality and attractive products for a long time. Such an apparatus for making cotton candy is not cheap, not every novice entrepreneur can buy it. If you have special knowledge, you can assemble the equipment yourself, since now you can find many assembly instructions. The process itself is not complicated, but this approach can lead to unpleasant consequences. You can make a non-working cotton candy machine. In addition, you will spend extra time and money that could be spent on buying normal equipment, and lose part of the profits.

It is best to purchase equipment made in America, where cotton candy has been made for several decades and is very popular. Such a machine is capable of producing up to 500 portions of this delicacy per hour and provides the desired profitability of the business. There will be no queues even with a large flow of people who want to eat sweet treats.

Preparation of documents for opening a point of sale for the sale of cotton candy

Organization of any direction commercial activities starts with registration tax office, PF, etc. But, before addressing this issue, you must choose the legal form for your business.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is cheaper than paperwork for legal entity. For an individual entrepreneur much easier to use cash in cash, he does not need a legal address and authorized capital. On the other hand, if you have partners or your business project involves not only the sale of cotton candy, but also other areas of activity, then it is better to draw up LLC documents.

The procedure for preparing all documents necessary for the sale of cotton wool includes:

  • registration with the Federal Tax Service and statistical authorities;
  • registration with the Pension Fund, social and medical insurance funds;
  • obtaining a trade permit (in the city administration);
  • paperwork in SES;
  • obtaining a quality certificate.

To register with the tax office, you need to select a code from the all-Russian classifier that matches your business. Trade cotton candy falls into a group with OKVED 54.24.22. Be sure to check the availability of medical books from your sellers.

In addition to all of the above documents, you no additional permits or licenses needed.

Taxation regime for a cotton candy outlet

Experienced businessmen recommend, even at the stage of preparing papers for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, to write an application for choosing a taxation system. Ignoring this issue ends with the fact that a novice entrepreneur falls into the category of business representatives who pay taxes on a common basis. These are extra expenses and additional “paper” work, for which you will have to hire an accountant.

For the operation of a cotton candy outlet, you can choose UTII, but only if the local authorities allow the application of this taxation regime for this area of ​​​​commercial activity.

An alternative option is a simplified taxation system. It allows you to pay to the state treasury 15% of gross income or 6% of the difference between revenue and expenses (costs must be documented).

What is the best raw material to choose?

When organizing a cotton candy business, it is necessary to find a reliable supplier of raw materials.

Bad sugar significantly worsens the quality of the final product, which negatively affects the profitability of the business.

Selling cotton candy requires the ability to take non-standard solutions stand out from the crowd and attract potential consumers. The client himself sees only the final product, so he must have an attractive appearance. In most cases, cotton candy is wound on ordinary wooden stick, however, you can attract young clients by making bright design holder. Cotton wool itself can be painted in bright colors, for example, make it multi-colored using 2 devices. Dyes and flavors are cheap, but the attractiveness of the product increases significantly.

How much can you earn in the production and sale of cotton candy

Profitability is calculated based on the initial investment, running costs and monthly income. Buying a compact device will cost you 50 thousand rubles. He has small size and produces up to 400 servings per hour. For 100 thousand, you can buy equipment that has 2 times greater productivity. A package of food coloring will cost 500 rubles. As for sticks, it is better to purchase several types at once. Children prefer bright sticks with drawings that cost about 1000 rubles. for 1000 pieces, older people can make cotton wool on a plastic cocktail tube (500 rubles for 1000 pieces)

For the production of 1 serving of the product, about 10 g of sugar, a pinch of food coloring and flavoring are required. 1 kg of granulated sugar can be bought for 50 rubles, the price of one serving of cotton candy reaches 100 rubles. Assuming that you have at least 200 clients per day, you can receive up to 150 thousand rubles. per month. The risks of opening such an enterprise are assessed as moderate. The volume of sales may depend on the season, day of the week, the traffic of the place chosen for trading.

Every entrepreneur is looking for a successful niche for their business and a well-established business plan: the production and sale of cotton candy is one of such successful undertakings.

cotton candy This is not just any child's dream. A rare adult will refuse such sweetness, especially if it is served in an original way. Many believe that the sale of cotton candy as a business can literally make an entrepreneur rich in the first season of work.

The main business goes in passable and crowded places. It is best to sell cotton wool in zoos, parks, circuses, fairs, near children's institutions, but keep in mind that this product loses its shape very quickly.

There is an option to purchase a special trolley. Then you can install special equipment for making cotton candy on it and drive around the city, offering sweets to passers-by. Such a cart will cost 300-1150 dollars.

The production technology of this delicacy is unimaginably simple. You will need a cotton candy machine and the sugar itself. Consumable is poured onto a special head of the apparatus, which heats up when the unit is turned on. Sugar melts and flows through special holes in the head. Due to the fact that it is spinning, sugar, flowing out of the holes, forms fibers that are wound on a special stick to the desired volume.

But when organizing a business, one must understand that it is exclusively seasonal business. Cotton wool is bought with pleasure in warm time years: from the end of spring, the first comers already appear and the excitement does not subside until the beginning of autumn. In winter, there will be no pleasure from eating it on the street. Even in the summer, the business comes to naught in windy or rainy weather. At this time, even preparing the product is difficult, not to mention eating. These factors must be taken into account when drawing up a plan for expected income.

Business equipment

The special equipment that is offered on the market is mostly American-made devices. The most popular machine for making cotton candy is ECONO FLOSS, which is manufactured by GOLD MEDAL. Its dimensions are 65x65x40 cm, the capacity is up to 400 servings per hour, and the cost is 780 USD. You can purchase a more efficient TORNADO device for 1,500 USD. This brainchild of American factories is capable of producing 700 portions per hour. There are offers on the market from domestic manufacturers, but people working in this business recommend stopping at American equipment. It is the most reliable, and domestic devices often "please" with breakdowns and shortcomings. The saddest of them is the rapid clogging of the boiler and, as a result, the burning of sugar, and this affects the taste of cotton wool.

Moreover, American manufacturers have gone far in innovation in this field. For example, the American machine TWIN WIND, new in Russia, produces two-color cotton wool. At the same time, he has high performance and, unfortunately, a high price.

Expendable materials

To offer a competitive product on the market and stand out among the host of other entrepreneurs who are building a business on cotton candy, you should definitely buy FLOSSINE. These are special American food colorings that will give your product the taste of pineapple, mint, orange and more. Today you can easily find at least 12 different flavors. One pack of such a consumable costs about $ 14.4.

Of great importance is the stick on which cotton candy is wound. For children, you can use cone-shaped sticks with various patterns. A set and thousands of pieces will cost $29. Ordinary cardboard sticks will cost $25.5. Plastic cocktail sticks are the cheapest - $10 each.

How much profitable business will become sale of cotton candy, can show elementary calculations of expenses and income at the start of a business, as well as in the subsequent entrepreneurial activity.

So, to make one serving of goodies, you need a tablespoon of sugar, which holds seven grams of the product. To it you need to add a pinch of food coloring, which will give the product a special taste and color. Also, in the consumable part, you need to include a stick on which the cotton wool will be wound. For a kilogram of granulated sugar, you have to pay $0.7, while one serving of sweet treats in especially passable places also costs $0.7, or even more. A good and successful place is where at least 200 people will stop to buy cotton wool in a day. In total, you can earn about $ 4,800 per month selling goodies.

Starting costs for organizing work for a month will look like this:

Sugar ($30);
electricity ($15);
rent ($200);
sticks ($60);

In total, you need to spend at least $ 367 to start a business. At the same time, the profit from this entrepreneurial activity will be about $4,443 per month.

But to a large extent, the success of an enterprise depends on how accurately and in detail you draw up a business plan: production and sale of cotton candy the matter is simple and accessible to everyone, but it is also subject to certain risks, which it is desirable to take into account in advance and, if possible, prevent.

If you want your business to be profitable and your customers happy, watch the tutorial video: